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The information introduced in this course has been carefully researched, and I give it to
you with the best of our knowledge and principles. We nevertheless assume no liability
for damages of any nature which may result directly from the application, or use of the
details in this course. The information in this course is designed purely for those who
are interested in furthering their education.
The participation in this course is voluntary. The participant also therefore takes the full
responsibility for him or herself, and for his or her actions during the course and
No medical claims are made and or implied by the use of the methods described in this
program and no medical advice is given or intended to be given.
This knowledge doesn't replace a doctor, non-medical practitioner and/or comparable
orientated education!

Daniela Hills and Lina Hills

Calgary, AB, Canada and

Text and graphics/photos by Daniela Hills and Lina Hills

Aura pictures by

C o p y r i g h t , D a n i e l a H i l l s a n d L i n a H i l l s - w w w. G a t e L i g h t E L e a r n i n g . c o m - w w w. g a t e l i g h t . c o m

Usui-Reiki Introduction
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a system for healing and self-improvement

The concept and word Reiki (spoken: Ree-Kii) comes from Japan, and
is the expression for the universal life energy. It is defined as being
that power which acts and lives in all created matter.

The Reiki healing method is to channel the universal life energy, and
it is given to oneself or to others, by gently laying ones hand on or
slightly above the body. The one who provides the Reiki-Energy, the
giver, is the channel for the energy, and through the hands this
energy is given to the receiver.

Reiki is an inspired healing art of USUI Mikao Sensei (1865-1926).

Usui attained enlightenment, and a healing ability was
bestowed upon him in 1922, at the age of 57 while he was
fasting and meditating on the sacred mountain of Mount
Kurama in Kyoto.

Reiki works at a physical level, and is relaxing and pleasant.

On the emotional level it creates confidence in oneself, and in others.
It helps to strengthen the zest for life, and to feel more balanced.
Reiki works on the mental level too, helping you to cope with
everyday stress better. On the spiritual level Reiki helps and guides
you to develop your spiritual growth.

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Question & Answers

Does Reiki really work?

People have been reporting positive effects of Reiki since it was used by
Usui. Reiki is now accepted by more and more medical professionals,
hospitals, clinics and hospices as a helpful treatment option. If Reiki did
not work it would have never lasted this long in society.

How can you describe Reiki energy?

The energy can be very subtle, often leading to an accumulated

effect after the session, which can lead to wobbly legs, to
emotional shifts like laughter or crying, depending on the
blockages released, and the individual. Reiki seems to enter
the crown chakra, and moves through the body. Reiki is
given by a practitioner who acts as a channel for the
energy. The receiver is not greeting the practitioners energy, but
the universal Reiki energy flows through the giver to the receiver. It
energizes both participants.

Is Reiki a Religion?

Reiki is not a religion at all.

How is a Reiki treatment given?

In a standard treatment the client might be standing, or sitting, or laying on

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a massage table. The client remains fully clothed. The practitioner gives the
treatment with the hands on or near the clients body in different positions.

Can a Reiki treatment feel bad?

Since Reiki is a positive energy, it never harms anyone in any manner.

Some people might end up crying during or after a treatment, or might feel
a bit ill, dizzy, or disoriented afterwards. I think it depends on how
sensitive they are to the energy, and how deeply the blockages are rooted.
Tension, anxiety, fear, or other negative feelings get released, and after that
many people feel a wonderful peace too. On the other hand, you might feel
very relaxed, happy, and full of laughter. Some might feel a wonderful
glowing radiance. No matter what, Reiki will balance you, and bring a
change, and make you feel better.

Are there any serious side effects from a Reiki treatment?

No, there are no serious side effects. Some people might not feelings so
well for a short moment, because of whatever gets released in the body,
perhaps toxins, or emotional stress. But normally you will feel very relaxed,
and balanced. One hour of Reiki can have the same effect as 4 hours of
deep sleep. If there are any side effects then it is all part of the self-healing
process, and can last a few days, but mostly it only takes one or two hours
to dissipate.

Can common things like colds be treated?

