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18/12/2014 Al l Standar ds ( One Page) - NEM A

 All Standards (One Page)

NEMA   > Standards

 ANSI C119. 1-2011 American

Amer ican National Standard for Electri
c Connect
ors-Sealed Insulated Underground Connector Systems Rated
600 V

 ANSI C119. 4-2011 American

Amer ican National Standard for Electri
c Connectors-Connectors for Use Between Aluminum-to-Aluminum and
 Aluminum-to-Coppe r Condu ctors Designe d for Normal Operation at or Below 93°C and Copper-to-Copper   

 ANSI C119. 5-2009 American

Amer ican National Standard for Electri
c Connectors-Insulati
cing Connector Systems, Rated 600 V or   
Less (Low Voltage Aerial Bundled Cables and Insulated and Non-Insulated Line Wires)

 ANSI C119. 6-2011 American

Amer ican National Standard for Electric
ric Connectors-Non-Sealed, Multiport Connector Systems Rated 600 V or   
Less for Aluminum and Copper Conductors

 ANSI C12.1 0-2011 American

American National Standard f 
or Physical
    Aspects of Watthour Meters-Safety Standard

 ANSI C12.1 1-2006 (R2014) American

Amer ican National
National Standard for Instrument Transfor
mers for Revenue Metering,
Metering, 10 kV BIL through
through 350 kV
(0.6 kV NSV through 69 kV NSV)

 ANSI C12.1 -2008 American Nation al Standa rd for Electric Meters-Code for Electricity Metering

 ANSI C12.1 8-2006 American

American National Standard for Protocol Specification for ANSI Type 2 Optical Port

 ANSI C12.1 9-2008 American

American National Standard for Utility Industry End Device Data Tables

 ANSI C12.2 0-2010 American

American National Standar 
d for  Electricity Meters-0.2 and 0.5 Accuracy Classes

 ANSI C12.2 1-2006 American

American National Standard f 
or Protocol
    Specification for Telephone Modem Communication

 ANSI C12.2 2-2008 American

American National Standard for Protocol Specification for Interfacing to Data Communication Networks

 ANSI C12.4 -1984 (R2002 , R2011) American

American National Standard for Registers-M
nical Demand

 ANSI C12.5 -1978 (R2002 , R2012) American Nation al Standard for Thermal Dema
nd Meters

 ANSI C12.6 -1987 (R2002, R2012 ) American

Amer ican National Standard for Phase-Shifting
Phase-Shifting Devices Used in Metering, Marking
Marking and Arrangement of     

 ANSI C12.7 -2005 American

American National Standard for Requirements for Watthour Meter Sockets

 ANSI C12.8 -1981 (R2002, R2012 ) American

Amer ican National Standard for Test
Test Blocks and Cabinets for Installation of Self-Contained
Self-Contained A-Base Watthour   

 ANSI C12.9 -2005 American Nation al Standa rd for Test Switches for Transformer-Rated Meters

 ANSI C136. 10-201 0 American

Amer ican National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Lock
pe Photocontrol Devices
and Mating Receptacles-Physical and Electrical Interchangeability and Testing

 ANSI C136. 11-201 1 American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-M
ultiple Sockets

 ANSI C136. 1-2012 American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-F
ilament Lamps-A Guide for Selection

 ANSI C136. 12-201 4 American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-M
ercury Lamps-Guide for Selection

 ANSI C136. 13-201 4 American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-M
etal Brack
ets for Wood Poles

 ANSI C136. 14-200 4 (R2009) American

American National Standard
Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-El
liptically Shaped, Enclosed
Enclosed Side-
Mounted Luminaires for Horizontal-Burning High-Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamps

 ANSI C136. 15-201 1 American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Lum
inaire Field Identification

 ANSI C136. 16-200 9 American

Amer ican National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-E
nclosed, Post Top-M

 ANSI C136. 17-200 5 (R2010) American

Amer ican National Standard
Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Encl
osed Side-Mounted
Side-Mounted Luminaires for   
Horizontal-Burning High-Intensity Discharge Lamps-Mechanical Interchangeability of Refractors

 ANSI C136. 18-200 6 (R2010) American

American National Standard
Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-High-
Mast Side-M
ounted Luminaires
Luminaires for   

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Horizontal- or Vertical-Burning High-Intensity Discharge Lamps

 ANSI C136. 19-201 1 American

Amer ican National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-H
essure Sodium (HPS
(HPS)) and
Retrofit HPS Lamps for Mercury Ballasts-Guide for Selection

 ANSI C136. 20-201 2 American

Amer ican National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-F
Reinforced Composite (FR
Lighting Poles

 ANSI C136. 21-200 4 (R2009) American

American National
National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Verti
cal Tenons
Tenons Used with Post
Post Top-
Mounted Luminaires

 ANSI C136. 2-2004 (R2009) American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Lum
inaire Voltage Classification

 ANSI C136. 22-200 4 (R2009) American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Internal
Equipment-Internal Labeling of Luminaires

 ANSI C136. 23-201 2 American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-E
nclosed Architectur
al Luminaires

 ANSI C136. 24-200 4 (R2010) American

Amer ican National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Non-
Locking (Button)-

 ANSI C136. 25-201 3 American

Amer ican National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Ingr
ess Protection (Resistance to Dust,
Solid Objects and Moisture) for Luminaire Enclosures

 ANSI C136. 26-201 0 American

Amer ican National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-T
roubleshooting Guide for High-
Intensity Discharge (HID) Luminaires

 ANSI C136. 27-201 2 American

Amer ican National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-T
unnel Lighting and Underpass

 ANSI C136. 28-200 6 (R2011) American

American National Standard
Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Glass
Equipment-Glass Lenses Used
Used in Luminaires

 ANSI C136. 29-201 1 American

Amer ican National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-M
etal Halide Lamps-Guide for   

 ANSI C136. 31-201 0 American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Lum
inaire Vibration

 ANSI C136. 3-2005 (R2009) American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Lum
inaire Attachments

 ANSI C136. 32-201 2 American

Amer ican National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-E
nclosed Setback Luminaires and
Directional Floodlights for High-Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamps

 ANSI C136. 33-200 5 American

Amer ican National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-P
lug-In Type Receptacle and Plug for   
High-Intensity Discharge (HID) Ignitors

 ANSI C136. 34-200 4 (R2009) American

Amer ican National Standard
Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Vandal
Equipment-Vandal Shields for Roadway and Area
Lighting Luminaires

 ANSI C136. 35-200 9 American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Lum
inaire Electri
cal Ancillar
y Devices

 ANSI C136. 36A-2010 American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-A
luminum Lighting Poles

 ANSI C136. 36B-2008 American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-C
oncrete Lighting Poles

 ANSI C136. 36C-201 0 American

Amer ican National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-S
teel Roadway and Area Lighting

 ANSI C136. 37-201 1 American

American National Standard for Solid State Light Sources Used in Roadway and Area Lighting

 ANSI C136. 38-200 9 American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Induction Lighting

 ANSI C136. 40-201 4 American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-S
olar Lighting Systems

 ANSI C136. 41-201 3 American

Amer ican National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment–Dim
ming Control Between an External
Locking Type Photocontrol and Ballast or Driver   

 ANSI C136. 4-2003 (R2013) American

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Ser
ies Sockets and Series-

 ANSI C136. 46-201 3 American

American National Standard For Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment—Concrete Lighting Poles

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 ANSI C136. 5-2003 (R2013) American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Film Cutouts

 ANSI C136. 6-2004 (R2012) American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Metal Heads and Reflector Assemblies-
Mechanical and Optical Interchangeability

 ANSI C136. 9-2003 (R2012) American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Socket Support Assemblies for Metal
Heads-Mechanical Interchangeability

 ANSI C18.1 M, Part 1-2009 American National Standard for Portable Primary Cells and Batteries with Aqueous Electrolyte-General and

 ANSI C18.1 M, Part 2-2011 American National Standard for Portable Primary Cells and Batteries with Aqueous Electrolyte-Safety Standard

 ANSI C18.2 M, Part 1-2013 American National Standard for Portable Rechargeable Cells and Batteries-General and Specifications

 ANSI C18.2 M, Part 2-2014 American National Standard for Portable Rechargeable Cells and Batteries-Safety Standard

 ANSI C18.3 M, Part 1-2013 American National Standard for Portable Lithium Primary Cells and Batteries-General and Specifications

 ANSI C18.3 M, Part 2-2011 American National Standard for Portable Lithium Primary Cells and Batteries-Safety Standard

 ANSI C37.5 0-2012 American Nation al Standa rd for Switchge ar-Low Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures-Test

 ANSI C37.5 1-2003 (R2010) American National Standard for Switchgear-Metal-Enclosed Low Voltage AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear   
 Assemblies-Conf ormance Test Procedures

 ANSI C37.5 1a-201 0 American National Standard for Switchgear-Metal-Enclosed Low Voltage AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear   
 Assemblies-Conf ormance Test Procedures-Amendmen t 1 Short-Time Withsta nd Current Tests

 ANSI C37.5 2-1974 (R1995, R2000 ) American National Standard for Test Procedures for Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit Protectors Used in

 ANSI C37.5 4-2002 (R2010) American National Standard for Indoor AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Applied as Removable Elements in
Metal-Enclosed Switchgear-Conformance Test Procedures

