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N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City, Philippines
Department of Architecture

Course Number :
Course Title :
Schedule :

Plate 2: A Proposed CIT- University Architecture building

The Architecture Department aims to: develop students to become highly competent architects
thru the mastery of comprehensive architectural knowledge, both in theory and practice; Produce
graduates equipped with the skills and proficiency in meeting the demands of the multi-
dimensional aspects of the profession; Instill a deep sense of responsibility to God, country,
community and family; Develop a strong commitment for the protection of the environment
through sustainable building practices; Promote better quality of life thru creative endeavor and
Based from statistics, there are a great number of enrollees from the past 7years except for the last
2-year transition period of junior & senior high. With the continuing trend, the CIT University is
planning to upgrade its facilities to accommodate the increase no. of student population and to
keep abreast with the current education system which is an outcome based educational system

Goals and Objectives:

Design exercises stressing environmental analysis, aesthetic, topographic, geologic, and
seismologic conditions, utilities, circulations, legal considerations and sensitivities of man.
Building Geometry as Design Expression / Semantics
1. Design complex architectural forms focusing on structural requirements
2. Develop creative concepts in solving design problems
3. Manipulate building forms as a means to communicate ideas or concepts

 To familiarize with the concepts regarding educational institution development

 To know the building laws and regulations that will serve as a restriction that will guide in
designing the problem.
 To provide a design that adheres practical or functional practices while simultaneously
addressing other areas of concern or disciplines (plumbing, electrical, structural,

Space Requirements:

 Class rooms – Lecture, Cad Room, Drafting Room

 Male & female Cr
 Locker room
 Faculty office – lounge, receiving area , dept.chairs office, consultation room, cr,
 Canteen- dinning area, kitchen, service & preparation offices.
 Library
 Chapel
 Storage/stock room
 Utility room, water tank
 Electrical room, generator set
 Theater/AVR
 Display area/room, Work area – students works, material samples, field works
 Parking area/ parking building
 Stairs, Ramps
 Study area
 Covered walk bitch and main entrance plan & design, landscaping
 Other spaces

Development Controls:
 Refer to the National Building Code and its IRR for appropriate legal and building
restrictions (PSO/ Percentage Site Occupancy computation, Parking spaces , proper
 Refer to Fire Code and BP344
 Refer ChED for standards for educational facilities and design
 Use existing CIT University campus layout. (Use the engineering building and adjacent
parking lot for the development.)

Required Drawings/Submissions:
 Site Development Plan
 Floor plans
 Elevations-4
 Sections-2
 Perspective (interior and exterior perspective)
 Scaled model detailed
 Research paper
 Case studies
 Initial Studies
 Written design justification

Date Started:
Date Finish:

Criteria for Plate Evaluation:

Criteria for grading will be given in a separate sheet.

Specific Instruction/Specification:

 A3 size paper

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