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Antihistamines & Antiallergics
Resp, ocular & dermatologic
allergies, ocular inflammatory
CELESTAMINE disorders where adjunctive Merck Sharp & Dohme
Dexchlorphenamine maleate
systemic corticosteroid therapy is
Symptomatic relief of allergic
ALLERKID Cetirizine diHCl conditions including rhinitis & Pediatrica
chronic urticaria
Relief of nasal & ocular symptoms
VIRLIX Cetirizine diHCl of seasonal & perennial allergic GlaxoSmithKline
rhinitis; symptoms of urticaria
Food & drug allergy, bronchial
asthma, vasomotor rhinitis,
dermatoses of allergic etiology,
ANTAMIN Chlorphenamine maleate urticarial, drug sensitization, ADP Pharma
serum sickness, anaphylactic
shock, insect bites, hay fever &
angioneurotic edema
Seasonal & perennial allergic
AERIUS Desloratadine Merck Sharp & Dohme
rhinitis & urticaria
Perennial & seasonal allergic
rhinitis; vasomotor rhinitis,
BENADRYL AH Diphenhydramine HCl Johnson & Johnson
allergic conjunctivitis due to
inhalant allergens & foods
Symptomatic relief of allergic
ITERAX Hydroxyzine diHCl conditions including rhinitis & GlaxoSmithKline
chronic urticaria
Symptomatic treatment of
seasonal & perennial allergic
XYZAL Levocetirizine diHCl rhinitis including persistent GlaxoSmithKline
allergic rhinitis & chronic
idiopathic urticaria
Relief of symptoms associated w/
ZYKAST seasonal & persistent allergic Ajanta Pharma Phil
Relief of symptoms associated w/
ALLERTA SYRUP Loratadine United Lab
allergic rhinitis

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Tx of chronic idiopathic urticarial
& other allergic dermatologic
Relief of symptoms & signs of
CLARITIN Loratadine chronic urticarial & other allergic Bayer
dermatologic disorders
Relief of symptoms of atopic
dermatitis, angioedema,
Loratadine urticarial, seasonal & perennial
Betamethasone allergic rhinitis, food and drug
allergic reaction, allergic contact
Relief of symptoms associated w/
Montelukast Na
CO-ALTRIA/ CO-ALTRIA PED seasonal & perennial allergic Ajanta Pharma Phil
Levocetirizine diHCl
Vaccines, Antisera & Immunologicals
Haemophilus influenzae type b Prevention of H. influenzae type
ACT-HIB polysaccharide conjugated to b invasive infections in infants Sanofi Pasteur
tetanus protein from 2 mth
Tetanus toxoid
Diptheria toxoid Active booster immunization for
Pertussis antigens the prevention of tetanus
ADACEL Sanofi Pasteur
Filamentous haemagglutinin diphtheria and pertussis in childn,
Pertactin adolescents and adults 4-64 yr
Prevention of infection caused by
Inactivated hepatitis A vaccine
AVAXIM 160 hepatitis A virus in adult and Sanofi Pasteur
containing 160 antigen units
adolescents >15 yr
Active immunization against
Inactivated hepatitis A vaccine
AVAXIM 80 infection caused by hepatitis A Sanofi Pasteur
containing 80 antigen units
virus in childn 12 mth-15 yr
Post-exposure prophylaxis of
BERIRAB P Human rabies Ig CSL Behring/Pharmalink
rabies infection
Booster vaccination against
Diphtheria-tetanus toxoids and
BOOSTRIX diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis GlaxoSmithKline
acellular pertussis vaccine
of individuals ≥4 yr
Prevention of incident and
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
persistent infections,
CERVARIX vaccine types 16 and 18 GlaxoSmithKline
premalignant genital (cervical,
(recombinant, AS04 adjuvanted)
vulvar and vag) lesions

