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‫الجاماعة السإلماية – غزة‬

Islamic University – Gaza

Faculty of commerce ‫كـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـلـ ـ ـ ـيـ ــة الـ ـتـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـجـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــارة‬
Business administration department ‫ق ـسإ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــم إدارة العأـ ـ ـ ـ ـما ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــال‬

"The impact of product factors on the consumer

satisfaction- empirical study implemented on the Palestinian
company of cellular communication (JAWWAL) in Islamic


A Gradation Research
Presented to the
Faculty of Commerce
Business administration department

Prepared by:
Alaa Hmaid 120122583
Salah Lubbad 120132590
Mohammed A. El-shaikh Khalil 120120947

Dr. Wasim Al-Habil.

‫‪/1437 2016‬‬

‫سي رررىَ الل ل ه‬
‫ه‬ ‫ف ر‬‫مهلوُا ر‬ ‫ع ر‬‫لا ع‬‫ق ل‬ ‫و ه‬‫‪ ‬ر‬
‫ن‪‬‬ ‫مهنوُ ر‬
‫ؤ ل‬ ‫وال ع ه‬
‫م ع‬ ‫ه ر‬‫سوُل ه ه‬‫ورر ه‬
‫م ر‬ ‫مل رك ه ع‬
‫ع ر‬



To those whose prayers were the secret of our

success, and their affection was a balm for our
wounds. To the most precious, to our beloved
To those who were crowned by Allah with
prestige and sobriety, who taught us tender
without waiting, who we hold their names
proudly, to our dear fathers, to the springs of
the pure sincerity who we were happy with,
accompanying them in the bitter and sweet
paths of life, to those who were with us on the
road to good and success, to our brothers and
sisters. To those who we knew how to reach
and taught us not to lose them, to our friends,
to the pure souls of the martyrs, to the
wounded, to the heroic prisoners. To all of
.them, we dedicate this modest research


We extend our sincere thanks and gratitude for all who

have helped us even in a prayer in the back of the
absence, based on our prophet Muhammed peace be
upon him saying "He who doesn't thank people, doesn't
thank Allah". Hence, we had to thank everyone helped us
in completing our study. I mention specially our
honorable university, The Islamic University, with all its
staff and employees. I spent the most beautiful years of
my life in this university. I also present my sincere thanks
and appreciation to the Faculty of Commerce represented
by its dean Dr. Muhammed Miqdad and all its virtuous
teachers working in this faculty which we are proud of
because I belonged to it someday. As I also present my
sincere thanks and appreciation to the virtuous Dr.
Wasim Al-Habil who is the supervisor of this modest
research. I ask Allah to extend his lifetime and make
Islam and Muslims benefit of him and his knowledge. As
we present thanks to everyone who contributed in
facilitating the completion of this research and
facilitating our mission of gathering information and
.data. May Allah give them the best reward and tender
.Alaa Humaid
.Salah Lubbad
.Muhammed Al-Shaikh Khalil

Table of Contents
NO. Subject Page No.
1. Initiation 2
2. Dedication 3
3. Acknowledgment 4
4. Abstract in Arabic 10
5. Abstract in English 11
6. Chapter one 12
7. Introduction 13
8. Research problem 14
9. Research Variables 16
10. Research Hypotheses 16
11. Research Objectives 17
12. Research Importance 17
13. Chapter two 18
14. Section one 19
15. Quality 19
16. Efficiency in dealing with customers 22
17. Experience in dealing with customers 26
18. Service Maintenance 29
19. Section two 31
20. Customer satisfaction 31
21. Section three 37
22. A brief information about Jawwal 37
23. Conclusion 44
24. Chapter three 47
25. Literature review 47
26. Chapter four 65
27. Methodology 66
28. Chapter five 78
29. Data Analysis and Discussion 78
30. Results 94
31. Recommendation 96
32. Future studies 97
33. References 98

Tables of tables

Table No. Table title Page No.

4.1 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test 67
4.2 Correlation coefficient of each item" 69
The impact of quality on customer
satisfaction " and the total of this
4.3 Correlation coefficient of each item 70
of " The impact of efficiency on
customer satisfaction " and the total
of this field
4.4 Correlation coefficient of each item 71
of " The impact of the adequacy on
customers' satisfaction "and the total
of this field
4.5 Correlation coefficient of each item 72
of “The impact of experience on the
customers "and the total of this field
4.6 Correlation coefficient of each item 73
of " The impact of the maintenance
services on customer's satisfaction
"and the total of this field
4.7 Correlation coefficient of each item 74
of “Consumer’s satisfaction "and the
total of this field
4.8 Correlation coefficient of each field 76
and the whole of questionnaire
4.9 Cronbach's Alpha for each field of 77
the questionnaire
5.1 Personal Information 79
5.2 Means and Test values for “The 81
impact of quality on customer
5.3 Means and Test values for “The 83
impact of efficiency on customer
5.4 Means and Test values for “The 85
impact of the adequacy on customers'
5.5 Means and Test values for “The 87
impact of experience on the

5.6 Means and Test values for “The 89
impact of the maintenance services
on customer's satisfaction”
5.7 Means and Test values for 91
“Consumer's satisfaction”
5.8 Result of multiple linear regression 93

Table of Abendex

NO. Subject Page No.

1. A questionnaire entitled in English 102

2. A questionnaire entitled in Arabic 110

‫ملخص البحث‬

‫ه ــدفت الد ارسإ ــة الحالي ــة إل ــى " قي ــاس أث ــر عأواما ــل النات ــاج عأل ــى رض ــا الزب ــائن ما ــن خلل قي ــاس‬
‫الخدماات التي تقدماها شركة جوال مان وجهة ناظر الزبائن في ماحافظات قطاع غزة"‪ ،‬وذلك اسإتناادا‬
‫إلى ناظرية الفجوة باسإتخدام ناماـوذج القيـاس‪ ،‬وقـد اتبـع البـاحثون الماناهـج الوصـفي التحليلــي لختبـار‬
‫فرضيات الدراسإة‪ ،‬وقـد تـم جماـع البياناـات ماـن خلل اسإـتباناة تـم تصـمايماها لهـذا الغــرض‪ ،‬حيـث بلـغ‬
‫ماجتماع الدراسإة حـوالي ‪ 70‬شـخص‪ ،‬واسإـتخدم البـاحثون طريقـة العيناـة الطبقيـة العشـوائية‪ ،‬حيـث تـم‬
‫توزيع ‪ 70‬اسإتباناة عألى عأيناة الدراسإة‪ ،‬وقد تم الحصول عألــى ‪ 69‬اسإـتباناة صــالحة بناسإــبة اسإـترداد‬
‫تزيد عأن ‪.%90‬‬
‫وخلصــت الد ارسإــة إلــى أن تقييــم الزبــائن لعواماــل اناتــاج الخــدماات الفعليــة إيجابيـ ـا وجيــدا إل أناــه ل‬
‫يصل إلى ماسإتوى توقعـاتهم‪ ،‬ماماـا يعناــي أن هناـاك فــرص لتحسإــين وتطــوير عأواماــل اناتــاج الخـدماات‬
‫الماقدماــة ماــن الشــركة‪ ،‬كماــا أشــارت ناتائــج الد ارسإــة إلــى أن الزبــائن يعطــون أهمايــة ناسإــبية أكــبر لبعــد‬
‫جودة الماناتج عألى الترتيب ) الكفاءة و الفعالية والخبرة وخدماات الصياناة(‪.‬‬
‫وقــد خرجــت الد ارسإــة ببعــض التوصــيات الــتي كــان ماــن شــأناها تعزيــز ورفــع ماسإــتوى عأواماــل الناتــاج‬
‫الما ــؤثرة عأل ــى رض ــا الزب ــائن وعأل ــى الخ ــدماات الماقدما ــة ما ــن ش ــركة جـ ـوال بما ــا يع ــود عأل ــى الش ــركة‬
‫والعامالين بها بالمانافعــة والفائــدة ماـن جهـة وعألـى الزبـائن والماسإــتفيدين ماــن خــدماات الشــركة ماــن جهـة‬
‫أخــرى‪ ،‬وماــن أهماهــا‪ :‬العماــل عألــى إيجــاد الحلــول الفوريــة للرتفــاع بجــودة الخــدماات الماقدماــة‪ ،‬العماــل‬
‫عألــى زيــادة فعاليــة الشــركة ماــن خلل تقليــل التكلفــة وزيــادة الجهــد والسإـ ـراع فــي اناجــاز العأماــال‬
‫وكــذلك توضــيح إواعألم الزبــائن بالماعيقــات والتحــديات الــتي ت ـواجه شــركة ج ـوال فــي ظــل الحصــار‬
‫الخاناق عألى ماحافظات قطاع غزة‪.‬‬


This study aimed to "measure the impact of production factors on

customer's satisfaction by measuring the services offered by Jawwal
company from the standpoint of customers in the provinces of Gaza,"
based on the theory of the gap by using the measurement model ; and
descriptive analytical method has been used to test hypotheses of the
study. Data has been collected through a questionnaire designed for this
purpose, where the study population was about 70 customer, and the
researcher used stratified random sample. 70 questionnaires were
distributed to the sample of study and there were 69 valid questionnaires
with a retrieval ratio of more than 90%.

The study concluded that customers evaluation to the production factors

of the actual services is positive and good; however, it is not up to the
level of their expectations, which means that there are opportunities to
improve and develop the production of services provided by the
company's agents. As the results of the study indicated that customers
give a larger relative importance to the quality of the product,
respectively (efficiency and effectiveness, expertise and maintenance

The study came up with some recommendations that would strengthen

and raise the level of influence on customer's satisfaction and the services
provided by Jawwal company in a way that returns on the company and
its employees with benefit and interest on the one hand and on the
customers and users of the company's services on the other hand and the
most important of that is : working to find instant solutions to improve
the quality of provided services , working to increase the effectiveness of
the company by reducing the cost and increasing the effort and speeding
up the completion of the business as well as to clarify and inform
customers of the hindrances and challenges facing Jawwal company
under the suffocating siege on the Gaza Strip.

Chapter 1

1. Introduction.
2. Research problem.
3. Research Variables.
4. Research Hypotheses.
5. Research Objectives.
6. Research Importance.

In light of the big competitive conflicts which the world is witnessing
currently, quality management and achieving consumer's satisfaction
have become the most important objects to the companies. In addition,
they search permanently to identify the needs, desires, and expectations
of the costumer and provide him services so that he becomes loyal to the
company. Due to the modern technological progress, the customer can
choose between the services and the products which the company
provides according to his desires. Moreover, markets have become an
open place to all investors around the world. That thing lead to the
emergence of the high competitions , if not strong , between the
companies to increase their market share.

That put the searching organizations to the excellence in front of the

option of providing products which match the international standards
through taking into consideration the human resources as well as being
responsive to the needs and desires of customers based on the concept of
Total Quality Management (TQM) to achieve the best possible
operational performance and promote domestic and international
competitiveness . That may contribute positively in increasing the
customer's satisfaction, thereby increase the sales volume and profits
curve. (Al-Safar, 2008).

One of the most recent trends of the institution is looking forward to

satisfy external customers through offering products with suitable prices ,
acceptable quality , and outstanding services. By doing that, the quality of
services emerges and imposes themselves as one of the factors of
satisfying the customers and acquiring their loyalty to gain more market
shares and, in turn, increase their profits where the quality of services is
considered one of the most important tools that the institution uses as it
helps providing services and products that fulfill the customers' needs and
desires. That what makes the quality requirement that modern institutions
seeks to achieve substantially to occupy suitable position in markets
through providing services and products that are comparable in quality
and specifications with what other institutions provide and making it
continuous and permanent.

Also, it's recommended for the satisfaction of the external customers
operation to be followed by a measuring operation to identify its level and
the variables that control it to make constant improvements and keep
pacing the continues development in the customers' needs and desires.
(Islam, 2015).

Research problem:
Companies face on their various activities and products fluctuations in
overall performance, particularly, the marketing of them, prompting them
to search for the causes that led to this result.
Some companies have found reasons for the low level to a lack of
strategic planning for the activity catalog, others attributed the reason to
the sharp foreign competition, and on the other hand, became aware of
some companies to the need to adopt a comprehensive quality
management on the grounds that it can carry out all their problems
And with the rapid changes in the domestic and international business
environment , it has become more difficult to maintain organizations on a
fixed and stable relationships with suppliers, customers, distributors.

On the other hand, the organization may adopt and practice of TQM in all
their activities and do not realize or pursue whether this application is
successful or mired with some of the negatives , then how customers
evaluate this practice ? Is there any gap in the practice of Total Quality
Management ?
Also the intellectual development of the consumer over the years has led
to the emergence of some of the problems in front of producers as
producers need attention to product quality and development of the
product so that it can address these problems and to maintain its position
in the market.

Also, Customer satisfaction has been studied in different directions, from

measurement to its relationships with other business aspects. Some
researchers have provided possible means of measuring customer
satisfaction (Levy, 2009; NBRI, 2009).

Meanwhile, other authors like Wilson et al. (2008) demonstrated some

determinants of customer satisfaction to be product and service quality,
price, personal and situational factors (Wilson et el., 2008).

Some researchers have looked into the relationship between total quality
management and customer satisfaction (Wen-Yi, et al, 2009).

Because customer satisfaction is also based upon the level of service

quality provided by the service provider (Lee et al., 2000,), service
quality acts as a determinant of customer satisfaction (Wilson et al., 2008,
page 79-80). Other authors have brought out theories relating customer
satisfaction and service quality in their researches (Wang & Hing-Po,
2002) measured service quality in China’s mobile phone market and
emphasis on the dynamic relationship among service quality, customer
value, customer satisfaction and their influence on future behaviours after
the key drives of customer value and customer satisfaction are identified.

The most important obstacles facing Jawwal company:

1- The difficulty of entering modern equipment because of the

prevent of the occupation authorities.
2- The difficulty of keeping up with global developments in the
telecommunications generations in terms of what the company still
uses the second generation with the knowledge that he was using
the fourth generation and the possibility of using the fifth
generation in the coming years.
3- Increasing wars and thus the inability to repair all cells and hence a
large number of complaints from subscribers about poor
communication service.
4- The high cost of the services provided by the company while they
have the lowest cost in other companies and the main reason for
this is the large number of taxes The difficulty in keeping up with
global developments in the telecommunications generations where
the company still uses the imposed by the occupation.
5- The company is affected by the electric power and thus it causes
damage to a large number of devices.

Research Variables:
Experience in dealing with

Efficiency in dealing with


The quality of goods and

Customer satisfaction services

(Dependent variable)

Services Maintenance


Source: The model has been adjusted based on “Al-Habil”

Research Hypothesis:

There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer

satisfaction and product factors:
1. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer satisfaction
and efficiency in dealing with customer.
2. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer satisfaction
and experience in dealing with customer.
3. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer satisfaction
and the quality of goods and services.
4. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer satisfaction
and services maintenance.
5. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer satisfaction
and reliability.

Research Objectives:
 Highlighting the concept of "Quality" and "Customer satisfaction."
 Identifying the most important criteria upon which the customers
in their evaluation of the quality ratios.
 Emphasizing the importance of quality production as a source of
competition in the light of the openness of the global market.
 Suggesting suitable recommendations for improving the customer
care based on the study result
 Determining the relationship between the factors and customer
“satisfaction and delight”

Research Importance:

It is expected that this study provide valuable information for a group of

actors including:

1. The importance of the study of private and public companies:

Is expected to provide this letter with information for companies on

the impact of quality and compatibility with the desires and needs
of customers in order to gain their satisfaction and try to show the
relationship between the variables a "Quality as a way for
companies" and "customer satisfaction as a result," This is an issue
of new topics where there is a tendency to conduct the relationship
with your customers.

2. The importance of the study for researcher:

This study by the researcher to obtain a bachelor degree and also

considered as a way to bring product to the academic study of 4
years, a way to link the academic side of practicality and apply it to

the ground through the study of the impact of production on the
quality of customer satisfaction.

Chapter 2

Theoretical Perspective

Section one: Factors of production.

