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Answer 1.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan

Appearance Creates The First Impression… True! We all agree with the statement, but with
some limitations. We keep our work desk & our office cabin clean but at the same time we
forgot to keep cleanliness at the Tea Shoppee next to our work place. We keep our house clean
but forgot to maintain the decorum of surroundings of our house.

I’d first of all like to take this opportunity to convey my sincere thanks to the management team
of M/s Runners for approving my idea of adding “SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAAN” as a
CSR Activity in our organization and also for asking me to submit report to keep a track of
Planning & Execution of the suggested project. Being a Tyre Manufacturing Company we have
our distributors to reach in mases.

I’m sure that you all will agree with me that “Change First Belongs To us & Then from Others”.

 So Our Vision - "Change First Belongs To us & Then from Others”

It is necessary that our work should be in the common interest of the Environment and to protect
it for the future generation. Educate them about their duties against the Environment and their
individual Karma chakra.

 Our Mission - "Karma Chakra"

 Our Frame Work –

It is necessary that the focus of the Strategy is to move towards a ‘Swachh Bharat’ by providing
flexibility to State governments as hygiene is a state subject, to decide on their implementation
policy and mechanisms, taking into account State specific requirements. This is focused to
enable States to develop an Implementation Framework that can utilize the provisions under the
Mission effectively and maximize the impact of the interventions.

Hence I’d like to propose the frame work for Karma chakra for this CSR Activity in 4 Major
Steps & in 1 Minor Step (here mentioned at number 5).

1. Execution of Activity At Our Corporate & Branch Office.

2. Execution of Activity At The Residence of Our Employees in Their Respective
3. Execution of Activity At Our Distributors Center.
4. Execution of Activity At Residence of Our Distributors.
5. Installation of Dustbins at the Food Stalls close to our office locations {If we’ve

 Targeting:

The main focus will be capturing the area where people are uneducated and unaware about the
environment hygiene in urban areas. Such as

 Societies where people drop their garbage on the side of the road outside their own
 Slum area where people still goes for open defecation.
 Road disposal areas.
 Market vendor on the road side educating them to avoid putting wastage on the road.

 Available Resources:

 It is necessary to monitor that the resources that are provided by the government are
meeting the expected areas like garbage truck in most targeted areas.
 If there are no possibilities for building the public toilets making available the moveable
toilet to the people.
 Making the maximum use of the organization man power.
 Taking joint initiative to engage the school and college student to take part in the
 If the garbage bins are not available in most targeted area making them available with the
brand of the company.
 Effective use of available manpower, information, technology and media shall be utilized
to communicate the message of the benefits of safe sanitation and hygiene.
 It is essential that complete information is made available to the beneficiaries regarding
the range of technology and cost of the toilets that are possible to construct.

 Promotion:

 It is necessary to keep hammering the people about the environment so one best possible
way to make an advertise on delivery van and giving the T-shirt to the workers with a
message printed of the environment hygiene and company logo.
 To enhance our Brand Visibility we can start with the installation of Dustbins with our
Branding & SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAAN at nearby locations of our offices &
distribution centers.

 Awareness among our employees:

To bring awareness for this project we can start Internal Email Campaign & can install posters at
our office locations. Such an agreement can be made with the help of HR Division that
Participation of Employees in CSR Activity is mandatory and will have a weightage of 10% in
their KRAs.

For the distributors such an arrangements can be made that to participate in this activity will add
2-5% in their sales targets. Same activity can be planned either once a week or fortnightly or
once in a month.

During the execution of this activity, we can ask all the participants to click pictures of the
activity and share the same on a particular Email ID. This will help us to track the proper
execution of this activity.
Answer 2.

Any activities done or set in the organization must be analysed so that it will give the
confirmation that the goal are set and their working are on the right track. To see the mission
progress of the Karma chakra it is necessary to trace our program by monitoring, measuring and
report maintaining.

Effective Monitoring of the Programs is essential. Monitoring of Outcomes will be the prime
focus to be measured in terms of Toilet usage. Monitoring of Outputs will also be done for
administrative purposes in terms of monitoring of expenditure and assets created.

The Monitoring framework should be able to identify the following:

 Whether adequate Information, Education and Communication activities have been

carried out for behavior change;
 Whether toilets have been constructed as reported;
 Constructed Toilets are being used;
 Whether the garbage bins are place where needed;
 Placed garbage bins are being used;
 Whether Open Defecation Free communities have been created;

The monitoring framework proposed will essentially be of 2 types:

(i) Monthly Monitoring Survey:

This shall be through a process initiated at the district level, focusing on a 3rd Party independent
monitoring of the hygiene status in rural areas across the state. Independent agencies shall take
up such monitoring which shall confirm to person in the organization and report on the same to
the management.

(ii) Weekly monitoring:

There shall be a concurrent monitoring of the implementation of the Programmers, ideally using
community level participation. This should ideally use Information and Communications
Technology, to feed data into the Swachh Bharat Mission –MIS. The data of such monitoring
shall be the main source of information for the Mission directorates.

Other monitoring activities in addition to the above may also be taken up:

o Use of independent agencies/CSOs/NGOs for the concurrent monitoring of the

programmers is permitted.
o Central and State Missions may engage such agencies with experience in monitoring
activities and having presence in the respective states, for this purpose.
o Independent 3rd party evaluations of the programme can also be carried out at State


The I.T department will developed an online monitoring system for Karma chakra. Household
level data with respect to garbage bin and van facilities of all slums and unreached areas in the
state are to be made available on the MIS. HR team would be permitted to update the Survey
status in every 6 months.

