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Oklahoma Strategic Solutions


SAMPLE SIZE: 500 Likely 2018 GOP Primary Voters Statewide

FIELD DATES: May 22-23, 2018

MARGIN OF ERROR : +/- 4.4%

1. What political party are you registered with?

Republican 100%

2. How likely would you say you are to vote in the Republican Primary
elections for state, and local offices next June 26th, 2018?

Certain to vote 89%

Probably vote 11%

3. What would you say is the most important issue facing the state of
Oklahoma today?

Abortion 5%
Education 13%
Illegal Immigration 18%
Improving the Economy 12%
State budget 19%
Uncovering waste, fraud, & abuse 23%
Other or don't know 10%

4. Thinking about the Republican primary election for Governor, if the

election were held today, who would you vote for?

Mick Cornett 13%

Dan Fisher 4%
Gary Jones 3%
Todd Lamb 20%
Gary Richardson 13%
Kevin Stitt 17%
Undecided 30%
D1. If you were to label yourself based on your political beliefs how
would you describe yourself?

Very conservative 55%

Somewhat Conservative 33%
Moderate 9%
Somewhat Liberal 1%
Very liberal <1%
not sure 2%

D2. Age Range

18-34 6%
35-44 11%
45-54 17%
55-64 24%
65 and older 42%

D3. Gender

Male 47%
Female 53%

4. Congressional District (PRE-CODE)

CD 1 24%
CD 2 15%
CD 3 23%
CD 4 20%
CD 5 18%

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