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Roshane Nanayakkara 4207424

Swinburne University of Technology

School of Engineering (Sarawak Campus)

HES 2340 Fluid Mechanics

Semester 2, 2009


Name: Roshane Nanayakkara

Student ID: 4207424

Group Number: 4

Bernoulli’s Theorem
Roshane Nanayakkara 4207424

Objectives :-

II To determine the discharge coefficient of the venture meter.

IIITo measure flow rate using venture meter.
IIIITo demonstrate Bernoulli’s Theorem.

Theory :-

Bernoulli’s law is an expression of the conservation of energy in the steady flow of an

incompressible, in viscid fluid. It states that the quantity p+ /2 ρ v 2 + ρ gh is constant

along any streamline, where p is the fluid pressure, v is the fluid velocity, ρ is the mass
density of the fluid, g is the gravitational acceleration and h is the elevation of the fluid.
p+ /2 ρ v + ρ gh = K (constant)
1 2

1. Steady flow.
2. Incompressible floe.
3. Frictionless flow.
4. Flow along a stream line.

In here we also use the principle of continuity, which is denoted by,

A1V1 = A2V2

Venturi effect:

The Venturi effect is the drop in fluid pressure that results when an incompressible fluid
flows through a constricted section of pipe. The Venturi effect may be derived from a
combination of Bernoulli's principle and the equation of continuity. The fluid velocity
must increase through the constriction to satisfy the equation of continuity, while its
pressure must decrease due to conservation of energy: the gain in kinetic energy is
supplied by a drop in pressure or a pressure gradient force.

Venturi Meter:

A venturi meter is a tube with a constricted throat that increases velocity and decreases
pressure. They are used for measuring the flow rate of compressible and incompressible
fluids in pipeline.

 Apparatus:
Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Unit (Model: FM110) as shown below.
Roshane Nanayakkara 4207424

Below are some units of this system, which we should know when operating.

a) Venturi
The venturi meter is made of transparent acrylic with the following specifications:
Throat diameter: 16mm
Upstream Diameter: 26mm
Designed Flow Rate: 20LPM

b) Manometer
There are eight manometer tubes; each length 320mm, for static pressure and total
head measuring along with the venturi meter.
The manometer tubes are connected to an air bleed screw for air release as well as
tubes pressurization.

c) Baseboard
Roshane Nanayakkara 4207424

the baseboard is epoxy coated and designed with 4 height adjustable stands to level
the venturi meter.

d) Discharge valve
One discharge valve is installed at the venturi discharge section for flow rate control.

e) Connections
Hose connections are installed at both inlet and outlet.

f) Hydraulic Bench
Sump tank : 120 litres
Volumetric tank : 100 litres
Centrifugal pump: 0.37kW, 50 LPM

 Experimental Procedure/ Results/ calculations :-

First we have to perform the general start up procedures.
The clear acrylic test section is installed with the converging section upstream. Then we
have to tighten the unions by hand. Then level the unit on top of the bench by adjusting
the feet. After the volumetric tank of the hydraulic bench is 90% filled by water the
flexible inlet tube is connected. Then a flexible hose is connected to the outlet. Next, we
must smoothly open the outlet flow control valve of the Bernoulli’s theorem
demonstration unit. Before switch on the pumps, we have to close the bench flow control
valve. The valve V1 is gradually opened to allow the piping filled with water until the air
has been expelled. As the next step we have to remove the trapped bubbles in the glass
tube and plastic transfer tube (if there are any) in order to make the system more
accurate.( to do this you can lightly press the air bleed valve). Now we can see water
flowing into the venturi and discharged into the collection tank of hydraulic bench.

When the water flow in the pipe is steady, we have to partially close the discharge valve
to take the maximum measurable flow rate.
• If the water level is too high in the manometer tubes, the outlet control valve is
opened to reduce the pressure.
• If the water level is too low to take the readings, the bench flow control valve is
opened to increase the static pressure.

Discharge Coefficient Determination:

After the general start up procedure is performed, the hypodermic tube is withdrawn from
the test section. Then the discharge valve is adjusted until the tubes 1 and 3 give
maximum observable water head difference. (This is known as the maximum observable
flow rate). When the water level stabilizes, we measure the flow rate using volumetric
method and record the manometer readings. We have to repeat this step at least for three
decreasing flow rates by regulating the venturi discharge valve.

Using the volumetric flow measurement method the actual flow rate, “Qa” is obtained.
The ideal flow rate Qi is obtained through the water head difference between h1 and h3.

