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World Development Vol. 40, No. 8, pp.

1675–1689, 2012
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0305-750X/$ - see front matter

Microfinance and Poverty—A Macro Perspective

University of Manchester, UK

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
University of Delhi, India

International Fund for Agricultural Development, Italy



University of Cape Coast, Ghana
University of Central Lancashire, UK
Summary. — We test the hypothesis that microfinance reduces poverty at the macro level using cross-country and panel data which are
constructed by the Microfinance Information Exchange data on Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and the World Bank data. Taking
account of the endogeneity associated with MFIs’ loans, we show that a country with higher MFIs’ gross loan portfolio per capita tends
to have lower levels of poverty indices. Contrary to recent micro evidence, our results suggest that microfinance significantly reduces
poverty at macro level and thus reinforce the case for channeling funds from development finance institutions and governments of devel-
oping countries into MFIs.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words — microfinance, poverty, loan portfolio, macro and global

1. INTRODUCTION these studies. In view of this, studies that have recently

emerged have used one of the following three approaches: (i)
Most of the recent studies of the impact of microfinance on randomized control trials (Banerjee, Duflo, Glennerster, &
poverty or income have relied on micro-level evidence based Kinnan, 2009; Feigenberg, Field, & Pande, 2010; Karlan &
on household data or entrepreneurial data (e.g., Hulme & Zinman, 2010); (ii) financial diaries/portfolios of the poor
Mosley, 1996; Imai, Arun, & Annim, 2010a, 2010b; Khand- (Collins, Morduch, Rutherford, & Ruthven, 2009) and (iii)
ker, 2005; Mosley, 2001). Due to the scarcity of reliable macro use of other variants of quasi-experimental estimation tech-
data on microfinance, macro-level studies of the impact of niques such as treatments effect and propensity score matching
microfinance on poverty are rather limited. However, there in both cross-sectional and panel data setting (Imai et al.,
are a few recent works that investigate the relationship be- 2010a, 2010b). Evidence from such studies remains mixed
tween the macro economy and microfinance activities and/or due to different microfinance outcome measures and/or differ-
performance, such as Ahlin, Lin, and Maio (2011), Ahlin ent methodologies adopted by these studies, leading to the per-
and Lin (2006) and Kai and Hamori (2009), among others. ception that microfinance is likely to have little impact on
The thrust of these studies is either to examine the environ- poverty. 1 Our econometric analysis points to robust poverty
mental context in which microfinance operates, or investigate reducing effects of microfinance, as elaborated below.
the potential effect of microfinance on key macroeconomic
variables, such as gross domestic product or inequality. The
findings of a significant relationship between operations of * This study is funded by IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural D-
Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and the macro economy cor-
evelopment). We are grateful to Thomas Elhaut, Director of Asia and the
roborate the recent evidence based on household data sets
Pacific Division, IFAD, for his support and guidance throughout this
which posits that microfinance has a poverty reducing effect
study. The first author thanks generous research support from RIEB,
(e.g., Gaiha & Nandhi, 2009; Imai et al., 2010a, 2010b;
Kobe University, during his stay in 2010, and valuable comments from
Khandker, 2005).
Shoji Nishijima, Takahiro Sato, and seminar participants at Kobe Univ-
This study redirects the attention to macro studies given the
ersity. The second author would like to thank Bish Sanyal for the invit-
mixed results of microfinance impact studies at the micro level
in recent years. As the separation of causal effects of micro- ation to work at MIT’s Department of Urban Studies, where a first draft
credit from selection effects is unsatisfactory in many of the was prepared. We have also benefited from the comments of Thankom
micro-level studies, Armendariz and Morduch (2005) pointed Arun and M.D. Azam. The views expressed are, however, personal and
to a potential bias arising in the impact of microfinance in not necessarily of the organizations to which we are affiliated. Final rev-
ision accepted: February 29, 2012.

