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Name Date Week Day

Complete Strength 03/29/17 1 3

Order Warm-up Sets Reps Work Rest Notes:

1/2 kneeling hip flexor stretch w/ rotation 1 30s
Hip Circles 1 12e
Scapular Push-up 1 20
Yoga Push-up 1 10
Toe touch to squat arms OH to stand 1 12
Alt lateral lunge w/ overhead reach 1 10e
Fling Jumps 1 20t

Movement Exercise Sets Reps Work Rest Tempo Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Notes:
Power Dev Broad Jump (Squat Jump/Seated Box Jump) 3 6t/8t (SB SL Curl/Slider if advanced)
Core Farmer's Walk (light weight beg.) 3 60 yds starting Broad jumps for month
stress form and landing skills.
Alternating between grips on
Single Leg DB KB Step-Up (Low Step/BW if needed) 3 8e
pull-ups and chin-ups week to
Vertical Pull Pull-Up (Lat Pulldown Beg.) 3 6t/8t
BB Bench Press: regression (DB
Unilateral Hip Single-Leg Curl 3 8e Bench Press/Neutral Grip if
Horizontal Press BB Bench press 4 5,5,4,4/8t needed)

Bicep (opt.)
Tricep (opt.)

Order Finisher Sets Reps Work Rest Notes:

Curl to Press 4 20 10
OH Tricep Ext. 4 20 10

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