The Guardian May 4 2018

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Section:GDN 1N PaGe:1 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone:S Sent at 3/5/2018 20:43 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Cannes and Diablo Cody

‘The expectations on
Liz Phair
#MeToo women are out of control’
 G2 Film&Music

Will the film festival survive?

4 May 2018
Issue № 53,400

Revealed: Britain’s new drive to

once permeated British diplomatic
thinking, but say that after the Skripal
poisoning, that attitude is evaporating.
A cross-party alliance in parliament
sees the question of Russian corrup-

strengthen anti-Russia alliance tion no longer through the prism of

finance, but instead as a security and
foreign policy threat, requiring fresh
sanctions even if this causes short-
term economic damage to the UK.
the use of chemical weapons in the UK Johnson] regards Russia’s response Ministers want to pursue a broad
Patrick Wintour and the Syrian town of Douma. to Douma and Salisbury as a turning Russian containment strategy cov-
Diplomatic editor British diplomats plan to use four point and thinks there is international ering cybersecurity, Nato’s military
major summits this year – held by the support to do more,” a Whitehall offi- posture, sanctions against Vladimir
The UK will use a series of international G7, the G20, Nato and the European cial said. “The areas the UK are most Putin’s oligarchs and a more compre-
summits this year to call for a compre- Union – to try to deepen the alliance likely to pursue are countering Russian hensive approach to disinformation.
hensive strategy to combat Russian against Russia built by the Foreign disinformation and finding a mecha- It is argued that votes by MPs this
disinformation and urge a rethink on Office after the poisoning of the former nism to enforce accountability for the week over public registers of beneficial
traditional diplomatic dialogue with Russian double agent Sergei Skripal use of chemical weapons.” share ownership in Britain’s overseas
Moscow, following the Kremlin’s ▲ Vladimir Putin’s government lies and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury. Former Foreign Office officials territories and the intro-
28 
aggressive campaign of denials over systematically, one diplomat says “The foreign secretary [Boris admit a reluctance to accuse Russia duction of Magnitsky-style

Don’t replay
1930s, Nobel
tell Trump
Dominic Rushe
New York

More than 1,100 economists have writ-

ten to Donald Trump to warn him that
his “economic protectionism” and
tough rhetoric on trade threaten to
repeat the mistakes the US made in the
1930s, when the world was plunged
into the Great Depression.
The 1,140 signatories, who include
14 Nobel prize winners and former
White House advisers, sent the letter
yesterday as a row escalated over trade
between the US and China, the EU and
other countries.
Trump has imposed tariffs on steel
and aluminium imports of 25% and
10% on China and has granted only
temporary reprieves to the EU, Aust-
ralia and other nations while talks
are held. He is also considering 25%
levies on a further $50bn (£37bn) of
Chinese imports, targeting more than
1,300 products from torpedoes to
dishwashers, golf carts, mirrors and
aircraft seats. China has threatened
to retaliate, with a focus on agricul-
tural products.
The US treasury secretary, Steve
Mnuchin, and commerce secretary,
Botanic gardens bloom again Plants growing at the 4,800-sq-metre Temperate House in
Wilbur Ross, are in Beijing for trade Kew Gardens, London, being watered yesterday by horticultural apprentice Emma Love. The
talks with their Chinese counterparts.
The economists’ letter
world’s largest Victorian glasshouse nurtures 10,000 plants, including rare and threatened
4 
refers to a similar warning A HASSON/ALAMY species, and is reopening on Saturday after a five-year £41m restoration scheme. 8 

Section:GDN 1N PaGe:2 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:42 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

Inside News
▼ Gavin Williamson heading into this
Friday 4 May 2018 week’s Brexit meeting. Brexiters fear
he will be under pressure from No 10

National Pages 5-25 The Brexit secretary, David Davis,

told MPs yesterday that both the gov-
ernment’s options remained on the
Henry Vincent Arrest at funeral of man
table: “Both of these approaches have
killed during suspected burglary | Page 7 merits and virtues, both have some
drawbacks and that’s why we’re taking
Never too old Survey finds 40% of people our time over the discussion on this.”
aged 65-80 are still sexually active | Page 9 He told allies he hoped to “find a
way through” the impasse in the next
Baby boxes Claim and counterclaim week, although he does not yet know
over safety of Scottish scheme | Page 11 how.
The chancellor and business sec-
Up and running Museum raided for priceless retary have urged their colleagues to
gold and jade artefacts opens again | Page 13 reach a resolution as soon as possible
or risk businesses losing confidence
in being able to trade freely with the
World Pages 28-33 EU after Brexit.
Downing Street sources acknowl-

Williamson ‘will be pressed

Dust storms More than 100 killed and homes edged the “urgency” of reaching a
conclusion about which approach the
left ruined across northern India | Page 30 government would seek to negotiate
Hitting the brakes Paris’s once-heralded
bike-share scheme is in trouble | Page 31
to back May’s customs plan’ with Brussels.
Answering questions from MPs,
Davis refused to set a deadline. “It’s
frankly incredibly important that
A Lidl unusual Supermarket sells cannabis bureaucratic for businesses and could we get this right, not just for trade
products as tobacco alternative | Page 32 Heather Stewart limit Britain’s capacity to diverge from but for the extremely sensitive issue
Political editor EU rules in future. of maintaining the peace process in
But its backers, who include the Northern Ireland. I don’t undertake
Financial Pages 35-37 Leave-backing ministers fear Downing
Street will try to pick off the defence
chancellor, Philip Hammond, and the
business secretary, Greg Clark, believe
to put an artificial deadline on some-
thing as important as that,” he told the
Growth slowdown NIESR economic secretary, Gavin Williamson, in the it is the only plan that has a chance of Commons.
coming days to break the cabinet dead- avoiding a hard border in Ireland. Privately, Davis backs the max-fac
thinktank slashes its forecast for UK | Page 35
lock and secure a majority for Theresa Pro-Brexit ministers prefer the option, though he has loyally kept both
‘Boring boneheads’ Musk criticises analysts as May’s favoured customs plan. alternative of maximum facilitation, or plans alive in public. He told MPs the
A meeting of the prime minister’s “max-fac”, using technology to mini- customs partnership was “a brand new
they raise questions over his car firm | Page 37 Brexit subcommittee ended without mise cumbersome border checks. Both idea. It’s never been tested anywhere
agreement on Wednesday when the plans have been rejected by Brussels in the world.”
new home secretary, Sajid Javid, sided as unworkable in their present form. The prime minister’s spokesman
Journal Centre section with hardline Brexiters to reject a cus- No vote was taken on Wednesday, sought to play down the significance
toms partnership, which is favoured but insiders said six of the 11 members of Wednesday’s deadlock. “There’s an
Javid is a change. From the IRA by Downing Street. spoke against the customs partner- ongoing process of putting together
Williamson, who secured a rapid ship plan. the plans that will allow us to leave
But don’t to Eta. If you promotion from chief whip to defence Jacob Rees-Mogg’s European the EU in the smoothest possible way,”
be fooled. He is want peace, secretary, was the least vocal of those Research Group, which sent the he said.
not real progress
ss y have to talk
you expressing doubts about the plan at prime minister a 30-page report this Peers have inflicted 10 defeats on
the two and a half hour meeting. week opposing her preferred plan, the government’s crucial piece of
Gary Younge Jonathan Powell “They’ll call him in and try to prom- believes it has Williamson’s support. Brexit legislation, the EU withdrawal
Page 1 Page
P 4 ise him something: they’ll ask him Rees-Mogg has called the customs bill, in the House of Lords, passing
what his price is,” said one Whitehall partnership proposal “cretinous”. amendments including one urging
source. The defence secretary used a speech May to pursue a policy of remaining

G2 Centre section, tucked inside Journal

The customs partnership would at the Churchill War Rooms this week in a customs union.
involve Britain collecting tariffs on the to argue that “in a post-Brexit world,
EU’s behalf. Brexiters fear it would be our only limit will be our imagination”. Journal Leader comment Page 2 
Rip it Up From Orange Juice to the Associates.
The best Scottish indie bands, listed | Page 2
Cannes 2018 Is this year’s festival facing up Home Office defence secretary, Gavin Williamson,
signalled the change of heart. He told
sacrificed more for this country than
many of its citizens.
to the lessons of Harvey Weinstein? | Page 12 the BBC: “These are people who have “We implore you to end your
drops visa fees served alongside our armed forces and
they have done so much ... so we have
shameful and indefensible policy
towards interpreters like us who risked
Sport Back section for Afghan made it absolutely clear they should be
staying in this country.
They said the £2,389 fee was unaf-
Boxing rematch Tony Bellew says he expects
David Haye to ‘go down swinging’ | Page 44
interpreters “We want to do everything we can
do to make sure they are able to do
fordable for many of them, and that
some had been denied the right to have
that, and we have been in touch with their wives and children join them in
the Home Office making that posi- the UK.
Champions League Can the Klopp system work
tion clear, and I am quite confident Other were struggling to find funds
its magic for a win over Real Madrid? | Page 46 Ewen MacAskill the Home Office will be supporting for a possible fee of £1,200 to secure
Defence correspondent us and making sure that happens as the documentation that was neces-
quickly as possible.” sary for their children who had been
Puzzles G2, page 16 | Journal, page 12 The government has backed down In their letter of protest, the inter- born in the UK, they said.
over the fate of more than 150 Afghan preters had written: “We took great The government agreed initially to
interpreters who worked alongside risk because we believed in the integ- allow 390 interpreters who served in
British troops during their hard-fought rity of the British army, only to be let Helmand between December 2011 and
Contact deployment in Helmand province. down by politicians who see us as a December 2012 into the UK.
For missing sections call 0800 839 100. Guardian News & Media, Kings Place, 90 York Way, The Home Office bowed to pres- number and not as people who have Retired Col Simon Diggins, who
For individual departments, call the London N1 9GU. 020-3353 2000. Fax 020-7837 2114. In
Manchester: Centurion House, 129 Deansgate, Manchester sure after the interpreters sent a letter served in Afghanistan, described
Guardian switchboard: 020 3353 2000.
M3 3WR. Telephone Sales: 020-7611 9000. The Guardian of protest when they were told they that agreement as arbitrary in a let-
For the Readers’ editor (corrections lists links to third-party websites, but does not endorse
&  clarifications on specific editorial would have to pay £2,389 each to apply ter to the Guardian earlier this year.
them or guarantee their authenticity or accuracy.
content), call 020 3353 4736 between Back issues from Historic Newspapers: 03300 660 400, for indefinite leave to remain. They He said it excluded about 2,000 who
10am and 1pm UK time Monday to Friday Published by Guardian had been allowed into the UK initially had worked elsewhere in the country,
excluding public holidays, or email News & Media, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU,
and at Centurion House, 129 Deansgate, Manchester M3
on a five-year relocation scheme. including Kabul. The government’s initial decision Among them is a 34-year-old,
3WR. Printed at TMP Watford Limited, St Albans Road,
Letters for publication should be sent to Watford, Herts WD24 7RG; TMP Oldham Limited, seems to be one of many examples of known as Ricky, the British army’s or Hollinwood Avenue, Chadderton, Oldham OL9 8EP;
the address on the letters page. TMP Saltire Ltd, 110 Fifty Pitches Place, Glasgow G51 4EA; the Home Office’s “hostile environ- longest-serving Afghan interpreter.
TMP Midlands Limited, Fort Press Site, Wood Lane, ment” policy to reduce the number British officers backed him, saying he
SUPPORT Erdington, Birmingham B24 9PW; and by Mortons, 3 Esky of immigrants. had risked his life on numerous occa-
RECYCLING Drive, Carn Industrial Estate, Portadown BT63 5YY. No.
The recycled paper 53,400, Friday 4 May 2018. Registered as a newspaper at Speaking before the Home Office ▲ British service personnel worked sions, even though he had not served
content of UK newspapers
in 2017 was 64.6% the Post Office ISSN 0261-3077. made a formal announcement, the closely with interpreters in the field in Helmand.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:3 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 19:21 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

News 3
▼ Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
wanted ‘to allow members of the
public to feel part of the celebrations’
fast observed by Muslims. “If you hear
I fainted, it won’t be because I was star-
struck,” he said.
Last month Kensington Palace
announced that Meghan and Harry
wanted to shape their wedding day “to
allow members of the public to feel
part of the celebrations too”.
The invited crowd inside the castle
perimeter will include people “from a
broad range of backgrounds and ages,
including young people who have
shown strong leadership and those
who have served their communities”.
They will play a starring role in TV
pictures beamed around the world
to an audience expected to be in the
hundreds of millions, though throw-
ing rice or confetti is not encouraged.
The crowd will be bolstered by 1,140
palace staff and people who live and
work in and around Windsor Castle,
100 schoolchildren, and 200 people
associated with charities in which the
couple are involved.
At 2pm, after the wedding, the 600
guests inside the chapel will go to a
lunchtime reception in the castle,
while the crowd outside will go home
or mill about in Windsor.
Paucity on the catering front has
not dimmed invitees’ enthusiasm for
being part of a crowd that Harry and
Meghan are keen should reflect Brit-
ain’s diversity.
The 200 guests associated with the
couple’s charities will have the prime
spots closest to the chapel doors. They
will include representatives of Invic-

It’s a right royal invitation, BBC’s diverse lineup

The Desert Island Discs host Kirsty

tus, the sports charity for injured
servicemen and women; Sentebale,
a humanitarian charity in Lesotho;
and WellChild, a charity for seriously

but bring your own picnic Young and X Factor presenter

Dermot O’Leary are to join Huw
Edwards in fronting the BBC’s
coverage of the wedding of Prince
ill children.
Atcha said he set up his magazine
charity when he was 15, after young
people were branded “feral animals”
Harry and Meghan Markle. and “scum” in some of the coverage
sent letters to these guests encourag- some of the disadvantaged people And with Harry and Meghan of the 2011 riots. The charity has given
Robert Booth ing them to bring their own picnics, his charity helped were bemused by inviting 1,200 members of the 3,000 people opportunities to work
in a move described by one invitee as the decision. “They were saying: how public from a range of backgrounds on the quarterly magazine. Before
“unfathomable”. come they have this money and you to Windsor Castle to reflect the Meghan and Harry got engaged, he had
The wedding invitation is meant to Debrett’s guide to etiquette advises have to bring a picnic,” he said. “I am of diversity of the nation, it is no seen them speak separately, her about
build bridges between the royal family at least six canapés per person pre- the same opinion. It’s unfathomable.” surprise to see the corporation racism and him about youth activism.
and some of the most deprived parts lunch at a wedding, but guests have He said he had been checking on following suit with a change in its Bhayat said he worked with young
of British society. been encouraged in letters from lord internet maps and had seen there was lineup for the occasion. people in Coventry who were “alien-
Twelve hundred chosen members lieutenants, the Queen’s representa- a supermarket and a fast-food outlet The Countryfile host Anita Rani, ated from society”, often affected by
of the public – including inner-city tives in the counties, “to bring a picnic nearby. “There’s a McDonald’s, but I’m a presenter at William and Kate’s cuts to youth centres and sports pro-
youth workers from Coventry and lunch as it will not be possible to buy not sure I’ll be able to bring in a filet wedding, will this time be joined by grammes, which had left them more
community leaders from Bolton – will food and drink on site”. meal. Maybe there will be a U-turn.” the Strictly Come Dancing winner susceptible to antisocial behaviour
crowd inside the grounds of Wind- The crowds are expected to spend Kensington Palace indicated Ore Oduba and the Radio 1 journalist and crime.
sor Castle to be among the first to at least four and a quarter hours on the this week that some refreshments Tina Daheley. “In Coventry and beyond this
see Prince Harry and Meghan Markle verges outside St George’s chapel, fill- and snacks would be available, but Missing this time are Fearne invitation has made people feel con-
emerge as a married couple on Satur- ing a space inside the castle grounds declined to elaborate. Cotton, Edith Bowman, Sophie nected to the wedding,” he said. “That
day 19 May. that would otherwise show up on TV It matters not to Rashid Bhayat, Raworth and Fiona Bruce. is important for the royals at the
But it seems the hospitality will not coverage as empty. 38, the leader of a youth charity from ITV is repeating its 2011 lineup, moment. They are really reaching out.”
extend far. Representatives of the royal Saeed Atcha, 21, the founder of Coventry, who will attend the wed- with coverage fronted by Julie He said the initiative would help
family, which has an estimated net Xplode, a Bolton-based youth mag- ding with his wife, because he will be Etchingham and Phillip Schofield. in “building a bridge between higher
worth well in excess of £400m, have azine set up after the 2011 riots, said observing Ramadan, the dawn-to-dusk Tara Conlan society and us at the grassroots”.

ham or cheese, and work from there: the fridge: washed rind cheeses such
Hard cheese What food to take contrary to popular belief, not all
such occasions require a sharing bag
as Brie improve as they warm up,
while harder cheeses begin to sweat.
of crisps and a dip selection. And ditch the butter for mayonnaise
– if you’re not asked to lunch Be practical: go for foods that
travel well. Crusty rolls rather than
or cream cheese.
Cured and smoked meats and
floppy sandwiches, robust pork fish cope with sitting in the sun
picnics are “one of the supreme pies instead of flimsy quiches, and better than poached salmon or roast
Felicity Cloake pleasures of outdoor life”. All food coleslaw or potato salad in place of chicken, and baked goods are a wiser
tastes better seasoned with fresh air. delicate leaves prone to wilting. option than creamy puddings.
The best picnics may be casual Soft fruits such as strawberries Remember the unglamorous stuff,
The news that the 1,200 members of but there are a few simple rules always seem like a good idea but too. No one ever regretted bringing
the public whose good deeds have for success and, as usual, mostly bruise easily and then bleed over rubbish and recycling bags alongside
secured them an invitation to the involve planning. This is not the the rug; I would go for naturally the chilled fizz and plastic flutes.
royal wedding will have to bring time to do a smash and grab at M&S packaged citrus fruit instead, though Finally, bear in mind that at the
their own picnics should come as a Windsor – you’ll inevitably end up you might prefer to be like the happy last such bash, guests were served
relief to those worthy folk. After all, with too much mismatched food couple and have it in cake form “finger food”. Compared with that,
as the American gastronome James to lug home afterwards. Instead, (a lemon drizzle is easy to carry). ▲ A pork pie and coleslaw will travel even a packet of Pringles may feel
Beard put it, if the rain holds off, choose a centrepiece, such as a pie, Favour foods that sit happily out of better than a quiche and salad leaves like a banquet.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:4 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:27 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

4 News
▼ Stephanie Clifford, also known
as Stormy Daniels, with her lawyer,
Michael Avenatti, in New York
 Continued from page 1

Nobel economists
warn Trump: don’t
return US to 1930s
delivered 90 years ago: “In 1930, 1,028
economists urged Congress to reject
the protectionist Smoot-Hawley Tar-
iff Act.” Many economists believe
that act – which, like Trump’s tariffs,
was designed to protect US industry
– was one of the triggers for the Great
The 1930 letter predicted higher
prices for consumers, damage to
domestic industries that relied on
trade, an impact on farmers and
retaliation from countries targeted
for tariffs.
Yesterday’s letter says: “Congress
did not take economists’ advice in
1930, and Americans across the coun-
try paid the price”. It urges Trump “not
to repeat that mistake”.
On the campaign trail and since
taking office, Trump has threatened
to dismantle decades of trade deals,
including the North American Free
Trade Agreement (Nafta). The presi-
dent has blamed Nafta for hollowing
out the US manufacturing base.
The economists and academics say:
“Much has changed since 1930 – for
example, trade is now significantly
more important to our economy – but
the fundamental economic principles
as explained at the time have not.
“Today, Americans face a host of

Trump admits hush money

president of the United States appears new protectionist activity, including
to have lied to US Office of Government threats to withdraw from trade agree-
Ethics about a payoff to a porn star.” ments, misguided calls for new tariffs
Norm Eisen, who chairs Citizens in response to trade imbalances, and

was paid to Stormy Daniels

for Responsibility and Ethics, which the imposition of tariffs on washing
has already filed a criminal complaint, machines, solar components, and
tweeted: “This dope & evidently his even steel and aluminum used by US
lawyers do not —despite everything— manufacturers.”
understand how campaign finance law They say workers in construction,
works. Whole point is that money hotels, retail, banks and other busi-
president reversing his position in an declare the secret payment to the Fed- came from outside the campaign & nesses would “clearly lose” in a trade
David Smith extraordinary sequence of tweets, just eral Election Commission. No debt to benefitted it. That is the illegal ‘roll’ war. The letter, organised by the con-
Washington hours before leading a national day of Cohen is listed on Trump’s personal under review. No one saying it was servative National Taxpayers’ Union,
prayer at the White House. financial disclosure form, which was campaign money.” is signed by Nobel laureates includ-
Donald Trump has admitted that Federal investigators wiretapped certified on 16 June 2017. There can be criminal or civil pen- ing Alvin Roth, Richard Thaler, Oliver
$130,000 (£96,000) of hush money Cohen’s phone lines before a raid on Walter Shaub, the former director alties for violating campaign finance Hart, Roger Myerson and James Heck-
was paid to the pornographic actor his offices, hotel room and home last of the Office of Government Ethics, laws, although it is unclear what fresh man as well as Jason Furman, ex-chair
Stormy Daniels to stop her going pub- month as part of a federal criminal tweeted: “AMAZING! In trying to talk angle of investigation, if any, could be of the Council of Economic Advisors
lic about an alleged affair with him, investigation in New York, NBC News his way out of a campaign finance prompted by the latest developments. to Barack Obama, and James Miller,
despite the US president previously reported yesterday, citing sources violation, Trump has inadvertently Trump’s tweets outlining the budget director to Ronald Reagan.
denying knowledge of a deal. familiar with the legal proceedings. admitted to filing a false financial dis- arrangement came after the bomb- Bryan Riley, director of the NTU’s
The revelation threatens to engulf The New York investigation is an closure in 2017. He personally certified shell interview by Giuliani, who was Free Trade Initiative, who coordinated
Trump in one of the most tawdry and offshoot of the ongoing inquiry by the that his disclosure was ‘complete and presumably seeking to reduce the the letter, said Trump and the for-
legally damaging scandals of his pres- US special counsel, Robert Mueller, correct’. This seems like as strong a cir- president’s legal exposure – a plan that mer Democratic presidential hopeful
idency and has provoked astonished into Russian meddling in the 2016 elec- cumstantial case for a violation as one may have backfired. Bernie Sanders had both ratcheted up
reactions from ethics experts. tion and whether the Trump campaign is going to see. It is absolutely stunning Giuliani told Fox host Sean Han- the argument against free trade ahead
Daniels’ lawyer called the admis- colluded with Moscow. that we’ve reached the point where the nity: “They funnelled through a law of the election. He said many of the
sion “stunning” and said: “This is not At 6.46am yesterday, Trump firm, and the president repaid it... That arguments against free trade were “flat
about sex … this is about a cover-up.” tweeted, in uncharacteristically legal- was money that was paid by his lawyer. earth economics” that threatened the
Daniels, whose real name is minded language, that Cohen had The president reimbursed that over balance of the global economy.
Stephanie Clifford, claims she had a received a monthly retainer. “Not from the period of several months.” “People look at the changes that
sexual encounter with Trump in 2006 the campaign and having nothing to Asked if Trump knew about the have gone on in the economy and
– months after his third wife, Melania, do with the campaign, from which he arrangement, Giuliani said: “He didn’t blame free trade for, say, the decline
gave birth – and was paid to stay silent entered into, through reimbursement know about the specifics of it, as far as in manufacturing when in fact the
as part of a nondisclosure agreement … a non-disclosure agreement with I know. But he did know about the gen- changes have more to do with auto-
she is now seeking to invalidate. Daniels.” He claimed: “These agree- eral arrangement, that Michael would mation,” he said.
Trump told reporters on Air Force ments are … very common among take care of things like this, like I take He insisted the pressure to impose
One last month that he did not know celebrities and people of wealth.” care of things like this for my clients. tariffs was not coming from voters: “If
about the $130,000 payment to Daniels Trump described the allegations of I don’t burden them with every sin- you look at opinion polls, the [anti-free
– made by his lawyer Michael Cohen an affair as “false and extortionist”, gle thing that comes along. These are trade] message is not being driven by
days before the 2016 presidential elec- adding: “Money from the campaign, busy people.” public opinion. This is not a grassroots
tion – or the source of the money. or campaign contributions, played no Speaking on Fox and Friends on movement against imports or Nafta.
But the former New York mayor roll [sic] in this transaction.” the same network yesterday, Giuliani This is being driven from the top.”
Rudy Giuliani, who has recently But watchdogs and experts argued said Trump did not know all the details If Trump’s rhetoric translated into a
joined Trump’s White House legal that, despite his contention that no until “maybe 10 days ago”. He added: full trade war, the consequences could
team, said on television on Wednesday money from his campaign was used “Cohen made it go away. He did his job be dire because “we rely more on inter-
that Trump had indeed reimbursed to pay off Daniels, Trump still broke ▲ Donald Trump at a national day of … I think when Cohen heard $130,000, national trade than at any point in
Cohen for the payment. That led to the campaign finance laws by failing to prayer event at the White House he said, ‘My God, this is cheap’.” world history”.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:5 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:17 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

Breast cancer alarm Linda’s pictures 5

Hunt criticised over McCartney archive
statement to MPs donated to V&A
Page 14 Page 19

Keep your
eyes peeled
The artist
Hilary Jack
puts finishing
touches to
Look Out,
part of The
four site-
specific works
at Mellerstain
near Kelso,
to the politics
and history of
the Scottish
Borders. Look
Out refers to
the fortified
‘peel towers’
of the area.

Teenagers who hated school planned to

The younger boy drew up a hitlist
of pupils and teachers to kill, the court
heard. In a text, he told his co-accused:
“I can’t be bothered any more.” The

re-enact Columbine massacre, court told other replied: “Why not take some
others out as well? If you’re gonna kill
yourself, shoot up the school.”
The alleged plot began to unravel in
September when the younger boy told
They both deny conspiracy to murder. “sought to emulate” the Columbine arrested after entering his girlfriend’s classmates what they were planning,
Josh Halliday Jurors were told that the two friends killer’s “trenchcoat mafia” persona. bedroom at midnight dressed as Harris the jury heard. A friend alerted her
North of England correspondent had researched bomb-making tech- In his diary the boy wrote in Octo- and carrying a large kitchen knife with teacher to a text the boy had sent her
niques and begun building a stockpile ber that he had been planning a mass “love” written on it. saying he was serious about the plan
Two teenagers, aged 14, planned to of weapons before counter-terrorism killing for more than a year but it devel- Greaney told jurors the boy proba- but that “no one innocent will die”.
kill pupils and teachers at their North police swooped in October 2017. oped when he met his girlfriend that bly expected to be able to attack as they The court was told the boy con-
Yorkshire school after developing an The elder of the boys, described as summer. The girl, 14, told police she slept but fled when he was confronted fessed to the deputy headteacher and
“obsessive interest” in the Columbine the ringleader, wrote in his diary about initially liked him but that he became by his girlfriend’s mother. The school police the same day, admitting that
massacre, a court has heard. planning “one of the worst atrocities controlling and scared her. The boy attack plot grew more serious, he said, they had planned to kill pupils who
A jury at Leeds crown court was in British history” and said: “Fuck, I is accused of unlawfully wounding when the boys downloaded a bomb- bullied them. The older boy denied
told the boys “hero worshipped” hate my school. I will obliterate it. I the girl by carving his name into her making manual and began researching everything and they were not arrested.
the Columbine high-school killers will kill everyone.” back with a penknife at his hideout in ways to buy firearms on the dark web. A month later police seized the eld-
in Colorado, US, and planned a “re- Besides drawings of a swastika and Catterick Garrison, where police later Over 14 hours last October, he said, est boy’s diary and found a rucksack
enactment” in Northallerton. heavily armed man, the boy told of his discovered ignitable fluids and screws, the elder boy made 30 searches on the with a balaclava, screws, cable ties and
Paul Greaney QC, prosecuting, told love for the cult leader Charles Man- allegedly for a nail bomb. web about Columbine, nail bombs, a bottle of liquid. The teenager denied
jurors: “They intended to shoot and son and the teenagers Eric Harris and When the girl’s parents stopped shotguns and buying ammunition. planning to kill his girfriend’s parents
kill other pupils and teachers against Dylan Klebold, who murdered 13 peo- contact between the pair due to his or pupils and teachers at his school.
whom they held a grievance. They ple at Columbine in 1999. He described “malign influence”, he made diary The younger boy told police he had
also, like their heroes, intended to his own life as a “miserable existence, entries about torturing them to death, ‘Why not take some been manipulated and had only been
deploy explosives and researched
bomb-making techniques to that end.”
full of torment and macabre themes”.
He wrote that he had a “strange
stealing her father’s legally held shot-
guns and making explosives to “begin
others out as well? … “going along” with the talk as a joke.
Greaney said jurors had to consider
The boys, who are now 15 and can- fixation with terrible people, ie mur- our assault on that fucking school”. shoot up the school’ whether it was just fantasy or a genu-
not be named because of their age, sat derers” and referred to Harris on his He wrote: “They’re keeping us apart ine plot to kill. The prosecution’s case
by their mothers and court security Instagram profile, the court heard. He because they think I’m crazy. I’m not Boy accused in trial to is that there was a real plan.
officers as their trial began yesterday. dressed like Harris, Greaney said, as he crazy. I’m in love.” That month he was his fellow defendant The trial continues.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:6 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 19:38 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

6 National

Police sack
sexual misconduct. The campaigner, hearing and has denied wrongdoing, permitted to form relationships with
Rob Evans who wishes to remain anonymous previously criticised the Metropolitan campaigners they were assigned to spy
and is known as Laura, said: “This is police for picking on him and seeking on. However, the police spies did so

undercover An undercover officer who had an

an important verdict today, not only
to protect the public from Boyling tak-
to justify the large amount of taxpay-
ers’ money spent on investigating the
frequently. Some have left the police
and are not subject to disciplinary pro-
unauthorised sexual relationship ing such roles in future but also to send covert infiltration of political groups. ceedings, while the Met refused to say
officer who with an environmental campaigner
has been dismissed from the police
a message out far and wide to other
officers that such conduct is totally
The undercover officer, who had
been a detective constable in the Met’s
if others have been disciplined.
The misconduct panel was held

had sex with after a disciplinary hearing.