The challenges for empirical macro studies of microfinance To cross-check the potential bias arising from self-selection,
include: (a) identifying an appropriate measure of microfi- the current study estimates variants of econometric models
nance activities, in terms of “availability” or “intensity”; (b) with different sub-samples, based on several criteria such as ex-
identifying the effects of “performance,” distinguished from tent of validity of data submitted by MFIs (see Ahlin et al.,
“presence” and “scale” of microfinance on macro indicators; 2011 for details). We have found that the results are broadly
and (c) examining the robustness of coefficient estimates re- similar and consistent irrespective of which sub-samples are in-
lated to microfinance. Building on the small but emerging lit- cluded. Also, we have compared the gross loan portfolio of
erature on analyzing the impacts of microfinance from a MFI per capita (based on the MIX data)—a dependent vari-
macro perspective, the present study aims to examine the rela- able in our models—with three variables on microfinance
tionship between MFI’s gross loan portfolio per capita and activity at country levels available from WDI 2011; (a)
FGT class of poverty indices. 2 The results would be useful branches, microfinance institutions (per 100,000 adults); (b)
for development agencies, governments, and other investors, deposit accounts, microfinance institutions (per 1000 adults);
as there are important implications for microfinance’s poten- and (c) loan accounts, microfinance institutions (per 1000
tial role in reducing poverty at macro level. Our counterfactual adults). We have consistently found that a pair-wise correla-
simulations illustrate the possible effects on aggregate poverty tion is positive and significant for all the three variables 6
expected from the decrease in MFIs’ gross loan portfolio per and hence surmise that the MIX data aggregated at country
capita, GDP per capita, or domestic credit which may be levels represent actual performance of MFIs.
caused as a consequence of global recession or financial crisis. It is noted that relatively few studies have used a measure of
Drawing upon econometric estimations of the cross-country microfinance operations (volume/scale) in a country based on
data—including a panel—we find consistently that a country the MIX data. Also, the present study uses the World Bank
with higher MFIs’ gross loan portfolio per capita tends to poverty estimates, released in 2008 (Chen & Ravallion, 2008;
have lower levels of FGT class of poverty indices, which cor- Ravallion, Chen, & Sangraula, 2008). These poverty estimates
roborates the poverty reducing role of microfinance. It is nota- are based on the poverty line of US$1.25 (based on PPP—Pur-
ble that microfinance loans per capita are negatively chasing Power Parity) per day in 2005, and cover a wider
associated with not only the poverty headcount ratio, but also range of countries than the previous estimates (based on a
with the poverty gap and squared poverty gap, implying that poverty line of $1.08 on 1993 PPP). While there are many
even the poorest benefit from them. studies based on the latter, those based on the more recent
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next sec- poverty estimates are still few. 7 Also, as noted earlier, we
tion provides a brief explanation of the data which the present use the FGT class of poverty indices.
study draws upon. Econometric specifications are discussed in With a view to measuring microfinance activities in a coun-
Section 3. The main results and simulations are given in Sec- try, we rely mainly on Gross Loan Portfolio (GLP) (divided by
tions 4 and 5, respectively. The final section offers concluding the total population) given that it measures actual funds dis-
observations. bursed to households. Total GLP of MFIs aggregated for each
country is adjusted for write-offs and inflation. This is a bench-
mark indicator generated by MIX. Standardization of raw
2. DATA data facilitates meaningful comparison of benchmark indica-
tors (MIE, 2010). Other variables in the poverty equation in-
The present study analyzes the role of microfinance—vol- clude gross domestic product per capita, domestic credit as a
ume/scale of activities (not performance/quality)—on poverty, share of GDP, and regional dummies. 8 While a robust inverse
using cross-sectional data covering 48 countries in the devel- relationship between poverty and GDP per capita is confirmed
oping regions for 2007. 3 The cross-sectional data are supple- in extant literature, share of domestic credit in GDP has a
mented by a two-period (2003 and 2007) panel covering 61 more complex role partly because financial development is
countries. 4 This is based on the data generated by Microfi- both a cause and result of growth. It is, however, plausible
nance Information Exchange (2010) or MIX and the World that when financial development is low there may be a mutu-
Development Indicators 2011 (World Bank, 2011). Launched ally reinforcing relationship between financial development
in 2002, MIX provides industry, country, and regional level and microfinance. Finally, as poverty is conditioned on many
data on microfinance outreach and financial performance indi- unobservable regional characteristics (e.g., vulnerability to
cators. The information marketplace collates reports of (self- natural shocks), regional dummies are used.
reporting) MFIs annually, based on: (i) pre-determined for-
mats and reporting standards; (ii) validation of information
received with both internal and external cross checking sys- 3. SPECIFICATION OF MODELS AND ESTIMATION
tems; and (iii) standardization of data to facilitate comparison.
Interpreting and further processing the data, however, require Our analysis is based on the data for 2007 (for cross-sec-
a great deal of caution because (i) MIX may not be able to tional estimations), and 2003 and 2007 (for panel data estima-
send questionnaires to all the MFIs in the country—in partic- tions), not only because extensive and reliable historical data
ular if MFIs are small and recent, (ii) not all the MFIs sur- on microfinance do not exist 9 but also because international
veyed by MIX respond (sample selection bias), and (iii) poverty estimates are available only for one or two specific
“self-reporting” may be a source of measurement errors even years for most of the countries. 10 As a result, country panel
if MIX imposes the careful cross-checking systems and the data of poverty are unbalanced, as shown in Appendix 4.
reliability of the data is ranked by MIX (Ahlin et al., 2011). We apply both OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) and IV
It is not possible to know the extent of the errors arising from (Instrumental Variable) model or 2SLS (Two Stage Least
these factors, but the MIX data provide the most comprehen- Squares) to estimate the effect of gross loan portfolio per capi-
sive and largest data on microfinance activities (Cull, Demi- ta of MFIs on poverty. 2SLS involves two stages: gross loan
rgücß-Kunt, & Morduch, 2011) and the data cover a large portfolio per capita of MFIs is estimated by an instrumental
fraction of microfinance customers worldwide (Cull, Demi- variable and other covariates in the first stage and in the sec-
rgücß-Kunt, & Morduch, 2007). 5 ond poverty head count ratio is estimated by the predicted

gross loan portfolio per capita and other covariates. The use
of IV is necessary because gross loan portfolio per capita of
microfinance is likely to be endogenous in the poverty equa-
tion. Here the endogeneity is associated with the bi-casual
relationship between gross loan portfolio per capita and pov-
erty levels in a country. This reverse causality from poverty to
gross loan portfolio per capita may arise, for example, if pov-
erty-oriented development partners and governments provide
more funds to MFIs located in poorer countries.
Given the difficulty in finding a valid instrument that satis-
fies “an exclusion restriction,” that is, correlates with gross
loan portfolio per capita but does not have a direct causal ef-
fect on poverty, this papers uses two kinds of instrument, cost
of enforcing contract and a lag of 5-year average of gross loan
portfolio weighted by the number of MFIs for each coun-
try. 11 The unit of analysis for the econometric analysis is Figure 2. Trends and Patterns of Number of Active Borrower. Source:
country. Authors’ compilation from MIX Data.
Eqns. (1) and (2) describe, respectively, the structural and
reduced form of least squares used in estimating the relation- for each country) and X is the vector of all the other explana-
ship between gross loan portfolio per capita and poverty. tory variables considered in Eqn. (1). The respective indepen-
dently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) error terms for the
Povi ¼ b0 þ b1 GLP i þ b2 GDPPC i þ b3 Domestic Crd i
two equations are denoted by “u” and “t.”
þ b4 REGi þ ui ð1Þ In addition to the cross-sectional estimations, we generate
panel data for 2003 and 2007 for all the variables 12 and esti-
GLP i ¼ p0 þ p1 enfconti þ p2 lag5yrsGLP l þ p3 Xi þ ti ð2Þ mate linear panel models. This construction enables us to
examine the robustness of our coefficients as the panel data
where “Pov” indicates poverty head count ratio (or poverty estimation takes account of changes of variables over time
gap; squared poverty gap); “GLP” represents gross loan port- and unobservable country or regional-level effects. Our aim
folio; “GDPPC” denotes gross domestic product per capita (at is to further examine the hypothesis that higher gross loan
2000 constant USD prices); “Domcred” indicates domestic portfolio per capita leads to poverty reduction at macro level.
credit of banks as a proportion of GDP; “REG” is a vector One of the important limitations pointed out by micro-stud-
of regional dummies with Latin America and Caribbean being ies is that microfinance or microcredit does not necessarily
the reference region; Eqn. (2) is the reduced form which tests reach the poorest of the poor (e.g., Morduch, 1999). To fur-
the presence of endogeneity and suitability of our instruments. ther investigate this from the macro perspective, we examine
“enfcont” represents cost of enforcing contracts at the country the effects of gross loan portfolio per capita on poverty gap
level and “lag5yrsGLP” is the weighted 5-year average lag of (which measures depth of poverty) and squared poverty gap
gross loan portfolio (which is weighted by the number of MFIs (which measures severity of poverty).

