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DATE : 24 JUNE 2011

TIME : 12.00 p.m.

1. Mdm. Latifah Hassan : Head of the Language Department
2. Mdm. Manja Bt. Md Doli :Senior Assistant (Afternoon)
3. Ms. Tan Jee Ngoh : Head of the English Panel
4. Mdm. Mah Kim Peng
5. Mdm. Tee Lee Lee
6. Mdm. Khuzaimah Zakaria
7. Ms. Kee Sui Hui
8. Ms. Ho Yin Mei
9. Ms.Norhafizah
10. Mdm. Uma Devi Marappan
11. Mdm. Noorlelawati Bt. Saleh


1. Mdm.Noor Aini Bt. Mohamad
2. Ms. Joyce Tan Pei Yong

1. Mdm. Shafina Farveen Abd. Rahman


1.0 Welcoming Speech by Head of English Panel

1.1 The HOP welcomed all ELTs to the 3rd meeting for the year 2011.
Action: Information to ELTs

1.2 The HOP thanked all ELTs for their support and commitment in carrying out all co-
academic activities: Choral Speaking , S-I-R competition, English Language Week, 2nd
Xplorace, Star Inc and Drama Competition.
Action: Information to ELTs

2.0 Welcoming Speech by Head of the Language Department.

2.1 The HOD thanked all English teachers for attending the meeting.
Action: Information to ELTs

2.2 The HOD hopes English teachers could enhance their T&L although the students are
being negligent in their studies. Teachers are also asked to be in their class punctually.
Action: All ELTs
2.3 The HOD thanked and congratulated all ELTs for their hard work in carrying out all co-
academic activities successfully.
Action: Information to ELTs

2.4 The HOD also congratulated the drama team for successfully winning the best actor
award in Drama Competition at State Level.
Action: Information to ELTs

2.5 The HOD requested ELTs to update the PLBS files and complete all the information in the
Files since the Heads of Departments were asked to monitor PLBS by the principal. The
HOD wants the Form 1 & 2 files to be submitted to her the following week.
Action: All ELTs

2.6 The HOD reminded all ELTs to complete all the information in their record books,
especially students’ marks and analysis, as there are some teachers who have not updated
the respective columns.
Action: All ELTs

2.7 The HOD informed that the submission of record books schedule to the office could be
referred in the staffroom.
Action: Information to ELTs

3.0 Confirmation of the previous minutes

3.1 Mdm. Tee Lee Lee proposed the Second Minutes of the Panel Meeting to be passed, and
it was seconded by Mdm. Manja Md Doli.
Action: Information to ELTs

4.0 Matters Arising

4.1 The HOP thanked and congratulated Miss Kee Sui Hui for her commitment in carrying
out the ‘A Word A Day’ during evening session. For documentation purposes, Miss Kee
was asked to purchase a book as a Learn A Word A Day Record Book.
Action: Information to ELTs

4.2 The HOP informed that our students Daryl Yeow of 4Science won consolation prize in
Spell- It -Right contest which was held at Mahkota Parade on 24 th April 2011.
Action: Information to ELTs

4.3 Pn. Shafina reported that Ng Aik Eng (4Sc) did not win in the Public
Speaking competition which was held at SMK Tun Tuah on 14th April 2011.
Action: Information to ELTs

4.4 Pn.Khuzaimah reported that our school Choral Speaking team did not win in the
Competition. However, it aroused other students interest to participate in the competition
in the future.
Action: Information to ELTs
4.5 Pn. Khuzaimah suggested to start train the students for Choral Speaking from the lower
forms as an exposure and opportunity to participate in the competition. The HOP asked
Pn. Khuzaimah to coordinate with evening teachers in producing school Choral Speaking
Action: Pn. Khuzaimah and evening session teachers

4.6 The panel agreed to award extra marks in oral test for students who have participated in
the Public Speaking, Choral Speaking and Drama competition.
Action: All ELTs

5.0 Post Mortem of Mid- Year Exam

5.1 With reference to PMR mid-year analysis, 41% students passed in the English subject,
whereas 58.9% students failed. Pn. Khuzaimah was asked to prepare the post mortem for
Form 3.
Action: Pn. Khuzaimah

5.2 With reference to SPM mid-year analysis, 45.34% students passed in the subject, while
54.66% students failed. Mdm. Tee Lee Lee was asked to prepare the post mortem for
Form 5.
Action: Mdm. Tee Lee Lee

5.3 The results for both PMR and SPM were not very good. The reasons for such results are
students’ attitude towards studies and the discipline problems among students.
Action: Information to ELTs

5.4 The HOP suggested to focus on students whose marks are 30% and above and help them
to pass in the exam.
Action: Form 3 and Form 5 teachers


6.1 For PLBS, Mdm. Mah Kin Peng reported that the teachers are doing filing for their
respective classes. The HOD requested to pass up all the Form 1 & 2 files by 29 June
Action: Information to ELTs

6.2 For ULBS, the HOP requested to pass up all the files to her by 29 June 2011.
Action: Information to ELTs

7.0 Panel’s Blog

7.1 The HOP informed to ELTs that the coordinator for English Panel Blog are Pn.
Khuzaimah (morning session) and Pn. Umadevi (evening session).
Action: Information to ELTs

7.2 Teachers are requested to email their materials to coordinators so it can to be uploaded in
the Blog by the administrators of the Panel Blog.
Action: All ELTs

8.0 Program Kelas Tambahan IEC/EIE

8.1 Mdm. Mah Kim Peng reported that there is no problem in conducting IEC-Target A
programme and the students attendance is good.
Action: Information to ELTs

8.2 Mdm. Khuzaimah reported that the attendance of Extra Tuition Classes on Saturdays for
PMR ‘Galus’ is not very encouraging. However, she is asked to carry out the class as
Action: Pn. Khuzaimah

8.3 Since the attendance for ‘Kelas Bimbingan Berfokus’ is declining, the HOP asked the
teachers to think of other strategies to overcome the problem.
Action: Pn. Noor Aini, Pn. Khuzaimah and Pn. Shafina Farveen

8.4 Mdm. Khuzaimah reported that the attendance for EIE programme for SPM is not
encouraging. The HOP suggests to regroup the students according to their respective
Form 5Sc - Mdm Tee Lee Lee
Form 5 SSI – Ms Tan Jee Ngoh
Form 5 PA1 & PA2 - Mdm Manja Md Doli / Mdm Noorlelawati Saleh
Form 5 K1 & 5K2 – Mdm Khuzaimah Zakaria
Action: Information to ELTs

9.0 Financial Standing

9.1 The HOP informed that the English Panel current balance is RM2498.68

Expenditure - RM 3945.87
Balance - RM 2498.68
Total - RM 6444.55
Action: Information to ELTs

10.0 Other Matters

10.1 In conjunction with 54th Independence Day Celebration, the English Panel would
collaborate with Humanity Department to conduct an activity.
Action: Information to ELTs

11.0 Closing Speech

11.1 HOP thanked all ELTs for attending the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 1.45
(Secretary of the English Language Panel)
Date :28th June 2011

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