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1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Documents and SAP notes ........................................................................................................................ 2
3. General steps to install a new language .................................................................................................... 2
3.1. Planning ............................................................................................................................................. 3
3.2. Analysis of db and system space ....................................................................................................... 3
3.3. Download software ........................................................................................................................... 3
3.4. Configuration and installation ........................................................................................................... 4
3.5. Supplementation of new language ................................................................................................. 20
1. Introduction

This document describe how to install a new language on SAP.

2. Documents and SAP notes

You can follow the steps indicate in the following sap documents:
sap-systems at point n. 4

language pack:


3. Steps to install a new language

1. Planning

2. Analysis of db and system space

3. download software

4. Configuration and installation

5. supplementazione lingua su tutti i mandanti

6. importazione pacchetti lingua delta Support Package

3.1. Planning

Planning the activities with the custom

3.2. Analysis of db and system space

The installation of new language occupies approximately 5GB

3.3. Download software

I have downloaded the DVD for the language package indicated into note 330104:

I have also downloaded the support package indicated from SMLT from solution manager

Insert the software downloaded into /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in.

In this case I have inserted the software into /usr/sap/trans_ERP/EPS/in.

3.4. Configuration and installation

Execute transaction I18N on client 000:

Click on “Add” button:

Select FR to add French.
Click on “Activate”.
We must modify the parameter zcsa/installed_languages and add DEFIS.

In our case, for Coesia, we can’t add this parameter.

Now we can execute the transaction SMLT and click on create language:

Now we can view the French language:

Now I can install the language pack that I have copied on EPS/in directory:
Found language should show either Green or Yellow button.

If it is showing Red button it means you have downloaded the wrong source.

Double check on SAP Service Market Place and download the right source files.
Press Execute to install the selected Language.
The import was scheduled in background

Monitor the import process in SM37 and Import transport logs.

In addiction I must wait for the end of the import.

Time to end 3h and 30m
3.5. Installation of Support Package for the new language

First you must update the support package of SPAM/SAINT

Verify which path the SPAM transaction use for the .PAT search.

SMLT -> select the language package

Enter in menu Language and import the support package

I have inserted the support package indicated into directory /usr/sap/trans_ERP/EPS/in.

Go to next page:
If all support package are green you can go to next page:

Import in background.

A job SAP-LANG-OCS* will be scheduled.

When it will finish you must verify the log:

In the job log is indicated that we must execute RSTLAN_IMPORT_OCS again.

Enter in SMLT and re-execute the import of support package.

After the job will finish you must verify the log and re-execute if it is indicated.

3.6. Supplementation of new language

On client 000 launch transaction SMLT.

View the job in SM37

After the job will be completed, you must execute the same procedure on the other client (different from

You must verify that in this client the flag “Supplement cross-client table” is not check.
Alternately for the old SAP version, you can applied the sap note 1996550 for report
RSTLAN_SUPPLEMENT_UNI and execute this in every client higher than 000.

On client 100-200-300:


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