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Technology has been exponentially advancing through science.

The headway in
technological advancement brings out better and enhanced machineries and equipment that
provide assistance to human beings to deliver their work more efficiently.
Technological advancements are brought against the cognizance of people, which
bring comfort and entertainment in their lives. The more developed structures and features of
mobile phones, laptop, tablets, television, etc. drive them to have an added appreciation of
these gadgets and appliances. Especially children, who get easily fascinated with the latest
trends of gadgets and other technology, divert and dedicate most of their attention to these
The usual attitude of children to play with their playmates with different games that
include physical movements, for example hide and seek and other activities that include
running or certain movements do not take place already. The children by this time prefer to
consume most of their time watching movies on television or playing games in their gadgets,
which present better graphics that for them give more entertainment.
It has always been the task of the parent, teacher and other government agency to
promote the optimum development of these children for a better future not only for their sake
but also for the country. The lack of physical movement of the children impedes brain
development; as a result technology serves as a hindering factor that prevents their brain to
The researcher aims to ascertain that technology impedes brain development since
there is a direct relation between physical movement and brain development, to limit the
children in using their gadgets and be subjected to perform various physical activities.
Children are treasured by everyone because they are dependent, vulnerable, in need of
protection and guidance to flourish as upright and competent individuals (Lamb, 2007). The
moment that they are born, the parents consider all the ways that highlight the development
of the children.
One of which is to promote the brain development of children. Positive emotional and
physical exercises are necessary to accentuate the healthy growth and development of the
brain of the children. The way a parent expresses his concern and attention to his child
through cuddling, holding, talking, rocking, singing, nursing, etc. are significant for the
development of the brain of the children.
Through the different ways of expressing care towards children, it would let them feel
that they are loved and cherished. The positive emotions they receive correspond to positive
response which is their development.
According to Dr. Gaurendi, “Patience is an ideal to strive for. It is not a day to day
reality” (Cooper, 2012). Despite that, parents make every effort to patiently teach their
children how to talk, speak, walk, read and eat properly even though it is difficult and tiring.
Every parent wants the best for their children, they even sent their children to school
to assist the brain development of the children so that they will perform as better individuals
in the future. Through education, children begin to build their dreams and choose what they
want to be in the future. It also molds them to be disciplined and responsible individuals
(Epstein, n.d.).
Parents make sure that their children would become physically fit by providing them
with nutritious food, comfortable clothes and shelter. By providing these basic needs,
children are inclined for development not only physically but also mentally.
The brains of the children are underdeveloped and not yet fully operational (Walker,
n.d.). It is confined to limitations and through the development of the brain the child
overcomes these limitations. It needs proper nutrition and be exposed to many things to be
able to develop.
Brain development of the children is influenced by nature and nurture. It is influenced
by the nature of the brain structures and the brain cells, if these parts of the brain are naturally
strong and adaptive it leads to the enhanced brain development (Gable, n.d.). If a child exerts
effort to nurture and learn what he has to learn, then it also affects the development of the
brain. Through the persistence to learn the brain gradually surpasses its boundary.
Environment also affects the brain development of children. Certain studies
determined that the childhood home environment differentiates the cortical thickness of the
frontal and temporal lobe of the brain (D'Arcy, 2012).
The frontal lobe of the brain is responsible for the control of movement and in
preparing the muscles about what they are planning to execute. While the temporal lobe is
responsible for visual and auditory processing of electrical signals (Amthor, n.d.).
Parents let their children play because they believe that playing takes a great part in
molding their character. Play is beneficial to children because it contributes to the cognitive,
physical and emotional aspect of their lives. Through the child-driven play the children are
given the opportunity to develop and learn (Ginsburg, n.d.).
There is a need that parents should let their children fail (Lahey, 2013). If children are
used to grow up in their comfort zone they will not be able to cope up and overcome the
problems that may come into their lives.
Problems are supposed to be the stimulants that would encourage the brain
development of children; on the contrary, it would be the hindrance to their development
since they are not used to face failure and difficulty. Living their lives in the comfort zone all
the time would hinder them to develop. They cannot stand with their own feet to plan
strategic techniques that would possibly solve problems.
Technology has been rapidly developing for the past 100 years (Feldman, 2014).
Since technology becomes a part of the environment of children, it greatly affects their
development physically and mentally.
The advancement in technology has a great impact on the daily lives of people. It
provides them with comfort and reduces the workload of activities (Heimbuch, 2013).
The brain of a child naturally develops. As a child grows up, his brain develops and
matures. The development of the brain of the children is influenced also by environmental
factors, one of which is physical activity.
Through physical activity the development of the brain of the children is promoted.
Physical activity, enhances the functions of the brain, which makes it stronger opening an
opportunity for development. It also stimulates the release of hormones and chemicals that
are good for brain development as well as in enhancing brain functions such as cognition and
Any form of exercise or physical activity boosts brain development. There are
specific exercises that are preffered to enhance brain development, such as aerobic exercises
which also includes running.
If the children keep on living a sedentary life because of the advances in technology
such as electronic gadgets and telivision, which they dedicate most of their time in using
them, the optimum development of their brain is hindered since physical activity is linked to
brain development.
Children should not consume all their time using these gadgets and spare time for
physical activities like playing outdoor games with their friends that involve physical
movement because the brain benefits from it and its development is promoted.

Amthor, F. (n.d.). For DUMMIES A Wiley Brand. Retrieved from Examining the Brain's four
lobes: Frontal, Parietal, Temporal and Occipital:
Cooper, L. (2012). babble. Retrieved from A Parent's Primer on Patience:
D'Arcy, J. (2012, October 17). THE WASHINGTON POST. Retrieved from Childhood
environment affects brain growth and function, a series of new studies finds:
Epstein, B. (n.d.). Retrieved from Why do we send our children to school?:
Feldman, B. (2014, August 7). Quora. Retrieved from Why did technology develops so
rapidly in the past 100 years, but for such a long time it developed so slowly?:
Gable, S. (n.d.). University of Missouri Extension. Retrieved from Nature, nurture and Early
Brain Development:
Ginsburg, K. R. (n.d.). PEDIATRICS. Retrieved from The Importance of Play In Promoting
Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds:
Heimbuch, J. (2013, June 28). THE BLOG. Retrieved from 5 Incredible Ways Technology is
Making Life Easier:
Lahey, J. (2013, January 29). The Atlantic. Retrieved from Why parents need to let their
children fail:
Lamb, J. (2007, January 21). Lutherans for Life. Retrieved from Cherish the Children- A Life
Sunday Sermon:
Walker, K. (n.d.). Early Life Foundations. Retrieved from Children are not the same as

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