GPSA 22 Sulfur Recovery

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Sulfur Recovery
Sulfur is present in natural gas principally as hydrogen sul- Thermal or Combustion Reaction Section
fide (H2S) and, in other fossil fuels, as sulfur-containing com-
pounds which are converted to hydrogen sulfide during H2S + 11⁄2 O2 → SO2 + H2O Eq 22-2
processing. The H2S, together with some or all of any carbon ∆H @ 77°F ≈ −223 100 Btu
dioxide (CO2) present, is removed from the natural gas or re-
Combustion and Catalytic Reaction Sections
finery gas by means of one of the gas treating processes de-
scribed in Section 21. The resulting H2S-containing acid gas 3
stream is flared, incinerated, or fed to a sulfur recovery unit. 2 H2S + SO2 → Sx + 2 H2O Eq 22-3
This section is concerned with recovery of sulfur by means of
the modified Claus and Claus tail gas clean-up processes. Re- ∆H @ 77°F ≈ − 41 300 Btu
dox processes are touched upon. For a discussion and descrip- Overall Reaction
tion of other sulfur recovery processes, see Maddox1.
3 H2S + 11⁄2 O2 → Sx + 3 H2O Eq 22-4
∆H @ 77°F ≈ −264 400 Btu
The Claus process as used today is a modification of a proc- This is a simplified interpretation of the reaction actually
ess first used in 1883 in which H2S was reacted over a catalyst taking place in a Claus unit. The reaction equilibrium is com-
with air (oxygen) to form elemental sulfur and water. plicated by the existence of various species of gaseous sulfur
H2S + 1⁄2 O2 → S + H2O Eq 22-1 (S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, and S8) whose equilibrium concentrations
in relation to each other are not precisely known for the entire
Control of this highly exothermic reaction was difficult and range of process conditions. Furthermore, side reactions involv-
sulfur recovery efficiencies were low. In order to overcome ing hydrocarbons, H2S, and CO2 present in the acid gas feed
these process deficiencies, a modification of the Claus process can result in the formation of carbonyl sulfide (COS), carbon
was developed and introduced in 1936 in which the overall disulfide (CS2), carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrogen (H2).
reaction was separated into (1) a highly exothermic thermal Gamson and Elkins2 cover the basic theory involved in the
or combustion reaction section in which most of the overall Claus process; however, they ignore the many potential side
heat of reaction (from burning one-third of the H2S and essen- reactions and also the existence of S3, S4, S5, and S7.
tially 100% of any hydrocarbons and other combustibles in the
feed) is released and removed, and (2) a moderately exother- For the usual Claus plant feed gas composition (water-satu-
mic catalytic reaction section in which sulfur dioxide (SO2) rated with 30-80 mol % H2S, 0.5-1.5 mol % hydrocarbons, the
formed in the combustion section reacts with unburned H2S remainder CO2), the modified Claus process arrangement re-
to form elemental sulfur. The principal reactions taking place sults in thermal section (burner) temperatures of about 1800
(neglecting those of the hydrocarbons and other combustibles) to 2500°F. The principal molecular species in this temperature
can then be written as follows: range is S2 (Fig. 22-19) and conditions appear favorable for the

FIG. 22-1

H = heat content or enthalpy, Btu/lb or Btu/lb-mole Acid Gas: feed stream to sulfur recovery plant consisting of
Kp = equilibrium constant H2S, CO2, H2O, and usually less than 2 mol % hydrocar-
For the low pressure, vapor phase Claus reaction bons.
3 Claus Process: a process in which 1⁄3 of the H2S in the acid
2 H2S + SO2 → 2 H2O + Sx gas feed is burned to SO2 which is then reacted with the
(PH2O)2 (PSx)3/x remaining H2S to produce sulfur. This is also referred to as
Kp = the modified Claus process.
(PH2S)2 (PSO2)
Residence Time: the period of time in which a process
−1 stream will be contained within a certain volume or piece
[Mols H2O] [Mols Sx] 3/x
π  x
= 2   of equipment, seconds.
[Mols H2S] [Mols SO2]  Total Mols  Tail Gas Cleanup Unit: a process unit designed to take
tail gas from a Claus sulfur recovery plant and remove
LT/D = long ton per day. A long ton is 2240 pounds. additional sulfur with the goal of meeting environmental
P = partial pressure, atmospheres sulfur emission standards.
π = total pressure, atmospheres

formation of elemental sulfur by direct oxidation of H2S (Eq To attain an overall sulfur recovery level above about 70%,
22-5) rather than by the Claus reaction (Eq 22-6). the thermal, or combustion, section of the plant is followed by
2 H2S + O2 → 2 H2O + S2 Eq 22-5 one or more catalytic reaction stages. Sulfur is condensed and
separated from the process gases after the combustion section
∆H @ 77°F = −135 200 Btu and after each catalytic reaction stage in order to improve
equilibrium conversion. Although Fig. 22-2 indicates that the
3 Claus reaction is favored by lower temperatures, the process
2 H2S + SO2 → 2 H2O + S2 Eq 22-6
2 gases must be reheated prior to being fed to the catalytic re-
action stage in order to maintain acceptable reaction rates and
∆H @ 77°F = +20 400 Btu to ensure that the process gases remain above the sulfur dew-
However, both laboratory and plant measurements indicate point as additional sulfur is formed. Fig. 22-3 is the flow sheet
the more highly exothermic oxidation of H2S to SO2 (Eq 22-2) of an example three-stage Claus sulfur recovery plant; Fig.
predominates and the composition of the equilibrium mixture 22-4 shows the mechanical arrangement of an example small,
therefore is determined by the slightly endothermic Claus re- package-type, two-stage Claus plant.
action (Eq 22-6). Gases leaving the final sulfur condensation and separation
Fig. 22-2 is a representation of theoretical equilibrium con- stage may require further processing. These requirements are
version as a function of temperature for established by local, state, or national regulatory agencies.
These requirements can be affected by the size of the sulfur
• An acid gas from a wellhead-type treater, with about
recovery plant, the H2S content of the plant feed gas, and the
3.5 mol % hydrocarbons (Curve 1)
geographical location of the plant.
• An acid gas from a refinery treater, with about 7 mol %
hydrocarbons and 1 mol % mercaptans (Curve 2)
These curves indicate: The Claus sulfur recovery process includes the following
• Sulfur recovery would be expected to be lower for a feed process operations:
gas from a refinery than for a wellhead treater because • Combustion — burn hydrocarbons and other combusti-
of higher hydrocarbon content bles and 1/3 of the H2S in the feed.
• The calculated equilibrium conversion for both acid gas • Waste Heat Recovery — cool combustion products. Be-
feeds follows closely the idealized curve for pure H2S cause most Claus plants produce 150-500 psig steam
• Conversion of H2S to elemental sulfur is favored in the (365-470°F), the temperature of the cooled process gas
reaction furnace by higher operating temperatures of stream is usually about 600-700°F.
1800°F and in the catalytic converters by lower operating • Sulfur Condensing — cool outlet streams from waste
temperatures of less than 700°F. heat recovery unit and from catalytic converters. Low