East Asian and Pacific Eastern Europe and Central Asia Latin America and the Caribbean
3500000 7000000


Sub- 1000000 3000000

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Middle East and North Africa South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa

14000000 8000000
12000000 6000000

10000000 3000000
2000000 2000000
4000000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1000000
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Figure 1. Trends and Patterns of Real Gross Loan Portfolio. Source: Authors’ compilation from MIX Data.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics of poverty headcount correlates

Regions Poverty Poverty gap Squared Gross loan No. of MFIs Domestic Gross domestic
headcount poverty gap per capita credit product per capita
2003 2007 2003 2007 2003 2007 2003 2007 2003 2007 2003 2007 2003 2007
EAP No. 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5
Mean 37.46 24.29 10.66 5.83 115.7 37.13 5.1 12.11 10.5 16.8 53.61 57.64 652.33 880.63
Median 40.05 24.12 11.2 5.34 125.44 28.7 6.29 0.03 8 15 49.2 40.6 473.42 617.12
ECA No. 19 17 19 17 19 17 19 20 19 20 18 19 19 19
Mean 11.13 5.97 2.98 1.51 24.05 5.55 10.43 56.32 7.63 11.5 26.15 37.67 1693.21 2212.38
Median 3.09 2 0.66 0.5 0.44 0.25 3.9 24.09 7 7.5 25.16 35.02 1389.97 1945.64
LAC No. 15 14 15 14 15 14 14 15 14 15 15 15 15 15
Mean 14.48 8.85 5.8 3.04 74.63 14.57 7.76 40.94 10.14 21.2 47.78 48.86 2638.87 3110.35
Median 13.73 7.97 4.77 2.54 22.75 6.55 5.55 24.36 6.5 16 39.98 45.25 2324.45 2692.17
MENA No. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2
Mean 2 2 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 4.54 6.14 5.5 7.33 98.18 102.27 1284.7 2033.5
Median 2 2 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 4.54 1.54 5.5 7 98.18 102.27 1469.94 2033.5
SA No. 2 3 2 3 2 3 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4
Mean 35.88 48.8 9.98 14.54 153.48 225.62 1.98 2.71 23 32 47.3 43.38 508.01 628.02
Median 35.88 49.64 9.98 13.08 153.48 171.09 0.9 0.46 14 31 45.52 49.19 439.51 563.47
SSA No. 16 8 16 8 16 8 19 21 19 21 22 18 22 21
Mean 57.88 50.69 24.54 20.28 730.8 508.21 2.34 5.1 6.89 8 26.52 24.75 515.21 548.2
Median 56.95 55.38 21.48 22.21 463.01 502.89 0.69 2.38 7 8 16.03 11.88 290.89 342.18
Total No. 57 48 57 48 57 48 63 69 63 69 66 64 68 66
Mean 27.07 18.3 10.34 6.21 244.28 108.12 6.2 28.12 9.3 14.23 36.73 40.69 1356.42 1684.62
Median 16.07 9.02 6.3 2.99 39.69 8.92 2.02 8.41 7 10 30.66 36.21 821.24 1081.74
Source: Authors’ compilation from MIX and WDI datasets.

Table 2. Results based on cross-sectional regressions (dependent variable: poverty headcount ratio)
Explanatory variables OLS IV
Without Regions With regions Without Regions With regions
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Log of GLP per capita 3.00 1.40 3.80 3.25
[4.04]** [1.70]  [2.58]** [2.31]*
Log of GDP per capita 12.83 7.30 12.12 9.02
[8.33]** [4.01]** [6.63]** [4.46]**
Domestic credit 0.09 0.08 0.11 0.11
[1.65] [1.77]  [1.62] [1.87] 
MENA – 7.44 – 9.54
– [1.90]  – [1.69] 
EAP – 3.53 – 4.46
– [0.69] – [0.55]
ECA – 8.85 – 11.38
– [3.49]** – [4.01]**
SA – 20.94 – 10.31
– [3.34]** – [1.21]
SSA – 20.12 – 9.67
– [1.83]  – [0.91]
Constant 119.58 75.48 117.44 96.81
[10.20]** [4.40]** [10.31]** [4.77]**
N 47 47 46 46
Adj. R2 0.728 0.864 0.717 0.835
F-statistic 33.50 195.24 30.59 104.70
Under identification test – – 7.65(0.02) 6.72(0.00)
Weak identification test – – 10.63(0.00) 11.76(0.00)
Over identification test – – 1.13(0.28) 0.51(0.48)
Hausman test – – 0.69(0.87) 4.98(0.76)
t-values are in parenthesis.
Significant at 5%.
Significant at 1%.
Significant at 10%.

Table 3. Results based on panel data regressions (dependent variable: poverty head count ratio)
Explanatory variables Pool OLS Fixed effect Random effectsh Random effectst
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Log of GLP per capita 1.31 0.37 0.91 1.59
[2.53]* [0.44] [1.76]  [3.35]**
Log of GDP per capita 9.43 13.02 16.93 10.17
[5.45]** [1.96]  [8.89]** [7.64]**
Domestic Credit 0.07 0.01 0.00 0.08
[2.40]* [0.08] [0.09] [1.95] 
2007 Year Dummy 1.28 – – –
[0.64] – – –
MENA 10.25 – – –
[3.22]** – – –
EAP 3.74 – – –
[0.78] – – –
ECA 10.96 – – –
[5.32]** – – –
SA 14.19 – – –
[1.75]  – – –
SSA 22.56 – – –
[3.73]** – –
Constant 92.16 113.73 143.53 100.58
[6.67]** [2.55]* [11.67]** [10.53]**
Hausman – – 13.94(0.00) 43.60(0.00)
Theta – – 0.76 0.84
N 99 99 99 99
Adj. R2 0.851 0.996 – –
F-statistic 51.81 4.37 – –
t-values are in parenthesis.
Significant at 5%.
Significant at 1%.
Significant at 10%.
Country effect.
Regional effect.

