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General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Behaviour Personal and Intercultural
creative thinking social Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
and Cultures

Notes about device access in the classroom: All students have school allocated Mac computers- all student have school email addresses they can use to sign up to the
various programs.
LESSON Australia OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES and other
n (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 3 How -Find a variety of different Students Motivation and Introduction: (10 minutes) Oxford Big Ideas:
Lesson 1 social med social media platforms engagement 1. Students introduced to class Padlet page (Password Humanities and
ia is used (Twitter, Facebook etc) and contribution HASS9 (5 minutes) Social Sciences –
to -Outline social media usage to the group 2. Introductions to topic (5 minutes) (2016) pge 474-477
influence by politicians (Who, how padlet i.e. are Main Body (35 minutes)
people's often etc) they involved, Group reading and class generated spider web - Ribbet. (2018).
-Differentiate between social have they influencers on voters Key questions; what forms of Retrieved from
media account motivations demonstrated media affect voters around election time? How do
ding of
for posting (political parties, understanding politicians use social media? What forms of social
issues commentators etc) (formative) media for we know? (10 minutes) Padlet. (2018)
(ACHCK0 1. Worksheets distributed, and instruction given about
76) Appropriate finding and recording examples of social media ec_robinson1/xtafq9
examples given platforms which may influence voters (5 minutes) qykyhv
and correctly 2. Students broken up into small groups (3) and allowed to
displayed use Ribbet to generate images of at least 5 different
PicCollage social media accounts/posts (from at least 2 platforms)
results uploaded in one of three areas; Social commentators (media),
to Padlet Politicians or Government agencies (15 minutes)
(formative) 3. Students to upload their picture collage to the class
shared Padlet (5 minutes)
Lesson Closure (5 minutes)
Students asked to review the class Padlet before the
next lesson and familiarise themselves with the other
examples uploaded (5 minutes)
LESSON Australian OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES and other
Curriculum (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 3 How -Quote findings from their Active Motivation and introduction: (10 minutes) Oxford Big Ideas:
Lesson 2 social medi homework of social media participation in Reopening and class discussion of Padlet from the past Humanities and
a is used to posts Jigsaw exercise class (10 minutes) Social Sciences –
influence -Compile facts and figures quoting Main Body (35 minutes) (2016) pge 474-477
people's regarding online trending appropriately Groups from the previous lesson given a Political topic,
understandi topics related posts to asked to find examples of how it’s spoken about on Prezi. (2018)
-Identify trending topics on their topic Social Media i.e. methods of feedback, Retrieved from
ng of issues
social media related to (formative) positive/negative, size of reaction (5 minutes)
politics Introduction to the use of Prezi and the key features
) Finding and they’re expected to utilize in their presentations (5
understanding minutes)
trending topics. Create a presentation using Prezi, explaining the issue
they were give, commentary of the posts they found
and including images, links, screenshots etc to inform
the rest of the class (15 minutes)
Presentations AirDropped around the room individually
for other students to review the work created (10
Lesson Closure (5 minutes)
Class feedback on how they found the program to use
and how it suited their displaying of the information they
found (5 minutes)
LESSON Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES and other
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 3 How social media Name the politicians Appreciation Motivation and introduction: (10 minutes)
Lesson 3 is used to they’ve prior knowledge and Identify examples students have heard of where Oxford Big Ideas:
influence people's of using Social Media demonstration Politicians have used Social Media i.e. Donald Trump, Humanities and
understanding of -Critique the positives of potential pros Malcolm Turnbull etc (5 minutes) Social Sciences –
issues and negatives to and cons of What are these politicians trying to achieve? How can (2016) pge 475
(ACHCK076) politicians of using social media to this be achieved? Brainstorm on the board (5 minutes)
social media politicians Main Body (35 minutes) Smore. (2018)
-Create imaginary (formative) Students introduced to the Smore template for their Retrieved from
social media account creation of a Social Media account on the imaginary https://www.smore.c
for a hypothetical Examination platform ‘HASSbook’ (10 minutes) om/sbjyu
politician. and upload of Exercise 5 from Check your learning 15.6 pg 475 in
the social media book – Create imaginary social media account for a Padlet. (2018)
account created politician (15 minutes)
via the Smore Students to screenshot their ‘HASSbook’ homepage ec_robinson1/xtafq9
template and uploard onto the class Padlet (10 minutes) qykyhv
Lesson Closure (5 minutes)
Students given homework to comment on their own and
at least 3 other students Padlet posts, with opinions on
how they posts may be perceived (a positive, a possible
improvement, and another positive where possible) (5

Possible planning process…

Decide on a final Find ICT tools
Decide what you
Choose a product that will that will enhance
want the Create a series of
be produced by the student’s
content area students to know
the students e.g. experiences.
steps that will
Plan how to
from the and/or do by the build the
a movie, book, Tools can be for assess and
end of the lesson knowledge and
SCSA website sequence. Create
poster, website, use by the
skills required to
evaluate the
presentation, teacher but the student learning.
links to the complete the
mindmap, majority should relevant content final product.
u interactive quiz, be used by the
document, etc. students.

Device considerations
K-year 4 – Use iPad as your device. Assume either shared devices or each child has a device. Do not assume there is a lab at the
school. They are disappearing from most schools.
Year 4-6 – Use either an iPad or a laptop as your main device. Many schools have 1-1 devices but not all. Again, there are not likely
to be labs in schools – you will have shared devices or can borrow from other classrooms if you want to do individual activities.
Year 7-12 - Plan for one device per student – e.g. assume everyone will have iPad, or Mac or Windows machine.

Notes: Make sure the tools and sites you choose can cater for the device you nominate. Some popular apps are only available on
iPad and some websites don’t work on the iPad but may have an app instead. Do your research to ensure it will all work on the
nominated devices.

Website creation guidelines

Create the following tabs

 Home
 Lesson 1
 Lesson 2
 Lesson 3
 Teacher Planning page
 ICT tools

Explanation of the tabs:

Home Lesson pages Teacher page ICT tools

Explain your website. Assessment 3. Assessment 1 Assessment 1
Be clear about your target The lesson pages should be You will include your planning This is where you will put the
audience. clear and aimed at the age documents, your explanation details of the ICT tools we will
Make it interesting and visual group of the students. These of the learning theory and your be covering in the unit.
and ensure it contains links to pages are not designed for clarification of the 4 chosen Include the link to the tool, a
the other sections of your site. adults. It is designed for ICT focus tools. description, a screen shot or
students to use within a guided You will also put a link on this example and an explanation
classroom environment. page to the section where you of how it could be used in a
Use appropriate web design will be detailing all of your ICT classroom.
principles to ensure the site is tools.
easy to use and navigate.

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