FIG. 22-2
Theoretical Equilibrium Percent Conversion of Hydrogen Sulfide to Sulfur3

FIG. 22-3
Example Three-Stage Sulfur Plant
(Straight-Through Operating with Acid Gas-Fueled Inline Burners for Reheating)

FIG. 22-4
Example Package-Type Sulfur Plant

FIG. 22-5
Claus Process Variations

pressure steam at 50-70 psig is often produced and the Numerous side reactions can also take place during the com-
temperature of the cooled gas stream is usually about bustion operation, resulting in such products as hydrogen
350°F or 260-300°F for the last condenser. (H2), carbon monoxide (CO), carbonyl sulfide (COS), and carb-
• Reheating — Reheat process stream, after sulfur conden- on disulfide (CS2). Thermal decomposition of H2S appears to
sation and separation, to a temperature high enough to be the most likely source of hydrogen since the concentration
remain sufficiently above the sulfur dewpoint, and gen- of H2 in the product gas is roughly proportional to the concen-
erally, for the first converter, high enough to promote hy- tration of H2S in the feed gas. Formation of CO, COS, and CS2
drolysis of COS and CS2 to H2S and CO2. is related to the amounts of CO2 and/or hydrocarbons present
COS + H2O → CO2 + H2S Eq 22-7 in the feed gas. Plant tests indicate concentrations of H2 and
CS2 + 2 H2O → CO2 + 2 H2S Eq 22-8 FIG. 22-6
• Catalytic Conversion — Promote reaction of H2S and SO2 Claus Plant Configurations
to form elemental sulfur (Eq 22-3)
Process Variations Feed H2S Claus Variation
Concentration, Mol% Suggested
Several variations of the basic Claus process have been de-
veloped to handle a wide range of feed gas compositions. Some 55 - 100 Straight-through
of these are shown in Fig. 22-5. Straight-through operation 30 - 55 Straight-through or straight-
results in the highest overall sulfur recovery efficiency and is through with acid gas and/or air
chosen whenever feasible. preheat
Fig. 22-6 can be used as a guide in Claus process selection. 15 - 30 Split-flow or straight-through
with feed and/or air preheat
Combustion Operation 10 - 15 Split-flow with acid gas and/or air
Most Claus plants operate in the "straight-through" mode. preheat
The combustion is carried out in a reducing atmosphere with 5 - 10 Split-flow with fuel added or with
only enough air (1) to oxidize one-third of the H2S to SO2, (2) to acid gas and air preheat, or direct
burn hydrocarbons and mercaptans, and (3) for many refinery oxidation or sulfur recycle
Claus units, to oxidize ammonia and cyanides. Air is supplied <5 Sulfur recycle or variations of
by a blower and the combustion is carried out at 3-14 psig, direct oxidation or other sulfur
depending on the number of converters and whether a tail gas recovery processes.
unit is installed downstream of the Claus plant.

CO in the product gas to be approximately at equilibrium at drocarbons, ammonia, cyanides, etc. in all or part of the feed
reaction furnace temperatures; Fig. 22-7 indicates potential gas are fed unburned to the first catalytic converter. This can
COS and CS2 formation in the Claus furnace. result in the cracking of heavy hydrocarbons to form carbon
or carbonaceous deposits and the formation of ammonium
Heavy hydrocarbons, ammonia, and cyanides are difficult to
salts, resulting in deactivation of the catalyst and/or plugging
burn completely in a reducing atmosphere. Heavy hydrocar-
of equipment. A method of avoiding these problems while still
bons may burn partially and form carbon which can cause de-
improving flame stability is to preheat the combustion air
activation of the Claus catalyst and the production of off-color
and/or acid gas, and to operate "straight-through". An example
sulfur. Ammonia and cyanides can burn to form nitric oxide
of such an arrangement is shown in Fig. 22-8. Steam-, hot oil-,
(NO) which catalyzes the oxidation of sulfur dioxide (SO2) to
or hot gas-heated exchangers and direct fired heaters have
sulfur trioxide (SO3); SO3 causes sulfation of the catalyst and
been used. The air and acid gas are usually heated to about
can also cause severe corrosion in cooler parts of the unit. Un-
450-500°F. Other methods of improving flame stability are to
burned ammonia may form ammonium salts which can plug
use a high intensity burner, to add fuel gas to the feed gas, or
the catalytic converters, sulfur condensers, liquid sulfur drain
to use oxygen or oxygen-enriched air for combustion.
legs, etc. Feed streams containing ammonia and cyanides are
sometimes handled in a special two-combustion stage burner Waste Heat Recovery Operation
or in a separate burner to ensure satisfactory combustion.
Most Claus plants cool the process gases leaving the com-
Flame stability can be a problem with low H2S content feeds bustion section by generating steam in a fire-tube waste heat
(a flame temperature of about 1800°F appears to be the mini- boiler. Steam pressures usually range between 150 psig and
mum for stable operation). The split flow, sulfur recycle, or 500 psig. The waste heat boiler outlet temperature is therefore
direct oxidation process variations often are utilized to handle normally above the sulfur dewpoint of the process gases; how-
these H2S-lean feeds; but in these process schemes, any hy- ever, some sulfur may condense, especially during partial
loads, and provision should be made to drain this sulfur from
FIG. 22-7 the process stream (or the piping should be arranged so the
Potential COS and CS2 Formation in Claus Furnaces19 sulfur will drain through downstream equipment).
Other methods of cooling the hot combustion gases include
Feed composition, mol% COS, CS2 the use of glycol-water mixtures, amine solutions, circulating
Hydrocarbon formation, % of cooling water (no boiling), and oil baths. The utilization of one
(as C3H8)
Water CO2 H2S sulfur in feeda,b of these alternate cooling fluids can be especially advanta-
0 6 4 90 0.5
geous at locations where good quality boiler feed water is not
available, or where steam generation is not desired.
0 6 14 80 1.5
0 6 24 70 2.5 Some small Claus units use a closed steam system. Steam
0 6 34 60 3.5 is generated at 20-30 psig, condensed with air in an elevated
condenser, and the steam condensate returned by gravity to
0 6 44 50 4.5
the boiler as feed water.
0 6 54 40 5.5
0 6 64 30 6.5 Sulfur Condenser Operation
0 6 74 20 7.5 Sulfur is condensed ahead of the first catalytic converter
2 6 4 88 2.0 (except in the case of split-flow operation) and following each
2 6 14 78 3.0 catalytic converter in order to promote the Claus reaction.
2 6 24 68 4.5 These condensers (other than the one following the last cata-
lytic converter) are typically designed for outlet temperatures
2 6 34 58 6.0
of 330-360°F which results in a condensed liquid sulfur of rea-
2 6 44 48 7.0 sonably low viscosity and a metal skin temperature (on the
2 6 54 38 9.0 process gas side) above the sulfurous/sulfuric acid dewpoint.
2 6 64 28 11.0 The final sulfur condenser outlet temperature can be as low
2 6 74 18 14.0 as 260°F, depending on the cooling medium available. A large
temperature difference between process gases and cooling me-
4 6 4 86 3.5
dium should be avoided, however, because of the possible for-
4 6 14 76 5.0 mation of sulfur fog; this is especially important for the final
4 6 24 66 6.0 sulfur condenser.
4 6 34 56 8.0
4 6 44 46 10.0
Reheating Operation
4 6 54 36 12.0 The temperature of the process gas at the inlet of the cata-
4 6 64 26 14.0 lytic converters should be such that the effluent gas tempera-
ture is
4 6 74 16 18.0
• Higher (25-30°F) than the expected outlet sulfur dew-
Maximum. Actual production varies with operating point
temperature and pressure, residence time, burner mixing
and burner efficiency. • As low as possible to maximize H2S conversion but high
b enough to obtain a satisfactory Claus reaction rate
Units feeding <30% H2S may operate other than "straight
through," causing reduced COS and CS2 production • High enough for hydrolysis of COS and CS2 (for the first
proportional to amount fed to main burner. catalytic converter only)
Fig. 22-9 shows the methods of reheat commonly used.

