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1. An individual motor nerve fiber and its several muscle fibers constitute a motor unit.

electrical activity of motor units can be recorded by
a. Electromyography AAO 2014-2015,sec 6 chp 5 hal 43
b. Electrocardiogrphy
c. Electroencephalography
d. Electronystagmography
2. To useful research tool in the investigation of normal and abnormal innervation of eye muscles
a. An electromyogram AAO 2014-2015,sec 6 chp 5 hal 43
b. An Electrocardiogram
c. An Electroencephalogram
d. An Electronystagmogram
3. As the eye moves farther into abduction, more and more lateral rectus motor units are
activated and brought into play by the brain to help pull the eye. This process is called
A. Recruitment AAO 2014-2015,sec 6 chp 5 hal 43
B. Movent
C. Gaze
D. Haze
4. To increased innervation and contraction force of a given EOM are accompanied by a
reciprocal decrease in innervation and contraction force of its antagonist. For example, as the
right eye abducts, innervation of the right lateral rectus muscle is increased, generating
increased force; simultaneously, innervation of the right medial rectus is reduced, creating a
matching reduction in this muscle's force its called
a. Sherrington's law AAO 2014-2015,sec 6 chp 5 hal 44
b. Vvv
c. Ff
d. Ff
5. When binocular eye movements are conjugate and the eyes move in the same direction,
such movements are called
a. Version AAO 2014-2015,sec 6 chp 5 hal 48
b. Vergence
c. Cyclovergence
d. Divergence
6. When the both eyes rotate so that the superior portion of the vertical corneal meridian moves
to the patient's right its called
a. Dextrocycloversion AAO 2014-2015 sec 6 chp 5 hal 48
b. Depression
c. Vergence
d. Cyclovergence
7. When the movement of both eyes so that the superior portion of the vertical corneal meridian
rotates to the patient's left its called
a. Levocycloversion AAO 2014-2015 sec 6 chp 5 hal 48
b. Dextrocycloversion
c. Depression
d. Vergence
8. When the unaffected eye is fixating, the amount of misalignment is called the
a. primary deviation AAO 2014-2015 sec 6 chp 5 hal 49
b. secondary deviation
c. double deviation
d. triple deviation
9. When the paretic or restrictive eye is fixating, the amount of misalignment is called the
a. primary deviation
b. secondary deviation AAO 2014-2015 sec 6 chp 5 hal 49
c. double deviation
d. triple deviation
10. The smooth pursuit system generates all following, or pursuit, eye movements. Pursuit latency
is shorter than for saccades, but the maximum peak velocity of these slow pursuit movements
is limited to
a. 30°-60°/sec AAO 2014-2015 sec 6 chp 5 hal 52
b. 120°-360°/sec
c. 180°/sec
d. 60°-90°/sec
11. The involuntary optokinetic system utilizes smooth pursuit to track a moving object and then
introduces a compensatory saccade to refixate. Tests of this system, performed with an
optokinetic stimulus, are often used to
a. detect visual responses in an infant or child with apparent vision loss, such as with ocular
motor apraxia AAO 2014-2015 sec 6 chp 5 hal 52
b. integrate eye movements with body movements
c. to evaluate double deviation
d. evaluate triple deviation
12. Accommodative convergence of the visual axes Part of the synkinetic near reflex. A fairly
consistent increment of accommodative convergence (A C) occurs for each diopter of
accommodation (A), giving the accommodative convergence/accommodation (AC!A) ratio.
Abnormalities of this ratio are common, and they are an important cause of strabisus. With an
abnormally high AC/ A ratio, the excess convergence tends to produce
a. to produce esotropia during accommodation on near targets AAO 2014-2015 sec 6 chp 5
hal 51
b. to produce esotropia during accommodation on far targets
c. to produce exotropia during accommodation on near targets
d. to produce exotropia during accommodation on far targets
13. An abnormally low AC/ A ratio tends to make the eyes less esotropic, the excess convergence
tends to produce
a. To produce exotropic, when the patient looks at near targets. AAO 2014-2015 sec 6 chp 5
hal 51
b. to produce esotropia during accommodation on near targets
c. to produce esotropia during accommodation on far targets
d. to produce exotropia during accommodation on far targets
14. A movement to converge and position the eyes so that similar retinal images project on
corresponding retinal areas it called
a. Fusional convergence AAO 2014-2015 sec 6 chp 5 hal 51
b. Proximal convergence
c. Tonic convergence
d. Fusional divergence
15. An induced convergence movement caused by a psychological awareness of near; this
movement is particularly apparent when a person looks through an instrument such as a
binocular microscope its called
a. Fusional convergence
b. Proximal convergence AAO 2014-2015 sec 6 chp 5 hal 51
c. Tonic convergence
d. Fusional divergence
16. The constant innervational tone to the EOMs when a person is awake and alert. Because of the
anatomical shape of the bony orbits and the position of the rectus muscle origins, the
alignment of the eyes under complete muscle paralysis is divergent.Therefore, convergence
tone is necessary in the awake state to maintain straight eyes even in the absence of
strabismus this can be seen in
a. Fusional convergence
b. Fusional divergence
c. Esotropic AAO 2014-2015 sec 6 chp 5 hal 51
d. Exotropic
17. The secondary deviation is larger than the primary deviation because
a. because of the increased innervation necessary to move the paretic or restrictive eye to
the position of fixation AAO 2014-2015 sec 6 chp 5 hal 49
b. because of the decreased innervation necessary to move the paretic or restrictive eye to
the position of fixation
c. A. because of the increased innervation necessary to move the paretic eye or liberating to
position fixation
d. A. because of the decreased innervation necessary to move the paretic eye or liberating to
position fixation
18. A rotation of both eyes such that the superior pole of each vertical corneal meridian rotates
temporally its called
a. excyclovergence AAO 2014-2015 sec 6 chp 5 hal 51
b. incyclovergence
c. Convergence
d. Divergence

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