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Protection against dengue disease
Dengue tetravalent vaccine (live, caused by dengue virus serotypes
DENGVAXIA Sanofi Pasteur
attenuated) 1, 2, 3 and 4 for adult,
adolescents and childn 9-45 yr
Protection against dengue disease
Dengue tetravalent vaccine (live, caused by dengue virus serotypes
DENGVAXIA MD Sanofi Pasteur
attenuated) 1, 2, 3 and 4 for adult,
adolescents and childn 9-45 yr
Diphtheria toxoid
Tetanus toxoid
Active immunization against
Inactivated, whole cell Bordetella
diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis,
EASYFIVE IT pertussis vaccine Panacea Biotec
Hepatitis B and Haemophilus
HBsAg (rDNA)
influenzae type B infections
Haemophilus influenzae type B
conjugated vaccine
Active immunization against HBV
infection caused by all known
Hepatitis (rDNA) B vaccine
ENGERIX-B subtypes in subjects of all ages GlaxoSmithKline
considered at risk of exposure to
Passive immunization against Bharat Serums & Vaccines/New
EQUIRAB Equine antirabies Ig
rabies Marketlink
Immunization against infection
EUVAX B Hepatitis B vaccine recombinant caused by known subtypes of LG Life Sciences/Sanofi Pasteur
hepatitis B virus
Seroprophylaxis in individuals
Rabies Ig F9(ab’)2 fragments of
FAVIRAB exposed to rabies virus, Sanofi Pasteur
equine origin
particularly serious exposure
Quadrivalent flu vaccine
(inactivated types A and B Prevention of flu disease caused
FLUQUADRI Sanofi Pasteur
subvirion, 2015 Southern by flu types A and B viruses
Hemisphere strains)
Quadrivalent human Indicated in girls and women 9-45
GARDASIL papillomavirus (types 6, 11, 16, yr for the prevention of cervical, Merck Sharp and Dohme
18) recombinant vaccine vulvar, vag and anal cancer
HAVRIX 1440 ADULT Active immunization against
Inactivated hepatitis A vaccine GlaxoSmithKline
HAVRIX 720 JUNIOR infections caused by HAV
Prophylaxis of hepatitis B after
HEPABIG Human hepatitis B Ig Green Cross Corp
exposure to HBSAg

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Hepatitis B vaccine recombinant Active immunization against
HEPAVAX-GENE TF Berna Biotech Korea
(thimerosal-free) infection caused by HBV
Immunization against infections
HEPLIV Hepatitis B vaccine (rDNA) caused by all known subtypes of Bharat Biotech
Diphtheria toxoid
Tetanus toxoid
Bordetella pertussis antigens: Primary and booster vaccination
Pertussis toxoid, filamentous against diphtheria, tetanus,
haemagglutinin pertussis, hepatitis B,
HEXAXIM Inactivated poliovirus: type 1, poliomyelitis and diseases caused Sanofi Pasteur
type 2, type 3 by H. influenzae type b for
Hepatitis B surface antigen infants and toddlers from 6 wk-24
H. influenzae type b mth
polysaccharide conjugated to
tetanus protein
Passive immunization against and
IG TETANO Human tetanus Ig Kedrion/New Marketlink
treatment of tetanus
Treatment of insufficient
IG VENA Human normal Ig antibodies in adults, childn and Kedrion/New Marketlink
Primary immunodeficiency,
Kawasaki syndrome, ped HIV-1
Normal human immunoglobulin
IMMUNOREL infection, allogenic bone marrow Reliance/Ambica
transplantation and Guillain-Barre
Live, attenuated, recombinant Prophylaxis of Japanese
IMOJEV Japanese encephalitis virus encephalitis virus in patients ≥12 Sanofi Pasteur
(propagated in Vero cells) mth
Inactivated types 1, 2, 3 For immunization against
IMOVAX POLIO Sanofi Pasteur
poliomyelitis vaccine poliomyelitis
Prophylaxis for flu especially in
Inactivated influenza vaccine
INFLUVAC those who run an increased risk Abbott
(surface antigen)
of associated complications
Agammaglobulinemia or
I.V.-GLOBULIN SN Human normal Ig Green Cross Corp
Live attenuated bacilli from a
Active immunization or
JAPAN BCG VACCINE strain derived from the Calmette- Japan BCG Lab
prevention of TB
Guerin strain