FIG. 22-8
Sulfur Recovery Process with Acid Gas and Air Preheat

• The hot gas bypass method takes a slip-stream of hot for burning fuel gas. Burner requirements are less stringent
process gases from the waste heat recovery unit, usually for burning acid gas; the H2S:SO2 ratio in the inline burner
at 900°F to 1200°F, and mixes this stream with the sulfur outlet gases is usually maintained at about 1:2 to 1:3. Precau-
condenser outlet gases upstream of the catalytic con- tions must be taken, however, to avoid oxygen breakthrough
verter. from the inline burners. Oxygen in as low a concentration as
• The direct fired method of reheating uses inline burners 30 ppmv can rapidly sulfate the catalyst.
burning either fuel gas or acid gas, with the combustion Indirect reheating, which involves a heat exchanger ahead
products being mixed with the sulfur condenser outlet of each catalytic converter, is the most expensive alternative
gases. and results in the highest pressure drop. In addition, con-
• The indirect reheat methods use direct fired heaters or verter inlet temperatures are limited by the temperature of
heat exchangers to heat the sulfur condenser outlet the heating medium. For example, the use of 600 psig steam
gases; high pressure steam, hot oil, and hot process gases (489°F) as the heat source would limit the converter inlet tem-
have been used. Electrical reheating has also been used. perature to a maximum of about 470°F. Thus, catalyst rejuve-
Hot gas bypass reheating is normally the lowest cost alter- nation is usually not possible and COS and CS2 hydrolysis may
native, is relatively simple to control, and results in low pres- be more difficult. However, indirect reheating usually results
sure drop. Its disadvantage is lower overall sulfur recovery, in the highest overall sulfur recovery, and deactivation of the
particularly at reduced throughput. The hot gas bypass catalyst (because of sulfation, carbon deposits, etc.) is less
method is sometimes used for the first two catalytic converters likely to occur.
and an indirect method of reheat used for the third converter.
Catalyst Converter Operation
Direct fired reheating uses an inline burner which usually
burns a portion of the Claus plant feed gas but which some- The Claus reaction is exothermic at converter temperatures,
times burns fuel gas. This reheating method can be designed and the reaction equilibrium is favored by lower tempera-
to heat the process gases to any desired temperature level. tures. However, carbonyl sulfide (COS) and carbon disulfide
Pressure drop is also relatively low. Potential disadvantages (CS2) hydrolyze more completely at higher temperatures as
of inline burners are the possible formation of SO3, if acid gas shown by Fig. 22-10. The first catalytic converter is therefore
is burned (sulfates deactivate the catalyst) and of soot, if fuel frequently operated at temperatures high enough to promote
gas is burned (soot can plug and also deactivate the catalyst). the hydrolysis of COS and CS2; the second and third catalytic
A well-mixed, high-intensity burner capable of operating sub- converters are operated at temperatures only high enough to
stoichiometrically without producing soot should be utilized obtain acceptable reaction rates and to avoid liquid sulfur

FIG. 22-9
Alternate Methods of Reheating3

deposition. A three converter Claus unit will utilize inlet tem- Reaction furnaces are designed for a residence time of at
peratures in the following range: (1) first converter, 450- least 0.5 seconds; plant tests indicate this is adequate to reach
480°F; (2) second converter, 390-430°F; (3) third converter, equilibrium. Feed gases richer in H2S generally require less
370-410°F. residence time than leaner feeds.
A temperature rise occurs across each catalytic converter The refractory in the external reaction furnace serves to re-
because both the Claus and COS/CS2 hydrolysis reactions are sist the high flame temperatures and to protect the steel shell.
exothermic. The temperature rise will generally be 80-180°F Refractories capable of withstanding high temperatures nor-
for the first converter, 25-60°F for the second converter, and mally have a high alumina content, e.g., 85-90% alumina.
5-15°F for the third converter. Because of heat losses, meas- However, these refractories have relatively poor insulating
ured temperatures for the third converter will often show a properties and will not provide adequate protection for the
small temperature drop. steel shell. Therefore, an insulating refractory layer is nor-
mally placed against the steel shell, and a layer of high alu-
mina refractory covers the insulating refractory. Occasionally,
MECHANICAL CONSIDERATIONS three different refractories have been used in reaction fur-
naces. (See Section 8 for additional information regarding re-
Combustion Operation fractories.)
Combustion is carried out in the reaction furnace which may Refractory selection and design is important because the
be either external (separate from waste heat recovery facility) steel shell can be overheated (above 650°F) resulting in direct
or internal (combined with waste heat recovery facility). At the sulfide (H2S) attack, or can be cooled below the dewpoint of
normal operating temperature of 1800-2500°F, external fur- SO2 and SO3, resulting in acid condensation and rapid corro-
naces require a refractory lining to protect the steel shell, but sion. External insulation or shrouding for personal protection
with internal furnaces, the burner is surrounded by the cool- is often installed to allow metal temperatures above about
ing medium and refractory is not required. For small Claus 400°F, which is generally safely above the acid dewpoint.
units, an internal furnace is less expensive. For units larger
than about 30 LTD, an external furnace is usually more eco- Interior refractory checker walls are sometimes installed in
nomical. external-type reaction furnaces to improve mixing and to

