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HERGE THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN _ THE SEVEN & “ MAGNET THE SEVEN © CRYSTAL BALLS HOME AFTER TWO YEARS Sanders-Hardinan Expedition LivenrooL, Thursday, The _ seven members. "of the Sanders-Hardiman Fthnographic Fxpedition landed their ravels took them deep knowa territory. They discovered several Thea fom, one of which contained a many stl wearing a ‘borl er royal Grown of solid golie Functary insrip- tions estab bekond double cat Ue {amb belonged tothe Ince Rascar Ginae What'll lead to trouble ? All thie mummy business. Remember, young man, what happened with Tut-Ankhe- Amon! H bodies, violating the Inca’s burial Think of all those Egyptologists, dying in mysterious circumstances aftor they'd opened the tomb of the Pharaoh... You wait, the save will happen to those busy: chamber. ‘Oh... excuse Tim sure of it |... Anyway, why we. [ see cawt they Weave them im poace?... What'd we say if the Egyptians we're com- or the Peruvians came over here || ing tomy and started digging up our kings! fH station. . What'd we say then, cht Good morning, Nestor, Is T] }| the'cantain at howe No, Mr-Tintin, the maser is Out at Ehe women {| He went riding .. But he won't be long ek «. vow: eee ee Nestor !...Nestor!... Bring | esedlday iy dear aie me avother, please good day. Excuse me for Just a moment... "Tom wy word, ibs Tintin | Delighted to sce you, my dear chap | T just dropped tn be say helio to you and Professor Cal- ew is he? ‘On, hes fine... Here he comes now... Still crazy about his dow- sing, as you see... The dear Fellow is convinced that thare's a Saxon burial-ground in the neigh bour- hood, so he's decided Fo Find Hello, Professor Giculus Why, it's our geod frighd Tintin: (| What a delight fal I have toa0 home this surprise! evening [ions staying withine for some time, [ hopes | Tos afraid wot, Nothing could please wie more Excellent ! Excellent! What good news | [Fron tirserjon tect eee! Let's leave the old boy to hie treasure- hunt, while we have Xk. Paprepos of a drink.. H iuse ve Dy remembered... Come with me. I've got something amazing to show yon... Woeah!... Wocah! Ane + [ay _— - You see, you miserable You'ne going to see animal That's your | eee ED H || something fantastic! Inandiwork | iy 5 Therd Now, watcn...t vain [| Now, pay attention... This is] || You see this? have here by pouring plain water into ib. Watch me very closely. Sim | || a bollow card board cylinder. this glasé... Note that: going to begin. Hollow, you understand, Look Tuere’s nothing Inside, sthere! nothing bat plain water, Water, exactly... And now, auict please! Watch Good... place the cylinder over the glass... The alass which contains... Contains what? carefully! Water |... HAHAHAHAHA |.. Dow't wake me laugh ! HAHAHAS... This! kill me... HAHA... Havea look... LIFE up the zylinder, And, voila! ... Nom, weuld you Kindly tell we what havewe iu the glass under there? In the glass? Water, T suppose - Water! .. so. HAHAHAHA! Tim sorty, Captain, but there's someting here { dou't quite ger. You sée, it still is water in this glass... Water!... That's a good one |. Water! = You're a real comic! ... Water, he says! ... Billions of bilious blue blis- tering barnacles ina thun- derivg typhoon! It IS water { But: what on earth did | you expect iE to bet Whisky?... Come now, Captain, | [[impossioie| Ivapossibie! you can't be serious . How in the world could water Earn itself into whisky?...1ts impossible, manages it every barnacles, it's not impossible. He Bruno, the master magician! Ho's appearing at tae Hippodrome . ‘I've studied his act for a solid Fork- hight, trying to discover how he doce it You must watch carefully to see cnacty whak be does Weve got plenty oP Fie. Taere are several other turns before FS he comes on, I Yesterday | thought Vd solved it at last. Blistering barracies, What do'T got? Water water, and still more water! But Tim going back again tonight, and youre coming so! This time Ui get the answer! First we have Ragdalam the Fakir, with Yawilah, the amazing clairvoyante. Then Ramon Zarate, Che knife-thrower, Next... ‘Ssh! Here comes Ragdalan the fakin, He's incredible oo. Lies, Talics and gentlemen ~ before his Highness the Maha T present: Madame Yamilah! Thave much pleasure in inviting you to par- ticipate iva remarkable experiment: an ox: periment | fe honour to “i rial oF Hambalapur, and for whe he invested me with the Order of tHe Grand Naja...Tie secrot of Bae mysterious power at my command | wac entrusted tome by the fam- | ous yogi, Chandra Fathagar Rakad wwAnd wos, Indies and gentlomon, it's my privilege £0 intro- duce to you one of the most amazing personalities ‘oF tho