Reiki does not promise healing, but it can help for pain relief, and can help

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for common things like colds, head or stomach aches, bee stings, flu,
tension and anxiety. Sickness often comes from stress. Reiki creates a deep
relaxation, and because of this, it helps to activate the self healing in

Does Reiki replace a doctor or regular treatment?

No. Stop! Always see your regular doctor! But it can help to assist regular
medical or psychological treatment. Reiki treatments can be good after a
surgery, or psychological care to assist in the healing process.

Who can learn to do Reiki?

Anyone can learn Reiki, even children. Reiki is so simple to learn!

What is a Reiki attunement?

An attunement is like an initiation. The master connects to the Reiki source,

and uses Reiki Symbols to connect you to the source of Reiki. It means you
are now able to channel Reiki to yourself and others when desired.

Durning the attunements your Chakras open, and can release blockages. A
Reiki attunement can feel like a Reiki session, but more intense. Maybe you
will feel emotional during or after the attunement. You may see colours,
memories can arise, or maybe you simply feel at peace.

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How long does it take to learn Reiki?

About one or two days for each level.

Who can I treat?

Your family, friends, pregnant women, animals, children, babies, plants,

food and water, and of course yourself.

Can I do distance healing?

Yes, you learn this in Reiki level II

How many levels are there to the Reiki training?

There are the first and second level, and the Master and Teacher level.

What is a Reiki Lineage?

To keep the Reiki energy pure, it is important that your Reiki Master-
Teacher has a lineage. This lineage can be traced to the source of Reiki, to
Mikao Usui.

My lineage is: Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata, Phyllis Lei
Furumoto, Monika Postatny, Christine Theis, Dietlinde Wernsdorfer,
Norbert Kuhl, Daniela Hills, Lina Hills

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Is Reiki safe?

Yes! Reiki energy is a divine energy, and will always do good.

Some other Notes:

• Once your are initiated into Reiki, the Reiki healing ability will be all
yours for the rest of your life.

• No complicated training is needed. The Reiki energy will flow of its own
accord. No conscious focussing is necessary.

• A Reiki practitioner is not in danger of learning and using other

modalities of healing before or after the course.

• Reiki does help and guide you to develop your spiritual growth.


Reiki doesn't replace a doctor, non-medical practitioner and/or comparable

orientated education!

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The Reiki Levels

The First Degree

You will learn the basic knowledge about Reiki and the basic hands-on healing
methods. You will be initiated into Reiki by means of “attunements” that will
empower you to be a Reiki channel. From this time on, Reiki energy will flow through
your hands. It means YOU are now a Reiki practitioner for the rest of your life. Isn't
that wonderful?

The Second Degree

In the Second Degree, you will learn the three Reiki symbols and their mantras.
These symbols are: The Power Symbol, the Mental Symbol, and the Long Distance
Symbol. This will enable you to do distance healing, mental and emotional healing, or
sending healing to the past and/or the future. But, most importantly you will learn to
heal your inner-child.

You will also learn how to install a Reiki shower and how to program Crystals with
Reiki. You will be able to enhance the Reiki Power and learn how to reprogram your
subconscious mind to release negative belief patterns. Very exciting stuff!!!

The Third Degree

You will be given the fourth symbol and its mantra after receiving the attunement.
This will bless you with a spiritual awakening, an expansion of consciousness, a
deeper peacefulness, a profound loving kindness, an increase of your intuition.

Teacher’s Degree

You will learn how to do the attunements and how to teach Reiki.

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Usui-Reiki History
The Founder
(Source: Komyo Reiki Kai workbook)

In the ancient capital city of Japan, on Mt. Kurama in

Kyoto, USUI Mikao Sensei (1865-1926), while fasting and
meditating, became enlightened to a healing energy
system called Reiki that would spread across the world.
USUI is the founder of Reiki. This happened in 1922,
when USUI was 57 years old. Since then, Reiki has
become the most popular healing modalities in the
The method of Reiki healing is a process that connects the practitioner to a
chi-like universal energy, who then channels that energy to the receiver.