FIG. 22-10 welding procedure is normally used. Conventional practice is
to apply the first-pass weld before tube rolling (or after a light
Hydrolysis of COS and CS2 in Sulfur Converter rolling), which allows venting to eliminate gas traps. The first-
COS + H2O = H2S + CO2 pass weld is usually pressure tested to locate all weld pinholes
CS2 + 2 H2O = 2 H2S + CO2 for repairing prior to subsequent tube rolling and final weld-
ing. After final welding, the completed tube attachment is
lightly rolled. During the final hydrotest, the tube weld sur-
faces should be inspected with a dye-penetrant test.
Tube sizes range between 2" and 6". Tube spacing is based
on a minimum ligament (distance between outer edge of each
tube) dimension of 0.75"-1.0". The design mass velocity
in these tubes ranges between 1.0 lb/(sec • ft2) and
8.0 lb/(sec • ft2). For most installations, the tube mass velocity
will be 2 to 5 lb/(sec • ft2). Allowable tube side pressure drop
often determines tube velocity.
Both kettle-type and natural circulation-type waste heat
boilers are used as horizontal units to ensure total submer-
gence of the tubes.
The advantages of the natural circulation-type unit which
has a separate elevated steam disengaging drum, include:
• Improved steam quality because of surface blowdown ca-
pability and more sophisticated steam/water separation
• More water holdup above the hot process tubes which
provides additional time to react to emergency conditions
and lessens the chance of tube failure from overheating.
• Better steam/water circulation at the critical tube/tu-
besheet junction.
The advantages of the kettle-type boilers include:
• Lower installed cost
serve as a heat buffer. This is of greater importance if ammonia • Ability to handle a much wider range of load conditions
or cyanides or high concentrations of hydrocarbons are present Both kettle-and natural circulation-type waste heat boilers
in the feed gas. should be considered as severe-service applications. Some
early boilers were designed to TEMA standards and the re-
Waste Heat Recovery Operation sulting thick tubesheets together with the high heat flux re-
For most internal reaction furnace-type waste heat recovery sulted in failures at the tube-tubesheet juncture.
units, the acid gas burner is installed inside a single, large, The tubesheet design is based upon the thermal, mechanical
first-pass firetube (radiant section) and the process gas then stresses at the tube-tubesheet attachment. Tubesheets are
flows through one or more additional tube passes (convection usually thin (3/4" to 1-1/2") resulting in acceptable tempera-
section). The first pass firetube is cooled externally and there- ture profiles at the tube weld, the ligaments between tubes,
fore does not require refractory protection; however, pass and the portion of tubesheet not cooled by water. The deflec-
plates and other uncooled metal surfaces exposed to the proc- tion of these thin tubesheets during operation reduces the
ess gases at temperatures above about 650°F should be pro- stress transmitted to the tube-tubesheet attachment. Natural
tected with refractory. Tube sizes for the convection section circulation-type units have tube patterns arranged to accom-
passes range from 1" to 6" with a tube mass velocity of 2- modate the bending stress at the pattern’s outer boundaries,
5 lb/(sec • ft2). while kettle-type units have stayrods to stiffen the portions of
External reaction furnace-type waste heat recovery units the tubesheet without tubes. Waste heat boilers utilizing flex-
are usually single pass exchangers with small tubes (2"-3"). ible, thin tubesheets have extremely good service histories.
The inlet ends of these tubes are exposed to the hot combustion
gases (and possibly to the flame). To ensure a reasonable tube
Sulfur Condenser Operation
life, the inlet end of each tube is protected by inserting a ce- Sulfur condensers may be single pass or multi-pass units.
ramic ferrule that extends about 3"-6" beyond the inside of, Both natural circulation- and kettle-type condensers are used;
and about 3" outside of the tube sheet. This prevents the hot horizontal units are recommended. Condensers are designed
gases from directly contacting the tube at the critical junction with a minimum tube diameter of 1". Normally 12 BWG steel
of tube and tubesheet. These ceramic ferrules should also be tubes are used, installed with a 1/2" to 3/4" ligament between
wrapped with a thin layer of insulation (1/8"-3/8" thick). The tubes.
inlet tube sheet should be protected by a refractory overlay,
usually about 3" thick. Sulfur condensers operate at much lower heat fluxes than
waste heat boilers and usually operate at lower shell side pres-
Waste heat recovery units are usually designed to meet pres- sures. Both of these factors significantly reduce the mechani-
sure containment requirements according to Section I of the cal design requirements for tubesheets and tube attachments.
ASME Code rather than to TEMA standards. A two-pass tube Sulfur condensers are designed to meet either ASME Section I