twentieth century... it First [will pat Madame Madame Yamilah, are you Yamilah into a hypnotic trance | teady toanswer me! "Tell we, Madame Yamilan, what ie this gentleman's Christian name? IK handkerchief, come keys, +. @ diary...a powder compact ...A driving licence... id the number on that lf Midame Yamilah, will you please tell ence, Madame Yawilah 2 me whether that lady there in the ~ Hird row is married Seven six eight one i ree Seven... Good.,.And what is her {5 that right, ‘him ..returning from a husband's profession! madara t i saad || long journey toa distant ‘ land... He...he...What is hap- pening ?... Hei ill. very ill. with a mysterious sickness Look here, if this isa || (cis adeadly sick- Jokes its in very poor ees... The vengeance taste!...My husband is || || of the Sun God is perfectly Fit... This || terrible indeed .. |} is absurd | H || His carse is upon Ladies and gentlemen, we are interrupting the programme For a moment as we have an urgent message for a member of the audience Will Mrs, Clarkson, who is believed to be here tonight, please return home immediately, as hor huchand has just beow taken seriously ill, ai No, Its impessible!... ft must be a put-up job! Ladies and gentlemen, )| || You'l see: he’s a remark- ie a tis anforeinate edt || [able fellow. tapes has s0 upset: Madame Z Yamilal that we are one going straight on tothe inoxt number... [kis our pleasure tobring te ou the world famous Kwite~ chrower, Ramon Zarate! Stlioree and seforas, the performance I |! | May | borrow your make for you is extremely peligroso... glasses for a Por Favor, [ask iF you so kindly keep moment, Captain’ absoluto silencio... ih NE ag Great swakee! It's General Po General who? Alea: Aleazar... You re member, hie used to be President of the Republic of San \ Theodoros. | wonder 1 what's landed him \° Y IMI) oH the music-hall mane Se to the stage to bandage for me the eyes, ‘And now, seheres and sevtoras, | perform for you, Ehe First time done in Ewrope, the knife-throw with the eyes. blindfold ... Por Favor, | ack someone come on rF Tt almost wen’ wrong three nights ago! The knife landed just on the edge of the target. Half an inch Further aud that Indiaw would have been skewered! © Well, what do you think? Amazing, wasn't itt Let's see what's coming next Here we are. Good heavens gale a se SS Ladies and 4) She turns up in the oddest eee places: Syldavia, Borduria, the Red Sca..,.She seeme to follow us around | you the Jee! special request J would like to sing for From "Faust" rele Tl Any means Wry nant) ST) past £ compare , These Jewels bright Tp wear Song J know) she's indefatig-| able! Here she Licomes | +4 { don't know why, but whenever £ hear Wer it reminds me of 4 Wire’: cane that hit my ship~when [ was sailing in tho West indies some Come reply! Mirror, of vmirror, tell, me traly! She's in very good Pechen nt Tae Fare Meta tapas ae, a 7 La say hello to | We'll soon inate ene General Alcazar . Find out bad ate Lin ais sressing now? | SES Ah, there's someone; they'll probably beable to direct us. Excuse me, sir, can you Fell me where L can Find General....l wean (oral a H Down the passage, Y] Dressing Room 4 Number 14... dove the passage... Yes... the fakir and — g ila A A Medaie avila SS Caramba! ... Tintin Lo. ‘And this person here Lor amigos denuestros|| |[ Descuida, no es | My old Friend !,,.Avnigo ig what ? Amigos Son Muestros la policia Wio, aué sorpresal...Ay! amigos'..[ am hapey Dios de mi vida! How f You remember my | Ay Seiior Colonel , 0 am happy to see you fread Captain Ht DD hapey | eck. s Poor Chiquitet...You under]! |[ Por Favor, we cele- J} |[ Your good health, amigo mio! || |I Lock cut it's stand... Ever since police rate this happy Your goed health ‘Senor Colonel! |) || awfully strong! ‘ome to look at our pass~ | || meeting. You ; ports and our papers, he take with mea Here's te you, La 68 Find police everywhere, glass of aguar- General! XY diente. Cond Yes, | quite 56. You are surprised to see me ‘and that manay dog, Eonight on the music -hall General Tapioca, has stage, wo?... That is life! seized power. $0, | wust What can we do? Taere leave San Theodoros . is auother revolution After [try many different im my country .. jobs, | become a knife- thrower. Sorry bo interrupe, but it's time we were getting back bo our Seats ; otherwise welll miss the con- Tom very sorry wo have to leave you 50 soon. You see, we rather want to watch the Gonjaror da his act... Goodbye typhoons! ... A piece of scenery! HL because of that second-rate son oF a sword- ‘swallower | A delightful evening say!.. Tl drop you 2 way home. T INES | Think of all those Egyptologists, dying FYSTERY PCAN || |] ih iysterious circumstances arter ‘STRIKES AGAID