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Active immunization to prevent
Meningococcal (groups A, C, Y, invasive meningococcal disease
MENACTRA W-135) polysaccharide diphtheria caused by Neisseria meningitidis Sanofi Pasteur
toxoid conjugate vaccine serogroups A, C, Y and W-135 in
individuals 9 mth to 55 yr
Vaccine, hepatitis A freeze-dried
Active immunization against
MEVAC-A live attenuated virus ≥6.5 Lg Zhejiang Pukang
hepatitis A infections
CCID50/0.5 mL
Active immunization against
Live attenuated varicella virus varicella of healthy, varicella-
MEVAC-VARI Changchun
(Oka strain) susceptible subjects from age of
12 mth
Simultaneous vaccination against
Measles, mumps, rubella virus
M-M-R II measles, mumps and rubella in Merck Sharp and Dohme
vaccine, live
individuals ≥12 mth
Immunization against cholera in
MORCVAX V. cholerae Vabiotech
adults and childn >2 yr
Active immunization against
Live attenuated trivalent oral poliomyelitis in newborn, childn,
OPVERO Sanofi Pasteur
polio vaccine and adults, either as a primary
vaccination or as a booster
Diphtheria toxoids
Tetanus toxoids Combined prevention of invasive
Bordetella pertussis antigens infections caused by Haemophilus
PENTAXIM Inactivated Poliomyelitis virus influenzae type b, diphtheria, Sanofi Pasteur
Haemophilus influenzae type b tetanus, pertussis and
polysaccharide conjugated to poliomyelitis
tetanus protein
Prevention of pneumococcal
Purified capsular polysaccharides pneumonia and systemic
PNEUMO 23 of Strep pneumoniae of 23 pneumococcal infections caused Sanofi Pasteur
serotypes by serotypes included in the
Immunization against
pneumococcal disease for
Pneumococcal vaccine, selected immunocompetent or
PNEUMOVAX 23 Merck Sharp and Dohme
polyvalent immunocompromised persons
caused by those pneumococcal
types included in the vaccine

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Active immunization for the
Inactivated types 1, 2, 3
POLPROTEC prevention of poliomyelitis virus Panacea Biotec
poliomyelitis vaccine
types 1, 2, and 3
Active immunization for the
prevention of invasive disease,
Pneumococcal 13-valent
PREVENAR 13 pneumonia and acute otitis media Pfier
conjugate vaccine
caused by Strep pneumoniae
Attenuated Schwarz measles
Active immunization against
PRIORIX RIT 4385 mumps GlaxoSmithKline
measles, mumps and rubella
Wistar RA 27/3 rubella strains
Live attenuated Schwarz measles
Active immunization against
PRIORIX-TETRA measles, mumps, rubella and GlaxoSmithKline
RIT 4385 mumps virus
varicella in patients 9 mth-12 yr
Wistar RA 27/3 rubella virus
Pre- and post-exposure
RABIPUR Inactivated rabies virus GlaxoSmithKline
immunization against rabies
Multiple sclerosis of the
relapsing/remitting type
characterized by at least 2
REBIF Human interferon β-1a rDNA Merck
repeated attacks with
neurological symptoms during the
previous 2 yr
Prevention of gastroenteritis
ROTARIX Live attenuated human rotavirus GlaxoSmithKline
caused by rotavirus
Live oral pentavalent vaccine, Prevention of rotavirus
ROTATEQ Merck Sharp and Dohme
rotavirus gastroenteritis in infants
Live attenuated vaccine against Prevention of measles in childn
ROUVAX Sanofi Pasteur
measles ≥9 mth
Passive immunization against
SERO-TET Tetanus immune globulin (human) infections caused by Clostridium Green Cross Corp
Killed bivalent whole cell oral Active immunization against
SHANCHOL Sanofi Pasteur
cholera vaccine Vibrio cholerae
Lyophilized inactivated purified
Active immunization against
SPEEDA rabies vaccine prepared on Vero Liaoning Chengda Biotechnology
Pneumococcal polysaccharide, Active immunization in infants
SYNFLORIX GlaxoSmithKline
adsorbed non-typeable and childn 6 wk-5 yr against