4. RESULTS Table 1 provides a summary statistics of the variables

used in the regression analyses. In view of the heterogeneity
Figures 1 and 2 describe the patterns and trends in size and of the size of MFIs (gross loan portfolio), outreach (number
outreach of the microfinance industry using real gross loan of active borrowers), and a country’s output per head
portfolio (after adjusting for inflation), number of MFIs and (GDPPC), it is always prudent to observe the dispersion
active borrowers. Figure 1 shows the trend and patterns of real of the data. Table 1 indicates that the median in some in-
gross loan portfolio for different regions. Overall, the com- stances is about either a hundredth (East Asia and the Pa-
pound growth rate of the median gross loan portfolio in- cific (EAP)) or a tenth (MENA) of the mean. This suggests
creases for all regions over the period 2005–09. However, that the raw data for the mean are likely to be affected by
there are variations (steep and gentle) in the year-by-year up- extreme values.
ward slopes, while in one instance (Eastern Europe and Cen- From the perspective of both numbers of active borrowers
tral Asia), a downward trend is observed. In particular, the and MFIs, microfinance activities in SA countries are more in-
slope for 2007–08 is either gently increasing or sloping down- tense than in the other regions. At the lower end, MFI activ-
wards. An interpretation of the trend over this period will need ities in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries tend to show the
to take cognizance of the potential adverse effect of the global lowest values for the number of active borrowers (as a proxy
financial crisis on the microfinance industry. Until 2007, the for MFI operations). As observed from the trends (Figures 1
largest MFIs were located in Latin America and the Carib- and 2), variations in these indicators over time and across dif-
bean (LAC). However, in 2008, MFIs in Middle East and ferent regions suggest the need to develop a meaningful index
North Africa (MENA) experienced a sharp increase in their that pulls together all three variables.
gross loan portfolio. In terms of the macro indicators, SSA is the poorest region
Figure 2 compares the patterns and trends of gross loan for both periods irrespective of the measure (incidence, depth,
portfolio of different regions and shows that over the years and severity) in question. Over the period 2003–07, both the
South Asia has experienced a greater and sharp increase in poverty headcount and poverty gap showed a decline of about
the number of active borrowers than other regions. First, it 7 and 4 percentage points, respectively. 13 South Asia is an
might be argued that by virtue of population size of countries exception as our sample showed that poverty levels rose in
in this region, MFIs may have reached out to more clients the region over this period. 14 Among the less “worse off”
(scale of outreach). Second, the MFIs in South Asia (e.g., Ban- regions, 15 MENA recorded the lowest poverty headcount ra-
gladesh or India) might have placed more emphasis on in- tio while LAC showed the highest output per head (GDPPC)
crease in the scale of outreach (e.g., in terms of number of in both years. The poverty headcount ratio continued to be
clients) or poverty reduction as their central mission than low (2%) in MENA, while it substantially decreased from
those in other regions. 14.5% to 8.9% in LAC.

Table 4. Results based on cross-sectional regressions (dependent variable: poverty gap)

Explanatory variables OLS IV
Without regions With regions Without regions With regions
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Log of GLP per capita 1.32 0.87 2.34 2.08
[3.07]** [2.08]* [2.69]** [2.45]*
Log of GDP per capita 4.42 2.56 3.56 3.59
[5.76]** [2.87]** [3.43]** [3.58]**
Domestic credit 0.06 0.04 0.09 0.07
[2.31]* [1.69]  [2.30]* [1.77] 
MENA – 2.53 – 3.84
– [1.23] – [1.19]
EAP – 2.40 – 7.49
– [0.95] – [1.53]
ECA – 4.07 – 5.58
– [3.48]** – [3.87]**
SA – 3.41 – 3.35
– [1.09] – [0.74]
SSA – 8.41 – 1.81
– [1.52] – [0.32]
Constant 43.08 28.46 40.61 41.67
[7.12]** [3.50]** [6.94]** [4.16]**
N 47 47 46 46
Adj. R2 0.627 0.767 0.557 0.698
F-statistic 16.53 21.80 17.12 28.11
Under identification test – – 7.65(0.02) 6.72(0.00)
Weak identification test – – 10.63(0.00) 11.76(0.00)
Over identification test – – 0.11(0.74) 0.25(0.62)
Hausman test – – 3.51(0.32) 6.11(0.63)
t-values are in parenthesis.
Significant at 5%.
Significant at 1%.
Significant at 10%.

The results of multivariate regressions are given in Tables 2– mate of log of gross loan portfolio per capita of MFI is nega-
7 and simulation outcomes in Table 8. With a view to examin- tive and significant at the 5% level in this case. As expected,
ing the hypothesis of a relationship between gross loan portfo- GDP per capita is negative and shows a 1% statistical signifi-
lio per capita and poverty (incidence, depth and severity), cance irrespective of the specification or the estimation method
eight different cases (i.e., four for cross-sectional regressions chosen. Furthermore, consistent with the finance-poverty liter-
and four for panel data regression) are examined for each pov- ature, we find that the coefficient estimate of share of domestic
erty measure. Four different cases using cross-sectional data credit to GDP is negative and significant in some cases (col-
for 2007 are given in Tables 2, 4 and 6 and other four cases umns (2) and (4) of Table 2).
are given in Tables 3, 5 and 7, using two-period (2003 and Columns (2) and (4) explore the potential effect of regional
2007) panel data. In Tables 2, 4 and 6, OLS is applied in col- dummies on incidence of poverty. We observe that loan per
umns (1) and (2) and IV in columns (3) and (4). The estima- capita of MFIs remain statistically significant after the inclu-
tions in columns (1) and (2) are robust (corrected for sion of the regional dummies. Inclusion of regional dummies
heteroscedasticity), and examine cases either using GLP per in the poverty headcount equation reveals that ECA, with
capita with and without regional dummies. In a similar fash- LAC as the reference case, has a significant negative coefficient
ion, the IV (columns (3) and (4) of Tables 2, 4 and 6) and panel (at the 1% level in both the OLS and IV cases). Also, SA and
(Tables 3, 5 and 7), respectively, test the poverty reducing ef- SSA dummies are positive in the OLS estimation. This implies
fect of GLP per capita hypothesis. that SA and SSA have higher poverty headcount levels relative
Three measures of the FGT class of poverty indices are to LAC. These regression results are consistent with the sum-
used. Thus, Tables 2 and 3 contain all the estimations (OLS, mary statistics of Table 1 in which both poverty levels and
IV, Fixed Effects (FE), and Random Effects (RE)) for the pov- GDPPC show that SA and SSA trail LAC.
erty headcount ratio; Tables 4 and 5 examine the case for the Columns (3) and (4) present the IV estimation with the aim
poverty gap (depth) and Tables 6 and 7 investigate the severity of resolving the potential endogeneity of microfinance vari-
of poverty (squared gap). ables in the poverty headcount equation, that is, gross loan
In column (1) of Table 2, all three specifications using the portfolio per capita. As discussed earlier, the endogeneity
cross-sectional data show that GLP per capita is negatively may be due to a bi-causal relationship between poverty and
and significantly associated with the poverty headcount ratio, gross loan portfolio per capita. In terms of a bi-causal rela-
which is consistent with our hypothesis that micro loans re- tionship between gross loan portfolio per capita and poverty
duce poverty. For instance, because MFI loan per capita is de- headcount, we allude to the fact that investors who are in-
fined in log, we observe that a 10% increase in MFI loan per clined to poverty reduction might direct their financial re-
capita reduces poverty by about 0.325% in the case of the sources to countries and regions where poverty is high.
IV estimation (in column (4) of Table 2). 16 The coefficient esti- Appendices 2 and 3 show the correlation matrix and the first

