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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-rector

Activities guide and evaluation rubric

1. General description of the course

Faculty or Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e

Academic Unit Ingeniería
Academic Level Profesional
Academic Field Formación interdisciplinar básica común
Course Name Teoria Electromagnética y Ondas
Course Code 203058
Course Type Theoretical Can be yes ☒ No ☐
Number of Credits 3

2. Description of the activity

Type of the
Individual ☒ Collaborative ☐ of 2
Moment of Unit
Initial ☒ ☐ Final ☐
evaluation: Intermediate:
Delivery Environment of the
Evaluative score of the
activity: Monitoring and evaluation
activity: 25
Starting date of the activity: Deadline of the activity: February
February 5th 2018 18th 2018
Competence to develop:
The student understands the waves behavior in different transmission
mediums used in telecommunications.
Topics to develop:
-Loss tangent
-Waves in different mediums
-Propagation and polarization modes.
-Transmission lines.
Steps, phases of the learning strategy to develop

Step 1 – make the course recognition

The student will have to follow the next steps to accomplish the
activity goals.

Step 1: Analyze the given questions according to the main applications

named in the activities to develop paragraph.

Step 2: Answer the given questions using academic resources.

Step 3: Identify the listed parameters in the final question.

Step 4: Develop a written work according to the directions in the

Products to deliver by student.

Step 5: Deliver the work in the monitoring and evaluation


Activities to develop

In this activity we are going to consider two main applications of

electromagnetic waves and answer the given questions:

- Medical applications
- Wireless data transmission.

Taking into account the applications, you will answer the

following questions.

1. Explain the importance to consider the Skin Deep in medical

2. Make a graphic explaining at least three modes of
electromagnetic wave propagation, including a brief explanation
about these.
3. Can the human tissue change its conductivity because a
disease? Explain.
4. Using the electromagnetic spectrum, select a frequency used in
medical treatment and explain how it is used and select a
frequency used in wireless transmission and explain its
5. Define the following concepts and give an example of a practical
application where they are used:
- Power loss
- Coupled transmission lines
- Load impedance
- Reflection
- Refraction
- Loss tangent

In this activity, it will be evaluated the capacity to understand the

relationship between the course topics and the given applications. You
don’t have to make any math calculation.

Collaborative learning environment: Despite, this is an

individual activity, there is a forum where the student
is going to share information with his/her fellow
classmates in order to understand clearly each
Environment concept and its relationship with practical problems
for the associated with the practical engineering activities.
Monitoring and evaluation environment: In this
environment, the student will have to deliver the
individual activity, according to the course agenda.

The student will have to deliver a Word document with
the following Contents:
- Cover page (It contains the title, author’s name,
course, university and date)
Products to - Introduction (The student will explain how important
deliver by could be the course as a future professional)
student - Discussion of the three topics related in the
Activities to develop section.
- Conclusions
- References

In this activity, the student will not have to deliver
any collaborative product.

General guidelines for the collaborative work

Planning of
activities for
the Despite, this activity is individual, there is a forum
development where the student will be able to share questions and
of experiences with his/her fellow group classmates.
Roles to
perform by In this activity is not necessary to assume a role,
the student because it is individual.
in the
In this activity, each student in the group will not
have to choose a role, but it is important to recognize
each of the following, that will be assumed from the
following step on.

Roles Function
Compiler Consolidate the document, as the final
Roles and product from the discussion, taking
responsibilit into account that it will include the
y for the contributions from all participants and
delivery of that it will only include the members
products by whom participate in the progress of
students the work. To inform the one who is in
charge of the alerts in order to inform
to the students whom did not make
the contributions that they are not
going to be include in the product that
will be delivered.
Reviewer Ensure that the document accomplish
the presentation required rules.
Evaluator Ensure that the document contains
the established criteria in the rubric.
To alert the one who are playing that
role, to inform the others members
when it is necessary to make some
Deliverer Alert about the time on the delivered
products and to send the document in
the defined time, using the resources
for the delivery and to inform the
other students when the deliver will
be made.
Alert Inform the group members about the
work news and to inform to the
teacher using the forum course and
the internal delivered message service
about the final document deliver.

Use of
Always cite the references using APA style.
Students must be aware of severe sanctions in the
case of plagiarism.

In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article

99, are considered as faults that violate the academic
order, among others, the following: literal e)
"Plagiarism, that means, to present as his own
authorship all or Part of a work, work, document or
invention made by another person. It also implies the
Plagiarism use of wrong citations or references, or propose
policy citations where there is no coincidence between it and
the reference "and liberal f)" Reproducing, or copying
for profit, educational materials or results of research
products, which have Intellectual rights reserved for
the University.

The academic sanctions that the student will face are

the following:
A) In cases of academic fraud demonstrated in
academic work or respective evaluation, the grade
that will be imposed will be zero point zero (0.0)
without prejudice to the corresponding disciplinary
B) In cases related to plagiarism demonstrated in
academic work of any nature, the grade that will be
imposed will be zero point zero (0.0), without
prejudice to the corresponding disciplinary sanction

4. Evaluation rubric

Evaluation rubric

Activity Individual Collaborati

☒ ☐
type: Activity ve Activity
Moment of Unit
the Initial ☒ Intermedia ☐ Final ☐
evaluation te:
Performance levels of the individual
Assessed activity Score
High score Media score Low score
The student The student
The student
analyzes and doesn’t make
gives suitable
explains the any analyses
Analyze the given or doesn’t give
but it is not
given questions, suitable 6
questions supported in information points
associated to
academic about the
the question.
resources. questions.
(up to 6 (up to 3 (up to 0
points) points) points)
The student
Analyze the The student The student
does not give
importance analyses the gives concepts
any kind of
of importance of but there is
analyses or
electromagn electromagnet not analyses
concepts 6
etic waves in ic waves in about the
about the points
medicine the given given
and wireless applications. applications
(up to 6 (up to 3 (up to 0
points) points) points)
The student
The student
defines the
explains The student
Explain concepts but
where could does not
where could there is not
be applied the explain any 8
be used the any relation
given given concept. points
given with practical
concepts. applications.
(up to 8 (up to 4 (up to 0
points) points) points)
The The deliver
The deliver
information is document
document has
presented in a does not have
tidy way, but an appropriate
Document it does not order and it is 5
structure have an not structured points
according to
appropriate following the
the APA rules.
structure. APA rules.
(up to 5 (up to 2 (up to 0
points) points) points)
Final score 25

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