 Quality.
 Efficiency in dealing with customers.
 Experience in dealing with customers.
 Service Maintenance.

Section two: Customer satisfaction.

Section three: A brief information about the Palestinian

Cellular Communication Company, Jawwal.

 Conclusion: How is Jawwal Company working on achieving

the customer satisfaction?

Section one: Factors of production.

This topic will address several special definitions of "factors of

production" in which they can clarify all of these factors and its impact
on customer satisfaction.

First : Quality

What is quality:

Quality is the modern arms that all private and public companies are
looking at owning it because of its magic effect on customers and it
generates a relationship between the company and its customers and
we are going in this section for several definitions of quality and give a
snapshot of the importance of the overall quality and some of its
requirements (Nour Al-Dain, 2007).

Concept of quality:

The termed definition of quality: the concept of quality due to the

Latin language “Qualtia” which means the nature of the thing and the
degree of rigidity (Daradkeh,2001), a set of qualities and
characteristics of the service, which means achieving certain or
perceived desires (Shalabi, 2002).

 Quality definition: quality is the alignment with the requirements. "It

is also equal to the quality management and between the adoptions of
preventive measures. He focused on the emphasis on outcomes, and
reduce defects in the performance (Crosby, 2002).

 Also quality is defined as: it's the ability to achieve customer
satisfaction form that corresponds with the expectations and achieve
full satisfaction with the product or service you offer them any be
matched to the specifications and requirements of customers (al-

Through previous acquaintance researchers can mention a

comprehensive definition of quality:

"Quality is the standard of excellence, or are college unique service,

which includes a measure to meet the desires and needs is the ability to
meet the requirements and satisfy their desires through a commodity or
provide meet the needs and requirements of the customer service
manufacturing" (Three experts on quality management, 4, 1992).

Quality of great importance both for the institutions or consumers, it

determines the ability of companies to compete and stay in the labor
market through customer satisfaction which determines the size of the
demand for products or services companies.

 For companies: (a company's reputation)

Institution derives its reputation or maintain the reputation of the
quality of products or services, and be seen by relations that bind the
company with its customers, and try to provide products that meet the
desires and needs of its clients If the low quality of its products could
be improved in order to achieve fame and maintain its reputation and
that enable them in the future to compete with similar companies in the
same field (Bollen& Emes, 2008).

 Global competition:
The political and economic changes will affect how and when the
exchange of products to a large degree in a competitive international
market and in the age of information and globalization, gaining quality

distinct importance as both the institution and the community seeks to
achieve the aim of being able to achieve global competitiveness and
improve the economy in general and the incursion in global markets,
the lower-quality products in the enterprise level led to a profit of
damage (Alwan, 2009 ).

 Protection Consumer:
Quality in the activities of the Foundation implements and develop
specific standard specifications contribute to consumer protection from
commercial fraud and boost confidence in the products enterprise.

When the quality level is low this will lead to reluctance the consumer
for the purchase of products enterprise, and lack of consumer
satisfaction is the failure of the product, which is purchased from doing
the job expected by consumer (Islam, Mohammad, 2015).

Quality Objective:

In general there are two quality objective:

 Serve the objectives of quality control: It is related to the levels that

Institution would like to maintain them Where they put these standards
on the level of Institution as a whole, using the lower-level
requirements concerning the distinctive qualities such as safety and
customer satisfaction
 The objectives of quality improvement: They are often confined to
the reduction of errors and develop new products and services satisfy
customers more effectively.

Second: Efficiency in dealing with customers

Definition of efficiency:

Acquaintance have multiplied in this field and that according to

researchers and scholars to this field, it is the oldest this topic
definitions define the world of linguistics, "Chomsky".

That the know-how are the basis of efficiency, accounting mix

evolutionary experiments, values, information and experiences, which
in turn form the framework to assess and integrate new experiences
and information.

So the know-how is the rule of reference for the formation of

knowledge, which is regarded as an essential element in efficiency.

But from the viewpoint of strategy may be defined competencies as

"the sum of knowledge process that ensures outstanding competitive in
the market, the basic efficiency enhance the competitive position of the
institution (Sore’ya, Eman, 2008).

Also efficiency defined, it is to increase the amount of saturation in the

light of the best use of available resources and image that can not be
satisfying to achieve greater than that derived from the same size used”
Pareto” (Al-Said, 2012).

Efficiency from the perspective of laborers:

Efficient means for the individual or group to provide him with the sick
and the right to work and give him the appropriate amount of power
with a clear definition of the terms of reference and be involved in
solving problems and creating opportunities for promotion in front of
him and to provide appropriate remuneration (Hanafi, 2006).

Efficiency from management point of view:

The ability to perform things the right way, and there it relies on the
concept of input and output system efficient is able to achieve the
outputs outweigh the inputs used (Idriss, 2002).

Efficiency for the owners:

It is concerned with the standard of maturity in the use of material,

financial and human resources and information available.

And thereby in the organization that are available on the efficiencies

mean that it has a competitive advantage is one of the strengths
(Sore’ya, Eman, 2008).

It can distinguish between several types of efficiency:

1. Productive or Technical Efficiency:

Production efficiency is the best use of factors of production, and
expresses the relationship between inputs and outputs. They produce a
certain level of output at the lowest possible cost, or is a production
with minimal input. In this sense, the production efficiency include the
production of certain units in the shortest possible time, or less possible
cost, in order to ensure optimal use of available resources.

Efficiency and productivity of the work, which is also called technical

efficiency means the largest possible quantity of products production,

using factors of production available to the community at the lowest
possible cost (Ibid, 2004).

2. Economic Efficiency:
It means economic efficiency of the use of energy and resources
available to the community for the production of goods and services
that achieve the biggest possible to satisfy its needs. And it is therefore
related to the production of goods and services that are located on the
ladder of priorities of the community and distributed to its members,
the way they achieved their biggest satisfying as possible, access to the
target at the lowest possible cost.

Economic efficiency means that the technical competence would be

consistent with the wishes of the community to achieve the maximum
possible to satisfy the condition that the expenses of producing units
are at the lowest level, any use of the available capacity of the
community to produce goods and services that achieve the biggest
possible to satisfy its needs.

And economic efficiency depends on the outputs and activities of the

project, coupled with prices that can be filed by recombining elements
of production in order to ensure access to the production of the highest
and the same level of cost or get the same level of production at a
lower cost. And it is measured as the economic efficiency of the project
in their own economic assessment standards (Ibid, 2004).

3. Allocative Efficiency:
It is the allocation of resources to produce goods and services
according to the consumer's request (Ibid, 2004).

4. Dynamic Efficiency:

Is the development rate or the introduction of new products or methods
of production or improved (Ibid, 2004).

Efficiency targets in institutions:

1. Save time and effort at work.

2. Improve the flexibility of human resources.

3. Support and career development in the organization.

4. Production high level of quality, quality and competitive prices.

5. Increase labor skill.

6. Increase worker productivity and thus increase production

Among the factors that affect the efficiency of the work:

 natural and climatic factors.

 the level of education, whether artistically or academically.
 the personal qualities of the worker - his intelligence and skill.
 industrial organization of the equipment.
 factory environment.
 organization of work.
 the quality of the other factors of production (of the land and capital).
 social and political factors.
(Ibid, 2004).

Third: Experience in dealing with customers

Definition of Customer Service:

 Customer service: is the process by which meet the needs and

expectations of customers by providing high quality service resulting
in customer satisfaction and provide customer service in several ways.
 Other definition: activities and actions are aimed at achieving
customer satisfaction of being treated with the foundation and
development of their loyalty to a group (Abu-Baker, Morsi, 2006).
 Another way: intangible benefits provided by the organization to its
customers through the process of exchange which is made between the
service provider and demanded (B.A.A) (Retreived on July 19, 2016).

Types of customers:

 Customer-friendly
 Client Jabber
 Client Silent
 Customer skeptical
 Customer rough treatment
 Customer Egoist

The importance of having experience in dealing with the customer
or client:

The employee must deal wisely with the client, who is in front of him
and try to Neal this customer satisfaction by providing better service
and making the customer feel the importance that you care about the
institution and is not this, but by having a great experience at this
provider experience.

The most important qualities that must characterize Service Provider

 Accept all customers: namely, that the service provider can deal with
all the different categories of clients and their cases and try to gain
their satisfaction
 The spirit of affection: the Service Provider to be jovial smiley face in
front of all the customers and treat them all the Wad.
 Customer respect: It is the foundation on which should be based upon
the relationship between the customer and the service provider.
 Don’t forget privacy and confidentiality: The service provider must
respect customer privacy and non-interference in what does not
concern him, and this is one of the recipes and efficient employee
trusts which must be characterized by
 Initiative to help: customer service should help the provider in the
event of bewildered client's presence and does not know what to do.
(B.A.A) (Retreived on July 19, 2016).

Types of Customer Service:

1. Service pre-sales: those services that are concentrated in contact with
consumers and learn about their needs and desire and their affiliations
and beliefs in upcoming product demand.

2. Sales service escort: those services that focus on consumer products

definition and standard specifications and the degree of dependence
and explain the ways and means used

3. Service after-sales: those services that typically focus on ways to

repair, maintenance and replacement of a commodity, the parts that are
destroyed when use (Al-Ta’ei, Al-Alaq, 2007).

Determinants of dealing with customers:

1. Frequent types of clients and the difficulty of dealing with them.

2. Inability to understand the customer well.

3. Difficult to convince the customer services provided.

4. The lack of wisdom at the service provider in dealing with customers.

5. Training providers of services and to make them highly efficient in

dealing with the customer needs to high costs.

Fourth: Service Maintenance

Stability, integrity, flexibility, reaction time and a sincere dedication to

and appreciation for your business are the characteristics that set
Service Maintenance apart from others in the industry. Additionally,
Service Maintenance has one of the lowest turnover rates in the
business )Ball, 2011).

Definition of maintenance:

A set of procedures and a series of continuing operations to be

undertaken in order to develop the service in full readiness to work

Importance and objectives of maintenance:

Maintenance is an ongoing process where some services are subject to
failures such as downtime and the inability to deliver the service to the
consumer technical glitches during the period.

Highlights the important role of maintenance operations to achieve

the following objectives :( P. J. GRUBB 2009)

 Standing maintain the good condition of the services and thus obtain
consumer satisfaction.
 Reduce the incidence of failures and caused an economic loss of.
 Increase the life span of services and thus get an economic return
more feasible.

Define of service:

Are those activities and events intangible that aims to satisfy the needs
of the final consumer and industrial user in exchange for payment of a
certain sum of money from these services without associated with the
sale of goods (Carpenter, 2009).

Types of services:

There are many types of services that can be divided according to many,
the most important foundations of the following grounds:

 Services per customer:

1. Consumers: a service offering to satisfy personal needs such as tourism
and life insurance and haircuts for this called the personal services. ·
2. Installations: services provided to satisfy the needs of businesses as in
management consulting.

 Services by the degree of reliability in the service is provided:

1. Based services in their submission to the Human significantly

2. Based services in their submission to the machines and machines
significantly (Laroche, 2011(.

Section two: The Basics about customer satisfaction.

All companies are seeking to gain a larger number of customers by

offering high quality products and services so that customer satisfaction is
achieved, where customer satisfaction become occupies a pivotal position
in many of the studies, so we will address to public perceptions about the
customer and customer satisfaction.

Customer definition:
In this requirement, we will address two important points, namely the
definition of the customer first and remove ambiguity about the term and
then the definition of customer satisfaction.

First: The customer:

Being considered with a high weight for the institution, it is a source of
information and therefore the recipient of numerous research outputs that
include in their content around the customer, but if for every one of them
sees the point of view they are correct, and this according to assumptions
adopted by (Islam, 2008).

Customer definition: that a natural person (individual) or legal

(institutions) is able to pay in order to obtain goods or to take advantage
of several services by suppliers or producers (Demure, 2008).

There are many definitions that touched on to the customer:

- It was defined by (Ebydat, 1995): This is an individual who is
searching for a good or service is purchased and own use or family

- While it is known by (Bakri, 2004): the customer as the person

who acquires the goods or buy in order to satisfy the physical and
psychological needs, or for members of his family.

Definition of customer service company:

The customer is the end user of the service organization, and are affected
by its decisions internal factors such as personal beliefs and methods and
motivation, memory, and external factors such as the resources and the
effects of family groups and preference, friends, and customers are

individuals or organizations, whether rural or areas of the city or the
various segments of society (Farhan, 2009)

Second: customer satisfaction:

Certain provisions regarding the marketing value of the offer is formed

with the customers and they decide whether Kanu will buy it first. And
meet consumer expectations of the purchase deal respect of any amount
commensurate with the expectations of the deal level, if the item
properties differ from those projected consumers feel that their wishes are
not met, and if the item properties exceed expectations consumers up to
acceptance and satisfaction stage (Kotler, 2002).

Definition of customer satisfaction:

There is a large set of definitions, including:

Definition by (Ph. Kotler) and (B.dubois):

Is the customer feeling resulting about the comparison between the
characteristics of the product with its expectations (Daniel Ray, 2001).

Definition by (Hunt):
Customer satisfaction is our assessment that the experience was perceived
at least as it was supposed to be (Christian, 2000).

The definition by the International Organization for

Customer's satisfaction is the point of view about the degree to satisfy his
desires for his expectations for various goods and services acquired.

Through definitions we conclude that satisfaction is a feeling and a sense

of psychology expresses the difference between item performance or
perceived service and customer expectations, and thus can distinguish
between three levels:

1. If the results exceeded his expectations, he will feel satisfaction high.

2. If the results are equal with the expectations, he'll feel satisfied.
3. If the results are not up to the level of expectations, he'll feel

The second requirement, the steps and the importance of measuring
customer satisfaction:

Is customer's satisfaction of the basic things in the progress and growth in

the market, as must every company or measure the customer satisfaction
institution, as the customer's satisfaction is very important subject for
success in any business, whether traditional or online (Kadir, 2011).

Steps in Assessing Customer Satisfaction

Develop a listing and categorize your customers. This will include:

 External customers-those that use your services (directly and

 Internal customers-all organizations have components that serve other
components (Taylor, Baker, 2002).

These are internal customers.

1. Suppliers-traditionally you are a customer to them but by thinking

of them as a customer, and of the information and access they
need to meet their contracts with you, you will gain dividends in
your own services.
2. Categorize your products or services.
3. Determine what needs and wants your services or products meet.
4. Determine what sets your service apart from others?
5. Establish a customer orientation to include:
 Customers should be encouraged to tell you about any
 Customers should know their rights and responsibilities from
the beginning,
 Customers should know how to take advantage of their rights,
 Customers should feel in control.
 Customers should know precisely who to contact.
(Taylor, Baker, 2002).

And it highlights the importance of measuring customer satisfaction

through the following:

1. Present the results of the partners in any organization, including,
for example, all the financiers
2. Know if that the target group has benefited from the service
3. Avoid repeating the same mistakes in the activities and services
that will be provided by the organization.
4. To find out the extent of determining customer satisfaction.
5. Help in diagnosing the reasons for not achieving the goals of
6. Helps supervisors on the possibility of expanding the scope of
activities and services provided by the organization to include other
7. See if practice management pattern to achieve customer
satisfaction or needs to see.

The determinants of customer satisfaction:

Customer satisfaction is determined by the behavior in three dimensions
is essential: expectations (expected) value, the actual performance
(perceived) value, conformance or non-conformance.

1- expectations: reflect the performance awaited by the customer

through the acquisition of a product or a particular marker, it is
expressed in the expected value before the implementation of a
purchase decision, and could be key aspects of the predicted Who
determines aspired to be the customer for the product are as

 expectations for product quality: You can measure the quality of

the product through the features enjoyed by this product and that
the customer sees it necessary and appropriate and can bring him
all the benefits of the desired product.
 Expectations about product costs: the costs of the expectations or
the price at which aspired to be the customer in exchange for the
benefits that will be obtained from the product, and is intended
price is not the amount paid in exchange for the commodity but
also all the physical effort or moral his customer for this product
including shopping and collection process information about the
product (Al-Meniawe, 1998).

