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Order Range of Motion, Activation, Movement Prep Sets Reps Work Rest Notes:

Foam Roll Series 1 Metabolic Chaos: Thursday-

Hips Flexed/Hips Rocking 2 10e 1.05
Kneeling T-spine Rotation 2 10e
ASLR 2 10e
Yoga Pushup 2 10
Gate Swing 2 10

Order Movement Exercise Sets Reps Work Rest Notes:

Ladder Style: (10>1) AFAP
Squat to Press 10
KB Swing 10
Sprinter Sit Up 10e
Inchworm w/ Toe Touch 10
TRX Face Pull 10
Plank Rainbows 10e

# of rounds 1 Round

Order Finisher Sets Reps Work Rest Notes:


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