Jim Boyling, who infiltrated
leftwing groups for five years, was
Yesterday, the Metropolitan police
said Boyling’s conduct had been
counter-terrorism command, is also
facing a legal attempt to get him pros-
ecuted for deceiving another woman
seven years after Boyling was exposed
as an undercover officer when Laura
disclosed details of their relationship
campaigner found guilty of gross misconduct. He is
the first undercover officer sent to spy
“unacceptable”, following the four-
day disciplinary hearing, which was
into a sexual relationship during his
covert deployment.
to the Guardian.
Boyling’s lawyers said he had been
on political groups who is known to held in private. Police chiefs have claimed told that he had been dismissed and
have been dismissed by the police for Boyling, who did not attend the that undercover officers were not did not wish to comment.

Immigration official
tells man: ‘I’ve done my
job if you’re pissed off’
then says: “What you got to under-
Diane Taylor stand, yeah, you take the piss out of
the system, the system is going to take
the piss out of you. We are not here to
The Home Office is investigating make life easy for you. It’s a challeng-
undercover footage filmed at one ing environment we have got to make
of its reporting centres showing an for people. It’s working because it’s
official telling a man facing deporta- pissing you off. Am I right? There you
tion that his job is to “piss him off ” as go. That’s my aim at the end of the day,
part of what he calls a “challenging to make it a challenging environment
environment”. for you. It’s pissing you off. You’re tell-
The 39-year-old man who secretly ing me it’s pissed you off. There you go,
filmed the Home Office official last year I’ve done my job.”
has now voluntarily gone to Pakistan, When the Guardian asked the
a country where he has only spent one Home Office if it was instructing its
month of his life, saying he was driven staff to make the environment chal-
out by the controversial regime. lenging for migrants by “pissing them
The man was required to report off ” a spokesman said: “The views
weekly to Becket House, a Home expressed in this video do not repre-
Office reporting centre at London sent Home Office policy.”
Bridge. He had served a 13-month The man’s solicitor, Fahad Ansari
prison term and although the Home from Duncan Lewis Solicitors, said:
Office had signed a deportation order “The challenging environment men-
it had failed to remove him to Pakistan, tioned by the immigration officer
instead requiring him to report weekly appears to be a reference to Theresa
to Becket House while depriving him May’s ‘hostile environment’ policy.
of the right to work, rent housing, drive The rationale behind this policy is to
a car or access NHS treatment. create an environment so utterly soul
In the clip the man tells the Home destroying to live in that people will
Office official that having to report voluntarily leave the UK.”
weekly is worse than his time in prison. When Sajid Javid was appointed
The official tells the man he’s going to home secretary this week after Amber
talk to him “on the level”. The official Rudd resigned following the Guardi-
an’s reporting on the Windrush scandal
and an ensuing row over targets, he
‘My aim is to make said the phrase “hostile environment”
it a challenging was unhelpful. “The phrase ‘hostile’
is a phrase I’m not going to use,” he
environment for you’ said. “It’s a compliant environment
... it doesn’t represent our values as a
Home Office official country to use that phrase.”
Undercover footage The man who recorded the video,
who has mental health problems and
has been self-harming, was jailed for
criminal damage and blackmail. He
faced deportation because he had
committed a crime. Although he had
lived in the UK since the age of 18 with
indefinite leave to remain, he had not
naturalised as a British citizen, which
would have prevented him being
deported after finishing his sentence.
He is appealing against the deporta-
tion order signed by the Home Office
from Pakistan. He has lived in Brit-
ain since the age of 18 with indefinite
leave to remain, and leaves behind his
elderly parents and three brothers, all
of whom are British citizens. As a child
he lived in the US and Saudi Arabia.
A Home Office spokesman said: “We
are investigating the footage.”
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:7 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 19:38 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

National 7
▼ A mourner gestures at press
photographers as police monitor
the funeral cortege

Bercow raged
and called me
an antisemite,
says former
Black Rod
Heather Stewart
Political editor

The Speaker of the House of Commons

has faced fresh allegations of bully-
ing, with parliament’s former Black
Rod warning that his “intemperate
behaviour” is “unworthy of someone
in public office”.
David Leakey, who stepped down
last year as Black Rod, a ceremo-
nial post in parliament, said he had
experienced the outbursts of temper
described by other former members
of Bercow’s staff.
“On one occasion, he quite sud-
denly erupted in a rage, banging the
table and being extremely and person-
ally rude to me, including calling me
an antisemite. He did apologise to me
for that specific remark afterwards,
but not for his other highly personal
insults, and it is intolerable,” he told
Politics Home.
“His explosive and intemperate
behaviour is legendary, objectiona-
ble and unworthy of someone in such

Violence flares at funeral

cars, limousines and a flatbed truck public office – conduct which may not
carrying flowers, passed the church at stand up to the standards expected in
least twice before the service began. public life. There were lots of people
On its first appearance one mourner who were, frankly, terrified of the

of Hither Green intruder

threw water from the window over Speaker.”
a photographer and flicked a V-sign. This follows claims from Angus
“The king is dead,” shouted another. Sinclair, Bercow’s former private sec-
Vincent’s coffin was accompanied retary, who told Newsnight that the
by a white floral arrangement spell- Speaker was prone to “over-the-top
ing out “Daddy”. It was followed by a anger”, and he was “not sure he was
anticipation of potential trouble after convoy of vehicles, each with its own completely in control of it”.
Damien Gayle the funeral, the Guardian was told. floral tribute on top, including a cara- He claimed Bercow had under-
Mourners, some covering their van and a boxing ring. mined him in front of other staff and
faces, began arriving at the church Despite police reassurance that the once smashed a mobile phone over his
A teenager has been arrested on sus- from 11.30am. One woman shouted: funeral procession would not enter desk. Sinclair also alleged that he was
picion of assault after violent scenes “Leave us alone, we’re burying our into Lewisham, one resident used his paid more than £85,000 when he left
at the funeral of Henry Vincent, the child,” shortly before a drink can was car to block the entrance to South Park his job, in a deal that required him not
intruder stabbed in a struggle with a hurled. Other mourners arrived armed Crescent, where Osborn-Brooks lived. to speak about his experiences.
78-year-old householder. with eggs. The resident said he had decided to Theresa May has called for the
Hundreds of mourners gathered Police cleared the area immediately park there despite the police guidance. “concerning” allegations against the
at St Mary’s church in St Mary Cray, outside the entrance to the church He said: “There is the possibility that Speaker by former members of staff
south-east London, for the service yes- after mourners said there would be they might bring the body down in a to be fully investigated, but Bercow
terday morning. Vincent was stabbed “big trouble” if reporters were on the hearse first and do a pass-by and then chairs the House of Commons com-
with a screwdriver by Richard Osborn- scene when the hearse arrived. Several go back and have the actual funeral mission, which ultimately oversees
Brooks, whose home in Hither Green, minutes later an officer said: “Listen [elsewhere].” parliament’s staff.
Lewisham, he entered on the morn- to me. I would suggest you go, now.” He later left the scene, but a police Andrea Leadsom, the leader of the
ing of 4 April. Vincent’s cortege, a procession of van with a handful of officers inside House of Commons, has suggested the
Concerns had been raised that parked near the entrance to the road. inquiry into harassment in parliament,
Vincent’s funeral could lead to a con- The Metropolitan police said being carried out by the former judge
frontation between the bereaved and the decision to send officers to the Dame Laura Cox, could be expanded
supporters of Osborn-Brooks. Follow- south-east London street was for to take in the new allegations.
ing the killing, a bitter row developed “community reassurance” after Leadsom said: “It is for Dame Laura
over a shrine set up in Vincent’s mem- reports that Vincent’s friends and fam- to consider whether the terms of refer-
ory opposite the house. The shrine was ily would march through the area in an ence of her independent inquiry need
repeatedly desecrated. act of defiance. to be expanded, to allow for individ-
Police intervened after mourners Osborn-Brooks was initially ual investigations to take place. I’m
surrounding Vincent’s cortege hurled arrested on suspicion of murder but sure she will be looking very carefully
eggs, drinks cans and stones at report- later released without charge. His at how best to respond to these latest
ers, then charged. One photographer arrest provoked a public outcry, and developments.”
was punched while other journalists an online campaign to support him But an inquiry spokesman said it
and a passerby were hit with eggs. raised thousands of pounds. was not set up to investigate individ-
Officers eventually advised journal- Asked about arrests at the funeral, ual allegations of wrongdoing, and had
ists and the public to leave the area. a Met police spokeswoman said: “A no power to widen its scope.
Several dozen police, including liai- male, believed to be in his teens, was Bercow has strenuously denied the
son officers, were at St Mary’s church arrested on suspicion of assault fol- allegations, and he refused to make a
before the arrival of the cortege. lowing an incident in High Street, public statement in the Commons yes-
Nearby lamp-posts were adorned with Orpington … he has been released terday about them, when urged to do
bouquets of flowers tied with red rib- ▲ Eggs were thrown at journalists and photographers covering the funeral of under investigation to return to a so by Maria Miller, chair of the women
bon. Pubs in the area were closed in Henry Vincent, above, in south-east London PHOTOGRAPH: TONY KERSHAW/SWNS police station at a later date.” and equalities select committee.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:8 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 17:11 cYanmaGentaYellowbla

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

8 National
Kew Gardens ▼ The Temperate House was begun in
1859, the same year that Darwin’s On
the Origin of Species was published

Victorian triumph of iron replaced, all under a tent big enough is fully visible for the first time in
to hold three Boeing 747s. The result a generation. Cast-iron columns
and glass is fully visible for is suitably breathtaking. support great arcing ribs of wrought
the first time in a generation Those who remember being iron that leap across the space, their
after five-year restoration surrounded on all sides by dense detail visible up close from the

Temperate House
forest might be shocked by the upper-level walkway that rings the
pruning. For the first time since it main pavilion, providing precipitous
Oliver Wainwright opened in 1862, the entire contents views down to the canopy.
of the beds have been removed, soil The ironwork has been repaired

and all, and the layout made more and recast in places, the decades

sheds its chrysalis eral goats are the biggest

threat to the rare
cabbage tree, says a sign
in Kew Gardens’ newly
akin to the Victorian original.
Ten thousand plants have been
replaced with younger specimens,
while some famous residents
of paintwork scrubbed off and
repainted with five coats of the
hardwearing stuff used on oil rigs.
Outside, the plasterwork details,

after £41m refurb

restored Temperate have been carefully returned after previously obliterated by years
House, the largest spending the last few years in a of gloopy paint, are visible once
Victorian glasshouse in the world, temporary nursery. Kew’s rarest again: cornucopias heave with
which reopens this week after a (and loneliest) plant, a male Wood’s pomegranates, pineapples and
£41m, five-year renovation. Goats cycad, is back, still awaiting the soursops, while terracotta baskets
were never much of a threat at Kew, discovery of a female of the species (which disguise historic chimney
 Kew Garden’s where the endangered tree has been in an untrodden corner of the planet. flues) brim with moulded flowers.
Temperate carefully cultivated since a specimen Compared with the previous Begun in 1859, the same year that
House is the was found on Robinson Crusoe overgrown riot, it now feels more Darwin’s On the Origin of Species
largest Victorian Island near Chile. But rusting iron as if the architecture, rather than was published, the Temperate
glasshouse in columns and creaky windows had the plants, is the star of the show. House was to be the crowning glory
the world, and posed a significant danger, to plants “It was heartbreaking to see some of Kew, a five-pavilion complex
home to some and humans alike. of the trees go,” says Kew’s aptly stretching almost 200 metres atop
of the world’s A government report concluded named Greg Redwood, head of a raised berm, like a fleet of crystal
rarest plants in 2010 that “urgent restoration is glasshouses. “But some of them tankers processing across the lawn.
PHOTOGRAPH: ALICIA essential if closure is to be avoided”. were hitting the roof, and it was very It was planned to be the first thing
CANTER/GUARDIAN Windows had been sealed shut in a difficult to raise new specimens visitors would see as they entered
1970s refurbishment and chunks of under the thick canopy.” In addition, the gardens, standing at the end
masonry cladding were crumbling after years of pruning, many of the of the avenue from the station as
off. The past five years have seen plants were in effect bonsai, he a stately beacon. “It was Burton’s
69,000 elements removed and said. The cull means that Decimus tomb to himself, twice the size of
repaired, with 15,000 panes of glass Burton’s triumph of iron and glass his Palm House,” says Amy Felton,
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:9 Edition Date:180504 Edition:03 Zone: Sent at 4/5/2018 0:15 cYanmaGentaYellowblac

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •••

Sex remains a key part of life

 The layout
has been made
more akin to
the Victorian
original, and for people over 65, study says
10,000 plants
have been
replaced happy with their sex life. Age was
PHOTOGRAPH: ALICIA Nicola Davis another key factor: only a quarter of
CANTER/GUARDIAN those aged 76-80 reported being sex-
ually active, compared with 46% of
Sex is not only a pursuit of the young those aged 65-70.
and carefree but also a key part of life The authors say the report shows
for adults in their later years, research that although sex is important for
has revealed. many older adults, the topic is rarely
In a survey of Americans aged 65 discussed with either their partners or
to 80, 40% reported being sexually doctors – just 17% of participants said
active, with more than half of those they had talked about it with a health
who had a partner saying they still provider in the past two years, despite
engage in steamy moments. almost two-thirds saying they would
Erica Solway, a public health expert be happy to do so.
from Michigan University who was Solway said the lack of discussion
involved in the research, said: “We was important, not least because such
recognise that sex and sexual health conversations could increase testing
is something that is very important to and awareness of sexually transmitted
the health and wellbeing of older peo- infections. According to UK figures,
ple but is not something that gets a lot diagnoses of infections such as chla-
 A Strelitzia of attention.” That, said Solway, could mydia are rising among older adults.
reginae, the be because either individuals or medi- What’s more, 18% of men and 3% of
bird-of-paradise cal professionals do not raise the issue. women in the 65-80 age group reported
flower, in the The findings, part of the universi- taking medications or supplements
Temperate ty’s National Poll on Healthy Aging, are to improve their sexual function. “It
House at Kew based on online answers from about is possible that there could be inter-
1,000 participants aged 65 to 80, and actions with other medications they
 15,000 panes are nationally representative. The are taking,” Solway warned. Another
of glass were study was funded by Michigan Med- issue is that although sex appears to
replaced icine – part of the university – and protect women’s cardiovascular sys-
PHOTOGRAPHS: ALICIA AARP, a lobby group for older people. tem, the opposite is true for men.
CANTER/GUARDIAN; The results reveal that 84% of men Lesley Carter, of Age UK, said the
and 69% of women between 65 and report chimed with findings from Brit-
80 believe sex is important to a rela- ain and that it was time to get rid of
tionship at any age, with just over misconceptions about sex in older age.
half of men and just under a third of It was important that medics
women reporting that they were sex- broached the topic with patients, she
ually active – although the researchers said. “We know as younger people if
did not spell out what that involved. you don’t get [sex] enough then you
“We wanted it to be how that person are quite miserable, but that is the
defined it,” said Solway. same thing in older people.
One in eight of the women reported “We as a society have to agree that
a strong interest in sex, and more than older people have a right to good sex-
half of men said the same. Fewer men ual health too because every message
than women were “extremely or very” is always about younger people.”

project architect. However, during

the parliamentary debate to allocate
‘It’s Decimus
way to a simpler, stripped-back
structure in the southern pavilion, Bristol University themselves in less than 18 months at
Bristol University. Five students took
funding, the influential politician while floral motifs on the wrought- their lives in a single academic year,
and greenhouse impresario Joseph tomb to iron trusses in the main house are confirms sudden three within weeks of each other.
Paxton insisted the building could be himself … later exchanged for plain circles and The university’s vice-chancellor,
erected for a third of the requested like many triangles. Windows operated with death of student Hugh Brady, pointed out in a recent
budget. He warned that Kew was buildings, it ratchets shaped like pterodactyl interview with the Guardian that
in danger of turning into “a gaudy didn’t quite wings in the north pavilion become almost every university has a num-
flower garden”. No doubt concerned go according simpler elbow mechanisms in the ber of suicides every year and mental
by the prospect of competition for south. In Burton’s day, the whole Sally Weale health problems among students are
to plan’
his own Crystal Palace, his objection thing was glazed in green glass, Education correspondent a problem across the sector.
carried weight and the Treasury only Amy Felton thought by the Victorians to prevent Bristol has invested an extra £1m in
sanctioned £10,000 of the £30,000 Architect scorching from the sun, while the A fourth-year engineering student at mental health services, and proposals
requested. The station did not ironwork, far from always being the University of Bristol has died sud- to reduce live-in support in halls of res-
materialise where expected either: pristine white, has ranged from pale denly, the university has said. idence were amended after an outcry.
it was built 500 metres to the north, blue to dark green and brown. University authorities said they had Concerns remain among some mem-
leaving the glasshouse stranded, The renovations have opened up been informed of the death of Alex bers of the university about the plans
away from the entrance. hundreds of clerestory windows that Elsmore, which reportedly took place – due to be introduced in September.
By the time of Burton’s death in were fixed shut in the 1970s, and on 21 April, and urged people affected A spokesman said: “We have spoken
1881, only the central pavilion had installed lower-level apron vents, by the news to seek support. A univer- to Alex’s family, who have requested
been completed. The unfinished providing better cross-ventilation. sity spokesman said there appeared to privacy at this very difficult time. Our
building was described as a “chronic Heating has been added in a new be no suspicious circumstances and an thoughts are with them.”
eyesore” and it would take another sunken trench, creating a more inquest would be held in due course.
18 years to see the full thing finished, even atmosphere and allowing Kew “We would encourage any students Samaritans can be reached on 116 123
by which time it had outlived two to grow a broader range of plants. or staff who are affected by this tragic
directors and its architect. Compared Wider central pathways allow access news to contact university support
with the startling futurism of his for cherry-picker cranes, and a large services, as well as seek support from
Palm House, an ethereal soap bubble crossing in the middle has clearly friends or family. Information about
formed from great sheets of curved been sized with event hire in mind. the help and support available can be
glass, the Temperate House was For now, it’s all a little too stark. found on our website under our staff
deemed to be rather prosaic. But the future of the building has and student pages.”
For the modern visitor, the been secured, and, given that some The university later confirmed that
protracted process brings added plants may not mature for another 75 a second student had died suddenly,
interest, with the latest trends years, you can be assured that your but gave no further information on
embodied in its different wings. grandchildren will have the pleasure the death. ▲ Engineering student Alex Elsmore
Acanthus-leaf column capitals give of seeing them at their best. Seven students have killed is reported to have died on 21 April
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:10 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 17:46 cYanmaGentaYellowbl
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:11 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:21 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

National 11

Finland contests claims

infant mortality can be attributed to,”
a Kela spokesperson said.
“Empirical data on the effect of the
maternity package on infant mortality

over Scotland baby box does not exist.”

Sturgeon was asked by the Scottish
Conservatives at first minister’s ques-

after expert’s warning tions yesterday about a statement from

the British Standards Institution dis-
puting her government’s statements
that its boxes met safety standards as
At the height of the 2016 Scottish cribs and cots.
Severin Carrell parliament elections, the first minis- The BSI said no such standards
Scotland editor ter told the SNP’s spring conference: existed for cardboard baby boxes.
“This simple but powerful idea origi- The government responded by citing
The Finnish benefits agency that nated in Finland. It provides practical the safety certificates. Those showed
pioneered the use of baby boxes has help for parents and has reduced infant that the cardboard used for the box
challenged claims in Scotland that the mortality and improved child health.” was tested under toy safety legisla-
cribs can reduce infant mortality. But Kela, the Finnish welfare and tion, and not under safety standards
The agency, Kela, supported warn- benefits agency, told the Guardian for cribs and cots.
ings by an expert on infant health, they had never made that claim and The first minister said the Tories
Dr Pete Blair, that it was wrong to say there was no evidence to support it. “should be deeply ashamed of them-
Finland’s scheme had been proven to “We don’t want to promote the idea selves for needlessly trying to frighten
prevent or reduce infant mortality. that there is evidence the baby box as parents”. She said the boxes met all rel-
Blair said baby boxes should only such has decreased infant mortality in evant safety standards, including for
be used as a bed for babies in an emer- Finland or that Finland has made such fire safety and mattress quality.
gency or when no cot was available. claims. Rather, it has been the improv- Asked about the Finnish agen-
His warnings, reported by the ing of our healthcare system, which cy’s remarks, Sturgeon’s spokesman
Guardian on Wednesday, prompted a the baby box is a part of, that our low refused to discuss the basis of her
furious outburst by Nicola Sturgeon’s claims in 2016 or to disclose the evi-
official spokesman. He denounced dence that led her to make them.
reports of the criticism as “absolutely ‘Data on the effect The Scottish government said: “The
ludicrous” and “nonsense”. on infant mortality babybox is accompanied by other
Sturgeon unveiled the baby-box improvements to the support availa- Clothes on spin Performers from the Lost in
scheme two years ago, saying they does not exist’ ble to new and expecting parents and
Translation Circus rehearse for Wandsworth
would cut infant mortality – a claim offers health professionals the oppor-
that has been repeated by other Scot- Spokesperson tunity to engage with parents at timely PHOTOGRAPH: EAMONN Arts Fringe, which starts today and runs until
tish National party (SNP) leaders. Finnish welfare agency intervals throughout pregnancy.” MCCORMACK/GETTY 20 May in the south London borough.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:12 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 18:48 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

12 National

Only a fifth of
them. Other groups funded included them and hold them to account,” she would try to change the rules, and
Damien Gayle UK Community Foundations, the men- said. “I think it’s not surprising that said: “Until that happens, I’m going
tal health charity Mind, Brook Young the women’s sector has been sidelined to use the £15m a year to fund women’s

tampon tax Only two in 10 charities awarded fund-

People and two housing associations.
The situation was repeated in the
and the mainstream organisations that
say ‘we work with women’ have been
health and support charities.”
Hayes said the women’s sector
ing from the government’s tampon tax distribution last month of £600,000 given the money.” was starved of resources and gener-
funds given are women’s organisations, despite a
pledge to dedicate £15m a year raised
to celebrate the centenary of the first
women winning the vote, when just
The government promised to use
the money raised from the 5% VAT on
alist charities offering services that
targeted women could not replace

to women’s from the levy to “women’s health and

support charities”.
Rape Crisis and Women’s Aid were
two of the eight organisations funded
focused solely on women’s needs.
Vivienne Hayes, chief executive of
tampons and sanitary towels to fund
the women’s sector after activists led
a campaign against the levy in 2015. In
specialist providers.
Tracey Crouch, minister for sport
and civil society, said: “The money
charities the only two organisations specifi-
cally serving women to be funded
the Women’s Resource Centre, said the
government had political reasons for
response to demands for its abolition,
George Osborne, then the chancellor,
generated from sanitary products is
being invested in good causes that
from the annual tampon tax disburse- overlooking women’s charities. “They pleaded impotence against EU regu- tackle the serious issues that women
ment, receiving less than £3m between know we are the ones that will critique lations. He pledged the government of all ages face.”

Delivery firm accused

of pushing managers to
mislead tax inspectors
taken place and said it told managers
Robert Booth tasked with briefing staff who were
meeting HMRC inspectors not to “lead
the individuals to answer in any par-
HM Revenue and Customs is con- ticular way”.
sidering allegations that the parcel Field has forwarded the manager’s
delivery company Hermes “coerced” allegations to HMRC, saying: “Hermes
managers into misleading an offi- appears to have coerced its manage-
cial investigation into whether the ment staff into supplying information
company had paid some of its self- to HMRC that is untrue and which
employed couriers below the “national offers an inaccurate representation of
living wage”. the couriers’ employment relationship
The tax authority ensures employ- with the company.”
ers pay at least the minimum and The chief executive of HMRC, Jon
launched an investigation into Hermes Thompson, replied: “We value receiv-
in 2016 after the Guardian revealed ing the kind of information you have
some couriers were earning less than given us. Clamping down on those who
£6 an hour, below the £7.20 minimum try to cheat the system through evad-
at the time. ing taxes is a key priority for us … We
Hermes delivers for Marks & Spen- assess all the information we receive
cer and John Lewis, and relies on about before making a decision on the most
15,000 “lifestyle couriers” who are appropriate course of action.”
paid per delivery and are categorised One of the tax implications of
as self-employed, but many believe self-employment in this case is that
they should be classed as workers and Hermes does not have to pay employ-
earn the national minimum. ers’ national insurance contributions

We never forget
A manager at the company has of 13.8% on a worker’s earnings above
claimed that before a tax inspectors’ £162 a week.
visit last year senior Hermes manag- Hermes said: “All employees were
ers coached staff who were about to asked to cooperate fully with HMRC

your holiday is be interviewed.

