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Goal Tracking Software Requirements

Software Description: Goal can be of following Types

1. Daily To Do List – With Repeating Nature (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)

2. Can be a Long Term Goal- Which can be divided in short Term To Do List (Sub Goals) with
Weightage to overall Goal (sum should be 100). Individual
1. A User Logs in to the System using his login id & Password.Authenticate the Correct User--Session

If New User then Re-direct User to Create Login Form

2. Goals Categories--User defined

3. User Goals Master

4. Daily Goal Tracking

5. Single Email Generation on Goals Status Update Reminder

6. Reports--

7. Log Out

8. My Account Page to Change the Personal Details and Account Preference Settings

Admin Module

1. Manage Users - Blocking/Unblocking User


Goal Tracking Tables

1. User Login to Authenticate the Correct User--Session Tracking

If New User then Re-direct User to Create Login Form


Create Table Users (

User_ID NUMBER(10), --Use a Sequence to generate User Id
Login_ID VARCHAR2(30),
User_Password VARCHAR2(30) ,
Display_Name VARCHAR2(50),
First_Name VARCHAR2(50),
Last_Name VARCHAR2(50),
Address VARCHAR2(200),
City VARCHAR2(30),
State VARCHAR2(30),
Country VARCHAR2(30),
Pin_Code VARCHAR2(20) ,
Account_Activated VARCHAR2(1), --(Y/N)
Created_On DATE,
Last_Updated_On DATE,
Constraint users_pk PRIMARY KEY (USER_ID))

2. Goals Categories--User defined

CREATE TABLE Goal_Categories(

Goal_Category_Id NUMBER(10), --Use a Sequence to generate Id
Login_Id VARCHAR2(30),
Category_Description VARCHAR2(100),
Status VARCHAR2(1), --Active/Inactive
Created_On DATE,
Last_Updated_On DATE,
Constraint Goal_categories_pk PRIMARY KEY (Goal_Category_Id))

3. User Goals Master

Create Table Goal_Master(

Goal_Master_Id NUMBER(10), --Use a Sequence to generate Id
Login_Id VARCHAR2(30),
Goal_Category NUMBER(10),
Goal_Description VARCHAR2(100),
Goal_weight NUMBER(2),
Goal_Days VARCHAR2(1),--(Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thur,fri,Sat),
Status VARCHAR2(1),
Created_On DATE,
Last Updated On DATE,
Constraint Goal_Master_pk PRIMARY KEY (Goal_Master_Id))

4. Daily Goal Tracking

Create Table Goal_Tracking(

Goal_Tracking_Id NUMBER(10),
Login_Id VARCHAR2(30),
Goal_id NUMBER(10),
Goal_Tracking_Date DATE,
Goal_weight NUMBER(2),
Remarks VARCHAR2(500),
Created_On DATE,
Last Updated On DATE
Constraint Goal_Tracking_pk PRIMARY KEY (Goal_Tracking_Id))

5. Single Email Generation on Goals Status Update Reminder

6. Reports--

7. Log Out

8. My Account Page to Change the Personal Details and Account Preference Settings

Use Cases

1. User logs in the System using login id & password. if not registered earlier,
User creates the login id, wehn using the system for the first time.
User Autheticated by the System.
User is presented the Application Menu & the welcome page showing the Tasks Tracking screen
Application Menu has the following options:
-My account
-Goal Categries
-Goal Tracker

User can modify his personal details/password in My account option.

Goal categories page shows all the existing categories defined by the User & Option to create new
Categories. New Categories options opens up the new Page for creating new category.

Goals Page shows the list of all the goals defined by the user & Option to create new Goals. New Goals
options opens up the new Page for creating new Goal.

Goal Tracker Page shows the list of Goals with the dates in Matrix view. User can click on each matrix cell
to check the Goal status (Y/N). User will have option to see the goal status for any date Rage as this Page
will have Date Range Option. User can add comment also.

--System should auto send email reminders to update the goal status if not updated.

-- Option of exporting the Goal Tracking data to Excel Sheet for a Date Range.