or Section VIII Codes. Tubes are typically rolled, seal welded, sulfur present can drain back into the liquid-vapor separator
and re-rolled. located downstream of the upstream sulfur condenser.
The design mass velocity for the sulfur condenser tubes var- Catalyst Converter Operation
ies from 3.0 lb/(sec • ft2) to 8.0 lb/(sec • ft2) with a typical mini-
mum mass velocity at design conditions of 5.0 lb/(sec • ft2). The Catalytic converters are usually designed for a flow at operat-
design mass velocity should be sufficiently high to prevent sul- ing conditions of 700 to 1400 standard ft3/hr of process gas per cu
fur fogging from occurring during turndown conditions.21 If ft of catalyst bed. Because of pressure drop considerations, this
sulfur fogging does occur, the liquid sulfur will not adequately usually results in a bed depth of 3-5 feet. The catalyst is activated
separate from the process gas in the separator downstream of alumina (Al2O3) or promoted activated alumina which is in-
the condenser. The tube velocity is also limited by the allow- stalled on top of a 3"-6" thick layer of more dense support mate-
able tube side pressure drop, which is usually about 0.3 to rial. Catalyst density is about 45-53 lb/ft3; the support medium,
0.5 psi. which usually has a density of 84-100 lb/ft3, reduces migration of
catalyst and/or catalyst fines from the reactor bed to the sulfur
Sulfur condensers are subject to plugging with solid sulfur. condenser downstream. These catalyst fines can plug the sulfur
In the design of the plant piping system, the condensers should drain legs and condenser tubes. The catalyst and support mate-
be the low points in the system and should also slope toward rial are installed on top of stainless steel wire screens which are
the outlet end. This allows any liquid sulfur present upstream tied to carbon steel grating. A minimum of 3" of the support ma-
of the condenser, as well as that formed in the condenser, to terial may be placed on top of the catalyst bed to serve as a gas
drain into the liquid-vapor separator chamber and out flow distributor.
through the sulfur drain.
For Claus units smaller than about 100 LT/D, the catalyst
To allow access to the tubes for cleaning and inspection, sul- beds are frequently installed in a single horizontal vessel, with
fur condensers should have inspection ports and manways at internal partition plates. For larger units, individual catalyst
both ends. Additional access to the tubes should be provided bed vessels are used. Vertical (stacked) beds are sometimes
by using bolted cover (end) plates. used but this is usually not economical for units smaller than
about 800 LT/D. Internal refractory lining of these vessels is
Vapor-liquid separator chambers are installed downstream not necessary unless it is planned to regenerate the catalyst
of the sulfur condensers to separate the liquid sulfur from the in place; in this case the grating floor design must also be ade-
process gases and to allow the liquid sulfur to drain from the quate for the expected elevated temperatures. If internal re-
system. These separator chambers can be integral parts of the fractory is not used, a minimum of 3" external insulation is
condenser or separate vessels and may be provided with wire- recommended. If a refractory lining is installed, the outside
mesh type mist eliminators or impingement plates to reduce insulation thickness can be reduced to 1"-2". Most converters
liquid sulfur entrainment. A superficial gas velocity of 20- have internal refractory from the bottom to about 6" above the
30 ft/sec is commonly used as a basis for sizing the separator top of the catalyst bed, which protects against high-tempera-
chambers. ture upsets.
Sulfur condensers are usually designed to generate low Nozzles in the bottom of the catalyst bed vessels should be
pressure (20-100 psig) steam on the shell side. The final sulfur installed flush with the vessel interior.
condenser is often used to heat boiler feed water, but care must
be taken not to over cool the stream and solidify sulfur. Some- Piping
times 15 psig steam is generated, condensed and returned in The piping systems in Claus plants which require special
a closed circuit. attention are liquid sulfur lines and vapor process lines. Since
sulfur freezes at about 245°F, liquid sulfur lines must be ade-
Reheating Operation quately heated and insulated. Process lines are also insulated
to prevent sulfur from condensing and/or desubliming to the
Hot Gas Bypass Method — Piping and valves are usu- solid form and to keep the metal temperature above the dew-
ally of stainless steel (although sometimes refractory-lined
points of sulfurous/sulfuric acids. Process lines operating at
piping is used) in order to handle the hot (900-1200°F) corro-
temperatures above 650°F are often lined with refractory or,
sive process gas. An additional valve is sometimes installed in
especially in smaller units, are of stainless steel. Vapor process
the process stream downstream of the hot gas bypass extrac-
piping must also have proper allowance for thermal expan-
tion point in order to improve turndown capability.
sion. Either convoluted expansion joints or expansion "loops"
Direct (Inline Burner) Method — Inline burners are are used. Convoluted joints should be constructed of series 300
usually designed to raise the temperature of the process gas stainless steel, and insulated to prevent either water and/or
at least 50°F above the normal operating inlet temperature of sulfur condensation. The expansion joints should be installed
the catalytic converter. This extra heat release capacity is use- in vertical pipe runs so, if condensation does occur, the liquid
ful during a "heat soak" or catalyst rejuvenation operation. can drain freely. If liquid sulfur does not drain, it could solidify,
Usually, a portion of the acid gas is burned in the inline burner; causing the convolutes to be inoperable. Undrained water re-
however, other fuels, such as natural gas, can be used. The sults in corrosion because of the acids formed.
burner is installed in a refractory lined combustion chamber Carbon steel process piping is normally adequate. Because
and the hot combustion gases are mixed with the process gas a Claus plant operates below 15 psig pressure, schedule 40
to reach the reactor inlet temperature. The retention time in pipe is normally used for small lines. For 14" or larger lines,
the mixing chamber is usually between 0.1 and 0.3 seconds. standard weight pipe is adequate. For process lines over 30"
in diameter, the piping thickness can be the same as the cata-
Indirect (Heating Exchanger) Method — Heat ex- lyst bed vessel walls.
changers used for reheating are normally constructed to the
same mechanical requirements as sulfur condensers. These Valves should be steel and fully jacketed. Smaller valves
exchangers should slope toward the inlet end so any liquid usually have integral jackets; large valves may have fabri-