Table 5. Results based on panel data regressions dependent variable: poverty gap
Explanatory variables Pool OLS Fixed effect Random effectsh Random effectst
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Log of GLP per capita 0.85 0.04 0.35 0.96
[2.86]** [0.09] [1.23] [3.42]**
Log of GDP per capita 3.22 5.03 6.70 3.52
[3.20]** [1.41] [6.37]** [4.50]**
Domestic credit 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.06
[2.74]** [0.20] [0.37] [2.47]*
2007 year dummy 0.42 – – –
[0.40] – – –
MENA 3.08 – – –
[1.62] – – –
EAP 1.85 – – –
[0.67] – – –
ECA 5.53 – – –
[4.51]** – – –
SA 1.42 – – –
[0.41] – – –
SSA 10.41 – – –
[2.88]** – – –
Constant 34.31 43.19 56.95 36.83
[4.23]** [1.80]  [8.37]** [6.68]**
Hausman – – 18.12(0.00) 139.98(0.00)
Theta – – 0.76 0.82
N 99 99 99 99
Adj. R2 0.741 1.381 – –
F-statistic 19.54 1.72 – –
t-values are in parenthesis.
Significant at 5%.
Significant at 1%.
Significant at 10%.
Country effect.
Regional effect.

stage IV estimation which offer a justification for the validity under identification test in columns (3) and (4) of Table 2 al-
of our instruments. low us to reject the null hypothesis that the model is under
We use two kinds of instrument, that is, cost of enforcing identified. These specification tests validate IV estimations. 17
contract and weighted 5-year lag of average GLP. The former Tables 3, 5 and 7 show the results based on panel estima-
is intuitively justified on the ground that the decision of micro- tions for the poverty headcount ratio, depth, and severity,
finance commercial investors, especially international funders, respectively. In Table 3, the poverty headcount ratio is esti-
on whether to invest in a particular country is likely to depend mated by the same set of explanatory variables. The number
on the extent to which the country has a good institution (e.g., of observation is 99. It is noted that this estimation is based
represented by a low cost of enforcing contracts) that would on unbalanced panel data and thus the results have to be inter-
facilitate economic activities. In this context, the cost of preted with caution (see Appendix 4 for the list of countries
enforcing contracts is supposed to have a significant and neg- and frequencies of observations). A similar pattern of results
ative correlation with loan per capita of MFIs (see Appendix is observed, that is, gross loan portfolio per capita of microfi-
2). While a direct effect of the cost of enforcing contracts on nance institutions is negatively associated with incidence of
poverty might not be strong as most poor households operate poverty, after controlling for the effects of other covariates
in the informal sector, the higher enforcing costs may exclude and unobserved heterogeneity.
the poor from the formal sector employment or credit and per- In Tables 4 and 5, we have replicated both the cross-sec-
petuate poverty in the long run. In view of this, we also use tional and panel regressions by replacing the poverty head-
weighted 5-year lag of average GLP as an additional instru- count ratio with the poverty gap. To avoid cluttering the
ment. text, we summarize the key findings. All four cases in Table
It is worth mentioning that we observe a poverty reducing 4 show significant negative effects of log of gross loan portfolio
effect for MFIs’ gross loan per capita when we use only the per capita of MFIs, implying the potential of microfinance in
cost of enforcing contracts as an instrument. However, since reducing the depth of poverty. The other explanatory variables
the weak identification test is significant at only 10% in this show expected signs too. This hypothesis is further corrobo-
case, we find the need to augment the instrumentation. Using rated by the pooled OLS and random effects model in columns
both instruments yields a much higher Kleibergen-Paap rk (1) and (4) of Table 5. Loan per borrower shows a statistically
Wald F-statistic (weak identification test), as shown in col- significant negative effect. Both the Hausman and theta statis-
umns 3 and 4 of Table 2. This does not compromise the Sar- tics favor random effects over fixed effects.
gan’s over-identification test as we fail to reject the null Tables 6 and 7 report the cases where the dependent variable
hypothesis that the instruments are valid, that is, uncorrelated is squared poverty gap. An examination of the poverty gap
with the error term. Also, the p-values (0.02 and 0.00) of the and squared poverty gap results shows consistent results in

Table 6. Results based on cross-sectional regressions (dependent variable: squared poverty gap)
Explanatory variables OLS IV
Without regions With regions Without regions With regions
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Log of GLP per capita 42.48 33.03 89.49 76.74
[2.63]* [2.04]* [2.51]* [2.22]*
Log of GDP per capita 97.31 48.22 58.69 83.16
[3.50]** [1.50] [1.49] [2.17]*
Domestic credit 2.41 1.55 3.88 2.30
[2.41]* [1.53] [2.28]* [1.63]
MENA – 5.93 – 51.60
– [0.09] – [0.45]
EAP – 120.59 – 301.59
– [1.31] – [1.56]
ECA – 75.96 – 127.49
– [2.20]* – [2.53]*
SA – 5.00 – 244.60
– [0.05] – [1.35]
SSA – 288.95 – 55.60
– [1.41] – [0.26]
Constant 997.99 584.47 888.65 1044.34
[4.31]** [2.00]  [4.01]** [2.66]**
N 47 47 46 46
Adj. R2 0.486 0.619 0.326 0.521
F-statistic 6.54 6.21 7.21 8.02
Under identification test – – 7.65(0.02) 6.72(0.00)
Weak identification test – – 10.63(0.00) 11.76(0.00)
Over identification test – – 0.00(0.95) 0.29(0.59)
Hausman test – – 5.22(0.16) 5.65(0.69)
t-values are in parenthesis.
Significant at 5%.
Significant at 1%.
Significant at 10%.