“If we gave an answer to the man-
ager we were corrected and told not
as we are confident in our operating
It added that “HMRC is highly

something you’ll to say that but to say something more

positive,” the anonymous whistle-
blower said in a letter to Frank Field
skilled at recognising if ‘coaching’
has taken place” and said that it urged
managers to tell staff “to be open and

never forget. MP, the chair of the Commons work

and pensions select committee, which
has also investigated Hermes.
honest with HMRC”.
Hermes is facing an employment
tribunal claim this week from a group
“We were coerced into saying some- of couriers who say they should be
thing which wasn’t true. Most of which classified as workers, and that as a
Cyprus holidays. related to self-employed couriers and consequence of this they should be
Flights + 7 nights how they were treated.” entitled to holiday pay and to receive
The manager claims Hermes “went the national living wage.
hotel from £429pp. out of their way” to bring in senior staff Last month the rival delivery firm
Book now at “to purposely tell us what to say”. DPD offered all its drivers sick and
Hermes said it categorically denies holiday pay. The move was part of
that any coaching or coercion had wholesale reforms to its gig work-
ing model, following the death of a

driver it charged for attending a med-
ical appointment to treat his diabetes
and who later collapsed and died.
Hourly rate some Hermes couriers The Hermes claim mirrors sev-
fell below, according to a Guardian eral other similar tribunal hearings
investigation in 2016 – including verdicts in cases brought
against Uber, Addison Lee, City Sprint,

Excel and eCourier – where judges
have ruled that staff should be given
the legal classification as “workers”,
The number of ‘lifestyle couriers’ thereby receiving the minimum wage
used by Hermes. They are classed as and holiday pay rights.
self-employed and paid per delivery Hermes is contesting the claim.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:13 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:01 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

National 13
▼ Jeremy Corbyn arrives to cast his
vote at Pakeman primary school in
Holloway, north London

▲ One of the figures stolen from the

Museum of East Asian Art, Bath

Bath museum
reopens after
priceless jade
and gold items
‘stolen to order‘
Steven Morris

Staff at a museum in Bath have spoken

of their heartbreak at the theft of price-
less jade and gold artefacts as they

Polling stations reject voters

each polling station, and if it turns out prepare to open again with a bitter-
this is a particular problem in places sweet exhibition reflecting on health
like Crystal Palace it bears out some of and wellbeing.
the concerns we have raised,” she said. Detectives are still hunting a well

during trial of ID scheme

However, Stuart Wilks-Heeg, an organised gang of raiders who broke
expert on electoral integrity at the into the Museum of East Asian Art, a
University of Manchester, said his hidden jewel in one of Bath’s Georgian
observations at three polling stations terraces, last month.
in Woking, where two people were The thieves entered through a first-
turned away, seemed to show the pilot floor window and broke into seven
Peter Walker was running fairly smoothly. display cases containing “culturally
Matthew Weaver “Polling station staff [were] really significant” objects including jade
well briefed and voters clearly knew figures. They ignored other items,
A trial of voter ID has led to people about the requirements,” he said. suggesting the burglary was care-
in England being turned away from He later went to Swindon, where fully planned and pieces may have
polling booths for the first time for staff scanned a barcode on voters’ poll- been taken to order.
not carrying the necessary docu- ing cards, and also saw few problems, Nicole Chiang, the museum’s cura-
ments. Other issues reported included though police were reportedly called tor, said: “Obviously it’s very upsetting
abuse of voting staff and some con- when one man became irate at being especially as our founder [the former
fusion over what evidence needed to asked to show his card. lawyer and longtime resident of Hong
be shown. In Bromley, most voters said they Kong Brian McElney] lives in this area.
The trial took place in five boroughs had few problems with the idea. A It’s very personal for him.”
yesterday in the local elections as part 92-year-old woman at a polling station The museum upgraded its security
of an attempt to crack down on voter in Penge, who gave her name only as in 2016 so that it could borrow objects
impersonation. It could be extended Florence, said it had been no concern from the British Museum but is hav-
nationwide in future elections. to show photo ID for the first time in ing to review its arrangements again.
The main issues appeared to be in more than 70 years of voting. “I don’t The gallery will re-open to the
Bromley and Woking where – along care,” she said. “If you’ve got nothing public tomorrow in time to celebrate
with Gosport in Hampshire – people to hide it shouldn’t be a problem.” its 25th anniversary, though the room
had to show one piece of photo ID or ▲ Theresa and Philip May head to a polling station PHOTOGRAPH: TOM NICHOLSON/LNP The Cabinet Office argues that voter that was burgled will be closed and the
two from a list of other documents. In ID is necessary to prevent imperson- shattered display cabinets remain
the other test areas, Swindon and Wat- In Bradford – which is not part of the ation and has been recommended by empty. Visitors will instead be treated
ford, only a polling card was required. trial scheme – the council apologised the Electoral Commission. to an exhibition by the Chinese art-
In Bromley, south-east London, to a couple who were asked for ID, say- But critics have said it is an over- ist Zhang Yanzi called The Quest for
tallies by the opposition Labour group ing a clerk had become confused. reaction to a marginal problem, with Wellness – an appropriate subject for
found at least 13 people turned away The scheme has prompted concerns none of the five trial boroughs hav- Bath, which thanks to its hot springs
in just one ward, Crystal Palace. There that it could disenfranchise more vul- ing reported a single incident of voter has been an attraction to people seek-
were also reports of some voters being nerable voters who are less likely to impersonation – known technically ing good health for many centuries.
angry and abusive to polling station have access to the necessary ID, for as personation – over the past decade. The centrepiece of the exhibition
workers when asked to show ID. example, older people and those who A spokesman for the prime min- is a silk robe that is brightly decorated
In one reported case, a voting clerk are homeless. ister, asked about reports of some in tablets. Another piece comprises
had to turn away a man without the Angela Wilkins, leader of the Labour voters being turned away, said: “The gauze bandages daubed with cinna-
necessary documents even though he group on Bromley council, said she overwhelming number of people are bar; a third is a collection of bracelets
knew him personally. was concerned that most reports casting their vote without a problem. made from pills.
In Woking in Surrey there was some about people being turned away “A great deal of work has been done Wera Hobhouse, the Liberal Demo-
confusion reported as to what ID could seemed to be from Crystal Palace, the in these pilot areas to prepare the pub- crat MP for Bath, said small museums
be shown, with one man saying he was most deprived and diverse part of the lic there. In places like Bromley, people were the “lifeblood” of the city and
initially told a photo rail pass was not borough. will have had six pieces of direct mail needed to feel secure. “Bath is a city
allowed, even though it was listed ▲ The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, “We assume tallies are being taken about the pilot, and there has been a with lots of small museums,” she said.
among the accepted documents. goes to vote with his wife, Saadiya about how many people are refused at widespread poster campaign.” “They help our city thrive.”
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:14 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:17 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

14 National

Breast cancer
flooded with
anxious calls
whether women would have died
Sarah Boseley because of the missed invitations and
Health editor pointed to the harms that screening
can cause, as well as benefits.
Thousands of people flooded a breast “I believe that the furore over the
cancer screening helpline with calls NHS breast screening programme
yesterday as experts warned that Jer- error has resulted in unnecessary
emy Hunt, the health secretary, had worry for those women who may not
made women unnecessarily anx- have received a breast screening invi-
ious with his announcement that a tation,” said Paul Pharoah, professor
computer failure had led to up to 270 of Cancer Epidemiology at the Univer-
avoidable deaths. sity of Cambridge.
As the helpline set up by Pub- “Breast cancer screening has both
lic Health England dealt with more harms and benefits and so, if some
than 5,000 calls by midday, the char- people have not been invited for
ity Breast Cancer Care said it had also screening they will have avoided the
experienced a surge in calls to its own harms as well as missing out on any
helpline, describing those getting in benefits. There has been no mention
touch as confused and angry. of this at all in the coverage to date.”
But amid confusion over the scale An independent UK panel on breast
of the problem, it emerged that one of screening said in 2012 that for every
the country’s leading statisticians had death prevented, three breast can-
advised PHE after the issue surfaced cers will have been over-diagnosed.
in January that there was no need to “Detecting these very small early
apologise or recall women for mam- tumours might actually do more harm
mograms that may or may not have than good,” Pharoah said.
been of benefit to them. “Some women with screen-
A “key need” in any statements diagnosed breast cancer will have
from PHE, wrote Sir Richard Peto, pro- unnecessary mastectomies, and some
fessor of statistical medicine at Oxford will have unnecessary radiotherapy.”
University, in an email seen by the Sara Hiom of Cancer Research
Guardian, was “to convey effectively UK told the Guardian that although
the substantial uncertainty that has screening enables cancers to be caught
existed, and still exists, as to the exact and treated very early, they can be
ages at which mammographic screen- detected in other ways. Women go
ing should start and end”. to see their GP if they feel a lump in
The confusion at PHE, which their breast. “Women need to be reas-
oversees the screening programme, sured that the mortality risk from this

Analysis Why do experts say

emerged in the wake of Hunt’s state- failure is lower than is perhaps being
ment to the House of Commons, where discussed,” she said.
he apologised for a “major failure” Peto says there is no good evidence
that he blamed on a computer prob- yet for the benefits of breast screening

Hunt’s statistics don’t add up?

lem going back to 2009. over the age of 70. A trial called AgeX
He said 450,000 women had not has begun, based at Oxford University,
received letters inviting them for a recruiting women aged 71 to 73, to test
final mammogram between the ages whether lives would be saved or not.
of 68 and 71, and that up to 270 women But screening women in their late 60s
may have died of a breast cancer that has never been trialled. the number of those affected are in AgeX, based at Oxford University,
could have been treated if it had been Hunt said compensation would Sarah Boseley dispute and Hunt’s rhetoric is begin- is the first trial of breast screening
detected early. be paid to women or families where ning to look overheated in the light in the UK. The evidence that exists

Letters are being sent to 309,000 it could be shown that the screening of an issue that officials have been for its effectiveness in picking up
women who are said to have missed failure had resulted in damage to their eremy Hunt, the health wrangling over and trying to under- cancers and reducing deaths comes
an invitation. Those aged 70 to 79 health or death. secretary, described in stand since January. from Scandinavia. Nobody in the
will be offered screening. But Cancer Dr Emma Pennery, clinical direc- apocalyptic terms the There isn’t a scandal, those world has run trials on women in
Research UK and scientists questioned tor at Breast Cancer Care, said: “After failure of the breast experts say. There is confusion. either their late 60s or 70s until now.
this appalling blunder, Breast Cancer screening programme to Hunt said the issue goes back to Women of 71 to 73 enrolled on
Care’s helpline is set to receive four invite some older women 2009 but was detected in January, AgeX are randomly assigned to more
‘The women who are times its usual number of calls by the for a mammogram, warning of a thanks to a new IT system intro- screening or not. The new IT sys-
end of the day. The women contacting possible 270 deaths and causing duced by Public Health England. tem spotted that those women in the
contacting us want us want answers. Many are playing a huge alarm among women and their That picked up that some women control arm (no screening) had been
answers. Many are waiting game until the letters arrive, families. He blamed those who have over the age of 68 had not been sent flagged in the NHS screening sys-
not knowing if they’ve been affected.” “oversight” of the NHS screening a letter inviting them for a last mam- tem not to receive any more routine
playing a waiting An inquiry chaired by Lynda programme – now Public Health mogram before their 71st birthday. mammograms. Some of them had
game, not knowing if Thomas, chief executive of Mac- England – for what was described It would not have been noticed their last one before they turned 68.
millan Cancer Research, and Martin as a disastrous computer error that if it had not been for a trial, called According to Sir Richard Peto,
they’ve been affected’ Gore, professor of cancer medicine at meant 450,000 women did not get AgeX, which was enrolling women professor of medical statistics at
the Royal Marsden, will investigate vital letters calling them in. to see whether screening should be Oxford University, and the statis-
whether women have been harmed. But the numbers do not stack up, extended from the current 50-70 tician on AgeX, there were 80,000
Dr Emma Pennery say some experts with inside knowl- years to include women who were women recruited in the pilot phase
Breast Cancer Care Journal Gaby Hinsliff Page 3  edge. Both the mortality figures and both younger and older than that. between 2009 and 2015, and 80,000
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:15 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:17 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •


 Public Health England cannot say

how it reached the total of 450,000 In brief
missed breast screening invitations

said, shortened lives – is also in dis-

pute. “To be talking about deaths in Phone hacking
this way was quite surprising,” said
Sara Hiom, of Cancer Research UK.
MGN pays undisclosed
“It was quite surprising that a health damages to victims
minister would be making such a
statement quite that strongly.” The model Danielle Lloyd, the
The women will have missed an actor Jennifer Ellison and the
opportunity to have breast cancer former footballers Dwight Yorke
detected by x-ray before they could and Andrew Cole have received
be aware of it, but it may still have undisclosed damages and an
been picked up even at an early stage apology from Mirror Group
because it manifests as a lump in the Newspapers (MGN) over phone
breast. “Breast cancer does tend to hacking. None of the four were at
have quite clear symptoms and there the high court in London yesterday
are excellent treatments even for for the settlement of their claims for
late stage breast cancers,” she said. the misuse of private information.
David Spiegelhalter, statistician MGN apologised for any damage
and chair of the Winton Centre for or distress suffered as a result of the
Risk and Evidence Communication unlawful interception of voicemail
at Cambridge University, took issue messages more than a decade ago.
with Hunt’s statement that there Mark Elder, of the law firm
could be “135 and 270 women who Shoosmiths, said: “Our clients may
had their lives shortened”. He gave be in the public eye but they have a
several reasons “why this claim is right to a private life, which should
misleading”. be respected. A settlement has been

reached with MGN and our clients
nly 15% of 70-year-old are happy with the outcome.” PA
women die of breast
cancer within five
years of diagnosis, Radio
he pointed out – and
“there is only weak
Evans misses breakfast
evidence that screening helps show after mother dies
prolong life, particularly for older
women”. And “contrary to popular Chris Evans yesterday pulled out of
belief, screening also does harm his Radio 2 breakfast show shortly
… for every 200 women attending before he was due to go air, after
screening between 50 and 70, we learning that his mother had died.
would expect one to have her early The sports reporter Vassos
death from breast cancer prevented, Alexander stepped in to host the
but three to be unnecessarily treated show at the last minute.
for a harmless cancer that would not “Chris has been here but he had
have troubled them.” to go just before we came on air,”
That treatment involves biop- he told listeners. He’s left me a little
sies, and possibly surgery and drugs note for me to read out to you. This
and a great deal of trauma for the is a little bit difficult for me because
women. The growing knowledge of we’re talking about one of my best
the downside as well as the upside friends.”
may be why only two-thirds of those The note read: “Good morning
invited for screening actually go. everyone. The reason I’m not with
Anybody over the age of 70 can you today is because just before we
request regular screening. But the came on air my mum passed away

more in the year 2016 to 2017. That screened for a while, for instance questions are especially relevant and I needed to go straight back
means 40,000 women at the most – because they have moved house and to those in that age group. Screen- home to be with the family. But it’s
those randomly assigned to no more changed their GP practice. So invita- ing may detect cancer but it may also all OK. In fact, it’s very OK. Mum
screening – could have lost out on tions can be sent to those who have a The number of pick up suspect cells in the breast needed to be at peace.” PA
a last invitation to have a mammo- screening gap. deaths which the that are either benign growths or are
gram. Some of those would have But even if you include all of health secretary so slow-growing that they will not
been 68 at their last screening, but those women invited to a last mam- warned could cause harm in the woman’s lifetime. TV
some would have been 69 or 70. mogram before they were 68 – who have occurred That was the point of setting up
That is a lot fewer than the were not missed by computer error due to the AgeX – to find out whether it was
Bonham Carter to play
450,000 women said to have missed but by the normal workings of the screening error better to screen or not to screen. Margaret in The Crown
out on a final screening invitation. screening programme – the num- That question was never asked
The numbers got bigger when bers do not reach 450,000, says Peto. before screening was rolled out Helena Bonham Carter has said she
Public Health England looked back Two million women reach the age of beyond the original cut-off of 64. is “terrified” to be taking over from
to 2009, using the new computer 70 in England each year. About one “There isn’t a scandal,” said Peto. Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret
system which was able to see the sixth of those called for final screen- “At what age should screening stop? in the third series of the popular
detailed screening history of indi- ing are 67 and turning 68 that year. We don’t know.” drama The Crown.
vidual women for the first time. It “My guess is that about 300,000 is Bonham Carter was officially
found there were thousands who the real number,” he said. announced for the role alongside
had not been invited after 68. That is the number – 309,000 – Jason Watkins, who will play Harold
Peto says that was just the way the that Hunt said were still alive out of Wilson. They will join Olivia Colman
screening programme was set up to the 450,000 affected and would be as the Queen and Tobias Menzies as
work. The invitations for screening contacted with an offer of another Prince Philip, taking over from Claire
were sent out every three years from mammogram. Foy and Matt Smith.
every general practice. The final Public Health England is una- Kirby was nominated for a Bafta
invitation, up to the age of 70 when ble to give details of how they got  Health for her portrayal. Bonham Carter
routine screening stopped, would to 450,000 missed invitations. “It professionals said: “I’m not sure which I’m more
go to all the group of women who is based on modelling data,” said a described the terrified about – doing justice to the
would turn 68 to 70 in that year who spokesperson. “It is an estimation. statement by real Princess Margaret or following
were invited three years previously. That’s all we know at the present.” Jeremy Hunt, the in the shoes of Vanessa Kirby’s
With the new computer system, Requests to speak to anybody with health secretary, Princess Margaret. The only thing I
it is now possible to identify indi- more knowledge were denied. as ‘surprising’ can guarantee is that I’ll be shorter
vidual women who have not been The figure for deaths – or as Hunt and ‘misleading’ [than Vanessa].” PA
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:16 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 15:37 mono
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:17 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 18:48 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

National 17
▼ John Massey with his sister Jane,
left, and niece Michele McVey after
his release from HMP Warren Hill in

UK’s longest serving

“John is a proud man – some may
even say stubborn – and having acted
for him for many years, he has been
candid in explaining that he would

prisoner celebrates have acted in the same way again if

he was ever put in a similar position,”
Turner said.

release after 43 years He added: “The test for release

focuses, in traditional terms, on the
risk to life and limb. I have always
argued that John does not pose such
Since his 2012 escape, he has had a risk. I hope that lessons have been
Dan Carrier three pleas for freedom rejected by the learned from what is indisputably a
Parole Board and served time in Bel- very sad case.
marsh, one of the UK’s highest security “Had the system shown some more
Britain’s longest serving prisoner, John prisons. Last week, a panel decided he compassion towards a loving son and
Massey, who has seen the inside of should be given his freedom. brother then I am quite sure that he
nearly every jail in the country, has Massey first escaped in 1994 by could have been safely released years
been freed after almost 43 years. climbing out of a pub window while ago.
The 69-year-old was convicted of on an escorted home visit to see his “However, today should be a day to
the 1975 murder of Charlie Higgins, parents in Kentish Town. He made his focus on the positives and I am thrilled
a pub doorman, and handed a man- way to Spain, where he stayed for three come to the decision I should now be that he has been allowed to return
datory 20-year life sentence, but he years before being extradited and sent released.” ‘I wasn’t expecting home to spend time with those that
spent twice as long in jail after escap-
ing on two occasions to say goodbye
back to prison.
Later, he broke parole conditions
His solicitor, John Turner,, who
has fought to secure his freedom for
it. I didn’t want to mean the most to him.”
Massey, an accomplished self-
to dying members of his family in Ken- to sit by his father Jack’s deathbed in a decade, said: “John’s release is long feel hope. I know the taught blues guitarist, has to fulfil
tish Town, north London.
Massey’s extraordinary story
2007. On another occasion, he walked
out of an open prison to see his sis-
overdue and I am absolutely thrilled
for John and his relatives, whom I have
system and I did not strict parole conditions, including a
spell at a halfway house. “I’d be happy
includes breaking out of Penton- ter, Carol, who had a terminal illness, worked closely with for a number of want to think about to get a sleeping bag and kip under the
ville Prison in London in 2012 in an
attempt to see his mother, May, on her
after again being denied compassion-
ate leave.
years. John comes from an extremely
tight-knit family who have supported
waiting another year’ railway arches if it meant I could leave
this place,” said Massey.
deathbed. He had been denied com- Massey said on his release: “I have him throughout his many years in He said the Parole Board decision
passionate leave. always deeply regretted the crime I prison.” came as a surprise. “I really wasn’t
He had served a sentence almost committed and am aware of the con- He said his client could not be seen expecting it. I didn’t want to feel hope,”
two decades longer than any other sequences and the suffering it caused. as a danger to the public and the escape he said. “I know the system and I did
prisoner in the UK convicted of the It happened in a moment of madness. I attempts had been linked to Massey’s not want to think about going through
same crime when he left HMP War- have served my sentence with remorse sense of loyalty towards a family who the parole process yet again and hav-
ren Hill in Suffolk on Wednesday. and am thankful the Parole Board have had stood by him. ing to wait another year.”
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:18 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone:S Sent at 3/5/2018 18:38 cYanmaGentaYellowb

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

18 National

Northern Irish Owen Bowcott

Legal affairs correspondent
was commissioned by the-then chief
constable of the Royal Ulster Constab-
ulary, Sir John Hermon.
Daniel Holder, CAJ’s deputy direc-
tor, said: “The Walker report will assist
in understanding just how the RUC
Information Act to withhold informa-
tion that ‘relates to’ MI5.”
The Walker report was com-
police release Police in Northern Ireland have agreed
The report will be given to the Com-
mittee on the Administration of Justice
special branch was tasked to oper-
ate in the 1980s at a time there were
missioned to improve intelligence
penetration of paramilitary organ-
Troubles-era to release a secret special branch report
on agent handling during the Troubles
(CAJ) next week. It follows an appeal
to the information commissioner
serious concerns regarding the use of
informants outside the law. It is an his-
isations in Northern Ireland when
IRA activity was high. Walker subse-

report on that allegedly protected paramilitary

informants from arrest.
and a freedom of information tribu-
nal hearing. The agreement between
toric policy document that should not
have been withheld for so long.
quently became director general of
MI5 from 1988 to 1992.
The 1980 report, by the senior MI5 the CAJ, a Belfast-based human rights “In terms of rights to access pub- The report is believed to recom-
informants officer Sir Patrick Walker, is believed to
have established agent-handling prac-
organisation, and the Police Service of
Northern Ireland, which replaced the
lic documents, human rights law no
longer permits absolute ‘national secu-
mend that RUC special branch give
priority to informants over solving
tices that have since been criticised RUC, says a redacted copy may be pub- rity’-type exemptions. We therefore crimes. The report’s existence was
as prioritising intelligence-gathering lished at a forthcoming inquest or, at contested the use of what is a blanket revealed in 2001 by the UTV Insight
over other concerns. The document the latest, within three months. power under the current Freedom of programme.

Man who murdered boss

and wrote ‘bully’ on her
head jailed for 28 years
callous actions” caused trauma to
Press Association Howell’s family and his own.
Browning, a father of two from Sea-
ford in East Sussex, sat with a pile of
A university worker has been jailed papers and took notes during the pro-
for a minimum of 28 years after stab- ceedings, but stared at the floor when
bing his boss to death and scrawling he was sentenced.
“bully” across her forehead. Nicknamed Spock by his wife after
David Browning left Jillian Howell the Star Trek character’s methodical
covered in blood on the floor of her manner, Browning was described as
living room after attacking her with a the “epitome of urban normality”. He
knife in the chest, neck and abdomen, was said to have led a stable life until it
before writing the word across her was jolted by the sudden death of his
head with a black marker pen. Police father in October 2016.
found the Samaritans volunteer at her Browning claimed he and Howell
Brighton home on 26 October with 15 clashed when they started working
stab and slash wounds. together in 2015 but later became
A jury convicted Browning on friends. He said he decided to kill her
Wednesday of murder after deliber- after he became depressed following
ating for two hours and 20 minutes. the bereavement. Howell, whose par-
Handing the 52-year-old a life sen- ents had both died, told friends she
tence at Hove crown court yesterday, wanted to help him. Laing said: “I am
the judge, Christine Laing QC, said also quite satisfied from the evidence
the way in which Browning murdered that you were exaggerating how low
Howell was savage. you were feeling to maintain Jillian’s
“This was a sustained attack and attention.”
the terror and trauma for her in the Browning bought Howell gifts and
final few minutes of her life is unim- sent her texts in which he claimed
aginable,” she said. “You then defiled he adored her and said “every Jill
her body by writing the word ‘bully’ needs a Dave”. Howell told friends
on her forehead.” Laing said the slur she felt manipulated when Brown-
could not have been further from the ing demanded she must never leave
truth, with Howell’s compassion cost- the university or get a boyfriend and
ing the 46-year-old her life. should be concentrating on him. In the
Browning, who was Howell’s dep- months before Howell’s death, Brown-
uty in the University of Brighton’s ing applied for a firearms licence,
payroll department, was a spurned bought a shotgun and knife, hired a
admirer who was deeply self-centred van, deleted swaths of messages and
with a selfish and vindictive streak, data on his phone, and took a change
the trial heard. of clothes to the crime scene.
Laing said Browning’s “utterly Jurors wept as Browning described
the moment a “whoosh” came over
him after he shared a curry with How-
ell before stabbing her in the back. He
said she screamed “You bastard”, to
which he replied: “I’m sorry, Jill, this
is what mental health does to you.”
He stayed in the house for hours,
posting a cartoon on Facebook with
the slogan “Stand up to bullies then
kill them” and phoning Samaritans,
the very charity Howell had volun-
teered for, to seek advice. He handed
himself into police but denied murder,
claiming the act was manslaughter by
diminished responsibility.
Graham Trembath QC, defending,
said Browning showed no mercy when
he killed Howell but asked for there to
be “some light at the end of the tun-
nel”. Browning will not be eligible to
▲ Jillian Howell’s compassion cost the be considered for parole until he is in
46-year-old her life, the court heard his 70s.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:19 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 18:35 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

National 19
▼ Photographs at the V&A by Linda
McCartney, right, include Paul and
their children in Scotland, and,
below right, their daughter Stella

Candid camera
McCartney images
donated to V&A
not just the McCartney gift but ▲ McCartney’s would threaten the viability of the
Maev Kennedy more than 270,000 images and work includes, media museum, which had already
objects from the Royal Photographic above, a shot had funding and staff cuts. Barnes

Society. It follows a controversial from 1967 of said however that the V&A would
ozens of intimate transfer of the RPS items to the the Beatles in be discussing loans to Bradford and
family photographs V&A from the National Science and Belgravia sending touring exhibitions there.
and celebrity rock Media Museum in Bradford, West The RPS collection, of 6,000
music portraits taken Yorkshire, a move that was dubbed  Paul cameras and pieces of equipment,
by Linda McCartney by one local politician as “an act of McCartney a mile of books and journals, and
have been given cultural rape”. with their eldest 270,000 photographs, all being
to the V&A Museum, for its new Linda McCartney, who was child, Mary, in catalogued and digitised, dovetailed
photographic galleries, by Sir Paul married to Paul McCartney, died in Scotland, 1970 well with the V&A, Barnes said. In
McCartney and his family. 1998, aged 56. The 63 images from some cases, negatives, prints and
The London museum is almost the family archive include original cameras were being reunited –
doubling its space devoted to Polaroids of her husband and young including equipment with images
photography to store and display children, which will go on display shot by the pioneer photographer
an expanded collection, holding for the first time, as well as portraits William Henry Fox Talbot.
of rock stars including the Rolling Tristram Hunt, director of the
Stones and Jimi Hendrix, and her V&A, said the new collection could
‘I think she had a real photographic experiments including magazine cover, with a portrait of V&A’s new photography centre tell the story of photography, from
eye for capturing lithographs, cyanotypes, platinum
and hand-painted prints.
the musician Eric Clapton.
Martin Barnes, senior curator of
opens to the public on 12 October.
The RPS’s huge collection, dating
daguerreotype to digital. The RPS
items had been the catalyst for
the unguarded and Although she also became known photography at the V&A, said he back to the earliest experiments creating the new spaces, in three
unstaged moment’ as a musician after her marriage,
being part of the post-Beatles band
visited the McCartney home to help
select the images. “I was trying not
called “painting with light”, was
taken to Bradford in 2003 and
restored 19th century galleries.
The galleries, he said, would have
Wings, McCartney, under the name to think of the family connection, regarded as a cornerstone of the display cases holding 140 cameras,
Martin Barnes Linda Eastman, had worked as a just to look at the work. I think she National Media Museum. There was a handling collection and a “dark
Senior curator professional photographer since the had a real eye for capturing the a public outcry when, in 2016, it was tent”, composed of a projection
1960s. unguarded and unstaged moment.” announced that the entire collection and lecture space modelled on the
In 1968 she became the first A selection of the McCartney was going to London, to reside at travelling darkrooms used by the
woman to shoot a Rolling Stone images goes on display when the the V&A. Critics thought the transfer 19th century photographers.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:20 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone:S Sent at 3/5/2018 17:58 cYanmaGentaYellowb
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:21 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 19:23 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

National 21
▼ Mark van Dongen, who died in
2017, and Berlinah Wallace, below,
who denies his murder

I thought glass was full

the emergency services to assist the
Dutch-born Van Dongen. “I didn’t
think until the police asked me,” she
said. “Then I thought: ‘I should have

of water, claims woman called the ambulance.’ I was so scared,

so shocked and so scared. I didn’t think
about it. I was so shocked, really, really

accused of acid murder shocked. I was thinking: ‘Oh my God,

Mark, Mark’. My legs couldn’t carry me
properly, [they were] like jelly.”
When asked how she felt about what
Before he died, Van Dongen, who happened to Van Dongen, Wallace
Stephen Morris had a new girlfriend, told police he wept in court. “Bad,” she eventually
woke at 3am to hear Wallace laugh and replied. “I feel so sad. So sorry. He was
tell him before the acid was thrown: my best friend. He was my family.”
A woman accused of murdering her “If I can’t have you, no one else can.” Wallace said she collected Van
former partner by throwing acid over Wallace told the court she picked up Dongen from work on 22 September
him has told a jury that she did not a glass and hurled its contents at Van 2015. During that night, she said, they
mean to hurt “her boy” and felt “so Dongen, 29, after he pulled her under- argued and he became physically abu-
sad” at the terrible injuries he suffered. wear during an argument. sive to her after she insulted him.
Berlinah Wallace, a former fashion “I thought it was water,” Wallace “My head was hurting,” she said.
student, said she thought she was said. “I just wanted him to stop. He “Everything just seemed to be like a
throwing a glass of water rather than was hurting me. The contents went nightmare – what’s going on with my
sulphuric acid over Mark van Dongen on him. I was trying to run away then life, what has my life come to?”
at her Bristol flat. he said: ‘Ooh, you threw acid at me.’ Van Dongen usually prepared a
Giving evidence at Bristol crown “I just turned around and I think glass of warm water for Wallace to take
court for a second day, she claimed I saw smoke or something. The only medication, the court heard.
on the night of the alleged attack that way I can describe it is black. I was so “He said, ‘I have water for your
Van Dongen had told her to drink the shocked. I said: ‘Come on, let’s get into medication, come to bed’,” Wallace
acid, which she said she had bought the shower’. He was saying: ‘It hurts, it claimed. She said she did not take her
to clean smelly drains. hurts.’ He went in the shower.” medication and went to call her ex-
Wallace, 48, is charged with mur- Crying, Wallace said: “I didn’t boyfriend, who suggested she went
dering Van Dongen, an engineer, by mean to hurt my boy.” He got out of to his home. She threw the liquid in
leaving him with such catastrophic the shower, pushed past her and left, the glass at Van Dongen when he pre-
injuries that he sought euthanasia at she said. Wallace claimed Van Dongen vented her from leaving, she said.
a clinic in Belgium. She threw acid over must have poured the glass of acid for Wallace denies charges of murder
him in September 2015 and he died in her to drink and left it beside her bed. and throwing a corrosive substance
January 2017, the jury heard. She admitted that she did not phone with intent. Her trial continues.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:22 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 17:32 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

22 National

EU dashes hopes of Brexiters

and renamed it Europe House. Jacob of its citizens in Britain and to com- nonetheless – and whatever the out-
Rees-Mogg MP, the chairman of the municate its messages to the British. come of the negotiations – will remain
European Research Group, had sug- “In the UK, parliament has estab- a special and essential partner of the

by keeping its London office gested it would be a “wonderful”

gesture of goodwill if, during the nego-
lished offices in London [the ‘Europe
House’ shared with the European com-
union. Most notably, as of now, more
than 3 million non-British EU citizens
tiations over Britain’s £39bn divorce mission] and Edinburgh,” Welle wrote reside in the United Kingdom,” Welle
High-profile Brexiters had called bill, the building were returned. to the chamber’s political leadership. wrote.
Daniel Boffey last year for the EU to hand back the But a leaked note on the adminis- The EU’s office in Scotland was set He added that the cost of the office
Brussels eight-storey red-brick building, which trative consequences of Brexit, seen up close to Edinburgh Castle in 1975, was “within the normal range of EP
was Margaret Thatcher’s headquarters by the Guardian, makes it clear the EU the year of the UK’s Common Market [European parliament] liaison offices
The EU plans to defy Tory Brexiters and the scene of her election victories. is keen to keep the building, near the membership referendum, for Brussels in larger member states. In the light
and keep its office in London – the The European commission and Houses of Parliament. Klaus Welle, to build contacts with local politicians. of the above, it is therefore proposed
former Conservative central office at European parliament jointly bought the European parliament’s secretary “Although the UK is set to become to continue parliament’s presence in
32 Smith Square – as an outpost after the Westminster building for £20m in general, said the EU needed a position a third country, as a former member the UK following the example of par-
Brexit, leaked documents reveal. 2010 after 50 years of Tory ownership, from which to champion the interests state with many links to the EU, it liament’s Washington office.”