 ANSI C37.5 5-2002 (R2010) American Nation al Standa rd for Switchge ar-Medium Voltage Metal-Clad Assemblies-Conf ormance Test

 ANSI C37.5 7-2003 (R2010) American Nation al Standa rd for Switchge ar-Metal-Enclosed Interrupte r Switchge ar Assemblies-Conf ormance

 ANSI C37.5 8-2003 (R2010) American National Standard for Switchgear-Indoor AC Medium Voltage Switches for Use in Metal-Enclosed
Switchgear-Conformance Test Procedures

 ANSI C37.8 5-2002 (R2010) American National Standard for AC High Voltage Power Vacuum Interrupters-Safety Requirements for X-
Radiation Limits

 ANSI C62.6 1-1993 American National Standard for Gas Tube Surge Arresters on Wire Line Telephone Circuits

 ANSI C78.1 340-19 90 (R1995) 450W Self-Ballasted Mercury Lamps

(ANSI copyright)

 ANSI C78.1 341-19 90 (R1995) 750-Watt, 120-Volt Self-Ballasted Mercury Lamps

(ANSI copyright)

 ANSI C78.1 342-19 90 (R1995) 160-Watt, 120-Volt B87 Self-Ballasted Mercury Halide Lamps
(ANSI copyright)

 ANSI C78.1 372-19 97 70-Watt, M98 Single-Ended Metal Halide Lamps

 ANSI C78.1 374-19 96 50-Watt, M110 Single-Ended Metal-Halide Lamps

 ANSI C78.1 375-19 96 400-Watt, M59 Single-Ended Metal Halide Lamps

 ANSI C78.1 376-19 96 1000-Watt, M47 Single-Ended Metal Halide Lamps

 ANSI C78.1 377-19 96 175-Watt, M57 Single-Ended Metal Halide Lamps

 ANSI C78.1 378-19 97 250-Watt, M58 Single-Ended Metal Halide Lamps 3/21
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 ANSI C78.1 379-19 97 1500-Watt, M48 Single-Ended Metal-Halide Lamps

 ANSI C78.1 380-19 88 (ANSI Electric Lamps-250 Watt, 120 Volt, Self-Ballasted Mercury Lamps Specifications

 ANSI C78.1 381-19 98 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-70 W, M85 Double-Ended Metal Halide Lamps

 ANSI C78.1 382-19 96 100-Watt, M90 Single-Ended Metal Halide Lamps

 ANSI C78.1 384-19 97 150-Watt, M102 Single-Ended Metal-Halide Lamps

 ANSI C78.1 401-20 04 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Dimensions for Projection Lamps-Double-Contact, Medium-Ring,
Base-Up Type

 ANSI C78.1 402-20 04 American Nation al Standa rd for Electric Lamps-Four-Pin, Prefocus, Base-Down Type

 ANSI C78.1 403-19 97 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Tungsten Halogen (TH) Lamps with G6.35, GX6.35 and GY6.35

 ANSI C78.1 404-19 91 (R1995) DNF Projection Lamps

(ANSI copyright)

 ANSI C78.1 406-20 04 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-P28 Single-Contact Medium Prefocus-Based Projection Lamps
for Base-Down Operation-Dimensions

 ANSI C78.1 407-20 04 American Nation al Standa rd for Electric Lamps-Cond enser-Refle ctor, Four-Pin Prefocus-Base Projection Lamps-

 ANSI C78.1 408-20 04 American Nation al Standa rd for Electric Lamps-CBA Projection Lamp

 ANSI C78.1 409-19 91 (R1995) EJL Projection Lamp

(ANSI copyright)

 ANSI C78.1 410-19 91 (R1995) ELB Projection Lamp

(ANSI copyright)

 ANSI C78.1 411-19 91 (R1995) ELC Projection Lamp

(ANSI copyright)

 ANSI C78.1 412-19 91 (R1995) EMM Projection Lamp

(ANSI copyright)

 ANSI C78.1 413-20 01 American National Standard for Dimensions and Centering Systems for Projection Lamps-51 mm (2 in.) Integral
Reflector, Rim Reference Lamps with GX5.3, GY5.3 and GU5.3 Bases

 ANSI C78.1 414-19 88 (R1994) DDM Projection Lamp

(ANSI copyright)

 ANSI C78.1 415-19 89 (R1994) DED Projection Lamp

(ANSI copyright)

 ANSI C78.1 417-19 97 American National Standard for 1.65 in. (42 mm) Integral Reflector, Rim Reference Projection Lamps with
GX5.3 or GY5.3 Bases-Dimensions and Centering Systems

 ANSI C78.1 418-19 91 (R1995) EYB Projection Lamp

(ANSI copyright)

 ANSI C78.1 419-19 91 (R1995) EML Projection Lamp

(ANSI copyright)

 ANSI C78.1 420-20 01 American National Standard for Microfilm Projection Lamps-2 in. (51 mm) Dichroic Coated Integral Reflector,
Rim Reference Tungsten Halogen Lamps with GX5.3 Bases

 ANSI C78.1 421-20 02 American National Standard for Dimensions and Centering Systems for Projection Lamps-35 mm Integral
Reflector, Rim Reference Lamps with GZ4 Bases

 ANSI C78.1 430-19 97 American National Standard for Slide Projector Lamps-Condensing, Dichroic, 1.65 in. (42 mm), Integral
Reflector, Rim Reference Tungsten Halogen Lamps with GX5.3 Bases

 ANSI C78.1 431-19 97 American Nation al Standa rd for Electric Lamps-Slide Projector Lamps, Conde nsing, Dichroic, 2 in. (51 mm),
Integral Reflector, Rim Reference Tungsten Halogen Lamps with GY5.3 Bases 4/21
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 ANSI C78.1 432-19 97 American National Standard for Tungsten Halogen (TH) Lamps with GZ9.5 Two-Pin, Prefocus Bases and 36.5
mm Nominal Light Center Length

 ANSI C78.1 433-20 01 American National Standard for 2 in. (51 mm) Dichroic Coated Integral Reflector, Rim Reference Tungsten
Halogen (TH) Large-Screen Projection Lamps with GX5.3 Bases

 ANSI C78.1 434-20 01 American National Standard for Condensing Dichroic Coated Integral Reflector Side-Pin Tungsten Halogen
(TH) Projection Lamps with GX7.9 Bases

 ANSI C78.1 435-20 02 American National Standard for Projection Lamps-Tungsten Halogen Lamps with G5.3 Bases

 ANSI C78.1 450-19 83 (R2002) American National Standard for Projection Lamps, Incandescent-Method for Life Testing

 ANSI C78.1 451-20 02 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Use of Protective Shields with Tungsten Halogen (TH) Lamps-
Cautionary Notice

 ANSI C78.1 452-20 04 American Nation al Standa rd for Electric Lamps-Projection Lamps-Vocab ulary

 ANSI C78.1 460-20 04 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Single-Ended Tungsten Halogen (TH) Lamps with GZ9.5 Base,
T6 Bulb, 36.5 mm Light Center Length (LCL), 76.2 mm MOL with Proximity Reflector   

 ANSI C78.1 500-20 01 American National Standard for Tungsten Halogen (TH) Lamps with a Light Center Length (LCL) of 89 mm (3½

 ANSI C78.1 501-20 01 American National Standard for Tungsten Halogen (TH) Lamps with a Light Center Length (LCL) of 63.5 mm
(2½ in.)

 ANSI C78.1 503-20 01 American National Standard for Tungsten Halogen (TH) Lamps with G9.5 Bases and 60.5 mm Light Center   
Length (LCL)

 ANSI C78.1 504-20 01 American National Standard for Tungsten Halogen (TH) Lamps with P28 Bases and 55.5 mm Light Center   
Length (LCL)

 ANSI C78.1 505-20 01 American National Standard for Tungsten Halogen (TH) Lamps with G38 Bases and 127 mm Light Center   
Length (LCL)

 ANSI C78.1 80-200 3 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Specifications for Fluorescent Lamp Starters

 ANSI C78.2 0-2003 American Nation al Standa rd for Electric Lamps-A, G, PS and Similar Shape s with E26 Medium Screw Bases

 ANSI C78.2 1-2011 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-PAR and R Shapes

 ANSI C78.2 2-1995 (R2003) American National Standard for Incandescent Lamps-A, G, PS and Similar Shapes with E39 Mogul Screw

 ANSI C78.2 3-1995 (R2003) American National Standard for Incandescent Lamps-Miscellaneous Types

 ANSI C78.2 4-2001 American National Standard for 2 in. (51 mm) Integral-Reflector Lamps with Front Covers and GU5.3 or GX5.3

 ANSI C78.2 60-200 2 American National Standard for Tubular Tungsten Halogen (TH) Lamps-Physical Characteristics

 ANSI C78.2 61-197 7 (R2007) American National Standard for Specification for Tubular Incandescent Infrared Lamps

 ANSI C78.3 0-1997 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Procedure for Use in Preparation of Lamp Space Drawings

 ANSI C78.3 57-201 0 American National Standard for Incandescent Lamps Tungsten Halogen Lamps (Non-Vehicle)

 ANSI C78.3 70.3 90-2002 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Amendments to ANSI C78.370-1997 and ANSI C78.390-1998

 ANSI C78.3 70-199 7 (R2003) American National Standard for Method of Designation for Electric Lamps-Photographic, Stage and Studio