they'd opened the tomb of Hao Pharaoh ». You wait, the same will pres to : ose bucybodice, violating the bncale rarkson, 100 5 burial chamber: First Clore aia Me. Pele sieht ° } vate st Mo toera te tg to 31, Rete edition ST aca Ce sey Hiem...All right... Yes, all right... Hello! How are things * a We can't deny that were right as ever Quite right... quite right To be precise we an deny that we're ever right Good... Well... What's your view No, wo, there's wore to it than of this busines? just Coincidence. [don't know. It certainly |] | You're probably right, out ‘sows rather odd to wie ; Wow can you prove ik but still, it could be pure |_|... Anyway, what is this coincidence. | mysterious illness 2 ee Whabis ib like? Er... quite..You've scen this- mmarniny's papers..." Mystery ines strike fessor Strictly speaking, it icw't exactly aw ill- se. Te ino viet mere found aslece: ae ab his dash, tae ener in bis brary. According to a preliminary roport, the ex Hever seem tolave Fallen into coe sort Of decp coma or hypnotic sleep... But have a look here... Well 2... Thay're litble I[ Have you thought of having these pieces of glass: crystal Fragments analysed 4 There it ig: that's all we know 50 far. Picces of crystal. they Yes, I've left Come oF thom at were found dose to tine laboratory at police Head the two victims. quarters. They re working on Anyway, it's enough For us bo rule oub the theory of simple coincid. ance,,.Whab we need Wow is the result of the police analysis. 1 wonder. FW ring up the laboratory. Per. haps they've got the answer al- Hello... Headquarters? Put me through to the laboratory, pleasc... Hell, Dector Simone?...This is Thomson...No, without a P, asin Venazuela...Yee tha analysis.oW2ll? Professor Reedbuck!...Lts fantastic! = Found asleep iM his bath... 108... They discovered the same crystal fragmonts...Incredible! | say, hovy is tha analysie getting ont... Have you.. Nothing definite yer... We've establiched that the giaes part- icles come from little crystal alle... Those probably con- tained the substance... which sent the unforbanate J can't believe it! frofessor Bath- vickims into a sort of coma, . ub, Found asleep in the reeds ! The substance! We haw absol- Utely wo idea...Yes, were pres sing on with our tests... I'll Tet yen know how things are going. Goodbye We must warn the other members of tne expedition at once! And we muse get police protection For them. |} || part ix the expedition i indanger. i Les sce Santee antinay ae : Clarkson, Reedbuck tate tare. Why? tudo sink shat, | Ye mere ha others * Ones Mark Falconer. Ring up Mark Falconer, Je that Mark Is alwaye the samme with the telephone: when- Falconer ? ver You nocd it, it's guaranteed to be out Hof order 1 eS ou. Ye, L was just || tcading the paper... What? Professor Reed buck too? Jupiter, soho was the truch ! [1 pick up a taxi and be with you right away. Meanwhile, warn Cantonnean, Midge and Tarragon. Tall thaw to stay indoors. And above all to keep away from the windows... Yes, windows... Met Don't worry, | shall be on my guard... Goodbye for nov. ['ll be with YoU pe 500K, He's coming kwow all about it...He said we should warn the other explorers, Hf telling them mot to 90 out, and bo |] keep away from the windows. Geod, Fil warn Professor Cantonvcau druni on coca One wight. He told me... No, E can't explain ‘vr the telephone... No, I'll ‘ome along and see YOM... Wuere ¥... Good | ace HI Great snakes! Tcant get |} | I put in an appearance, througin! T must. keep Til be ready! [ lello 4 ‘ iu, what's the matter? HeetcAn Rsyous A Ho, Ive not heard anything... Thank goodness Ive |] q What? But that's Fantastic! ... don't 90 Than Qandness We WW And Clarkson tout...And Reedbuck ?M| || wear the window ¥ . How terrible!...What? I must be on} || ... Yes, the win my guard 2 dows tes Professor Cantonneau ! warn the other bwo ex plorers at ance. Something's happened to fin going straight round there ... You stay here and There's a taxi pulling up out side the door. Texpect Fy browahe Mr Falconer. lNtake ft om Heceiweare/ sit sity, five, pare Your passenger-he's been attacked! Tell me, did You step anywhere on the Ne... 0h, yes. Once, At A Junction, when the lights wore Now f remember! IE | must have happened then... Another taxi A dtew up alangeide mine, and { heard a Faint sound of glass breaking. | didn't think mach of it at the time. The lights changed, and we waved off. 1 sce. Go into the house ‘aid up to the first Ploce, where you'll Find two police oFFicers. Tell them your story in aff to warn Doctor Midge. Rightot al (Var re— Nhe. et, Tete wa to NYS or mt . P cry oF the seven explorers who took part in the expedition, erly Doctor Midge and Professor Tarragon have escaped