The Reiki healing method was not rediscovered by Usui Sensei after
researching in Buddhist scriptures, as some people believe. Reiki is an
inspired healing art of USUI Sensei.

USUI Sensei wanted to share this gift of healing ability. In 1922 he opened
up “Usui Reiki Rhyoho Gakkai” at Aoyoma, Tokyo.

Over the rest of his life Usui became famous for Reiki, and he expand his
healing activities, and was often invited to teach Reiki classes. He taught,
and offered to do Reiki treatments in local districts like in the Hiroshima,
Saga, Kyushu.

The great Usui passed on March 9th, 1926.

Some believed him to be a Christian minister, but, in truth, he lived and

died as a Buddhist.

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!1 0
But how do we know about Reiki today in the West? It came to us from a
sea captain, from HAYASHI Chujiro Sensei (1879-1940).

Now it's not because Hayashi sailed to the west, bringing

with him Reiki teachings, but inadvertently this did
happen. The captain of the then Imperial Navy of Japan,
was initiated into the Reiki Teacher Degree in 1925, after
having retired from the Navy. Then he opened his Reiki
clinic at Shinano-cho, Tokyo.

After that Mrs. Hawayo TAKATA (1900-1980), a Japanese

American born in Hawaii, was diagnosed with a serious
illness. So she made a trip to Japan to seek help. She was
treated with Reiki by HAYASHI. The amazing, and life
altering thing that happened, is that she made an incredible
recovery from the illness. She recovered completely in a year.
So impressed by Reiki, she decided to work for HAYASHI
Sensei as a Reiki student for about one year before returning
to Hawaii.

In 1938 HAYASHI Sensei visited Mrs. TAKATA in Hawaii and initiated her
into the Reiki Teacher. After this Mrs. TAKATA set up her Reiki clinic in
Hawaii. Later on in her life she initiated 22 Reiki Teachers. Thanks to them
the Reiki method has become widespread in the West.

A granddaughter of Mrs. TAKATA, Ms. Phyllis FUROMOTO, and some of

the original Reiki Masters together head up the Reiki Alliance, a major
Reiki organization.

Reiki is now widespread across the world, with different teaching styles,
methods and advanced systems.

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!1 1
Reiki Principles
The Reiki Principles are spiritual Ideals
The Reiki Principles are there to help you as a daily reminder to bring
balance and peace into your life, and to maintain the positive energy of

Of course our daily life has challenges, it is not always easy to stick by
these principles. But still, they will remind you to watch your thoughts and
actions. If you do this, you will notice, that you will become more aware of
yourself, and this will help you to influence your daily life in a positive

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!1 2
Let’s look at the Reiki Principles a bit closer
Just for today do not worry:

Write down, what this Principle means to you:


Here are some thoughts:

When we have a problem in our lives, that creates fear and we usually

This causes stress and anxiety. Because of this stress your immune system
can weaken, and can have an effect on your health.

Thoughts connected with emotions create a strong energy. When you focus
on your problem, you give the problem lots of energy.

This Principle is a reminder not to send all the energy to the problem, but
instead to focus on a solution. Ask yourself: What can I do, to solve the
problem? Where can I get help?

Or maybe you are worried about someone. You put lots of energy toward
this worry, and the danger in this situation is that you can create something
which is actually not there.

So if you worry about something or someone, then acknowledge the worry,

because this is human, and you should not push it away. After you
acknowledge it, start to focus on the solution.

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!1 3
Just for today do not anger:

Write down, what this Principle means to you:


Here are some thoughts:

Anger is also a part of being human, but being constantly angry can really
destroy your well being. Don't let your anger control your life, you need to
learn to control your anger. This starts with your thoughts. If you are angry,
ask what thoughts are connected to it. Be aware of them, and decide to
change your thoughts. When you change your thoughts, your emotions
will shift.

This does not mean to push your anger aside, because your anger will just
build up, and you may explode some day. Instead, acknowledge that you
are angry, and remember this has a negative effect on your health.