 ANSI C78.3 75-201 4 American National Standard for Fluorescent Lamps-Guide for Electrical Measurements

 ANSI C78.3 76-200 1 American National Standard for Specifications for the Chromaticity of Fluorescent Lamps

 ANSI C78.3 77-201 1 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State Lighting (SSL)

 ANSI C78.3 79-200 6 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Classification of the Beam Patterns of Reflector Lamps 5/21
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 ANSI C78.3 80-200 7 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-High-Intensity Discharge (HID)-Method of Designation

 ANSI C78.3 86-198 9 (R1994) Mercury Lamps-Method of Measuring Characte ristics

 ANSI C78.3 89-200 4 (R2009) American National Standard for Electric Lamps-High-Intensity Discharge (HID)-Methods of Measuring

 ANSI C78.3 90-200 6 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Miniature and Sealed-Beam Incandescent Lamps-Method of     

 ANSI C78.3 91-200 4 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Characteristics of Miniature Lamps of T1 and T1¾ Shapes

 ANSI C78.4 0-2011 American Nation al Standa rd for Electric Lamps-Specif ication s for Mercury Lamps

 ANSI C78.4 1-2006 American Nation al Standa rd for Electric Lamps-Guid elines for Low-Pressure Sodium (LPS) Lamps

 ANSI C78.4 3-2013 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Single-Ended Metal Halide Lamps

 ANSI C78.4 4-2008 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Double-Ended Metal Halide Lamps

 ANSI C78.4 5-2007 American Nation al Standa rd for Electric Lamps-Self-Ballast ed Mercury Lamps

 ANSI C78.5 0-2014 American National Standard for Electric Lamps–Assigned LED Lamp Codes

 ANSI C78.5 -2003 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Specifications for Performance of Self-Ballasted Compact
Fluorescent Lamps

 ANSI C78.6 0432 :1-2007 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Incandescent Lamps-Safety Specifications, Part 1 Tungsten
Filament Lamps for Domestic and Similar General Lighting Purposes

 ANSI C78.6 0432 :2-2007 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Safety Specifications, Part 2 Tungsten Halogen (TH) Lamps for   
Domestic and Similar General Lighting Purposes

 ANSI C78.6 0432 :3-2007 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Incandescent Lamps-Safety Specifications, Part 3 Tungsten
Halogen (TH) Lamps (Non-Vehicle)

 ANSI C78.7 9-2014 American National Standard for Electric Lamps–Nomenclature for Envelope Shapes Intended for Use with
Electric Lamps

 ANSI C78.8 1-2013 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Double-Capped Fluorescent Lamps-Dimensional and Electrical

 ANSI C78.9 01-201 4 American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Single-Based Fluorescent Lamps-Dimensional and Electrical

 ANSI C79.1 -2002 American National Standard for Nomenclature for Glass Bulbs Intended for Use with Electric Lamps

 ANSI C80.1 -2005 American National Standard for Electric Rigid Steel Conduit (ERSC)

 ANSI C80.3 -2005 American Nation al Standa rd for Steel Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT)

 ANSI C80.5 -2005 American Nation al Standa rd for Electrical Rigid Aluminum Condu it (ERAC)

 ANSI C80.6 -2005 American National Standard for Intermediate Metal Conduit (EIMC)

 ANSI C81.6 1-2009 American Nation al Standa rd for Electrical Lamp Bases-Specific ations for Bases (Caps) for Electric Lamps

 ANSI C81.6 2-2009 American National Standard for Electric Lampholders

 ANSI C81.6 3-2007 American National Standard for Gauges for Electric Lamp Bases and Lampholders

 ANSI C82.1 1-2011 American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts-High Frequency Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts

 ANSI C82.1 -2004 American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts-Line Frequency Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts

 ANSI C82.1 2-1999 American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts-Fluorescent Adapters

 ANSI C82.1 3-2002 American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts-Definitions-for Fluorescent Lamps and Ballasts

 ANSI C82.1 4-2006 American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts-Low-Frequency Square Wave Electronic Ballasts-for Metal 6/21
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Halide Lamps

 ANSI C82.2 -2002 American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts-Method of Measurement of Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts

 ANSI C82.3 -2002 American National Standard for Reference Ballasts for Fluorescent Lamps

 ANSI C82.4 -2002 American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts-Ballasts for High-Intensity Discharge and Low-Pressure Sodium
(LPS) Lamps (Multiple-Supply Type)

 ANSI C82.6 -2005 American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts-Ballasts for High-Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamps-Methods

 ANSI C82.7 7-2002 American National Standard for Harmonic Emission Limits-Related Power Quality Requirements for Lighting

 ANSI C82.9 -2010 American Nation al Standa rd for Lamp Ballasts-High -Intensit y Discharge (HID) and Low-Pressure Sodium (LPS)

 ANSI C84.1 -2011 American National Standard for Electric Power Systems and Equipment-Voltage Ratings (60 Hz)

 ANSI Z535.1 -2006 (R2011) American National Standard for Safety Colors

 ANSI Z535.2 -2011 American National Standard for Environmental and Facility Safety Signs

 ANSI Z535.3 -2011 American National Standard for Criteria for Safety Symbols

 ANSI Z535.4 -2011 American National Standard for Product Safety Signs and Labels

 ANSI Z535.5 -2011 American Nation al Standa rd for Safety Tags and Barricade Tapes (for Temporary Hazards)

 ANSI Z535.6 -2011 American National Standard for Product Safety Information in Product Manuals, Instructions and Other   
Collateral Materials

 ANSI Z535-2011 ANSI Z535 Color Chart

 ANSI/ANSLG C78.4 2-2009 American Nation al Standa rd for Electric Lamps-High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) Lamps

 ANSI/IEC 60529 -2004 (R2011) American National Standard for Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code) (Identical National
 Adoptio n)

 ANSI/IEC 60974 -11-2009 American National Standard for Arc-Welding Equipment-Part 11 Electrode Holders

 ANSI/IEC 60974 -1-2008 American Nation al Standa rd for Arc-Welding Equipment -Part 1 Welding Power Sources

 ANSI/IEC 60974 -12-2009 American National Standard for Arc-Welding Equipment-Part 12 Coupling Devices for Welding Cables

 ANSI/IEC 60974 -2-2009 American National Standard for Arc-Welding Equipment-Part 2 Liquid Cooling Systems

 ANSI/IEC 60974 -3-2009 American Nation al Standa rd for Arc-Welding Equipment -Part 3 Arc Striking and Stabilizin g Devices

 ANSI/IEC 60974 -5-2009 American Nation al Standa rd for Arc-Welding Equipment -Part 5 Wire Feeders

 ANSI/IEC 60974 -7-2009 American Nation al Standa rd for Arc-Welding Equipment -Part 7 Torches

 ANSI/IEC 60974 -8-2008 American National Standard for Arc-Welding Equipment-Part 8 Gas Consoles for Welding and Plasma Cutting

 ANSI/IEC 62430 -2010 Environmentally Conscious Design for Electrical and Electronic Products

 ANSI/IEC C78.6 82-1997 (R2010) American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Standard Method of Measuring the Pinch Temperature of Quartz
Tungsten-Halogen Lamps

 ANSI/IEC C81.6 4-2005 American National Standard-Guidelines and General Information for Electrical Lamp Bases, Lampholders and

 ANSI/NEMA AB 3-2013 Molded-Case Circuit Breakers and Their Applicat ion

 ANSI/NEMA AB 4-2009 Guidelines for Inspection and Preventive Maintenance of Molded-Case Circuit Breakers Used in Commercial
and Industrial Applications 7/21
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 ANSI/NEMA C29.1 0-1989 (R2002,  American Nation al Standa rd for Wet-Process Porcelain Insula tors-Indoo r Apparatu s Type

 ANSI/NEMA C29.1 1-2012 American National Standard for Composite Insulators-Tests Methods

 ANSI/NEMA C29.1 -1988 (R2002,  American Nation al Standa rd for Electrical Power Insula tors-Test Methods

 ANSI/NEMA C29.1 2-2013 American National Standard for Composite Insulators-Transmission Suspension Type

 ANSI/NEMA C29.1 3-2012 American National Standard for Insulators-Composite-Distribution Deadend Type

 ANSI/NEMA C29.1 7-2013 American National Standard for Composite Insulators-Transmission Line Post Type

 ANSI/NEMA C29.1 8-2013 American National Standard for Composite Insulators-Distribution Line Post Type

 ANSI/NEMA C29.2 -2012 American National Standard for Insulators-Wet-Process Porcelain and Toughened Glass-Suspension Type

 ANSI/NEMA C29.2 A-2013 American National Standard for Insulators Wet Process Porcelain and Toughened Glass—Distribution
Suspension Type

 ANSI/NEMA C29.2 B-2013 American National Standard for Insulators-Wet Process Porcelain and Toughened Glass—Transmission
Suspension Type

 ANSI/NEMA C29.3 -1986 (R2002,  American Nation al Standa rd for Wet-Process Porcelain Insula tors-Spool Type

 ANSI/NEMA C29.4 -1989 (R2002,  American Nation al Standa rd for Wet-Process Porcelain Insula tors-Strain Type

 ANSI/NEMA C29.5 -1984 (R2002,  American Nation al Standa rd for Wet-Process Porcelain Insula tors-Low and Medium Voltag e Types

