Lecturer: Mr. Sabaruddin Machmud Adjie, S.S, M.Si: General Conversation " About Indentivication"

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Lecturer : Mr. Sabaruddin Machmud Adjie, S.S,M.Si

Arranged By :

Name : Muhammad Taufik Akbar

Ledger : 17 031 014 088

Name : Andi Ikram

Ledger : 17 031 014 118

Department : Pharmacy



Self introduce

Hilda : Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. good morning.

Qhaliza : waalaikumsalam wr.wb. morning.

Hilda : How are you?

Qhaliza : I’m fine, thanks you. And you?

Hilda : I’m fine too. Want you like to introduce your self please?

Qhaliza : Of course. My full name is Qhaliza Ikaswara but my friend call me

Qhaliza or Kolis. I’am 19 years old. I’am muslim, I come from South
Sulawesi, Makassar. I graduated from Vocational High School Yamasi
Makassar. Now , I continue my study in Islamic University of Makassar,
faculty of mathematic and sciens, pharmacy departement. And you ? tell me
about your self please

Hilda : well my full name is Hildayanti Alwi but my friend call me Hilda or Bido.
I’am 19 years old. I’am muslim, I come from South Sulawesi, Makassar . I
graduated from senior high school number 3 Makassar . Now , I continue
my study Muslim University Indonesia, faculty of veterinary physician and
my department is veterinary. Tell me your person, why do you chose
pharmacy department?

Qhaliza : I choose pharmacy department Because I have a basic in farmasi, my ex

school is farmasi’s school and now I choose farmasi in Islamic university of
Makassar for continue my skill. And you ? why do you chose veterinary
department ?

Hilda :I choose veterinary department because I like animals and I want to take
care animals in the street. Tell me some subject do you study in you explain
it ?

Qhaliza : In pharmacy department in study the pharmaceutics learned about the

history of pharmacy to the way how to dispense or make medicine. And tell
me some subject that you learned medicine department ? and explain to me
please ?

HIlda :In veterinary department we study about diagnosis, theraphy, and

prevention of disease in animals.in general, all types of animals can be
categories as a patient, both domestic and wild animals. What is your
amibission in your future and why ?

Qhaliza : In the future I want to be a Apt and I want to make pharmacy. And tell me
about you ambition and why ? do you what to be ?

Hilda : I want to get a drh in a front of my name. Because that is a cool for me.

Qhaliza : Will. I think I have to go now. Thank you so much for meet about your
self. See you again. Assalamualalikum wr.wb

Hilda : your are welcome. See you. Waalaikumsalam wr.wb

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