It has filed both Woodside and Bite expectation into three types:

A- predicted Predictive: respect beliefs about a certain level of
performance is measured and strongly believe, represents the
expectation predictive mental process focuses on properties that are
expected to exist in the product or brand levels.
B- standard expectation: this expectation is based on the ideal levels
about what must be the performance of the product or brand, are
prepared based on studies and research of standard theory.
 Comparative prediction: The customer configures expected
product or brand on the basis of comparison products or signs that
they expect the same level (Al-Meniawe, 1998).

Here we can see that customer expectations are based on the experience
that the product originated from previous use, and also through the
information provided by the institution through promotional

2- perceived performance: expresses the performance received by the

customer through the use or consumption of the product and see
Churchill and Permant The importance of the perceived performance
lies in being a reference to determine whether the product or
responded to a user who chose this product from a range of
alternatives expectations, and is perceptive of the criteria adopted in
the theory of comparative benchmarks to measure the satisfaction of
(the ideal performance, average performance....) (Al-Meniawe, 1998).

3- Conformity (installation): The corresponding in finding the

difference between the expectations of the customer about the product
and the level of performance obtained by the customer through the use
of the product, known as conforming me that she (the degree of
deviation of the performance of the product of the level of expectation
that was before the purchase of the product). We must distinguish
 Deviation positive: that the actual performance of the product is
greater than what the expectation that the customer gets the product,
and reflect this situation for the goal that we seek to get it through the
improvement of their performance on an ongoing basis.

 Deviation negative: that the actual performance is less than expected

for a product, the customer gets the product, in this case must be the

institution that seeks to develop and improve the product so that it
meets the customer's expectations (Al-Meniawe, 1998).

Section three: A brief information about the Palestinian Cellular
Communication Company, Jawwal.


This section aims for enlightening the reader with general idea about the
mobile phone market in Palestine. Also, It involves specific details about
the first Palestinian cellular company, Jawwal.

Mobile phone market in Palestine consists of the following

1. Jawwal: It's considered to be the first operator company for the cellular
communications and the most dominant one in the mobile phone market
in Palestine. It started its services in 1999.

2. Wataniya Mobile: It's the second cellular communication company in

Palestine, and it started its services in 2009.

3. Israeli Companies: There are 4 communication companies which are

not authorized to offer its products and services in the Palestinian market.

The appearance and the beginning of Jawwal:

The Palestinian cellular communication company (Jawwal) started

working as one of the Palestinian Telecommunication Group (Paltel) in
1999 as the first operator for cellular communication. It succeeded in
representing its loyalty to the Palestinians. Moreover, it passed the
obstacles and overcame challenges which faced it since its establishment
to achieve its goal today of serving actively and efficiently more than
2.85 subscriber (The annual report for Palestinian Telecommunications
Group, 2015).

Palestinian Telecommunication Company stipulated with the Swedish

Ericson company to establish and compose the first communication
cellular network in Palestine.

That project has been divided into 3 phases as the following:

Phase I: This was already done. It includes accommodating 100

thousands of subscribers in addition to operating 102 Macro Site; 27 in
Gaza and 75 in West Bank.

Phase II: This phase is divided into two parts :

2.1 This part can accommodate a number of 80 thousands of new

subscribers in addition to operating new 34 macro sites in Gaza and West
Bank. This part has been achieved.

2.2 Before moving to the second part of the second phase, Israeli
authorities seized the towers that strengthens the network which has been
purchased by Jawwal. Those tower were languished on the Israeli ports
since 10\10\2001. In the light of the nature of this phase, Jawwal tended
to develop some stations which were 39 stations in Gaza and West Bank.
Those stations include micro and macro sites .

Phase III: After releasing the seized equipment on the Israeli ports , the
engineering management of the company installed all stations spread over
the West Bank and Gaza. That, in turn, increased the number of

Vision for Jawwal:

Jawwal aims to maintain its lead in a market where all Palestinians enjoy
the benefits of an efficient and quality wireless communications. Jawwal
also seeks to play a pivotal role in uniting hearts and enriching lives of
individuals in its local community, going ahead with its progress along
with the national economic growth (jawwal, retrieved on July 21, 2016 ).

Mission for Jawwal:

 We listen to our subscribers, individual and corporate alike, and

strive to satisfy their changing needs.
 We actively work on developing a national network that is reliable
and trusted
 We are committed to setting a leading example of professionalism
and integrity by grooming a world-class team of professionals.
 We constantly showcase innovation in overcoming challenges we
face, aiming to realize desired growth and fulfill our vision.
(jawwal, retrieved on July 21, 2016 ).

The major objectives of Jawwal :
 Providing the biggest package of services for the largest base of
subscribers in all Palestinian territories.
 Providing the latest systems and services of the
telecommunication services, information systems, and the
added services to fulfill the needs of the customers in all areas
of Palestine.
 Earning the greatest investment returns of shareholders, raising
their investments, working to achieve their expectations and
hopes, securing their contact and communicate with them
 Contributing in developing the Palestinian society through
supporting the largest possible number of initiatives and social,
cultural, educational, health and economical activates in
addition to developing the infrastructure to find a unique
communication relationship between the company and the
Palestinian society in a way that contribute in achieving the
aspirations of the society and enhancing its abilities (Abu
Rahma, 2010).

The policy of Jawwal in dealing with environment :

Jawwal took on its responsibility preserving the environment in its all

activates . It's careful through all of its operations to prevent pollution and
to reduce the resulting or potential environmental impacts of its activates
and services. Jawwal is proud of its commitment to a set of standards that
contribute in preserving the environment which are:

- Working according to all local and regional legislations which are

related to the company's activates and services. Applying environmental
legislations and laws that are related to expansion stations and according
to the instructions issued by environment quality authority EQA .

- Reducing the environmental pollutants resulting from internal and

external activities of the company through the development and
implementation of environmental programs and the application of labor
instructions aimed at preventing or reducing the negative environmental
impacts, and reviewing and improving these programs and work
instructions periodically.

- Raising environmental awareness among the company's employees
through the implementation of many projects and various events.

- Guaranteeing the constant environmental improvement in all of the

company operations and activities which are related to the environment.
(jawwal, retrieved on July 21, 2016 ).

The greatest achievements of Jawwal:

Palestine Telecommunications Company over the past years achieved

great achievements in various fields including Information and
Communication Technology (ICT). It introduced the to the Palestinian
community all means of communication services and the Internet and
included many companies including Palestine Telecommunications
Group, Cellular Communications Company (Jawwal), Hadara Company
for The Technological Investment , Rich Company for Communication
Services and The Palestinian Multimedia Company for Media and
Advertising Services (Pal Media).

Jawwal company is considered to be one of the biggest companies among

the telecommunication group.

It has a lot of achievements and here are some of them :

In 2007, Jawwal hit a total of 1 million subscribers.

In April 2010, Jawwal subscriber base surpassed the 2 million

Today, proudly serving more than 2.75 million subscribers and addressing
the needs of each individual and segment in the market, Jawwal has built
up a strong base of trust, efficiency and reliability with its subscribers.
Since its inception, Jawwal has come a long way in establishing itself as
the leading telecommunication provider with an 77% share of the
Palestinian market.

Being a pioneer of promoting international standards of preserving the

environment in Palestine, in 2004 Jawwal was awarded the globally
recognized International Environmental Management System Certificate
(ISO 14001).

With an extensive network of 29 stores, more than 1,000 major and
primary distributors, and 10,000 outlets in the West Bank and the Gaza
Strip serving subscribers in every corner of the country, Jawwal has
successfully become the 'right hand' of its subscribers to stay connected
with one another and grow their businesses.

Travelling abroad no longer means you have to keep out of touch. Jawwal
helps you stay connected with everyone from anywhere you go around
the globe with an extensive roaming network of 436 operators in 170
countries and a coverage level of 98% from the West Bank and Gaza.

In a market dominated by illegal Israeli operators, the mission is never an

easy one. Jawwal has been operating in one of the most competitive
telecommunication markets in the Middle East, nevertheless, moved
forward to provide higher quality services parallel to those offered in the
European countries.

Late in 2001, Jawwal was confronted by a serious challenge with the

Israeli authorities banning it from getting any equipment into the country.
This had held back growth plans for years.

In 2005, Jawwal resorted to installing switches and base-stations in

London, -UK to be the first operator in the world which serves its
subscribers in one cotenant while using core network nodes in another
cotenant thousands of miles away.

In addition to the aforementioned bizarre circumstances, Jawwal has

always been struggling with the limited frequency allocated by Israel,
namely that used by the third generation technology (3G) (jawwal,
retrieved on July 21, 2016 ).

These successes wouldn't be achieved without Jawwal's high executive

and universally high performed crew which consists of the elite of the
young people. The company works continuously to increase its scientific
expertise through the necessary trains and courses. In addition, it provide
them the appropriate and healthy atmosphere for work through applying
specialized projects and programs with universal standards.

The most important operational indicators of the company in 2015:

-The level of Jawwal coverage in the West Bank and Gaza Strip reached
-The market share of the Jawwal became approximately 76.9%.
- Jawwal has achieved a cumulative growth in the number of subscribers
compared to the previous three years at a rate of 3.4%.
-The monthly average of revenue became 6.9 JD for each participant.
-The number of expansion stations operating in Palestine reached 1470
stations, including 950 in the West Bank, and 520 station in the Gaza
- It provided international roaming service with more than 436 operators
in more than 170 countries.
-The number of its employees reached more than 946 in 2014.
(The annual report , Palestinian Telecommunication Group, 2015 ).

The most important milestones:

 1999: Commercial launch of Jawwal in the West Bank and the
Gaza Strip.
 2000: Jawwal network utilizes a frequency of 4.8MHZ, the
minimum frequency required for any GSM operator.
 2001: Israeli authorities seizes Jawwal's equipment.
 2002: Jawwal halts the sale of lines to maintain a quality,
dependable coverage matching network capacity.
 2005: Jawwal installs switches and base-stations in London, UK.
 2005: Jawwal exceeds the 500,000 million subscribers mark.
 2006: Jawwal was granted the International Environmental
Management System Certificate (ISO 14001).
 2007: Jawwal crosses the 1 million subscribers.
 2007: Jawwal stops sales in the Gaza Strip following the
destruction of infrastructure by Israeli aggression on the city.
 2010: Jawwal customer base surpasses the 2 million subscribers.
 2011: Supporting network with new equipment and stations for the
first time since 2007-resumprion of commercial sales.
 2012: Jawwal provides professional and quality services to in
excess of 2.45 million subscribers.
 2013: Jawwal provides professional and quality services to in
excess of 2.6 million subscribers.
 2014: Jawwal provides professional and quality services to in
excess of 2.67 million subscribers.
 2015: Jawwal provides professional and quality services to in
excess of 2.75 million subscribers.
(jawwal, retrieved on July 21, 2016 ).

Obstacles faced by the company :
The achievements of Jawwal over the past years can't be listed without
the exposure to the obstacles and challenges it faced and is still facing in
reaching its goals . Hence , we will introduce some of them in order to
put these achievements in a realistic framework.

One of the most prominent obstacles and challenges is the continuous

seizing of the informational equipment and systems on Israeli ports , and
delaying the clearance of it for many years. That represented a major
obstacle to Jawwal in increasing the network capacity and limited its
coverage in some areas in addition to providing the modern services in
the Palestinian market. To overcome the inadequate granted frequencies
for Jawwal , the company was forced to increase the investment in its
cellular network to get the largest capacity and coverage in the
Palestinian Territories.
Also , the prevent of Israeli authorities from establishing reinforcing
stations in new areas hampered the coverage of Jawwal in outer roads
which connect the Palestinian cities with some rural areas around it.
The opposition of public in such deteriorating security situation is listed
one of the obstacles where installing and expanding plans were opposed
.In addition , there were assaults on some stations which affected its
coverage and the expansion in that areas for long periods.
To that list, the deteriorating political and security situation in Palestinian
areas can be added, especially, the bombing of Gaza Power.
Plant which affected on running some stations for long time. That, in turn,
weakened the coverage of Jawwal in sensitive areas in Gaza. These bad
situations affected on the possibility of importing the modern devices
with the required brands and numbers for the subscribers in Gaza
compared to West Bank subscribers.
Moreover , the penetration of the Israeli telecommunication operators in
Palestinian territories represents a major challenge for Jawwal , Including
the offers provided by them at the level of individuals and companies in
an illegal competition by 4 Israeli companies which have worked and still
working in the concession areas of Palestinian cellular
telecommunication companies (The annual report , Palestinian
Telecommunication Group , 2015).


How is Jawwal company working on achieving the customer


Call Center

An outstanding crew of Jawwal employees works 24 hours a day and 7

days a week, to ensure your convenience, answer your inquiries and
provide you with the services you need. Throughout the years, this staff
has proved their ability to exceed the subscribers’ expectations at every

Call Center Numbers:

To ensure subscribers’ convenience, several numbers have been allocated

to call Jawwal’s Center, and they are:

1. )111(: Available to all Jawwal subscribers; throughout this number,

you can benefit from the IVR system to activate or cancel services;
in addition to the option of talking to a representative from the Call
Center to answer all your questions.

IVR’s most important services:

 Personal unlock key (PUK)

 National and international roaming services.

 Adding and removing calls towards other destinations service.

 Adding or removing marketing messages service.

 Adding or removing WAP service and multiple multimedia.

2. (1122): Dedicated to corporates’ authorized contact personnel by

their companies, as they can activate most of their services and
their company’s employees’ services, by directly requesting them.

3. (1199): Dedicated to subscribers classified as Prime.

4. (1133): The number is dedicated for effective communication to

resolve the subscribers’ problems and provide services to them at

high speed; accordingly, Jawwal dedicated the number 1133 for
distributers’ services.

5. (18000059059) (free from a fixed line): This number is dedicated

to communicate with subscribers even if they are located in an area
with no network coverage or no Jawwal handset available; the
number 1800059059 is available to everyone, subscribers and non-

6. For roaming subscribers, they can call the number

00972599578999 or 00970599578999; noting that rate of minute is
according to the network customer is roaming on.

Jawwal also provides you a variety of channels for self-services,

which allows you to add or remove services yourself, as follows:

1. My Account site:

2. Jawwal’s service list #111*.

3. Announced IVR numbers, most importantly:

a) (15123): Dedicated to Points plan.

b) (15129): Dedicated to changing prepaid plans.

c) (1555) : Dedicated for transferring balance.

d) (15117): Dedicated to inquiries about classifications and their


e) (15145): Dedicated for information about prepaid plans.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are calls towards Jawwal’s Call Center free of charge?

Jawwal provides the service of contacting the Call Center “111” and
communicate with its representatives, free of charge for 3 times on
monthly basis; after the third call, the rate for calls is 0.44NIS (VAT

excluded) for each additional call within the same month. Keeping in
mind that IVR services are available as mentioned above.

Outgoing Calls Unit

To ensure that you feel at ease… To be satisfied with our services…

Jawwal provides you with an integrated unit of dedicated staff who are
constantly working to maintain the communication between you and

If we cannot solve your problem through the Call Center immediately, the
Outgoing Calls Unit will contact you to be notified that the problem has
been resolved…

This unit is calling subscribers who have no access to bills and to make
sure of the correct address so as not to make such mistake again..


The Outgoing Calls Unit is used to acquaint the subscribers with new
services so as to conduct questionnaires to get subscribers feedback
through calling them and monitoring their suggestions for the
development of the services provided.

Dealers Service Center

Dear Jawwal subscriber, in order to serve you easily and quickly with the
best ways, we have granted the validity of sales to our agents and
distributers to enable you to a new Jawwal line or change SIM card
related to your number if it is damaged or lost. In addition, you can pay
your bills through these agents and distributers.

Contact our agents and distributers through 1133, at any time whenever
you need any service.