Roshane Nanayakkara 4207424

Discharge Coefficient Determination from experimental result

Qa Water head( mm)

28.5 280 245 36 191 218 250
22.5 257 229 55 183 205 233
19.5 210 193 86 164 177 193
16.5 196 182 95 158 169 183


Throat Diameter, D2 = 16.0 mm

Inlet Diameter, D1 = 26.0 mm

Throat Area, A2 = πr² = π x (8 x 10-3)2 = 2.01 x 10-4 m2

Inlet Area, A1 = πr² = π x (13 x 10-3)2 = 5.31 x 10-4 m2

g (m/s2) = 9.81

ρ(kg/m3) = 1000

Equation for the ideal flow rate,

  A 2   P −P 
2 1


1−   2 g  +Z −Z 
2 1 2
Qi = A2V 2 =A  1 2

  
 A   
1 Y  

  2.01 ×10 −4 
 2

= 2.01 ×10 −4
1 − 
 −4

  [ 2(9.81m / s )( h A − hC ) ] 12
  5.31 ×10
  

Qi = 2.172 × 10 −4 (19.62( h A − hC ) ) 1

Discharge Coefficient Determination Calculation Result

hA-hC Qi )
0.244 0.00047523 4.75E-04
0.202 05 0.000375
0.124 05 0.000325
0.101 05 0.000275
Roshane Nanayakkara 4207424

Cd = Gradient = 0.937

Flow rate measurement with the venturi meter:

First the general start-up procedures are performed. The hypodermic tube is withdrawn from
the test section. Then the discharge valve is adjusted until we get a maximum observable flow
rate. When the water level stabilizes, the water flow rate is measured using volumetric method
and record the manometer readings. We repeat this step with three other decreasing flow
rates, by regulating the venturi discharge valve.

The venturi meter flow rate of each data is calculated by applying the discharge coefficient

Flow rate measurement with venturi meter results

Qa Water head( mm)

28.5 280 245 36 191 218 250
22.5 257 229 55 183 205 233
Roshane Nanayakkara 4207424

19.5 210 193 86 164 177 193

16.5 196 182 95 158 169 183

Applying the formula,

Qi = Qa/Cd
Cd = 0.937

Comparing Qi and Qa

Qi Qa(m^3/s)
5.07E-04 4.75E-04
4.00E-04 3.75E-04
3.47E-04 3.25E-04
2.93E-04 2.75E-04

Bernoulli theorem demonstration:

The general start-up procedures are performed. As the next step, we check whether all the
manometer tubes are connected to the corresponding pressure tabs and free of air bubbles.
Then the discharge valve is adjusted until we get a maximum observable flow rate. Using the
volumetric method, the water flow rate is measured. (The measurements are taken when the
water level stabilizes). The hypodermic tube which is connected to manometer G is slid
gently so that its end reaches the cross section of the venturi tube at A. After some time, the
readings from manometer G and A are taken. The above step has to be repeated for other
cross sections B, C, D, E and F. Once more we have to repeat the whole procedure, from the
adjustment of the discharge valve to finally mentioned point, with three other decreasing flow

The velocity, ViB is calculated through the Bernoulli’s equation where,

The velocity, ViC is calculated through the continuity equation,

Now the difference between the two calculated velocities is determined.


Sample Calculation for 23.6 LPM , A

Vib = √[2*g*(h* - hi )] = √[2*g*(157-148)*E-3] = 0.42021 m/s

From the appendix A

Roshane Nanayakkara 4207424

Ai = ¶ Di2 / 4 = ¶ 262 / 4 = 5.31 mm2

Vic = Qav / Ai = (23.6/60000)/ (5.31E-4) = 0.74074074 m/s

23.6 LPM

Using Using
Berno Conti
Cross ulli nuity
Secti equat equati
on ion on Difference
i h*=hh hi ViB = Ai = ViC = ViB-ViC
*(h* - ¶ Di2 /
(mm) (mm) hi )] 4 Qav / Ai (m/s)
(m/s) (mm ) (m/s)
A 157 148 0.4202 5.31 0.74074074 -0.32052651
B 153 140 0.5050 3.66 1.07468124 -0.56964659
C 153 92 1.0939 2.01 1.95688226 -0.86288957
D 150 124 0.7142 3.14 1.25265393 -0.53842707
E 149 130 0.6105 3.8 1.03508772 -0.4245306
F 146 138 0.3961 5.31 0.74074074 -0.34455896

17.6 LPM

Secti Using Bernoulli Using Continuity
on equation equation Difference
h*=h hi ViB = Ai = ViC = ViB-ViC
*(h* - ¶ Di2 /
(mm) (mm) hi )] 4 Qav / Ai (m/s)
i (m/s) ) (m/s)
A 173 160 0.5050 5.31 0.55241682 -0.04738217
B 172 145 0.7278 3.66 0.80145719 -0.0736248
C 168 104 1.1205 2.01 1.45936982 -0.33879853
D 160 138 0.6569 3.14 0.93418259 -0.27718944
Roshane Nanayakkara 4207424