▲ Upgrading Dover could take 10 years PHOTOGRAPH: CHRIS RATCLIFFE/BLOOMBERG/GETTY

Border health Scotland rotted on the roadside in

2015, the last time there were big
delays in the ports.
checks could Keefe said the phytosanitary checks
legally required on both sides of the
curb fresh food border were a bigger challenge than
the high-profile issue of customs

imports, say checks that is dividing the cabinet.

“If we are all happy eating frozen
meat then it’s an easy win, but if we
freight experts want fresh food and having it on our
shelves 365 days a year then it’s a big
problem,” he said.
“We export about £8bn of fresh pro-
Lisa O’Carroll duce a year and import £12-13bn. That
Brexit correspondent amount of fresh produce going back-
wards and forwards is far more of a
Everyday food staples including let- risk for the government than is any-
tuce, tomatoes and beef could be in thing of customs or duty.”
short supply or even disappear from Keefe said there were no existing
supermarket shelves after Brexit border inspection posts to serve Folke-
because of disruptive checks that will stone and Dover. It is estimated it could
need to be conducted at ports, Euro- take between five and 10 years to put
tunnel and freight industry chiefs say. enough posts in place to deal with the
Scores of continental favourites that volume of freight requiring phytosan-
cross the French border – including itary inspection.
oranges, lemons and avocados from “We have the cabinet talking about
Spain and fresh flowers from Holland different customs partnerships, but
– will be subject to phytosanitary what we haven’t seen yet,” he said, “is
checks in addition to customs checks any kind of progress out of the Depart-
after Brexit. ment for Environment, Food and Rural
“Controls can take a few minutes Affairs in particular to provide us with
to 48 hours if a laboratory test needs some clear guidelines about how [bor-
to be done,” John Keefe, the director der inspection posts] might develop.”
of public affairs at Getlink, the new Keefe called on the government to
name for Eurotunnel Group, told the urgently draw up a plan of action.
annual multimodal logistics confer- Representatives from the Dover
ence in Birmingham. Port and the Freight Transport Asso-
“Coming in through the Channel ciation had the same message.
tunnel on an everyday basis are food, “It is the non-tariff barriers that
flowers … If the government turn could cause the bulk of delay,” said
round at the end of Brexit negotia- James Hookham, the deputy chief
tions and say: ‘Sorry consumers, you executive of the FTA.
will no longer be able to have fresh Keefe said 20% of Eurotunnel’s
strawberries or fresh lettuce or fruits freight was perishable food, and, after
de mer from France, there is likely to Brexit, trucks coming through the
be a strong reaction from consumers. Channel tunnel would have to divert
“If we go backwards from friction- their content to Heathrow or South-
less border, then we really have lost ampton for inspection, cutting into
from Brexit.” the shelf life of fresh food and flowers.
There will also have to be checks at Britain is not self-sufficient in food
continental ports for British exports, and relies on imports, an issue that
meaning French diners may have to farmers and food producers have said
do without Scottish langoustines or could lead to shortages of staples after
salmon. Supplies of such foods from Brexit.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:23 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 18:02 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •


could not command a majority among and that’s why we’re taking our time just for trade but for the extremely
Heather Stewart senior ministers during discussions over the discussion on this.” sensitive issue of maintaining the
Political editor on Wednesday. However, Downing The chancellor, Philip Hammond, peace process in Northern Ireland.

deadlocked David Davis, the Brexit secretary, has

Street has refused to take it off the
table formally.
and the business secretary, Greg Clark,
have urged their colleagues to reach a
I don’t undertake to put an artificial
deadline on something as important
said the government’s two options for Pro-Brexit ministers prefer the resolution as soon as possible, or risk as that,” he said.
over rival the UK’s future customs relationship
with the EU27 remain alive, after min-
alternative of maximum facilitation,
or “maxfac”, in which technology
businesses losing confidence in being
able to trade freely with the EU after
Allies of Davis say he backs the max-
fac option, but has kept both plans

customs isters failed to reach agreement.

Sajid Javid, the home secretary,
sided with hardline Brexiters to reject
would be used to minimise cumber-
some border checks. Both plans have
been rejected by Brussels as unwork-
Brexit. Hammond and Clark believe
the customs partnership approach is
the only one that could potentially
alive in public out of loyalty.
The prime minister’s spokesman
sought to play down the deadlock.
proposals Theresa May’s favoured option of a
customs partnership, in which Brit-
able in their present form.
Davis told MPs yesterday: “Both
avoid a hard border in Ireland.
Davis acknowledged the urgency
“There’s an ongoing process of put-
ting together the plans that will allow
ain would collect tariffs on the EU’s of these approaches have merits and of the issue. “It’s frankly incredibly us to leave the EU in the smoothest
behalf. Sources have said that option virtues, both have some drawbacks important that we get this right, not possible way,” he said.

John Crace

Interplanetary trade offers new

hope on another confusing day
in Davis’s looking-glass world

avid Davis isn’t Davis insisted that, despite
noted for his grasp the customs partnership having
of detail. Or for his been kicked into the long grass the
grasp of anything previous day, the government was
very much. But at still considering both the customs
Brexit questions in partnership and a more streamlined
the Commons, he took his lack model. “Both have their merits and
of awareness to new heights by their drawbacks,” he declared. One
seeming to forget there had been of which is that the EU has already
a meeting of the inner cabinet the in effect ruled both proposals out.
previous day. He’s going to get The shadow Brexit secretary, Keir
a hell of a shock when someone Starmer, looked at Davis with alarm
gently informs him that not only and pity.
was he there but he voted against On and on Davis went. “We are
the PM’s preferred customs acting in the best interests of the
partnership option. country,” he said. Now it was the
Brexit questions used to turn of the hardline Tory Brexiters
guarantee a nearly full house, but to look confused. They had been
the number of MPs has dwindled certain the government was really
to a mere handful. Most have just doing anything it could to keep
long since decided there’s only a them happy and to stay in power.
certain number of times they can Having talked himself round
slip through Davis’s looking-glass in circles to a position where
world before they don’t return. everything was equally possible
Of those unhappy few who and impossible, Davis sat down and
did decide to take one for the handed over to his junior minister,
team, almost all wanted an urgent Robin Walker.
update on the customs union – What did the people living on
time is running out to reach an both sides of the Irish border think
agreement by October. of the government’s proposed
“The customs union is a very solutions, asked Labour’s Karin
complex issue,” said Davis, Smyth. “Um, er, um, er, everyone
confidently channelling his inner understands the importance of
Alice. “So it should be no surprise a frictionless border,” Walker
that it is taking a long time.” A mumbled. “Um, er, um, er, we’re
few MPs began reaching for their still talking.” Though not in a
medication. It was going to be a language anyone but he and Davis
long hour. They didn’t need to be understands. Walker was then asked
told how complicated it all was. what steps had been taken to find a
The issue was that the government technological solution to the Irish
had taken so long to getting round border. “None whatsoever,” he said
to realise that fact for itself. proudly. Davis patted him on the
back. That’s my boy.
Walker was made to look an
‘The Brexit secretary intellectual giant by the arrival to
talked himself round the dispatch box of the department’s
most recent ministerial recruit.
in circles to a position Having dismissed the government’s
where everything own research into the economic
impact of leaving the customs union
was equally possible as rubbish, Suella Braverman then
made her big pitch for the future.
and impossible’ Outer space. Britain would conquer
the universe and be a world leader
in trade with Venus and Neptune.
To infinity and beyond. Just another
day in Brexit in Wonderland.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:24 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:16 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

24 National

King James
drafting and revision stages and little Casaubon. The unpublished letters and pre-eminent than any of the trans-
Alison Flood is known about how the translators revealed that Bois had asked Casaubon lators who worked on the translation,
worked together. for help translating passages he and and [his contributions] increased the

Bible’s classic A scholar has discovered that the

Hardy was consulting a printed
copy of the ancient Greek version of
his colleagues were struggling with.
Hardy studied Casaubon’s note-
prestige of the translation from their
point of view.”
King James Bible includes work by the Old Testament, held in Oxford’s books, held in the Bodleian since the Casaubon was visiting London at
text needed a previously unsuspected French
translator, whose contribution to the
Bodleian Library, when he noticed that
the thousands of handwritten annota-
1670s, finding records of the conversa-
tions Casaubon had with the translator
the time of the translation and could
barely speak or write English, accord-

a little help quintessentially English work has

been undetected for 400 years.
The landmark work, first published
tions in its margins were in the hand of
John Bois, one of the translators. The
annotations’ author had previously
Andrew Downes about other compli-
cations in the text.
“We think of the King James Bible as
ing to Hardy, so he corresponded with
the other translators in Latin.
“These new sources show us how
from France in 1611, was drafted by more than 40
translators. But according to Nicho-
been unknown.
At the British Library in London he
a distinctively English cultural prod-
uct, but as the most famous scholar of
complex [the] problems were, and
how strongly the translators could
las Hardy, of Birmingham University, found correspondence between Bois ancient Greek literature of the period, disagree with each other about how
very few documents survive from the and the renowned French scholar Isaac [Casaubon] was far more celebrated to solve them.”

England’s mortality
rate for under-fives 50%
higher than in Sweden
prematurely or with low birth weight
Nicola Davis have an increased risk of early death,
and those who survive are more likely
to have chronic ill-health or disability.”
Deaths in children under five occur The higher frequency of adverse
one-and-a-half times more often in birth characteristics such as low birth
England than in Sweden, a study has weight, pre-term birth or congenital
found. If the child mortality rate had anomalies in England were the main
been the same in England as in Sweden reasons for the excess risk of death
during the 10-year period analysed, compared with Sweden, accounting
more than 600 fewer children would for 77% of the excess risk for new-
have died a year, researchers said. borns and 68% for those under the
The UK has one of the highest child age of one.
mortality rates in western Europe, Socioeconomic factors explained a
because although it has a similar level further 3% of excess risk in newborns,
of economic development and health- and 11% in those under one. Com-
care to Sweden, the UK’s more unequal bined, they said, these factors fully
wealth distribution leads to poorer explained the difference in survival for
maternal health during pregnancy. under-fives in England and Sweden.
This causes more babies to be born Good maternal health – including
prematurely and with a low birth maintaining a healthy weight, avoid-
weight, said researchers from the UCL ing chronic illnesses such as diabetes
Great Ormond Street Institute of Child and avoiding high blood pressure, psy-
Health. Children born in England also chological stress and infections – and
tend to have more birth anomalies – healthy behaviours such as eating a
such as congenital heart defects – than balanced diet and avoiding smoking,
those in Sweden. drugs and alcohol are associated with
The study, published in the Lancet, healthy foetal development.
used medical data from the NHS and The UK has one of the most unequal
the Swedish health service to compare distributions of wealth of all western
births from 2003 to 2012 and track the countries. From 2003 to 2005, the most
children’s health and death records up deprived 20% of the UK’s population
to their fifth birthday. had a sevenfold lower income than the
This included information on the least deprived 20%, while the gap in
mother’s age, the family’s socio- Sweden was only four times. This sug-
economic position, the length of gests many more people in England
pregnancy, the child’s birth weight and are socioeconomically disadvantaged.
gender, and whether the child had any
birth anomalies.
Overall, the study included more Survival statistics
than 3.9m English births, with 11,392
deaths, and more than a million Swed-

ish births and 1,927 deaths.
Between two days and four years
old, the child mortality rate for Eng-
land was one-and-a-half times higher Fewer infants would have died
than for Sweden (29 deaths per 10,000 over 10 years if England’s mortality
children in England, compared with 19 rates were the same as Sweden’s
in Sweden). If the child mortality rate

had been the same, there would have
been 607 fewer child deaths a year in
England, equivalent to 6,073 in total
over the period. The number of deaths of children
The differing figures were driven under five years old in England
mainly by differences in mortality during the study, out of 3.9m births
among children under one.

Dr Ania Zylbersztejn of UCL Great
Ormond Street Institute of Child
Health, the lead author, said: “While
child deaths are still rare, the UK has The proportion of deaths affected by
one of the highest child mortality adverse birth characteristics, such
rates in western Europe. Babies born as abnormalities, among newborns
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:25 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 15:42 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

National 25

▼ Seána Kerslake brings light and

shade to the character of Cat

Theatre review
individuals who depend on a degree
‘It is infinitely
of collaboration.
more than The play itself helps to dent the
a loaded myth of the solo creator. Penhall

Evocative song of woe conflict over

wrote it but Roger Michell has
given it physical life by staging it
with a beautiful fluidity that allows
the arguments between the six

about pain of creativity

The music
business characters to flow back and forth.
Disproving Bernard’s thesis that
is simply a
actors are just mouthpieces, Ben
metaphor’ Chaplin endows the character with
any piece of art has untainted solo a sadness that offsets his inbuilt
Mood Music authorship. arrogance: he may be a vampire but
Old Vic, London Cat is a Dublin-born singer- when he expresses to his therapist
songwriter who has had a big hit that incredulity that he could ever know
★★★★☆ led to a US tour. Bernard is the artist- his wife’s feelings, you feel that he is
producer who put an album together trapped inside his own chauvinism.
Michael Billington with songs by the pair of them. Seána Kerslake also brings light
Battle is joined over Bernard’s claim and shade to the exploited Cat

of sole credit for the hit single, but by showing that she is seeking
oe Penhall is very good we see how the conflict is intensified vindictive triumph to compensate
at showing how a crisis as both parties resort to lawyers for her inability to satisfy her
can be exacerbated by the and seek to sort out their problems father’s dreams.
intervention of experts. through psychotherapy. Neil Stuke and Kurt Egyiawan,
In Blue/Orange (2000) Dramatically, the danger is as the lawyers, buzz around like
a black mental patient that the issue seems one-sided. flies, and Jemma Redgrave and Pip
became a ping-pong ball batted back Bernard is a bully with a palpable Carter, as the therapists, remind
and forth by white doctors. In this contempt not just for musicians but who treated her as little more than a through argumentative give-and- us of the perils of trying to stabilise
fascinating and highly topical new for singers, whom he equates with drugged-up rag doll. take. Everything is made worse by creative talent.
play, a conflict over ownership of actors and politicians as people who While the play makes the point willy-waving lawyers and musically I would have liked to have seen
a song escalates once the legal and “breathe life into words they didn’t that the music business treats ignorant therapists who try to even more of Cat and Bernard
psychiatric parasites enter the arena. necessarily write”. Cat is vulnerable, women badly, it is infinitely provide tidy solutions to intractable making music together, but this is a
Switching between consulting inexperienced and subject to all the more than a loaded conflict over problems. fine play that raises a host of issues
rooms and a recording studio and pressures women face in the record intellectual property. For a start, As I see it, the music business is without ever trying to resolve them.
moving around in time, Penhall industry. It even emerges that, on Penhall has the courage to show simply a metaphor: what Penhall
doesn’t just give us a contest: he tour in the US, she was lugged from the couple at work, where we see is really writing about is the way Until 16 June
demonstrates the illusion that one date to the next by a male crew how a song is often developed art is often the product of damaged Box office: 0844-871 7628
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:26 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 18:00 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

Section:GDN 1N PaGe:27 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 18:00 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

▼ McAllen, Texas 27
A border agent restrains two people
at the Mexican border after they were
caught crossing into the US illegally
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:28 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:34 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018


Revealed: Britain
plans push to
bolster alliance
against Russia
 Continued from page 1 “Putin is waging an information war
designed to turn our strongest asset –
sanctions linked to human rights give freedom of speech – against us. Russia
the UK greater moral credibility. is trying to fix us through deception,”
James Nixey, the head of the Russia said Tom Tugendhat, chair of the for-
programme at the thinktank Chatham eign affairs select committee, who says
House, said: “It’s hard to persuade Putin only responds if countries stand
even your closest allies to take tangi- up to him.
ble measures with impact if we’re not Some say truth is always contested
prepared to sacrifice some of the Rus- in international relations. President
sian investment in our own country Donald Trump was described by
and stick to a point of principle. Gov- his ex-CIA director James Comey as
ernment statements on this have been “untethered to the truth”.
either ambiguous or all over the place.” British politicians are not alone in
The UK says Russian denials over claiming Russia’s mendacity is a gov-
Salisbury and Douma reveal a state ernment-wide strategy that makes
uninterested in cooperating to reach traditional diplomacy ineffective.
a common understanding of the truth. Angela Merkel, the German chan-
Alicia Kearns, who ran the Foreign cellor, said after one phone call with
Office’s strategic counter-terrorism Putin that he lived in a different world.
communications in Syria and Iraq, David Cameron once told friends that
says Russia is seen as nearly unique the usual assumption was that other
in its willingness to conceal the truth. leaders were speaking their version of
“When we are dealing with most the truth. “With Putin you came off the
malign states or even terror groups, phone and you were not quite sure he
an element of truth is expected to believed what he was saying,” he said.
increase the efficacy of their disin- For some Baltic diplomats, Putin’s
formation, but with Russia there is regime now lies so systematically
no commitment, or adherence, to the that diplomatic dialogue is close to
truth,” she said. “For instance for the redundant. Linas Linkevič ius, the
first 10 days that Russia was inside Lithuanian foreign minister, said: “A
Syria, it insisted through a large prop- lie isn’t an alternative point of view;
aganda campaign that its planes were it is simply a lie and needs to be iden-
only bombing Islamic States positions, tified as such. A T-90 tank in Ukraine
and it was categorically not true.” isn’t just a ‘vehicle’. Propaganda is not
Russia’s critics say in case after a legitimate form of public diplomacy.”

Deny, distract, blame

case – the downing of Malaysia Air- For some old hands in the Foreign that Yulia has been abducted and
lines flight MH17, the role of Russian Office, however, demonising Russia hidden, and that someone injected
forces in Ukraine, the Litvinenko mur- is a disastrous strategy. Sir Anthony her with “chemicals” before tests
der, Syria’s use of chemical weapons, Brenton, British ambassador to Russia were carried out. It has also alleged
and cyber-attacks – the west ends up from 2004-08, insists a fruitful com- that the British have “destroyed
arguing not just about ideology or
interests, but Moscow’s denial or ques-
tioning of what western governments
mon agenda with Moscow on issues
such as nuclear disarmament, terror-
ism and cyberwarfare is still possible.
Moscow’s tactics in evidence” and refused to abide by
international norms.
The embassy has published letters
see as unchallengeable facts. “What on earth was her majesty’s from what it claims are UK citizens,
foreign secretary doing comparing
the Russian World Cup with Hitler’s
1936 Olympics?” he asked. “If you are
the propaganda war expressing sympathy for Vladimir
Putin. “Why include to poison
his daughter Yulia who is Russian
looking for a single statement really citizen and lives in Moscow?” one
calculated to infuriate the Russians “correspondent” asks.
there it is, or indeed the defence to one version of events. Theresa The Skripal case vividly
secretary telling Russia to shut up. Ele- Luke Harding May, the prime minister, says it is illustrates how the Kremlin
mentary diplomacy goes a long way “highly likely” Moscow carried out has abandoned conventional
with the Russians.” the attack using a Soviet-made nerve diplomacy. Its foreign emissaries

Figures such as Brenton fear that he Twitter account agent. Only the Kremlin had the are full-time trolls, with Alexander
not only would a British all-out assault of the Russian motive to kill its former officer, she Yakovenko, its ambassador to the
on Russian mendacity drive Moscow embassy in London argues. UK, personally approving many
into arms of China, but also risk Brit- has been busy over The embassy, and its boss, Sergei tweets. Moscow’s tactics include
ish diplomatic overreach, given Brexit. the past two months, Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, sarcasm, denial, innuendo and noisy
Pushing for further action risks offering numerous have offered alternative scenarios. counter-accusation.
dividing the alliance the Foreign Office explanations for the poisoning of Lavrov said a Swiss laboratory used David Clark, a former special
achieved after the Salisbury poison- Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury. to test the poison identified another adviser to Robin Cook, the late
ings. One ex-foreign secretary said: “It All hint at a dark and sprawling toxin called BZ. Russia did not have foreign secretary, said Russia’s
is better for the Foreign Office to camp British conspiracy. Since the Skripals it. The US, UK and Nato did, he said. strategy was to lead people into “a
▲ Coverage of the Skripal poisoning on where they have got to. The crucial were found on a park bench in early Moscow has also claimed that wilderness of mirrors”. “There is an
by Moscow-funded channel RT thing is to keep the alliance together.” March, Downing Street has stuck the Skripals were not poisoned, endless loop of disinformation and
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:29 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:34 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

Road to nowhere? Badge of honour 29

Wheels come off Paris US teacher of thee year
bike hire scheme otest
stages silent protest
Page 31 Page 32

“We monitored all the lies the

Russian media were pushing. Their
modus operandi is to deny, distract
and blame,” Popovych said.
These tactics may have limited
impact internationally, but are
pretty effective inside Russia, she
said. Even Putin’s critics seem
unconvinced of Moscow’s guilt.
“It’s about broadcasting
thoroughly tailored narratives,
which are not even based on the
news. This happens on purpose on
major TV channels controlled by the
Kremlin,” Popovych said.
Russian broadcasters waged a
relentless campaign against Europe,
she said, with an average of 18
negative references a day. Europe is
depicted as dangerous, decadent, ▲ A screengrab from showing a video mocking British journalists’
immoral, and home to fascism coverage of the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal PHOTOGRAPH: RT.COM
and revisionism. The EU is falling

Online Skripal jokes and

apart. Germans and Scandinavians
routinely take children away from
Russian families and give them to
“gays”, state TV claims.
The depiction of Britain inside
Russia is worse, analysis of more clickbait increase traffic
than three years of content suggests.
The UK is portrayed as Europe’s
most Russophobic country and an explained Hutchings. “They work
insidious and unreliable partner. Jim Waterson with the grain of online culture.”
A report by the Rossiya 1 channel The approach seems to be

referred to May’s “pale, tired working. Posts on RT’s English-
flesh” and hinted that she had a he poisoning of the language Facebook page have
drinking problem. Only Belarus and Skripals is unlikely attracted twice as many likes and
Switzerland get positive coverage. material for a jokey shares in the past three months as
So far, the Foreign Office has video. But that didn’t those on the Sun’s page, according
taken baby steps to fight back. It has stop the Kremlin- to data provided by the audience-
released a mini-film setting out how backed broadcaster measuring business EzyInsights.
Moscow spreads fictitious stories. RT posting a clip on its video strand This has been achieved by
The video identified three “tried and ICYMI, mocking UK journalists’ focusing on extreme topics and
tested” steps. These were “inventing reporting and questioning the conspiracy theories, with headlines
multiple theories to mask the competence of the perpetrators. that are unlikely to appear in more
truth”, getting officials to endorse “It’s been a huge novi-cockup,” traditional media, such as: “Syrians
them as credible, and “using bots says presenter Polly Boiko in a support Assad but BBC won’t report
and fake accounts to amplify fake plummy British accent, going on to it, British baroness tells RT.”
information”. suggest Sergei Skripal’s pets – locked What’s less clear is how much
None of this, the government in his home when it was sealed off thought goes into this approach.
says, changes the facts. The during the police investigation – Former employees of the site
Organisation for the Prohibition were “the true victims” of the saga. describe a chaotic workplace staffed
of Chemical Weapons confirmed Media coverage of RT has largely by inexperienced journalists,
novichok was used in Salisbury. tended to focus on its 24-hour where a bias towards covering
half-formed opinions. It gets echoed ▲ A Russia Today broadcast van Russia’s identification of BZ was TV news channel, which is under fringe political views is often
and replicated artificially, by Russian parked in front of Saint Basil’s false – a “malign” and “craven” investigation by Ofcom for seven supplemented by a more powerful
bots, as well as by genuine means,” cathedral and the Kremlin attempt to shift the blame potential breaches of broadcasting desire to write anything that would
he said. PHOTOGRAPH: MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/GETTY elsewhere, according to the EU and impartiality standards after the bring in viral traffic. This means a
Clark is sceptical that Kremlin OPCW delegates. Salisbury incident. What has focus on stories guaranteed to fire
propaganda works. He noted that identified Russia as the source of the Mark Sedwill, the UK’s national received less scrutiny is RT’s up a particular demographic, from
“most people in the world are not on novichok poison. security adviser, took the unusual unregulated online operation, which attacks on the BBC to criticism of
Twitter” and pointed to a YouGov But it had not: the UK’s case was step of releasing classified reaches millions of people each safe spaces on university campuses.
poll that found 75% of Britons based on intelligence and analysis intelligence. In a letter to Jens week with its excitable rewrites Most staffers said that with the
thought the Russian state was of previous Kremlin assassinations, Stoltenberg, the Nato secretary of mainstream news stories, exception of stories on issues such as
probably behind the poisoning. This including the 2006 murder of general, Sedwill said Skripal’s former livestreamed video coverage of the war in Syria, RT’s management
included 37% who thought Moscow Alexander Litvinenko, killed with a spy agency, the GRU, had targeted protests and constant questioning were usually more interested in
was “almost certainly” responsible. radioactive cup of tea. Yulia’s email account. Over the past of anything deemed to be an chasing traffic than pushing a
Only 5% believed Russia was Nataliia Popovych, the co-founder decade, Russia had produced small established news source. centrally agreed line from Moscow.
innocent. On the continent, there of the Ukraine Crisis Media Center, amounts of novichok, he said, and “People judge RT by its television According to Hutchings, RT’s
were similar suspicions. Almost said Russia’s Skripal playbook had used special units to test the poison output, which is completely the future in the UK could be as an
60% of Germans, and just over half been seen in Ukraine. on door handles. wrong way to judge it as the viewing unregulated online-only publisher.
of French people, believed the UK Dutch investigators found that In spite of this openness, critics figures are not very impressive,” Boiko, the ICYMI host, said
government’s case. This was echoed in 2014, Kremlin-backed rebels had say Downing Street has been slow to said Prof Stephen Hutchings, of the RT’s audience could understand
at an official level. In March, more shot down Malaysia Airlines flight respond to cynical Russian attacks. University of Manchester, who is perfectly well the “concept and the
than 20 western countries expelled MH17 over eastern Ukraine, killing “They haven’t been proactive,” conducting a research project on the intent” of her team’s videos, which
dozens of Russian diplomats. 298. Moscow supplied the Buk Clark said of the Foreign Office and channel. “Their success is down to she said offered a “sharp, satirical
Still, the Kremlin’s protestations missile. politicians. “Despite everything, the their online output.” take on the biggest headlines” and
have had some impact on UK Russian state TV offered a series British elite is still conflicted about Crucial to this success is the were meant to challenge viewers
politics. In the House of Commons, of wildly implausible counter- how to deal with Russia. War has tone, exemplified by ICYMI and “to think critically and get them
the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, claims. It said the passengers were been declared, but we’re not fighting other parts of RT’s online operation, talking – and perhaps smiling – along
appeared reluctant to blame Russia. already dead, a Ukrainian fighter jet a war back.” which combines tabloid desire for with us”. Asked whether she had
Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, had shot the plane down, and the The government should enlighten headlines with the snark and memes ever received instructions from
then claimed the government CIA and other western intelligence Russian citizens about the Kremlin’s of internet culture. “The irreverence RT’s management on how to cover a
science facility at Porton Down had agencies were in on the plot. multiple abuses at home, he said. is very much part of their strategy,” story, she replied: “No.”
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:30 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 18:37 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