Chapter 3

1. (Forouzandeh, Jafari, Ghazvini, Safahani and Moslehi, 2016),

“The Impact of Online Brand Experience on Customer’s
Satisfaction and Loyalty”.
The aim of the research is Customers satisfaction and loyalty are
considered to be among the most important and key factors for business
success. As a result of investigating and studying the relations between
brand and customer, the ultimate goal of many companies is to create
sustainable and profitable relations with their customers because such
desirable and firm relations have advantages such as creating obstacles
for competitors to enter the market, decreasing the sensitivity toward
price increases, decreasing the marketing costs, increasing the market
shares and positive word-of-mouth advertising and they can help the
company to reach its goals.
This research is a descriptive-co relational study in terms of goal,
application and nature. The population of this study consists of My
cosmetics brand consumers. The sample size was calculated to be 200
people. The questionnaires used in this survey are consisted of two
sections. The first section includes demographic variables such as gender,
age and income. The second section was devoted to measurement of the
related variables in this study. The rating scale of each question was
arranged based on a 1-5 scale with 1 meaning as “Never” and 5 as
“Always”. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts. In
order to determine the reliability of the test, Cronbach’s alpha method
was used. To do this, an initial sample consisting of 30 questionnaires
was distributed. Cronbach’s alpha was calculated by using the obtained
data. The total Cronbach’s alpha for all the questions related to existing
variables in research analytical model was calculated to be 0.81 which is
an acceptable value.
In the first step, the measurement patterns are fitted Measurement
patterns have good fitting and total indicators somehow confirm the fact
that data support the patterns in a good way.
It is worth to mention here that 3 questions measure each dimension of
online brand. The above-mentioned measurement models are saturated
and Chi-square indicator is not a good criterion for evaluating these

2. (Anderson, Fornell, Mazvancheryl, 2016), “Customer Satisfaction
and Shareholder Value”.

The aim of the article is the authors develop a theoretical framework that
specifies how customer satisfaction affects future customer behavior and,
in turn, the level, timing, and risk of future cash flows. Empirically, they
find a positive association between customer satisfaction and shareholder
value. They also find significant variation in the association across
industries and firms.
The objective of this article is to provide the first extensive theoretical
and empirical examination of the association between customer
satisfaction and shareholder value.
We begin by discussing why a positive association between customer
satisfaction and long-term financial performance should be expected. We
develop a framework that specifies how customer satisfaction affects
current and future customer behavior and how, in turn, the behavior of
satisfied customers influences the level, timing, and risk of future cash
flows and, consequently, shareholder value. We also
Posit why and how this association varies systematically across
For customer satisfaction, we used annual ACSIs from 1994 to 1997 that
were made available to us by the National Quality Research Center at the
University of Michigan. The ACSI methodology provides a uniform,
independent, customer-based, cumulative, firm-level satisfaction measure
for nearly 200 companies in 40 industries and in 7 sectors of the U.S.
economy. It covers more than 40% of the gross domestic product of the
United States and includes both the private sector and the public sector.
The raw data for the ACSI are collected from random telephone surveys
of customers (at least 200 customers per firm) who have recently
consumed a specific brand of a firm’s product or service. Respondents are
asked questions on 15 measurement variables, which are then used as
indicators of 6 latent variables or constructs, including the overall
customer satisfaction index, ACSI, which can range from 0 to 100.
We expect that the association between customer satisfaction and
shareholder value is positive because customer satisfaction provides a
valuable, forward-looking indicator of future net cash flows. In addition,
when the degree of concentration is low, we expect customer satisfaction
to have less of an impact on shareholder value. In the remainder of this
article, we discuss the measurement and testing of (1) the direct

association between customer satisfaction and shareholder value and (2)
the moderating role of concentration on this association.

3. (Abufazaa, 2015), “Investigating the Relationship between Quality

of Service, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Value: A
Comparative Study between Islamic and Commercial Banks in

The study aimed to choose the quality of service, customer value on

customer satisfaction in both Islamic and commercial banks in Jordan,
and the ability to face the challenges of competition in them. The study
population consisted of Jordan Islamic Bank for Islamic banks and the
Arab Bank for commercial banks.
The sample of the study included the customers and dealers with both
banks and who have been selected are appropriate sample was divided
evenly (250) for each type of banks. To achieve the objectives of the
study used descriptive analytical method captivity, the applied method
was used to collect and analyze data and test hypotheses through used
identified the head of the information-gathering tool in the field variables
of the study, which consisted of (42) items.
 Determine the extent of the impact of the quality of service in
customer satisfaction in Islamic banks and trade in Jordan.
 Determine the extent of the impact of service quality at the
customer value at the Islamic and commercial banks in Jordan.
 Knowledge of the role of the customer as a variable value mediator
in the relationship between quality of service and customer
satisfaction in
 Islamic and commercial banks in Jordan
 Banks need to seek to improve the high quality levels through
attention to quality in all dimensions (tangibility, reliability,
reliability, responsiveness, empathy), the study also confirmed the
need for urgent attention to these dimensions.
 The necessary need for banks to achieve customer satisfaction
interesting because it is a comprehensive assessment of the banking
and service oriented bank from the standpoint of customers.
 Having the effect of a statistically significant for the quality of
banking service (reliability; response; reliability and empathy) in
Islamic banks compared with commercial banks (tangibility;

reliability; reliability and empathy). The study also showed in
achieving customer satisfaction.
 The study confirmed the presence of a statistically significant
effect of the value of the customer in achieving customer
satisfaction in the Islamic and commercial banks.
 The study also confirmed the need for banks to build interest in
value for customers by working with all the dimensions of
customer value (financial). Finally, the need for banks to achieve
customer satisfaction interesting because it is a comprehensive
assessment of the banking and service oriented bank from the
standpoint of customers.
4. (Nusseibeh, 2015), “Marketing mix contribution to achieving
customer satisfaction tourist, A field study in the tourist agency
Taiba Travel & Tourism”.

The aim of this study is to find out the extent of the marketing mix
contribution to achieving customer satisfaction tourist In Taiba tourist
agency Travel & Tourism.
The methodology of this study in the agency tourist Taiba for tourism and
travel Bbatnh where is the study population in the arrivals customers to it,
and as the agency deals with all segments of society formed a sample
study of 100 customers so were selected using the occasional sample
probabilistic random in the sense that the distribution of the questionnaire
was to various presenters customers Agency tourist.
 Know the reasons for dissatisfaction.
 Measure the degree of customer satisfaction.
That 68% of respondents agree with the marketing mix used by Taiba
tourist agency and this ratio indicates that the agency has adopted a good
marketing mix to make it successful in providing various services and
That 83.2 percent agree with the services provided by Taiba tourist
agency, and this is evidence that the agency provides various inter and
variety of services commensurate with the wishes and needs of

5. (Islam, Ghazi, 2014/2015), “The effect of the quality of service on

the external customer's satisfaction”.

The main objective of this research is to provide a conceptual framework

which identifies and defines the various concepts related to quality and

the quality of service, as well as touched upon customer satisfaction and
methods of measuring satisfaction, on the one hand to count the roads and
on the other hand to find out the degree of satisfaction / non satisfaction
of the customer for goods and services provided by the institution.
The objectives of the research,
- Demonstrate the importance of the quality of service in raising
external customer satisfaction, which leads to the success of the
continuity of the institution.
- Approach the subject from various aspects to show some facts that
indicate the subject and enrich the university library.
- Trying to attempt to sensitize the Algerian institution of the
importance of the variables of the research and treating the defect
resulting from the neglect.
In order to reach the objectives of the study and answer the questions
raised above, and in order to know the relationship between the quality of
service and its ability to achieve external customer satisfaction, the
message is the adoption of the descriptive method to describe and display
associated with the concept of quality elements, the determinants of
models and the requirements of the external customer satisfaction, as well
as quality of service and its relationship to the external customer
satisfaction, as well as the analytical method in the analysis of the role of
each component and how it is interconnected and influenced by other
elements through the analysis of the survey results.
In light of the results of the study, there are several recommendations that
could contribute to activating the role of the quality of service to achieve
customer satisfaction in Algerian institutions and commercial branch of
the Foundation NAFTAL unit Bouira proposed are as following:
- The institution improves quality continuously to gain customers
satisfaction, improve its image and to reduce costs.
- Quality does not come from a vacuum, but there must be a Strategy
for continuous improvement so that the organization aspires to
achieve what its customers.
- The institution should promote their products to increase the
proportion of its use by highlighting the advantages and quality
- The institution should obtain empowered individuals (The quality
of human resource), since they are the main axis to achieve quality
in other areas.

- Quality is not limited to aspects related to the characteristics and
characteristics of the product only, but to exceed its conformity
with the standards planned.
- It is to achieve quality in institutions before, during, and after the
production process.
- The quality of service does not stop at a certain point, they evolve
and improve continuously.
- Quality of service is considered one of the determinants of
customer satisfaction.
- Achieving customer satisfaction allows for increased market share
of the institution and from increased profitability.

6. (Jiradilok, Malisuwan, Madan, Sivaraks, 2014), “The Impact of

Customer Satisfaction on Online Purchasing, A Case Study
Analysis in Thailand”.

The aim of research E-commerce is gaining importance in Thailand.

Shoppers have realized the benefits of online purchasing over purchasing
from Brick and Mortars. Numerous researches have focused on
descriptive research on customer satisfaction and purchase intentions on
online purchasing but little or no knowledge regarding factors that are
most influential in motivating online purchase intention in Thailand. This
research utilizes a quantitative method to test the conceptual framework
of customer satisfaction that leads to online purchase intentions for all
online users, experienced online purchasers and inexperienced online
purchasers. The results of this research will increase researcher’s
comprehension on difference in factors that influence online purchase
intentions of experience and inexperienced online purchasers.
Population and Sampling,
The target populations of this research are Thai internet users who can be
both shoppers who have at least 1 time experience in purchasing online
and Thai internet users who have never purchased online.
The total number of samples used in this research is 400 which is equally
divided into two groups; the respondents with experience in purchasing
online and the respondents with no experience in purchasing online.
A. Descriptive Statistics Overall perception of factors influencing
purchasing intention in all nine sections, (Variety, Appropriate Pricing,
Website Information Quality, Website System Quality, Tangibility,
Reliability, Responsibility, Assurance and Empathy) the respondents were
quite neutral with these factors which leading to their intention to

purchase. Tangibility is the only factor that the respondents satisfied in
high level.
B. Inferential Statistics,
First, the distribution of all variables is examined. Histogram is employed
to check the normal distribution.
The objective was to test “the moderating effect online experience on
antecedents to online satisfaction and on relationship between on-line
Satisfaction and loyalty” by asking 836 respondents; both high and low
online experiences. The antecedent factors of online satisfaction were
divided into 3 main factors as following:
1) Information Quality-In formativeness and Entertainment
2) System Quality - Interactivity and Access
3) Service Quality-Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness,
Assurance and Empathy

7. (Saglik, Gulluce, Kaya, Ozhan, 2014), “Service Quality and

Customer Satisfaction Relationship: A Research in Erzurum Ataturk
University Refectory”.

The main aim of this research is to determine university students'

perceptions of quality dimensions for catering services and to find out
whether these perceptions have an impact on their satisfaction from the
The main objective of businesses is to reach the profitability levels
targeted for certain periods. In order to achieve this goal, businesses are
required to keep the customer portfolio that adds value to them as wide as
possible and
Maintain this portfolio. This fact necessitates that businesses keep the
satisfaction levels of their customers who are buying their products and
services high. Businesses' ability to understand the needs and
expectations of not only their current customers but also their potential
customers and to act in accordance with this is of utmost importance for
the realization of high levels of customer satisfaction. Therefore, acting
with a customer-focused approach presents itself as a must-have
requirement for improving the satisfaction of customers. Being able to act
with a customer-focused approach is closely related to the customers'
expectations and preferences as well as the level of quality of the services
provided by the business to its customers.
The research is intended for the measurement of the quality of lunch
service offered to students in university refectories. The research site is
designated as Erzurum Ataturk University student refectory. The
refectory, where the data of the research were collected, provides lunch

service to students five days a week on weekdays along the academic
year. According to the information received from the refectory manager,
the area where service is
Provided is 3000 m² and has a capacity to dine 2,000 people (student and
staff) at a time. Furthermore, it was indicated that approximately 4,000
people (students and staff) per day dined in the refectory while the lunch
service was provided in circulation in the 2012-2013 academic year.
The result that atmosphere dimension did not have a significant effect on
satisfaction. In other words, it could be concluded that the students do not
consider the atmosphere of the refectory a prominent factor for high
quality service provision. However, it could be stated that a significant
result is obtained in the context of the atmosphere dimension. It was
observed in the responses given to the open ended question "If you have
further comments, you may specify here" in the survey for students to
indicate their views and suggestions that the students particularly
complained about the discomfort induced by the music played in the

8. (Choi, Kim, 2013), “The Study of the Impact of Perceived Quality

and Value of Social Enterprises on Customer Satisfaction and Re-
Purchase Intention”.

The purpose of this study is as follows, First, we intend to find the

customer value for the products and services of social enterprises.
Second, we intend to examine whether the positive relationships between
quality and value of products/services reported in numerous previous
studies applies to social enterprises.
Third, we would like to find out whether satisfaction from social
enterprise products and services affect the actual repurchase intention.
Finally, in order to find dynamic interaction among the variables, this
study models the key flow of the factors influencing the social enterprise
consumers’ repurchase intention: perceived quality perceived value
customer satisfaction repurchase intention.
The results show that there are positive relationships between the
consumer perception of quality and that of functional, emotional and
social value. We also find positive relationships between the perception of
functional, emotional and social value and customer satisfaction. Our
findings show that the consumers of social enterprises perceive social
value, along with the functional and emotional value, through the quality
of products and services. The perceived value has positive effects on
customer satisfaction and repurchase intention in the future. This study
shows that the positive relationships between quality and value and

customer satisfaction and repurchase intention found in numerous
previous studies also exist in the context of social enterprises.
First, for a better comprehension of the characteristics of social
enterprise consumers, this study is to find out which value social
enterprise consumers consider most important among functional,
emotional and social value, subcategories of the quality of social
enterprise products/service.
Second, this study is to investigate the applicability of the positive
relationships of private enterprise products/services quality-value
mentioned in previous studies to the case of social enterprises.
Lastly, this study is to investigate whether the customer satisfaction of
the products results in repurchase.
Survey Respondents and Data Collection: We conducted an online survey
of consumers in every region and age group in Korea. To participate in
the survey, the respondents had to be aware of social enterprises and have
purchased their products or services at least once in the last three months.
Sample Description: The gender split of the social enterprises’ consumer
sample was 49.4 %( 119) for male and 50.6 %( 122) for female. In term
of education, 16.6 %( 40) had high school degrees and 73.1 %( 176) were
educated to university level. A total of 56.4 percent were 31~50 and 22.8
percent below 30 age groups. By looking at the results of the
demographic analysis, respondents reflected general demographic
information and provided similar results to a previous study.

9. (Al-Khafaji, 2012), “Customer satisfaction as the dependent

variable and the mediator between the quality of customer service
and loyalty”.

The research aims is test the effect of changing the mediator customer
satisfaction in the relationship between quality of service and customer
loyalty, and seeks to release its impact in strengthening customer loyalty.
Data were collected using a questionnaire as an essential tool after it has
been taking society's father, an contact (860) customer who deal with Al-
Ahli Bank of Babylon / branch of Najaf for more than a year and is still
- Identify the evaluation of bank customers to sample the quality of
banking services provided to them in terms of their perception of
the level of quality of services provided to them.
- Determine the relative importance of the different services of the
quality of Egyptian deportation.