cated jackets. Valves in liquid sulfur service should be full- operating pressure is the same as the air blower maximum
opening gate or plug type to permit rodding out. Liquid sulfur discharge pressure. The density of liquid sulfur is about
normally drains by gravity from the condensers into a sulfur 112 lb/ft3, so for a 10 psi seal, the required "net" sulfur seal
collection pit or storage vessel with a liquid sulfur seal on each depth is 12.8 ft. Minimum safety factors would require at least
drain line to prevent gases from escaping to atmosphere. Sul- a 13.0 ft. seal depth, and often an extra 6"-12" is added to the
fur drain lines often include both horizontal and vertical sec- calculated depth to allow for upsets, lower sulfur density, etc.
tions of piping. Because of potential plugging of these lines,
facilities should be installed to clean-out (usually by rodding)
these lines to prevent a plugged sulfur drain from causing pre- CLAUS UNIT TAIL GAS HANDLING
mature unit shutdown. As shown in Fig. 22-11, these "rodding-
out" facilities usually include both horizontal and vertical The tail gas from a Claus unit contains N2, CO2, H2O, CO,
crosses at each change in piping direction. The crosses are H2, unreacted H2S and SO2, COS, CS2, sulfur vapor, and en-
often equipped with external valves. Valves are also often trained liquid sulfur. Because of equilibrium limitations and
placed in the horizontal sections of the sulfur drain lines to other sulfur losses, overall sulfur recovery efficiency in a Claus
unit usually does not exceed 96-97%. Venting of this tail gas
FIG. 22-11 stream without further processing is seldom permitted; the
minimum requirement is normally incineration, the principal
Typical Relationship of Sulfur Seal and Drain purposes of which are to reduce H2S concentrations to a low
level (which value will depend on the local regulations) and to
provide the thermal lift for dispersion of SO2 upon release to
atmosphere through a stack. Depending upon the size of the
Claus unit, the H2S content of the feed gas, and the geographi-
cal location, a tail gas cleanup process may be required in order
to reduce emissions to the atmosphere.
Incineration of the H2S (as well as the other forms of sulfur)
in the Claus plant tail gas to SO2 can be done thermally or
catalytically. Thermal oxidation normally is carried out at
temperatures between 900°F and 1500°F in the presence of
excess oxygen. Most thermal incinerators are natural draft
operating at sub-atmospheric pressure with air flow controlled
with dampeners; the excess oxygen level varies between 20%
and 100%. Although the Claus unit tail gas contains some
combustibles — for example, H2S, COS, CO, CS2, H2, and ele-
mental sulfur (in the case of "split-flow" plants, some hydro-
carbons) — these combustibles are at too low a concentration
to burn since they generally amount to less than 3% of the total
tail gas stream. The entire tail gas stream must therefore be
allow easy cleaning of these segments, either mechanically or incinerated at a high enough temperature for oxidation of sul-
with steam, while the unit continues to operate. fur and sulfur compounds to SO2.
Each sulfur liquid/vapor separator should have a separate Incinerator fuel consumption can be reduced significantly
drain line and sulfur seal to facilitate detection of plugging. by utilizing catalytic incineration. This involves heating the
Each sulfur seal should be equipped with a sight port (oriented tail gas stream to about 600-800°F with fuel gas and then pass-
away from sidewalks, etc.) so the sulfur draining into the stor- ing the heated gas along with a controlled amount of air
age pit can be observed. When the flow of liquid sulfur stops, through a catalyst bed. Catalytic incinerators are normally
remedial action can be taken to eliminate the restriction or forced draft, operating at a positive pressure in order to main-
plug so as not to cause additional damage to the plant. tain closer control of excess air. Catalytic incineration is a pro-
prietary process which should be considered where fuel costs
Steam-jacketing is the preferred method of heating liquid for conventional (thermal) incineration are high.
sulfur lines. Internal (gut) steam lines are sometimes used,
especially for longer lines. Skin Effect Current Tracing (SECT) Another method of improving overall fuel economy involves
which utilizes the skin effect phenomenon exhibited when an recovering heat from the incinerator outlet gases. Saturated
alternating current passes through a steel pipe has also been steam at pressures ranging between 50 psig and 450 psig has
used to heat long pipelines. For short lines, steam tracing may been produced, and saturated steam has been superheated,
be satisfactory. Steam is the most common heating medium, using waste heat from the incinerator outlet gases. The effect
but hot oil can also be used. The liquid sulfur lines should be of lower emission temperature upon dispersion of the outlet
designed to maintain the sulfur at a minimum temperature of stream, and therefore upon the required stack height, must be
280°F which corresponds to a steam pressure of at least considered in evaluating this alternative. Incinerators with
50 psig. High pressure steam (above 100 psig) or superheated waste heat recovery are normally forced draft operating at a
steam should normally not be used because of the possibility positive pressure.
of heating the sulfur into the highly viscous region. (Fig. 22-15) Fuel required for thermal incineration is determined by the
Since the liquid sulfur is used as a seal to prevent process amount of heat needed to heat the Claus tail gas, air, and fuel
vapors from being vented to the atmosphere, the "net" liquid to the required temperature. Normally the incinerator is sized
column head must be large enough to withstand the maximum for at least 0.5 second residence time, and sometimes for as
expected operating pressure. For most plants this maximum much as 1.5 seconds residence time. Generally, the longer the

residence time, the lower the incinerator temperature needed too restricted (too close to grade), the floor refractory usually
to meet the environmental requirements. This is illustrated will not provide adequate protection.
by Fig. 22-12 which shows the relationship between residence
time and temperature for a typical installation to meet a maxi- The steel components (floor, walls, stack shell) should be
mum H2S requirement of 10 ppmv. kept below 650-700°F and above 300°F. This requires careful
design of both the inside refractory lining and outside insula-
The incinerator and stack can sometimes be combined into tion. Normally the refractory thickness to protect the incin-
a single vessel. The incinerator is the enlarged base, and the erator shell (either vertical or horizontal type) will be between
smaller diameter stack is mounted on top of the incinerator. 2" and 4", with an average of about 3". The incinerator floor
The burner is normally mounted horizontally in the side of the on the vertical style units normally has refractory thicknesses
incinerator. The tail gas is sometimes fed through the burner, ranging between 4" and 6".
but it can also be fed into the incinerator adjacent to the burner.
The incinerator and stack should be insulated on the outside
Both the incinerator and stack are refractory lined to protect to prevent low shell temperatures. This insulation can be in
the steel from the high temperatures. This refractory is not as the form of an air gap (usually 3"-4") with either a stainless
elaborate as that used for the reaction furnace at the front of steel or aluminum sheathing, or can be a thin (1" thick) layer
the Claus unit, because of lower operating temperatures. The of blanket type insulation covered with either an aluminum
incinerator is normally designed for a maximum operating or a stainless steel overlay. Care should be taken not to over-
temperature of 2000°F. Refractories rated as low as 2200°F insulate because overheating of the steel shell can then result.
have been used in incinerator-stack installations; one layer of
refractory is generally sufficient. The refractory is usually an Another method of handling potential corrosion of the out-
insulating castable rated for service conditions of 2200°F or side shell of the stack is to make the most critical section of
above, except where flame impingement is anticipated. A high the stack (say the top 15 ft) of unlined and uninsulated stain-
alumina castable (above 60% alumina) is used in the area of less steel.
flame impingement.
Stacks can be designed as free-standing, guyed, or derrick-
For vertical incinerators installed at the base of the stack, supported structures. Selection of the type of stack is dictated
protection for the incinerator steel floor is important. The best by the required stack height diameter and by windload and/or
method to protect the floor is to allow for ambient (cooling) air seismic criteria for the particular installation site. A guyed
circulation below the floor even though the floor is refractory stack is often the most economical design; however, this re-
lined. If there is no cooling below the floor, or if the space is quires plot space for guy anchors and cables. A free standing

