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Archive and Origins in Los perros del paraiso

Brian Chandler

Like so many contemporary Latin American

novels, Los perrosdel paraiso,published in 1983 by the
Argentinean Abel Posse, is a narrative of origins.
However, contrasted with more famous, earlier
novels such as Cienanosdesoledad(1967)by Garcia
Marquez or Los pasosperdidos(1953)by Alejo
Carpentier, in Los perrosdelparaisothe reader is
engaged by a flagrantly ludic distortion of the events
surrounding the foundational fiction of Spanish
America. The novel begins by explaining that a
suffocating Europe of the fifteenth century is
"gasping for breath, long[ing] for its dead sun, its lost
pulse, the buried fiesta" (7). The erotic breath of life
that gives birth to the Renaissance comes from the
Americas where the Aztecs (described as religious

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Chandler Chandler

fanatics) and the Incas (American socialists) meet to Exploring the abstract nature of the Archive leads
contemplate exploring the lands of the pale ones. On Derrida to examine the roots of the Archive as a
the other side of the Atlantic, Christopher Columbus, primary source of the power to control the production
since a young age, has been called by a voice to go and interpretation of law:
and find the Earthly Paradise across the sea. As we Arkhe, we recall, names at once the
have read in our history books, the Catholic commencementand the commandment. This .
monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, fund Columbus' name apparently coordinates two principles
journey. However, in Losperrosdelparaiso,the illicitly in one: the principle according to nature or
married cousins fall for Columbus' ruse about new history, therewhere things commence-
commercial routes to the Orient. All the while, physical, historical, or ontological
Columbus prepares for the true meaning of his principle-but also the principle according
voyage-to find the Earthly Paradise, the site of the to the law, therewhere men and gods .

garden of Eden. In order to return to the singular, command, therewhere authority, social order
live origin that is the Earthly Paradise, the Admiral are exercised, in thisplacefrom which orderis
must overcome Time, History, and the Archive, a task given-nomological principle. (1)
made impossible by its very undertaking. As the locus of both the storage of historical
Two recurring leitmotifs in Losperrosdelparaiso knowledge and a seat of power, Derrida's closer
are archival knowledge and temporality. To . inspection of the Archive highlights'the complicity
understand how these themes offer the reader a between knowledge, memory, history, and power in
deeper textual meaning, we must return to the roots Western societies. Therefore, the Archive has a
.. ' of the Latin American narrative: the Archive. In dichotomous nature: metaphorically, it is both the
~::1 ~
Archive Fever,Jacques Derrida explores how the storehouse of knowledge that reaches back towards a
:i;. Archive is more than simply a place where beginning and the site in which power is exercised.
information is collected and stored. . "'Archive' is only In his well-known study Myth and Archive,
a notion,an impression associated with a word and Roberto Gonzcilez Echevarria shows how the Latin
for which [. . .] we do not have a concept" (29). American Narrative grew out of and evolved


Chandler Chandler 131

analogously with the Archive. Gonzalez Echevarria the Archive give Columbus encouragement during
notes that canonical novels like Cienaiiosdesoledad his long voyage as he compares the texts with the
and Lospasosperdidoscenter on characters that found reality that surrounds him.
urban spaces from which a new Archive, a new Our history books indicate that nearly six years
repository of knowledge and power, is constructed pass between Columbus' first landfall in America and
(18). However, in contrast to the totalizing narratives the third voyage in which he passes the mouth of
of many of the Boom period novels that textually what we know as the Orinoco River. However, the
reproduce the foundational Archive, in Los perrosdel narrator of Losperrosdelparaisoobserves that "[i]n the
paraiso,Posse engages and demythicizes archival real life of the admiral, the day that follows October
knowledge through the use of parody and humor. 12,1492 is-curiously-August 4, 1498" (221). By
In LosperrosdelparaisoColumbus learns at an joining Columbus' four historic voyages into one
early age that in order to fulfill his destiny he must be narrated journey, the narrator suggests that the only
able to manipulate the tools of inscription of the " event with true meaning for Columbus was finding
Archive when he steals the box containing the the Earthly Paradise. Using archival knowledge in
sacristan's letters (26). Using these "forbidden grapes the same way one would follow a treasure map, the
from the Tree of Knowledge," Columbus deciphers Admiral "was looking for confirmation, signs, not
the priest's precept and begins to acquire the skills he vulgar gain" (253). Along the way, the expedition
will later use to manipulate the Archive to further his sees"a wondrous black-and-yellow anaconda; they
, ,-'
search for the Earthly Paradise (26). knew by its size and splendor that it was indisputably
At times, the novel imitates established the one that had spoken to Eve" (253). Finally,
historiography, as when the narrator explains that Columbus sees a large ceiba tree, declares that it is the
"[s]urely he had constructed that vision of Paradise Tree of Knowledge, and hangs his hammock from one
from the illustrations in those depraved books- of its long branches. The Admiral explains to the
alleged travel chronicles-already being published in others, "Here the original waters are blended in a
Venice, with a new apparatus called the printing single continuum. We are at the brink of the
press" (23). These descriptions of Paradise found in Beginning" (254). Columbus believes that he has