Try to release your anger by imagining you are blowing this anger away
like a balloon, until the balloon is gone. This simple technique helps to clear
your negative thoughts that are causing your anger, and you will be able to
see the situation that made you angry in a different way. Try to find the
positive in the situation.

This little sentence can help: How good is it, that …

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!1 4
Honour your parents, teachers and elders

Write down, what this Principle means to you:


Here are some thoughts:

Sometimes it is not so easy to honour our parents, teachers and elders.

Some of us might have had a very negative experience, for example in the
childhood, with them. We don't understand why they acted like this, and it
is hard to forgive them. We need to learn that every person has their own
experiences in life, and this is why they act or behave the way they do. This
knowledge can help us to let go of it, and also to forgive. Forgiving does
not mean that we can change their actions and behaviour, and that we are
best friends with them either, but it helps to find our own inner peace.

Everyone is our teacher. From many people we can learn lots of good
things. Even if the lesson we learn from them tells us we don't want to be
like them.

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!1 5
Earn your living honestly

Write down what this Principle means to you:


Here are some thoughts:

You might think that this saying means that you go to work, and earn your
money honestly. And that might be true. But does doing honest work
mean that you enjoy what you are doing? For example: I once worked as a
secretary, but I never liked this kind of job. I earned good money, but I did
not enjoy it. This does not sound very honest, right? But I learned, with the
help of Reiki, to change my thinking about it. Instead of waking up in the
morning and thinking: “I don't want to go to work”, I changed this thought
to: “For the love of my health, and for the love of my family, I go to work
with gratitude, so I can support myself and my family.” With this new way
of thinking the energy shifted, and doors opened up for me to do what I
really love to do today.

All I want to say is: if you love your job, then you are in a good place. If
you don't like your job, because you would love to do something else, then
start first with changing your thoughts. Don't quit your job right away if
you can not afford it! Just ask yourself: Why do I need to have this job?
Then ask yourself: Why do I want to do this job for now? For example:
Because I need to support myself and/or family.

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!1 6
Show gratitude toward all living things

Write down, what this Principle means to you:


Here are some thoughts:

Gratitude is a very important aspect of spirituality. But it also influences

the physical world.
The more grateful you are, the more happy and successful you will become
in all aspects of your life.
This principle wants to remind you that you should see and treat
everything as a living thing. Not just what you think is alive, but also
everything around us. For example: a stone. Without stones we could not
builds streets, buildings and so on.

Gratitude is the quickest way for you to make a connection to your soul.
When you are connected to your soul, you become one with the universal
wisdom, because you feel connected with all that IS.

Another example: A common reason why we have problems with people is

because there is a lack of gratitude.  It is often the case that we expect
gratitude from other people when we are unaware of the fact that we do
not show them any gratitude ourselves.

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!1 7
You can test right now how much gratitude you have for certain people
around you. Imagine a scale from 1-100%. Simply ask yourself: to what
percentage am I grateful for the person in question? Be honest, and pay
attention to the first number that pops into your head, is it 100%? No? If
not you should find a reason to be grateful for this person.
If you can't find a reason, this is not surprising. This is quite common.

If this is the case, then thank this person for being so stubborn and terrible
that you can not find a reason to be grateful for them. Why? Because you
can learn something from this. All experiences, good or bad, are meant to
teach you something so you might expand your consciousness, so be
grateful! A good statement that will help you is: “How good it is, that…”

Now test again using the scale technique. Keep repeating it until you land
at 100%.

The result will probably surprise you. Why? The problem you have with
the person will, in most cases, simply vanish when you have grateful
thoughts towards them.

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!1 8
Aura and Chakra Lesson
The Aura – Your Personal Charisma

Every living organism is surrounded by an electromagnetic energy field,

and we call this an Aura. This field vibrates at different frequencies and
reflects our Body, Thoughts, Emotions, and Inner Being.

In the aura teachings we often talk about how the aura consists of different
ethereal bodies, or layers. These bodies are not fenced off, but flow into
each other.

