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Raport stiintific

privind implementarea proiectului

“Analiza unor probleme de fizică matematică privind atenuarea zgomotului într-un tub
căptuşit acustic, prin care curge un gaz” (cod PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0171)
in perioada ianuarie – decembrie 2012
În proiect pe anul 2012 s-a prevǎzut în mod explicit realizarea urmǎtoarelor obiective:
I. Identificarea de spaţii de funcţii în care problema stabilităţii în raport cu perturbarea datelor
iniţiale este bine pusă, în conducte rectangulare căptuşite acustic.
II. Analiza stabilităţii liniare a curgerii de bază în raport cu perturbaţii de tip mod, în conducte
rectangulare căptuşite acustic. Simulare numerică.
III. Analiza stabilităţii liniare a curgerii de bază în raport cu perturbaţii produse de o sursă acustică
de o frecventă dată, în conducte rectangulare căptuşite acustic.
IV. Analiza stabilităţii liniare a curgerii de bază în raport cu perturbaţii produse de o sursă acustică
generală, în conducte rectangulare căptuşite acustic. Simulare numerică.

Obiectivul 1: A fost realizat şi rezultatele au fost sintetizate în lucrările:

1. Agneta M. Balint, Stefan Balint, Mirela Darau - Partial Fourier and Laplace transform in the linear
stability analysis of a non slipping mean flow in a 2D straight lined duct with respect to perturbations
of the initial value by disturbances spatially distributed in a bounded neighborhood of a point in the
duct - Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace - 3(3) (2012) 239-258
Lucrarea este în baza de date MathSciNet, Zentralblatt fur Mathematik

2. Agneta M. Balint, Stefan Balint, Robert Szabo - Linear stability of a non slipping gas flow in a
rectangular lined duct with respect to perturbations of the initial value by indefinitely differentiable
disturbances having compact support- AIP Conf. Proc. (9th International Conference on Mathematical
Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences: ICNPAA 2012 World congress10-14 July 2012
Vienna ) S.Sivasundaram (Ed.)1493 (2012) 1023-1027 ISBN: 978-0-7354-1105-0 doi: 10.1063/1.4765613
Lucrarea este în baza de date ISI Web of Science.

Obiectivul 2: A fost realizat şi rezultatele au fost sintetizate în următoarele lucrări:

3. A. M. Balint, M. Darau, R. Szabo-Numerical investigation of the zeros of some dispersion relations
appearing in sound attenuation problems in rectangular lined ducts carrying a gas flow - a fost
prezentată la a 34-a Conferinta Caius Iacob de Mecanica Fluidelor si Aplicatiile ei Tehnice 10-12
octombrie 2012 Bucureşti şi apare în Proceedings-ul tipărit al conferinţei.

4. S Joerd W. Rienstra1 Z, Mirela Darau 1;2 and Edward J. Brambley3- The trailing vorticity field behind
a line source in 2D incompressible linear shear flow - J. of Fluid Mechanics (revista cotată ISI).
Dept of Maths and Comp Science, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2Dept of Maths and Comp Science, WU
of Timisoara, Romania 3DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK
(Received 21 July 2012)

Obiectivul 3: A fost realizat şi rezultatele au fost sintetizate în lucrarea:

5. Agneta M. Balint, Stefan Balint, Robert Szabo - Linear stability of a non-slipping gas, flowing in a
rectangular lined duct, with respect to perturbation produced by a prescribed frequency time
harmonic source - Nonlinear Studies 19(4) (2012) 1-17
Lucrarea este în baza de date MathSciNet, Zentralblatt fur Mathematik

Obiectivul 4: A fost realizat şi rezultatele au fost sintetizate în lucrarea:

6. Agneta M. Balint, Stefan Balint - Well posed problem in sense of Hadamard for the attenuation of the
sound produced by a source in a rectangular lined duct carrying a gas flow.
Această lucrare este în curs de evaluare la revista Journal of Applied Mathematical Modeling (revistă cotată
Vom prezenta în continuare rezumatul fiecărei lucrări.
Lucrarea 1.
Abstract: In 1D case (when the liner effect is neglected) it is shown that the partial Fourier, Laplace
transform technique, can be applied in the stability analysis with respect to perturbations of the initial value
by disturbances spatially distributed in a bounded neighborhood of a point in the duct without any
supplementary hypothesis. The obtained results are similar to those obtained for time harmonic permanent
or instantaneous point source produced perturbations. In 2D case (for wall-perturbation interaction of mass-
spring-damper type) when the same Fourier, Laplace transform technique, leads to boundary conditions
which are different from those generally accepted and used by engineers, disturbances of the initial value,
which support is completely included in the interior of the duct are considered. For such perturbations the
boundary conditions coincide with those commonly accepted.In this case for symmetric mean flow velocity
profile the partial Fourier transform with respect to the spatial variable x and the Laplace transform with
respect to the time variable t of the evolving perturbation is analyzed and dispersion relations are derived.
Lyapunov stability criteria are given in terms of the zeros of the dispersion relations.