The main focus on the monitoring arrangements for the Mission is that of Toilet usage through
creation of Open Defecation Free (ODF) Communities or the moveable toilet. The MIS shall be
upgraded to enable reporting of creation of ODF communities.
All area are to submit their physical and financial progress reports of the implementation of the
Programs, every month through this online MIS for which user-ids and passwords have been
provided to organization employees, 3rd parties, NGO.

General practitioner wise physical and financial progress for every month is to be entered along
with photographs of the toilets in the MIS, by the 10th of the following month. A mobile based
application for the same has been created in the MIS to enable uploading of photos from site.

Monitoring of the program should be carried out at all levels. At the District level, the special
evaluation team design for the Karma chakra will look at District Collector /Deputy
Commissioner/Magistrate/CEO Zillah Panchayat’s progress review in every 3 months so that
change in our plan can be made.


The HR Department should conduct Periodical Evaluation and new idea generation on the
betterment of the Karma chakra programs at the State level.

Evaluation studies may be conducted through reputed Institutions and Organizations as decided
by the State. Copies of the reports of these evaluation studies conducted by the teams should be
furnished to the top management. Corrective action should be taken on the basis of the
observations made in these evaluation studies. The cost of such studies can be charged to the
Administrative charges component of the Karma chakra. The performance of the state and
district level, under the Mission shall be evaluated from time to time by evaluation team.
Answer 3.a.

Carroll CSR pyramid involves the conduct of a business so that it is economically profitable, law
abiding, ethical and socially supportive. To be socially responsible means that profitability and
obedience to the law are foremost conditions when discussing the firm’s ethics and the extent to
which it supports the society in which it exists with contributions of money, time and talent. And
the different layers in the pyramid help managers see the different types of obligations that
society expects of businesses.

(Source: www.

India’s leading consumer products maker Dabur India Ltd working a mega cleanliness drive
across public conveniences of Sulabh International. Under this partnership, SaniFresh - the
leading surface cleaner brand from the House of Dabur - will run a massive awareness building
campaign and special cleanliness drive will be rolled out across the country.
Dabur will work towards providing clean and Germ-free public toilets across the country. A
team of Volunteers will be positioned at Sulabh International’s public conveniences across the
country. These volunteers would disseminate the message that a clean and germ free toilet is a
basic hygiene need of a human being for leading healthy life and to safe guard from common

At Dabur, they believe that an organization’s true worth lies beyond its business, and is best
reflected by the service it renders to the community and the society. Businesses have a
responsibility to sub serve larger societal goals as they have the ability to contribute significantly
and impact fully to sustainable and inclusive development.

Under this initiative, Dabur and Sulabh would work towards promoting cleanliness across all
public places like Metro station, Railway Station and Bus Stops, and encourage people to join
this ambitious project to keep our city Neat & Clean.

Dabur India will also adopt five villages in Uttar Pradesh and make them 'Open-Defecation Free'
within the current fiscal or under Swachh Bharat' initiative. The five villages to be adopted by
Dabur India are Nandpur, Nagla Gajju, Naraina, Nidhawali and Domatikri.

Under the programme, the company will ensure that all households in these five villages have
toilets. Besides, the 20-odd schools in these villages would get separate toilet blocks for boys and

"Our idea is to turn these villages into model villages and offer them a variety of services, from
operating health posts to offer vocational training programmes to the youth in these villages",
Dabur India Head - Global Human Capital and CSR.
Answer 3.b.

It is government’s responsibility to do CSR and corporate should focus on profit

There is an ongoing transformation in many ways in companies and that define their Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. For this program the messages are different, the goals are
different, and, to be sure, the strategies are different.

The simplest point to consider for social responsibility is that it is the right thing to do, taking
into account the following points:-

 Some of society’s problems have been created by corporations such as pollution and
poverty-level wages. It is the ethical responsibility of business to correct these wrongs

 Another point is that businesses have many of the resources needed for solving society’s
problems and they should use them to do so.

 Another reason for companies to be socially responsible is that if businesses are not, then
the government will create new regulations and establish fines against corporations. This
has especially been the case for the pollution issue.

 If businesses themselves take the initiative, they can avoid government intervention.

 Finally, social responsibility can be profitable. It is possible for companies to prosper and
build shareholder value by working to solve social problems. It can be a great way for a
company to build positive public relations and attract top talent in the industry.
While technically correct, ignores other factors of corporate social responsibility. These factors
known as "externalities", i.e. "side effects" of corporate behavior.

For example: A company can build an inexpensive car and make a large profit on each sale, but
the car may lack some basic safety features like having poor gas mileage and contain many
harmful pollutants in its exhaust. Such a product would show a high profit, but it would also
reveal a lack of social responsibility.

If you have a limited budget to pursue social responsibility, there’s nothing wrong with choosing
activities that help improve your image, create more customer loyalty and increase your sales.
Certain environmental actions you take can help increase your sales, or make local municipalities
more likely to give you a break on a borderline zoning or signage dispute.

Another example, funding a youth sports league, might generate significant sales among parents
in your market place, turning your donation or sponsorship fee into a profit generator.
Encouraging employees to volunteer at events and offering them a reward can help build
stronger teams.

So, according to my view, it is necessary that Government and Corporate should work
hand in hand to protect the environment for the future generation.

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