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HH q 0186859 Form No. 29C/Provisional Order/Rule 216 HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE CASE NO. HC 4696/18 HELD AT HARARE In the matter between:- BITFINANCE (PVT) LTD V/A GOLIX APPLICANT And RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE 18’ RESPONDENT THE GOVERNOR OF THE RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE N.O ~2S°RESPONDENT PROVISIONAL ORDER / ‘TO THE RESPONDENTS. TAKE NOTE that, on the 24th day of May, 2018 the High Court sitting at re the Honourable Mr Justice Chitakunye issued a provisional order as shown overleaf The annexed Chamber application, afidavit/s and documents were issued in support ofthe application for this provisional order. Ifyou intend to oppose the confirmation of this provisional order, you will have to file a notice of Opposition in Form No. 29B, together with one or more opposing affidavits’, with the Registrar, of the High Court at Harare with ten (10) days after the date of which this provisional order and annexures were served upon you. You will also have to serve a copy of the Notice of Opposition and allidavivs on the applicant at the address for service specified in the application, you do not file an opposing affidavit within the period specified above, this matter will be set down for hearing in the High Court at Harare, without further notice to you and will be dealt with as an unopposed application for confirmation of the provisional order. If you wish to have the provisional order changed or set aside sooner than the Rules of Court normally allow and can show good cause for this, you should approach the applicanvapplicant’s legal practitioner to agree, in consultation with the Registrar, on a suitable hearing date, If this eannot be agreed or there isa great urgency, you make a HH Cha 0186860 ‘ber application, on notice tothe applicator directions from a Judge as to when the ter can be argued, BY THE JUDG ruin, PROVISIONAL ORDER : Ns, ‘TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT ag tor: That you show eause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. The Application be and is hereby granted 2. The ban issued by Respondents through leter dated 15 May 2018 against Applicant directing it to cease its operations, shut down its virtual currency exchange business and ‘ordering the closure ofits bank accounts with its bankers be and is hereby reversed and set aside 3. P* Respondent shall pay costs of suit ‘TERMS OF THE INTERIM R GRANTED ‘That pending confirmation or discharge ofthe provisional order, the following interim order be and is hereby granted 1, The ban issued by Respondents through letter dated 15 May 2018 against Applicant directing it to cease its operations, shut down its virtual curreney exchange business and ordering the closure ofits bank accounts with its bankers be and is hereby suspended pending the return day. BY THE JUDGE Ca Re

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