- Testing the relationship between the quality of banking services
and all of the customer's satisfaction and loyalty.
- Identify the impact of the quality of customer service through a
variable broker satisfaction in customer loyalty.
- Researcher recommended reliance and interest in improving the
quality of services provided to customers. So that the bank will be
able to compete in the future, and to be the services provided the
level of ambition, and that by knowing the viewpoint of customers
around to take a range of measures such as the distribution of a
questionnaire to customers or business research studies or hiring
specialists to provide RACS Rat in order to check the quality of
- Management of the bank should pay great attention consent of
customers through the selection of skilled workers how to provide
the service and earn customer satisfaction, either their detention or
design their training program in order to equip them with
knowledge and skills required to provide services.
- The researcher recommends in order to achieve customer loyalty
that the management of the bank is working to maintain existing
customers, and to work to earn their satisfaction. Because the cost
of maintaining the current customer is less than gain a new
customer, and to maintain it for a longer period. Because of which
it increases the customer's sense of loyalty to the Bank thereby
acting to promote him and win new customers.
- There is a positive and significant correlation between the quality
of service provided to customers relationship, customer satisfaction
and deduce the attention of the Bank of Babylon administration to
provide services to quality, which is expected they meet ambitious
customers, and check their satisfaction and affect them is reflected
on their satisfaction, but they were not the high level of quality in
the present time, but may a bank research sample more than other
banks interested in providing the service.
- The quality of service has been its relationship with positive weak
with customer loyalty and this indicates that the service quality
were not high and convincing from the standpoint of customers and
they want to be better, In another hand, along with the short period
that treats customers with a short bank did not lead to the loyalty of
customers towards the bank .
- Concludes by searching the existence of a positive correlation
between customer satisfaction and loyalty relationship is the result
of a good deal of working with customers and solving their

problems results, facilitate procedures for the provision of services
to them, affecting them and their shares of creating loyalty to their
feeling toward the bank but it is not high, and a large degree.

10. (Slema, 2011), “Marketing of banking services and its impact on

customer satisfaction”.

This research is aimed at finding ways to achieve customer satisfaction

through marketing of banking services until it is pleasing the customer
and the delivery of the product to him in the best conditions and the most
appropriate facilities available.
- Highlighting the importance of marketing in the banking sector,
especially in the current situation.
- Try to remove the confusion and uncertainty surrounding the
banking marketing, through the analysis of aspects of the subject.
- It noted the need to adopt a marketing policy within the banking
- Show how marketing plays an important role in the policy of the
bank to achieve the success of the institution and to ensure its
Methodology research,
In order to answer to the problem of research and prove the validity of
hypotheses, it has been relying on deductive approach by following the
descriptive approach FIA regards the theoretical side as appropriate to
gather the facts and publicize the various relevant concepts, while the
analytical method has been followed with respect to the field side.
- Despite the conviction of Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
officials the importance of bank marketing, but the bank's
management did not give him enough importance evidenced by the
lack of a private marketing agency on the level of dependence on
the decisions taken by the Directorate of Marketing in the overall
management of the Bank's interest.
- All decisions relating to the Agency's work comes from the Bank's
headquarters and this means that the branch does not contribute to
the marketing mix for the services you provide to determine.
- A narrow space agency, which is a major impediment to the
performance of the agency for its work in addition to the lack of
gravity, which would give a negative view of the new customer
about the agency's performance.

- Attention to the customer and it shows through the fair treatment
by service providers.
- It requires the Agriculture and Rural Development Bank officials to
work on the adoption and application of modern marketing concept
more broadly in the performance of banking services, and from the
interest of various marketing activities.
- In light of technological development, which is currently
witnessing the world, the bank is obliged to adopt new
technological methods electronic bank, telephone bank in addition
to increasing reliance on automated teller machines and bank
services distribution and publication of the various agencies.
- Develop procedures for the delivery of services so that they are
easy and simple and far from the complex.
- Men need to raise the standard of sales performance at the level of
the banking agencies through training, rehabilitation and
stimulation for access to effective performance.

11. (Taya, Aisha, 2010), “Importance of quality health services to

achieve customer satisfaction with the study of hospital public

This research is aimed at linking between the quality of health services

provided and customer satisfaction and how to satisfy the wishes and
- Highlight, take a real look at the concrete reality of health in
Algeria, particularly in hospitals
- Highlighting the need of health institutions to adopt quality
entrance in the services, and demonstrate the value obtained as a
- Recognize the importance of the adoption of the Department of
Marketing at the All-health institutions, as the latter exercised
marketing activities but they are not aware of it.
- Stand on the level of satisfaction achieved among a sample of
hospital patients.
- The results obtained them through theoretical study, the health
institution will help to diagnose their strengths to consolidate, and
weaknesses to be diagnosed.
It was approved descriptive approach in the compilation of information
and the adoption brought by intellectuals and researchers in the health
field marketing this in the theoretical side, in order to study this

information, analysis and interpretation to get to demonstrate the
importance of quality has been the adoption of the analytical method.
- Welcome complaints by the customer and attention to addressing
them, and as an opportunity to discover weaknesses and direct
corrective action, to become the customer's customer to the
complainant and in the hospital.
- Promote health awareness among customers by promoting
awareness campaigns and prevention programs, and to try to
provide minimum health coverage over the entire national territory.
- Continuous and permanent hospitals and performance monitoring,
and try to apply International Standards, such as ISO standards.
- Attention to health institutions in the southern regions and isolated
to reduce the pressure of the large number of beneficiaries of
hospital services in major cities.
- Ensue Taya hospital special attention to the health service and
quality as the most important criterion for customer satisfaction, as
the health service occupies center stage within the marketing mix
elements of the health of the hospital.
- Most of the patients were satisfied with the reception on the level
of acceptance in spite of complaints of internal hospital
management interests, which confirmed that the reception process
take care of the security men, and not specialists in the field.
- You know the great pressure that hospital interests of the
institution, especially the interest of obstetrics and gynecology, this
is what led to the poor control and management at the level of this
- The absence of several key interests surgeon neurology, cardiology,
ophthalmology, forensic, since forced the hospital to send the
patient to the hospital and neighboring institutions.

12. (Center for the study of social policy, 2007), “Improving quality
and access to services and supports in vulnerable neighborhoods”.

The aims of research Building on its longstanding work to improve the

quality of services that affect public well-being, the Center for the Study
of Social Policy has developed a Customer Satisfaction Initiative.
 Improve the responsiveness and effectiveness of service providers
in target areas.
 Link regular customer feedback to quality service improvement
 Change the power balance for customers in poor and vulnerable
neighborhoods and the organizations, agencies and workers that
serve them.
 Promote a consumer base that is more informed and ready to take
action in their neighborhoods and communities.
Public sector programs and government jurisdictions integrate customer
perspectives and recommendations into their planning efforts. Although
there are examples in the U.S., the practice may be more widespread in
The methods chosen for measuring customer satisfaction depend on
customer characteristics, time availability, costs, and the information an
organization hopes to gather. Many of the top performing companies
identified by the NPR used sophisticated market research techniques:
“Feedback was obtained through customer focus groups, customer usage
and attitude surveys, supplier and partner surveys, and detailed telephone,
mail, and personal interviews.

13. (Noureddine, 2006/2007), “Quality services and its impact on

customer satisfaction”.

The primary purpose of this research is provide a conceptual framework

identifies and defines the various concepts of quality management as an
entrance interview.
- Provide a conceptual framework identifies concepts related to
quality of service and indicators and evaluated and ways to
improve models in addition to the definition of satisfaction and its
properties and methods of measurement.
- The existing relationship between the perceived quality of service
and customer satisfaction analysis.
- Apply the model to assess the quality of the service provided.
- Emphasize the importance of quality of service provided as a
source of competitive advantage in light of openness to the global
It has been relying on descriptive analytical method that is best suited and
the nature of the subject, which has been exploited by the information to
describe the theoretical background of the topic, then go to the field of
study and data collection and tabulation institution, and interpreted the
aim of testing hypotheses and draw conclusions.
- Develop a strategy for marketing depending on quality standards.
- Management of the waiting customers and speed in the delivery of
services and to respond to complaints.
- Communication plan enables the institution of direct contact with
customers to identify their needs and demands, as well as their
- Develop promotional programs for the definition of the institution
and the services provided by the changes created by them.
- Revision of the price of the services provided.
- Communication process between the port of Skikda institution and
its clients is weak and this is what explains the lack of knowledge
of the majority of enterprise customers obtaining the ISO
(corresponding to international standards), which is one of the most
significant changes that have taken place in the organization.
- The majority of enterprise customers and Dao shipping service and
discharge in the first place, and this indicates that this service is
that you need to hand them a big factor kind of complacency by the
workers, which cost customers some of the losses.
- Foundation for the port of Skikda clients is that the actual
performance of the service provided by the port is characterized by
weakness in most of its manifestations and this is reflected in the
negative impression about the level of service the port.

14. (Gustafsson, Johnson, Roos, 2005), “The Effects of Customer

Satisfaction, Relationship Commitment Dimensions, and Triggers
on Customer Retention”.

In a study of telecommunications services, the authors examine the

effects of customer satisfaction, affective commitment, and calculative
commitment on retention. The study further examines the potential for
situational and rational trigger conditions to moderate the satisfaction–
retention relationship.
The results support consistent effects of customer satisfaction, calculative
commitment, and prior churn on retention. Prior churn also moderates the
satisfaction retention relationship. The results have implications for both
customer relationship managers and researchers who use satisfaction
surveys to predict behavior.
Customer relationship managers benefit from a thorough understanding
of the various factors that drive retention. The customer satisfaction and
relationship marketing literature suggests three predictors of retention:
overall customer satisfaction, affective commitment, and calculative
commitment. Customer satisfaction is an overall evaluation of

performance to date, affective commitment captures the trust and
reciprocity in a relationship, and calculative commitment captures the
existence of switching costs or lack of viable alternatives. Prior research
has used only a subset of these constructs to explain behavior.
Our study suggests that customer relationship managers should include
both overall evaluations of performance (e.g., customer satisfaction) and
the viability of competitive offerings (e.g., calculative commitment) in
periodic surveys used to predict retention. Whereas customer satisfaction
is commonly included in such surveys, calculative commitment is not.

Comment on Literature Review:

1. Literature: Forouzandeh, Jafari, Ghazvini, Safahani and Moslehi,
(2016)/ The research is limited the ultimate goal of many companies is
to create sustainable and profitable relations with their customers
because such desirable and firm relations have advantages such as
creating obstacles for competitors to enter the market, decreasing the
sensitivity toward price increases, decreasing the marketing costs,
increasing the market shares and positive word-of-mouth advertising
and they can help the company to reach its goals.
2. Literature: Anderson, Fornell, Mazvancheryl, (2016)/ The aricle is
limited develop a theoretical framework that specifies how customer
satisfaction affects future customer behavior and, in turn, the level,
timing, and risk of future cash flows. Empirically, they find a positive
association between customer satisfaction and shareholder value. They
also find significant variation in the association across industries and
3. Literature: Abufazaa, (2015)/ The research is focus in choose the
quality of service, customer value on customer satisfaction in both
Islamic and commercial banks in Jordan, and the ability to face the
challenges of competition in them.
4. Literature: Nusseibeh, (2015)/ The research is limited the extent of the
marketing mix contribution to achieving customer satisfaction tourist
In Taiba tourist agency Travel & Tourism.

5. Literature: Islam, Ghazi, (2014/2015)/ Which identifies and defines
the various concepts related to quality and the quality of service, as
well as touched upon customer satisfaction and methods of measuring
satisfaction, on the one hand to count the roads and on the other hand
to find out the degree of satisfaction / non satisfaction of the customer
for goods and services provided by the institution.
6. Literature: Jiradilok, Malisuwan, Madan, Sivaraks, (2014)/ This
research utilizes a quantitative method to test the conceptual
framework of customer satisfaction that leads to online purchase
intentions for all online users, experienced online purchasers and
inexperienced online purchasers. The results of this research will
increase researcher’s comprehension on difference in factors that
influence online purchase intentions of experience and inexperienced
online purchasers.
7. Literature: Saglik, Gulluce, Kaya, Ozhan, (2014)/ The research is
limited This fact necessitates that businesses keep the satisfaction
levels of their customers who are buying their products and services
8. Literature: Choi, Kim, (2013)/ This study shows that the positive
relationships between quality and value and customer satisfaction and
repurchase intention found in numerous previous studies also exist in
the context of social enterprises.
9. Literature: Al-Khafaji, (2012)/ The research is limited is test the effect
of changing the mediator customer satisfaction in the relationship
between quality of service and customer loyalty, and seeks to release
its impact in strengthening customer loyalty.

10.Literature: Slema, (2011)/ The research is limited achieve customer

satisfaction through marketing of banking services until it is pleasing
the customer and the delivery of the product to him in the best
conditions and the most appropriate facilities available.

11.Literature: Taya, Aisha, (2010)/ The research is limited at linking

between the quality of health services provided and customer
satisfaction and how to satisfy the wishes and needs.
12.Literature: Center for the study of social policy, (2007)/ The research
is limited Building on its longstanding work to improve the quality of
services that affect public well-being, the Center for the Study of
Social Policy has developed a Customer Satisfaction Initiative.
13.Literature: Noureddine, (2006/2007)/ Communication process
between the port of Skikda institution and its clients is weak and this
is what explains the lack of knowledge of the majority of enterprise
customers obtaining the ISO (corresponding to international

standards), which is one of the most significant changes that have
taken place in the organization.
14.Liturature: Gustafsson, Johnson, Roos, (2005)/ Support consistent
effects of customer satisfaction, calculative commitment, and prior
churn on retention. Prior churn also moderates the satisfaction
retention relationship. The results have implications for both customer
relationship managers and researchers who use satisfaction surveys to
predict behavior.

Chapter 4


This chapter describes the methodology that was used in this research.
The adopted methodology to accomplish this study uses the following
techniques: the information about the research design, research
population, questionnaire design, statistical data analysis and content
Data Collection Methodology:
In order to collect the needed data for this research, we use the secondary
resources in collecting data such as books, journals, statistics and web
pages, in addition to preliminary resources that not available in secondary
resources through distribute questionnaires on study population in order
to get their opinions about the impact of product factors on customer
satisfaction-empirical study implemented on the Palestinian company of
cellular communication (JAWWAL) in Islamic University. Research
methodology depend on the analysis of data on the use of descriptive
analysis, which depends on the poll and use the main program (SPSS).
Population and sample size:
The population will include 69 students of Islamic university of Gaza
Data Measurement
In order to be able to select the appropriate method of analysis, the level
of measurement must be understood. For each type of measurement, there
is/are an appropriate method/s that can be applied and not others. In this
research, ordinal scales were used. Ordinal scale is a ranking or a rating
data that normally uses integers in ascending or descending order. The
numbers assigned to the important (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) do not indicate that the
interval between scales are equal, nor do they indicate absolute quantities.
They are merely numerical labels. Based on Likert scale we have the

Strongly Strongly
Item Agree Neutral Disagree
agree disagree
Scale 5 4 3 2 1

Test of normality
The One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test procedure compares the
observed cumulative distribution function for a variable with a specified
theoretical distribution, which may be normal, uniform, Poisson, or
exponential. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z is computed from the largest
difference (in absolute value) between the observed and theoretical
cumulative distribution functions. This goodness-of-fit test tests whether
the observations could reasonably have come from the specified
distribution. Many parametric tests require normally distributed variables.
The one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test can be used to test that a
variable of interest is normally distributed (Henry, C. and Thode, Jr.,
Table (4.1) shows the results for Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of normality.
From Table (4.1), the p-value for each variable is greater than 0.05 level
of significance, then the distributions for these variables are normally
distributed. Consequently, parametric tests should be used to perform the
statistical data analysis.

Table (4.1) Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

Statistic P-value
The impact of quality on customer
1.271 0.079
The impact of efficiency on customer
0.963 0.312
The impact of the adequacy on
0.655 0.784
customers' satisfaction
The impact of experience on the
0.773 0.589
The impact of the maintenance
1.173 0.128
services on customer's satisfaction
Consumer's satisfaction 0.743 0.639
All items of the questionnaire 0.596 0.870

Statistical analysis Tools
The researcher used data analysis both qualitative and quantitative data
analysis methods. The Data analysis made utilizing (SPSS 23). The
researchers utilize the following statistical tools:
1)Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of normality.
2)Pearson correlation coefficient for Validity.
3)Cronbach's Alpha for Reliability Statistics.
4)Frequency and descriptive analysis.
5)One-sample T test.
Validity of Questionnaire
Validity refers to the degree to which an instrument measures what it is
supposed to be measuring. Validity has a number of different aspects and
assessment approaches. Statistical validity is used to evaluate instrument
validity, which include internal validity and structure validity.
Internal Validity
Internal validity of the questionnaire is the first statistical test that used to
test the validity of the questionnaire. It is measured by a scouting sample,
which consisted of 30 questionnaires through measuring the correlation
coefficients between each item in one field and the whole field.
Table (4.2) clarifies the correlation coefficient for each item of the “The
impact of quality on customer satisfaction “and the total of the field. The
p-values (Sig.) are less than 0.05, so the correlation coefficients of this
field are significant at α = 0.05, so it can be said that the items of this
field are consistent and valid to be measure what it was set for.