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!1 9
The Four Energy Bodies/Layers

There are lots of teachings that state we have many energy levels. But most
healers work with the following aura levels:

1 - Ether body (etheric body, or vital body) - vitality

This field is the first layer and enfolds the body with a
distance approximately five centimetres above the skin. The
ether body contains information about the physical
structure, and gives vitality to the physical body.

2 - Emotional body - feelings, emotions

This field reflects the feelings and emotions of the

individual. The body contains the emotions connected to
your memories as well as how you feel at this current
moment. Emotional injuries must be healed, otherwise an
illnesses can result. How we feel depends also on our

3 - Mental body - thoughts

Here we find all of our thoughts and thought patterns. This

means the mental body is the carrier and organizer of the
conscious and unconscious thought-processes, as well as
thought habits like evaluation, ethical, and moral ideas.

If something is wrong in one’s world of thoughts, the body

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!2 0
reacts. Therefore this knowledge means responsibility – “What am I

5 - Spiritual body - bridge to the spiritual world

Here we connect to the power of creation, with the

unity of all life.

The spiritual body is also divided up into broader

layers, which I won't go into any further here, because
it is a very complex system, and not necessary for Reiki

Note: The aura is different from person to person in structure, form,

colour, and content. It is in continuous flux.

With the help of the Kirlian photography, named after two Russian
scientists Semjon and Walentina Kirlian, the aura can even be represented
photographically. Through further
development of high frequency photography,
in connection with computer technology, it is
even possible today to produce a colour
picture of a persons aura.

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!2 1
The Chakras

The aura does not only consist of different bodies, it is also connected to the
chakras, which have the task of taking in energy from the outside, to
supply the human energy system.

The vitality of our body, the development of the self consciousness, and
spiritual consciousness, depends on how well our chakras are working.

The word CHAKRA comes from the Indian

language, and basically means: "wheel". Meaning:
these are energy centers, which are distributed
over the body, and which are connected to each
other through channels.

Since thousand of years chakras have been widely

acknowledged in traditional Asian medicine, and
are used for diagnosis and therapy of disturbances
in the physical, spiritual, and mental areas. They
also connect with the meridians known in
acupuncture and reflex zones. There are different
possibilities to open these chakras so that the
energy can flow without obstruction.

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!2 2
The Seven Main Chakras

There are seven main chakras. They are lined up

along the spinal column in the middle of the
body, and open to the front and back, as well as
the top (crown chakra) and to the bottom (root
chakra). Another thing which is often not taken
into account: the chakras in front stand for
consciousness, and feelings, the chakras in the
back stand for the unconsciousness, and for the
will. The ones above are for the spiritual
connection, and the ones below are naturally for
the grounding.

Every chakra also has a certain colour.

Certain meanings are also ascribed to the chakras.

Here is a short summary of the seven main chakras:

1. Root Chakra - Red

It lies at the base of the spinal column, and opens up

towards the earth. This chakra influences your life, and
how well you stand on both legs in life. It stands for
manifestation, saying yes to life, passion, survival, and
physical activity.

Questions you can ask yourself: Where are my roots?

What do I want in my life?

Related body areas and organs are joints, muscles, heart,

blood and nervous system.

Activation: physical activity, like walking, sport

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!2 3
2. Sacral Chakra - Orange

This Chakra reflects creativity, sociability, relationships,

emotional life and sexuality.

It lies in the area of the abdomen, opening to the front and


Questions you can ask yourself: Do I have enough fun in

my life?

Related body areas and organs are intestines, spleen,

digestive track, and reproductive organs.

Activation: Dancing, especially Belly-Dance :)

3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Yellow

This Chakra stands for mental activity. It is the center of the ego and
personal power, personal strength, dominance, intellectual understanding,
also fear, anger, and separation. It gives energy to your
dreams and goals, and helps you to take action.

It lies in the area of the solar plexus and opens to the front
and back.

This is also the place for self-expression, the judgement of

oneself, and of others.

Here intuition happens in the physical area, we often call

this the gut feeling.

