Prof Prac Notes

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Random Info: Property without tax for 5 years is claimed by the government

1960s- Land Use and Zoning

Land Use- ACTUAL use- how the area is used
Zoning- how they PERCEIVE it.

DAR (department of Agrarian Reform) - seek for a CAR

- because all municipalities are agricultural in nature
- CAR changes its land use nature

(Planning is Economical and Political)

1963 earthquake, a building collapsed

- Marcos ordained PD1096- all codes included: Referral Codes(Codes of Professionals), Fire
Code, Local Government Code,etc

2004, they brought back Civil Engineer’s Structural services

Feb 19, 1999- First Building Code

IBP- there was a cracked building, Lawyers sued...

Nakpil: “The crack is a ‘force mejeure’”
Lawyers: “It was a mistake in the construction method”
- Rebuild the building using own funds

Random Info: “Graphic Standards and Building Types”and “Urban Planning Principle and Standards” very
important books for Architects

Local Ordinances must be followed over the building code

HLURB- space area within building is by National Building Code

Quality of Materials- “Or equal cost” - NOT an exchange...

- a change in materials because it’s not available so replaced with equal

Random Info: Sample guidelines are- Philippine Coastal Tourism Guidelines, DPWH Guidelines, etc

PD1096 Duties of Building Official

-Procurement Act (our service is no longer a commodity)
-BO is responsible for enforcement of NBC and the rules
-issue building permits
-BO may enter any building or its premises at all reasonable times to inspect and determine
compliance with the requirements of the code.
-BO orders to stop the work when it is contrary to NBC

Public buildings and Traditional Indigenous family dwellings are exempt from building permit fees
(If a family builds more than one house, the others are considered commercial.)
Traditional Indigenous family dwellings - used by the family of the owner only
- constructed of native materials
- total cost does not exceed 15,000

Administrative Fines:
-Not exceeding 10,000-fixed

-If a building built before 1977 is to be changed, redraw it for permit

Renovation- “make new”- needs new permit

-Unauthorized Change in the structure needs to submit “As Built” plans.

From Quiz:
1. DPWH has no power to change rules
2. Only single/one development indigenous family dwelling is exempted
3. 10,000 is a fixed price for administrative fines
4. Notice is an exhaustion(???not sure)
5. Appeal DPWH is application is denied by OBO(idgi either)
6. Building Permit is a life of ONE(1) year. No construction for 120 days straight, permit expires.
7. Clearance(idk)
8. DPWH cannot sign for Fire Protection
9. OBO is involved with anything relative to construction
10. Fire Protection files clearance after 5 days of (silence?)

-Be the same architect if past projects are changed

Renovation is most expensive

Violations: (Administrative fine + notice)

Light: 5,000 (ex: didn’t post certificate of Occupancy)

Less Grave: 8,000
Grave: 10,000 (ex. Change of materials from light to strong

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