Lucrarea 2.
Abstract: This paper comments on a number of inaccuracies in the article by Brambley [E.J. Brambley,
Fundamental problems with the model of uniform flow over acoustic linings, Journal of Sound and
Vibration 322(2009)1026-1037] concerning the new concept of “well-posed partial differential equation”
introduced in the paper. In particular, the neglect of specifying: the initial and boundary conditions; meaning
of solution; conditions assuring existence and uniqueness of the solution; topology in the space of the
solutions necessary for analyze the continuous dependence on the initial data and Lyapunov stability. It is
shown that, due to the above inaccuracies, the concept introduced by Brambley is confusing, i.e. depending
on the set of initial data, boundary conditions, meaning of solution and topology, the same equation can be
ill-posed or it can be well-posed. In our paper the concept of well-posed problem, introduced by Hadamard
long times ago, is refreshed and applied in the case of rectangular lined duct. Sufficient conditions for that
the Briggs-Bers stability criterion can be applied are given. The requirement appearing here, concerning the
existence of a finite upper bound of the set of exponential growth rates, is necessary only for assuring the
existence of the Laplace transform of the solutions of the partial differential equation considered from a
given set and not for that the partial differential equation be well-posed.
Lucrarea 3.
Abstract: We investigate here the zeros of a dispersion relation occurring in problems of sound attenuation
in rectangular lined ducts. These cannot be straightforwardly found, since formulating the dispersion relation
involves solving a differential equation that has only known numerical solutions for realistic mean flow
profiles. In order to overcome this difficulty we consider approximate dispersion relations, obtained by
replacing the unknown function in the differential equation, with corresponding Taylor polynomials.

Lucrarea 4.
Abstract: The explicit exact analytic solution for harmonic perturbations from a line mass source in an
incompressible inviscid two-dimensional linear shear is derived using a Fourier transform method. The two
cases of an infinite shear flow and a semi-infinite shear flow over an impedance boundary are considered.
For the free field and hard wall configurations, the pressure field is (in general) logarithmically diverging
and its Fourier representation involves a diverging integral that is interpreted as an integral of generalised
functions; this divergent behaviour is not present for a finite impedance boundary or if the frequency equals
the mean flow shear rate. The dominant feature of the solution is the hydrodynamic wake caused by the shed
vorticity of the source. For linear shear over an impedance boundary, in addition to the wake, (at most) two
surface modes along the wall are excited. The implications for duct acoustics with flow over an impedance
wall are discussed.
Lucrarea 5.
Abstract: The homogeneous nonlinear Euler equations are linearized around the mean flow. The functions
describing the perturbation produced by a given frequency time harmonic source are added as right hand
members to the homogeneous linearized Euler equations. For the obtained non homogeneous equations
solution corresponding to the zero initial value is researched. It is required that the solution be defined for all
positive values of the time variable t, to have Laplace transform with respect to t and Fourier transform with
respect to the spatial variable x and satisfy the boundary condition corresponding to the liner-perturbation
interaction at the duct wall. Conditions assuring existence and uniqueness of bounded solution and
dispersion relations are derived. The Lyapunov stability of the gas flow with respect to the considered
perturbations is discussed.
Lucrarea 6.
Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to relax Brambley’s condition (Journal of Sound and Vibrations 322
(2009) pp.1026-1037) concerning well posed problem related to the sound attenuation in a rectangular lined
duct. The reason is that such a problem can be ill posed in Brambley’s usage even if the set of the imaginary
parts of the complex frequencies, for which the dispersion relation vanishes, is bounded from above (below,
depending on the choice).In this paper for the non homogeneous Euler equations linearized around a non
slipping mean flow and boundary conditions corresponding to the mass-spring-damper impedance the
concept of well posed problem in Hadamard sense is considered. The advantage is that if the set of the
imaginary parts of frequencies for which the dispersion relation vanishes is bounded from above(or below),
then the mathematical problem is well posed in Hadamard sense.This means existence, uniqueness and
continuous dependence on the right hand member of the solution. Such requirements are reasonable to
expect if the mathematical problem corresponds to a well-set physical experiment.The existence and
uniqueness is an affirmation of the scientific determinism(according to Hille-Philips) while the continuous
dependence on the right hand member is an expression of stability with respect to the perturbation of the
source (on a finite interval of time, not Lyapunov stability).