terms of sign and significance for GLP per capita. Also, in the traction: (i) in gross loan portfolio per capita of MFIs and
case of squared poverty gap, the Hausman test favors random (ii) GDP per capita. Table 8 reports the simulation results
effects. 18 Broadly, the results imply that GLP per capita of on the basis of the IV estimation reported in column (4) of Ta-
MFIs benefits not just the poor but also the poorest. In ble 2. The calculations 21 are premised on the assumption that
sum, gross loan portfolio per capita of MFIs is negatively the coefficient estimate of each variable is the same across dif-
associated with the incidence, depth, and severity of poverty. ferent regions in the regression and thus the simulated effects
of key variables on poverty are also the same. The third and
fourth rows of Table 8 show that a fall in GLP per capita of
5. SIMULATIONS MFIs and GDP per capita will tend to increase poverty head-
count. While this is plausible in view of the comparative con-
That microfinance is impervious to the global recession fol- tribution of MFI in an economy, the poverty increasing effect
lowing the financial crisis is debatable. 19 Some have argued of 0.167% (or 0.343%) due to the 5% (or 10%) decline in GLP
that the slowdown of the global economy will impact nega- per capita points to the need for sustainable flow of on-lending
tively on microfinance as MFIs are now more closely linked funds. Although the overall rise in poverty is low, it must be
to global financial markets than before. So there will be: (i) emphasized that this is additional to other cumulative effects
a funding or liquidity impact, with greater refinancing risks of the global slowdown on poverty (investments, for example,
for MFIs and (ii) an economic impact, with financial perfor- continue to be sluggish).
mance affected by lower lending volumes, higher costs of fund-
ing, tighter net interest margins, and greater volatility in
foreign exchange losses/gains. Magnoni and Powers (2009), 6. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS
for example, point out that, over 2009–10, the sector-wide
microfinance will grow by some $28 billion less than antici- Recent assessments of impact of microfinance—based lar-
pated before the crisis. Others are more optimistic. For exam- gely on randomized trials—have led to questioning of claims
ple, Littlefield and Kneiding (2009) argue that the of women’s empowerment and poverty reduction. The so-
microfinance sector will survive the setbacks because of the called “magic” of microfinance has thus come under deep
strong foundations and vast untapped market of creditworthy scrutiny and the findings of little or weak impacts are begin-
clients. The effects on the poor through MFIs are, however, ning to turn the tide against it. The faltering global economy
largely anecdotal. An attempt is made below to simulate the has also raised serious concerns about the immunity of the
likely effects of the global recession. microfinance sector and its potential for poverty reduction.
In the context of the recent global recession, we examine the From this perspective, the preceding analysis centered on the
possible slowdown of poverty reduction 20 as a result of con- hypothesis that microfinance reduces poverty. We carried

Table 7. Results based on panel data regressions (dependent variable: squared poverty gap)
Explanatory variables Pool OLS Fixed effect Random effectsh Random effectst
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Log of GLP per capita 35.68 10.47 11.18 39.13
[2.80]** [0.47] [0.83] [2.89]**
Log of GDP per capita 56.62 165.80 189.12 69.82
[1.53] [0.94] [4.03]** [1.86] 
Domestic credit 2.73 0.59 1.02 2.89
[2.72]** [0.28] [0.78] [2.55]*
2007 year dummy 8.93 – – –
[0.19] – – –
MENA 36.98 – – –
[0.48] – – –
EAP 83.00 – – –
[0.78] – – –
ECA 128.15 – – –
[2.83]** – – –
SA 8.98 – – –
[0.08] – – –
SSA 420.29 – – –
[2.79]** – – –
Constant 707.54 1306.96 1595.16 849.04
[2.37]* [1.10] [5.28]** [3.29]**
Hausman – – 17.07(0.00) 527.43(0.00)
Theta – – 0.73 0.77
N 99 99 99 99
Adj. R2 0.538 1.648 – –
F-statistic 6.75 0.33 – –
t-values are in parenthesis.
Significant at 5%.
Significant at 1%.
Significant at 10%.
Country effect.
Regional effect.

Table 8. Effect of decrease in GLP per capita, GDP per capita and domestic credit on poverty
Coefficients Means 5% 10%
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Effect of decrease in GLP per capita on poverty 3.252 2.060 0.167 0.343
Effect of decrease in GDP per capita on poverty 9.018 7.095 0.463 0.950
Net effect 0.523 1.192
All developing countries Mean poverty 18.400 18.400
Final poverty 18.923 19.592
East Asia and the Pacific Mean poverty 24.293 24.293
Final poverty 24.816 25.485
Eastern Europe and Central Asia Mean poverty 5.969 5.969
Final poverty 6.492 7.161
Latin America and the Caribbean Mean poverty 8.846 8.846
Final poverty 9.369 10.038
Middle east and North Africa Mean poverty 2.000 2.000
Final poverty 2.523 3.192
South Asia Mean poverty 48.801 48.801
Final poverty 49.324 49.993
Sub-Saharan Africa Mean poverty 50.685 50.685
Final poverty 51.208 51.877

out tests using cross-country data for 2007 and a panel for loans per capita are significantly and negatively associated
2003 and 2007. Taking account of the endogeneity associated with poverty, that is, a country with a higher MFIs’ gross loan
with loans per capita from Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), portfolio per capita tends to have lower poverty after control-
our econometric results consistently confirm that microfinance ling for the effects of other factors influencing it. The negative

relationship remains unchanged when the poverty headcount per capita, GDP per capita, and share of credit in GDP. These
ratio is replaced by the poverty gap and squared poverty simulations are helpful in adding precision to anecdotal evi-
gap. These results suggest that microfinance not only reduces dence about how setbacks to MFIs hurt the poor. Indeed, sus-
the incidence of poverty but also its depth and severity. The tained flows to MFIs may help avert to some extent
panel results further corroborate these findings. Other factors accentuation of poverty as a consequence of the slow and fal-
that contribute to poverty reduction include GDP per capita tering recovery of the global economy.
and share of credit in GDP (as a measure of financial develop- In conclusion, assertions that microfinance is “oversold”
ment of an economy). Besides, there are significant regional and lacks the “magic” associated with it are widely off the
effects. mark, if not largely mistaken.
Our simulations point to worsening of poverty in a mild
recession scenario with small reductions in gross loan portfolio


