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Recycling Zinc Phosphate Sludge 27021.

by Christopher J. Baldy
PPG Industries Inc., Allison Park, Pa.

he cost of sludge disposal can the sludge. This is an essential step, as oil is essential to the full recovery of
contribute significantly to the the oil is typically 20 to 25% by weight all useful components.
cost of product manufacturing. of the sludge, and total digestion of the This removal of oil is accomplished
An opportunity exists to eliminate this sludge is not possible without first re- by the addition of hydrogen peroxide
cost of land disposal of sludge result- moving this oil component. to an acidic dispersion of the sludge
ing from the zinc phosphate pretreat- Additional patents have been issued that displaces oil from the remaining
ment process. In addition, the cost of for various other methods of reclaim- mixture. This clean separation be-
the phosphating process may be re- ing zinc phosphate sludge. U.S. Pat- comes possible through the oxidation
duced by reclaiming this sludge to a ents 4,986,977 and 3,653,875, and JP of certain components of the oil. Upon
zinc-phosphate replenishment solution 03134181 discuss the recovery of addition of hydrogen peroxide, the ox-
and other useful products. products after an initial alkaline diges- idation reaction is observable through
For those not familiar with phos- tion. Patent EP 608874-A1 discusses the separation of the oil and the con-
phating processes, a one-to-one rela- the recovery of metals from such version of a portion of this oil to a tar.
tionship exists between the amount of sludge using a strong acid cation ex- Upon completion of the oxidation re-
phosphate deposited on the metal sub- change resin. U S . Patent 5,273,667 action, the reaction vessel contains a
strate and the amount of sludge gener- discusses the conversion of the phos- white iron phosphate precipitate, a
ated. For many automotive and indus- phate sludge to a lubricant additive. green metal phosphate concentrate
trial processes, this sludge consists of Finally, the U.S. National Technical above, and an oil layer that is floating
iron, zinc, manganese, nickel, phos- Information Service, Public Bulletin # on top. This oil that floats above the
phate, and oil. The products, which 211,933 (1972) describes a solvent ex- aqueous layer contains both liquid and
result from the recycling process, are traction procedure for recovery of so- a tar type of material. Multiple possi-
oil, which may be used as a heating dium phosphate, zinc, and iron. Each bilities are available for removing the
fuel; a zinc phosphate concentrate; and of these methods fails to discuss the oil layer from the top of an aqueous
a cake of iron phosphate. If desired, removal of the oil present, and are of solution. We used an oil skimmer for
this iron phosphate can be further pro- limited use for the production of prod- this operation.
cessed to an iron phosphate concen- ucts useful to the product manufac- The tar portion was then rinsed with
trate and iron oxide, which may be turer. xylene and analyzed along with the
used as a pigment for paint. The specific technical aspects of the liquid oil by IR and I3C NMR. The IR
Several methods for reclaiming zinc process to be described may be segre- and NMR spectra show the liquid to be
containing sludge have been proposed gated into three phases. Phase I is the a long chain aliphatic oil with a small
previously. Certain companies offer separation of oil from the sludge. amount of unsaturation, essentially a
reclamation services of zinc-bearing Phase I1 is the extraction of zinc, man- mineral oil. The tar is a mixture of
waste through a high-temperature ganese, and nickel from the sludge fol- components. The major components
metal recovery method however, the lowing digestion with phosphoric acid. are a long-chain fatty acid, a bisphenol
relatively low level of zinc contained Phase I11 is the conversion of the iron A-type component, and silica. The full
in this sludge makes this process of phosphate residue from Phase I1 to pig- impact of this discovery is still not
little cost benefit for zinc phosphate ment-quality iron oxide, and sodium clear, but it is expected that this oil
sludge. On the contrary, the recovery phosphate that may be acidified to an oxidation process will have several ad-
process described in this article pro- iron phosphate concentrate. ditional applications, possibly to in-
vides a benefit to the product manufac- clude removal of oils from metal sur-
turer who can use the zinc phosphate faces.
replenishment solution reclaimed from The solid white iron phosphate pre-
the zinc phosphate sludge. cipitate may be separated from the
U.S. Patent 5,376,342 was granted The following testing was con- zinc, nickel, and manganese containing
for a process very similar to the one ducted on both sludge from a zinc- supernatant liquid using a filter press,
described below; however, attempts to nickel phosphate process and from a or in our case, a vacuum filtration pro-
reproduce the patent examples resulted zinc-nickel-manganese phosphate pre- cess. Depending upon the particular
in a pH of 0.8, which is below the treatment process. Due to the hydro- source of the sludge, it may be bene-
specified level of 1.5 to 2.5. If the philic nature of this sludge, typical ficial to have a magnetic collector that
amount of acid was reduced to achieve sludge obtained from an automotive collects the iron fines present in the
the minimum pH specified (pH IS), pretreatment process is only 40 to 55% sludge, prior to dispensing the solid
the sludge slurry became extremely solids. The presence of up to 25% by material to the filter press. An~thp.
thixotropic and unworkable. Addition- weight oil in this sludge poses a sig- point worth mentioning is that no
ally, no mention is made of the re- nificant hindrance to the recovery pro- hopeite or phosphophyllite or iron (111)
moval of the oil prior to digestion of cess. Removal of the majority of the phosphate crystals were found in this