Table (4.2): Correlation coefficient of each item of " The impact of
quality on customer satisfaction " and the total of this field
No. Item Pearson P-Value
Coefficient (Sig.)

1. Jawwal company provide high

.552 0.000*
quality services
2. The company makes exploratory
studies to find out the customers .655 0.000*
views of the services quality.
3. The company devotes a special
unit for an individual
communication with subscribers .683 0.000*
and knows their views about the
quality of services.
4. The quality provided by Jawwal is
considered the best among its .674 0.000*
5. The subscriber cares primarily on
the quality of services provided by .544 0.000*
6. The subscriber feels that Jawwal
needs to improve the quality of its .595 0.000*
7. The subscriber believes that the
joint of more competitors will
.247 0.020*
increase the quality of services
provided by Jawwal.
8. The quality of the service enhances
the relationship between the .525 0.000*
company and the customers.
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level

Table (4.3) clarifies the correlation coefficient for each item of the “The
impact of efficiency on customer satisfaction " and the total of the field.
The p-values (Sig.) are less than 0.05, so the correlation coefficients of
this field are significant at α = 0.05, so it can be said that the items of this
field are consistent and valid to be measure what it was set for.

Table(4.3) : Correlation coefficient of each item of " The impact of

efficiency on customer satisfaction " and the total of this field
No. Item Pearson P-Value
Coefficient (Sig.)

1. Jawwal is characterized by its low

.496 0.000*
cost for its services.
2. The company spends more effort to
.595 0.000*
satisfy its customers.
3. The company responds to the
inquiries and complaints of the .756 0.000*
subscribers as soon as possible.
4. The company provides services as
.775 0.000*
soon as possible.
5. The company responds promptly to
subscribers' needs no matter how .801 0.000*
much the company is buzzy.
6. The company gives exact dates when
.771 0.000*
it provides services.
7. Work hours suit all subscribers. .574 0.000*
8. The company implements a number
of events in order to maintain long- .506 0.000*
term relationships with customers.
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level

Table (4.4) clarifies the correlation coefficient for each item of the “The
impact of the adequacy on customers' satisfaction “and the total of the
field. The p-values (Sig.) are less than 0.05, so the correlation coefficients
of this field are significant at α = 0.05, so it can be said that the items of
this field are consistent and valid to be measure what it was set for.
Table(4.4) : Correlation coefficient of each item of " The impact of
the adequacy on customers' satisfaction "and the total of this field
No. Item Pearson P-Value
Coefficient (Sig.)

1. The company aims primarily at

.717 0.000*
achieving customers' satisfaction .
2. The company puts the customer's
interest at the forefront of senior .757 0.000*
management concerns .
3. The company works to build bridges
of trust between employees and the .629 0.000*
4. The company grantes the permanent
customers additional advantages that
.525 0.000*
distinguish them from ordinary
5. The consumer feel that Jawwal aims
.732 0.000*
to build a long-term relationship.
6. Jawwal employees are distinguished
.514 0.000*
by the interaction with subscribers.
7. Jawwal company provides public
.600 0.000*
services for the community .
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level

Table (4.5) clarifies the correlation coefficient for each item of the “The
impact of experience on the customers " and the total of the field. The p-
values (Sig.) are less than 0.05, so the correlation coefficients of this field
are significant at α = 0.05, so it can be said that the items of this field are
consistent and valid to be measure what it was set for.
Table(4.5) : Correlation coefficient of each item of “The impact of
experience on the customers "and the total of this field
No. Item Pearson Correlation P-Value

1. Service provider appears properly and

.582 0.000*

2. The employee deals with customers with

.732 0.000*
respect and good manners.

3. You put all of your trust in Jawwal service

.752 0.000*

4. The subscriber feels that the service

provider has sufficient experience to .709 0.000*
answer all questions.

5. The subscriber feels comfortable when he

.676 0.000*
deals with the company employee.

6. The company employee has the ability to

.531 0.000*
deal with all types of subscribers.

7. The company provides a special treatment

for each subscriber (every subscriber has a
.673 0.000*
personal treatment as if he is the only
subscriber for the company).

8. The company cares about the views ,

suggestions and preferences of subscribers .633 0.000*
in providing new services

9. Jawwal uses many promotion and

.398 0.000*
persuasion means, such as Facebook.

10. The company employee finds balance

between the serious deal and the friendly .479 0.000*

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level

Table (4.6) clarifies the correlation coefficient for each item of the “The
impact of the maintenance services on customer's satisfaction “and the
total of the field. The p-values (Sig.) are less than 0.05, so the correlation
coefficients of this field are significant at α = 0.05, so it can be said that
the items of this field are consistent and valid to be measure what it was
set for.
Table(4.6) : Correlation coefficient of each item of " The impact of
the maintenance services on customer's satisfaction "and the total of
this field
No. Item Pearson P-Value
Coefficient (Sig.)

1. Jawwal company provides services

.656 0.000*
appropriately with no errors.
2. Jawwal uses modern equipment and
.563 0.000*
tools to provide services.
3. When you face a problem, the
company shows special attention to .718 0.000*
solve it.
4. Providing maintenance services
.506 0.000*
centers cover all areas of subscribers.
5. The company offers subscribers the
ability to request or activate or
.475 0.000*
cancel the required services
6. I feel that the speed of maintaining
.689 0.000*
errors is suitable for the subscribers.
7. The maintenance deals tactfully with
.705 0.000*
the subscribers.
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level

Table (4.7) clarifies the correlation coefficient for each item of the
“Consumer’s satisfaction “and the total of the field. The p-values (Sig.)
are less than 0.05, so the correlation coefficients of this field are
significant at α = 0.05, so it can be said that the items of this field are
consistent and valid to be measure what it was set for.
Table(4.7) : Correlation coefficient of each item of “Consumer’s
satisfaction "and the total of this field
No. Item Pearson P-Value
Coefficient (Sig.)

1. You feel satisfied with your

.752 0.000*
subscription to Jawwal company.
2. You feel satisfied with all services
.756 0.000*
provided by Jawwal.
3. The degree of your satisfaction may
be improved if Jawwal introduces
.203 0.000*
some adjustments and improvements
on the quality of services.
4. Jawwal communicates you
constantly to inquire about the .643 0.000*
quality of services.
5. You think that the provided services
.693 0.000*
are beyond your expectations.
6. You feel satisfied with the cost of the
.684 0.000*
services provided by Jawwal.
7. Jawwal completes the services and
.698 0.000*
transactions in the appropriate time.
8. You feel satisfied about how the
.596 0.000*
service provider deals with you.
9. Jawwal makes you feel the personal
satisfaction after dealing with the .548 0.000*
service provider.
10. The company always seeks for
.651 0.000*
subscribers' satisfaction.

11. You feel satisfied about how
.559 0.000*
employees deal with subscribers.
12. You feel satisfied with the
maintenance services provided by .632 0.000*
13. Jawwal communicates periodically
with you about the maintenance .670 0.000*
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level

Structure Validity of the Questionnaire

Structure validity is the second statistical test that used to test the validity
of the questionnaire structure by testing the validity of each field and the
validity of the whole questionnaire. It measures the correlation coefficient
between one field and all the fields of the questionnaire that have the
same level of liker scale.
Table (4.8) clarifies the correlation coefficient for each field and the
whole questionnaire. The p-values (Sig.) are less than 0.05, so the
correlation coefficients of all the fields are significant at α = 0.05, so it
can be said that the fields are valid to be measured what it was set for to
achieve the main aim of the study.

Table(4.8): Correlation coefficient of each field and the whole of
No Field Pearson P-Value
. Correlation
Coefficient (Sig.)

1. The impact of quality on customer

.713 0.000*
2. The impact of efficiency on
.890 0.000*
customer satisfaction
3. The impact of the adequacy on
.829 0.000*
customers' satisfaction
4. The impact of experience on the
.845 0.000*
5. The impact of the maintenance
.821 0.000*
services on customer's satisfaction
6. Consumer's satisfaction .910 0.000*
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level

Reliability of the Research

The reliability of an instrument is the degree of consistency which
measures the attribute; it is supposed to be measuring (George and
Mallery, 2006). The less variation an instrument produces in repeated
measurements of an attribute, the higher its reliability. Reliability can be
equated with the stability, consistency, or dependability of a measuring
tool. The test is repeated to the same sample of people on two occasions
and then compares the scores obtained by computing a reliability
coefficient (George and Mallery, 2006). To insure the reliability of the
questionnaire, Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha should be applied.

Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha
Cronbach’s alpha (George D. & Mallery P, 2006) is designed as a
measure of internal consistency, that is, do all items within the instrument
measure the same thing? The normal range of Cronbach’s coefficient
alpha value between 0.0 and + 1.0, and the higher values reflects a higher
degree of internal consistency. The Cronbach’s coefficient alpha was
calculated for each field of the questionnaire.
Table (4.9) shows the values of Cronbach's Alpha for each field of the
questionnaire and the entire questionnaire. For the fields, values of
Cronbach's Alpha were in the range from 0.604 and 0.871. This range is
considered high; the result ensures the reliability of each field of the
questionnaire. Cronbach's Alpha equals 0.948 for the entire questionnaire
which indicates an excellent reliability of the entire questionnaire
(George, D. & Mallery P, 2006).
Table(4.9): Cronbach's Alpha for each field of the questionnaire
No Field Cronbach's
. Alpha
1. The impact of quality on customer satisfaction 0.604
2. The impact of efficiency on customer
3. The impact of the adequacy on customers'
4. The impact of experience on the customers 0.822
5. The impact of the maintenance services on
customer's satisfaction
6. Consumer's satisfaction 0.871
All items of the questionnaire 0.948

The Thereby, it can be said that the researcher proved that the
questionnaire was valid, reliable, and ready for distribution for the
population sample.

Chapter Five

Data Analysis and Discussion

Personal Information

Comments: The study targeted students of the Islamic University, where

he was the mobilization of the questionnaire by 55 male in the rate of
79.7% and by 14 female in the rate of 20.3% from all the academic
specialization and academic level.

Table (5.1):Personal Information (N=69)

Personal Information Frequency Percent
Male 55 79.7
Female 14 20.3
Commerce 11 15.9
Educations 8 11.6
Engineering 24 34.8
Arts 9 13.0
IT 2 2.9
Religion Basics 1 1.4
Medicine 3 4.3
Science 11 15.9
First level 9 13.0
Second level 15 21.7
Third level 17 24.6
Level of Study
Fourth level 23 33.3
Fifth Level 4 5.8
Sixth Level 1 1.4

Analysis for each field
1.The impact of quality on customer satisfaction
Table (5.2) shows the following results:
The mean of item #7 “The subscriber believes that the joint of
more competitors will increase the quality of services provided by
Jawwal” equals 4.43 (88.70%), Test-value = 11.84, and P-value = 0.000
which is smaller than the level of significance a = 0.05 . The sign of the
test is positive, so the mean of this item is significantly greater than the
hypothesized value 3 . We conclude that the respondents agreed to this
The mean of item #2 “The company makes exploratory studies to
find out the customers views of the services quality ” equals 3.06
(61.16%), Test-value = 0.42, and P-value = 0.337 which is greater than
the level of significance a = 0.05 . Then the mean of this paragraph is
insignificantly different from the hypothesized value 3. We conclude that
the respondents (Do not know, neutral) to this item.
 The mean of the field “The impact of quality on customer
satisfaction” equals 3.70 (73.99%), Test-value = 11.08, and P-
value=0.000 which is smaller than the level of significance a = 0.05 . The
sign of the test is positive, so the mean of this field is significantly greater
than the hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the respondents agreed
to field of “The impact of quality on customer satisfaction ".

Comments: 88.7 of Islamic university of Gaza’s students agreed that

the subscriber believes that the joint of more competitors will increase the
quality of services provided by Jawwal, but just 61.16 agreed that The
company makes exploratory studies to find out the customers views of
the services quality.

Table (5.2): Means and Test values for “The impact of quality on
customer satisfaction”

(%) Proportional mean

P-value (Sig.)
Test value


1. Jawwal company provide high quality 0.000

3.43 0.99 68.70 3.64 5
services *
2. The company makes exploratory
studies to find out the customers 3.06 1.14 61.16 0.42 0.337 8
views of the services quality.
3. The company devotes a special unit
for an individual communication with
3.12 1.11 62.35 0.87 0.193 7
subscribers and knows their views
about the quality of services.
4. The quality provided by Jawwal is
considered the best among its 3.21 1.30 64.18 1.32 0.096 6
5. The subscriber cares primarily on the
quality of services provided by 4.04 0.91 80.87 9.48 4
6. The subscriber feels that Jawwal
needs to improve the quality of its 4.16 0.91 83.28 10.42 2
7. The subscriber believes that the joint
of more competitors will increase the 0.000
4.43 1.01 88.70 11.84 1
quality of services provided by *
Jawwal .
8. The quality of the service enhances
the relationship between the company 4.14 0.86 82.90 11.03 3
and the customers .

3.70 0.52 73.99 11.08
All items of the field *
* The mean is significantly different from 3

2. The impact of efficiency on customer satisfaction

Table (5.3) shows the following results:
The mean of item #8 “The company implements a number of
events in order to maintain long-term relationships with customers”
equals 3.72 (74.49%), Test-value = 5.42 and P-value = 0.000 which is
smaller than the level of significance a = 0.05 . The sign of the test is
positive, so the mean of this item is significantly greater than the
hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the respondents agreed to this
The mean of item #1 “Jawwal is characterized by its low cost for
its services” equals 2.41 (48.12%), Test-value = -4.10, and P-value =
0.000 which is smaller than the level of significance a = 0.05 . The sign of
the test is negative, so the mean of this item is significantly smaller than
the hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the respondents disagreed to
this item.
 The mean of the field “The impact of efficiency on customer
satisfaction” equals 3.32 (66.48%), Test-value = 3.73, and P-value=0.000
which is smaller than the level of significance a = 0.05 . The sign of the
test is positive, so the mean of this field is significantly greater than the
hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the respondents agreed to field of
“The impact of efficiency on customer satisfaction ".

Comments: 74.49 of Islamic university of Gaza’s students agreed that

the company implements a number of events in order to maintain long-
term relationships with customers, but just 48.12 agreed that Jawwal is
characterized by its low cost for its services.

Table (5.3): Means and Test values for “The impact of efficiency on
customer satisfaction”

(%) Proportional mean

P-value (Sig.)
Test value


1. Jawwal is characterized by its low 2.4

1.20 48.12 -4.10 0.000* 8
cost for its services. 1
2. The company spends more effort to 3.0
1.08 61.45 0.56 0.289 7
satisfy its customers. 7
3. The company responds to the
inquiries and complaints of the 1.08 71.47 4.37 0.000* 4
subscribers as soon as possible.
4. The company provide services as 3.6
1.13 72.06 4.38 0.000* 2
soon as possible. 0
5. The company responds promptly to
subscribers' needs no matter how 1.12 63.82 1.40 0.083 6
much the company is buzzy.
6. The company gives exact dates 3.5
1.10 71.88 4.48 0.000* 3
when it provides services. 9
7. 3.4
Work hours suit all subscribers. 0.94 68.82 3.88 0.000* 5
8. The company implements a number
of events in order to maintain long- 1.11 74.49 5.42 0.000* 1
term relationships with customers.
0.72 66.48 3.73 0.000*
All items of the field 2
* The mean is significantly different from 3

3. The impact of the adequacy on customers' satisfaction
Table (5.4) shows the following results:
The mean of item #6 “Jawwal employees are distinguished by the
interaction with subscribers” equals 3.67 (73.43%), Test-value = 6.03,
and P-value = 0.000 which is smaller than the level of significance
a = 0.05 . The sign of the test is positive, so the mean of this item is
significantly greater than the hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the
respondents agreed to this item.
The mean of item #2 “The company puts the customer's interest at
the forefront of senior management concerns” equals 3.01 (60.29%),
Test-value = 0.11, and P-value = 0.458 which is greater than the level of
significance a = 0.05 . Then the mean of this paragraph is insignificantly
different from the hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the
respondents (Do not know, neutral) to this item.
 The mean of the field “The impact of the adequacy on customers'
satisfaction” equals 3.35 (66.96%), Test-value = 4.23, and P-value=0.000
which is smaller than the level of significance a = 0.05 . The sign of the
test is positive, so the mean of this field is significantly greater than the
hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the respondents agreed to field of
“The impact of the adequacy on customers' satisfaction ".

