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Objectives & Testing Assignment

Richie Cobb

California State University, Monterey Bay

IST 522: Instructional Design

Dr. Jeanne Farrington

October 17, 2017


Objectives & Testing Assignment

Declarative Objectives

Objective 1

From memory, CHOMP physicians will be able to recall the five components of patient-centered

communication skills with 100% accuracy.

Test question. List five components that are essential to patient-centered communication.

1.___________________________ 4.___________________________

2.___________________________ 5.___________________________


Answers. Uncomplicated, specific, repetition, avoid jargon, and check for patient understanding

(King & Hoppe, 2013).

Objective 2

Given a list of technology tools, MIST graduate students will be able to identify which tools are

used in blended learning educational platforms with 100% accuracy.

Test question. From the following list, please identify (circle) the tool(s) commonly used in

blended learning educational platforms:

Google G Suite Applications

Adobe Camtasia



Answers. All should be circled. They are all tools used in blended learning.

Procedural Objectives

Objective 1.

Given a learning scenario, MIST graduate students will be able to design a blended learning

curriculum. Responses will be consistent with methods discussed in the learning modules.

Test question. In an essay, students outline a blended-learning course curriculum for the

following scenario: An AP History teacher wants to teach students the history of WWI. Due to

excessive snow days, the teacher has fallen behind schedule and needs to cut this lesson down to

three days instead of a week as originally planned. A key component of this lesson is an

interactive simulation game that lets students roleplay world leaders and make decisions that

would avoid the war. She does not want to scrap this component of the lesson. The school

utilizes Google for Education services and the teacher has access to Google tools such as Google


Answer. Essay responses will vary but should discuss teaching part of the lesson online and

mention tools that would be utilized to do so such as Google sites and Camtasia. Answers should

be consistent with material presented in the training module.

Objective 2

Given a roleplay scenario, CHOMP physicians will be able to apply patient-centered

communication skills utilizing the five components in the job aid within a 15-minute

conversation with a patient.


Test question. Roleplay the following scenario and apply patient-centered communication skills

to the interaction with your patient: A 58-year old female is in the clinic today to receive her

biopsy results. The results indicate stage 4 breast cancer. You have a 15-minute consultation


Answer. Evaluate for 5 essential components of patient-centered communication using the

following checklist (King & Hoppe, 2013):

Was the communication uncomplicated? YES NO

Was the communication specific? YES NO

Did the physician avoid using jargon? YES NO

Checked for patient understanding? YES NO



King, A., & Hoppe, R. B. (2013). Best practice for patient-centered communication: A narrative

review. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 5(3), 385–393.

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