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CCMUN 2018

World Health
Welcome Delegates!
The secretariat of CCMUN 2018 has the honor of inviting you to be part of these event.
The secretariat, the staff and chairs have been working very hard for you to enjoy
being part of CCMUN. During these two days you will debate among the delegates of
other nations with a different perspective than yours. This will help your public
speaking skills, critical thinking skills and will help you know about today's world
issues. We hope you enjoy working with this topic as much as we did. While doing
your research for the position paper remember that you need to find realistic solutions
about the topic. Also remember that you need to find out about the position of your
country regarding the topic and to truly believe in it since you represent that country.
Last but not least, we hope you can collaborate with the other delegates to find
peaceful and effective solutions. Good luck!
I. History of the committee

When diplomats met to form the United Nations in 1945, one of the first things they
discussed to create was about a global health organization. The World Health
Organization was established on April 7, 1948 and it is in charge of the health of
the people around the world. An agency of the UN was now serving as the directing
and coordinating authority for international health matters and public health. This
committee promotes health, works with communicable diseases and
noncommunicable diseases, big corporation services, and effectiveness. The main
goal of this committee is to accomplish the highest level of health in all people
around the world. Not only physical health but, also mental and social health. To
accomplish these goals the UN has a lot of different sources of information and
communication, In order to facilitate access to all countries in the world to the help
the committee can provide. Now they are more than 7,000 people and 150 countries
in the World Health Organization trying to spread health the most well-being in all
the world in an efficient way.

Topic: Counter Attack the Raise of HIV and AIDS in developing countries.

● Introduction

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is not the same as the Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). As the name itself tells it HIV causes AIDS. Now,
it doesn't mean that a person who has HIV is strictly going to have AIDS, no maybe
this person is just someone who has the virus but this doesn’t turn into something
more. These people will just carry the virus and transmit it to other people and these
other people have a high probability that they get the virus and even AIDS.

These condition has nothing to do with any socioeconomic condition. The virus is
transmitted by sexual contact and also through contact by infected blood, semen or
vaginal fluids. There is no total cure for this disease but the treatment is very helpful
because the HIV interferes with the human’s body ability to fight infections. People
may have some symptoms which may be abdominal pain, pain at swelling, cough,
general fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, sweating or night sweating, liquid diarrhea,
nausea, vomit, white tongue, ulcers in the mouth, sores, headache, swollen lymph
nodes, loss of weight. This situation is attacking people from all around the world and
your job as delegates is to find a solution to this issue.

One of the most affected zones are developing countries, due to the lack of education
and health care in these areas. Countries such as Nigeria, Mozambique and Kenya
had reported together around 6,000,000 HIV cases. Other factors that affect in the
increase of HIV and AIDS in those areas are their fragile economy. Not being able to
afford condoms, not having AIDS tests on a regular basis, and not enough
infrastructure for the access to treatments of this diseases make this a tough task.

1. Saudi Arabia
2. Australia
3. Brazil
4. Canada
5. China
6. Haiti
7. Syria
8. France
9. Indonesia
10. Germany
11. Italy
12. Cameroon
13. United Kingdom
14. Mexico
15. Japan
16. DR Congo
17. Venezuela
18. Spain
19. Russia
20. Sweden
21. Belgium
22. South Africa
23. Ukraine
24. United State
25. New Zealand
26. Niger

● Background History
Around the 1900’s the scientists discovered that virus that caused the AIDS was very
similar to a virus found in chimpanzees called SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus).
They found out that the virus was probably passed from the chimps to the humans
when humans ate the animals or when they were killed and the humans touched their