 ANSI/NEMA C29.6 -1994 (R2002,  American Nation al Standa rd for Wet-Process Porcelain Insula tors-High Voltage Pin Type

 ANSI/NEMA C29.7 -1996 (R2002,  American Nation al Standa rd for Wet-Process Porcelain Insula tors-High-Voltag e Line-Post Type

 ANSI/NEMA C29.8 -1985 (R2002,  American Nation al Standa rd for Wet-Process Porcelain Insula tors-Apparatu s, Cap and Pin Type

 ANSI/NEMA C29.9 -1983 (R2002,  American Nation al Standa rd for Wet-Process Porcelain Insula tors-Apparatu s, Post Type

 ANSI/NEMA C50.4 1-2012 American National Standard for Polyphase Induction Motors for Power Generation Stations

 ANSI/NEMA C78.L L 1256 -2003 Procedures for Fluorescent Lamp Sample Preparation and the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure

 ANSI/NEMA C78.L L 3-2003 American National Standards for Procedures for High-Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamp Sample Preparation and
the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)

 ANSI/NEMA C78.L L 4-2003 American National Standard for Procedures for Incandescent Lamp Sample Preparation and the Toxicity
Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)

 ANSI/NEMA C93.1 -1999 American National Standard for Requirements for Power-Line Carrier Coupling Capacitors and Coupling
Capacitor Voltage Transformers (CCVTs)

 ANSI/NEMA CC 1-2009 Electric Power Connectors for Substations

 ANSI/NEMA FB 11-2000 Plugs, Receptacles and Connectors of the Pin-and-Sleeve Type for Hazardous Locations

 ANSI/NEMA FB 1-2012 Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes and Conduit Bodies for Conduit, Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT) and Cable

 ANSI/NEMA FI 1-2004 Manufac tured Electrical Mica

 ANSI/NEMA FI 3-2004 Calendered Aramid Papers Used for Electrical Insulation

 ANSI/NEMA FL 1-2009 Flashlight Basic Performance Standa rd 8/21
18/12/2014 All Standards (One Page) - NEMA

 ANSI/NEMA GR 1-2007 Grounding Rod Electrodes and Grounding Rod Electrode Couplings

 ANSI/NEMA HP 3-2012 Electrical and Electronic Polytetraf luoroeth ylene (PTFE) Insula ted High-Temperature Hook-Up Wire, Types ET
(250 V), E (600 V) and EE (1,000 V)

 ANSI/NEMA HP 4-2012 Electrical and Electronic Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Insula ted High-Temperature Hook-Up Wire,
Types KT (250 V), K (600 V) and KK (1,000 V)

 ANSI/NEMA HP 5-2013 Electrical and Electronic Crosslinked, Modified Polyethylene (XLPE) Insulated 125°C Hook-Up Wire, Types L
(600 V), LL (1,000 V) and LX (3,000 V)

 ANSI/NEMA HP 6-2013 Electrical and Electronic Silicone and Silicone-Braided Insula ted Hook-Up Wire Types S (600 V), ZHS (600 V),
SS (1,000 V), ZHSS (1,000 V) and SSB Braided (1,000 V)

 ANSI/NEMA HP 8-2013 Electrical and Electronic Cross-Linked, Modified Low-Smoke Polyolefin (XLPO) Insulated Hook-Up Wire, Types
LS (rated 105°C; 600 V), ZHDM (rated 90°C; 600 V), ZHDH (rated 90°C; 600 V), ZH (rated 125°C; 600 V), and
ZHX (rated 125°C; 1000 V)

 ANSI/NEMA ICS 8-2011 Application Guide for Industrial Control and Systems Crane and Hoist Controllers

 ANSI/NEMA KS 2-2013 Distribution Equipment Switch Application Guide, A User's Reference

 ANSI/NEMA LD 3-2005 High-Pressure Decorative Laminat es (HPDL)

 ANSI/NEMA MW 1000 -2014 Magnet Wire

 ANSI/NEMA OS 1-2013 Sheet-Steel Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers and Box Supports

 ANSI/NEMA OS 2-2013 Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers and Box Supports

 ANSI/NEMA PB 1.1-201 3 General Instructions for Proper Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Panelboards Rated 600 V or Less

 ANSI/NEMA PB 2.1-201 3 General Instructions for Proper Handling, Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Deadfront Distribution
Switchboards Rated 600 Volts or Less

 ANSI/NEMA SB 40-2010 Communications Systems for Life Safety in Schools

 ANSI/NEMA SG-IC 1-2013 Smart Grid Interoperable & Conformant (SG-IC) Testing and Certification Scheme Operator Guidelines

 ANSI/NEMA WC 2750 0-2012 Standard for Aerospace and Industrial Electrical Cable

 ANSI/NEMA WC 51-2009 /ICEA P-  Ampacities of Cables Insta lled in Cable Trays


 ANSI/NEMA WC 53-2008 /ICEA T- Standard Test Methods for Extruded Dielectric Power, Control, Instrumentation and Portable Cables for Test

 ANSI/NEMA WC 54/IC EA T-26-465- Guide for Frequency of Sampling Extruded Dielectric Power, Control, Instrumentation and Portable Cables for   
2013 Test

 ANSI/NEMA WC 5502 1-2013 Standa rd for Military Interna l Electrical Cable

 ANSI/NEMA WC 57-2004 /ICEA S- Standard for Control, Thermocouple Extension and Instrumentation Cables

 ANSI/NEMA WC 61-2005 Transfer Impedance Testing

 ANSI/NEMA WC 63.2-19 96 (R2003)   Performance Standard for Coaxial Premise Data Communications Cables

 ANSI/NEMA WC 66/IC EA S-116- Standard for Category 6 and 6A, 100 Ohm, Individually Unshielded Twisted Pairs, Indoor Cables (With Or   
732-2013 Without An Overall Shield) For Use In LAN Communication Wiring Systems

 ANSI/NEMA WC 67-2012 Standard for Uninsulated Conductors Used in Electrical and Electronic Applications

 ANSI/NEMA WC 70-2009 /ICEA S- Power Cables Rated 2,000 V or Less for the Distribution of Electrical Energy

 ANSI/NEMA WC 71-1999 /ICEA S- Standard for Non-Shielded Cables Rated 2,001-5,000 V for Use in the Distribution of Electric Energy
96-659-1999 9/21
18/12/2014 All Standards (One Page) - NEMA

 ANSI/NEMA WC 74/IC EA S-93-639- 5-46 kV Shielded Power Cable for Use in the Transmission and Distribution of Electric Energy

 ANSI/NEMA WD 6-2012 Wiring Devices-Dimensional Specifications

HIMSS/NEMA HN 1-2013 Manufacturer Disclosure Statement for Medical Device Security

NEMA 107-1987 (R1993) Methods of Measurement of Radio Influence Voltage (RIV) of High Voltage Apparatus

NEMA 250-2008 Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1,000 V Maximum)

NEMA 260-1996 (2004) Safety Labels for Pad-Mounted Switchgear and Transformers Sited in Public Areas

NEMA 410-2011 Performance Testing for Lighting Controls and Switching Devices with Electronic Drivers and Discharge Ballasts

NEMA 5RN 2189-2003 User Guide to Product Specifications for Metal Electrical Conduit and Tubing

NEMA AB 1 Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded Case Switches, and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures

NEMA AB 5-2011 Establishing Levels of Selective Coordination for Low Voltage Circuit Breakers

NEMA ABP 1-2010 Selective Coordination

NEMA ABP 2-2011 Recommendations on AFCI / Home Electrical Product Compatibility

NEMA ABP 3-2013 Molded Case Circuit Breaker Systems Testing with Conductors

NEMA ABP 4-2013 Taking the Guesswork Out of Selecting and Maintaining Molded Case Circuit Breakers

NEMA BL 1-1997 (R2002) Fluorescent Ballast Connector   

NEMA BL 2-2009 Energy Efficiency for Electronic Ballasts for T8 Fluorescent Lamps

NEMA BL 3-2013 Dimming Ballast Energy Performance

NEMA BU 1   Busways

NEMA BU 1.1-2005 (Spanish) Instrucciones Generales para el Manejo, Instalacion, Operacion y Mantenimiento de Electroductos Hasta 600
V Nominales o Menos

NEMA BU 1.1-2010 General Instructions for Handling, Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Busway Rated 600 V or Less

NEMA BU 1.2-2002 (R2008,  Applicati on Informatio n for Busway Rated 600 V or Less

NEMA C12.24 TR-2011 NEMA Technical Report Definitions for Calculations of VA, VAh, VAR, and VARh for Poly-Phase Electricity

NEMA C12.30 TR-2013 Test Requirements for Metering Devices Equipped with Service Switches

NEMA CB 1-2000 (R2012) Brushes for Electrical Machines

NEMA CG 1-2013 Manufactured Graphite/Carbon Electrodes

NEMA CG 2-2004 Powdered Graphite

NEMA CG 3.2-1998 Torquing Devices for Electrodes-Selection Through Disposal

NEMA CP 1-2000 (R2008) Shunt Capacitors

NEMA DC 10-2009 Residential Controls-Temperature Limit Controls for Electric Baseboard Heaters

NEMA DC 12-1985 (R1991, R1996, Residential Controls-Hot Water Immersion Controls

R2002, R2008, R2013)

NEMA DC 13-1979 (R1985, R1991, Residential Controls-Line Voltage Integrally Mounted Thermostats for Electric Heaters
R1997, R2002, R2008, R2013)

