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Hour Workplac Hours

Module Element Performance Criteria Assessed Features

s TVI e needs Immersion
1. Title Page/ Preliminaries/ 1.1. Title Page contains all necessary information, i.e., title, Demonstrated
Abstract proponents, dates. ability to:
1.2. Approval sheet is present and signed.
1.3. Table of contents is complete and neatly presented. 1.1. Prepare
1.4. Abstract provides a clear overview of the paper. preliminaries
2. Chapter I: The Problem 2.1. The context of the research problem is clearly explained. for the
and Its Background 2.2. The problems are clearly stated. conduct of
2.3. Scope of research is explained well. research, i.e.,
3. Chapter II: Review of 3.1. Review contains both related literature and studies. approval from
Related Studies and 3.2. Online and offline references are used and cited. proper
Literature 3.3. RRL employs correct APA format for in-text citations. authorities...
3.4. RRL is presented logically and coherently. 1.2. identify
3.5. RRL defines important terms operationally. topic/proble
4. Chapter III: Research 4.1. Chapter III explains research design, data collection m for
Design and Methodology techniques, data analysis schemes, and (de)limitations. research
5. Chapter IV: 5.1. Data is presented logically, e.g. following the order of the
2.1. explain
background of the
5.2. Presentation and analysis of data is complete and
2.2. formulate
5.3. Graphical/Tabular representations of data are used
properly and adequately.
6. Chapter V 6.1. Conclusions are logically drawn from the data presented
2.3. define scope
and analyzed.
and limitation of
6.2. Recommendations are sound, logical, and feasible.
7. Bibliography 7.1. List of references follows proper format (APA/MLA).
3.1. locate and
8. Oral Presentation 8.1. Preparation is evident through proper organization and utilize existing
presentation of ideas. knowledge on the
8.2. Presenters exude confidence by communicating the topic research topic
clearly through audible speech, appropriate gestures and 3.2. cite sources
eye contact, and correct phasing/speed. honestly and
8.3. Presenters demonstrate extensive knowledge of the topic completely
by responding to questions or clarifications confidently, 3.3. paraphrase,
precisely, and appropriately. summarize or
8.4. Appropriate and clear visual aids, i.e., slideshow, are used. quote sources so
9. Poster Presentation 9.1. Title/authors are prominently positioned but as to avoid
introduction and SOP are concisely presented along with plagiarism
the major parts of the paper.
9.2. Poster is visually appealing and not cluttered. Colors and 3.4. relate existing
patterns enhance readability; font types and sizes are body of
appropriate; graphics are engaging. knowledge to
9.3. Provides proper citation of sources. APA citation style is present
accurate. undertaking
9.4. Poster presentation is free of mistakes in spelling and 3.5. define
grammar. important terms
used in the paper

4.1. design a
framework for the
4.2. develop data
collection tools,
i.e., interviews,
surveys, etc.

5.1. present and

analyze data
5.2. utilize and
explain non-
of data properly

6.1. draw
conclusions from
the findings
6.2. formulate
sound and

7.1. prepare a list

of references
using the APA
8.1. present/
defend research
8.2. revise
research paper
based on the
of the panel

9.1. present
research as well-
lain out posters
9.2. employ
technology in the
preparation and
presentation of
the research
COMPETENCY Module Descriptor Learning Outcomes Required knowledge Required Skills

Module 7: This unit allows students to carry out a 1. Research  Possible Areas/Topics  Identifying
Inquiries, basic research of their choice— Report on an for Inquiry Possible Areas
Investigations, and qualitative, quantitative, or a mixture of Area of HK  Related Studies and and Topics for
Immersion both—on their field of specialization, 2. Poster Literature Inquiry
i.e., Home Economics. As a culminating Presentation  Plagiarism  Determining
Summing It All Up: activity, the module will allow them to on the Topic  Research Design and related studies
think critically and employ problem- or Area of Methodology and literature
solving skills on their chosen problem or Interest * Qualitative  Using offline and
topic. 3. Slideshow * Quantitative online sources in
Presentations  Sampling Procedures collecting related
for Research * Quantitative research and
Presentation * Qualitative literature
or Defense  Data Collection  Paraphrasing,
 Data Analysis Quoting, and
* Quantitative Summarizing
* Qualitative  Avoiding
 Conclusions and plagiarism
Recommendations  Determining
 APA Bibliography Target Population
 MS Word and Sample Sizes
 MS Powerpoint  Collecting Data
 MS Excel * Qualitatively
 Photo Manipulation * Quantitatively
Software  Analyzing
Research Data
 Drawing
Conclusions and
 Listing references
 Formatting
research paper
using appropriate
software, i.e., MS
 Presenting the
research paper
using appropriate
software, i.e., MS
Powerpoint, Prezi,
 Defending,
revising, and
finalizing written

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