FIG. 22-12
Typical Relationship Between Incinerator Residence Time and Required Temperature

steel stack is a common design for heights not exceeding 250 ft. Claus tail gas is also recovered. IFP reports sulfur recoveries
Stacks taller than about 350 feet are usually derrick-sup- to 99.8%.
ported steel stacks or are free-standing, reinforced concrete
stacks. Typical design stack velocities are between 40 ft/sec A typical subdewpoint sulfur plant will resemble a conven-
and 100 ft/sec with allowable pressure drop generally deter- tional Claus plant in the process flow through the waste heat
mining the design stack velocity. boiler, the first catalytic converter, the first condenser, and the
first reheat unit. At this point in the process flow, the subdew-
Most governmental air control bodies (federal, state, and/or point plant differs significantly from the conventional Claus
local) require that the emissions from the incinerator-stack plant and even different types of subdewpoint plants (CBA,
system be monitored on a periodic basis. In some areas, stack Clinsulf, MCRC, and Sulfreen) differ in the downstream proc-
emissions must be monitored and recorded continuously. The ess sequencing. Generally one converter in the subdewpoint
stack should therefore be equipped with platforms, sample plants is operating below the dewpoint temperature of sulfur.
nozzles, and utilities located at an appropriate elevation. Other converters may be operating in a cooling or in a regen-
These design details are specified in current state or Environ- eration mode. Bed switching is a common feature of these
mental Protection Agency regulations. This equipment per- plants so the subdewpoint bed is regenerated periodically. The
mits a periodic measurement of the stack flow rate and stack subdewpoint catalytic converter temperature means a signifi-
gas composition, which can be used to determine a reasonably cantly higher equilibrium constant for the Claus reaction,
accurate emission rate. Atmospheric emissions usually are ex- thus resulting in less unreacted H2S and SO2 in the tail gas.
pressed in total lb/hr of sulfur dioxide, or expressed as SO2 Like the IFP process, close control of the H2S:SO2 ratio is es-
concentration in ppmv reported on a water and oxygen free sential for effective subdewpoint operation; and any COS and
basis. The detailed stack sampling procedures are covered in CS2 present in process gas pass through to the plant tail gas
EPA or state and/or local regulations and procedures. incinerator.
Where continuous monitoring is required, stack gas analyz- Although the principles of the dry-bed subdewpoint proc-
ers (which measure the amount of SO2 in the stack gas) are esses are similar, each process claims to have unique and de-
installed on the stack. These instruments are often coupled sirable features. The licensors of these processes should be
with a flow measuring instrument so there is a continuous consulted for details.
record of both the flow and SO2 content of the stack gas. This
allows the total daily emission level to be determined. SO2 Recovery Processes
Tail Gas Clean-up Processes The SO2 recovery processes involve incineration of the Claus
Fig. 22-13 is a summary of some of the available Claus tail tail gas as the first step. This converts essentially all the forms
gas cleanup (TGCU) processes, not all of which are proven of sulfur to SO2.
commercially. All of these processes fit roughly into four cate- • The Wellman-Lord Process involves using a basic solu-
gories: tion to absorb the SO2 which is generally recovered from
• Processes based primarily on the continuation of the the solution as essentially pure SO2. This SO2 is available
Claus reaction to produce additional sulfur under more as a liquid or a vapor.
favorable equilibrium conditions than normally found in • For small Claus units, a solution of NaOH may be used
the Claus units, either through operation at tempera- to scrub SO2 from the incinerator outlet stream; the re-
tures below the sulfur dewpoint or in the liquid phase at sulting sulfite solution after further oxidation to sulfate
a temperature above the melting point of sulfur. with air (or another oxidizing agent such as hydrogen
• Processes based on converting all the sulfur components peroxide) can be disposed of underground or at an ap-
in the tail gas to SO2 and recovering the SO2 for further proved disposal facility.
• Processes based on converting all the sulfur in the Claus
H2S Recovery Processes
unit tail gas to H2S, then recovering sulfur from this H2S. In these processes, essentially all forms of sulfur in the
• Processes that directly oxidize the tail-gas H2S to sul- Claus tail gas are converted to H2S by hydrogenation and hy-
phur. drolysis. The Beavon-Stretford process then recovers elemen-
tal sulfur directly from the H2S in this tail gas stream in a
Continuation Processes Stretford unit. The ARCO (Atlantic Richfield), BSR (Beavon
The dry-bed subdewpoint processes include CBA (Cold Bed Sulfur Removal)-MDEA, Exxon, Resulf and SCOT processes
Adsorption) of the United States, Clinsulf of Germany, MCRC remove the H2S using an amine solution that is selective for
(Maximum Claus Recovery Concept) of Canada, and Sulfreen H2S over CO2. The H2S and any coabsorbed CO2 from the re-
of France. Generally, the licensors of these processes report generated solution are recycled to the front end of the Claus
sulfur recoveries of 99-99.5%. The processes have not been unit.
widely used in the U.S. because the attainable sulfur recovery BSR-Stretford can reduce the H2S content in the absorber
level will seldom meet local air quality requirements. Incin- off gas to 10 ppmv. Generally the amine-based processes (i.e.,
eration of the residue gas is still required and the stack gases SCOT et al.), using generic amines such as MDEA without
from tail gas treaters of this type generally contain 1200- additives, are limited to about 100-150 ppmv. However, using
2000 ppmv SO2. proprietary amines (such as Dow’s GAS/SPEC, Exxon’s FLEX-
The IFP process Clauspol II continues the Claus reaction SORB SE, Shell’s SCOT-LSS or Union Carbide’s UCARSOL
also at subdewpoint, but in the presence of a catalyst contain- HS 102), these processes can also achieve 10 ppmv H2S. All of
ing liquid solvent, which is fed counter-currently with the in- these processes result in overall sulfur recovery in excess of
coming Claus tail gas in a packed tower. The process operates 99.9%. BSR-MDEA was developed by Parsons and Unocal
above the melting point of sulfur so the product sulfur is re- (Unocal’s version sold to UOP), SCOT by Shell, and Resulf by
covered as a liquid. Any liquid and vapor sulfur present in the TPA.