NEMA DC 20-1992 (R2003, R2009)   Residential Controls-Class 2 Transformers 10/21
18/12/2014 All Standards (One Page) - NEMA

NEMA DC 2-1982 (R1988) Quick-Conn ect Terminals

NEMA DC 3, Annex A-2013 Energy-Efficien cy Requiremen ts for Programmable Thermostats

NEMA DC 3-2013 Residential Controls-Electrical Wall-Mounted Room Thermostats

NEMA DC 5-1989 (R1996, R2002, Residential Controls-Surface-Type Controls for Electric Storage Water Heaters

NEMA EI 21.1-1993 (R2002) Instrument Transformers for Revenue Metering (110 kV BIL and Less)

NEMA EI 21.2-1991 (R1997, Instrument Transformers for Revenue Metering (125 kV BIL through 350 kV BIL)

NEMA EM 1-2010 Exit Sign Visibility Testing Requirements for Safety and Energy Efficiency

NEMA EW 1-1988 (R1994, R1999, Electric Arc-Welding Power Sources


NEMA EW 3-1983 (R1995, R1999, Semi-Automatic Wire-Feed Systems for Arc Welding

NEMA EW 4-2009 Graphic Symbols for Arc-Welding and Cutting Apparatus

NEMA EW 6-2006 Guidelines for Precautionary Labeling for Arc-Welding and Cutting Products

NEMA EW 9-2012 Arc Welding Power Sources–Energy Consumption Testing and Labeling

NEMA FB 2.10-2013 Selection and Installation Guidelines for Fittings for Use with Non-Flexible Electrical Metal Conduit or Tubing
(Rigid Metal Conduit, Intermediate Metal Conduit and Electrical Metallic Tubing)

NEMA FB 2.20-2012 Selection and Installation Guidelines for Fittings for Use with Flexible Electrical Conduit and Cable

NEMA FG 1-1993 Fiberglass Cable Tray Systems

NEMA FI 2-1992 (R1999, R2004) Untreated Mica Paper Used for Electrical Insulation

NEMA FU 1-2012 Low Voltage Cartridge Fuses

NEMA HP 100-1991 (R1999, High-Temperature Instrumentation and Control Cables

R2005, R2010) Series (HP 100-

NEMA HP 7-2011 Electrical and Electronic PVC, PVC/Nylon, and PE/Nylon 105ºC Hook-Up Wire, Types B, C, D, BN, CN, and DN
(600, 1000, and 3000 V), and Types J and JN 75ºC (600V)

NEMA HV 2-2014 Suspension and Post Type Insulators for Electric Power Overhead Lines General Use Information

NEMA IA 2.1-2005 Programmable Controlle rs (PLC), Part 1 Gene ral Informatio n

NEMA IA 2.2-2005 Programmable Controlle rs (PLC), Part 2 Equipment Requiremen ts and Test

NEMA IA 2.3-2005 Programmable Controlle rs (PLC), Part 3 Programming Langu ages

NEMA IA 2.4-2005 Programmable Controlle rs (PLC), Part 4 User Guide lines

NEMA IA 2.5-2005 Programmable Controlle rs (PLC), Part 5 Communicatio ns

NEMA IA 2.7-2005 Programmable Controlle rs (PLC), Part 7 Fuzzy Control Programming

NEMA IA 2.8-2005 Programmable Controllers (PLC), Part 8 Guidelines for the Application and Implementation of Programming

NEMA ICS 1.1-1984 (R1988, Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Control
R1993, R1998, R2003, R2009)

NEMA ICS 1.3-1986 (R2001, Preventive Maintenance of Industrial Control and Systems Equipment

NEMA ICS 10-2005, Part 1 Part 1 Electromecha nical AC Transfer Switch Equipment 11/21
18/12/2014 All Standards (One Page) - NEMA

NEMA ICS 10-2005, Part 2 AC Transfer Equipment , Part 2 Static AC Transfer Equipmen t

NEMA ICS 10-2010, Part 3 Safety Bulletin NEMA Safety Considerations for Residential Transfer Equipment and Residential Transfer   

NEMA ICS 12.1-1997 Industrial Control and Systems Profiles of Networked Industrial Devices-Part 1 General Rules

NEMA ICS 1-2000 (R2005, R2008) Industrial Control and Systems General Requirements

NEMA ICS 14-2010 Applicati on Guide for Electric Fire Pump Controlle rs

NEMA ICS 15.1-2012 Instructions for the Handling, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Medium Voltage Electric Fire Pump
Controllers Rated Not More Than 7200V

NEMA ICS 15-2011 Instructions for the Handling, Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Electric Fire Pump Controllers Rated
Not More Than 600 V

NEMA ICS 16-2001 Motion/Position Control Motors, Controls and Feedback Devices

NEMA ICS 18-2001 (R2007) Motor Control Centers

NEMA ICS 19-2002 (R2007) Diagrams, Device Designations and Symbols

NEMA ICS 2.3-1995 (R2002, Instructions for the Handling, Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Motor Control Centers Rated Not More
R2008) Than 600 V

NEMA ICS 2.4-2003 (R2012) NEMA and IEC Devices for Motor Service-A Guide for Understanding the Differences

NEMA ICS 20-2009 Informational Guide to Electrical Industrial Topics

NEMA ICS 2-1996, Part 8 (R2004, Controllers, Contactors and Overload Relays Rated Not More Than 2,000 V AC or 750 V DC, Part 8 Disconnect
R2009) Devices for Use in Industrial Control Equipment

NEMA ICS 2-2000 (R2005) Controllers, Contactors and Overload Relays Rated 600 V

NEMA ICS 2-2002, Part 9 (R2007,  AC Vacuum-Break Magnet ic Controlle rs Rated 1,50 0 V AC

NEMA ICS 3.1-2009 Guide for the Application, Handling, Storage, Installation and Maintenance of Medium Voltage AC Contactors,
Controllers and Control Centers

NEMA ICS 3-2005 (R2010) Medium Voltage Controllers Rated 2,001 to 7,200 V AC

NEMA ICS 4-2010 Application Guideline for Terminal Blocks

NEMA ICS 5, Annex B-2002 Typical Proximity Switch Specifications


NEMA ICS 5, Annex E-2002  Addition al Requiremen ts for Proximity Switches Suitable for Use in Strong Magnet ic Fields

NEMA ICS 5, Annex F-2002 High-Pressure Power Wash Test Procedure for Self-Contained Control-Circuit Devices
(R2007, R2012)

NEMA ICS 5-2000 (R2005, R2010) Control Circuit and Pilot Devices

NEMA ICS 61800-1-2002 (R2007) Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems, Part 1 General Requirements-Rating Specifications for Low
Voltage Adjustable-Speed DC Power Drive Systems

NEMA ICS 61800-2-2005 Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems, Part 2 General Requirements-Rating Specifications for Low
Voltage Adjustable Frequency AC Power Drive Systems

NEMA ICS 61800-4-2004 Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems, Part 4 General Requirements-Rating Specifications for AC
Power Drive Systems Above 1,000 V AC and Not Exceeding 35 kV

NEMA ICS 6-1993 (R2001, R2006) Industrial Control and Systems Enclosures

NEMA ICS 7.1-2014 Safety Standards for Construction and Guide for Selection, Installation and Operation of Adjustable Speed
Drive Systems 12/21
18/12/2014 All Standards (One Page) - NEMA

NEMA ICS 7-2014 Adjustable Speed Drives

NEMA IIC 1 v02 Digital Imaging and Communications in Security Information Object Definitions (IODs)

NEMA KS 1-2013 Heavy Duty Enclosed and Dead-Front Switches (600 Volts Maximum)

NEMA KS 3-2010 Guidelines for Inspection and Preventive Maintenance of Switches Used in Commercial and Industrial
 Applicati ons

NEMA LA 1-2009 Surge Arresters

NEMA LC 1-2007 (R2013) Test Procedure for Compatibility of Hearing Aids and Ultrasonic Lighting Control Devices

NEMA LD 3.1-1995 Performance, Application, Fabrication, and Installation of High Pressure Decorative Laminates

NEMA LE 4-2012 Recessed Luminaires-Ceiling Compatibility

NEMA LE 5-2001 Procedure for Determining Luminaire Efficacy Ratings for Fluorescent Luminaires

NEMA LE 5A-1999 Procedure for Determining Luminaire Efficacy Ratings for Commercial, Non-Residential Downlight Luminaires

NEMA LE 5B-1998 Procedure for Determining Luminaire Efficacy Ratings for High-Intensity Discharge (HID) Industrial Luminaires

NEMA LE 6-2009 Procedure for Determining Target Efficacy Rating s (TER) for Commercial, Indu strial and Residen tial Luminaires

NEMA LI 1-1998 (R2011) Industrial Laminated Thermosetting Products

NEMA LI 6-1993 (R1999, R2005) Relative Temperature Indices of Industrial Thermosetting Laminates

NEMA LL 1-1997 Procedures for Linear Fluorescent Lamp Sample Preparation and the TCLP

NEMA LL 2-1997 (R2002) Procedures for Pin-Based Compact Fluorescent Lamp Sample Preparation and the TCLP

NEMA LL 3-1999 Procedures for High-intensity Discharge Lamp Sample Preparation and the TCLP

