Date Name: Sprint Dead Bugs SL Reach Sprint Push-Up Foot Grab Alt. V-Up

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Name Date

Metabolic Chaos April 1st

Order Range of Motion, Activation, Movement Prep Sets Reps Work Rest Notes:
Hamstring stretch static 30 s run Lateral Bands like a Walking
Piriformis Stretch 30 s routine (1 group up walk it
Adductor stretch static 30s down and then repeat; go both
ways then a sprint to get them
Side lying Windmills 10e
ready (2if needed))
SL leg raises 10e
SL glute bridges 10e
Prone Y's,T's, Snow Angel 12 e
Lateral Band Walk 20 yds e
Sprint 30 yds

Order Movement Exercise Sets Reps Work Rest Notes:

A1 Power Sprint 3 60 yds Ran Like a Normal hurricane
A2 Energy System Dead Bugs 3 8e (focus on running form:turns
A3 Core SL Reach 3 10 e and take-off) Good form on
Sprint exercises especially core work
B1 Press 3 60 yds
Regressions: Sprints: 30 yds on
B2 Pull Push-Up 3 12
every sprint SL Reach: Toe
B3 Foot Grab 3 10e Touchor BW CrunchPush-up:
C1 Sprint 3 60 yds Asst. or db floor press Foot
C2 Alt. V-Up 3 10e Grab: Russians with feet on
C3 Inv Row 3 8 ground V-Up: Cross-over
Crunch or Flutters Inv. Row: Trx

# of rounds

Order Finisher Sets Reps Work Rest Notes:

Romwod #3 3rd Romwod (try to make time
for it)

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