30 World

‘Devastating’ Punjab clips Red Bull’s wings by

dust storms banning ‘energy drink’ labelling
in India kill Memphis Barker
to become bodybuilders, for example,
have been known to drink several cans

more than Islamabad

Pakistan’s most populous province

at once, added a PFA spokesman. Some
end up in hospital, he said.
The PFA has given makers of
100 people has ordered energy drink manufac-
turers including Red Bull to remove
energy drinks until the end of the
year to replace the word “energy” with
the word “energy” from their labels, “stimulant” on their labels, and add
saying it is scientifically misleading warnings in Urdu against consump-
and encourages people to guzzle them tion by pregnant women and children
Michael Safi in potentially dangerous quantities. under the age of 12.
Delhi The order comes amid increasing The PFA has demanded that energy
international regulatory curbs on the drink firms, which sell about 312m cans
Severe dust storms across north- highly caffeinated fizzy drinks mar- a year in Punjab, must limit caffeine to
ern India have killed more than 100 ▲ People cover their noses in a dust storm in Delhi PHOTOGRAPH: MANISH SWARUP/AP ket and is believed to be the first in the 200 parts per million (ppm) – about
people, destroyed homes and left hun- world to censor the term “energy” – a half the amount Red Bull contains.
dreds without electricity. uprooted and power supplies cut. Less and strong winds that are expected to key part of the drinks’ appeal. Pakistan has a particular incentive
Clouds of thick dust and sand fre- intense storms in Delhi caused traf- continue over the weekend. The scientific advisory panel of to curb the industry, Mengal said.
quently blow across the region during fic jams and flight diversions. Andhra Most of the deaths occurred when the Punjab Food Authority (PFA) said A 2017 study showed energy drinks
the dry season, but the death toll from Pradesh was hit by more than 41,000 houses people were sleeping in the drinks did not provide nutritional increase blood pressure five times
this week’s storms has been unusually lightning strikes in a matter of hours, collapsed overnight, disaster manage- energy. Instead, the large quantities more than an equivalent amount of
high. The dust has been followed by disaster officials said. ment officials said. Falling pylons and of caffeine, taurine and guarana in caffeine in coffee, and Pakistan has one
lightning storms and rains. Shivam Lohia, who owns a resort trees also contributed to the death toll. energy drinks simply stimulated the of the highest rates of heart disease.
At least 64 people died in Uttar hotel in Rajasthan, said he abandoned The dust storms are created by a swift release of existing reserves. After “marathon” consultation with
Pradesh, most in Agra district where his car and ran for his life after it was rapid ascent of warm air which creates “In TV commercials [drinkers] the industry, most manufacturers had
the Taj Mahal is located. Another 35 are almost blown away. “I haven’t seen a vacuum that air closer to the ground throw huge tyres, they keep running agreed to comply with the new regu-
confirmed to have died in Rajasthan such a devastating storm in at least 25 rushes to fill, taking sand and dust with and running,” Noorul Amin Men- lations, the PFA said.
and two each in Uttarakhand and Mad- years. Everyone was scared and run- it. Meteorologists said abnormally gal, PFA director, told the Guardian. Last year Turkey limited soft drink
hya Pradesh. The death toll in all four ning for cover as trees and homes were high temperatures had contributed “These adverts are misleading our illit- caffeine levels to 150ppm and UK
states could still rise. getting blown away,” Lohia told AFP. to the disaster. Similar storms last erate population.” supermarkets, including Waitrose,
The destruction has extended to The dust clouds were trailed by thun- month killed at least 15 people in Uttar Following an aggressive marketing Tesco and Aldi, no longer sell energy
Punjab and Haryana, where trees were der and lightning storms, heavy rain Pradesh, and damaged the Taj Mahal. campaign in Pakistan, people seeking drinks to those under the age of 16.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:31 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 18:38 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

World 31
▼ The chunky Vélib bikes were once
seen as proof that big cities could have
environmentally friendly transport

leader an early
target of fake
news law
Hannah Ellis-Petersen
South-east Asia correspondent

The opposition leader in the upcoming

Malaysian elections is being investi-
gated under the country’s new fake
news laws, police have confirmed.
Mahathir Mohamad, who was prime
minister of Malaysia for two decades
and is running again aged 92, claimed
last weekend that people working for
the government were responsible for
the “sabotage” of his plane, to stop him
registering as an election candidate.
On Wednesday Malaysian police
said Mahathir was being investigated
under the fake news legislation, which
was rushed through parliament by
the prime minister, Najib Razak last
month, amid fears from human rights
groups it could be used by the govern-
ment against its opponents.
The complaint against Mahathir

On yer bike!
that the system they loved has been the first city to introduce a municipal was filed by members of the ruling
ruined,” Hidalgo said. “We must bike-share scheme, but it was the party, UMNO – which Mahathir used
have a service that works, as fast as largest. The scheme was run for a to lead – claiming that his allegations of
possible, to regain users’ trust.” decade by the outdoor advertising sabotage fuelled an incorrect and dam-

Paris cycle-share under Hidalgo is seen as a key Socialist

opposition leader under the
presidency of the centrist Emmanuel
company JCDecaux but last year it
was put out to tender.
Smovengo won a €700m (£620m)
aging perception of the ruling coalition
government, and therefore should be
investigated under the legislation.
Macron, but she is under increasing deal to run the system for 15 years, In an open letter published last

pressure as wheels fall pressure from the right and the hard
left over the Vélib trouble.
Smovengo unveiled an emergency
promising to introduce higher-tech,
connected bikes, with one third
of them electric. Old bikes were
Saturday, Mahathir detailed how a
chartered plane due to take him to the
island of Langkawi – where he is run-

off hi-tech upgrade plan plan yesterday, vowing to streamline

the operation, open more docking
stations linked to the electricity grid
removed and docking stations dug
up in order to be replaced in January.
Four months on, less than half of
ning as a parliamentary candidate for
the elections on 9 May – suffered suspi-
cious damage to the tyre so was unable
and set up about 800 more cycle the 1,400 planned docking stations to fly. He said other people had indi-
docks by late June. It also vowed to have been created and the company cated they were “under pressure” not
models under a new operator, the improve communication with users. is having to pay millions of euros in to lend him their aircraft as a back-up.
Angelique Chrisafis French-Spanish consortium When the Vélib “freedom bikes” penalties. Crucially, of those that Mahathir arrived in Langkawi in
Paris Smovengo. Blighted by glitches, were launched in 2007, Paris was not do exist, many have been beset time to register, but he said: “It is

delays and a dwindling number of by computer glitches and a lack of logical to believe that there is a delib-
nce it was the pride users, the bike scheme has become access to the electricity grid. erate attempt to stop me from going
of Paris. The French a public relations disaster for the The number of Vélib subscribers to Langkawi … I maintain my belief
capital’s self-service French capital and could even has dropped from 290,000 last year that the plane was deliberately tam-
bike-share scheme, threaten the political future of the to 219,000. A public-sector worker pered with.”
Vélib, was copied from left at Paris city hall. who had used Vélib for a decade The allegations were dismissed by
London to Seattle and The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, said: “I’ve basically given up. It has the Civil Aviation Authority of Malay-
seen as proof that large cities could along with politicians from the city’s become impossible to get a bike.” sia and the aircraft company, Vista Jet,
revolutionise green transport. outskirts, held crisis talks this week Simon Labouret, of the cyclists’ who both said it was a technical fault.
But the famous chunky grey and demanded new emergency group Paris en Selle (Paris in the The decision to investigate
bicycles have now virtually ground measures to get the scheme working. Saddle), said: “The Vélib fiasco is at Mahathir will fuel concern that the law
to a standstill amid the chaotic “Parisians, who are very attached ▲ Abandoned Vélib bikes were found complete odds with Paris’s objective was designed to silence Najib’s critics
rollout of a new generation of hi-tech to these self-service bikes, consider after a canal in Paris was drained to get more people cycling.” before the election. Under the law, the
government decides what constitutes
fake news. The offence carries a jail

Sweden admits its national dish immediately apparent reason. “Let’s

stick to the facts!”
Turkey’s Anadolu agency seized the
In Turkey’s meatball capital, İnegöl,
this week, a local chef, İbrahim Veysel,
told the Doğan news agency it was an
sentence of up to six years and a fine of
500,000 ringgit (£93,000) for anyone
who “maliciously” creates and distrib-
is culinary import from Turkey chance to speak to Annie Mattsson, of
the literature department at Uppsala
honour that the Turkish dish should
have become “an example to different
utes false information.

University, who confirmed that, after cuisines all over the world”.
TRT World, Turkey’s publicly funded losing a crucial battle against Russia in Others were less happy. Serdar
Jon Henley international television news channel. 1709, Charles and the remnants of his Çam, the president of the Turk-
“Swedish meatballs originally Turk- army took refuge in what is now Mol- ish Cooperation and Coordination
ish dish: Swedish government,” said dova, then part of the Ottoman empire. Agency, complained that Ikea, which
Turks have reacted with undisguised the headline in Hürriyet Daily News, Charles spent six years in exile in sells 2m meatballs a day in its restau-
glee to what many have described as after Sweden’s official national Twit- and around present-day Turkey. rants, should not be selling the dish as
an official – and certainly long over- ter account, @swedense, came clean Having acquired a taste for the local though it were Swedish.
due – confession from Stockholm that last weekend. cuisine, he returned to Sweden in 1714 Örjan, the forlorn – though pre-
Sweden’s signature national dish is, in “Swedish meatballs are actu- with the recipe for köfte, the spiced sumably tongue-in-cheek – Swede
fact, Turkish. ally based on a recipe King Charles lamb and beef meatballs that in time curating the country’s @sweden tour-
“Those famous Swedish meatballs XII brought home from Turkey in became the Swedish staple köttbullar, ism account on Twitter lamented that ▲ Mahathir Mohamad is being
you get in Ikea are actually Turkish, the early 18th century,” the Swedish and for the popular stuffed cabbage the news had shaken him. “My whole investigated by police after he claimed
admits Swedish government,” tweeted account revealed abruptly and for no dish known in Sweden as kåldolmar. life has been a lie,” he tweeted. his aeroplane had been sabotaged
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:32 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 18:56 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

32 In brief

United States in the White House and praised

her “incredible devotion”. The
Teacher’s badge protest US president said: “Teachers like
as she meets Trump Mandy play a vital role in the
wellbeing of our children, the
A teacher of teenage refugees staged strength of our communities and the
a silent protest by wearing several success of our nation.”
overtly political badges while Manning wore six badges. Reports
receiving an award from Donald said that they included one with a
Trump this week. poster for the Women’s March that
Mandy Manning works at followed Trump’s inauguration, one
the newcomer centre at Joel E that said “Trans Equality Now” and
Ferris high school in Spokane, one in the shape of an apple with a
Washington, which specialises in rainbow. Trump did not appear to
English lessons for new refugees and notice the badges. Manning later
immigrant students. said her students “make the US
Trump presented her with the the beautiful place it is”.
national teacher of the year award David Smith Washington

Switzerland 2011 to allow people over 18 to buy

and use cannabis with no more than
Lidl stores sell cannabis 1% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),
as tobacco alternative the plant’s main psychoactive
constituent. The products on sale
You may have heard about its cut- in Lidl are designed to provide a
price stollen. But you probably will relaxing and anti-inflammatory
not have sampled the latest range effect, but not to be intoxicating.
offered by the supermarket chain “The legally cultivable varieties
Lidl: locally grown cannabis. contain only very small amounts
Two products derived from hemp of THC and a high proportion of
Making a splash Héctor Velázquez, a pitcher for the Boston flowers are for sale in Swiss stores as CBD [cannabidiol],” Lidl said.
an alternative to rolling tobacco. The German supermarket said
Red Sox baseball team, douses his team-mate Mookie Betts A 1.5g box, from plants grown its supplier – The Botanicals – relied
with sports drink as Betts is interviewed after a 5-4 defeat of indoors, costs 17.99 Swiss francs on sustainable agriculture and
the Kansas City Royals. Betts hit three solo home runs, setting a (£13.20). A 3g bag of flowers grown did not use chemical, synthetic or
in greenhouses is 19.99 Swiss francs. genetically modified substances.
TIM BRADBURY/GETTY record for the most ‘three-homer’ games by a Red Sox player.
Switzerland changed the law in Daniel Boffey
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:33 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 15:41 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

World 33

‘Democracy is
malfunctioning in
Turkey … the mind
that governs us
must rely on laws’
Meral Akşener
Leader of the İyi party

 Meral Akşener
sits in front of
a portrait of
Mustafa Kemal
Atatürk, founder
of the Turkish
republic, in her
party’s offices
in Ankara

Turkey’s iron lady

curtailed under a state of emergency 2016. The Republican People’s party
that has been in place since a failed (CHP), a hardline secularist party
coup attempt in July 2016. that has not won an election since
“Having one person in charge 2002, will probably back Akşener as
will cost Turkey a lot in the middle a candidate who can reach across

‘Now it’s time for them, the

and long term. Democracy is the aisle.
malfunctioning in Turkey and we “Turkey is mainly a rightwing
need to re-establish it,” Akşener country,” said Soner Cagaptay,
said. “I am a practising Muslim … director of the Turkish research
but the mind that governs us must programme at the Washington

men in power, to feel fear’ rely on laws. The state’s secularism

makes it possible to change laws that
are made for people and to change
them according to the needs of
Institute and the author of a
biography of Erdoğan. “Her party
will be a serious challenge, at least a
major headache to him from his soft
citizens over time.” flank, the right.”
credible challenger to the incumbent important elections of our country’s Akşener emerged as the almost However, that rightwing appeal
Kareem Shaheen Istanbul president – the dominant figure in history.” default candidate for the opposition means Akşener must also contend
Gokce Saracoglu Turkish politics for the past 16 years The ascendancy of Erdoğan’s after the former president Abdullah with the ultranationalist and racist

– since last month when he called ruling and Islamist-oriented Justice Gül – a founding member of the AKP history of her political forebears,
tanding near a statue of snap elections for 24 June, a year and Development (AK) party has who fell out with Erdoğan – decided a legacy that means İyi has been
the Turkish republic’s and a half ahead of schedule. been a fact of Turkish political life not to run. The pro-Kurdish People’s compared to Europe’s populist,
founder, Mustafa Kemal The winner of the poll will for a decade and a half. It dominates Democratic party (HDP) nominated anti-immigrant parties. It is a charge
Atatürk, in the Black assume an executive presidency the conservative and nationalist its leader, Selahattin Demirtaş, who Akşener vehemently denies.
Sea town of Giresun with sweeping powers that voters right after an alliance with the has been in prison since November Kurdish voters in Turkey’s
earlier this year, Meral narrowly approved in a referendum Nationalist Movement party (MHP) south-east have always been wary
Akşener lambasted and mocked last year. Polls show an easy victory of Devlet Bahçeli, with whose help it of nationalist politicians, and
the ruling party of President Recep for Erdoğan in the first round but a was able to win in the referendum. Akşener’s tenure as interior minister
Tayyip Erdoğan. much tighter race, within the margin Akşener, the granddaughter occurred during one of the worst
His apparatchiks had hurt their of error, in the second if he is pitted of immigrants who arrived from periods of human rights violations
hands, she told the farmers in the against Akşener. Greece in the 1920s, was a veteran by the state against Kurds in the
crowd, counting the millions of “Back when everything was of Bahçeli’s party, serving as region. She will face an uphill battle
euros with which they had enriched up in the air, I was the first person interior minister in the 90s, until an in convincing them to back her in
themselves while in office. Across to declare my candidacy against insurgent challenge to his leadership a possible second round, and she
the square a giant banner implored: Erdoğan,” Akşener, leader of the İyi forced her to leave. has said little on efforts to resolve
“Save us, iron lady.” (Good) party, told the Guardian. She hopes her presidential the Kurdish issue, speaking in more
Whatever the president touched “I have said this since the campaign will attract both defectors general terms about preserving the
turned to dust, she said. He had once beginning of the process: in the first from the AKP’s camp and opposition nation’s identity while respecting
dubbed Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s round, everyone should simply members who are fed up with their the rights of minority groups.
dictator and an ally turned foe, vote for their own candidate; in political bloc’s failure to defeat Akşener has said her party,
“Brother Assad”. the second round, for the sake of Erdoğan in any election since 2002. headed by the granddaughter of
“I hope he never calls me Brother our democracy, for our country, Akşener has pledged to roll back immigrants, is open to all identities.
Meral”, she said to roaring laughter. the opposition should leave aside the presidential system, put the And, in a male-dominated political
The 61-year-old Akşener, its bickering and support the country’s relations with the EU back culture, she has another message:
nicknamed Asena (She-wolf ) by her opposition candidate, whoever it is. on track and restore the rule of law in ▲ Recep Tayyip Erdoğan faces a tight “Now it is time for them, the men in
admirers, has emerged as the only “This election is one of the most Turkey, where freedoms have been race if the poll goes to a second round power, to feel fear.”
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:34 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 16:49 cYanmaGentaYellowbl
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:35 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 19:18 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •


FTSE 100 All share Dow Indl Nikkei 225 £/€ £/$
-40.51 - 22.73 -17.05 0.00
Closed for
public holiday 1.1329 1.3541
7502.69 4128.12 23907.93 22472.78 -0.0044 -0.0058

Gold is old
A miner
for gold in
Demand for
the precious
metal dropped
January and
March, its
weakest first
quarter since
the 2008
financial crisis.
Demand has
fallen 7% on
a year ago, the
World Gold
Council said.


UK growth forecasts slashed

suffered a loss of underlying momen- indicators, forcing lenders to revise
tum and makes the chances of a rate their outlook.
hike next week extremely slim”. The IHS Markit PMI, which cov-
Threadneedle Street policymakers ers about 40% of the services sector

after first-quarter standstill

meet on 10 May to judge the state of and excludes high street shops, found
the economy and decide whether to that the rate of jobs growth, sales and
increase interest rates for only the investment were hit by uncertainty
second time since the 2008 financial about the economic outlook as well
crash. Several members of the central as sluggish demand from consumers.
bank’s rate-setting committee indi- But it said optimism about the next
of the year, well below the 0.5% the The balance of responses from firms cated in the early part of the year that 12 months had increased: “The bal-
Economy now expected to thinktank had been forecasting. across all sectors left the Chartered they were ready to increase the cost of ance of companies expecting a rise in
increase by 1.4%, down from “It is not clear if this is just a soft Institute of Purchasing and Supply/ borrowing, and several mortgage lend- business activity over the year ahead
1.9%, says leading thinktank patch or the start of a prolonged period IHS Markit purchasing managers’ ers raised the cost of their two-year reached its highest level since Janu-
of weakness” Kara said, but he added index (PMI) at 53.2, up from 51.9 in fixed-rate loans in response. However, ary. This was attributed to forthcoming
that at present NIESR believed growth March, but much lower than the 54.2 the likelihood of a rise has receded product launches, new marketing
would pick up to average about 0.4% in in February. A figure above 50 indi- following a series of weak economic plans and discounting strategies.”
Larry Elliott and Phillip Inman each of the next three quarters. cates expansion. NIESR predicts Britain’s growth
With the latest snapshot of the Chris Williamson, the chief busi- rate will recover to 1.7% in 2019 and
UK service sector activity has risen
One of Britain’s leading economic UK service sector pointing to only a ness economist at IHS Markit, said: 1.8% in 2020, provided the eventual
to 52.8 showing faster growth, but
thinktanks has slashed its forecasts for modest recovery in April from the “Services growth accelerated but, after Brexit deal guaranteed a high level of
still one of the weakest readings in
2018 following evidence that growth weather-affected dip in activity in March’s low, was the second weakest access for goods and services exports
the past two years
almost came to a halt in the first three March, NIESR predicted that the Bank for over one and a half years.” to the EU. Kara said: “Although the UK
PMI business activity index.
months of the year. of England would delay the next rise He added: “The weak services data 50=no change on previous month
government and the EU have made
The National Institute for Economic in interest rates until August and then follows news that manufacturing lost progress with a transition agreement,
and Social Research (NIESR) said it move only if the economy was grow- further momentum in April, with out- there is still a risk that talks fail and the
now expected expansion of 1.4% in ing at 0.4%-0.5% a quarter. put rising at the second-slowest rate 60 UK ends up trading under WTO rules.”
2018 – down from the 1.9% it had been Services firms also reported the for just over a year. The brightest news 55 It also believes that recruitment
predicting three months ago – and pre- third-lowest level of business activity came from the construction sector, difficulties in the public sector and
dicted that interest rates would not rise since the EU referendum in 2016, defy- which saw the largest monthly out- growing concerns over the impact of
until August at the earliest. ing City economists’ expectations of a put rise since November, albeit after 45 austerity on public services will force
The NIESR economist Amit Kara stronger recovery after the cold snap an especially sharp decline in March.” 40
the government to spend more from
said the “significant” downward in March. Firms that sell services to Paul Hollingsworth, at Capital Jul Jan Jan Jan Jan 2019 onwards. Garry Young, another
revision was the result of official fig- consumers were the worst hit, notably Economics, said the weakness of the 1996 2000 2005 2010 2015 NIESR economist, said he believed
ures showing that the economy grew hotels and restaurants. The strongest rebound in April would “do little to that government spending cuts had
Source: IHS Markit, ONS
by only 0.1% in the first three months expansion was in financial services. assuage fears that the economy has now gone “too far”.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:36 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:05 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

36 Financial

Jobs at risk as Virgin shuts call House of Fraser

Tillman and the businessmen Sand-
eep Vyas and Haseeb Aziz.
The business secured a £12.5m
loan from Secure Trust Bank to fund may be forced
centre and fashion group falters its turnaround. But since then, fash-
ion retailers have faced a tough
market. The weather – an unusually
to set aside
warm autumn last year and miserable
spring this year – has combined with millions to cut
Swansea centre employs 792 staff. blow for Swansea,” he said. Carolyn the squeeze on consumers, the rising
Zoe Wood and Sarah Butler Some roles are being switched to
Harris, the Swansea East MP, said
Virgin Media had handled the situa-
cost of labour and imported goods, a
continuing switch to online shopping
pensions deficit
The telecoms company said the tion very badly and had “questions to and a trend for shoppers to spend more
More than 1,500 jobs are at risk after decision was part of a £40m plan answer” about the job losses. on leisure than fashion, to create the
Virgin Media announced plans to to create “fewer, higher-quality Virgin Media’s chief executive, Tom harsh retail environment. Sarah Butler
shut a Swansea call centre, and as the workplaces”. Mockridge, said: “We have proposed Store closures are planned at New
company behind the fashion brands Virgin Media, which has 14,000 the closure of a small number of our Look and Carpetright, while Toys R Us
Jacques Vert and Windsmoor teeters employees across more than 100 offices over the next two years, includ- and Maplin have collapsed. Mother- House of Fraser’s rescue restructuring
on the edge of collapse. sites, is reducing the number of cus- ing our call centre in Swansea and our care and Homebase are also expected faces a hurdle after it emerged that the
More than 1,000 jobs are on the tomer operations centres from eight current site in Nottingham. to close stores as they struggle to find department store chain may have to
line at Calvetron. Administrators are to four, creating larger regional hubs “These changes will help deliver new funding. fund a multimillion-pound injection
expected to be formally appointed in Wythenshawe in Greater Manches- a more agile, digitally oriented Calvetron’s problems have been into its pension schemes.
at the parent group, Calvetron Style ter, Bellshill near Glasgow, Gateshead, experience, which our customers magnified by difficulties at Deben- The ailing retailer could be required
Holdings, today for what will be the Teesside and Reading. increasingly expect as standard.” hams and House of Fraser, two of its to set aside a significant sum to secure
second time in a year. The Swansea West MP, Geraint Last summer, Calvetron was biggest retail partners. the support of the Pension Protection
Virgin Media confirmed it was cut- Davies, described the job cuts as restructured in a rescue deal that At the time of the 2017 rescue, Cal- Fund (PPF), an industry-backed body
ting jobs as part of a shake-up that will “catastrophe for our city”. resulted in several hundred job losses. vetron had more than 1,200 UK staff that bails out troubled schemes.
involve the closure of its call centre “I’m stunned by the Virgin job It was acquired by a group of retail working in shops in department stores. The department store has
in Swansea and another site in Not- losses, which is a traumatic shock for investors, which at the time included Calvetron was not available to approached the PPF as it plans to close
tingham over the next two years. The every family concerned and a body the former Jaeger owner Harold comment. stores and cut rents via a company vol-
untary arrangement (CVA), a form of
insolvency that must be approved by
creditors. Without the support of the
PPF the CVA may fail.
Industry experts suggested House
of Fraser will have to consider clos-
Television’s ing at least 20 sites under the CVA to
ensure a viable future.
prime mover C.banner, the Chinese firm that
Amazon’s bought a 51% stake in House of
Prime Video Fraser’s parent company this week,
has pledged to buy further shares
for nearly £70m, some of which will
the fastest- help support a turnaround plan. It is
growing video- thought the PPF may ask that some
on-demand of these new funds be diverted to the
pension schemes.
service in The firm runs two defined bene-
Britain last fit schemes, which together are in a
year. Series surplus by just under £100m on an
accounting basis in the latest calcu-
such as the lation in March. But the insolvency
Marvelous Mrs process automatically triggers the
Maisel, right, involvement of the PPF. It will be
counted as a creditor in the CVA, partly
helped fuel a because House of Fraser’s pension
41% year-on- schemes are understood to be tens of
year increase millions of pounds in deficit on a buy-
out basis, a more stringent analysis,
in subscribers
which considers the cost of passing
to 4.3 million. on the liabilities to an insurance firm.
John Ralfe, an independent pen-
sions expert, said the schemes were
likely to be significantly in deficit.
“Sorting out House of Fraser’s two
pension schemes – with total liabili-
ties of more than £600m in March 2018
PHOTOGRAPH: SARAH – makes a CVA more difficult,” he said.
SHATZ/AMAZON The PPF forced Toys R Us, the now
collapsed toy retailer, to pledge £9m
in additional funding to support its

Watchdog to review proposed chair of the business, energy and

industrial strategy committee, also
called for examination by the Com-
in the marketplace”, and said “Tesco
and Sainsbury’s might decide to get
together, as the government didn’t
scheme before agreeing to back a CVA
in December last year.
However, it does not always demand
merger of Sainsbury’s and Asda petition and Markets Authority: “This
merger threatens customer choice,
turn a hair.”
George Eustice, the farming min-
cash. The PPF backed the recent CVA
by Carpetright after being satisfied
hands yet more power to mighty ister, said it was up to the CMA to that the company’s existing plan to
two businesses would account for 60% supermarket players and heaps more examine the implications of the tackle the £8.5m deficit over a num-
Sarah Butler of the market. pressure on [smaller] suppliers.” merger for consumers and the wider ber of years was sufficient. The PPF
“The cost savings being promised The grocery code adjudicator, market methodically, and take any said it would not comment on the cir-
through this merger must not come Christine Tacon, who regulates super- action necessary. cumstances of “ongoing companies”.
MPs from two parliamentary com- through squeezing those further down markets’ relationships with direct The CMA is expected to announce House of Fraser is also in talks with
mittees have asked the competition the supply chain,” said the Tory MP suppliers, was questioned in parlia- in the next few weeks whether it will the Pensions Regulator over the impact
regulator to examine how the merger Neil Parish, chair of the environment, ment on Wednesday. She said her remit carry out a broad brush “phase 1” of the C.banner deal. The watchdog,
of Sainsbury’s and Asda – the UK’s sec- food and rural affairs committee. did not cover prices agreed between review, which would last up to 40 days, which can demand that companies
ond and third-largest supermarket Parish said such power could make the chains and their suppliers. or go straight to a more detailed “phase take action to protect pensions, said:
chains – might affect suppliers. suppliers more reluctant to complain Parish suggested in the meeting that 2” process, in which it would examine “We are in discussions with the com-
The merger of the chains could give about unfair practices for fear of losing the government was “not concerned competition concerns at a local level pany and the trustee of the pension
them control of about 30% of grocery business. at all by the scale of these two major around the UK, action that would take scheme and will continue to monitor
sales, a similar share to Tesco, and the Rachel Reeves, a Labour MP and retailers that will be totally dominant up to 24 weeks. the situation.”
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:37 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:40 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

Financial 37

worth transforming. Shareholders

Business view invested at 120p and are told to
expect 47p-ish as it is liquidated.
Nils Pratley In the circumstances, it should
be Miskin expressing thanks.
She’s been paid an annual salary
of £295,000 for three years, so the
The shareholders’ revolt should fruitless search hasn’t been entirely
worthless from her point of view.
Indeed, she got a bonus of £106,000
be a warning – Unilever has on top last year and £122,000 the
year before. Her colleague Bill Davis,
who joined in July 2016, did better:
really annoyed a lot of people a salary of £320,000 plus a £474,000
bonus last year.