The first case of HIV was found in a man that was living in the Democratic Republic of
Congo in 1959. In the 1960s, the B subtype of HIV had arrived to Haiti. At this time,
many of the Haitian professionals who were working in the virus of the Democratic
Republic of Congo. At the beginning, they were blamed for being responsible for the
HIV epidemic, and they suffered extreme racism and discrimination in result. Many
people believe that the HIV virus started in the United States because it was just
declared a condition in the health organizations. But it was actually originated in Africa
just as the human race. Sporadic cases were documented prior to 1970, available data
suggest that this epidemic started in the mid to late 1970s. By 1980, HIV had already
spread to five continents North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Oceania.
In May of 1986 the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses said that the
virus that causes AIDS will officially be called HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
instead of HTLV-III/LAV. In 1988, the World Health Organization declared December
1st as the first World AID Day. In 1996, the Joint United Nations Programme on AIDS
(UNAIDS) was established to advocate for global action on the epidemic and
coordinate the response to HIV and AIDS across the UN. In 1999, the World Health
Organization announced that AIDS was the fourth biggest cause of death worldwide.

An estimated 33 million people were living with HIV and 14 million people had died
from AIDS since the start of the epidemic. In 2000, UNAIDS negotiated with five
pharmaceutical companies to reduce antiretroviral drug prices for developing
countries. In 2002, the FDA approved the first rapid HIV test with 99.6% accuracy and
a result in 20 minutes. In 2003, President George W. Bush announced the creation of
the United States President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). A five
years plan to combat AIDS, primarily in countries with a high number of HIV infections.
In 2007, the WHO and UNAIDS issued new instruction recommending “provider-
initiated” HIV testing in healthcare settings.This aimed to expand knowledge of HIV
status and greatly increase access to HIV treatment and prevention. By the end of
2013, An estimated of 35 million people were living with HIV. In 2105, the WHO
launched new treatment guidelines recommending that all people living with HIV
should receive antiretroviral treatment. In 2017, For the first time ever, more than half
of the global population living with HIV are receiving antiretroviral treatment, a record
of 19.5 million people.

● Current Situation
The HIV/AIDS is an infectious disease that is attacking several parts of the world, the
95% of this countries are the developing countries, this is because the developing
countries are not prepared to fight a virus that is spreaded by blood and by sexual
intercourse. The most affected zone of the developing countries is the sub-Saharan
Africa with the two thirds of the 95% of the HIV in all the world, also in Asia an in the
Pacific the virus is high. The major factor that plays an important role against this
countries is poverty, because both public and private services do not have the
necessary material to help people with this disease. This virus attacks all people,
without regard of age because the virus also infects in the birth of a child if the mother
has the virus.

This is a big problem because a lot of people are dying in the developing countries
and also because the virus is spreaded very easily and quickly In 1999, an
international team of researchers discovered where the virus come from. It came from
a subspecies of a chimpanzee of the west equatorial Africa, they believe that the virus
was spreaded in the humans when they were exposed with this subspecies. This
viruses´ treatment help, but it does not have a cure, a lot of countries have been
spending a lot of money to find one, the US has been spending more than $600
million dollars a year to find a vaccine that can contrast the virus, but finding a cure
that can completely treat the HIV is very difficult because there are at least nine genetic
subtypes of the HIV.

Scientists are focusing in the subtype B that is the main subtype of the Americas,
Australia, Japan and western Europe, and the subtype A, C, D and E are the main
subtypes of sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia, where there are the major developing
countries and where the virus hit hardest. Also if there could be a effective vaccine it
would act different in each organism because of genetic makeup, so it is almost
impossible to find an effective vaccine, making more difficult for developing countries
to find a cure.

● Focus questions

1. How is your government responding to this issue?

2. Is your country helping any institution or campaign?

3. What is your country’s situation regarding the topic?

4. What percentage of your country’s populations has HIV/AIDS?

5. Is your country a developing country fighting this issue?

Helpful Links

Origin Of Hiv & Aids
Where Did Hiv Come From?
History Of Hiv and Aids Overview
Hiv / Aids
Hiv Treatment: The Basics Understanding Hiv/aids
HIV/AIDS in the developing world
5 Countries having maximum HIV/AIDS Cases | World AIDS Day

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