METAL FINISHING NOVEMBER 1996 0 Copyright Elsevier Science Inc. 23

ide to raise the pH to 2.5 prior to is preferable, but not necessary, to have
filtering*. The 200 parts (30% solids) a port near the bottom of this vessel for
of residue (iron phosphate) are saved the addition of hydrogen peroxide. The
for the third phase of the process. The vessel must have a skimming system
350 parts of filtrate collected contain 6 for the removal of the oil. The material
parts zinc, 1.8 parts manganese, 0.1 from the acid digestion can be pumped
part nickel, and 90 parts phosphate. to a filter press and the zinc phosphate
This is used in the formulation of a filtrate collected into another vessel
zinc phosphate concentrate. that will permit the addition of the
remaining components necessary to
make a replenishment bath. The pro-
duction of the replenishment bath can
Phase 111 be coordinated with the pretreatment
The iron phosphate residue from the supplier. The iron phosphate residue in
previous stage is placed in 400 parts the filter press can be returned to the
water. To this suspension is added 200 same vessel used for the acid diges-
parts 15% sodium hydroxide over 60 tion, and the alkaline digestion con-
min at 23°C. This suspension is then ducted. This dispersion could also be
heated to 82°C for 15 hours for good pumped to the filter press, and another
color development to a red-brown pig- vessel used to collect the NaH,PO,.
ment. The pH is then reduced to about Thus, a total of one reaction vessel,
Figure 1. Process schematic. 7 by the addition of 17 parts 85% two mixing vessels, and a filter press is
phosphoric acid. The suspension is al- needed.
solid material by X-ray diffraction lowed to settle for 10 minutes and then
analysis. Elpasolite (K2NaA1F,) was filtered hot.* The 25 parts Fe203 that
found as a minor crystalline species in result may be used as a pigment in
both the zinc-nickel and zinc-nickel- CONCLUSION
paints. The 630 parts filtrate contains
manganese sludges. In the zinc-nickel NaH,PO,, and may be acidified with The above process has been used in
sludge, Fe,(PO,), was found in trace 20 parts H3P0, to provide an iron the lab on batch sizes up to 1 gallon of
amounts. This verifies that the compo- phosphate concentrate. sludge processed. The most significant
nents of the sludge are amorphous in Summarizing the above processes, aspect of the process is the use of
nature. 100 parts 50% solids zinc-nickel-man- hydrogen peroxide to oxidize the oil
The optimized procedure for the re- ganese phosphate sludge are digested contained in the sludge to permit full
cycling of zinc phosphate sludge (the digestion of the sludge. As previously
in 400 parts 25% phosphoric acid and
specific phosphating line example is a stated, the amount of oil present in the
zinc-nickel-manganese line) into us-
10 parts 30% hydrogen peroxide
added, which separate 13 parts oil. The sludge is appreciable (up to 25% by
able components is described below. weight). This hydrogen peroxide oxi-
Also included are the representative supematant liquor contains 6 parts
zinc, 1.8 parts manganese, and 0.1 part dation procedure can be used to dis-
yields. This process is represented place the oil present in the sludge and
schematically in Figure 1. nickel. The iron phosphate residue is
has potential in several additional areas
further alkaline digested in 200 parts
of application.
Phase I 15% sodium hydroxide to produce 25
The above-described reclamation
To 100 parts by weight sludge (50% parts Fe203 plus 650 parts of iron process offers cost savings associated
solids), 400 parts 25% phosphoric acid phosphate concentrate. with reduced disposal costs, reduced
are added. A one-hour digestion of the replenishment costs, and possibly cash
dispersion is conducted at 82°C. While retum from the generation of other
at 8 2 T , 10 parts 30% H202 are added EQUIPMENT useful components. This process is rel-
under slow stirring conditions. At the atively simple, requiring minimal cap-
end of this addition, the dispersion is The equipment necessary for this ital expenditure, and is minimally la-
allowed to settle without stirring for 10 recycling process includes an acid di- bor intensive. Finally, this process
minutes. Using a skimmer, the 13 parts gestion vessel capable of good agita- provides the opportunity for environ- ~

of oil released float above the disper- tion and heating to 82°C. In addition, it mental stewardship through the com-
sion and are collected. plete recycling of all by-products of
the phosphating process into useful
Phase I1 'All filtering referred to in this process is by materials as opposed to land-filling
To the remaining suspension is vacuum filtration using a Buchner funnel as these materials as waste. MF
added 45 parts of 40% sodium hydrox- opposed to a filter press.


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