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market. The team should become the class experts on the product, the company, and the
industry in which it operates. It is recommended that your team virtually start up a new
company and work on the marketing plan for this new business.

Each team then begin by gathering information from any channel we learn from class and
form a basis of an exhaustive environmental analysis leading to identification of opportunities
and difficulty for marketing such particular product or service. From this analysis your team
should evolve to a comprehensive marketing plan so the team can take advantage of the
opportunities explored in the earlier part of the activity.

a) Final deliverable
The Marketing Plan has two central components. The first, a presentation to your classmates
and myself; the second component is a written report, should detail the specific aspects of
your marketing analysis and decisions. The presentation should cover the highlights of the
defined plan. Each of these components is explained in more detail below.

1. Oral presentation and Q&A

Oral presentations will run at end of this semester – (see schedule for detail date). During
these presentations, team members will present the highlights of their marketing plan that
has been worked out for the selected product. Teams should take between 5-7 minutes to
present their work and then answer question from audiences (around 5 minutes). Please
control your time, teams that exceed 7 minutes of presentation will be stopped at the 7-
minute mark. Therefore, practicing your presentation is strongly advised. It is suggested that
teams use visual aids such as tables and graphs or PowerPoint, and they should try to avoid
reading during the presentation. Presentations must be professional and you will be graded
on how well you articulate and present your ideas. I expect the majority of team members to
be involved in the presentation. Your team will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Change to 10 mins right?

CATEGORY 5 4 3 0
Content: Shows a full Shows a good Shows a Does not seem
40% understanding of understanding of reasonable good to understand of
marketing theory, marketing theory, understanding of marketing
strategic marketing strategic marketing marketing theory, theory, strategic
process and results process and results strategic marketing marketing
of applying the of applying the process and results process and
theory into real theory into real of applying the results of
world. Try to make world. Try to make theory into real applying the
presentation presentation world. Not try to theory into real
interesting. interesting. make presentation world.
Time Control Start on time, finish Start on time, rush Fail to start on time, Can not start
10% on time to finish. can not finish or use the presentation
too less time. after 5 minutes
due to later
arrive or
softcopy of ppt
Preparedness Student is Student seems The student is Student does
10% completely pretty prepared but somewhat not seem at all
prepared and has might have needed prepared, but it is prepared to
obviously a couple more clear that rehearsal present.
rehearsed. rehearsals. was lacking.
Team work on All team member Most team member Sometimes does Sometimes
presentation participate the participate the not appear to be does not appear
10% presentation. presentation. listening but is not to be listening
Listens intently. Listens intently but distracting. and has
Does not make has one distracting distracting
distracting noises noise or noises or
or movements. movement. movements.
Q&A Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Student is
30% accurately answer accurately answer accurately answer a unable to
almost all most questions few questions accurately
questions posed by posed by posed by answer
classmates about classmates about classmates about questions posed
the topic. the topic. the topic. by classmates
about the topic.

1. A hard copy of your PPT presentation materials should be submitted to the
instructor before your team’s presentation starts.
2. Dress Code: Formal for local student or Business Casual for exchange who do not carry
tie or suit

2. Written report
It is recommend that you include following sections in your written report:
- Executive Summary
- 4C Analysis
1. Analysis of the External Market Environment
2. Customer Analysis
3. Competitor Analysis
4. Company Analysis
- Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
- 4P Implementation
1. Product Plan
2. Pricing Plan
3. Distribution Plan
4. Promotion Plan

The written report should contain a title page, table of contents, executive summary,
report contents, and any necessary appendices. Use this change to clarify any issue left
from oral presentation and make any necessary improvement from what you learn at oral
presentation. The report should not exceed 10, double-spaced, typed (12 pitch Times
New Roman font) pages of text. This page limit does not include title page, executive
summary, table of contents, and appendix materials. The written report is due at last
day of this semester (see the schedule for detail). Please submit the softcopy to TA.
Late reports will not be accepted. The report will be assessed based on based on the
following criteria:
CATEGORY 5 4 3 0
Organization Show your Show your Partially, show your Do not Show
20% capability of capability of capability of your capability of
applying theory to applying theory to applying theory to applying theory
real word business real word business real word business to real word
case. Information is case. Information is case. Information is business case.
very organized with organized with organized, but The information
well-constructed well-constructed paragraphs are not appears to be
paragraphs and paragraphs. well-constructed. disorganized.
Quality of Show your Show your Show your Show your
Information understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
30% process of process of process of process of
marketing planning. marketing planning. marketing planning. marketing
Information clearly Information clearly Information clearly planning.
relates to the main relates to the main relates to the main Information has
topic. It includes topic. It provides 1- topic. No details are little or nothing to
several supporting 2 supporting given. do with the main
details. details. topic.
Address Clarify any issue Try to clarify issue Try to clarify issue Do not address
Issue from left from oral left from oral left from oral the issue from
Presentation presentation and presentation and presentation but fail presentation and
50% make any partially succeed; to do so. Q&A
necessary Make necessary
improvement from improvement from
what you learn at what you learn at
oral presentation. oral presentation.

Note: Peer evaluation – optional: Your individual grade for the project may be adjusted if majority of
your team mates decide to utilize this option. You can view and download the peer evaluation at
Course website.

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