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CIQS Syllabus Original: May 28, 1993

Course No: C206 Rev. No: 4
Course Title: Economics II Rev. Date: March 31, 2012

Course Description:
This course supplements the knowledge gained in subject C106 – Economics I by addressing the
Macroeconomic theories.

Suggested Prerequisites:
Course No: C106 – Economics I

Learning Outcomes:
The candidate will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of Macroeconomic theories.
2. Demonstrate a basic understanding of Macroeconomic policies, its issues and debates concerning
3. Demonstrate the practical application of the macro economics theories.

Course Content:
The candidate will study from the relevant sections of the required text or may attend a
Microeconomics course as approved by the CIQS

Required Textbooks and Materials:

1. Principles of Macroeconomics, 5th Canadian Edition, by N. Gregory Mankiw, Ronald D.
Kneebone, Kenneth J. McKenzie.
2. Text as prescribed by the course attended.

Emphasis on testing will be based upon the candidate’s ability to demonstrate a basic understanding
of the theories and application of Macroeconomics.

90 Nolan Court, Unit 19, Markham, ON L3R 4L9

t. 905/477.0008 f. 905/477.6774 e.
toll free. +1 866/345.1168

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