the fate of their colleagues. A day-and-niaht police watch is being kept on their homes, and on the office oF Dr, ‘Midge, Director of the Darwin Muséuin : Uk Fay. rane DoSAR CAPAC aaa TaBic story lies PRE SEVEN the s@tot lies behind) gre. THE 51] ihe mit Aterican a) SRaygtAt. BALES Tve got to deliver a registered lester and 4 parcel to Doctor Midge ‘Aha! How splendid! One of my colleagues in Java Was sent mae an Meet exciting! Now, let's gee this strange lepidopter. I Stop! Dow’ open that parcel! Ce ay be a booby-trap!... Give it tome: I will open ib mycel?, Tei my duty, Dr. Midge, m duty... To be precise: head” ters expocte that every jetective will do his duty But what about YOu vn! We'd b-b-b: c-c-cale| escape. We've just opened a || || well guarded. What al which looked ther window suspicious. Luckily, it was only a ueterFly. Look, hare it is... pee einnen uate Phat. What more need [ say? Yaute guarding his win— dow? Then what are you doing in here ? his is Thompson... ‘in Priladelphia..Yes..1 i very well, thank you... Dr Midge who isnt...f mean...Yes.sir... They vegat him A cat ! All that fuce N miserable cat! Meanwhi oP course, our quarry has got [| clean away... Come on Extraordinary! Quite extrnordinary!...Another victint.n IES amazing | No, 1 think if ‘little to the No, (said: another victim. Here in the newapaper...The Director af the Darwin Museum... Dockor Midge. Not yoo, but Tm surete get there in the end. Yes. Good. There. Read it yourself... It's simpler that way - Extracrdinary!.,. Quite extraordin- arya Tins surprised ..The headlines are printed quite iarge...Never mind: Til read it to you myselF. Have you read this 2... No? The Mystery oF Ure Crystal Bale, as it is now denerally kvown, continues to hit the Front page. Is thir the ven geance of a Fanatical Indian ! Has he ‘morn te punish Ehoze who were bold enough to disturb the tamb of thelnca king, Rascar Capac? All the evidence. Ponts that way and Chis drawmabic theory cannct be discounted, But it poses Hew questions. Why did the ysterious avenger not kill his Victims on the spot? Why, instead, plunge them into profound sleep. wad sleep Wi imadical opinion, col be prolonged for an ‘indefinite period bhein lives Reade the details of the... oS without imperilling ere are already familiar with Good morning, Nestor, Iz ld the Captain a home? Tintin, my dear Fellow! -=sHow ‘very mice! “iu The police are taking Full precautions bo ensure Ene safety oF thé last of tne coven members of the expedition .This move is welcome. It 1 certain... How.are yout And how's Professor Calculus ¢ Very wall. He’ buy réading the paper tome... tha otherwise he would sifly share Phe Fate hie colleague. Today, frozen Taceagon.« * TH enjoy msating him Thank you “Youd like to 90 wow #... Certaitly Come along... You know Professor Tarragon, the ox onancient Ameria?.tsnt he the me with the Rascar Capac mummy in hie possession? ‘Oh, wo! On the contrary, he's most kind ..('l Tabroduce you to him if you like, Tarragon | ...The last of the seven +... Is it really him? We Cnever, | know Tarragon... He ana | were students together Look, visitors For frofessor Tarragon. 1b tke byl 3 Fortes Right. Wait hero, and Til gee if you They re certainly Gil (soking after Il the professor! 4} 3 Here are your visitors . introduce (Captain Haddock, retired from the sea Welcome, gentomen, welcown Aud this is my young fri the famous reporter Out friend Rascar Capac ‘ascar Capac : he-who- 1e-Fire-of heaven. [You have anopencar, Ubelieve,..IF I were von, se Ein aoa | 12 pue ie under cover right away. These ic, he-who-unleashes- summer storms can be very violent | iH ace oF heaven, and L absolute downpour... mY i one of the 6 guarding the Quick ets see whae's | That comefrom happening... the direction pet of the gatec Thig isis here comes the rain. Let's get (ndoors, quickly! ‘There weren't any shots. You made the mistake of leaving your car in the blazing saw... Look, your tyres have burst! couple of tyres...) a ceuple of tyres oniny car!.,. Blistoring bar- nacles, and you call that nothing? a Blue blictering bar- Now what are we going to de? Two ngcles ina thundering || tyres: and Ive only gat one spare! typhoon | Ie quite simple: yon spend the ‘night here.,.then tomorrow mor- ning you can phono the garage. Excuse me, Hercules, but L think there's stme- one locking ab the door. If Everything all right?...Good., goed. By the may, Professor, mitat do you nthe oceult practices At any rite, the false alarm did iake of thls whole business oF Che GF ancient Peru. It ccema Prove that the house is well crystal balls? te have some bearing, guarded. ecmimpea Tg | | these mace | Yes, geen seams 3 Not much... Butas a matter peorlancy of fick, lve