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Distribution of Sample Mean and Central Limit Theorem Probability Binomial, Poisson, Normal

Estimates and Estimators Techniques

Union and Intersection Binomial
Equations given in MF15 For ∑ ( x−a )2=b , where a and b are constants P ( A ∪ B ) =P ( A )+ P ( B )−P( A ∩ B) X B(n , p)
let ( x−a)= y
P ( A )=P ( A ∩B )+ P ( A ∪ B' ) where n = number of trials,
∑ ug
(x−a)= ∑ ∑
(x )− (a)
Sub ∑ y2 and¿ instead of ∑ x 2 and ¿ into equation for p =probability of success
where a is a constant Conditional Probability
(will obtain same answer as ) P ( A ∩ B )=P( A)× P( B| A ) Usage of GC plot and table function is
Mutually Exclusive important when either n or p not given
Graphs Inequalities Poisson
Proof in words (A cannot happen if B
Asymptotes Quadratic Formula
happens) X Po(λ)
Vertical Asymptote: Equate denominator to y=a x +bx +c
If Mutually exclusive = Not independent where λ is the mean
−b ± √ b2−4 ac Independence Addition of λ s are possible if they are
Horizontal/Oblique Asymptote: Long division Then x=
2a P ¿ or independent
Factors and roots
Modulus Normal
y=(x−a)n X N (μ , σ 2 )
If |x|>a then x >a and x ←a Sampling Methods
n is an odd number: intersects and passes Then draw your number line and shade where μ = mean,
through the x-axis when x=a Simple Random
INTERSECTION 1. Number population 1-N σ = standard deviation,
n is an even number: touches but does not 2
2. Choose n numbers from 1-N at σ = variance, the curve is symmetrical
dy If |x|<a then x <a and x >−a random Normal (Linear Combination)
pass through the x-axis when x=a , ( = 0¿
dx Then draw your number line and shade Free from bias but time-consuming
μ is summed/subtracted
the UNION Systematic
Permutations and Combinations Variance: Var(2X)=22Var(X),
Manipulation 1. Number population 1-N
Linear Permutations 2. Calculate 2Var(X)=2(Var(X))
n! >0 ↔ab >0 ¿¿ Normal (Standardisation)
b k = population ¿
Circular Permutations sample ¿ ¿ ¿ X−μ
a> b , c< 0↔ a c <bc Z= such that it follows a normal
( n−1 ) ! 3. Randomly pick a number x from 1 to σ
Sketching distribution with mean = 0, variance = 1
If circular arrangement “seats” are numbered, k
Coeff. of highest power of x positive, tail X−μ
then follow a linear permutation rule 4. Choose x , x +k , x+ 2 ,… till limit P( X ≤ x) = P( Z ≤ )
↑ σ
Techniques reached
Coeff. of highest power of x negative, tail Used in conjunction with inversenorm
1. Grouping (when units must be side by Even spread vs Biased if pattern is periodic
side) ↓ Stratified and Quota Approximation
Do not forget to permutate within group Matrix 1. Divide population into non-
2. Inserting (when units must be apart) Write equations and arrange terms overlapping strata
Remove units that must be apart first, Use PlySmlt2 from GC 2. Calculate units to take from each
Good Algorithm stratum,
permutate the rest, then multiply by (nPr
1. Move all terms to LHS, (+/-), do not ( d=stratum ¿ ¿ population ¿ × n¿ ¿
where n = possible insertions, r =number
×/÷), leaving zero on RHS 3. Stratified: Randomly pick d units the
of separated units)
3. Cases (Listing all possibilities)
2. Combine such that all have same 1. If n large, np> 5, n ( 1− p ) >5
denominator Quota: Pick d convenient units for the
4. Complement
stratum (not randomly)
then X N (np ,np (1− p))
Graphing Techniques Graphing Techniques (Conics) Hypothesis Testing Functions
Translation Circle p-value Tests
2 2 2
y=f ( x )+ b ( x−a ) + ( y −b ) =r p-value smaller, probability is lower, Vertical line: Test for real function
Shiftb units in POSITIVE y-direction is the standard form where more likely to reject H0 Horizontal line: Test for one-one (inverse)
Inverse function
y=f ( x +b) (a,b) = center of circle, r = radius p-value < significance → reject H 0
Shift b units in NEGATIVE x-direction OR T-test
Scaling A x 2+ A y 2 + Dx+ Ey + F=0, given A ≠ 0 x́−μ0
y=b f (x ) you ought to rewrite to standard form using
s /√n
completing the square(move constant “F” to RHS,
Scale graph by factor of b parallel to y-axis used if and only if when sample small
group x and y terms, do complete the square
(for every point(x,y)→(x,b y) ) < 50 AND s2 is estimated(MF15) Seen above, f −1 (x) is obtain by inputting x-
twice separately)
Working backwards values into y-axis. Finding rule: Make x the
y=f (bx ) Ellipse (squashed circle) Sometimes you are given that H 0 is subject(Quadratic equation or grouping and
1 2
(x−a) ( y−b) 2
rejected/not rejected and asked to factorize) remember to add ± sign and reject
Scale graph by factor of b−1 or parallel to x-
b + =1 based on restrictions of x(follows range of f )
h2 k2 find min/max values of n or the
1. Needs to be one-one function
where (a,b) = center of ellipse, significance or x́ ,n , s , μ 0.
Flipping 2. Domain(x-axis) of f −1 = Range (y-axis) of
h = “max. width”, k = “max. height” Min/Max value of x́ : inversenorm
y=−f ( x ) (replace y by – y )→flip along x- f
Min/Max value of n, s, μ0, use
3. Range(y-axis) of f −1 = Domain (x-axis) of
Parabola (∪∨⊂) x́ −μ 0
y=f (−x ) (replace x by – x )→flip along y-
standard normal Z= , and f
axis ⊂ shape: ( y−b )2=k ( x−a) s / √n
Disclaimer Note f f −1 and f −1 f both = x but does not
∪ shape: ( x−a )2=k ( y−b) have same domain (not identical functions)
Reflections where (a,b) is turning point/vertex will not
Composite function
be responsible for any loss of marks
Find symmetry→ Equate squared term to 0
resulting from use of this revision
sheet. If you find an error, please
send me an email. Feel free to make
(x−a)2 ( y −b)2 copies and distribute but do
− =1 or
h2 k2 acknowledge.
( y−b)2 (x −a)2 ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR
1) Existence of gf (x):
k2 h2
Progressio Arithmetic/Geometric Progression
n nth term Sum of first n terms Sum to infinity Common difference/ratio To prove if a sequence is AP or GP, DO NOT only prove d is constant for
n u2−u 1…, as it does not suffice as prove for entire sequence. Given the rule
Sn= (2 a+ d ( n−1 ))
un =a+d (n−1) 2 to the sequence(like Sn=something ) Manipulate the rule till you
AP Does not exist d=un−un −1
n express un in terms of something. If un and un−1 satisfies the common
S n = ¿)
2 difference/ratio equation (meaning that you get d or r = constant)
a un Please refer to Example 5 on Page 7 of AP/GP notes. For solutions for
GP un =ar n−1 a (1−r n ) S∞ = r= Example 5 proving, please request from
Sn = , r ≠1 1−r u n−1

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