NEMA LL 4-1999 Procedures for Incandescent Lamp Sample Preparation and the TCLP

NEMA LL 5-1999 Procedure for U-shaped Fluorescent Lamp Sample Preparation and the TCLP

NEMA LL 6-1999 Procedures for Integral Electronic Compact Fluorescent Lamp Sample Preparation and the TCLP

NEMA LL 7-2006 Generic Designation System for Pin-Based Compact Fluorescent and T5 Twin Fluorescent Lamps

NEMA LL 8-2010 Limits on Mercury Content in Self-Ballasted Compact Fluorescent Lamps

NEMA LL 9-2011 Dimming of T8 Fluorescent Lighting Systems

NEMA LS 1-1992 (R2000) Low-Voltag e Surge-Protection (LVSP) Devices

NEMA LSD 10-2000 A Guide for the Safe Use of Remote Illumination Systems Equipment, Including a Glossary of Definitions

NEMA LSD 11-2010 White Paper on Outdoor Lighting Issues and Quality Lighting Applications

NEMA LSD 1-2003 (R2011) Tungsten Halogen (TH) Lamps (Bulbs) Ultraviolet, Rupture and High Temperature Risks

NEMA LSD 13-2001 Exit Sign Brightness for Visibility and Safety

NEMA LSD 14-2012 Guidelines on the Application of Dimming to High-Intensity Discharge Lamps

NEMA LSD 15-1993 (R2001) Radioactive Substances in Compact Fluorescent Lamps

NEMA LSD 17-1997 (R2001) Consumer Guide for 4-Ft Fluorescent Bulbs

NEMA LSD 18-2003 (R2012) Compatibility of Fluorescent Lamps and Electronic Ballasts in Frequently Switched Applications

NEMA LSD 21-2012 End-of-life Operation of Small Diameter (5/8 in. Diameter or Less) Pin-Based Fluorescent Lamps 13/21
18/12/2014 All Standards (One Page) - NEMA

NEMA LSD 2-2012 Wiring Requirements for T8 Lamps with Instant-Start Ballasts

NEMA LSD 22-2001 Demand Reduction and Energy Savings Using Occupancy Sensors

NEMA LSD 23-2010 Recommended Practice-Lamp Seasoning for Fluorescent Dimming Systems

NEMA LSD 24-2012 Marking of Luminaire Codes on Metal Halide Lamps

NEMA LSD 25-2008 Best Practices for Metal Halide Lighting Systems, Plus Questions and Answers about Lamp Ruptures in Metal
Halide Lighting Systems

NEMA LSD 27-2012 Best Practices for Operating Fluorescent Lighting Systems

NEMA LSD 28-2014 Minimizing the Potential of Base Arcing Between Certain Wattage HID Lamps and Lampholders

NEMA LSD 29-2012 Incompa tibility of T8 Ballasts (RS, PS, Dimming) and Shunte d Bi-Pin Lampho lders

NEMA LSD 2A-2007 Application Note Wiring Requirements for T8 Fluorescent Lamps with Instant-Start Ballasts

NEMA LSD 2B-1999 Application Note Wiring Requirements for 2G11 Based T5 Fluorescent Twin Lamps With Instant-Start Ballasts

NEMA LSD 31-2005 A Lighting Systems Division Information Bulletin Changes to the 2005 NEC Will Impact Future Metal Halide
Systems Options

NEMA LSD 3-2012 Interaction of Infrared Controls and Electronic Compact Fluorescent Lamps

NEMA LSD 34-2012 Recommended Practices for T8 Rapid-Start Fluorescent Lamp Dimming (17 W, 25 W, 32 W and 40 W Lamps)

NEMA LSD 35-2012 ANSI Code Update to Include Letter C for Ceramic Metal Halide Lamps

NEMA LSD 37-2008 Effects of EPAct 2005 on Mercury Vapor (MV) Lamp Ballasts and Lighting Systems-Frequently Asked Questions

NEMA LSD 39-2012 Four-Pin Spiral Compact Fluorescent Lamp Systems Issues, Recommendations and Standardization

NEMA LSD 40-2014 Failure Modes for Self-Ballaste d Compact Fluorescent Lamps (SBCFLs)-A NEMA Updat e

NEMA LSD 41-2012 UN2911 Labeling and Transportation of Lamps Containing Radioactive Substances

NEMA LSD 4-1999 Glossary of Terms Pertaining to Remote Illumination Systems

NEMA LSD 43-2008 Luminaire Ballast Disconnects

NEMA LSD 44-2009 Solid State Lighting-The Need for a New Generation of Sockets and Interconnects

NEMA LSD 45-2009 Recommendations for Solid State Lighting Sub-Assembly Interfaces for Luminaires

NEMA LSD 46-2009 Photoluminescent Exit Signage-Factual Review

NEMA LSD 48-2009 Lead in Household Lamps

NEMA LSD 49-2010 Solid State Lighting for Incandescent Replacement-Best Practices for Dimming

NEMA LSD 51-2009 Solid State Lighting-Definitions for Functional and Decorative Applications

NEMA LSD 5-2009 34 W Fluorescent Lamps and High-Frequency Electronic Ballasts

NEMA LSD 53-2010 Proposal for Digital Protocol for Lighting Control Devices

NEMA LSD 54-2010 The Strengths and Potentials of Metal Halide Lighting Systems

NEMA LSD 55-2010 Outdoor Lighting and Human/Animal Factors An Industry Opinion

NEMA LSD 56-2011 Compatibility of Forward Phase Control Dimmers and Dimmable Self-Ballasted Compact Fluorescent Lamps
and Frequently Asked Questions Regarding CFLs and Dimming

NEMA LSD 57-2013 Polyurethane Foam Application: Lighting Equipment

NEMA LSD 58-2010 Air Infiltration Ratings for Recessed Luminaires

NEMA LSD 60-2012 The Effects of Dimming on Color and Efficacy of LED Lamps 14/21
18/12/2014 All Standards (One Page) - NEMA

NEMA LSD 61-2012 Fluorescent Dimming Standards Development Report

NEMA LSD 6-1999 Interaction of Infrared Controls and Fluorescent Lamp/Ballast Systems in Education Facilities

NEMA LSD 62-2012 Systems Approach for Lighting

NEMA LSD 63-2012 Measurement Methods and Performance Variation for Verification Testing of General Purpose Lamps and

NEMA LSD 64-2014 Lighting Controls Terminology

NEMA LSD 65-2012 NEMA Guide to Emergency Lighting

NEMA LSD 66-2012 Understanding the New Fluorescent Ballast Rule EPCA 10 CFR 430

NEMA LSD 67-2013 Low Mercury Controlla ble Fluorescent Systems

NEMA LSD 68-2013 Remote Phosphor Devices Used in LED Lamps, Engines and Luminaires

NEMA LSD 70-2014 A Comparison of High Performance Luminaire Programs in the US Market

NEMA LSD 7-1999 (R2012) Ultraviolet Radiat ion (UV) from Fluorescent Lamps

NEMA LSD 8-1999 Compact Fluorescent Lamps in Residences-Power Quality Implications

NEMA LSD 9-2000 (R2011) Compatibility of Add-on Tube Guards with T8 Fluorescent Lamps Operating on High-Frequency Electronic

NEMA LSD E11-2001 Fluorescent Lamps and the Environment

NEMA MG 10-2013 Energy Management Guide for Selection and Use of Fixed Frequency Medium AC Squirrel-Cage Polyphase
Induction Motors

NEMA MG 11-1977 (R1997, R2001, Energy Management Guide for Selection and Use of Single-Phase Motors
R2007, R2012)

NEMA MG 1-2011 Condensed Information Guide for General Purpose Industrial AC Small and Medium Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor   

NEMA MG 1-2014 Motors and Generators

NEMA MG 2-2014 Safety Standard for Construction and Guide for Selection, Installation and Use of Electric Motors and

NEMA MG 3-1974 (R1995, R2000, Sound Level Prediction for Installed Rotating Electrical Machines
R2006, R2012)

NEMA MGW 1-2013 The DOE Small Electric Motor Standards Final Rule and Technical Support Document of March 9, 2010

NEMA MS 10-2010 Determination of Local Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

NEMA MS 11-2010 Determination of Gradient-Induced Electric Fields in Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging

NEMA MS 1-2008 Determination of Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging

NEMA MS 12-2010 Quantification and Mapping of Geometric Distortion for Special Applications

NEMA MS 2-2008 Determination of Two-Dimensional Geometric Distortion in Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Images

NEMA MS 3-2008 Determination of Image Uniformity in Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Images

NEMA MS 4-2010 Acoustic Noise Measurement Procedure for Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Devices

NEMA MS 5-2009 Determination of Slice Thickness in Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging

NEMA MS 6-2008 Determination of Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Image Uniformity for Single-Channel, Non-Volume Coils in
Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

NEMA MS 7-1993 (Revision 1998) Measurement Procedure for Time Varying Gradient Fields (dB/dt) for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems 15/21
18/12/2014 All Standards (One Page) - NEMA

NEMA MS 8-2008 Characterization of the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems

NEMA MS 9-2008 Characterization of Phased Array Coils for Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI)

NEMA MW 700-1997 Test Procedures for Magnet Wire Plastic Spools/Reels

NEMA MW 750-2009 (R2014) Dynamic Coefficient of Friction of Film-Insulated Magnet Wire