For what? No acquisitions were
hat’s the starter out FTSE indices. That would make it made and Gloo’s revenues were
of the way, and impossible for UK tracker funds and precisely zero. Richard Bernstein, of
Unilever’s board will those with strict British investment the activist fund Crystal Amber,
not have enjoyed it. mandates to own Unilever stock. A thinks the bonus criteria must have
Wednesday’s 36% secondary listing in London is not been “breathing in and breathing
shareholder rebellion useful if FTSE inclusion isn’t part of Unilever plans its main listing in Amsterdam PHOTOGRAPH: KOEN VAN WEEL/GETTY out”. Fair comment.
against a pay policy that could hand the package. Fund managers fear Gloo’s recruits may have been
bigger bonuses to Paul Polman, the they will be forced to ditch their club are privately seething. If the commercial, and nothing to do with high-flyers taking a career risk to
chief executive, and his senior holdings at depressed prices. Investor Forum, the new lobbying Brexit or takeover threats, it says), join a startup, but a performance-
colleagues was an embarrassment Unilever hasn’t helped itself with collective, has not already taken up the plan cannot happen if 25% of related bonus for trying hard but
for a firm that likes to think of itself its sniffy attitude. Columbia the cause, it should to do so. This is PLC shareholders vote no. getting nowhere is nonsense.
as being on the side of the angels in Threadneedle – which complained exactly the type of situation it was On pay, that level was surpassed,
matters of governance. in March about a “lack of engage- created to address. Tracker fund even though greedier bonus Little alternative?
Unilever got the simple majority ment with shareholders” – is the managers should be up in arms. schemes from other FTSE-100 firms Another reason why the TSB’s chief
it required, but the main course only public objector so far but other Their job is to protect end-investors have encountered less resistance. executive, Paul Pester, may have
– the autumn vote on the proposal members of London’s big long-only and being a semi-forced seller of a The looming poll on relocation been so tetchy at the Treasury select
to become a purely Dutch leading FTSE-100 company would may partly explain what happened. committee is that his bank probably
company – is when the fun begins. be a terrible outcome. Maybe the 36% revolt was a warning expected to collect a decent slug
Polman & co need 75% of the PLC ‘If the rules of FTSE There are signs that Unilever’s shot. Unilever has seriously of the money in the so-called
shareholders, owners of one end of board realises the vote may not annoyed a lot of people. “alternative remedies package”
the currently Anglo-Dutch qualification cannot be the walkover it assumed. Its fund. This is the cash that RBS had
company, to sanction a switch to a be twisted to to include chairman, Marijn Dekkers, told the Sticking point to cough up in place of spinning
single HQ in Rotterdam and a meeting the company was talking to “I would like to thank CEO Rebecca off 300 branches. Some £775m is
single class of share that would a Dutch-incorporated the FTSE index-compilers “to see if Miskin and her management team earmarked to boost competition in
have its main listing in company, Unilever there is a possibility of inclusion”. for their tireless efforts to identify the small business banking market.
Amsterdam. Some UK fund If the FTSE rules of qualification and capture growth assets for TSB will still apply for funds, said
managers hate the idea. needs to think again’ cannot be twisted to include a Gloo,” says Arnaud de Puyfontaine, the chairman, Richard Meddings,
The main problem is that Dutch-incorporated company, chairman of an Aim-listed startup and, given the thinness of the field,
Unilever shares, as things stand, however, Unilever needs to think that raised £30m in 2015 to hunt it will probably still get something.
would disappear from the again. Whatever its true reasons for for digital media “transformation” But, after the IT shambles, it may be
FTSE-100 index – indeed, all choosing the Netherlands (purely opportunities but found nothing best to lower expectations.

Tesla’s shares
morning and yesterday lunchtime as But instead of answering, Musk
a result of the financial update and said: “We’re going to go to YouTube.
Musk’s remarks. Sorry, these questions are so dry,

fall as Musk During the call, the company’s chief they’re killing me.” DISCOVER THE METHOD
financial officer said Tesla was “best in The chief executive then answered
class”, only for Musk to correct him, numerous questions from the You- BEHIND THE MOGUL
holds bizarre saying the firm was simply “the best
… the best in a class of one”.
Tube channel HyperChange. Musk
proceeded to take questions from the

results call After half an hour of being ques-

tioned on the company’s prospects
for the rest of the year, and efforts to
channel’s host on Tesla’s ride-sharing
platform, self-driving cars and charg-
ing network.
on record loss ramp up its car factory in Fremont,
California, Musk appeared to lose
While losses deepened from $675m
for the final quarter of 2017 to $710m
patience. “Next, next. Boring bone- in the first quarter of 2018, the com-
head questions are not cool. Next,” he pany brought in more revenue than
Adam Vaughan said, cutting off one question. expected. Revenue grew by 26% from
He was then asked what percentage a year ago to a record $3.4bn, up on
of customers had chosen to personally analysts’ estimate of $3.28bn.
Tesla shares fell more than 7% yes- configure their Model 3, an indicator But Tesla, which has suffered pro-
terday after the firm posted a record of potential future revenues as the duction problems with the Model 3
$710m loss and Elon Musk dismissed car’s $35,000 starting price can rise and recently shut the Fremont plant
Wall Street analysts for asking “boring to $50,000 with options. briefly, struggled to hit its targets for
bonehead” and “dry” questions on the the car. It turned out 9,766 Model  3
company’s financial health. cars, missing its target of 10,000. How-
The California-based company ‘Next, next. Boring ever, more than 2,000 were made
burned through more than $745m in
cash as it once again missed produc-
bonehead questions each week in April and the company
insisted it was on track to hit its tar-
tion targets for the Model 3, billed as are not cool. Next.’ get of 5,000 a week by the end of June.
its first affordable electric car. Tesla said it would probably be prof-
Musk appeared to make light of the Elon Musk itable in the third quarter of 2018 as the
losses, tweeting “la la la” while linking Tesla CEO, in a call with analysts assembly lines ramps up.
to media reports of the results for the Musk claimed the firm’s next car,
first three months of the year. the Model Y, would be a “manufac-
But it was the chief executive’s turing revolution” because he did not
behaviour during a bizarre results call want to go through the “pain” of the
with analysts that prompted inves- Model 3 production again.
tors to rebuke Tesla. The company’s Analysts at Morgan Stanley said
share price dropped 5% on Wednesday the results call “didn’t go very well”,
and slid further yesterday. More than while RBC Capital Markets said that
$3.4bn had been wiped off the value Musk “lacked answers to questions
of the company between Wednesday on investors’ minds.”
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:38 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 17:11 cYanmaGentaYellowbl
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:39 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 17:11 cYanmaGentaYellowbl
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:40 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 16:58 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

40 Rotovation work starts in the forest as the

wild boars wield their snouts like blades,
yet woodland plants survive the mashing
Journal Country diary Page 7

Friday 4 May 2018
UK and Ireland Noon today Forecast Around the UK
Sunny Mist Fog Low 9 High 20 Lows and highs Precipitation Air pollution
1008 Tomorrow
Sunny intervals 9 18 5% Low
1012 Manchester
Mostly cloudy
10 Inverness Shetland

Overcast/dull 9 18 10% Low

13 18
1016 20 Birmingham
Sunny showers Slight

10 18 5% Low
Sunny and heavy showers
12 Low 9 High 20
Sunday Leeds

Light showers Newcastle

9 18 20% Low
Rain Sleet Light Belfast Moderate

Snow showers
Dublin Liverpool
o 18
18 8 19 20% Low

Heavy snow Ice Nottingham

tt Bristol
35C 17
Thundery rain
dry and mild 8 16 5% Low
20 17
conditions are
1 Cardiff
15 1024 L
expected across
Thundery showers Cardiff
10 17 England and
Dover Wales tomorrow
Temperature, 0 and on Sunday. 9 15 5% Low
15 Plymouth Edinburgh
Slight 3
Wind speed,
mph -20 The Channel Islands 10 17 40% Low

Atlantic front 984 H

1024 1008 Spacewatch Around the world
L 1032
Low pressure 1008
will be across 976 L L
L Blue Origin, the aerospace company Algiers 20 Lagos 31
Finland. 1016 owned by Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s chief Ams’dam 16 Lima 22
992 1016
executive, has made the eighth test Athens 26 Lisbon 21
1000 flight of its New Shepard reusable Auckland 19 Madrid 20
H rocket and unmanned crew capsule, B Aires 20 Malaga 21
L 1016 blasting off from Texas on 29 April. Bangkok 32 Melb’rne 16
After a 10-minute flight, during Barcelona 18 Mexico C 26
Cold front which the hydrogen-fuelled vehicle Basra 37 Miami 28
reached a velocity of 2,199 miles Beijing 28 Milan 21
Warm front L 1008 an hour and altitude of 66 miles, Berlin 17 Mombasa 27

1008 the rocket made a controlled touch Bermuda 23 Montreal 18

down on Earth and the ejected crew Brussels 17 Moscow 22
Occluded front capsule parachuted back down too. Budapest 29 Mumbai 32
No people had been on the C’hagen 13 N Orleans 29
flight but the capsule carried Cairo 38 Nairobi 23
experiments arranged by DLR Cape Town 26 New Delhi 38
(the German space agency) and Chicago 22 New York 31

Jet stream Nasa. The flight also carried a test

package to demonstrate that wifi
The jet stream communications could be achieved Dhaka 30 Prague 19
will move across during the suborbital flights, an Dublin 18 Reykjavik 5
most of Scotland essential for the space tourism for Florence 23 Rio de J 30
and much of which the rocket is designed. Gibraltar 20 Rome 21
Denmark today. Onboard too was a dummy H Kong 28 Singapore 32
astronaut, nicknamed Mannequin Harare 23 Stockh’m 15
Skywalker, which was fitted with Helsinki 12 Sydney 25

sensors to show what stresses the Istanbul 23 Tel Aviv 33

Direction of flight may impose on human bodies. Jo’burg 21 Tenerife 20
Average speed, 25,000ft
jet stream With the success of this mission, K Lumpur 33 Tokyo 21

110-159kph the company plan to arrange flights K’mandu 23 Vancouv’r 14

for the first people by the end of the Kabul 26 Warsaw 22

year – then, in 2019, open the service Kingston 28 Wash’ton 32
210-259 up to paying space tourists. Kolkata 32 Well’ton 16
Atlantic Ocean L Angeles 28 Zurich 20
260 and above Stuart Clark @DrStuClark
Forecasts and graphics provided by
Accuweather, Inc ©2018
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:41 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 18:01 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

Cycling Boxing 41

Brailsford takes Haye v Bellew II

heat as Froome buildup takes
sets off in Giro comic turn
Page 42  Page 44 

José Mourinho’s has been hammered for playing so-called negative

tyle has its critics football – his tactics at Liverpool were a case in point –
but he is closing in b ut criticising
but critic a coach for selecting a team and forming
on another trophy a gameplan
gamep to counter an opponent’s strengths is like
JOHN PETERS/MAN UTD using a mallet
m to crack an egg.
Every coach will have his own beliefs about how the
game shshould be played and that philosophy will be borne
out by the
th way his team carry out instructions, but it
is a very narrow mind which contests that one way is
nitiv better than another. Like everything else in
the world,
worl football undergoes cycles and you cannot tell
me the high-scoring,
h attacking football of this season’s
Champions League is not an antidote or a reaction to the
more dedefensive and cautious football which had been
prevalent in the past 10 years or so.
The foundation
fo for change in the game is a
difference in
erenc style of coaches. Mourinho is unlike
Pep Gua
Pep Guardiola or Klopp in his philosophy, but his
adaptability and core values are proven to achieve

success a against the very best.

ou may remember that it was

Mourinho’s Real Madrid side who won
La Liga in 2011-12 against arguably
the greatest club side of all time in
Guardiola’s Barcelona. Real did not beat
or even challenge Barça at their own
game because Mourinho believed he
knew how to get the better of them and
they achieved
ach that courtesy of his forensic attention to
detail in preparations for a match. The modus operandi
is to ensu
ensure the players are ready for the battle with their
direct op
opponent and that they are drilled to react to any
scenario – from conceding a goal to finding your team
reduced to 10 men.
Players who have won major trophies in Mourinho
teams, ssuch as Frank Lampard at Chelsea or
Internazionale’s Marco Materazzi, have spoken about
his attention
atten to detail and how that inspires confidence
in his pla
players and while Mourinho may have a mixed
persona in public, one certainty is that the majority
of his pla
of his players love him and would run through brick
walls for him.
However, it’s not that simple. Arsène Wenger has
correctly been praised for revolutionising English
football in the late 90s with his introduction of sports
science a and diet changes, among other things, at Arsenal.
It seems as if he could not or would not evolve with

other changes
ch in the game, though, and that’s where the
chameleon-like Mourinho may have
Learning to fly
ccording to José Mourinho, it took the edge as he has incorporated the
him “20 years to become an overnight
success”. Having spent a few days
Wilkinson best of the rest into the running of the
teams he has managed and then added
this week on the final part of my is adamant his skill-set to succeed.

Mourinho is the
Uefa pro licence coaching course, I
am beginning to appreciate what he
that you United have come up against a
phenomenal Manchester City side
meant when he said that. Hours in the have to who are very worthy champions this
classroom and on the pitch, as well survive season, but in the same time frame

maestro when it
as giving presentations to fellow students, has made as Guardiola has been manager at the
me more appreciative of the hard work that goes into your first Etihad Stadium, Mourinho has won
qualifying to be able to do a job that I don’t even know if I 70 games the Europa League and League Cup,
will one day be lucky enough to get.
as manager andItcould still add an FA Cup.

comes to managing
Studying also gives an insight into the commitment, is true that Guardiola’s team and
passion and application which someone like Mourinho if you are the shadow of Sir Alex Ferguson have
has had to put into football in order to achieve the level
of success he has. In a week when the world has been
to succeed set a high bar for him but ask fans if
they prefer winning to losing and I

praising the courageous and attacking football which know the answer you will get.
has taken Liverpool to the Champions League final, As an aspiring coach I have a firm handle on how
I have to say that I have just as much admiration and I want my team to play and I admire and wonder at
respect for the Manchester United manager as I have for the way the likes of Guardiola, Klopp and Mauricio
Jürgen Klopp. Pochettino have gone about their work. At the same
Mourinho brings his team to the Amex Stadium this time, I look at Mourinho and what he has won in his
evening for a match which is significant for both sides career by adopting a less evangelical approach to the
as we aim to secure our Premier League status and game we all love. He has still managed to achieve great
United attempt to finish the season in second place, success regardless.
with the added incentive of preparing for an FA Cup final Howard Wilkinson has been one of our tutors on the
Liam Rosenior against Chelsea just a couple of weeks away. Mourinho pro licence course and he is adamant you have to survive
has proved himself a master of winning games in cup your first 70 games as a manager to have any chance of
competitions and it’s no wonder, given his pragmatic succeeding long term. Should I get the opportunity to
approach to preparing for every game in a specific way. coach one game, never mind 70, then I would be looking
There have been a few times this season when he to combine the beautiful with the practical.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:42 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:41 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

42 Sport

Team Sky are

accused of being
economical with
the truth over
Froome’s status
of Froome’s failed test in December.
Giro unhappy after paying Vegni said this was the first time he
€1.4m for presence of under- became aware of the anti-doping
investigation Tour winner case lingering over the Briton, which
could lead to his being suspended from
cycling for several months.
Martha Kelner Asked if he felt deceived by
Jerusalem Brailsford, who was knighted for ser-
vices to cycling in 2013, Vegni replied:
Team Sky have been accused of “Definitely, yes. The negotiations with
deceiving the organisers of the Giro Team Sky took place before the Giro
d’Italia into handing over a reported presentation so I would have expected
€1.4m in appearance fees by not within a correct relationship to be
disclosing that their star rider Chris informed. I didn’t really like this.”
Froome had already failed a drug test. In a bid to repair relations with the
According to the Giro race direc- organisers, Brailsford flew to Italy to
tor, Mauro Vegni, Dave Brailsford’s explain the situation. “I did express
team entered into negotiations over my thinking on the phone to Dave,
Froome’s appearance in the Giro he came immediately to Italy to meet
knowing the rider had returned an with me,” Vegni said. “Dave himself
adverse finding from a urine test on was not pleased and he told me that in
his way to winning the Vuelta a España fact he did not receive the information
in September last year. until the end of September. But he also
Sky secured a hefty fee for the said to me that he was confident that
four-times Tour de France winner this whole issue will find a solution.”
and a support team to contest the Giro, The launch of the 101st edition of
which begins today in Jerusalem, the the Giro took place last November,
first time the race has travelled outside with Froome confirming his par-
Europe. But on the eve of the event, ticipation via a video message. The
Vegni made the remarkable claim that 32-year-old arrived in Israel this week
he felt let down by Brailsford after confident of clinching triple crown of
the Guardian and the French news- grand tour wins: the Tour de France,
paper Le Monde made public news Vuelta a España, and now Giro, all in
a row. But there is every chance his
Vuelta title could be taken away if he
receives an anti-doping rule violation.
Giro in a nutshell Froome is attempting to explain
why a urine test submitted after the
18th stage of the Vuelta on 7 Septem-
19 16 15 ber indicated twice the permitted
level of the asthma drug salbutamol.  Chris Froome is bidding for the time after the issue had became pub- any rider specifically, but let me add
17 13 Venice
20 18
Cycling’s world governing body, the Giro d’Italia and to hold all three lic. In all our conversations with the that Tom is a nice character,” Vegni
UCI, sent a letter to Team Sky, Froome grand tour titles at the same time organisers they have been supportive said. “He is good for cycling as a whole.
and British Cycling to inform them of TIM DE WAELE/GETTY IMAGES of Chris’s participation in the race. We Let’s say that it would be really a good
11 the failed test on 20 September. It is love the Giro. We are honoured to be outcome for the Giro.”
10 understood talks with Giro organisers competing at it and we can’t wait for The mounting tensions over
21 9 began in the following weeks. it to start.” Froome’s presence are not the only
Finish Rome
Vegni expressed his frustration that The extent to which Froome’s contentious issue to plague the Giro
Naples 8 it had taken so long to reach a verdict. ‘I would have participation has dominated the this year. The decision to hold the
“I feel bad because of the extremely buildup to this race was enforced in opening three stages of the race in
7 long times of the justice procedure. expected within the pre-race press conference. It took Israel has also led to the organisers

With the current means that are avail-
able to not have a decision made after
a correct 33 minutes before any rider other than
Froome or any of the other 21 teams
being accused of “sport-washing”,
using the event to distract from the
eight months, something needs to relationship to be competing here was discussed. rising heat of the Palestine conflict.
change. We don’t even know when a “Thank you for someone who reco- The team presentation yesterday
decision will finally arrive.” med. I didn
informed. didn’tt gnises that it is not just Chris Froome evening took place on a giant pink
The Giro d’Italia
will start in
In a statement, Team Sky said: “The really like this’ at the Giro,” an exasperated Vegni said. stage in Jerusalem’s Safra Square, with
UCI process regarding Chris would Froome’s principal rival in the next few smoke cannons and disco lights, intro-
Jerusalem and 1
finish in Rome normally have remained confidential. weeks is likely to be Tom Dumoulin. duced by the supermodel Bar Refaeli.
on 27 May.
Start The team wanted to fully respect this The Dutch defending champion has But today, less than 100km from here,
3 Jerusalem but since it became public we have had a tumultuous start to the season the protests on the Gaza strip which
There are 21
stages and 3 stayed in regular touch with the Giro but Vegni intimated that a victory have taken place every week since
rest days organisers about it. We received and Mauro Vegni for Domoulin would be better than if 30  March will continue unabated.
agreed the final race contract within ctor
Giro race director Froome triumphed in Rome on 27 May. The Israeli military has reportedly
Source: Cycling Weekly the last three weeks – obviously some “As organiser, I don’t really support killed 35 Palestinians and injured
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:43 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:41 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •


History repeats for Wild

but Tanfield pulls out
opening home shock
“There were two motorbikes, one went
William Fotheringham left, one right, the front girls followed
Doncaster the wrong one.”
Today Wild will become a team
While Kirsten Wild of the Netherlands rider working for Wiggle High5’s
produced a carbon copy of her victory climbers Elisa Longo Borghini and
here two years ago in the mass finish Lisa Brennauer as the race heads
that decided the women’s race, the for the hills around Otley and Pool
men’s event veered a long way from in Wharfedale before the final
the script with the shock winner, Harry two-kilometre climb on to the moors.
Tanfield, producing headshakes in the It should also suit Great Britain’s Dani
peloton as he gave Great Britain its first King, who had planned to target time
stage win in four editions. bonuses on this flat stage, and landed
After using her experience to avoid four seconds which could prove useful
confusion in the final kilometre, in the final reckoning.
Wild ended up in the blue Yorkshire On the largely flat roads of South
leader’s jersey but she is adamant that Yorkshire, the stronger teams sat
the uphill finish on the Cow and Calf tight with today in mind, which left
climb above Ilkley today will not suit openings for the British squads. Trek-
her and that she is only a temporary Drops sent Anna Christian ahead
race leader; Tanfield is not a noted for the latter part of the stage while
climber either and would probably Jadan-Weldtite team gambled by
say the same. sending their junior Pfeiffer Georgi
Wild’s memories of her win in this – the strongest under-18 woman in
event two years ago stood her in good Europe – off from the gun. It was a
stead when several frontrunners fol- move which netted the 17-year-old the
lowed a motorbike when it turned left only ranked climb of the day, and with
into the race vehicle diversion instead it the Best Climber’s jersey, justifying
of going right at the final roundabout her team’s presence in the race.
with 800m to go. As others dodged A few hours later Tanfield, riding
through cones to get back on course, for the British Canyon-Eisberg team,
Wild’s team went to the front earlier produced the biggest upset this race
than they expected, but she still sat has seen to date when he outsprinted
pretty until the final crucial moment five survivors of a half-dozen permit-
with all the sang-froid to be expected ted five minutes’ lead in the expecta-
of a woman in her 15th racing season, tion that the peloton would reel them
heading for her 73rd race win. in for a mass finish contested by the
The key instant came as South likes of Mark Cavendish and Ben
Parade veered gently right in the final Swift. But the group remained fully
200m past the Town Fields. Here, committed, with the Commonwealth
the 2016 world champion, Amalie Games time trial silver medallist
Diederiksen – the rider who deprived Tanfield producing particularly long
Wild of the gold medal in that year’s turns to keep the speed high.
title in Qatar – was poised to lunge The sprinters’ teams never quite
through a gap to Wild’s right, only got their act together, and the quintet
for the 35-year-old to show her nous retained a slender lead for what was
by moving briskly to close the door, less a final dash than a matter of sum-
leaving the Dane with nowhere to go. moning up any remaining reserves
“I should have gone left not right,” after a long day; Tanfield drove hard
Diederiksen said after finishing through the centre as they fanned
second, just ahead of the Briton across the road to win by over a length
Alice Barnes. “It was smart of her to from JLT-Condor’s Alistair Slater.
close me against the barriers. It was “I went from the back and built and
not dangerous, if I’d been further in built. Everyone was gassed. It wasn’t
more than 5,500 others during these front it wouldn’t have been nice, but really what you would call a sprint,
Three to watch at the Giro protests, with Amnesty International it was only part of my front wheel more a time trial to the line.” And as
suggesting some have been shot from [overlapping].” Like several others, he showed in April on the Gold Coast,
behind and intentionally maimed. The Diederiksen had to dodge the cones. time trialling is what he is good at.
Tom Dumoulin Netherlands tensions mean that an unprecedented
The Dutchman is attempting to police presence will be deployed along
defend the pink jersey he won after the route. More than 4,000 officers and
overturning a 53sec deficit to seal two helicopters are securing the roads
victory on the final day, but he has and the perimeter.
had a torrid start to the season. Superintendent Mickey Rosenfeld,
the Israel Police national spokesman,
Thibaut Pinot France said it was the biggest sporting event
After attempting the Giro and Tour to be held in Israel’s history.
double last season he will tackle “We’re focusing on a mega-sport
the same challenge again, hoping event and not political or security
for a better result after finishing related issues,” he said. “But we are
fourth behind Dumoulin last year. taking no chances. Our units will be
at the right place at the right time. We
Simon Yates Great Britain Tom Dumoulin are coordinating with border police,
With two stage wins and an is attempting undercover units, special patrol units
overall second-place finish at to defend his title and our assessments will be made as
the Paris-Nice, the 25-year-old events unfold. But no rider has per-
British rider has proved he is not sonally expressed any misgivings
overawed by the big occasions. about coming to Israel, as far as we ▲ Kirsten Wild surges clear to win stage one of the women’s Tour de Yorkshire
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:44 Edition Date:180504 Edition:03 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 23:45 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

••• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

44 Sport

Boxing they displayed much of it in their final Cricket

press conference before a fight Haye
Surrey snap up
Bellew expects Haye ‘to go has to win to stay in boxing and Bellew
promises will be “a war”.
There is hardly a heavyweight bout
in history that has not been burdened Kohli as he bids
down swinging’ in rematch with that sort of rhetoric but the sig-
nals this time are confused.
For weeks Haye has toned down his
to tune up for
language and posturing, which once
were his trademarks, while Bellew,
Test series
garrulous to a fault, has pecked away
Jay from The Inbetweeners at him, almost bullying the bully, and
lightens the buildup but hoping to make him crack.
return to the O2 Arena could When it came to shove, there was no Ali Martin
be hellish for both fighters pushback, though. Haye stayed cool
and much of that will be owing to his
new partnership with Salas, a short, Surrey have pulled off a coup by
Kevin Mitchell barrel-chested man with a big smile signing Virat Kohli, the India captain
and an impressive cv. On Wednesday, and cricket’s premier all-format bats-
he was filmed wearing shoes with out- man, for the whole of June.
Away from their ritual pre-fight shove rageous platforms to lift him to within Kohli had originally declared some
for the TV cameras at a London hotel his fighter’s eyeline, as Haye hit the 18 months ago his interest in playing
yesterday, a more considered Tony mitts and body bag. county cricket before India’s Test
Bellew paused to observe that, for Proceedings were briefly light- series in England this summer. The
all the insults and mind games, he ened yesterday when “Jay” from The 29-year-old will now get his wish
expects David Haye to “go down Inbetweeners – James Buckley – saun- with a four-week spell during which
swinging” when they meet again tered to the stage to banter with Bellew he will grace the likes of Beckenham,
tomorrow night. on behalf of Haye. Salas, though, is Guildford and Scarborough.
Bellew, a slight favourite, does not no straight-man in a comedy act. He Described as “the biggest name in
like the one-time playboy, of whom he is a serious player in the fight game, world cricket” by Surrey’s director of
says: “I just don’t like the look of him, I mentor to a string of world champions, cricket, Alec Stewart, upon completion
just want to punch him in the face and including Jorge Linares, who takes of the deal yesterday, Kohli will be avail-
he wants to punch every single tooth ▲ Tony Bellew (left) and “Once I felt his breath on me, I had on the best pure boxer, Vasyl Lom- able to play in the club’s Royal London
out of my head.” David Haye ignore the to remove him from the area. Listen, achenko, in Madison Square Garden Cup matches during that month and
He also recognises beating Haye concept of personal space it was a shove. Don’t make a big deal on 12 May. three County Championship fixtures.
again will be every bit as tough as it FRANK AUGSTEIN/AP out of it. The only thing he will have Salas has instructed Haye to “sit It is the latter, of course, that
was in March last year, “because he’s learned from that is, don’t get too down more” on his punches and the interest him most as he looks to pre-
a fighter at heart”. As for their post-interview spat, close to me.” fighter has acknowledged the fine- vent a repeat of his last outing against
That might have been the extent when Bellew shoved Haye in the They will get uncomfortably close in tuning he has done, particularly his the red Dukes ball when, in 2014, he
of the public respect between the face-off – and the promoter, Eddie the ring, with a lot of unfinished busi- footwork, which has let him down in averaged 13.4 over five Tests as India
Liverpudlian, who is happy to lam- Hearn, even looked as if he were ness to attend to. They should have recent fights. lost 3-1 against England under the cap-
poon himself as “the big, fat Scouser”, about to get involved – Haye said: “I’ve met in December but Haye fell down Bellew has been equally meticu- taincy of MS Dhoni. Kohli, who will
and the unusually subdued Haye but looked at the video of it and he’s got his some stairs and injured himself for the lous. “What I didn’t prepare for last now skip India’s one-off Test versus
they know their return to the O2 Arena head in my face and then he pushed umpteenth time away from the ring in time was an injured David Haye sit- Afghanistan in mid June, said: “It has
could be hellish for both of them. me in the neck. a career bedevilled by such incidents. ting on the ropes, waiting to counter long been an ambition of mine to play
Bellew, two years younger at 35, “The pressure has got to him. I Bellew, whose brother-in-law had died with a big right hand,” he said. “I just county cricket. I am thankful to Alec
capitalised on Haye’s snapped achilles think he’s starting to crack. He wasn’t shortly beforehand, described the year didn’t see that coming but I’ve even Stewart and Surrey for allowing me
in the first fight, leaving him tangled getting what he wanted from his ver- as “the worst of my life”. prepared for that in this fight, with a the opportunity.”
and incapacitated on the bottom rung bal assaults, arguing over the most So each arrives with baggage and man lying on the ropes looking for a Surrey have just one match at the
in the 11th round, a sight disturbing trivial things that have got no bear- big right-hand counter. Once I’m into Oval during Kohli’s stay, with a 50-over
enough for Shane McGuigan, his
trainer of only three fights, to throw
ing on a boxing match. He was just
saying stuff to try to wind me up. He’s ‘I want to punch him the later rounds in sparring, I’ve had a
fresh sparring partner come in, who’s
fixture at home against Glamorgan
on 6 June preceded by games against
in the towel.
Haye and McGuigan split soon
a strange fella.”
Bellew, an artfully argumentative
in the face and he very good on defence, and just looks Kent at Beckenham and Middlesex at
for one big shot.” Lord’s. His championship appearances
afterwards and he has been training character, saw the handbaggery differ- wants to punch There are likely to be more of them will then be versus Hampshire at the
for several months with the revered
Cuban Ismael Salas, who guided Félix
ently. “He just got too close to me,” he
said. “He put his forehead on me and, if
every single tooth this time than in last year’s fight. This
time, the stakes are higher, especially
Ageas Bowl, Somerset at Guildford and
Yorkshire at Scarborough.
Savón Jr to the pinnacle of the ama- I’d stayed where I was, we would have out of my head’ for Haye, who will have nowhere to go The England head coach, Trevor
teur game. kissed. It’s not that kind of party. if he loses. Bayliss, has previously bemoaned
a lack of overseas opportunities for
his players in first-class cricket and
Racing Britain was the Darley Stakes of stocked with blue-blooded thorough- John Jenkins in Surrey. He moved on will doubtless have had a wry smile
2009, in which he beat the big names breds. “It’d be nice to go out and have to Philip Mitchell’s yard, where he may upon learning that Kohli will join the
Uncharted of Newmarket with a 25-1 winner,
Steele Tango. Now he is trying to turn
10 Dubawi’s looking at you,” said Teal,
referring to one of the most popular
have got a taste for giantkilling through
the exploits of Running Stag, winner of
likes of Ishant Sharma (Sussex) and
Cheteshwar Pujara (Yorkshire) in get-
waters with Tip a similar trick at similar odds in a race
of much greater consequence.
and expensive of stallions. “Some
people are spoilt for choice. But I’m
big pots in the US and France and the
runner-up in the Hong Kong Cup.
ting an early tune-up for the Test series
that begins on 1 August.

Two Win have “You wake up at funny hours of the

morning, worrying: ‘Should I have
not jealous,” he added, laughing again.
Teal, whose mother trained point-
Tip Two Win has already done
Teal proud, landing a race in Qatar
Jonathan Trott, the Warwickshire
and former England batsman, will
done this, should I have done that?’ I to-pointers, started in racing on the in February that brought more prize retire from cricket at the end of the
Teal all at sea found myself waking up at half three
the other morning and then you can’t
bottom rung as a teenage groom with money than the stable won in the
whole of last year. He sees the horse
county season. The 37-year-old was a
key member of the England side who
get back to sleep.” as “a lively outsider”, adding: “I’m not won the Ashes in Australia in 2010-11
Teal makes a Classic runner sound Chris Cook’s tips a trainer that just goes there for days and then rose to No 1 in the world the
Chris Cook like a kind of torture. When the jockey out. He just keeps surprising me. And following summer. He made nine Test
David Probert dropped by the stable hopefully on Saturday at 20 to four, he centuries – including one on debut –
in Great Shefford, near Lambourn, Lingfield 1.50 Chelwood Gate 2.20 Fitzrovia can surprise me again. and averaged 44 from his 52 games.
2.50 Crossing The Line 3.20 Al Barg
Roger Teal is looking forward to the yesterday, the trainer’s first words to 3.50 Accomplice 4.20 Waneen 4.50 Storm Again
“He’ll look out of place in the pad-
2,000 Guineas tomorrow so much he him were: “This seemed a good idea Chepstow 2.00 Astute Boy 2.30 Coeur Blimey dock because he’s not over-big. He’s
cannot wait for it to be over. two months ago …” 3.00 Pastamakesufaster 3.30 Narble Bar 4.00 not muscular or anything but he’s an
“It’ll be nice to get the day out the With a laugh Teal added: “I am Grandma Tilly 4.30 Desert Ace 5.00 Unblinking athlete. He’s got some engine on him.
way, for sure,” says the trainer, whose enjoying it but it’s nerve-racking at Musselburgh 2.10 Ahlan Bil Emarati “This is what we’re in the game for.
2.40 Lydiate Lady (nb) 3.10 Kodicat
nerves have been unravelling since he the same time. The whole team in the 3.40 Mosalim (nap) 4.10 Four Kingdoms We’ve worked long and hard for years,
committed to taking a shot at the race yard is buzzing.” 4.40 Trading Point 5.15 Adventureman the whole team has. Our team does as
with Tip Two Win, a David among the The 50-year-old Teal and his Cheltenham 4.55 Monsieur Gibraltar 5.30 Velvet much prep as Aidan O’Brien’s but we
Cognac 6.05 Stoleaway 6.40 Barel Of Laughs 7.15
Goliaths of Godolphin and Ballydoyle. grey will make a pair of outsiders at Frelia 7.50 Supreme Danehill 8.25 Bear’s Affair
just don’t have the calibre of horse. It
“We’ve never experienced this before. Newmarket. The other trainers in the Newcastle 5.10 Photographer 5.45 Karawaan would mean so much if we could go
It’s all brand new to us.” Guineas are, in most cases, backed 6.20 Highwayman 6.55 Brian Ryan 7.30 Von there and get a place on the day, it’d ▲ Virat Kohli endured a poor run
Teal’s most notable success in by big money and have stables well Blucher 8.05 Independence Day 8.40 Stewardess be lovely.” during India’s 2014 tour of England
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:45 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:03 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

Sport 45

Rugby union

Foden seeks
new chapter
after ending
Saints story
Robert Kitson

Ben Foden is to bring down the curtain

on his decade-long association with
Northampton to commence a “new
chapter” abroad. The former England
full-back, 32, is set to sign off tomorrow
by making his 250th appearance for
the Saints when they play Worcester
at Franklin’s Gardens.
Having started in professional
rugby as a scrum-half at Sale, Foden
developed into an attacking full-back
good enough to win 34 England caps
between 2009 and 2013. He scored
seven Test tries, won league titles
with Sale in 2006 and Northampton
in 2014 and also scored a try in the 2011
European Cup final when the Saints
were spectacularly overhauled by
Leinster in Cardiff.
His innate understanding with his
former team-mate Chris Ashton was
particularly fruitful and in 2014 Foden
became only the second player to
Race against time Serena Williams has withdrawn from next week’s Madrid Open while she continues to score tries in consecutive Premiership
finals. He played 22 games at full-back
regain full fitness for the French Open later this month. The 36-year-old returned to the WTA tour in March
during that double-winning season as
after giving birth last September but was beaten by her sister Venus in her comeback tournament at Indian Northampton won the Challenge Cup
GETTY IMAGES Wells and last played in her first-round defeat to Japan’s Naomi Osaka at the Miami Open last month and Premiership.
“Fodes has been a remarkable
player for both Northampton Saints
Athletics 8.11am I forwarded to them money Kiprop, who is the third fastest and England,” the interim head coach,
through his phone using M-Pesa. As 1500m runner in history, also pointed Alan Dickens, said. “We’ll miss having
Kiprop claims drug testers a police officer I found it wise to send
by M-Pesa for record.
out that if he had EPO in his system
he could have chosen “to miss the
him around Franklin’s Gardens, both
in terms of what he offers on the pitch

tampered with sample “At that time I did not see the money
as inducement or bribe for anything. I
gave it in good faith thinking they may
collection without consequences” as
Wada punishes athletes only for three
missed tests.
as a player and a leader, but also as a
character in the dressing room.”
The forwards coach, Dorian West,
have some need known to them. In He said: “I remain perplexed on how said: “Fodes has given the supporters
refused, as this is not only untrue but retrospect I now clearly see the money my innocent sample could turn posi- at Saints many happy memories and
Sean Ingle also a fraud,” he said. “I do not need as having a relation with the sample tive on the only time when money was I’m sure they will repay him with a
absolution on the allegations.” collected on that date.” extorted from me. It is not beyond my huge ovation on Saturday. He has the
In a four-page statement, the suspicion that my sample turned posi- respect of everyone here and we wish
Asbel Kiprop has suggested he tested 28-year-old said he been notified about tive because I might have remitted less him all the best for his next step.”
positive for EPO because drug control a drugs test a day in advance, which money than I was expected to remit.” Foden will lead out the Saints
officers tampered with his sample, is against World Anti-Doping Agency Kiprop said he was “extremely against Worcester but will not be
having also demanded money from the rules, and that two men had come to shocked” when he was told in early walking away from the sport. His next
Kenyan 1500m runner during the test. his house in Kenya on 27 November February he had failed a drugs test. move is not yet finalised but a promi-
Kiprop, a three-times world cham- last year. “I was, however, very confident the nent Major League Rugby franchise in
pion and 2008 Olympic gold medallist, “After the doping control officers mistake alleging I doped would be the United States is understood to be
said he would be “the last person to arrived at 7.50am, and after I had given noted and I would be cleared. [But] interested in signing him.
commit such an atrocious un-sports- them the urine sample, a DCO [the the nightmare has continued. I insist One of his former Northampton
like thing” as doping. Guardian has chosen not to name the I am innocent even if I am forsaken.” team-mates, Alex Corbisiero, is
He also claimed he was told that if individual for legal reasons] asked for Asbel Kiprop also claims An IAAF spokesperson said it was working as a rugby analyst for the
he confessed to taking drugs he would the first time in their visits if I could drug control officers unable to comment and referred the North American broadcaster NBC but
be made an ambassador of athletics’ give them some money. He did not demanded money Guardian to the Athletics Integrity Foden is not tempted to join him and
governing body, the IAAF. “I have specify how much they needed. At Unit, which has so far not responded. hang up his boots just yet.
“I still feel fit and hungry for com-
petitive rugby and, while now is the
raced into a 3-0 lead and then day and Higgins took advantage, The person spoke on condition time to move on, I am really excited
Sport endured a mini Wilson fightback clearing to the pink, as he aims to of anonymity because no public for what the next chapter holds in store
before clinching the final frame reach a seventh final in Sheffield. PA comments had been authorised. for me,” he said.
In brief of the day. Higgins forged ahead Boston will be the home team for
with breaks of 57, 65 and 77 before Baseball both of MLB’s first regular-season
Wilson – in his first semi-final at the games in Europe. The London
Snooker Crucible – finally got on the board
Red Sox and Yankees to Mayor, Sadiq Khan, scheduled a
Higgins has advantage before the mid-session interval. The play at London Stadium news conference for Tuesday
Scot restored his advantage after the with baseball commissioner
in opening semi-final resumption with a frame-winning Major League Baseball intends Rob Manfred but did not
clearance of 69, but the 26-year-old to announce next week the New announce the subject matter.
John Higgins will take a 5-3 lead found his form to claim the next two, York Yankees and Boston Red Sox “I’ve never been to London, so
into the second session of his world including a brilliant break of 140 in will play two games at the London I’m looking forward to that,” the
championship semi-final with Kyren the seventh. But Wilson missed an Stadium on 29 and 30 June next year, Yankees manager, Aaron Boone, ▲ Ben Foden’s 250th appearance for
Wilson. The four-times champion inviting red in the final frame of the a source told The Associated Press. said yesterday. AP Northampton will also be his last
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:46 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 19:22 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

46 Sport

Klopp’s thrash-metal style

hits a chord with English
ideal of pace and power
Something significant has been
Created by a German achieved. First for Klopp himself;
and led by an Egyptian and second for English football, so
genius, Liverpool are oddly angst-ridden in its endless search for
indigenous in their style things such as identity and purpose,
for the right DNA, the right borrowed
suit of clothes.
Barney Ronay Yes: it’s time to talk about Jürgen –
and about us. Man is never so manly

as when he feels deeply and acts
ccording to Benjamin boldly. That was also Disraeli but
Disraeli Rome it could at a pinch be a Klopp-ism,
symbolises the ideal just without the guffaws and the
of conquest. Not swearing and the slang, a Victorian
quite yet, it doesn’t. translation of one of those asides
Liverpool may have tossed into his rambling late-night
earned their moments of unbound press conferences.
joy inside the Stadio Olimpico on Liverpool have been down this
Wednesday, capped by a lovely road but the boldness, the deep
interlude as Jürgen Klopp went feeling of this team, is Klopp’s own
bowling through the security lines to work. This is a manager who has
exchange a little joyful energy with done that rare thing of rebuilding a
the Liverpool fans, waving his arms team entirely in his own image in the
like a drunken dad at Christmas, space of two years and eight months.
all goofy warmth and unaffected Klopp signed eight of the Liverpool
pleasure in a shared achievement. players on the pitch in Rome and
But as Klopp pointed out, nothing gave another his professional debut.
has been settled. The run to the final There is nothing in this team that
has had its memorable subplots. isn’t basted in his juices. Liverpool
From James Milner’s elevation to lost their best (inherited) player in
the status, on the season’s stats, of January and still got better on the
most creative player in the history back of it – got a new best player, a
of modern European football. To better best player.
the sustained excellence of Andy Klopp has always been a systems
Robertson. To the spectacle of manager. He remains wedded to
players as diverse as Loris Karius his founding revelation at Mainz
and Ragnar Klavan blocking it out en that the right tactics implemented
route to a Champions League final. correctly can beat better players.
Still, no permanent mark has This is the other big thing about
been made and certainly Real this Liverpool team in a Champions
Madrid will present a different kind League final. As Emlyn Hughes once
of obstacle. For the first time this said: “The greatest good you can
season Liverpool face a meeting with do for another is not to share your
European aristocracy. Deep down riches but to reveal to him his own.”
Real will see them as extras in this Actually that was also Disraeli but it
show, a disposable piece of ballast,
there to provide a backdrop to the  Jürgen Klopp is   Dejan Lovren
imperial parade. mining the deep jumps for joy
Yet for all that it is perhaps roots of English at reaching the
time to park thoughts of Kiev and football culture European Cup
wallow just a little in the moment, ALESSANDRO final in Kiev
because Klopp is wrong in one sense. CIAMBELLI/SIPA/REX

Road to Kiev
How Liverpool and Real Madrid reached the final

Liverpool Real Madrid

Prelim Hoffenheim N/A

Won 2-1; Won 4-2 N/A
Group Sevilla Apoel
Drew 2-2; Drew 3-3 Won 3-0; Won 6-0
Spartak Moscow Borussia Dortmund
Drew 1-1; Won 7-0 Won 3-1; Won 3-2
Maribor Tottenham Hotspur
Won 7-0; Won 3-0 Drew 1-1; Lost 3-1
Last 16 Porto Paris Saint-Germain
Won 5-0; Lost 1-0 Won 3-1; Won 2-1
Quarter-final Manchester City Juventus
Won 3-0; Won 2-1 Won 3-0; Lost 3-1
Semi-final Roma Bayern Munich
Won 5-2; Lost 4-2 Won 2-1; Drew 2-2
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:47 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 19:23 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

▼ Liverpool fans had five English
players to cheer at various times
against Roma at the Stadio Olimpico

Only one thing is

captures Klopp’s potential to affect midfield to Liverpool, who would have
English football more widely. three men in the middle against two.
Real are fitting opponents in this Zinedine Zidane may opt for the
sense. Liverpool’s 4-0 defeat of pre- 4-3-3 he deployed in the Champions
Ronaldo Madrid in March 2009 is
an overlooked staging point in the
modern history of European club
assured for the final League this season at Borussia Dort-
mund in the group stage and Bayern in
the semi-final, but although Real won
football. It was after seeing their
team physically overpowered by
Gerrard and Mascherano, Kuyt and
in Kiev – it will be chaos both fixtures they were defensively
convincing in neither. It may be, then,
that Zidane prefers a 4-3-1-2, probably
Carragher (and also Babel, Spearing with Isco operating behind Cristiano
and Dossena) that Real made a Like so much in this game, though, Ronaldo, who could pull left to pres-
slight change of policy, re-gearing
Real Madrid may be cruising the flanks are a battle that could go sure Alexander-Arnold, and Karim
to match the power of the Premier for a bruising but Liverpool either way. Both late on at Anfield, after Benzema.
League. That summer 13 players left. cannot be trusted either the reversion to 4-3-3, and throughout That would, admittedly, give Andy
Cristiano Ronaldo arrived, as did Wednesday’s second leg, Roma caused Robertson a certain freedom on the
Karim Benzema and Liverpool’s own problems by getting in behind the left, a particular issue if Carvajal is not
Xabi Alonso and Álvaro Arbeloa. Jonathan Wilson full-backs, Trent Alexander-Arnold back or if he is not fully fit, but it would

in particular. The 19-year-old had an threaten Liverpool in another area
hat Premier League uncomfortable night at the Stadio where they have looked vulnerable –
intensity had revealed There was a point on Tuesday night Olimpico but that was in part a result at the back of midfield. The problem
something to Real. when the thought occurred that this of him being left isolated by the lack of of their highly mobile and aggressive
The hope now is Real Madrid are like Brazil at the 2014 support he received from Salah, itself central midfield three is they can leave
Klopp’s example may World Cup, a gifted but complacent presumably a deliberate ploy to have the back four exposed, and it is easy to
do something similar side who could be sleepwalking the Egyptian stay high up the pitch imagine Isco finding space in front of
for English football. Like it or not towards a hammering. to try to exploit the space left when Virgil van Dijk and Dejan Lovren and
Liverpool are deeply Premier Marcelo’s “We are Real Madrid” Aleksandar Kolarov advanced. orchestrating Liverpool’s destruction.
League, oddly indigenous in their comment, and the sense of entitle- A similar calculation is likely in the But those doubts are all the result
style. This is a distinction, not a ment it implied, suggested he had final. Given Marcelo is such an attack- of Liverpool’s timorousness in the
judgment. For all the brilliance of learned nothing from the humiliation ing full-back, Jürgen Klopp may decide second half in Rome, where they
Manchester City, the Pep Guardiola of Belo Horizonte. But then came Liv- it makes sense to have Salah sit in the seemed to become caught between the
system is entirely its own entity – no erpool’s anxiety-riddled progress on space he will inevitably leave behind two stools of playing with their usual
less or no more valid, but with its Wednesday and the realisation that him. If he does, though, it will prob- verve and trying to stifle the game. A
own fascinations and contrasts. even after the improvements of the ably require an adjustment in midfield tentativeness crept into their play and
Whereas Liverpool’s hard-pressing, past four months, they still cannot be so that Georginio Wijnaldum offers their counterattacks, usually so fluent,
chancy physicality just feels like a trusted. Either side could score six in Alexander-Arnold more support than began to break down amid indecision
good fit with the strangely persistent Kiev; both may. Nobody can control he did on Wednesday. around the edge of the box.
texture and tone of the game in this games any more. Much, though, depends on Real Ronaldo and Benzema will do
country, the way qualities such as It remains possible that Liver- Madrid’s shape. To play the 4-4-2 they minimal defensive work which means
pace and power still emerge even pool will simply overwhelm Real. did against Bayern on Tuesday would there will at least be occasions when
through the prism of Premier League An ageing Bayern Munich seemed seem to play into Liverpool’s hands. Liverpool have an extra man in mid-
cosmopolitanism. to have a physical edge over them Not only would it not put direct pres- field. Marcelo will get caught upfield.
Perhaps this idea of shared and Juventus certainly did; Juventus sure on the full-backs, forcing them, Depending on the progress of Carva-
identity should not matter: football were outmatched by Tottenham in at the very least, to engage in a game jal’s injury, Real may have a weakness
is a global, borderless entity now, the last 16 and Liverpool are at least of chicken every time they ventured at right-back.
existing only in that square of their equals in terms of pace, power forward, it would cede control of the Liverpool should offer more of a
green. But the notion of different and aggression. Premier League teams threat on the flanks. They certainly
footballing cultures, of an English have underperformed yet again in have a physical advantage. If they
way, matters to Klopp, who has Europe this season but there has can play with the pace and convic-
spoken in these pages of the benefits been a distinct sense that their foot- tion they showed in the first half of
of mining that source, of exploring ball is played at a higher tempo than the first leg against Manchester City
its deep roots. In Rome there were elsewhere. or the final 15 minutes of the first half
five English players on the pitch at The thought of Sadio Mané running against Roma at Anfield, they could
various times and at its most intense at Lucas Vázquez (if Dani Carvajal fails blow Real Madrid away. But they do
the Klopp thrash-metal style just to recover from a thigh injury in time) have defensive vulnerabilities and
feels like it should be English. should terrify Real, although no more Real, as Marcelo noted, have a habit
Before the quarter-final than the prospect of Mohamed Salah of winning games they have in no way
Fernandino had called Liverpool frolicking in the space Marcelo should Cristiano Ronaldo will controlled, largely by dint of having
a long-ball team, which clearly is have been occupying if he had not be looking to pressurise some very, very good players.
not true but does reflect the rather decided to wander forward and join Trent Alexander-Arnold Reason seems of little use here; this
overlooked synergy between the an attack a couple of minutes earlier. whatever the formation will be chaos.
pressing style and classic direct
football of the 1950s. Both are
designed to provide creativity out of
broken play, the kind of attack that
can feed like a shoal of piranhas off a
We honestly Mané expanded on the confidence that
Liverpool possess under Klopp. “We
honestly believe we can beat them,”
be in that dressing room, such an
incredible moment.”
Liverpool have reached three
state of engineered disorder.
This is what Premier League
believe we the Senegal striker, said.
“I can say at this moment we do
finals since Klopp replaced Brendan
Rodgers as manager in October 2015:
football looks like, at least in the
hopeful imagination. That is has been can beat Real, have a lot of respect for Madrid, they
are one of the best teams in the world,
the League Cup and Europa League
in his first campaign and now Euro-
created by a German, led from the
front by a Brazilian and a Senegalese says Mané but we are Liverpool – we are strong
and we can beat any team in the world.
pean football’s elite competition in his
third. Having lost the first two, and his
and given a dusting of genius by an We believe that. So we believe we can past five finals in total, the Liverpool
Egyptian only adds to the gaiety. go there and beat them. We are going manager has backed his players to
Perhaps Liverpool really will be to go there and fight for the fans, for break that sequence against Zinédine
able to assert their own strengths in the club, fight without fear and win Zidane’s reigning champions.
Kiev, to summon up the fury of the Andy Hunter the final. We have the players. We can Lovren insists the team have also
Red Zone. Some will pore fretfully Rome score goals, we have shown that and regained their pride under the Ger-
over the weaknesses in Liverpool’s there is nothing to be afraid of for us.” man, irrespective of the outcome in
backline, albeit these are mirrored Sadio Mané and Dejan Lovren have Mané led the celebrations in front of Kiev. “He has changed the mentality,
in Real’s own regally dozy approach encapsulated the belief soaring Liverpool’s 5,000 supporters follow- how we think. Everything is more posi-
to the common mud of marking and through Liverpool by insisting Real ing a tense finale in which Roma came tive now. Even when we sometimes
tracking back. Madrid hold no fear in the Champions within a goal of taking the semi-final don’t play good he always finds some-
One other thing, though: a one- League final and that the 12-times win- to extra time. The 26-year-old said: thing good and there is not negativity.
off final suits Liverpool much better ners should be the team approaching “This is one of my greatest moments. “It is not accidental that he already
than the more unforgiving exam the Kiev final with trepidation. I am very proud of what this team has reached the final of the Champions
over two legs. Finals can be crazy, “Why should we fear them?” asked achieved. Everybody was dancing League in 2013 with Dortmund. He has
adrenal things, there to be wrenched Lovren. “They should fear us. They like crazy. Everybody was so happy, given the club pride back. Everyone
away in a fateful 20-minute surge. are quite confident but we don’t care dancing together, we enjoyed the feels that. Everyone should be proud
Now, who does that remind you of? for that – we are focused on our job.” moment together. It was special to we have a manager like him.”
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:48 Edition Date:180504 Edition:03 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 23:46 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

••• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

48 Sport

Cooper’s under-17s ready for Europe Rangers close to

naming Gerrard
after 2017 vintage ruled the world as manager on
three-year deal
Jamie Jackson
Ewan Murray

Steve Cooper, the England Under-17

coach who masterminded the World Rangers hope to confirm Steven
Cup triumph in October, believes Gerrard as their new manager today,
his team’s European Championship after successful discussions yesterday
favourites tag should be embraced. took the former Liverpool captain to
England’s campaign starts today the verge of accepting the Ibrox post.
against Israel at Chesterfield’s Proact Rangers, who believed a week ago
Stadium, with Switzerland and Italy that Gerrard could be coaxed north
the other Group A sides. to begin his career in management,
Cooper’s side joined Paul Simpson’s now sense only formalities are to be
under-20s by becoming world cham- completed. Gerrard headed straight
pions last year, with a 5-2 win against from his midweek Champions League
Spain in India. Yet Manchester City’s punditry work for BT Sport to con-
golden ball winner Phil Foden and tinue talks with Rangers, including
Liverpool’s eight-goal golden boot the chairman Dave King, in London.
winner Rhian Brewster are now – along The 37-year-old is believed to be
with all players born in 2000 – too old. enthused by the prospect of firstly
Cooper says: “This is a different narrowing the gap between Rangers
under-17 group to the one that won in and Celtic, before attempting an
India – boys born in 2001 – so they’re assault on the Scottish title.
very much on their own journey on Gerrard is expected to name the for-
this international stage. Obviously mer Scotland captain Gary McAllister
with all teams doing so well in last as part of his coaching staff. Barring a
12 months, with World Cup wins for ▲ Steve Cooper’s England Under-17 Germany in the buildup to February’s managed to look at a lot of players this late and sensational change in circum-
the 17s and 20s, and the 19s becoming side won the World Cup in October Algarve Tournament, where they were year and it’s different now as we’re in stances, which nobody at Ibrox antici-
European champions, too, we know JAN KRUGER/FIFA VIA GETTY IMAGES captained by Manchester United’s tournament mode.” pates, Gerrard will accept the role left
the landscape has changed a little with Jimmy Garner and City’s Tommy Doyle. After Israel, England face Italy in vacant when Pedro Caixinha was
expectations. England lost 4-0 to Portugal, drew Walsall on Monday before closing the sacked last October. The Champions
“So we need to thrive on it but at 1-1 with Germany – the goal scored by group phase against Switzerland in League winner is expected to sign a
the same time focus on our work. We Bobby Duncan, who is Steven Gerrard’s Rotherham on Thursday. three-year contract.
want to be successful in every event cousin – and defeated the Netherlands Cooper says: “The beauty of the Graeme Murty managed Rangers
we enter but we’re also building for 2-0. Their last two matches before the under-17s is that you don’t quite know on an interim basis until this week,
the future. The aim of our work is to Euros were against Brazil in Spain, los- what you’re playing against and some- with the 5-0 defeat by Celtic on Sun-
produce players for a senior winning ‘We want to be ing 1-0 and drawing 1-1. times don’t know what you’ll get from day leading to Murty being relieved of
England team.” Cooper, whose team against Israel your own boys at these tournaments his duties. Rangers announced Jimmy
As the hosts, England, who successful in every may feature Fulham’s Luca Ashby- because it’s their first experience of Nicholl and Jonatan Johansson would
are based at the tournament hub,
St  George’s Park, did not have to
event we enter but Hammond in goal, Doyle in midfield,
United’s Mason Greenwood at No 10
the Uefa finals.
“Israel are a really good team –
preside over the team for the closing
three games of this season.
qualify, so the 38-year-old arranged we’re also building and Duncan at centre-forward, says: we’ve studied them closely. Some peo- Derek McInnes, the former Rangers
bespoke preparation. “We’ve had a different kind of pro- ple may look at the fixture and think midfielder who declined an offer in
In a November friendly less than for the future’ gramme and have tried to arrange it’s going to be straightforward but it’ll December to return to Ibrox in order to
two weeks after England’s World Cup the most demanding games possible. be far from it. They qualified compre- stay at Aberdeen, has said the prospect
triumph, they defeated Portugal 3-2, Steve Cooper There’s been some good and not so hensively in a tough group and we’ll of Gerrard entering the Scottish game
before 2-1 victories over Russia and England Under-17 coach good results and performances. We’ve be showing them maximum respect.” “can only be seen as a good thing”.