Ask yourself: How is my personal strength?

Related body areas and organs are stomach, solar plexus and liver.

Activation: Sun Bathing

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!2 4
4. Heart Chakra - Green

This chakra is on the same level with your heart, and

opens to the front and back.

It stands for love, self-respect and self love, emotions,

forgiveness, sympathy, and healing. It is the meeting
place for body, mind and spirit..

Related body areas and organs are heart and lungs, chest,
circulation, arms and hands.

Ask yourself: Do I love myself? Can I forgive?

Activation: Reiki

5. Throat Chakra - Blue

The throat chakra lies in the neck and opens to the front
and back.

This Chakra is all about communication at all levels:

with yourself, with ethereal beings, and with other

It stands for self expression, putting ideas into action,

openness, truth, individuality, wisdom and
responsibility, clear communication, inspirations, to give
and to take.

Related body areas and organs are lungs, throat, bronchi and voice.

Ask yourself: How do I communicate?

Activation: learning a language, singing

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6. Third Eye Chakra - Violet-Indigo

This Chakra lies at the middle of the forehead, above the

eyebrows, and opens to the front and back.

This center is the seat of intuition, ideas, visions,

insights, imagination, and inspiration. It communicates
via pictures and ideas.

Related body areas and organs are the eyes, nervous

system, brain and forehead.

Ask: Do I trust my Intuition?

Activation: Reading spiritual books, visualization, meditation, fairytales,


7. Crown Chakra - White-Violet

This chakra is on the top of your head and opens up

toward the sky. This Chakra stands for inner knowledge,
enlightenment, connection with higher planes of
consciousness, and spiritual truth.

Related body areas and organs are brain, nervous


Activation: Meditation, and activation of all the other


Moreover there are a variety of secondary chakras. The secondary charkas,

which are most important to us, are in the insides of the hands where the
Reiki energy flows out, and in the middle of the soles of the feet.

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Note: The energy body doesn't only consist of these mentioned bodies and
chakras, but is actually a complex structure which is anything but easy to


The auras, chakras and energy systems of anyone can become blocked,
because of our experiences in life, or believes, thoughts and emotions.
With Reiki we can release such blockages to bring healing into our lives.

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Reiki Attunements
What is attunement?

An attunement is like an initiation. The master connects to the Reiki source,

and uses Reiki Symbols to connect you to the source of Reiki. It means you
are now able to channel Reiki to yourself and others when desired.

During the attunements your Chakras open, and can release blockages. A
Reiki attunement can feel like a Reiki session, but more intense. Maybe you
will feel emotional during or after the attunement. You may see colours,
memories can arise, or maybe you simply feel at peace.

Direct Attunements

Your teacher will explain, what to do.

How to Prepare for the Distance Attunements

The First Degree has four attunements, that you will

get in one session. Please plan around 40 minutes or more just for yourself.

After your appointment has been confirmed, please find a quiet place
where you can either sit comfortably or lay down. You can have some
relaxing music playing in the background only if this is something you

Have a glass of water ready that you can drink after the attunements have
been completed. This water will be programmed especially for you by your

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teacher during your attunements to help activate the Reiki energy.

Now set your intention. Say out loud or just in your mind: “I am now open,
ready and willing to receive the Reiki level I attunements (from the
attunements depot)! I am now allowing myself to experience these Reiki
level I attunements for my highest and best well being!”

After approximately 40 minutes ( or whenever you feel that the

attunements were completed) drink the glass of water that has been
programmed to activate the Reiki energy and allow the flow of energy to
release all blockages in your body, mind and spirit.

How does an Attunement feel like?

Attunements can feel different for each person. Some people may feel as if
they are surrounded by an energy cloud, they can see colours, feel tingling
on the head or third eye, memories or emotions can come up, they can feel
very light or very heavy. Some don’t feel anything. Whatever you
experience during your attunements, is what you need to experience at that
moment. There is no right or wrong. It also depends on how sensitive you
are to energy, be open and let it happen. Don’t block the flow of energy
through negative thoughts and doubt, or the believe that you cannot be a
Reiki channel. Be open and willing to receive the attunements.