1. Some have even questioned the impact in terms of poverty reduction, 10. This is because the construction of international poverty estimates
promotion of gender equality, and reduction in child mortality. Indeed a has to rely on nation-wide household expenditure or income surveys which
view that microfinance is oversold is gaining credibility (Rosenberg, 2010). are carried out once or twice in a decade for most of the developing
2. The Foster–Greer–Thorbecke (FGT) class of poverty indices is a
generalized measure of poverty a in an economy (e.g., a country) and it is 11. This index passes the statistical validity of a valid instrument as it
denoted as pa ¼ 1n qi¼1 zy z
where z is the poverty line (e.g., reflecting shows a high correlation with gross loan portfolio and a low correlation
nutritional requirement), yi is the ith lowest income, n is the population in with the poverty headcount ratio (with the coefficient of correlation being
the economy, and as q is the number of people whose income is below z, 0.8 for the former and 0.1 for the latter, respectively).
and a is a measure of poverty aversion where a larger a gives greater
emphasis to the poorest of the poor (Foster, Greer, & Thorbecke 1984). 12. Due to data constraints on the international poverty data, we took
This comprises the headcount ratio when a = 0 (the fraction of the averages of poverty for the period 2000–03 and 2004–07.
population which lives below the poverty line), the average income poverty
gap when a = 1 (the population average of the distances between poor 13. Poverty data for the panel were constructed by taking averages for
people’s income and the poverty line or the extent to which a poor falls 2000–03 and 2004–07. The data are given in Appendix 5.
below the poverty line on average) and the squared poverty gap (P2) index
when a = 2 (a distributionally sensitive poverty index as a weighted sum
14. It is noted that an overall increase in poverty in South Asia is due to
of poverty gaps where the weights are the proportionate poverty gaps)
the highly unbalanced nature of our panel data of poverty. As shown in
(Foster et al., 1984). The present study focuses on all three poverty indices.
Appendix 5, while Bangladesh has two observations, India, Nepal, and Sri
Lanka have only one either for 2003 or 2007. Despite the fall in poverty
3. See Appendix 1 for the list of the countries. headcount for Bangladesh from 57.8% in 2003 to 49.6% in 2007, including
countries with high poverty (e.g., Nepal—55.1%) in 2007 accounts for the
4. Appendix 4 lists the countries included in the panel data estimations. higher figure in 2007.
Because we include the countries only with data in 2003, the panel covers a
larger number of countries. 15. Most of the countries used in the study are either transitional or
developing countries.
5. Cull et al. (2007) did not provide any direct evidence for this. Their
claim was based on Honohan (2004) who used the data on MFIs provided 16. This is based on the formulae to interpret the coefficient of semi-log
by the Microcredit Summit Organization similar to the MIX data and specification (level-log): DY = (b/100)%DX (Wooldridge, 2009, p.46).
found that “the largest 30 microfinance firms account . . . for more than Note that poverty headcount ratio is defined in percentages.
90% of the clients served worldwide by the 234 top firms (and hence for
more than three-quarters of those served by all of the 2572 firms reporting
17. The relationship between GLP per capita and poverty head count
to the MicrocreditSummit)” (Honohan, 2004, p. 4). Cull et al. then argued
ratio may be different according to the countries’ income level. We have
that “Honohan’s evidence suggests that . . . the banks here (covered by the
repeated the same regressions (OLS and IV) for three income groups of
MIX data) served over half of all microfinance customers worldwide”
countries, that is, “low income,” “lower middle income,” and “upper
(Cull et al., 2007, p. F111, the phrase in brackets added by authors).
middle income.” Appendix 6 shows the results of IV. It is observed that
the negative association between GLP per capita and poverty is the largest
6. For instance, the correlation coefficient between loan accounts per and most highly significant for low income countries and becomes smaller
adult and aggregated gross loan portfolio per capita is 0.483 and and statistically insignificant as the income goes up, while it is significant
statistically significant for 2009. This does not change much when we in case of middle income countries as a whole. A similar pattern of results
exclude the outliers, such as Bangladesh. is observed in case of OLS and for other measures of poverty.

7. Exceptions include Imai et al. (2010a, 2010b). 18. In addition to the Hausman test, we calculate theta (measure of the
extent of biasedness of random effects’ model) and we observe values close
8. See Table 1 for descriptive statistics of these variables. These will be to one (greater than 0.75) for each of three estimations. This supports the
discussed in Section 4. fact that country/regional effects over time are important and cannot be
ignored. Use of theta, which is preferred due to the strong finite
9. MIX data date back to 1994, but not until 2002 most MFIs were not assumption underlying the Hausman test, further supports our choice of
keen on submitting their records for public use. fixed effects model.

19. For a comprehensive review, see Llanto and Badiola (2010). 21. The simulated effects of GLP per capita and GDPPC are calculated
with the semi-log (or “level-log”) specification (DY = (b/100)%DX), while
20. Imai et al. (2010a, 2010b) report a slowdown in the rate of poverty the effect of domestic credit is based on the “level-level” specification
reduction post 2000 relative to the 1990-decade. (DY = bDX) (see Wooldridge, 2009, p. 46 for details).


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Low income countries Lower middle income Upper middle income countries High income
countries countries
Country Region Country Region Country Region Country Region
Afghanistan SA Armenia ECA Albania ECA Poland ECA
Bangladesh SA Cameroon SSA Azerbaijan ECA Croatia ECA
Benin SSAb Congo, Rep. SSA Bosnia and Herzegovina ECA
Burkina Faso SSA Egypt, Arab Rep. MENAf Brazil LAC
Cambodia EAPc El Salvador LAC Bulgaria ECA
Congo, Dem. Rep. of SSA Georgia ECA Chile LAC
Ethiopia SSA Ghana SSA China EAP
Gambia, The SSA Guatemala LAC Colombia LAC
Guinea SSA Honduras LAV Costa Rica LAC
Guinea-Bissau SSA India SA Dominican Republic LAC
Haiti LACd Indonesia EAP Ecuador LAC
Kenya SSA Iraq MENA Jordan MENA
(continued on next page)

APPENDIX 1—Continued
Low income countries Lower middle income countries Upper middle income countries High income
Country Region Country Region Country Region Country Region
Kyrgyz Republic ECA Kosovo ECA Kazakhstan ECA
Madagascar SSA Lao P.D.R. EAP Macedonia, FYR ECA
Malawi SSA Moldova ECA Mexico LAC
Mozambique SSA Mongolia ECA Panama LAC
Nepal SA Nicaragua LAC Peru LAC
Rwanda SSA Papua New Guinea SSA Romania ECA
Sierra Leone SSA Paraguay LAC Russia ECA
Tajikistan ECA Sri Lanka SA South Africa SSA
Tanzania SSA Swaziland SSA Turkey ECA
Uganda SSA Ukraine ECA
Uzbekistan ECA
Vietnam EAP
Zambia SSA
SA: South Asia.
SSA: Sub-Saharan Africa.
EAP: East Asia and Pacific.
LAC: Latin America and the Caribbean.
ECA: Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
MENA: Middle East and North Africa.


Variables Poverty Poverty Squared Log of GLP Log of GDP Domestic Cost of Log
headcount gap poverty gap per capita per capita credit cont. enf. W. GLP
Poverty headcount 1
Poverty gap 0.96** 1
Squared poverty gap 0.86** 0.95** 1
Log of GLP per capita 0.43** 0.41** 0.40** 1
Log of GDP per capita 0.80** 0.73** 0.60** 0.30* 1
Domestic credit 0.36* 0.36* 0.36* 0.07 0.49** 1
Cost of contract enforcement 0.55** 0.55** 0.53** 0.28* 0.44** 0.32* 1
Log. W. GLP 0.17 0.28  0.36* 0.60** 0.30* 0.16 0.13 1
W.—weighted 5-year lag average.
Significant at 5%.
Significant at 1%.
Significant at 10%.


Explanatory variables Coefficients

Cost of contract enforcement 0.02
Log of weighted 5-year lag of average GLP 0.58
Log of GDP per capita 0.80
Domestic credit 0.01
MENA 0.77
EAP 3.61
ECA 0.59
SA 5.37

APPENDIX 3—Continued
Explanatory variables Coefficients
SSA 3.42
Constant 0.17
N 46
Adjusted R2 0.620
F-statistic 9.15
Log-likelihood 76.30
t-values are in parenthesis.
Significant at 5%.
Significant at 1%.
Significant at 10%.


