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Objective: The objective of this project is to provide insight into ISIS’ way of thinking, raise

awareness on terrorism and its place in today’s world as a whole, and to utilize research to
propose a solution to the worldwide epidemic. The proposed solution will be a method to resolve
ISIS’ presence in the Middle East and reduce their local threat there.

The US should back this plan to finally rid the world of the threat of ISIS. Not only has the
terrorist group trespassed against us, they have also slighted many of the world’s nations and
remain a formidable and feared force in the area they currently occupy.

Theory and History: Many scholars educated on the affairs of ISIS in past years would agree
that eradicating the group by physical means would not solve the problem. In fact, it could
aggravate more people to join their cause and harbor malice against the US as a result. ISIS’
ultimate goal is to create a worldwide Sunni caliphate. Brought about by the US meddling in
Iraq, essentially part of the blame of ISIS’ creation can be cast upon us. By interfering in Saudi
Arabia in defending against the threat of invasion of Saddam Hussein, we therefore made an
enemy of al-Qaeda, and eventually ISIS after an al-Qaeda branch off undertook that name. We
originally offended and became a target of al-Qaeda’s anger because of our role in defending
Saudi Arabia’s oil refineries from Hussein, a role they had wanted as well. Consequently, ISIS’
specific goal cannot be crushed, as it will only transfer from the mind of one to another. As
unwarranted as it is, negotiations must be made to come to a peaceful resolution with ISIS. If
they cannot come to compromise and reach an agreeable decision for both the US and
themselves, then so be it, the force of the US army will ensue upon them.

Overview: The action plan below will consist of the US meeting with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to
reach a documented treaty, with the goal of establishing compromises to please both sides. This
action plan is based off of prior research, such as evidence that ISIS has not yet been defeated
through physical repression alone, and likely will not be. The only way to come to a final, lasting
solution on the matter of ISIS is to conduct negotiations, not wage war.

Step Who What/Action When/Time Resources Communications

1 President President He will send Human: The Arriving on the
Trump & Abu Trump will said letter to US post mail beginning of Eid Al-
Bakr al- handwrite a be received system. Fitr, al-Baghdadi will
Baghdadi letter in which by al- Supplies: be found in a better
he will Baghdadi on Paper, pen, mood and will
propose a June 14, and an receive the letter
meeting 2018, the envelope with enthusiasm and
between beginning of Capital: $0.49 delight. He will see
himself and Eid Al-Fitr, a to mail a first- the benefits of
al-Baghdadi. big holiday in class single- creating a treaty
the Islamic piece letter. with the US and
religion, promptly respond an
celebrating appropriate meeting
the end of place and time. The
Ramadan. entire group of ISIS
will approach the
situation with
caution and subtle
hope for a suitable

2 President President The meeting Human: This meeting will be

Trump and Trump will will take Mariano a coalbed for media.
Abu Bakr al- meet Abu place on Rajoy Brey Support as well as
Baghdadi Bakr al- June 17, will need to anger will arise from
Baghdadi 2018 shortly give sanction multiple nations
approximatel after the for the around the world as
y halfway in conclusion of meeting and a result of the
Barcelona, Islam’s there will unprecedented
Spain in the holiday Eid need to be a negotiations with the
Palau de la Al-Fitr. minimum of head of ISIS.
Generalitat 30 officers of
de Catalunya Spain for
for a meeting both the
protection of
Trump and
Supplies: N/A
Taking a
Airlines Jet,
$2,034 will
need to be
Trump to
3 President President The Human: al- The former group
Trump, and Trump will assimilation Baghdadi will known as ISIS will
Abu Bakr al- agree to will take 5 be required to be disbanded and
Baghdadi allow ISIS to years after lead and will come to a
integrate into which any delegate peaceful halt in the
Puerto Rico, influx of ISIS inside the territories of Puerto
and establish members into area of land Rico. The middle
a small area Puerto Rico designated to east will no longer
of the US will be denied the group. face the threat of
territory as a by the US Supplies: ISIS, and neither will
caliphate in Food and the rest of the world.
which ISIS housing will ISIS will be satisfied
may delegate be provided with having their
their own for any own land to manage
affairs. Abu residents in their own affairs how
Bakr will the area for they see fit.
agree to up until a
officially year, after
disband ISIS, which the
and negate former group
all attempts ISIS will be
to resume required to
their feed
terroristic themselves
methods and pay
under penalty expenses on
of war. They property and
will also sell land they
the US all oil have
in their acquired.
supplies to Capital: The
secure process will
funding for take
this $20,000,000
operation. through
, housing,
food, and
legalization of
all former

4 President Physical Construction Human: People of Puerto

Trump perimeters of the wall will Construction Rico will be safe
(walls, guard take 2 years workers will from former ISIS
outposts) will to complete. need to members as they
be set up to construct the will also be safe
secure the structure, and from the citizens of
safety of all guards will Puerto Rico. This is
other Puerto need to be also to ease tension
Rican citizens hired during between the citizens
as well as the the in Puerto Rico and
new construction the former group of
immigrants process as ISIS as there will
from well as to fill sure to be
outsiders. the guard resistance from both
outposts sides.
once they
have been
will be
required to
fund the
of the wall, as
well as pay
the workers
and guards.

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