Add on Modules for the App---

1. upload picture to goal tracker


1. A User Logs in to the System using his login id & Password.

2. User can define the goals which he wants to track on daily basis.

3. Goals should be categorized in various user defined Categories.

4. User tracks the Goal on daily basis.

5. Email Reminder to user in case User forgot to track goal for more than a day.

6. Users Goal Tracking Report

7. User to have option of changing the Personal & account related details.

Major Use Cases

1. User –Logs In the System

2. User- creates the Login

3. User-Defines & Edits Categories

4. User-Defines & Edits Goals

5. User-Tracks the Daily Goals

6. User-Edits the Account Details

User –Logs In the System
1. For existing Users-- User enters the login Id & Password
2. System authenticates the User.
3. If authenticated, allows user to enter the System. User is redirected to the Welcome
Page which shows the application menu.
4. Application Menu has the following options:
-My account
-Goal Categries
-Goal Tracker
5. If not authenticated, redirects the User to Login Page again.

User –Logs In the System

1. For New User—User Click on link to create new User
2. User is presented a form to create the New User.
3. User needs to enter the following required & few optional fields
a. Required—User Name, Password, First Name, Last Name, Email Id,
b. Optional- Address, City, State, Pin Code
4. System checks the User Name for uniqueness. If User Name already exists, User is prompted to
enter another User Name.
5. System checks the Email Id for uniqueness. If email Id already exists, User is prompted to enter
another email Id.
6. Password needs to contain one Special character & one lower & upper Case characters
7. On submitting the information, new User account is created. User can log in to system using this
8. System to mark the new created account as Active. (In Later releases of the software, Account
will be created as New and an email will be sent to user with account activation link. User can
activate account using only that link only.)
9. System to store extra information like Created On, Last Updated on to store the timestamp when
user creates or updates his information.
User-Defines & Edits Categories
1. User click on the Menu link- Goal Categories
2. User is presented with the Goal Categories form showing all the already defined categories links.
This form has a link on the top to create New Categories.
3. To edit existing Category, User clicks on the existing category link, Category is opened in Editable
mode in new Page.
4. To create new Category, User clicks on the New Category link. User is Presented a blank form to
create new category.
5. User enters the Category Description and Saves the Data.
6. System generates the Category Id, Marks the default status as A(active) & stores the Created On,
Last_Upd_On TimeStamp

User-Defines & Edits Goals

1. User click on the Menu link- Goals
2. User is presented with the Goals form showing all the already defined Goals links. This form has
a link on the top to create New Goals.
3. To edit existing Goal, User clicks on the existing Goal link, Goal is opened in Editable mode in
new Page.
4. To create new Goal, User clicks on the New Goal link. User is Presented a blank form to create
new Goal.
5. User enters the Goal Description, Goal Category,Goal Weight,Goal Days and Saves the Data.
6. System generates the Goal Id, Marks the default status as A(active) & stores the Created On,
Last_Upd_On TimeStamp
7. User saves the data and is redirected to Categories Page showing the newly added Category in
Categories list.

User-Tracks the Daily Goals

1. User click on the Menu link- Track Daily Goals
2. User is presented with the Goals Tracker Page.
3. Goal Tracker Page shows the list of Goals with the dates in Matrix view.
4. User can click on each matrix cell to check the Goal status (Y/N).
5. ). User will have option to see the goal status for any date Rage as this Page will have Date Range
6. User can add comment also.
7. User saves the data and is redirected to Goals Page showing the newly added goal in goals list.

User-Edits the Account Details

1. User click on the Menu link- My Account
2. User is presented with the Account details with some information in editable mode.
3. The following fields can be edited --Password, First Name, Last Name, Email Id, Address, City,
State, Pin Code

1. User
2. Goal Category
3. Goal

user Name
first Name
last Name
email Id
pin Code

Goal Category



Future Planned Extensions to the Existing Software

--System should auto send email reminders to update the goal status if not updated.

-- Option of exporting the Goal Tracking data to Excel Sheet for a Date Range.

Add on Modules for the App---

1. upload picture to goal tracker

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