drafted a oust be very care: paper... Pal. Look at this...ib'sa translation ] If “APter man of part of the inscriptions ere with Pane But...but... thie ie quite moons will come seven string: | |] pate faces; they mill profane the |] || o*eraerdinary! carved on the walle of Rascar sacred dwellings of he-who-unleashes- Capac’s tomb... You may like the-Fire-of-heaven, These vandals will te read it carry the bedy of the Inca to their own || Far country. But the curse of the gods will bens their shadow and pursue Hew over land and séa... ” F Rascar Capac’ Vaporized ‘The prophecy is Fulfilled... Rascar |) Capac has gone...and { am struck Me tool... And it smellé very strong: sulphur, ien't it? Bur Professor Tarragon... | what's the matter 2 Tits wothing. Read the rest... the rest oF my Enansla- Don's give iw! The house {s well quarded; you know that. Where do you sleep? Tn the next room, There are KO windows, “There will come a day when Rascar Capac will bring down upon himself the cleansing Fire. In one moment of Flama he will return to his true element; on that day will punishment descend upon the desecrators," Good. Awd there are shutters in here... What's more, we are upstairs, Ta make dovbly sure, well station tno Policemen outside those windows .. You be te $I You're right... tm being absurd... Leb me show you to your roams, Een 1 bia'you grod-night: Whew! What a relief... Te was only a dream .. gale blew the window open! What's happened , Captain ?...1 thought }| |f Yes. 1...1 had a fght- Theard you shouting. Ful nightmare |... RascarCapac came into my roam... He had a huge crystal ball in “his hand... he hurled it down on the loor... — = He's there, | tell you!... It's |] || All the same, lets have You see #....Noowe!... He was oly himt...the ladian from 4 100K dreaming, like us. downstairs!... He came Into Be So ere wy moow...Ke wae brandi¢hing , 5 4 huge crystal ball! : f Good weavens! [t's y ' the eae dream i | Look, he's going dove the certainly simelt stairs. | wonder what ||_ something N ta: | Billions oF blue bilious blistering barnacles ‘in a thunder. |lixg typhoon! De Good heavens, Captain, ‘are you all right © You could have broken your neck ! Thundering ty- phoone|" Zech Frofessor Tarragon | Profesor Tarragon! He doesn't answer «Break dows the door! Look there F crystal But it's impossible Profesor Tarragon ! There's nothing we can do...The every single exit is Professor Tarragon! crystal ball has done is work. ‘guarded claimed the lact of the coven. Quick, the window |The intruder .. the = Has anyene gone |_ must have gone that way! closed tight past you! = ves ik's incredible! This absolutely beats WOOAH!| [There ! That's how it wat ‘mes, How aid the ||| Rascar capac Jewels done... the attacker ca i fale was his have disappeared ! WOOAH!! I and went by the chi 0h, 0 that's! Showy |] [AAAAAAAAAAAH! ose is still caked with soo.. He can't possibly smell anything else in That was Professor Tarragon's voice! Biistering barnecis! They're wuirdering him!... Come on, hurry! They're coming bac them! They're going to But now what 2... Look, he's fallen back ita a comma. Teres ne ene here... only your Friend. to be suffering horribly...Then sud- denly he calmed down...1 think it Hiwan... ye 5 certainly a || would be an idea to call ina doctor. | | Clear case of acute coma... } Look, his muscles are absolut ly relaxed, his limbs completz-| i ly inert... I] Keep away, youdevile | They ‘ll ear me 9 pleces ! No ck, the thua escaped us... Now, 1 wonder what's going ov back here at the house. They're coming back | tormenting me Hat, umbrella, spectacles, pendulum, buat’s the lot: on weg! I[ They're coming | Get away, you tortur- ers! ... Helpme! Help! They'll start again — 2. Good morning Help, help! js Hercules there ? Yos, e's there , in bed, ill, The doctor is here He sounds ina bad ciate. Still, thab’s easy. Ul find him with my pen- dul Goodvess gracious! How | extracediigary! There must be something dh Well, weil, well. A bracelet... Well never! )| Ff Magnificent! it's Really splendid...And What have we here ! It's the one that was on obviously made of how well it goes with the mummy !...How very solid gold..1'll put it coat! curious... How did ib come enand go indoors war: to be here? ing it, and seeif they notice. How where's old, Calculus 2... Out in the garden... Gucppentinot ba T expect he's hard at work with Stravaa, I'm sure. he said’ he wae ina in garden, his pendulum. Wait; I'll go and Find bint y || Hello... Did you Find him? Let's go back into the garden: | Uespect welll Find hive fh the No, he wasn’t there ; shrubbery with that’ beloved pen: He's probably back in Ailing, OF his his room vs I'll go up 8 and look TE no good shouting for him) Captain'... Captain! Bloodstains! The im- Whe? ».The intruder last Look up there! print ofa hand |...What || | night, I'l bet. .No wonder we “ dees that mean? Who couldn't Find him...Wounded, could have... J} and chased like that, he didn't ook refuge in the Fop oF thie tree... Bub... he could still be Do be careful... Take wy gun jf oar am Fosoeine to see For my- No, U still can'e set anything «+. . es Captain... Over Final right, Capt Beralya roceen | there, te your right, branch breaking... 