E 164 143 0.6418 3.8 0.77192982 -0.13004198
F 159 152 0.3705 5.31 0.55241682 -0.18182271
11 LPM

Secti Using Bernoulli Using Continuity
on equation equation Difference
h*=hh hi ViB = Ai = ViC = ViB-ViC
*(h* - ¶ Di2 /
(mm) (mm) hi )] 4 Qav / Ai (m/s)
i (m/s) ) (m/s)
A 185 182 0.2426 5.31 0.34526051 -0.10264972
B 185 176 0.4202 3.66 0.50091075 -0.08069652
C 185 139 0.9500 2.01 0.91210614 0.03790439
D 184 164 0.6264 3.14 0.58386412 0.042554272
E 184 168 0.5602 3.8 0.48245614 0.077829501
F 183 174 0.4202 5.31 0.34526051 0.074953716

5. Conclusion

Discussion and Comments:

a) The following factors can have an effect on the experimental results

• The pump not working at maximum efficiency

• Paralax error when taking reading
• Human errors when taking timing
• Friction in the venture tube
• Rounding up of errors
• Flow perbutations – swirl, cross flow, asymmetrical velocity profile etc
• Air bubbles trapped in the pipes

b) The following procedures could be adopted to minimize experimental


• The reserve tank of the pump has to be atleast 90% full for it to perform
efficiently. If this condition is not satisfied the static pressure difference at
Roshane Nanayakkara 4207424

different cross-sections will be very similar and therefore the error would
be large

• The reading of the volume of water collected should be taken when the
meniscus is at eye level so that there will be minimum errors

• One way of reducing errors while taking timing is to use larger periods.
This does have practical complications as the volume of water collected
would be quite large and the need for a large basin to collect the volume of
water would arise.

• There can be friction between the acrylic and the water. Using pipes with
smoother inner surfaces would reduce errors due to friction

• The errors due to rounding up can be avoided by using a larger amount of

decimal places when calculating

• The flow perbutations can be reduced by using flow conditioners. There are
various flow conditioners being used such as perforated ones, Swirled ones

• Draining all the water in the system and re-filling it would reduce errors
that can occur due to air bubbles being trapped

c) The Following errors were observed in the Experimental readings and the
Theoretical readings from the Sample Data and the Lab Data from part 4.3

Sample data

Qi(m^3 Qa(m^
/s) 3/s) % Errors
5.07E- 4.75E- 6.28E+0
04 04 0
4.00E- 3.75E- 6.28E+0
04 04 0
3.47E- 3.25E- 6.28E+0
04 04 0
2.93E- 2.75E- 6.28E+0
04 04 0

Lab Data

Qa(m^ %
Qi 3/s) Errors
7.92E- 4.20E- 4.70E+0
05 05 1
7.64E- 4.05E- 4.70E+0
05 05 1
7.67E- 4.07E- 4.70E+0
05 05 1
Roshane Nanayakkara 4207424

6.92E- 3.67E- 4.70E+0

05 05 1

The percentage difference between the theoretical value of the flow rate
which is Qi and the experimental flow rate which is Qa was calculated.
While the sample data gave a very acceptable 6.3% error the Lab data
gave a large error of 47% which is too high.


Percentage Difference = |Accepted value – Experimental value|/(Accepted

value) * 100%

d) The Following errors were observed in the Experimental readings and the
Theoretical readings from the Sample Data and the Lab Data from part 4.2

Sample Data

Qa(m^ %
Qi 3/s) error
0.000475 4.75E- 0.0484
23 04 87
0.000432 0.00037 13.274
399 5 61
0.000338 0.00032 4.0680
782 5 67
0.000305 0.00027 10.057
752 5 97
Lab Data

Qa(m^ %
Qi 3/s) error
4.30253E- 3.90E- 9.3557
05 05 44
4.30253E- 0.00003 8.1936
05 95 39
4.30253E- 0.00003 8.1936
05 95 39
3.04235E- 0.00003 7.1539
05 26 73

It can be observed that all the readings from the Lab experiment are within 10%
of error so it can be said that those reading are quite accurate. Most of the
sample data too falls into the 10% error range so those reading too are quite

The above experiments helped us to prove that Bernoulli’s theorem is correct

and the equation of of continuity are correct within experimental error limits if
conditions such as the pump working at the efficiency its expected to work at, air
bubbles are not present etc are satisfied.
Roshane Nanayakkara 4207424


• Development of the orifice plate with a cone swirler flow

conditioner,Ahmadi, A. and Beck, S.B.M. (2005)[online] Last accessed on
1/10/2009 at


1/10/2009 at

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