NEMA MW 755-1996 Straight Flange Magnet Wire Plastic Spools/Reels

NEMA MW 760-1996 Tapered Flange Magnet Wire Plastic Spools/Reels

NEMA MW 765-2003 (R2008, Reclaiming of Magnet Wire Packaging


NEMA MW 770-1997 (R1998) Unified Customer Labeling for Magnet Wire Products

NEMA MW 780-2005 (R2011) Returnable Packaging for 24x6 Magnet Wire Reels

NEMA MW 785-2000 (R2006, Simulated Insertion Force Test for Film-Insulated Round Magnet Wire

NEMA MW 790-2000 AC Overload Test for Film Insulated Magnet Wire

NEMA MW 800-1996 Guidelines for Precautionary Labeling of Magnet Wire

NEMA NS 1-2005 Guide for Preparation of NEMA Standards Publications

NEMA NU 1-2012 Performance Measurement s of Gamma Cameras

NEMA NU 2-2012 Performance Measurement s of Positron Emission Tomographs (PETs)

NEMA NU 3-2004 Performance Measurements and Quality Control Guidelines for Non-Imaging Intraoperative Gamma Probes

NEMA NU 4-2008 Performance Measurement s of Small Animal Positron Emission Tomographs (PETs)

NEMA OS 3-2012 Selection and Installation Guidelines for Electrical Outlet Boxes

NEMA PB 1.1-2002 (en Espanol) Instrucciones Generales para la Instalacion, Operacion y el Mantenimiento Correcto de Tableros de Alumbrado
y Control Hasta 600 V Nominales o Menos

NEMA PB 1-2011   Panelboards

NEMA PB 2.1-2002 (en Espanol) Instrucciones Generales para el Manejo, Instalacion, Operacion y Mantenimiento Correcto de Tableros de
Distribucion de Frente Muerto Hasta 600 V Nominales o Menos

NEMA PB 2.2-1999 (R2004, R2009)   Application Guide for Ground-Fault Protective (GFP) Devices for Equipment

NEMA PB 2-2011 Deadfront Distribution Switchboards

NEMA PE 1-2012 Uninte rruptible Power Systems (UPS)-Specifica tion and Performance Verification

NEMA PE 5-1997 (R2003) Utility-Type Battery Chargers

NEMA PE 7-1997 (R2003) Communicatio ns-Type Battery Chargers

NEMA PRP 2-2009 Solvent-Cementing Joints for PVC Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit, Duct and Fittings

NEMA PRP 3-2009 Expansion Epoxy-Based Fittings for RTRC Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit

NEMA PRP 4-2009 Expansion Fittings for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit

NEMA RE 2-1999 Electrical Insulating Varnish

NEMA RN 1-2005 (R2013) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Intermediate Metal Conduit

NEMA RN 2-1997 (R2009) Packaging of Master Bundles for Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit (ERMC)-Steel, Electrical Intermediate Metal
Conduit (EIMC)-Steel, and Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT)-Steel

NEMA RN 3-1991 (R2002) Product Identification Numbers for Metallic Tubular Conduit Products for Use with Bar Coding and Electric Data 16/21
18/12/2014 All Standards (One Page) - NEMA

Interchange (EDI) Applications

NEMA RT 1-2014 Gating Interface

NEMA RV 1-2012 Application and Installation Guidelines for Armored Cable (AC) and Metal-Clad (MC) Cable

NEMA RV 2-2011 Application and Installation Guidelines for Nonmetallic-Sheathed (NM-B) Cable and Underground Feeder and
Branch Circuit (UF-B) Cable

NEMA RV 3-2012 Application and Installation Guidelines for Flexible and Liquidtight Flexible Metal and Nonmetallic Conduits

NEMA RV 4-2012 Application Guidelines for Service-Entrance Cable

NEMA SB 10-1991 (R1998, R2005,  Audio Standa rd for Nurse Call Systems

NEMA SB 11-2011 Guide for Proper Use of System Smoke Detectors

NEMA SB 1-2014 Quality Informational Guide for Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm Systems

NEMA SB 13-2012 Guide for Proper Use of Smoke Detectors in Duct Applications

NEMA SB 19-(R2007) NEMA Installation Guide for Nurse Call Systems (R2007)

NEMA SB 2-2010 Training Manual on Fire Alarm Systems

NEMA SB 28-1992 (R1997, R2003) Product Safety Guide for Developing Documentation for Fire Alarm Systems and Equipment

NEMA SB 29-1994 Impact of Electrostatic Discharges in the Hospital Environment

NEMA SB 30-2005 Fire Service Annunciator and Interface

NEMA SB 3-1969 (R1989, R1994) Interconnection Circuitry of Noncoded Remote Station Protective Signaling Systems

NEMA SB 50-2014 Emergency Communications Audio Intelligibility Applications Guide

NEMA SB 7-2013 Applications Guide for Carbon Monoxide Alarms and Detectors

NEMA SBP 1-2010 Looking Ahead to UL 2560

NEMA SBP 2-2014 Multi-Criteria Detect ors (MCD)

NEMA SBP 3-2013 The Changing Communications within Fire Alarm System Reporting

NEMA SG 10-2008 Guide to OSHA and NFPA 70E Safety Regulations when Servicing and Maintaining Medium Voltage
Switchgear and Circuit Breakers Rated Above 1,000 V

NEMA SG 11-2013 Guide for Handling and Maintenance of AC Outdoor High Voltage Circuit Breakers

NEMA SG 4-2009 (R2013) Alternating Current High Voltage Circuit Breakers

NEMA SG 5-1995 Power Switchge ar Assemblies

NEMA SG 6-2000 Power Switching Equipment

NEMA SG-AMI 1-2009 Requiremen ts for Smart Meter Upgrade ability

NEMA SM 23-1991 (R1997, R2002)   St eam Turbines for Mechanical Drive Service

NEMA SM 24-1991 (R1997, R2002) Land-Based Steam Turbine Generator Sets 0 to 33,00 0 kW

NEMA SSL 1-2010 Electronic Drivers for LED Devices, Arrays or Systems

NEMA SSL 3-2011 High-Power White LED Binning for General Illumination

NEMA SSL 4-2012 Retrofit Lamps-Minimum Performance Requiremen ts

NEMA SSL 6-2010 Solid State Lighting for Incandescent Replacement-Dimming

NEMA SSL 7A-2013 Phase Cut Dimming for Solid State Lighting—Basic Compatibility 17/21
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NEMA ST 20-2014 Dry Type Transformers for General Applicat ions

NEMA TC 13-2005 Electrical Nonmeta llic Tubing (ENT)

NEMA TC 14-2002 Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit (RTRC) and Fittings

NEMA TC 18-2013 Packagin g of Master Bundles for EPC-40 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Condu it

NEMA TC 19-2001 (R2009) Nonmeta llic Riser U-Type Guards

NEMA TC 2-2013 Electrical Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Tubing and Conduit

NEMA TC 3-2013 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing

NEMA TC 6 & 8-2013 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Utilities for Underground Installations

NEMA TC 7-2013 Smooth Wall Coilable Electrical Polyethylene Conduit

NEMA TC 9-2004 (R2012) Fittings for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Utilities Duct for Undergroun d Insta llation

NEMA TCB 2-2012 NEMA Guidelines for the Selection and Installation of Underground Nonmetallic Duct

NEMA TCB 3-2001 (R2009) User's Manual for the Installation of Underground Corrugated Coilable Plastic Utility Duct (CCD)

NEMA TF 1-1993 (R2000, R2005) Coated Electrical Sleeving

NEMA TF 2-1993 (R2000, R2005) Uncoated Treated Fiberglass Sleeving

NEMA TP 1-2002 Guide for Determining Energy Efficienc y for Distributio n Transformers

NEMA TP 2-2005 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Distribution Transformers

NEMA TP 3-2000 Standard for the Labeling of Distribution Transformer Efficiency

NEMA TR 1-2013 Transformers, Regula tors and Reacto rs

NEMA TS 1-1989 (R1994, R2000, Traffic Control Systems (Not Recommended for New Designs)

NEMA TS 2-2003 (R2008) Traffic Controlle r Assemblies with NTCIP Requiremen ts-Version 02.06

NEMA TS 2-2003, Amendment 3 Contactor Amendment

NEMA TS 2-2003, Amendment 4 Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) Amendment

NEMA TS 4-2005 Hardware Standa rds for Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) with NTCIP Requiremen ts

NEMA UC 2-1993 (R2000, R2005, Undercarpet Power Distribution Systems


NEMA UD 2-2004 (R2009) Acoustic Output Measurement Standard for Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment, Revision 3

NEMA UD 3-2004 (R2009) Standard for Real-Time Display of Thermal and Mechanical Acoustic Output Indices on Diagnostic Ultrasound
Equipment, Revision 2

NEMA VE 1-2009 Metal Cable Tray Systems

NEMA VE 2-2013 Cable Tray Installation Guidelines

NEMA WC 26/EEMAC 201-2008 Binational Wire and Cable Packaging Standard

NEMA WC 50-1976/ICEA P-53-426  Ampacities, Includ ing Effect of Shield Losses for Single-Con ducto r Solid Dielectric Power Cable 15 kV through
Second Edition (R1993, R1999) 69 kV

NEMA WC 52-2005 High-Temperature and Electronic Insulated Wire, Impulse Dielectric Testing 18/21
18/12/2014 All Standards (One Page) - NEMA