4 is Nook... More to the Maybe nav... But he's certainly been attached Now I sez what happened ... The intrud- er was still wpin the tree... Along came, Calculus .., awd the other Fellow jumped But, blistering barnacles, why ? Why on earth should anyone attack Calculus? You can have your bone | back in a winute, Showy. But First of ‘all you must, ry to Find the Professor, 3 Look our, Captain! .. Take ‘cover | Look there... The grass is all don't know. All Ide know is that Frofessor Calculus 1as disappeared, and ve gok to Find him | And these broken branches sus There's been a Fight here | YA Fiat 701A Calculus been Fighting t Cannibals! ... Caterpillars! |] Troglod ytec! ll Ectoplasms! ... Captain! ...1'm going Tramps! to cowl round to the summer-house. You Fire a chot From time to time,..Here’s your gun...1'il Ehrow it cross. IF { cowl just get that bone back...Steady it For it... Hatha! 0 1 got ith... Smaré work, eh? Tribe of savages!.. Vampires! ... Monsters! Hore, Captain... 've got the car number... Were not beaten yt Come on, quickly! Wall, that's that... There are police check- points ‘on all the roads in this area... They won't escape us... Never The inspector will Hello, Headquarters? This pass the number ig Chambers..\@s... One bn bo his hendquare- | of Professor Tarngons ers a Friesde hae beon kidnapped «Professor Cutinbert Cal- cola. Nes, ina car... ("Il ive you its number secrpion once The brutes! .. Kidnapping Calculus! ‘And why, may Lask?... WhaE possible 10050) wae can they have, For kidnapping poor Cuthbert a At J Headquarters to all stations Galing all cars. Arrest occupants oF black saloon ‘at, wedel Opel Olyrupia rwaisration number 317415, proceeding From Harlesford i-a south - westerly direction, Hello?... Yes Chambers speak- ing...Oh, yes sie Yes... Police patrol at Wallinghead reporting The car has just passed here at high speed, proceeding ina south-mesterly direction You've got a read block in positlont... [f excuse me sir, bur have you seen a black saloon || car om the road ? | dow's think J waen't paying much attention, 4 black Opel saloou 2... «1 don't recall secing on Odd... where can they have gone? Wel ca Fd eis care, matt We eer cee lanl = = ial What You haven't seew them... But its ages since thoy went past uel... They almost ran us down! It beats me!... Which way did they go... Ak, & workman TW have a word with him. Nest of mattiesnakes | .. Pirates! ... Bashi- bazouks! Tes Calculus, you poat To0s! Caleulus! The salt of the earth... with a heart Of gold! He's beew kidnapped by those devils!... Why? [ ask you. .. Thundering typhoons, 4'you know wiry? A black ear #... [don't know iF it's the one you're woking for, but a car turned down there about three ‘auarters oF an hour ago... to the Tight, into te wood yos...ye6.. Well? .You've Found it That's eplen What #... Empty! Quick, Captain, we'll Hop fi the car..,.We might learn something over there. You found it here + Abandoned, like thie # Yes, But the occupants wor gee Par. The whole area is cor doned of and were beating, he wood, The man Hiey've kid nappetais he a friend of yours’ Well, Sherlock Holmes .. favelyou found anyching ? 1 say, officer. you were at one oF the road-blocks weren't you? $0 you should have seen a large nw celoured car 99 9. No... why should 12... But wait a Yes, there was someone sitting bit. The driver looked like a foreigner: beside him... Another foreigner, Vd say: dark hair, bony face, hooked ose, thin lips... think there were’ Ewe other men ir the back. but f only caught L alimpse of them. Gocd heavens, you're right | Afawn car did pass us... A ee ee aes nish, oF South American, of oe es sbmazhing like Brat”. Fabtien, eure Fanned , black moustache and side- boards, Worn-rivamed glasses... You didn't Ehink of Faking the nun Ls ‘et ‘And the othars?... Thare were some others, 1 suppose * Leok at these tracks... | Here are the tyre-marks of the Opel, But f] bere are come others, different tyres, Danlop I'd say: Ehe tyres of the car thab was waiting for the Opel. Good |... Well, you cau call oF F the beaters... It's a waste of ime The kidwappers are Faraway Blistering barnacles, you're right | But how did you guess, Haat it was fawn-colowred 2 [specks of fawn paint... The lane | | The crooks! So they switched |] is narrow. In turning, one oF Ene | care ! wings of the car scraped against | thie tree, leaving traces oF Come on, we must pass ail thie on te the police fat once, Perhaps they'll be able to catch them further on. “The car used by the kidnappers Oh well, there's still falosaele Th me EM the tecipants are be | | Come erate there's something very w-. "The occupam e lieved to be of South American queer going on at the origin..." Thats right... "Any- hospital where ee seven one who can give any inforna- explorers are detained... ation is asked to get in touch ink you'd betéer sip round |] with che nearest police station immediately. It's really serious 2...1 can't believe it. What? Nes... OF course... Dont worry, go round at once Yes, itis wost extraordinary) Everyday, at the same time, the seven patients 9o into some sort of trance...1t5 ‘anive inexplicable «Look, it's almost time for their seizure now... You'll see what { wiean Some of the I aunts in this Fi ward now, waiting for the eymptorns to appear. ‘They all look quite Peaceful Eo me. It's certainly But what possible very peculiar, connection can there be between all this and he kid- rnapeing of Calculus? Good afternoon, Nestor. How "None Nestor. Poor PreFessor Cal- is the Captain? ulus has vanished into thin air, hel aged ten yeare | Oh dear, oh Acar! The master ince ‘this trouble began... will be’ $0 disappointed, And you, sir? Have you aany mews? om Nothing at all, I'm afraid. 4h, Tintins Hello... we, What about Calewius ? Thundering Anything new? typheons. Just time Fora neagin one for the road, and we're of Pl TT Let's go where, Captain = Hearootile Just ove more =F | ter... the tase. | g As lve told you beore- ]) | BE iiore to the weet! = al lt Ss \; ve Ih i K ‘And now perhaps you'l be Kind enough to behave yourselF Otherwise ic’ a = understand? A fr minded lala “Tha police rang we..The Fawn car] ||... by thunder, and snatch him was seen near there two days } from the arasp oF those ago by a garage-hand-They stopped |} || iccnaclaste, those vampires, at a pump Por petrol, then ltt, hand ‘ng tomarts te docke. Undoubtedly} | the kidnappers have boarded a ship with Caleulug...ind 60 will we. Et =, ‘And now, Captain, will you please tell me where we're going? Blistering barnacles!.. Quick 08, or we'll be drenched ! Thundering typhoons, [es stuck. Somethine’s faught up UH ery todo te me inside Billions of blistering barnacles! MN [ Poryency or] [fee ar eatin re Le to me! drier now Com on, Captain; hurry up.or WW weiner ge che” RS As soon as we geb to Westermouth bo- twortow, we'l go straight to the police ; they'll pat usin the picture Tim sorry, there's nething Fresh... [k was. a i fawn car all rights bac asi the one containing | your friend? IE was seen heading For Wester- Wout... aud since then, nothing ... ello 2... Yes, this is inspector] Jackson. Yee. Again? What 2... Where ?.>. 0h one oF the docks? Well Lim el! There's no mistake about it 2. Well gentlemen, you're in luck! The fawn car has just been recovered Frou owe of the {| docks. IF you'd like to come F with we, we'll go and have fi look. Ik was a trowler, coming in. She struck aM obstacle, 50 we dragged the dock... And there you are, Is there any means of identiFication? || Number plate? ... Licence! Engine number? Nothing aball, sin. There are Ho havber plates, and che engine and || chassis numbers have. been Piled OFF, It's 4 mass-produced car. so there isn't much chance of ever Finding out. Anyway, we can be certain of one thing: whoever kid- mapped Professor Calculus embarked here, having First tried fo get rid of the car by dumping it in Che dock. We must ack at once: me'll radio a description oF your Friend to all the ships that have sailed From || Westermouth since the EwelFth All things considered, we're not wack Further on Helle, she's leaving for South Awerica...and the Kidnappers could be aboard...with poor Cauda No partwer?... What's hap- Nice to see you, General, pened to Chiquito ? Are you off on'tour ? Ontour ©... Caramba Gone!... Dieappeared |... Four 1.90 home to my f days ago... | wot blame him .. Before we come to Eurspe the say he leave mo one day: wot te worry, not to look for fiw. Ana, it is 50. Four days ago?... Then he red on the twelFth...well, ell we is Chiguito a real India? Sal 1s chiguito a real lwdian? Y Santa Madre do Dice! He is one oF last descend- ants of [os Incae! Have you ever seen Chiquito witha rather fat man with a small black moustache and hhorn-rimined glasses? || Perhaps a Peruvian... 5) body, never speak to any- body except: we Rupae Inca Huaco?,.. 