After the Attunements

For the next 21 days after the Attunements, you will experience a period
of healing and clearing. That means during this time you can experience
some emotional ups and downs, or maybe you sweat more. It is similar to a
detox. During this time you should give yourself Reiki-treatments as often

C o p y r i g h t , D a n i e l a H i l l s a n d L i n a H i l l s - w w w. G a t e L i g h t E L e a r n i n g . c o m - w w w. g a t e l i g h t . c o m

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as you can. Try to integrate it into your daily life! Or maybe use the time
short before you fall asleep. Please, use the 21 days to treat only yourself!
These are your 21 days of healing and clearing!

It is also important, that you eat healthy, take time to practice Reiki and
drink lots of water during this time.

For the remainder of this day of the attunements please take it easy and be
good to yourself!

C o p y r i g h t , D a n i e l a H i l l s a n d L i n a H i l l s - w w w. G a t e L i g h t E L e a r n i n g . c o m - w w w. g a t e l i g h t . c o m

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How to Give Reiki

Take off your jewellery and watches. Wear

comfortable clothes. Wash your hands. An example how
to connect with
The treatment can be done reclining/sitting
or lying down. Make yourself comfortable;
Reiki for yourself:
create a quiet, and a nice relaxed
atmosphere. “I am now a Reiki
channel, and I ask for
Ground yourself. Just concentrate on your
blessings, and healing on
feet, and feel the connection to the ground.
all levels of my being,
Or if you are lying down simply feel the
physically, emotionally,
mattress under your body. Don't cross your
mentally and spiritually,
for my highest and best
Connect with the Reiki-energy. Say to well being. Thank you.

yourself silently, that you now want to be a Additional: I ask my

Reiki-channel. spirit guides, angels, and

Hold your hands in a bowl shape. helpers to assist, protect,

and to guide me. Thank
Touch the body softly without pressing. you.”
Where there is wounds hold your hands a
few centimetres away from them.

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Stay at each position about 3-5 Minutes. Follow your intuition.

Basically two hands, side by side or end to end, are used to do Reiki,
especially on twin organs such as lungs, kidney and ears.

One hand is also used depending on an area and/or a symptom.

A double hand, hand on hand, can be used to strengthen the energy


While doing Reiki your hand may feel tingly, or hot. If it feels cold,
stay longer on this area to release the blockage.

It is important when doing spiritual work to be
grounded. Grounding means to connect and become
one with the Earth and your surroundings.

Have your feet side by side. Then concentrate on your

feet, and feel the connection to the ground.

If you are lying down simply feel the mattress under

your body. Don't cross your legs.

That should be enough. If you know another grounding

technique, go right ahead and do it.

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Daily Chakra- Self-Treatment

C o p y r i g h t , D a n i e l a H i l l s a n d L i n a H i l l s - w w w. G a t e L i g h t E L e a r n i n g . c o m - w w w. g a t e l i g h t . c o m

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The following is an example for a full body self-treatment:

lower spleen area


s lower back buttocks

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Chakra Balancing
You can also balance your Chakras. Simply hold your hands over the
Chakras, notice the difference of each Chakra, and wait until both of the
Chakras feel in balance, or both hands feel the same.

Here are some suggestions for a Chakra Balance:

Here I show you a general Chakra Balance:

Root-Chakra and Crown-Chakra

Sacral-Chakra and Third Eye-Chakra

Solar Plexus-Chakra and Throat-Chakra


C o p y r i g h t , D a n i e l a H i l l s a n d L i n a H i l l s - w w w. G a t e L i g h t E L e a r n i n g . c o m - w w w. g a t e l i g h t . c o m

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If you have too many thoughts that are overwhelming you, or you can
not sleep, balance the following Chakras

One hand over the Third Eye-Chakra, and one hand over the Throat-
Chakra, wait until both Chakras feel balanced, and repeat the same with
all the others listed below