În afara rezultatelor sintetizate în cele şase lucrări prezentate au fost obţinute rezultate care se
referă la obiective prevăzute pentru 2013 precum şi la obiective care nu au fost prevăzute în mod
explicit. Aceste rezultate au fost sintetizate în alte şapte lucrări pe care le prezentăm în continuare.

Lucrarea 7.
Agneta M. Balint, Loredana Tanasie - Numerical investigation of zeros of some dispersion relations
appearing in sound attenuation problems in a circular lined duct - INCAS Bulletin 4(4) (2012) in press
Abstract: In this paper the zeros of some dispersion relations appearing in sound attenuation problems in
circular lined ducts, carrying a gas flow, are investigated numerically. To find the values of frequencies for
which the dispersion relations vanish is not easy at all. That is because these relations contain the solution of
an initial value problem which depends on the unknown frequency and can not be found explicitly. In order
to overcome this difficulty we consider approximate dispersion relations, obtained by replacing in the shear
flow the solution of the initial value problem by its Taylor’s polynomial approximate. For numerical
computations typical aeronautical examples are considered.
Lucrarea a fost susţinută la a 34-a Conferinta Caius Iacob de Mecanica Fluidelor si Aplicatiile ei
Tehnice 10-12 octombrie 2012 Bucureşti şi apare în Proceedings-ul tipărit al conferinţei.

Lucrarea 8.
Agneta M. Balint, Stefan Balint, Loredana Tanasie - Existence of non zero modes in an annular lined
duct - AIP Conf. Proc. (9th International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering,
Aerospace and Sciences: ICNPAA 2012 World congress10-14 July 2012 Vienna) S.Sivasundaram
(Ed.)1493 (2012) 1034-1042 ISBN: 978-0-7354-1105-0 doi: 10.1063/1.4765615
Abstract: The purpose is to extend Vilenski - Rienstra’s [32] results concerning mainly the general aspects
of the existence of non zero modes in annular lined ducts. The case, when the radial and circumferential
components of the mean flow are equal to zero and the axial component depends only on the distance to the
duct axis, is investigated. Conditions for the existence of non zero modes, which satisfy the linearized
homogeneous Euler equations (obtained by linearization around the mean flow) and the boundary
conditions, (corresponding to the perturbation - liner interaction of mass-spring-damper type) are found. The
first condition, called dispersion relation, is expressed in terms of the solutions of two normalized initial
value problems and is equivalent to the linear dependence of these solutions. It is shown that the set of non
zero modes, corresponding to a given frequency and given axial and circumferential wave number, is either
the null space, either is a one dimensional function space. It is shown also that if the mean flow is symmetric
with respect to the "center of the ring", then neither symmetric, nor anti-symmetric modes exist. This
difference between the annular and rectangular or circular lined duct models explains while one of the
boundary conditions cannot be transferred in the center of symmetry. For symmetric flow, being constant in
the "central part of the ring", new dispersion relations are derived. The new relations beside the solutions of
the two normalized initial value problems incorporate also modified Bessel functions or additional Bessel
functions. The Lyapunov stability of the mean flow with respect to the initial value perturbation by mode
type perturbations is discussed in terms of the zero’s of the dispersion relation.
Lucrarea este în baza de date ISI Web of Science.

Lucrarea 9.
Agneta M. Balint, Stefan Balint - Propagation of the initial value perturbation in a cylindrical lined duct
carrying a gas flow-- INCAS Bulletin - accepted
Abstract: For the homogeneous Euler equation linearized around a non slipping mean flow and boundary
conditions corresponding to the mass-spring-damper impedance, smooth initial data perturbations with
compact support are considered. The propagation of this type of initial data perturbations in a straight
cylindrical lined duct is investigated. Such kind of investigations is missing in the existing literature. The
mathematical tools are the Fourier transform with respect to the axial spatial variable and the Laplace
transform with respect to the time variable. Functional framework and sufficient conditions are researched
for that the problem be well-posed in sense of Hadamard and the Briggs-Bers stability criteria can be
Lucrarea a fost prezentată la a 34-a Conferinta Caius Iacob de Mecanica Fluidelor si Aplicatiile ei
Tehnice 10-12 octombrie 2012 Bucuresti şi apare în Proceedings-ul tipărit al conferinţei.

