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Tathiana Millien
Mr. Conrad
Honors Global Studies
21 May 2018
Action Plan

The objective of this project is to grow awareness in communities, provide support, and educate
others on how women are still not being treated as equal in the Middle East. This lack of a right
is limiting the quality is life and even killing some women as they fight for a better life.

Why should the community:

Joining the action gives the world the idea of a united front of no tolerance of anything lesser
than equality for all. Support is the reason why people should join this movement. Without
support nothing can be accomplished, these women being dominated by male figures need
support to overcome their suppressor. The thought of inequality should motivate anyone and
everyone to join this movement. Without women equality ​everywhere​ ​women won’t be seen as
important enough to society if they are not even support by women themselves. The lack of
support represents the gap between women and men in today’s society.

Theory and History:

Equal rights is a struggle for many countries all over the world and even a bigger struggle in the
Arab World. This world issue is caused by the conflicts of culture and politics, and the right to
each one. The Association for the Development and Enhancement of Women (ADEW) is a
Foundation that is supported by the European Union and founded in 1987. The ADEW has a
national network based in Egypt, established NGO, and is funded by many outside sponsors
making it very resourceful. This foundation was the first NGO to raise awareness on the issue of
legal existence of women and the lack of official documentation in 1987 (“ADEW”,2018). This
foundation is willing to help women politically to elevate themselves rather than just making the
issue known to the public. The use of media is a great resource that they utilize by producing
poster, flyers, and even documentaries. The purpose of the ADEW is to improve the lives of
women who are afflicted the most by this issue. To help women in need this foundation has spent
funding in legal aid for women, literacy classes to acquire better opportunities, and
empowerment workshops to uplift women in a belittling society that many live in. All of these
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resources are available to the Egyptian population including the youth. ADEW has established a
program that is designed to find the answer or way to find a solution to resolve this problem, this
program is called Community Mobilization Program (“ADEW”,2018). The change of laws that
limit women by bounding them by law and religion is immensely advocate in the of a solution to
this conflict.

Planning the Action Plan:

The action plan proposed below will consist of approaches focused on the community,
organizations/foundations, the country or area itself, America, and local women with the goal of
establishing women equality in the Middle East. This action plan is based off of prior research on
foundations, organizations, and the ideas of others who are trying to invoke change.

Step Who What/Action When/Time Resources Communication

1 Myself & The action needed to As long as Social Media/ Stakeholders

Educated be taken is the needed to Technology-​ A affected by this
people on issue spread of awareness alert the platform to issue may be
on this issue, why it public of this reach and both negatively
is happening, and remaining spread and positively
what started the issue. information affected
conflict. Educate the Unlimited depending on
public. time frame. Human- ​ 25 perception.
(Community) minimum Positively for
allows for women and their
distribution of rights, but
flyers and oral negatively for the
presentations government, and
others who
Capital-​ $1,000 deeply believe in
allows for the Theocracy.
flyers and
posters to be
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presented and
Funds can be
subsidized by

Step Who What/Action When/Time Resources Communication

2 Organizations/ Help raise a great 6 months Human- ​2,000, Affects all

Foundations sum of money for 24/7 allows for stakeholders
the cause will giving depending on women shelters because it
The Dubai promotion. Using needed to be staffed empowers
Foundation for money to elevate service. adequately, women while
Women and women be educating, Shelters 24/7, teachers and providing aid.
Children shelters for the education and mentors Also affects
abused and battered, mentors available to all thoses who do
The Association and can provide Monday-Frid not support the
for the mentors to allow ay 10am- Capital- movement of
Development women to thrive. 5pm. $150,000 negativity
and Allows pressure to Payment of because this
Enhancement of be added to countries people, opportunity
Women who restrict women equipment, allows women to
rights. Opens up security, school move up
discussion. materials politically and
Used for
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Step Who What/Action When/Time Resources Communication

3 Protester for Arrange Marchers to On the Capital- Stakeholders and

change & gain attention in the Independence $10,000 an many people
Supporters public eye, attention Day of each attraction at around the world
in that area, and the country celebration/prot will be affected
(the country or government as well. affected, est and by the movement
area itself) continuing all refreshments because it
day of that demonstrates a
day. Allows Human- ​200 united front on
for a strong minimum, to the issue of
message to be show support women rights
received by
bystanders. Media-

Step Who What/Action When/Time Resources Communication

4 Supporters and Spread awareness This will be a Capital - Stakeholders and

Myself and reason to never ending unknown due the world Will be
everyone, while battle with to the fact of affected because
(Local women trying to reach and time. The being available it brings
in area) help those who are in helping of for an unknown awareness to the
need of help, or want local women amount of time, topic for helping
outside help. will continue an unknown women in the
until the issue amount of area come a
of women materials, and person by their
injustice in people helping own government.
the Middle in the aid It reaches
East is everyone is
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solved. Human-​ 250 willing to listen.

minimum, to
help start base
of that can help
women in need

Social Media/
Technology -
Allow for a
platform to
spread the
ideas of the
cause around
while being
accessible to
around the

Step Who What/Action When/Time Resources Communication

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5 America Get outsider Unlimited time Capital- Stakeholders

(America) to frame. $100,000 to affected by the
understand, see, and Unmeasurable start out in cause will be
realize that Women time due to the spreading positively
are still seen as an fact it is resources to affected because
equal in the Middle unknown in the area, the outside help
East. Alerting people amount of time payment of will help in
to the topic will that the issue people, get shedding light on
bring pressure into will be exposed attention by the issue at hand.
the Middle East in to the world, flyers to Stakeholders who
trying to get women and catch raise funds don’t support the
equal rights while attention and get change will also
also bringing support as well. Human- be negatively
publicity to the topic Millions of affected because
at hand. Get people, a the pressure will
awareness, raise large base of force them to
funds, try to people will change.
establish women in aid in
local areas affected, changing the
political pressure, government
establish safe spaces. that enforce
this way of

A local base
where the
cause can be
reached and
found by

Media-​ Free
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