Chandler 132
Chandler 133

found the mythical Beginning, the locus of simple, the admiral was condemning work" (257).
conu,nencement for the Judeo-Christian Archive. However, the ordinances are not received well by the
Columbus' search for the Earthly Paradise evokes men who had accompanied Columbus. "What
the phenomenon that Derrida names" Archive followed was a witches' Sabbath among the exfelons
Fever." For Derrida, the modem Archive has and prostitutes. A merry dance. The hellhounds of .
expanded to the internal psychological substrate, repressed desire swept along the coast" (254). The
r reflecting how Freudian psychoanalysis has changed more conservative citizens reply, "We are not fucking
the way we think about memory and suppression. savages!" (255). After the first commotion against the
The attempt to accumulate, condense, and capitalize ordinances, the reality of nudity and no work
memory is realized through the Archive, where provoke boredom and emptiness. "After two weeks
I memory is separated from its very origin and everyone began to feel that without evil nothing had
commencement (Derrida 91-3). The result is a meaning" (259). Shortly thereafter, the people begin
sickness, an Archive Fever that, inVQkingthe same to revolt (261). Roldan, a strongman, begins
processes as the Freudian death drive, eventually preaching of "nation" and "dignity" as violence and
destroys what it most seeks: the beginnings Qf rape spread through Paradise (261-5). Columbus,
knowledge, memory, and power. The result is that oblivious to reality, "rested from the age-old fatigue
"[t]he archive always works, and a priori, against of the Occident" (265).
itself" (Derrida 12). The Admiral, by dictating what seem to be
However, as Columbus rests in a hammock logical social ordinances for life within the Earthly
under what he believes to be the Tree of Knowledge Paradise, destroys the very Archive that speaks to its
~~ of Good and Evil, the reader gets a sense that the own mythological beginning. Life without the
Admiral has been able to overcome Archive Fever. Archive, the site of commencement and
Believing he has returned to the Beginning, commandment, is impossible to imagine. The
Columbus, between his long respites, passes two . mythological origin, the metaphoric foundation of the
ordinances for all to follow: the Ordinance of Nudity Archive, is unattainable. In the Archive, original
and the Ordinance of Being, in which "[p Jure and memory (mnesis) is replaced with hypomnesis, a



