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Intern Name: Eliza Cohen

Topic/Title of Lesson: Sports Vocabulary

Grade: 7th
Length of Lesson: 30 minutes
Date Taught: Friday, May 18th
In this lesson… students will acquire first-time knowledge of the sport
vocabulary in target language. Students will then identify the learned sports
Overview through repetition of presented powerpoint, a game of Fly Swatter, cara a cara
(Charades), and an exit ticket.
Standards of - N/A: No SOL or formal assessment other than AFLAP (speaking,
writing, listening, reading)
Learning - Spanish I curriculum
Students will be able to…
● Understand the introduced sport vocabulary
● Identify the sports in Spanish by participating in “Fly Swatter” and
Objectives “Cara a Cara”
● Students will then be able to relay their favorite sport and their best
friend’s favorite sport through a traditional, written, exit-ticket
I can… identify the new sport vocabulary in Spanish and practice this
Learning Target vocabulary by playing games
El béisbol
El baloncesto o básquetbol
El futbol
El fútbol americano
El tenis
La natación
El golf
El hockey
El softbol
El ciclismo
El vóleibol
El guante
Key Vocabulary El bate
or Concepts El balón
La canasta
La pelota
El palo de hockey o el palo de golf
El uniforme
El entrenador(a)
El jugador(a)
El partido
● Computer
● Fly Swatters
Materials ● Pencil
● Exit ticket (Provided)
Introduction/ ● “Te gusta jugar deportes?” “Do you like to play sports?!”
● Go over learning target
Hook ● Introduce new vocabulary through powerpoint
1. Intern will ask ask the questions “Quien le gusta jugar deportes?” “Who
here likes to play sports?!”
2. Intern will then introduce sport vocabulary and students will repeat in
Spanish. After exploring all the words at least once, we will go over it
one more time
3. Students will then briefly play Fly Swatter for intern and cooperating
teacher to view levels of comprehension
Instructional 4. Students will then work in pairs to play “Cara a cara” (Similar to
Charades, one person of pair will whisper a sport in their buddy’s ear,
Activities the partner will then act it out and the class will raise their hands to
5. Students will then be informally assessed in an exit ticket which will

- “Cual es tu deporte favorito?”

- “Cual es el deporte favorito de tu amigo(a) mejor?”

Accommodations N/A
Students will write responses in Spanish to the following traditional exit ticket:

Closure Activity “Cual es tu deporte favorito?”

“Cual es el deporte favorito de tu amigo(a) mejor?”

Exit ticket: I will review and grade exit tickets, Mrs. Tricoche will put grades in
Assessments gradebook if she feels necessary
Resources Mrs. Tricoche’s Vocabulary List

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