Third Eye-Chakra and Heart-Chakra

Third Eye-Chakra and Solar plexus-Chakra

Third Eye-Chakra and Sacral-Chakra

Third Eye-Chakra and Root-Chakra

C o p y r i g h t , D a n i e l a H i l l s a n d L i n a H i l l s - w w w. G a t e L i g h t E L e a r n i n g . c o m - w w w. g a t e l i g h t . c o m

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No Stress
I know, life keeps us busy, and you may not have time to give yourself a
Reiki treatment every day. Don’t put yourself under stress, because this is
not the purpose of Reiki. Try to integrate Reiki in a way you feel
comfortable, even if it is just for few minutes. Maybe you can try to put
your hands on your heart chakra when you want to sleep, or simply put
your hands on your Solar Plexus when watching TV. It is just a suggestion
to give yourself Reiki everyday, but still, few minutes a day are helpful in
your healing time.

Chase the Pain

If you have pain, then just put your hands there where you feel it. Maybe
after a while you feel the pain is gone, but you feel pain on another part of
the body. Go there with your hands to give Reiki. Do this, until you feel

Treat both sides

If for example one knee hurts, and the other one is fine, please treat both
knees, by starting at first with the knee that is free of pain.

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What else can you do in your 21 days of healing time?

Food and Water

You can give Reiki to your food, water, or other drinks to charge them with
positive energy.

Try it out with a Banana! Cut a banana in two parts, one

half you leave alone, the other one you charge with

To charge food or drinks, just connect with the Reiki

Source, with your intention, to bless your food. Then
hold your hand over the food or water for a few

When you do this with a banana, try to taste the

difference between the uncharged banana and the one
with the Reiki charge banana!


If you need to take any medication, you can take them in your hands for a
few minutes, to charge them with positive energy, with the intention, that
you will receive the benefits of it, and that it will help you for your well
being. This method can help you to ease your mind if you don't like to take
any medication. Remember, Reiki does not replace a doctor! Always
consult your doctor!

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Protecting yourself before a Reiki session is a good idea, so that you stay in
your own positive energy during the session or other situations. BUT: If
you permanently have the feeling, however, that you must protect yourself,
then ask yourself seriously: What causes me to have so much fear? Why do
I always want to protect

Connect with the Reiki

energy- source.

Visualize a white
energy orb around
you, which wraps you
and your energy field

From my experience this

protection generally holds
a couple of hours.

The Reiki techniques are a good aid to strengthen your energy field. You
can learn to stand firmly on both feet again. Reiki can strengthen your love
and self consciousness for yourself! This is the biggest protection of all!

C o p y r i g h t , D a n i e l a H i l l s a n d L i n a H i l l s - w w w. G a t e L i g h t E L e a r n i n g . c o m - w w w. g a t e l i g h t . c o m

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Cleansing a Room of unwanted energy
If you feel that the energy in the room,
where you do a Reiki Treatment is
stagnant, or feels uncomfortable, then
you can cleanse the room energetically
by mentally bringing white or golden
light into the room, and letting the
energy flow. You can use sage and
smudge if you like to.

Maybe you want to check out the

course “How to do a spiritual cleansing” by Daniela Hills.

Later in Reiki Level 2 you will learn how to cleanse a room of negative
energy with the Reiki Symbols.How do you know, if there is a blockage?

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How do you know, if there is a blockage?

Normally you feel it in your hands, when you are giving Reiki on a certain
part of the body. Often your hands feel cold, or it feels like nothing is
happening. If this is the case, please stay longer over this area, until you
feel your hands are getting warm, or the energy is flowing.

What should you think when giving Reiki?

Always have good thoughts. Don’t think, for example, about the bad news
you just saw on TV. Simply think, “the Reiki energy is flowing”

I personally like to send love with my thoughts to the area that I give


Some Reiki Practitioners like to rub their palms to activate the Palm

Follow your intuition

When you give Reiki, listen to your Intuition. For example if you want to
treat your head, because you have headache, and suddenly you feel like
going with your hands over your stomach, then follow this impulse,
because there is a reason for it.

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