Comments: 73.43 of Islamic university of Gaza’s students agreed that

Jawwal employees are distinguished by the interaction with subscribers,
but just 60.29 agreed that the company puts the customer's interest at the
forefront of senior management concerns.

Table (5.4): Means and Test values for “The impact of the adequacy
on customers' satisfaction”

(%) Proportional mean

P-value (Sig.)
Test value


1. The company aims primarily at

3.43 1.24 68.70 2.91 0.002* 2
achieving customers' satisfaction.
2. The company puts the customer's
interest at the forefront of senior 3.01 1.13 60.29 0.11 0.458 7
management concerns.
3. The company works to build bridges
of trust between employees and the 3.35 1.00 66.96 2.90 0.003* 4
4. The company grants the permanent
customers additional advantages that
3.33 1.06 66.57 2.53 0.007* 5
distinguish them from ordinary
5. The consumer feels that Jawwal
aims to build a long-term 3.28 1.01 65.59 2.29 0.013* 6
6. Jawwal employees are distinguished
3.67 0.91 73.43 6.03 0.000* 1
by the interaction with subscribers.
7. Jawwal company provides public
3.39 1.09 67.83 2.99 0.002* 3
services for the community.
All items of the field 3.35 0.68 66.96 4.23 0.000*
* The mean is significantly different from 3

4. The impact of experience on the customers
Table (5.5) shows the following results:

The mean of item #1 “Service provider appears properly and

tidily” equals 4.43 (88.70%), Test-value = 17.66, and P-value = 0.000
which is smaller than the level of significance a = 0.05 . The sign of the
test is positive, so the mean of this item is significantly greater than the
hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the respondents agreed to this
The mean of item #7 “The company provides a special treatment
for each subscriber (every subscriber has a personal treatment as if he is
the only subscriber for the company)” equals 3.19 (63.77%), Test-value =
1.48, and P-value = 0.072 which is greater than the level of significance
a = 0.05 . Then the mean of this paragraph is insignificantly different from
the hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the respondents (Do not
know, neutral) to this item.
 The mean of the field “The impact of experience on the customers”
equals 3.77 (75.47%), Test-value = 11.24, and P-value=0.000 which is
smaller than the level of significance a = 0.05 . The sign of the test is
positive, so the mean of this field is significantly greater than the
hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the respondents agreed to field of
“The impact of experience on the customers ".

Comments: 88.70 of Islamic university of Gaza’s students agreed that

service provider appears properly and tidily, but just 63.77 agreed that the
company provides a special treatment for each subscriber (every
subscriber has a personal treatment as if he is the only subscriber for the

Table (5.5): Means and Test values for “The impact of experience on
the customers”

(%) Proportional mean

P-value (Sig.)
Test value


1. Service provider appears properly and

4.43 0.67 88.70 17.66 0.000* 1
2. The employee deals with customers
4.36 0.73 87.25 15.57 0.000* 2
with respect and good manners.
3. You put all of your trust in Jawwal
3.57 1.03 71.47 4.61 0.000* 7
service provider.
4. The subscriber feels that the service
provider has sufficient experience to 3.74 0.90 74.78 6.81 0.000* 6
answer all questions.
5. The subscriber feels comfortable when
3.80 0.93 75.94 7.10 0.000* 4
he deals with the company employee.
6. The company employee has the ability
3.56 1.00 71.18 4.62 0.000* 8
to deal with all types of subscribers.
7. The company provides a special
treatment for each subscriber (every
subscriber has a personal treatment as if 3.19 1.06 63.77 1.48 0.072 10
he is the only subscriber for the
8. The company cares about the views ,
suggestions and preferences of 3.31 1.08 66.18 2.35 0.011* 9
subscribers in providing new services
9. Jawwal uses many promotion and
3.99 1.06 79.71 7.68 0.000* 3
persuasion means, such as Facebook.
10. The company employee finds balance
between the serious deal and the 3.77 0.86 75.36 7.42 0.000* 5
friendly one.

All items of the field 3.77 0.57 75.47 11.24 0.000*

* The mean is significantly different from 3

5. The impact of the maintenance services on customer's satisfaction

Table (5.6) shows the following results:
The mean of item #7 “The maintenance deals tactfully with the
subscribers” equals 3.94 (78.84%), Test-value = 8.21, and P-value =
0.000 which is smaller than the level of significance a = 0.05 . The sign of
the test is positive, so the mean of this item is significantly greater than
the hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the respondents agreed to this
The mean of item #3 “When you face a problem, the company
shows special attention to solve it” equals 3.48 (69.57%), Test-value =
3.94, and P-value = 0.000 which is smaller than the level of significance
a = 0.05 . The sign of the test is positive, so the mean of this item is
significantly greater than the hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the
respondents agreed to this item.
 The mean of the field “The impact of the maintenance services on
customer's satisfaction” equals 3.63 (72.53%), Test-value = 8.51, and P-
value=0.000 which is smaller than the level of significance a = 0.05 . The
sign of the test is positive, so the mean of this field is significantly greater
than the hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the respondents agreed
to field of “The impact of the maintenance services on customer's
satisfaction ".
Comments: 78.84 of Islamic university of Gaza’s students agreed that
the maintenance deals tactfully with the subscribers, but just 69.57 agreed
that When you face a problem, the company shows special attention to
solve it.

Table (5.6): Means and Test values for “The impact of the
maintenance services on customer's satisfaction”

(%) Proportional mean

P-value (Sig.)
Test value


1. Jawwal company provides services

3.51 1.09 70.14 3.85 0.000* 6
appropriately with no errors.
2. Jawwal uses modern equipment and
3.62 1.07 72.46 4.83 0.000* 3
tools to provide services.
3. When you face a problem, the
company shows special attention to 3.48 1.01 69.57 3.94 0.000* 7
solve it.
4. Providing maintenance services
3.55 0.85 71.01 5.39 0.000* 4
centers cover all areas of subscribers.
5. The company offers subscribers the
ability to request or activate or
3.73 1.01 74.63 5.93 0.000* 2
cancel the required services
6. I feel that the speed of maintaining
3.55 0.96 71.01 4.75 0.000* 4
errors is suitable for the subscribers.
7. The maintenance deals tactfully with
3.94 0.95 78.84 8.21 0.000* 1
the subscribers.
All items of the field 3.63 0.61 72.53 8.51 0.000*
* The mean is significantly different from 3

6. Consumer's satisfaction
Table (5.7) shows the following results:
The mean of item #3 “The degree of your satisfaction may be
improved if Jawwal introduces some adjustments and improvements on
the quality of services” equals 4.10 (82.09%), Test-value = 9.46, and P-
value = 0.000 which is smaller than the level of significance a = 0.05 . The
sign of the test is positive, so the mean of this item is significantly greater
than the hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the respondents agreed
to this item.
The mean of item #6 “You feel satisfied with the cost of the
services provided by Jawwal” equals 2.65 (52.94%), Test-value = -2.20,
and P-value = 0.016 which is smaller than the level of significance
a = 0.05 . The sign of the test is negative, so the mean of this item is
significantly smaller than the hypothesized value 3. We conclude that the
respondents disagreed to this item.
 The mean of the field “Consumer's satisfaction” equals 3.29
(65.79%), Test-value = 3.47, and P-value=0.000 which is smaller than the
level of significance a = 0.05 . The sign of the test is positive, so the mean
of this field is significantly greater than the hypothesized value 3. We
conclude that the respondents agreed to field of “Consumer's satisfaction

Comments: 82.09 of Islamic university of Gaza’s students agreed that

the degree of your satisfaction may be improved if Jawwal introduces
some adjustments and improvements on the quality of services, but just
52.94 agreed that you feel satisfied with the cost of the services provided
by Jawwal.

Table (5.7): Means and Test values for “Consumer's satisfaction”

(%) Proportional mean

P-value (Sig.)
Test value


1. You feel satisfied with your

3.36 1.37 67.25 2.19 0.016* 8
subscription to Jawwal company.
2. You feel satisfied with all services
3.06 1.12 61.16 0.43 0.335 9
provided by Jawwal.
3. The degree of your satisfaction may be
improved if Jawwal introduces some
4.10 0.96 82.09 9.46 0.000* 1
adjustments and improvements on the
quality of services.
4. Jawwal communicates you constantly
2.93 1.30 58.53 -0.47 0.321 10
to inquire about the quality of services.
5. You think that the provided services are
2.72 1.26 54.41 -1.83 0.036* 12
beyond your expectations.
6. You feel satisfied with the cost of the
2.65 1.32 52.94 -2.20 0.016* 13
services provided by Jawwal.
7. Jawwal completes the services and
3.44 0.98 68.82 3.70 0.000* 5
transactions in the appropriate time.
8. You feel satisfied about how the service
3.71 0.95 74.12 6.15 0.000* 2
provider deals with you.
9. Jawwal makes you feel the personal
satisfaction after dealing with the 3.56 0.92 71.18 5.01 0.000* 4
service provider.
10. The company always seeks for
3.38 0.94 67.54 3.33 0.001* 7
subscribers' satisfaction.
11. You feel satisfied about how employees
3.57 0.97 71.47 4.89 0.000* 3
deal with subscribers.
12. You feel satisfied with the maintenance 3.40 0.96 67.94 3.40 0.001* 6

services provided by Jawwal.
13. Jawwal communicates periodically with
2.88 1.19 57.68 -0.81 0.212 11
you about the maintenance services.
All items of the field 3.29 0.69 65.79 3.47 0.000*
* The mean is significantly different from 3

Research Hypothesis
There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer satisfaction and
product factors:
1. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer
satisfaction and efficiency in dealing with customer.
2. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer
satisfaction and experience in dealing with customer.
3. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer
satisfaction and the quality of goods and services.
4. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer
satisfaction and services maintenance.
5. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer
satisfaction and reliability.
Table (5.8) show the flowing results:

- The Multiple correlation coefficient R =0.823 and R-Square = 0.677.

This means 67.7% of the variation in customer satisfaction by all of the
independent variables together .
- The Analysis of Variance for the regression model. F=26.467, Sig. =
0.000, so there is a significant relationship between the dependent
variable customer satisfaction and the independent variables " The impact
of quality on customer satisfaction, The impact of efficiency on customer
satisfaction, The impact of the adequacy on customers' satisfaction, The
impact of experience on the customers and The impact of the
maintenance services on customer's satisfaction ".
- In addition, based on the P-value (Sig.), the most significant independent
variable is The impact of efficiency on customer satisfaction, then The
impact of the adequacy on customers' satisfaction, then The impact of the
maintenance services on customer's satisfaction, then The impact of
experience on the customers and The impact of quality on customer

The regression equation is:

Customer satisfaction = -0.333 + 0.081* (quality) + 0.317* (efficiency)
+ 0.255* (adequacy) + 0.187* (experience) + 0.194* (maintenance
Comments: The questionnaire achieved the hypothesis through:
1. There is a significant effect between Customer satisfaction and
efficiency in dealing with customer by 0.008.
2. There is a significant effect between Customer satisfaction and
experience in dealing with customer by 0.199.
3. There is a significant effect between Customer satisfaction and
the quality of goods and services by 0.449.
4. There is a significant effect between Customer satisfaction and
services maintenance by 0.142.
5. There is a significant effect between Customer satisfaction and
reliability by 0.449.
Table (5.8):Result of multiple linear regression analysis
Variable B T Sig. R F Sig.
(Constant) -0.333 -0.763 0.449 .823 0.677 26.46 0.000*
7 *
The impact of quality on
0.081 0.634 0.528
customer satisfaction
The impact of efficiency on 0.008
0.317 2.745
customer satisfaction *
The impact of the adequacy 0.024
0.255 2.307
on customers' satisfaction *
The impact of experience
0.187 1.297 0.199
on the customers
The impact of the 0.194 1.488 0.142
maintenance services on

customer's satisfaction
* The variable is statistically significant at 0.05 level
* * The relationship is statistically significant at 0.05 level

The results:
Based on data analysis and findings in previous chapter, the researcher
summarized the results as follows:
Sample demographical characteristics
The statistics show that:
 The majority of responders are males with 79.7% while 20.3% of
respondents are females.
 34.8% of respondents are in category of engineering students.
 33.3% of respondents are in category of fourth level students.

Hypotheses of Correlations and differences:

1. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer satisfaction
and efficiency in dealing with customer.
2. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer satisfaction
and experience in dealing with customer.
3. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer satisfaction
and the quality of goods and services.
4. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer satisfaction
and services maintenance.
5. There is a significant effect at 0.05 between Customer satisfaction
and reliability.

 In the area of (5.2) the company is caring much about the
subscriber believes that the joint of more competitors will
increase the quality of services provided by Jawwal, and not
giving the same attention to the company makes exploratory
studies to find out the customers views of the services
 In the area of (5.3) the company is caring much about the
company implements a number of events in order to
maintain long-term relationships with customers, and not
giving the same attention to Jawwal is characterized by its
low cost for its services.
 In the area of (5.4) the company is caring much about
Jawwal employees are distinguished by the interaction with
subscribers, and not giving the same attention to the

company puts the customer's interest at the forefront of
senior management concerns.
 In the area of (5.5) the company is caring much about
service provider appears properly and tidily, and not giving
the same attention to the company provides a special
treatment for each subscriber (every subscriber has a
personal treatment as if he is the only subscriber for the
 In the area of (5.6) the company is caring much about the
maintenance deals tactfully with the subscribers, and not
giving the same attention to when you face a problem, the
company shows special attention to solve it.
 In the area of (5.7) the company is caring much about the
degree of your satisfaction may be improved if Jawwal
introduces some adjustments and improvements on the
quality of services, and not giving the same attention to you
feel satisfied with the cost of the services provided by

The recommendation:
1- The company is very good in the subscriber believes that the joint
of more competitors will increase the quality of services provided
by Jawwal, but it should improve to reach the international level.
2- The company should increase its attention to the company makes
exploratory studies to find out the customers views of the services
3- The company is very good in the company implements a number of
events in order to maintain long-term relationships with customers,
but it should improve to reach the international level.
4- The company should increase its attention to Jawwal is
characterized by its low cost for its services.
5- The company is very good in Jawwal employees are distinguished
by the interaction with subscribers, but it should improve to reach
the international level.
6- The company should increase its attention to the company puts the
customer's interest at the forefront of senior management concerns.
7- The company is very good in service provider appears properly and
tidily, but it should improve to reach the international level.
8- The company should increase its attention to the company provides
a special treatment for each subscriber (every subscriber has a
personal treatment as if he is the only subscriber for the company).
9- The company is very good in the maintenance deals tactfully with
the subscribers, but it should improve to reach the international
10- The company should increase its attention to when you face
a pr oblem, the company shows special attention to solve it.
11- The company is very good in the degree of your satisfaction
may be improved if Jawwal introduces some adjustments and
improvements on the quality of services, but it should improve to
reach the international -level.
12- The company should increase its attention to you feel
satisfied with the cost of the services provided by Jawwal.

Future studies:

 The effects of loyalty programs on customer satisfaction, trust, and

loyalty toward high-and low-end fashion retailers.
 The effects of loyalty programs on customer satisfaction, trust, and
loyalty toward high-and low-end fashion retailers.
 Customer satisfaction and purchase behavior.
 Influencing customer satisfaction in B2B sales.