134 Chandler 135


supplemental representation of a "live origin" create, but cannot understand. The breezes of the
(Denjda 92-3). Columbus' Earthly Paradise is based ocean carry the voices of African slaves, European
on "hypomnetic" inscriptions within the Archive that, immigrants, Ashkenazi Jews, "words the admiral
through the acts of translation and consignation, are cannot understand: fox-trot, Andes, Immigrant Hotel,
irrevocably separated from any true origin. Rio de la Plata, milonga, 'There's gold in them thar
In a similar manner, Columbus' voyage in itself hills, Jim!'" (207). The spatiotemporal region in which
creates a new space in the Archive. As the Admiral Columbus finds himself is that of the future American
sails to the New World Archive.
[t]he spatiohistorical horizon was Every movement and decision that Columbus
shattered once and for all by the bow of the makes creates a new space in the Archive. Although
Santa Maria. It was like ripping open one of Columbus is in search of a mythological origin, his
those grab bags sold at the Ferragostofairs. quest is doomed to fail. The events of the future have
The Pandora's Box of reality. already been determined by his very presence in
People, ships, began to slip through the America. Referring to the ships from the future:
rent in the spatiotemporal veil, human He has observed that he never sees them
scenes that the admiral-as a visionary-had directly ahead of the Santa Maria's bowsprit.
to accept without trying to seek explanations It is as if they depended on her battered
that would exceed the modest possibilities of wooden prow to cut the veil of time. At
. the age. (204) moments when the Santa Maria is becalmed,
In the wake of the Santa Maria the reader finds that or on a long tack - whenever the normal
time collapses. Ships" of terrifying size, as tall as the course is interrupted or delayed-the ships
Cathedral of Seville[,]" (202) are "transporting from the future circle aimlessly. (207)
quantities of passengers and goods. Some have In this way, Columbus' voyage is similar to the classic
enormous metal chimneys, and leave a trail of curious I
I example of the butterfly whose movement plays a
smoke that seems too uniform to come from a fire" I part in a later hurricane halfway across the world.
(206). These ships tell of a future Columbus helps to ~ The Admiral's quest for an origin creates endless new

.M Chandler 136
I Chandler 137

, '. beginnings; new spaces that modify the Archive he so taken from the native pyramids and temples" (297).
much wants to possess. As Columbus walks the streets, he observes "that in
Columbus seeks a mythological origin of a stable addition to the cathedral many other buildings were
Archive, not realizing his every action has morphed being constructed of masonry or adobe" (298). The
the Archive beyond his control. Considering his paradise that the Admiral dreamed of was being
mission to be a messianic conquest of the Archive, the destroyed. "He marveled at the profusion of signs:
narrator tells that, "[a]s a descendant of Isaiah, the Santangel Bank & Hawkins Ltd., Bologna Beauty
admiral knew that he was the bearer of an awesome
Salon, Palace of the Inquisition (Semper Veritas),
responsibility: to return to the place where that trap of Cook Travel Agency, United Fruit Company, Castile
consciousness, that net woven with the threads of
Hotel, Sagardua Buffet" (298). In the place of the
Space and Time, no longer ruled" (150). However, as mythical Beginning, a new Archive is already being
the ships from the future attest, Columbus escapes .
constructed, incorporating older Archives, in an
neither Space nor Time. Rather, the Admiral is an endless chain of origins. In his native Italian, the final
unaware architect of new inscriptions within the words of the Admiral, and of the novel, utilize the
.:a' Archive that will forever change the history of the imperfect form of the verb "to be" in order to express
his acknowledgement that the present and the future
As Columbus lives tranquilly under the Tree of have already been constructed. Columbus states:
Life, time continues, flows, and percolates as the New "Purtroppo c'era il Paradise" (301). Recognizing that
World is constructed just steps away from Columbus' "unfortunately, it was Paradise," Columbus realizes
Earthly Paradise. The Admiral's rebellion and what the reader already knows: the Earthly Paradise
insolence cause him to be arrested by agents of was but a hallucination caused by Archive Fever.
Ferdinand and Isabella (296). Shackled and clothed, I:
he is marched through the princip~l street, "which in
time would be called Colon Boulevard" (297), that
"led to the plaza and the cathedral, still mainly of
fI logs, but beginning to be sheathed with carved stones


Works Cited

Derrida, Jacques. Archive Fever. A Freudian Impression. Trans Eric Prenowitz.

. Chicago: U of Chicago p, 1996.
Gonzalez Echevarria, Roberto. Myth and Archive. A Theory of Latin American
Narrative. 2,nded. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1998.
Posse, Abel. The Dogs of Paradise [Los perros del paraisoJ. 1983. Trans Margaret
Sayers Peden. New York: Antheneum, 1989.


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