1 What % A descendant of the Incas? Wonder... The thin maH You're sure oF that? blooded Quichua Indian... Chiquito is just stage name, His real mame is Rupac Inca Caramba' [ must 90 vow... Adios, aimtge wic...Wo wa haps! Well, who did you sec over there? He teld me two very odd things... Fi his partner Chiquito disappeared on the twelfth...That was the night Professor Tarragen was attacked, and te f Secondly, Chiquites real namie is Rupac Thea Huace, and he's a descondant of the Blistering barnacles, put me down! Fat me down at once ! ee coe We'll go and tell the Inspec- teowhat General Alcazar hhad ko say... about the wystery oF Chiquito. Numbekuils |... Hi-jackers! [Se that's thar. Now what shall we do, Captain ? a) (haven't a notion. There, ['ve made a note of it all... We'll Ery to track down this Chiquito Fellow... It could be that he's mixed up in this business somowhere... Anyway, I'll et you know how thinge are goin: Wait a minute? Tve got an idea... Why dew't we 90 avd say hnello to your Friend Cap- bain Chester ? His chip “Sirius is lying at Bridge port... You said co yesterday, The "Sirius" ¢... Yes, she was here... She sailed on this morn- ao That's hard luck! Still, IP 1 get my Anyway, they're hands on the young well out oF range! fi fl jackanapes they wont Foyer Captain | Now where's the "Sirius"? Chector told me he was berthed at Quay No. 18... We'll have Eo ask someoue Vagabonds'! Captain! Captain! Don't do Hooligans |... |} || that! It's terribly dangerous! [Fwhow, that was a ff [| Holle, Snowy. What have one the Capkain hicked. We'll put a step to Consist hnd I | z bold 2 your Piittle game... wou't in there after it ! I{ Donkey! wnat do you || || want me todo with HL the hat! Wear it? Caleulus wasn't taken aboard ak Westermouth Iwas here at Sridge- port..Bue what ship? Pana what was her estination2..That what me neta Co KNOW. But how can we Pind out? Old Cuthbert’s little Pound hat! .Thar's why Snowy insisted om retrieving it..Look ‘ae the initialel C.C.2 Cuthbert Caleulus | But thew Tve got e! We must try be find Hasse. two lads who played He trick with the hat. Captain... Captain! .. I've gor Calcuius's hat! Yes! Til teach the young pirates a thing or bw! Good ald Snowy; because of you we've made a wonderful diccovery...Now we want you to help ws gomin.. We muse Find those twa ran after thers: remember ? (On che contrary, Captai you'll be very nice to th ‘After all, thanks to thew we Found the hat | asain we wane them Eo Fell us Mow they came by it themselve. 7 HO “Black Cats. When they lifted one of the erates out of the shed, | saw the hat underneath, ali Flattened out .. Honestly, it waen't my idea to play that brick ...i6 was my Friend ——— Don't worry, we're not looking For trouble, We just want to know where you Found this that That hat... We wore own in No.17 shed this morning... where the crates were stacked for Yeading aboard... =] Well, your friend had a jolly good idea ,.. Didn't he, Captain 2 Now, Captain, to the harbour mas ter's oFFice. We'll ask Chem when the packing-cases came intothe warehouse. The cases’... They arrived on the fourteenth, byrail... THis morning sey were loaded aboard the “Black Cat” Tn the wight before aay arrived, was a ship berched oppoite shed No.7? & ‘Ag sec it, Calculus was |! \{ Agreed | We'll leave for feru as On the thirteenth?... Lets see...Yes, the "Pachacamac’- a Feruvian merchant man. Kidnappea by chiquito, a |! || soon as we can... Tovnorrow, or the She arrived From Callas an the tenth with | || Fragen Indian ex abard |||] ey afer, Row {'m ging toring up 4 cargo oF uano she sailed again For the Tachacowmac’ a foruvian |! || tue luspecter and tell hivw Callao on the fourteonth with aloadof timber. |] || £4ip, bound For a Porwianpert!|| |] what we've discovered, ee Bue, thundering ty. Phoons, we mut 90 Good. And I'll telephone after these gangsters at Nestor to tell him we're leaving. Tella. yer speaking What? The Profesor hatte Yous Ohis | Yess 0F comes ihe Pacha’. | For Callao... IE seems 0 very strong i 1 Excuse me, but that isn't the plane for South America baking off, is it 2 Nead ...Yes, Ul make the necessary arrangements...What? You're going f Yes, that's to Callao But that's absurd |... As her. you like... When are you leaving ? 2. Right. Goodbye, ana goed luck! Oh dear! Ob dear! What a calamity! What a terrible calamity... Tae master! My poor, poor master! Ibis indeed! The master has Left without a single spare monocle Now off to Pera!...We shall bein Callao well before the "Rachacamac' Well ge ih touch with the poice there ‘ab ce, aud as s00W ae the ship aarcives, we'll rescue Calculus, What's up? Any- Yes, that’s all very Fine, bue thing serious? : {wonder if it Will be az easy as You think.

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