NEMA WC 56-1986 (R1993, 3.0 kHz Insulation Continuity Proof Testing of Wire and Cable
R2000, R2005, R2012)

NEMA WC 58-2008/ICEA S-75-381 Portable and Power Feeder Cables for Use in Mines and Similar Applications

NEMA WC 60.2-1994 (R1999) Product Identification and Bar Coding Requirements for Building Wire Products

NEMA WC 62-1992 (R1999, Repeated Spark/Impulse Dielectric Testing


NEMA WC 63.1-2005 Performance Standard for Twisted Pair Premise Voice and Data Communications Cables

NEMA WC 65-1995 (R2003) A Reasoned Approach to Solving Solderability Problems with Tin-Coated and Nickel-Coated Stranded
Conductors in High-Performance Wire and Cable Applications

NEMA WC 72-1999 (R2004) Continuity of Coating Testing for Electrical Conductors

NEMA WC 73-2000 (R2005, Wire Selection Guidelines for Wires Rated at 200° to 450°C

NEMA WD 1-1999 (R2005, R2010) General Color Requirements for Wiring Devices

NEMA WD 7-2011 Occupancy Motion Sensors Standard

NEMA WD 8-2013 Guidelines for Electrical Wiring Device Replacement

NEMA WD 9-2013 Dimmers, Photoelectric Controls, Presence Sensors, and Multi-outlet Bars Energy Consumption Testing and

NEMA XR 10-1986 (R1992, R1998, Measurement of the Maximum Symmetrical Radiation Field from a Rotating Anode X-Ray Tube Used for   
R2003) Medical Diagnosis

NEMA XR 11-1993 (R1999) Test Standard for the Determination of the Limiting Spatial Resolution of X-Ray Image Intensifier Systems

NEMA XR 13-1990 (R1995, R2000) Mechanical Safety Standard for Power Driven Motions of Electromedical Equipment

NEMA XR 14-1990 (R1995, R2000) Recommended Practices for Load-Bearing Mechanical Assemblies Used in Diagnostic I maging

NEMA XR 15-1991 (R1996, R2001) Test Standard for the Determination of the Visible Entrance Field Size of an X-Ray Image Intensifier (XRII)

NEMA XR 16-1991 (R1996, R2001) Test Standard for the Determination of the System Contrast Ratio (SCR) and the System Veiling Glare Index
(SVGI) of an X-Ray Image Intensifier (XRII) System

NEMA XR 17-1993 (R1999) Test Standard for the Measurement of the Image Signal Uniformity of an X-Ray Image Intensifier (XRII) System

NEMA XR 18-1993 (R1999) Test Standard for the Determination of the Radial Image Distortion of an X-Ray Image Intensifier (XRII) System

NEMA XR 19-1993 (R1999) Electrical, Thermal and Loading Characteristics of X-Ray Tubes Used for Medical Diagnosis

NEMA XR 21-2000 Characteristics of and Test Procedures for a Phantom to Benchmark Cardiac Fluoroscopic and Photographic

NEMA XR 22-2006 Quality Control Manual Template for Manufacturers of Displays and Workstations Labeled for Final
Interpretation in Full-Field Digital Mammography (FFDM)

NEMA XR 23-2006 Quality Control Manual Template for Manufacturers of Hardcopy Output Devices Labeled for Final Interpretation
in Full-Field Digital Mammography (FFDM)

NEMA XR 24-2008 (R2014) Primary User Controls for Inte rventiona l Angiograp hy X-Ray Equipment

NEMA XR 25-2010 Computed Tomography Dose Check

NEMA XR 26-2012 Access Controls for Computed Tomography—Identification, Interlocks, and Logs

NEMA XR 27-2013 with X-ray Equipment for Interventional Procedures User Quality Control Mode
 Amendment 1

NEMA XR 28-2013 Supplemental Requirements for User Information and System Function Related to Dose in CT 19/21
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NEMA XR 29-2013 Standard Attributes on CT Equipment Related to Dose Optimization and Management

NEMA XR 5-1992 (R1999) Measurement of Dimensions and Properties of Focal Spots of Diagnostic X-Ray Tubes

NEMA XR 7-1995 (R2000) High Voltage X-Ray Cable Assemblies and Receptacles

NEMA XR 9-1984 (R1994, R2000) Power Supply Guidelines for X-Ray Machines

NTCIP 1101:1996 Simple Transportatio n Manage ment Framework

NTCIP 1102:2004 Octet Encoding Rules (OER) Base Protocol

NTCIP 1103 v02 Transportatio n Manage ment Protocols (TMP)

NTCIP 1104 v01 Center-to-Center Naming Convention Specification

NTCIP 1201 v03 Global Object (GO) Definitions

NTCIP 1202:2005 Object Definitions for Actuated Traffic Signal Controller (ASC) Units-Version 02

NTCIP 1203 v03 Object Definitions for Dynamic Message Signs (DMS)

NTCIP 1204 v03 Environmenta l Sensor Station (ESS) Interfa ce Protocol

NTCIP 1205:2001 Object Definit ions for Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera Control

NTCIP 1206:2005 Object Definitions for Data Collection and Monitoring (DCM) Devices

NTCIP 1207 v02 Object Definitions for Ramp Meter Control (RMC) Units

NTCIP 1208:2005 Object Definitions for Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Switching

NTCIP 1209 v02 Object Definit ions for Transportatio n Sensor Systems (TSS)

NTCIP 1210 v01 Field Managemen t Station s (FMS)—Part 1: Object Definit ions for Signal System Masters (SSM)

NTCIP 1211 v02 Object Definitions for Signal Control and Prioritization (SCP)

NTCIP 1213 v02 Object Definitions for Electrical and Lighting Management Systems (ELMS)

NTCIP 1400:2000 TCIP Framework Standa rd

NTCIP 1401:2000 Standa rd on Common Public Transportatio n (CPT) Object s

NTCIP 1402:2000 Standard on Incident Management (IM) Objects

NTCIP 1403:2000 Standard on Passenger Information (PI) Objects

NTCIP 1404:2000 Standard on Scheduling/Runcutting (SCH) Objects

NTCIP 1405:2000 Standard on Spatial Representation (SP) Objects

NTCIP 1406:2000 Standard on On-Board (OB) Objects

NTCIP 1407:2000 Standard on Control Center (CC) Objects

NTCIP 1408:2001 Standard on Fare Collection (FC) Business Area Objects

NTCIP 2001:1996 Nation al Transportatio n Communicatio ns For ITS Protocol-Class B Profile

NTCIP 2101:2001 Point to Multi-Point Protocol Using RS-232 Subnetwork Profile

NTCIP 2102:2003 Point to Multi-Point Protocol Using FSK Modem Subnet work Profile

NTCIP 2103 v02 Point-to-Point Protocol over RS-232 Subnet work Profile

NTCIP 2104:2003 Ethernet Subnetwork Profile

NTCIP 2201:2003 Transportatio n Transport Profile 20/21
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NTCIP 2202:2001 Interne t (TCP/IP and UDP/IP) Transport Profile

NTCIP 2301 v02 Simple Transportatio n Manage ment Framework (STMF) Applicat ion Profile (AP) (AP-STMF)

NTCIP 2302:2001 Trivial File Transfer Protocol Applicat ion Profile

NTCIP 2303:2001 File Transfer Protocol Applicat ion Profile

NTCIP 2304:2002 Applicati on Profile for DATEX-ASN (AP-DATEX)

NTCIP 2306 v01 Application Profile for XML Message Encoding and Transport in ITS Center-to-Center Communications

NTCIP 8003:2001 Profile Framework

NTCIP 8004 v02 Structure and Identification of Management Information (SMI)

NTCIP 8005 v01 Procedures for Creating Manage ment Info rmation Base (MIB) Files

NTCIP 8007 v01 Testing and Conformity Assessment Documentation within NTCIP Standards Publications

NTCIP 9001 v04 The NTCIP Guide

PP 1-1986 (R1996) Procedure for Evaluating Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters for Response to Conducted Radio Frequency Energy

PS 3.13-2001 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Part 13 Print Management Point-to-Point
Communication Support

PS 3.9-2000 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Part 9 Point to Point Communication Support for   
Message Exchange

ST 1-1988 (R1994, R1997) Specialty Transformers (Except Gene ral Purpose Type)

TTGR-N The Grounding System That Works-Steel Conduit (Electrical Metallic Tubing, Intermediate Metal Conduit and
Galvanized Rigid)

WC 2-1980 (R1991, R1998)/ICEA Steel Armor and Associated Coverings for Impregnated Paper Insulated Cables (ICEA S-67-401 Fifth Edition)
S-67-401 5th Edition

WC 3-1992 Rubber-Insulated Wire & Cable for the Transmission & Distribution of Electrical Energy

WC 4-1988/ICEA S-65-375 3rd Ed. Varnished Cloth Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy

WC 5-1992 Thermoplastic-Ins ulated Wire & Cable for the Transmission & Distributio n of Electrical Energy

WC 60.1-1995 Bar Coding and Control Wire and Cable Products

WC 7-1988 Cross-Linked-Thermoset ting-Polyet hylene -Insulate d Wire & Cable for the Transmission & Distributio n of Electric

WC 8-1988 Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber-Insulated Wire & Cable for the Transmission & Distribution of Electrical Energy 21/21

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