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Haemophilus influenzae protein D disease caused by Strep
conjugate vaccine pneumoniae serotypes
For passive immunization against
TETAGAM P Human tetanus Ig CSL Behring/Pharmalink
Diphtheria toxoid
Tetanus toxoid
Combined prevention of
Pertussis toxoid
TETRAXIM diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and Sanofi Pasteur
Filamentous haemagglutinin
Inactivated type 1, 2, 3
poliomyelitis virus antigens
Live attenuated measles, mumps Combined prevention of measles,
TRIMOVAX Sanofi Pasteur
and rubella vaccine mumps and rubella
For use in non-immune adults and
Combined hepatitis A and B adolescents ≥16 yr who are at risk
vaccine 720 ELISA u of both hepatitis A and B
Purified Vi capsular
Prevention of typhoid fever for
TYPHIM VI polysaccharide of Salmonella Sanofi Pasteur
adult and childn >2 yr
Active immunization against
Live attenuated Oka strain
VARILRIX varicella of healthy subjects from GlaxoSmithKline
varicella-zoster virus
9 mth onwards
Vaccination against varicella in
VARIVAX Varicella virus vaccine, live Merck Sharp and Dohme
individuals ≥12 mth
VAXIGRIP Inactivated influenza vaccine Prophylaxis against flu Sanofi Pasteur
Inactivated purified rabies
Pre- and post-exposure
VERORAB vaccine prepared on Vero cell Sanofi Pasteur
immunization against rabies
Prevention of rabies in patients at
risk of being exposed to rabies
VINRAB Equine antirabies Ig Vins Bioproducts
after contact with rabid animal or
an animal presumed to be rabid
Live attenuated varicella-zoster Active immunization against
V-Z VAX Green Cross Corp
virus vaccine varicella
ZADAXIN Thymosin α-1 (thymalfasin) Treatment of chronic hepatitis B Getz Pharma
Live attenuated varicella-zoster Prevention of herpes zoster and
ZOSTAVAX Merck Sharp and Dohme
virus postherpetic neuralgia

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To enhance the survival of
IMURAN Azathioprine transplants (renal, cardiac & Aspen
Prophylaxis of acute organ
SIMULECT Basiliximab rejection in de novo renal Novartis Healthcare
transplantation in adults & childn
To reduce disease activity in
adult patients w/ active
BENLYSTA Belimumab GlaxoSmithKline
autoantibody +ve SLE who are
receiving standard therapy
Usually in combination w/
corticosteroids (& often w/ other
immunosuppressants), in organ &
tissue transplantation for the
ARPIMUNE Ciclosporin PPC
prophylaxis of graft rejection; in
severe forms of atopic dermatitis,
psoriasis or RA 7 in nephrotic
Prevention of graft rejection in
kidney, liver, heart, combined
SANDIMMUN NEORAL Ciclosporin Novartis Healthcare
heart-lung, lung or pancreas or
allogenic transplant
Prophylaxis of organ rejection in
adults at low to moderate
immunological risk receiving an
CERTICAN Everolimus allogeneic renal or cardiac Novartis Healthcare
transplant in combination w/
ciclosporin for microemulsion &
Disease modifying therapy for
patients w/ relapsing multiple
GILENYA Fingolimod HCl sclerosis to reduce the frequency Novartis Pharma Stein
of relapses & delay the
progression of disability
In combination w/ MTX for
treatment of moderate to severe,
SIMPONI Golimumab active RA in adults who have Johnson & Johnson
responded inadequately to
DMARD therapy including MTX

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Treatment of RA in combi. w/
REMICADE Infliximab Johnson & Johnson
Prevention of graft rejection &
has also been tried in various
ATAJEC Mycophenolate mofetil Cathay Drug
diseases w/ an autoimmune
mediated component
Prophylaxis of acute transplant
rejection receiving allogeneic
CYFEN Mycophenolate mofetil renal, cardiac or hepatic Sandoz/ MPL
transplants in combination w/
ciclosporin & corticosteroids
Prevention of graft rejection.
Various disease w/ an
RENOCELL Mycophenolate mofetil InnoGen Pharmaceuticals
autoimmune or immune-mediated
inflammatory component
Immunosuppression in
THYMOGLOBULINE Rabbit Anti-human Thymocyte Ig transplantation. Prophylaxis & sanofi-aventis
treatment of graft rejection
Moderate to severe plaque
SCAPHO Secukinumab psoriasis in adults who are Alcon
candidates for systemic therapy
Prophylaxis of organ rejection in
patients receiving renal
RAPAMUNE Sirolimus Pfizer
transplant including patients w/
high immunological risk
Moderate to severe RA, either
alone or in combination w/
methotrexate (MTX) I adults who
XELJANZ Tofacitinib citrate Pfizer
have inadequate response or
intolerance to previous therapy
w/ DMARDs including MTX
Treatment of adults > 18 yr w/
moderate to severe plaque
STELARA Ustekinumab Johnson & Johnson
psoriasis who are candidates for
phototherapy or systemic therapy

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