No. Countries Freq. No. Countries Freq.

1 Albania 2 32 Kazakhstan 2
2 Armenia 2 33 Kenya 1
3 Azerbaijan 2 34 Kyrgyz Republic 2
4 Bangladesh 2 35 Macedonia, FYR 2
5 Benin 1 36 Madagascar 2
6 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 37 Malawi 1
7 Brazil 2 38 Mexico 2
8 Bulgaria 1 39 Moldova 2
9 Burkina Faso 1 40 Mongolia 2
10 Cambodia 1 41 Mozambique 1
11 Cameroon 1 42 Nepal 1
12 Chile 2 43 Nicaragua 2
13 China 2 44 Panama 1
14 Colombia 2 45 Paraguay 2
15 Congo, Dem. Rep. of 1 46 Peru 2
16 Costa Rica 2 47 Poland 2
17 Croatia 2 48 Romania 2
18 Dominican Republic 2 49 Russia 2
19 East Timor 1 50 Rwanda 1
20 Ecuador 2 51 Sierra Leone 1
21 Egypt, Arab Rep. 2 52 South Africa 1
22 El Salvador 2 53 Sri Lanka 1
23 Ethiopia 2 54 Swaziland 1
24 Georgia 2 55 Tajikistan 2
25 Guatemala 2 56 Tanzania 1
26 Guinea 1 57 Turkey 2
27 Haiti 1 58 Uganda 2
28 Honduras 2 59 Ukraine 2
29 India 1 60 Vietnam 2
30 Indonesia 1 61 Zambia 2
31 Jordan 2
Source: Authors’ compilation from MIX data.


No. Year Countries Poverty HC No. Year Countries Poverty HC

1 2003 Albania 2.00 54 2007 Kenya 19.72
2 2007 Albania 2.00 55 2003 Kyrgyz Republic 34.03
3 2003 Armenia 12.20 56 2007 Kyrgyz Republic 12.62
4 2007 Armenia 3.65 57 2003 Macedonia, FYR 2.31
5 2003 Azerbaijan 6.32 58 2007 Macedonia, FYR 2.00
(continued on next page)

APPENDIX 5—Continued
No. Year Countries Poverty HC No. Year Countries Poverty HC
6 2007 Azerbaijan 2.00 59 2003 Madagascar 76.34
7 2003 Bangladesh 57.82 60 2007 Madagascar 67.83
8 2007 Bangladesh 49.64 61 2007 Malawi 73.86
9 2003 Benin 47.33 62 2003 Mexico 4.28
10 2003 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2.00 63 2007 Mexico 2.40
11 2007 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2.00 64 2003 Moldova 25.05
12 2003 Brazil 10.40 65 2007 Moldova 5.26
13 2007 Brazil 8.00 66 2003 Mongolia 15.47
14 2003 Bulgaria 2.32 67 2007 Mongolia 22.38
15 2003 Burkina Faso 56.54 68 2003 Mozambique 74.69
16 2007 Cambodia 33.02 69 2007 Nepal 55.12
17 2003 Cameroon 32.81 70 2003 Nicaragua 19.42
18 2003 Chile 2.00 71 2007 Nicaragua 15.81
19 2007 Chile 2.00 72 2007 Panama 9.34
20 2003 China 28.36 73 2003 Paraguay 17.23
21 2007 China 15.92 74 2007 Paraguay 7.88
22 2003 Colombia 16.07 75 2003 Peru 13.84
23 2007 Colombia 16.01 76 2007 Peru 7.94
24 2007 Congo, Dem. Rep. of 59.22 77 2003 Poland 2.00
25 2003 Costa Rica 4.52 78 2007 Poland 2.00
26 2007 Costa Rica 2.19 79 2003 Romania 3.09
27 2003 Croatia 2.00 80 2007 Romania 2.00
28 2007 Croatia 2.00 81 2003 Russia 2.00
29 2003 Dominican Republic 5.27 82 2007 Russia 2.00
30 2007 Dominican Republic 4.46 83 2003 Rwanda 76.56
31 2003 East Timor 52.94 84 2003 Sierra Leone 53.37
32 2003 Ecuador 10.49 85 2003 South Africa 26.20
33 2007 Ecuador 7.24 86 2003 Sri Lanka 13.95
34 2003 Egypt, Arab Rep. 2.00 87 2003 Swaziland 62.85
35 2007 Egypt, Arab Rep. 2.00 88 2003 Tajikistan 36.25
36 2003 El Salvador 13.73 89 2007 Tajikistan 21.49
37 2007 El Salvador 8.70 90 2003 Tanzania 88.52
38 2003 Ethiopia 55.58 91 2003 Turkey 2.00
39 2007 Ethiopia 39.04 92 2007 Turkey 2.65
40 2003 Georgia 12.80 93 2003 Uganda 57.37
41 2007 Georgia 13.44 94 2007 Uganda 51.53
42 2003 Guatemala 14.99 95 2003 Ukraine 2.00
43 2007 Guatemala 11.70 96 2007 Ukraine 2.00
44 2003 Guinea 70.13 97 2003 Vietnam 40.05
45 54.9 Haiti 54.90 98 2007 Vietnam 22.82
46 2003 Honduras 18.10 99 2003 Zambia 64.60
47 2007 Honduras 20.19 100 2007 Zambia 64.29
48 2003 India 41.64
49 2007 Indonesia 25.42
50 2003 Jordan 2.00
51 2007 Jordan 2.00
52 2003 Kazakhstan 3.42
53 2007 Kazakhstan 2.00
Source: Authors’ compilation based on 2011 world development indicators.



Explanatory variables (a) (b) (c) (d)

Low income Lower middle income Upper middle income Middle income (b) + (c)
Log of GLP per capita 10.13 2.13 0.53 2.16
[3.59]** [1.58] [0.79] [2.09]*
Log of GDP per capita 4.45 18.72 1.34 11.09
[0.51] [3.38]** [0.56] [5.22]**
Share of domestic credit of GDP 0.49 0.11 0.07 0.05
[2.41]* [1.03] [1.66]  [0.78]

APPENDIX 6—Continued
Explanatory variables (a) (b) (c) (d)
Low income Lower middle income Upper middle income Middle income (b) + (c)
Constant 43.20 158.38 10.69 101.98
[0.99] [4.17]** [0.55] [6.36]**
N 11 15 19 35
Adj. R2 0.705 0.470 . 0.469
F-statistics 5.68 4.70 0.79 10.18
t statistics in brackets.
p < .05.
p < .01.
p < .10

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