Bailly left out so others can grab job is for safety to be mathematically
confirmed,” he said. “I think Brighton
have enough points already.”
Hodgson fears former under Hodgson but would need
to accept a cut to his £100,000-a-week
salary to extend his stay. Marseille
World Cup spot, says Mourinho Mourinho has the opportunity
to give Anthony Martial or Marcus
exit of Ward have been credited with an interest.
“We need to get our preparation and
Rashford a rare start, because Romelu
Lukaku is in Belgium for treatment on and Cabaye recruitment right because we are going
to be losing some very good players at
have to make an emotional choice an ankle injury in an effort to be fit for the end of this season,” Hodgson said.
Paul Wilson then Eric is the one I am not going to the FA Cup final on 19 May. “They have “You can’t talk with people until you
help. The other four are all fighting for had limited opportunities because know where you’re going to be and
a place.” Romelu has been playing so well but I Dominic Fifield what you’ve got to offer. So this is going
José Mourinho has revealed why United are at Brighton tonight with trust them both,” he said. to be hard work in the coming days for
Eric Bailly has been frozen out of the the home side knowing a victory would Martial is one of several players at myself and Doug Freedman.
Manchester United first team in the make Premier League survival cer- United who may be prepared to move Crystal Palace are to hold talks with “There’s no doubt we are losing
past few weeks – it is because Ivory tain, though Mourinho believes Chris in search of more playing time, though Yohan Cabaye and Joel Ward next players, not least [the loanees] Ruben
Coast have not qualified for the World Hughton has already done enough. Mourinho insisted he wants to keep week to clarify their plans for the Loftus-Cheek and Tim Fosu-Mensah,
Cup. “Chris has done a very good job and all hold of all his squad. “ am not recom- future, with Roy Hodgson expecting quite apart from anyone who might
Alternatively, to put it in a more logi- he needs to turn that into an amazing mending we sell anyone. Marouane to lose the experienced pair under leave the club for other reasons.”
cal way, Mourinho feels honour-bound Fellaini may decide to leave but he freedom of contract this summer. Hodgson would expect to recruit
to give his other four central defend- knows we want him to stay. He has an Palace go into tomorrow’s game at replacements to ensure his 25-man
ers the chance to shine, because Phil offer on the table that is better than Stoke six points clear of the relegation squad is filled. The Spanish goalkeeper
Jones, Chris Smalling, Marcos Rojo the one he had before.” places and with thoughts turning to Vicente Guaita is joining from Getafe,
and Victor Lindelöf are all striving to Mourinho would not confirm next season. Talks with five players and Palace have looked at Fulham’s
win a place in their national squads whether his assistant, Rui Faria, has whose deals expire on 1 July have been Ryan Fredericks and the Anderlecht
for Russia. been in touch with Arsenal, though on hold while the club were under the midfielder Leander Dendoncker. The
Bailly has not played since the he would not stand in Faria’s way if threat of relegation but the sporting manager said he was “fairly confident”
Manchester derby a month ago but an opportunity came along. “After 18 director, Dougie Freedman, will meet Christian Benteke would be retained,
Mourinho denied reports of a rift or years he is more than my assistant, he those concerned next week. despite a disappointing season, and
possible sale. “There is no situation, ▲ Eric Bailly has not featured since is my friend. If the chance of a big job As it stands, Cabaye and Ward will stressed he saw his own future at the
Eric is fine,” the manager said. “If I the Manchester derby in early April arises I will try to help him.” depart. Cabaye has proved a key per- club next term.
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:49 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 20:06 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

Sport 49


Palace is going to be a war

that’s pretty normal,” Shaqiri said. huge problem. “Everybody knows at
“But I hope we are going to end this the club what was wrong, so they’re
well, that we stay up, then we will sit going to look at everything at the end
down with the club.” of the season,” Shaqiri said. “There’s

we must win, says Shaqiri

Shaqiri’s aspirations when he no time here to do that now, to go
arrived were fuelled by the idea that through each point.
Hughes was trying to take Stoke in a “People know the biggest thing
much more exciting direction and, in that  happened in this club. There
fairness, there were moments when have been a lot of transfers that they
that plan had real substance. The thought were going to help us – and
place, which is surprising. But it never 2-0 victory against Manchester City they were good transfers – but some-
Stuart James happened here. It’s sometimes diffi- ‘Sometimes at in December 2015 springs to mind, thing went wrong.”
cult to accept but I give everything to when Shaqiri starred alongside The damage is not yet terminal as
my club, I have a long contract that I a club something Marko Arnautovic and Bojan Krkic in a far as Stoke’s survival prospects are
Xherdan Shaqiri will hold talks with
Stoke City about his future in the
signed here, so I try to give a perfor-
mance every weekend to help my
goes wrong thrilling attacking trident that wreaked
havoc against Manuel Pellegrini’s
concerned but, realistically, they will
need to beat Palace and then win at
summer regardless of whether they team-mates achieve something.” and you have to side. Yet the fun only lasted so long Swansea on the final day to have any
retain their Premier League status, Shaqiri, who is Stoke’s leading and there were signs that Stoke were chance of avoiding relegation. Shaqiri
with the Switzerland forward deter- scorer this season with seven Premier stand up and try losing their way long before the start is up for the challenge.
mined to do everything in his power to League goals, has two years remaining to do the best ’ of this season. “I’m going to try everything and
help the club survive this season but on his current deal and it seems like a With so much at stake still, Shaqiri is give my best,” he said. “Sometimes
honest enough to admit that fighting foregone conclusion that the former reluctant to wade into the reasons for you have to go to war. Crystal Palace
relegation is not what he signed up for Bayern Munich winger will move on the club’s decline but poor recruitment is going to be like this – it’s a war we
when he joined from Internazionale. in the event of relegation. is clearly at the heart of the matter, in have to win for sure. We need 11 war-
Speaking in the lead-up to the “Everybody knows I’m a player Xherdan Shaqiri particular up front, where the absence riors on the pitch who are going to beat
critical home match against Crystal who wants to play at the highest level, Stoke forward of a regular goalscorer has been a their opponent.”
Palace tomorrow, Shaqiri sounded
totally committed in the short term
as he stressed the need for “11 war-
riors on the pitch” for a game that
Stoke must win to have any chance of
avoiding the drop, yet there was also
no escaping his sense of disappoint-
ment at the way things have turned
out at the club he joined three years
ago for £12m.
“I am as frustrated as everyone, I
think because I came here for different
ambitions, not to play for relegation,”
Shaqiri said. “But sometimes at a club
something goes wrong and you have to
stand up and try to do the best.
“Of course they need to do a lot of
new things in the club. But the most
important thing is to stay up with this
club and then you can rebuild.”
Asked what he did expect when
he signed for Stoke, the 26-year-old
replied: “I didn’t expect to go to
the Champions League, or to be
champions, but at least to see the
club going forward, that was for me
the most important thing. When I
came here, I wanted to do more than
they are at the moment, every year
[getting] better and better and better. It
was not [to be] like this and it’s always
difficult to say why.
“When I came here, the coach
[Mark Hughes] called me and said
‘I want you here’, that he wanted to
improve a team that would play maybe
for Europe – maybe like Burnley now,
they’re going for sixth or seventh

 Xherdan Shaqiri, battling with

Steven Defour of Burnley, is set for
showdown talks with Stoke

Rangers confident of locking “The prospect of a global name

like Steven Gerrard coming into the
Scottish game can only be seen as a
is with Liverpool Under-18s but
McLeish is an example of someone
who made an impact managing in
1994-95. The team then slid down the
table as he discovered how crucial it
was to recruit well.
down Gerrard manager deal good thing. It would be a box-office
name,” the Aberdeen manager, Derek
Scotland as a young rookie. The former
Aberdeen defender led Motherwell
Gerrard is said to be seeking guaran-
tees over available funds, but Rangers
McInnes, said. “That can only help the to second place in the league in his have received loans totalling about
Rangers are hoping to push through Graeme Murty lost the job on Tues- Scottish game, I’m sure.” first campaign as a player-manager in £20m in recent seasons and a planned
a deal for Steven Gerrard to become day, three days before his short-term Scotland’s manager, Alex McLeish, share issue is yet to materialise.
their manager in the coming days. contract was due to end, after his team moreover, who won seven trophies in McLeish said: “My first season
Ibrox sources were increasingly lost nine goals and failed to score in five and a half seasons at Ibrox, is ada- we were second behind Rangers. To
confident of finalising a deal after the two games against Celtic last month. mant that the country needs a strong think we could be above one of the
former Liverpool captain confirmed Jimmy Nicholl and Jonatan Johans- Rangers. “I think the Scottish game is Old Firm at the end of the season was
on Tuesday that he had held “positive” son have been handed control for the looking for a strong Rangers team,” quite astonishing and I thought: ‘This
initial talks with the Glasgow club and final three matches of the season as he said. “We need that. I’m sure Celtic manager lark is a doddle.’ And then
would revisit them yesterday. Rangers aim to overtake Aberdeen in would relish a good challenge. There’s I found out when we had to get new
Gerrard’s former team-mate Danny second place. They are level on points all sorts of talk about a new manager recruits, because we lost about seven
Murphy had earlier reported that the with fourth-placed Hibernian, three and I’m sure he will want to come mob- or eight of that special team.
37-year-old was looking for firm assur- behind the Dons, with only the top handed in terms of money to spend.” ▲ Steven Gerrard has asked for firm “That’s when you realise how
ances about the finances available. three guaranteed European football. Gerrard’s only coaching experience guarantees about finances available important recruitment is.” PA
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:50 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 22:02 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

• The Guardian Friday 4 May 2018

50 Sport And here’s

one for
Football Europa League semi-final second leg
old times’

Diego Costa
in Atlético
Madrid’s goal
despite the
of Héctor

Costa escapes Arsenal’s

match at this stadium when they have subdue Diego Costa and Antoine
not conceded a goal – an incredible run Griezmann. That was never going to be
that goes back to 20 January and cov- straightforward and the two Atlético
ers 1,097 minutes in play – and that forwards combined brilliantly at the

clutches to deny Wenger

parsimonious defending, ultimately, end of the first half, in the time added
was the difference between the two on for Koscielny’s four minutes of
sides over the two legs. Atlético were treatment, to give Diego Simeone’s
brilliantly efficient at the back and, team the lead.
unfortunately for Wenger, the same The goal showed the qualities of
is rarely said of his team. both players. Griezmann’s pass was
For Arsène Wenger, there will be no On top of everything else Arsenal beautifully weighted and once Costa
Atlético Madrid 1 happy ending. Diego Simeone’s team also lost Laurent Koscielny to injury had got behind Héctor Bellerín it was
Costa 45
are, as promised, on their way to the that meant they had to play all but the always going to be difficult for the
Europa League final and Wenger’s long opening seven minutes without their Arsenal right-back to make up for his
Arsenal 0 goodbye will reach its climax with- captain. Koscielny, who has been nurs- positional error. Bellerín might have
(agg 2-1)
out the final chapter he desperately ing a long-standing achilles problem, been faster but Costa was stronger,
Possession wanted to be written into the story. went down in such a way the serious- shielding the ball with his body while
Atletico Madrid Arsenal All that is left now is Sunday’s game ness of the situation immediately expertly holding out an arm to keep his
50% 50% against Burnley – his farewell to the became apparent. He was in distress, opponent a safe distance away. David
Emirates – and the trip to Huddersfield pounding the turf in agony and frustra- Ospina, who had a nervous opening 45
Shots on target
the following weekend and perhaps tion, and it was difficult not to think minutes, advanced from his line and
7 1
it is typical of Arsenal’s decline since there will be ramifications for France, Costa swept the ball past Arsenal’s goal-
Total attempts his peak years that it should end this too. Koscielny was supposed to retire keeper with a confident left-foot finish.
12 4 way. Arsenal came up short, as they from international football after the Until the point the Arsenal support-
often do against elite opposition, and World Cup; instead, his involvement ers, positioned in the most vertiginous
Daniel Taylor Atlético were too worldly for them in Russia looks doubtful. levels of this sweeping new-build sta-
once Diego Costa had given the home For Arsenal, that meant an unex- dium, must have been pleasantly sur-
Estadio Metropolitano side a 2-1 aggregate lead late in the pected appearance for Calum prised by the way their team had been
first half. ▲ Diego Simeone shouts from the Chambers to fill in alongside Shkodran playing. All the same, they had a lot of
This was Atlético’s 12th successive stands to drive on Atlético in Madrid Mustafi with the task of trying to the ball on the edge of the Atlético pen-
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:51 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 22:02 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Friday 4 May 2018 The Guardian •

▼ Laurent Koscielny
reacts after sustaining an
injury on a torrid night

Analysis Results
Sid Lowe Estadio Metropolitano

A club reborn under Simeone

Semi-finals: Second leg
Atlético Madrid (1) 1 Arsenal (0) 0

and grateful for opportunity Costa 45

Red Bull Salzburg (0) 2
Haidara 53, Sarr 65og
(agg 2-1)
Marseille (0) 0
(agg 2-2; score at 90min)

to win any trophy they can

Play-offs: First round Boreham Wood 2 AFC Fylde 1
Rugby league

P W D L F A PD Pts
hen Atlético the chance to renew, a pattern St Helens 14 12 0 2 454 164 +290 24
Madrid were repeated. Some of the old guard Wigan 12 10 0 2 347 176 +171 20
Warrington 13 9 0 4 286 191 +95 18
knocked out of are still around, but they are Castleford 11 8 0 3 228 192 +36 16
the Champions fewer now. Of those in the squad Leeds 12 7 1 4 230 201 +29 15
Hull 13 7 0 6 304 273 +31 14
League their here, only Diego Godín, Koke and Wakefield 12 5 0 7 212 248 -36 10
Salford 13 5 0 8 226 288 -62 10
captain, Gabi Gabi played in 2012, with Costa Widnes 12 3 0 9 221 287 -66 6
Fernández, admitted “right now, the and Felipe Luís joining them in Hull KR 12 3 0 9 215 288 -73 6
Catalans Dragons
13 3 0 10 179 345 -166 6
Europa League looks shit to us”‚ but the side that won the league two Huddersfield 13 2 1 10 168 417 -249 5
it feels mighty good to them now. years later. St Helens 26 Catalans Dragons 12
Another final awaits, another Costa and Felipe Luís left and Cricket
trophy, and even if this was a club came back. Thomas Partey, Saúl SPECSAVERS COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP
that had felt like it left Europe’s Ñíguez, Lucas Hernández, José Division Two (first day of four)
other competition behind, it is Giménez and Ángel Correa are all Warwickshire v Derbyshire
one for which they will reach. No 25 or under, and Simeone talked Edgbaston Warwickshire (3pts) trail Derbyshire (3) by
286 runs with nine first-innings wickets remaining.
one here doubts that a trophy, any often about constructing a new Derbyshire First innings
trophy, matters. They need only ask side, a new generation – although BT Slater c Sidebottom b Wright ....................................16
Fernando Torres, playing out his Antoine Griezmann, who provided LM Reece c & b Patel .....................................................20
WL Madsen b Brookes .................................................144
final weeks at a club he first joined the goal, looks set to leave. It AL Hughes c Rhodes b Patel .............................................4
*BA Godleman b Brookes ................................................1
two decades ago – back when they would be a new era and in a new †GC Wilson c Trott b Wright ...........................................34
were a byword for failure and crisis. home, which is why it felt like MJJ Critchley lbw b Patel ..............................................30
GC Viljoen c Ambrose b Patel ...........................................7
Torres left, of course. He became a there was even more than a place Hamidullah Qadri c Sibley b Brookes ...............................3
World Cup winner, but the only title in the final at play; there was a D Olivier not out ...........................................................40
MHA Footitt b Brookes ....................................................0
he won with Atlético was the second place of their own, too.

Extras (b4, lb7, nb8) .....................................................19
division. By the time he returned, Total (81.5 overs) .......................................................318
everything had changed. Atlético his is their first Fall 28, 72, 80, 84, 168, 209, 233, 251, 318.
Bowling Wright 18.4-2-81-2; Sidebottom 9.2-1-39-0;
used to lose games such as this; season at the Estadio Rhodes 11-2-30-0; Brookes 15.5-0-63-4; Patel 27-3-94-4.
now, they held on to Diego Costa’s Metropolitano, and Warwickshire First innings
Arsène WMH Rhodes not out ...................................................13
opening goal as Arsenal pressed. this felt like its first big DP Sibley c Critchley b Olivier ..........................................6
Atlético became a side that know night. That, certainly, CJC Wright not out .......................................................10
shows his Extras (b1, w2) ...............................................................3
how to resist and in Jan Oblak they is what they wanted,
frustration Total (for 1, 12 overs)....................................................32
have a goalkeeper among Europe’s how they tried to build this. This Fall 18.
as Arsenal
best. No one had scored here since did not feel like a home yet; this To bat IR Bell, IJL Trott, SR Hain, M Lamb, †TR Ambrose,
strive to *JS Patel, HJH Brookes, RN Sidebottom.
January, 11 games ago. Arsenal semi would be an occasion to Bowling Viljoen 4-1-13-0; Olivier 4-0-11-1;
create an
tried, but could not prevent that help it feel lived in. A thousand Hamidullah Qadri 2-1-2-0; Critchley 2-1-5-0.
opening Toss Derbyshire elected to bat.
run expanding. And so here Atlético Atlético fans gathered at the team
in Madrid Umpires RK Illingworth and NA Mallander.
are, in their fourth European final hotel the previous evening, with
GETTY IMAGES in seven years. fireworks, flags, and a banner
As for Torres, this could be his first recreated one of Luis Aragonés’s WTA PRAGUE OPEN (Czech Republic)
Quarter-finals: P Kvitova (Cz) bt K Siniakova (Cz) 6-3 6-3;
title with his club and he will hope more famous lines: “win and win
Euro Zhang Shuai (Chn) bt J Paolini (It) 6-4 6-3; M Buzarnescu
to appear in Lyon. It would be their again”. They would do so together. (Rom) bt Kristyna Pliskova (Cz) 6-2 6-3; C Giorgi (It) bt
dreams sixth with Diego Simeone. There “Without an orchestra, there is
S Stosur (Aus) 6-2 6-3
fraying at have also been two Champions no dance; tomorrow we need you Quarter-finals: A Krunic (Ser) bt P Badosa Gibert (Sp) 6-2
the seams League finals. This year, they were all,” Griezmann insisted. “There 1-0 ret; A Tomljanovic (Aus) bt J Fett (Cro) 3-6 6-3 6-3;
E Mertens (Bel) bt S Errani (It) 6-3 6-1; Hsieh S-w (Tai) bt
denied a third in Europe’s major are games you play with the heart K Zavatska (Ukr) 6-1 6-1
alty area without being able to conjure moments early in the second half. competition and there were regrets more than the head and this is one ATP ISTANBUL OPEN (Turkey)
up a clear shooting opportunity. Granit Xhaka’s low shot brought the when Chelsea and Roma progressed of them,” Simeone said. Second round: J Chardy (Fr) bt D Lajovic (Ser) 4-6 7-6 (3)
6-2; T Fabbiano (It) bt D Dzumhur (Bos) 6-2 0-6 6-2;
Alexandre Lacazette let himself first noteworthy save from Jan Oblak ahead of them, but this is still “We need a stadium that M Jaziri (Tun) bt M Cilic (Cro) 6-4 6-2; J Vesely (Cz) bt
down with a heavy touch on the one and there were even a few moments history. It is hope, too. conveys passion because that is T Monteiro (Bra) 6-2 2-6 7-6 (3)
occasion in that period when the home of carelessness from the home team’s Atlético are in the final of a what we are,” he said. “We need
Second round: M Fucsovics (Hun) bt M Cecchinato (It) 7-6
side looked vulnerable and, though defenders. competition they won in 2012, a stadium that explodes.” When (5) 6-1; M Marterer (Ger) bt D Schwartzman (Arg) 6-4 6-2;
Atlético do not play with the finesse Mesut Özil’s influence was growing. Simeone’s first season. That Costa, the old guard who is the new P Kohlschreiber (Ger) bt M Zverev (Ger) 6-2 6-2;
R Bautista Agut (Sp) bt C Ruud (Nor) 6-4 6-3
or style of Real Madrid and Barce- Bellerín’s surging runs from right-back first trophy was the start of their guard too, the man who walked
lona, they are never flustered when were another feature and, midway revolution and “shit” though it is away and walked back in again, Cycling
the other team attack in numbers. through the half, Wenger brought on came to feel, this reconnects them scored the goal that took them to TOUR DE YORSKHIRE
Men: Stage one (Beverley-Doncaster; 182km) 1 H Tanfield
In 35 games in La Liga this season, Henrikh Mkhitaryan to increase their with their origins, repackaged as another final, it did. (GB) Canyon Eisberg 4hr 08min 12sec; 2 A Slater (GB) JLT
Simeone’s team have conceded only attacking threat at the expense of Jack Condor; 3 M Cuming (GB) Madison Genesis both same time
Women: Stage one (Beverley-Doncaster; 132.5km)
18 goals – and, to put that in perspec- Wilshere.  Atlético’s 1 K Wild (Neth) Wiggle High5 3hr 28min 20sec; 2 A Dideriksen
tive, it is under half the number Real, Still, though, Arsenal struggled to Lucas (Den) Boels Dolmans +0:04sec; 3 A Barnes (GB) Canyon +0:06
the Champions League finalists, have create a clear chance. There was only Hernández flies Fixtures
let in. one goal in it but the onslaught that over Jan Oblak Football
Arsenal, on the other hand, arrived might have been anticipated late on and Arsenal’s Premier League
Brighton v Manchesterr Utd (8pm)
on the back of their worst sequence of never materialised and it was a feeble Nacho Monreal Ladbrokes Scottish Premiership
away results, six successive defeats in end to Wenger’s 250th European game. during the Partick v Ross County (7.45pm)
Play-off: Quarter-final: Second leg Dundee Utd (0) v
the Premier League, since 1966, leav- second leg Dunfermline (0) (7.45pm)
ing them as the only team in England’s Atlético Madrid Arsenal RUBEN ALBARRAN/ Rugby league
4-4-2 4-3-2-1 REX/SHUTTERSTOCK Betfred Super League
four divisions not to win a solitary Oblak; Partey Ospina; Bellerín, Huddersfield v Widnes (7.45pm); Leeds v Warrington
point on their travels since the turn of (Savic 90), Giménez, Mustafi•, Koscielny (7.45pm); Wigan v Salford (8pm)
Godin, Hernández; (Chambers 12), Monreal•;
the year. They needed something spe- Koke, Gabi•, Saúl•, Ramsey, Xhaka, Wilshere• Cricket (11am unless stated)
Vitolo (Correa 74); (Mkhitaryan 68); Welbeck, Specsavers County Championship
cial – and an away goal at this stadium Costa• (Torres 83), Özil; Lacazette Division One (first day of four)
Chelmsford Essex v Yorkshire; Old Trafford Lancashire v
is exactly that – and had little choice Griezmann Subs not used
Somerset; The Oval Surrey v Worcestershire;
Subs not used Cech, Iwobi,
but to press forward after the break. Werner, Filipe Luis, Maitland-Niles, Kolasinac,
Trent Bridge Nottinghamshire v Hampshire
Division Two (first day of four)
They were attacking the end where Gameiro, Olabe Nketiah
Cardiff Glamorgan v Kent; Hove Sussex v Middlesex;
the Arsenal supporters were gathered Riverside Durham v Leicestershire
Tour match (first day of four)
and there were some encouraging Referee Gianluca Rocchi (It) Northampton Northamptonshire v Pakistan
Section:GDN 1N PaGe:52 Edition Date:180504 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 3/5/2018 21:59 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Sports newspaper of the year

Liverpool’s The Guardian
Friday 4 May 2018

How Klopp moulded his
side of European also-rans
into team on cusp of glory
Barney Ronay
Page 46
Team Sky under fire once
more at Giro start Page 42

Match report
Daniel Taylor
Page 50
▲ The former

Costa ends Wenger’s dream Chelsea striker
Diego Costa
celebrates after

Atlético brush aside Arsenal to

opening the
scoring against

1 0 Arsenal in the
Europa League

ruin Arsène’s perfect send-off

Costa 45 semi-final
second leg
Atlético Madrid win 2-1 on aggregate IMAGES/GETTY

 The foundation for change in the game is a difference in the style of Page 41 

coaches  Liam Rosenior explains why pragmatism can trump ideology y

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