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The Islamic University – Gaza
Faculty of Commerce
Department of Business Administration

: A questionnaire entitled

The impact of product factors on customer satisfaction-empirical

study implemented on the Palestinian company of cellular
.communication (JAWWAL) in Islamic University

Honorable brother \ sister

,Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you

It is our pleasure to present to you a questionnaire entitled "The impact
of production factors on customer satisfaction" as a complement to the
requirements for obtaining a bachelor's degree in business
.administration in the Islamic University - Gaza
We hope you fill out all axes of this questionnaire by ticking (√) in front of
each phrase in the field that fits you, taking into consideration that your
contribution in filling the questionnaire accurately and objectively will
have a significant impact in getting positive results, and the answers that
you will adduce will be treated confidentially. It will only be used for the
.purpose of scientific research. Thank you for your honest cooperation

Please accept our sincere respect and appreciation

Researcher : Alaa Humaid

Researcher : Salah Lubbad
Researcher : Mohammed Al Shaikh Khalil

-: First : Personal Information

: Please tick (√) in the field you see it is suitable
Gender -1
Male ( ) Female ( )

Specialization -2
Commerce ( ) Educations ( )
Engineering ( ) Arts ( )
IT ( ) Religion Basics ( )
Sharia and Law ( ) Medicine ( )
Science ( )

Level of Study -3
First Level ( ) Second Level ( )
Third Level ( ) Forth Level ( )
Fifth Level ( ) Sixth Level ( )

-: Second : Information of the Survey

. The impact of quality on customer satisfaction-1

Clause Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree disagree

-1 Jawwal company provide high quality services

The company makes exploratory studies to find

.out the customers views of the services quality

The company devotes a special unit for an

-3 individual communication with subscribers and
.know their views about the quality of services

The quality provided by Jawwal is considered the

.best among its competitors

The subscriber cares primarily on the quality of

. services provided by Jawwal

The subscriber feels that Jawwal needs to

. improve the quality of its services

The subscriber believes that the joint of more

-7 competitors will increase the quality of services
. provided by Jawwal

The quality of the service enhances the

-8 relationship between the company and the
. customers

. The impact of efficiency on customer satisfaction -2

Clause Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree disagree

Jawwal is charracterized by its low cost for its


The company spends more effort to satisfy its


The company responds to the inquiries and

.complaints of the subscribers as soon as possible

The company provide services as soon as


The company responds promptly to subscribers'

.needs no matter how much the company is bussy

The company gives exact dates when it provides


-7 . Work hours suit all subscribers

The company implements a number of events in

-8 order to maintain long-term relationships with

. The impact of the adequacy on customers' satisfaction -3

Clause Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree disagree

The company aims primarily at achieving

. customers' satisfaction

The company puts the customer's interest at the

. forefront of senior management concerns

The company works to build bridges of trust

.between employees and the customers

The company grantes the permanent customers

-4 additional advantages that distinguish them from
.ordinary customers

The consumer feel that Jawwal aims to build a

.long-term relationship

Jawwal employees are distinguished by the

.interaction with subscribers

Jawwal company provides public services for the

. community

: The impact of experience on the customers -4

Clause Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree disagree

-1 . Service provider appears properly and tidily

The employee deals with customers with respect

. and good manners

You put all of your trust in Jawwal service


The subscriber feels that the service provider has

.sufficient experience to answer all questions

The subscriber feels comfortable when he deals

. with the company employee

The company employee has the ability to deal

. with all types of subscribers

The company provides a special treatment for

each subscriber ( every subscriber has a personal
treatment as if he is the only subscriber for the

The company cares about the views , suggestions

-8 and preferences of subscribers in providing new

Jawwal uses many promotion and persuasion

.means, such as Facebook

The company employee finds balance between

.the serious deal and the friendly one

.The impact of the maintenance services on customer's satisfaction -5

Clause Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree disagree

Jawwal company provides services appropriately

. with no errors

Jawwal uses modern equipment and tools to

. provide services

When you face a problem , the company shows

. special attention to solve it

Providing maintenance services centers cover all

. areas of subscribers

The company offers subscribers the ability to

-5 request or activate or cancel the required services

I feel that the speed of maintaining errors is

. suitable for the subscribers

The maintenance deals tactfully with the


. Consumer's satisfaction -6

Clause Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree disagree

You feel satisfied with your subscription to Jawwal

. company

You feel satisfied with all services provided by


The degree of your satisfaction may be improved

-3 if Jawwal introduces some adjustments and
.improvements on the quality of services

Jawwal communicates you constantly to inquire

.about the quality of services

You think that the provided services are beyond

. your expectations

You feel satisfied with the cost of the services

.provided by Jawwal

Jawwal completes the services and transactions in

. the appropriate time

You feel satisfied about how the service provider

.deals with you

Jawwal makes you feel the personal satisfaction

. after dealing with the service provider

The company always seeks for subscribers'


You feel satisfied about how employees deal with

. subscribers

You feel satisfied with the maintenance services

. provided by Jawwal

Jawwal communicates periodically with you about

. the maintenance services

.Thank you

‫الجامعة السلمية ‪-‬غزة‬
‫كــــــــــلية الـــــــــتــجارة‬
‫قـسـم إدارة العــمـــــــال‬

‫استبيان بعنوان‬
‫" تأثير عوامل النتاج على رضا الزبائن‪ -‬دراسة تحليلية مطبقة على شركة التصالتا الخلوية‬
‫الفلسطينية )جوال( في الجامعة السلمية"‬
‫“ ‪The impact of product factors on customer satisfaction-empirical study‬‬
‫‪implemented on the Palestinian company of cellular communication‬‬
‫‪”(JAWWAL) in Islamic University‬‬

‫الخأ الكريم‪/‬الخت الكريماة‬

‫السإلم عأليكم ورحماه ال وبركاته‪ ...‬وبعد‪,‬‬
‫يطيب لناا أن ناضع بيــن أيــديكم اسإــتباناة بعنا ـوان "تأثير عوامل النتاج على رضا الزبببائن" وذلــك اسإــتكماالا‬
‫لماتطلبات الحصول عألى درجة البكالوريوس في إدارة العأماال بالجاماعة السإلماية‪-‬غزة‪.‬‬
‫آمالين التكرم بتعبئة كافة ماحاور هذه السإتباناة وذلـك بوضـع عألماـة )√( أماـام كــل عأبــارة فــي الحقـل الــذي‬
‫تراه مانااسإباا‪ ,‬عألماا بأن ماسإاهماتك فــي تعبئـة السإـتباناة بدقـة وماوضـوعأية سإـيكون له أثـر كـبير فـي الحصـول‬
‫عألــى ناتائــج إيجابيــة‪ ,‬كماــا أن الجابــات الــتي سإــتدلون بهــا سإــتعامال بسإ ـرية تاماــة‪ ,‬ولــن تسإــتخدم إل لغــرض‬
‫البحث العلماي فقط‪ .‬شاكرين لكم صادق تعاوناكم‪.‬‬

‫وتقبلوا خالص احترامنا وتقديرنا‪,,,‬‬

‫الباحث‪ :‬علءا حميد‪.‬‬

‫الباحث‪ :‬صلحا لبد‪.‬‬
‫الباحث‪ :‬محمد الشيخ خليل‪.‬‬

‫أولل‪ :‬البياناتا الشخصية‪:‬‬

‫يرجى وضع إشارة )√( في الحقل الذي تراه مناسبلا‪:‬‬

‫الجنس‬ ‫‪-1‬‬
‫) ( أنثى‬ ‫) ( ذكر‬

‫التخصص‬ ‫‪-2‬‬
‫) ( التربية‬ ‫) ( التجارة‬
‫) ( الداب‬ ‫) ( الهندسة‬
‫) ( أصول الدين‬ ‫) ( تكنولوجيا المعلوماتا‬
‫) ( الطب‬ ‫) ( الشريعة والقانون‬
‫) ( العلوم‬

‫المستوى الدراسي‬ ‫‪-3‬‬

‫) ( المستوى الثاني‬ ‫) ( المستوى الول‬
‫) ( المستوى الرابع‬ ‫) ( المستوى الثالث‬
‫) ( المستوى السادس‬ ‫) ( المستوى الخامس‬

‫ثانيلا‪ :‬معلوماتا الدراسة‬

‫تأثير الجودة على رضا الزبائن‪.‬‬ ‫‪-1‬‬

‫غير‬ ‫مواف‬
‫موافق‬ ‫محايد‬ ‫موافق‬ ‫ق‬ ‫الفقرة‬ ‫م‪.‬‬
‫بشدة‬ ‫بشدة‬

‫تقدم شركة جوال خدماات ذات جودة عأالية‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫تقوم الشركة بدراسإات اسإتطلعأية لماعرفة آراء الزبائن بجودة الخدماات‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫تخصص الشركة وحدة خاصة للتواصل الفــردي ماــع الماشــتركين والتعـرف عألـى آرائهـم بخصـوص‬
‫جودة الخدماات‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫تعتبر الجودة الماقدماة مان شركة جوال الفضل بين الماناافسإين‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫يهتم الماشترك بالدرجة الولى عألى جودة الخدماة الماقدماة مان شركة جوال‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫يشعر الماشترك بأن شركة جوال تحتاج لتطوير جودة الخدماات‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫يرى الماشترك أن دخول المازيد مان الماناافسإين سإوف يزيـد ماـن جـودة الخـدماات الماقدماـة ماـن شـركة‬
‫جوال‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫تزيد جودة الخدماة مان العلقة بين الشركة والماشتركين‪.‬‬ ‫‪.8‬‬

‫‪ -2‬تأثير الكفاءاة على رضا الزبائن‪.‬‬

‫غير‬ ‫مواف‬ ‫م‬
‫موافق‬ ‫محايد‬ ‫موافق بشدة‬ ‫الفقرة‬
‫موافق‬ ‫ق‬ ‫‪.‬‬

‫تتمايز شركة جوال بالتكلفة الماناخفضة ماقابل خدمااتها‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫تبذل الشركة المازيد مان الجهد لجل إرضاء الزبائن‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫تقوم الشركة بالرد عألى اسإتفسإارات وشكاوي الماشتركين بأسإرع وقت ماماكن‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫تقدم شركة جوال الخدماات بأسإرع وقت‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫تسإتجيب الشركة فوريا لحاجات الماشتركين ماهماا كانات درجة الناشغال‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫تقوم الشركة بإعأطاء الماواعأيد بدقة عأناد تقديم الخدماة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫مالئماة سإاعأات العمال لكل الماشتركين‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫تقوم الشركة بتنافيذ عأـدد ماـن الفعاليـات بهـدف الماحافظـة عألـى عألقــات طويلـة الماـد ماـع‬
‫الزبائن‪.‬‬ ‫‪.8‬‬

‫تأثير الفعالية على رضا الزبائن‬ ‫‪-3‬‬

‫غير‬ ‫مواف‬ ‫موافق‬
‫موافق‬ ‫محايد‬ ‫الفقرة‬ ‫م‪.‬‬
‫موافق‬ ‫ق‬ ‫بشدة‬

‫تهدف الشركة الى تحقيق رضا زبائناها بالدرجة الولى‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫تضع الشركة ماصلحة الزبائن في ماقدماة اهتمااماات الدارة العليا‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫تعمال الشركة عألى بنااء جسإور مان الثقة بين العامالين وجماهور الماتعامالين‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫تماناح الشركة عأمالءها الدائماين مازايا اضافية تمايزهم عأن العمالء العاديين‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫يشعر الماشترك بأن شركة جوال تهدف الى بنااء عألقة طويلة الماد‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫يتمايز ماوظفون شركة جوال بالتفاعأل ماع الماشتركين‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫تهتم شركة جوال بتقديم خدماات عأاماة للماجتماع‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫تأثير الخبرة على رضا الزبائن‪.‬‬ ‫‪-4‬‬

‫غير‬ ‫مواف‬ ‫موافق‬
‫موافق‬ ‫محايد‬ ‫الفقرة‬ ‫م‪.‬‬
‫موافق‬ ‫ق‬ ‫بشدة‬

‫يظهر ماقدم الخدماة لشركة جوال بشكل لئق‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫يتعامال الماوظف باحترام وحسإن الخلق ماع الزبائن‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫تضع ثقتك كامالة في ماقدم خدماة شركة جوال‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫يشعر الماشترك بأن ماقدم الخدماة يمالك خبرة كافية لليجاب عألى أسإئلته‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫يشعر الماشترك بالرتياح عأناد تعاماله ماع ماوظف الشركة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫يسإتطيع ماوظف الشركة التعامال ماع جمايع اناواع الماشتركين‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫تقدم الشركة ماعامالة خاصة لكل ماشترك)لكل ماشترك ماعامالة شخصية كأناه هو الماشترك‬
‫الوحيد للشركة(‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫تهتم الشركة بآراء الماشتركين و ماقترحاتهم وتفضيلتهم في تقديم خدماات جديدة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.8‬‬

‫تسإتخدم شركة جوال العديد مان وسإائل القنااع والترويج ماثل الفيس بوك‪.‬‬ ‫‪.9‬‬

‫يوازن ماوظف الشركة بين الجدية وبين التعامال الودي‪.‬‬ ‫‪.10‬‬

‫تأثير خدماتا الصيانة على رضا الزبائن‪.‬‬ ‫‪-5‬‬

‫غير‬ ‫مواف‬ ‫موافق‬
‫موافق‬ ‫محايد‬ ‫الفقرة‬ ‫م‪.‬‬
‫موافق‬ ‫ق‬ ‫بشدة‬

‫تقدم شركة جوال الخدماات بالشكل الصحيح وعأدم حدوث أخطاء فيها‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫تسإتخدم شركة جوال ماعدات وأدوات حديثة لتقديم الخدماات‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫عأنادماا تواجهك ماشكلة فإن الشركة تبديك اهتماام خاص لحلها‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫تغطي ماراكز تقديم خدماات الصياناة جمايع مانااطق الماشتركين‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫توفر الشركة للماشتركين اماكاناية طلب أو تفعيل أو إلغاء الخدماات الماطلوبة الكترونايا‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫أشعر أن السإرعأة التي يتم فيها صياناة العأطال مانااسإبة للماشتركين‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫يتعامال ماوظف الصياناة بلباقة ماع الماشتركين‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫رضا المستهلك‪.‬‬ ‫‪-6‬‬

‫غير‬ ‫مواف‬ ‫موافق‬
‫موافق‬ ‫محايد‬ ‫الفقرة‬ ‫م‪.‬‬
‫موافق‬ ‫ق‬ ‫بشدة‬

‫تشعر بالرضا عألى اشتراكك في شركة جوال‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫تشعر بالرضا عألى كل الخدماات التي تقدماها جوال‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫قد تتحسإن درجة رضاك اذا قامات جوال بإدخال بعض التعــديلت والتحسإــيناات عألــى جـودة‬

‫تقوم شركة جوال بالتواصل الماسإتمار ماعك بشأن السإتفسإار عأن جودة الخدماات‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫تعتقد أن الخدماات الماقدماة افضل مان توقعاتك‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫تشعر بالرضا عألى تكلفة الخدماات الماقدماة مان شركة جوال‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫تقوم شركة جوال بإناجاز الخدماات والماعامالت لك بالوقت المانااسإب‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫تشعر بالرضا حيال تفاعأل ماقدم الخدماة ماعك‪.‬‬ ‫‪.8‬‬

‫تشعرك شركة جوال بالرضا الشخصي بعد التعامال ماع ماقدم الخدماة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.9‬‬

‫تقوم الشركة دائماا عألى ارضاء الماشتركين‪.‬‬ ‫‪.10‬‬

‫تشعر بالرضا حيال تعامال الماوظفين ماع الماشتركين‪.‬‬ ‫‪.11‬‬

‫تشعر بالرضا عألى خدماات الصياناة الماقدماة مان شركة جوال‪.‬‬ ‫‪.12‬‬

‫تقوم شركة جوال بالتواصل الدوري ماعك بشأن خدماات الصياناة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.13‬‬

‫ولكم جزيل الشكر‬


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