Lucrarea 10.
Agneta M. Balint, Stefan Balint - Avoiding oscillations by using an alternative flight controller - AIP
Conf. Proc. (9th International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
Sciences: ICNPAA 2012 World congress10-14 July 2012 Vienna) S.Sivasundaram (Ed.) 1493 (2012) 79-
83 ISBN: 978-0-7354-1105-0
Abstract: In this paper we present an alternative flight control system for an unmanned aircraft whose flight
control system, during a longitudinal flight with constant forward velocity, fails in a moment when the value
of the angle of attack is high. The new controller is conceived using the non simplified system of differential
equations, which governs the movement of the aircraft around its center of mass. Numerical simulation is
Lucrarea este în baza de date ISI Web of Science.

Lucrarea 11.
Agneta M. Balint, Stefan Balint - Existence of oscillatory solutions in the non simplified model - AIP
Conf. Proc. (9th International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and
Sciences: ICNPAA 2012 World congress10-14 July 2012 Vienna) S.Sivasundaram (Ed.)1493 (2012) 72-78
ISBN: 978-0-7354-1105-0 doi: 10.1063/1.4765471
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is a numerical investigation of the existence of oscillatory movement of
an unmanned aircraft whose automatic flight control system fails at a moment when the aircraft is not in
equilibrium and the value of the angle of attack is high. This investigation is made in the framework of the
non simplified mathematical model.
Lucrarea este în baza de date ISI Web of Science.

Lucrarea 12.
Agneta M. Balint, Stefan Balint - Existence and stability of the solution of a nonlinear boundary value
problem - Abstract and Applied Analysis (2012) in press
Abstract: The purpose is to find conditions assuring the existence of solutions for a nonlinear, boundary
value problem in case of the axis-symmetric Young-Laplace differential equation. The equation describes
the capillary surface between two static fluids. Necessary or sufficient conditions are found for the existence
of a solution. The static stability of the obtained solution is also analyzed and stability or instability results
are revealed. For the NdYAG micro fiber growth, by pulling down method, numerical illustrations are
Revista este cotată ISI.
Lucrarea 13.
Agneta M. Balint and Stefan Balint - Model based computation of the impurity distribution in a sheet
grown from the melt by the edge-defined film-fed growth technique
Abstract: In this paper the impurity distribution is computed in a 2D domain, which represents the meniscus
and a part of the capillary channel. From there the impurity distribution in the sheet is recovered by
multiplying the impurity concentration at the crystallization front level in the melt side with the partition
coefficient. The model, used for the determination of the impurity distribution in the 2D-domain, takes
into account the pulling rate, thermal convection, Marangoni convection, molecular diffusion and
thermodiffusion. Numerical illustration is given for Al doped thin Si sheet and the contribution of each
effect is evaluated.
Lucrarea a fost susţinută la conferinţa internatională TIM 12 Physics Conference, 27-30 Nov. 2012
la Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara şi va fi publicată în 2013.

Toate lucrările elaborate, susţinute la conferinţe internaţionale, respectiv cele publicate au avut
următorul text la sfârşit:

"Acknowledgment: This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific
Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0171."

In încheiere menţionăm
că un obiectiv important
formulat în proiect a fost
finalizarea şi susţinerea tezei
de doctorat a doctorandei
Mirela Dărău, membră a
echipei proiectului, in sistem
co-tutelă. Acest obiectiv a fost
realizat in acest an.

Teza: Acoustic liner - mean

flow interaction - publicată în
2012 la Eindhoven University of
Technology, ISBN: 978-90-386-
a fost susţinută la Universitatea
Tehnică din Eindhoven în 10
sept. 2012 in faţa unei comisii,
numite de comun acord de
rectorii celor două universităţi.

In urma susţinerii comisia

a hotărât acordarea titlului de
doctor a celor duă universităţi.

Director proiect,

Agneta M. BALINT


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