FIG. 22-13 unnecessary because water does not impede SUPERCLAUS
Claus Tail Gas Clean Up Processes
Final selection of a tail gas treating process should con-
Claus Tail Gas Cleanup Processes sider the applicable pollution regulations, initial invest-
ment, long term (continuing) operating costs, and the
• Extend Claus Reaction on Solid Bed (sub-dew- operating advantages and disadvantages of each process.
point) Since these tail gas treating processes are proprietary, the
— CBA (Amoco/Pritchard/Ortloff) process developer or a contractor authorized to design and
— Clinsulf SDP (Linde AG) install these systems should be consulted for more defini-
— MCRC (Delta Hudson) tive information.
— Sulfreen (Lurgi Bamag / SNEA(P))
Liquid Redox
• Extend Claus Reaction in Liquid Phase Catalyst
(sub-dewpoint) Liquid redox sulfur recovery processes all share the follow-
— Clauspol 300 (IFP) ing major operations:
• Direct Oxidation to Sulfur • Removal of the acid gas, H2S, from a gas stream by ab-
— Superclaus 99 (Stork Comprimo) sorption into an alkaline solution to form the ions S– –
and 2H+;
• Oxidize to SO2, Absorb and Recycle to Claus
— Chiyoda Thoroughbred (CT121) • Conversion (i.e. oxidation) of the S– –- to elemental sulfur
— Elsorb (Elkem Technology) (S°) by the action of a redox reagent (i.e. catalyst) such
— Wellman-Lord (Lurgi Bamag) as iron attached to a legend (also called chelant)(i.e.
Fe+++L) which keeps the iron in solution:
• Reduce to H2S, Absorb and Recycle to Claus
— ARCO (ARCO/Pritchard) S– – + 2H+ + 2Fe+++L → S° + 2H+ + 2Fe++L
— BSR/MDEA (Parsons/UPO)
— Clintox (Linde AG) The reagent is said to be "spent" and the iron "reduced."
— Exxon • Separation and recovery of solid sulfur. Depending on the
— HCR (Nuovo IGI) regeneration process, this may precede or succeed the
— Resulf (TPA) next step.
— SCOT (Shell)
• Regeneration of the spent redox reagent (i.e. Fe+++L) by
• Reduce to H2S and React/Oxidize to Sulfur reacting it with oxygen dissolved in the solution:
— BSR/Selectox (Parsons/UOP)
— MODOP (Mobil Oil)
/2O2 + 2H+ + 2Fe++L → H2O + 2Fe+++L
— Superclaus 99.5 (Stork Comprimo)
The iron is said to be "oxidized."
Thus the reagent is reduced as it converts H2S to sulfur and
Direct Oxidation Processes is oxidized as it is regenerated with oxygen/air, and hence the
MODOP (Mobil Oil Direct Oxidation Processes27) and SU- term "redox."
PERCLAUS 99 and 99.528 are Claus TGCU processes that in-
Redox processes can remove and convert to sulfur up to
clude air oxidation of tail gas H2S to sulfur using special
99.9% of the H2S in sour natural gas and acid gas. Their turn-
catalysts. In MODOP, all forms of sulfur in the Claus tail gas down capabilities are very good, and they can be designed for
are converted to H2S in a sulfur-reduction (i.e., hydrogena- large variations in H2S concentrations. However, the sulfur
tion/hydrolysis) unit. Cooling of the reduction-unit effluent in- color is a brown/tan yellow rather than the bright yellow pro-
cludes direct contact with recirculating water which reduces duced in Claus plants. The redox solutions are corrosive, and
the water vapor in the effluent to about 5-9%. The effluent much of the equipment must be alloy or coated. Also, chemical
combines with air, and enters a MODOP reactor where the consumption can be high, and disposal of spent chemicals can
H2S is selectively oxidized to sulfur with the aid of titanium- be a problem. The solution must usually be analyzed daily
dioxide catalyst. The prior removal of water vapor in the re- with addition of chemicals.
duction unit increases the conversion to sulfur. MODOP can
achieve 99.5% overall recovery by using three Claus stages Nevertheless, redox can be considered for various combina-
tions of the following:
followed by sulfur reduction and one MODOP stage, or by us-
ing two Claus stages followed by sulfur reduction and two MO- • Natural gas or acid gas containing less than 20 t/d of
DOP stages. sulfur.
SUPERCLAUS 99 does not include a sulfur-reduction unit. • Sour natural gas for which CO2 does not have to be re-
Claus tail gas is reheated and mixed with Claus-blower air, moved.
and is processed in a SUPERCLAUS reactor employing a pro- • Acid gas with very low concentrations of H2S.
prietary catalyst. SUPERCLAUS 99 achieves up to 99% recov-
Established redox processes include the following:
ery depending upon the quality of the acid gas and whether
there are two or three Claus converters. SUPERCLAUS 99.5 • Stretford licensed by British Gas, uses a vanadiam redox
does include a sulfur-reduction unit, and can achieve an over- reagent.
all sulfur recovery of 99.5%. Its description is similar to the • ARI-LO-CAT II licensed by Wheelabrator Clean Air Sys-
MODOP description; however, direct-contact cooling of reduc- tems, SulFerox licensed by Dow, and Sulfint licensed by
tion-unit effluent, with the associated water-vapor removal, is IFP. All employ iron redox reagents.

Heat Capacity of Solid Sulfur at Constant Pressure4
Sulfur is a solid at ambient temperatures; it exists in two
octatomic crystalline forms (rhombic and monoclinic) and
an amorphous form. Up to about 204°F, rhombic crystals
are the stable form; above this temperature and up to its
melting point, monoclinic sulfur is the stable variety. Both
crystalline forms consist basically of eight-membered
rings, but the arrangement of the rings and the interatomic
distances are different. Amorphous sulfur is prepared by
rapidly chilling liquid sulfur which has been heated to near
its boiling point. Amorphous sulfur, which slowly changes
to the rhombic crystalline form at ambient temperatures,
is also referred to as "rubber" sulfur and its presence is not
desired. The approximate density of each solid sulfur form
is as follows:
Rhombic 129 pounds/cubic foot
Monoclinic 122 pounds/cubic foot
Amorphous 120 pounds/cubic foot

The heat capacity of solid sulfur is shown in Fig. 22-14.

The melting points of solid sulfur range from 235°F for
rhombic sulfur to 248°F for amorphous sulfur. Pure crystals of
monoclinic sulfur melt at 239.4°F. When melted, sulfur be-
comes a brownish-yellow, transparent liquid (lambda sulfur),
whose molecular structure is also octatomic. As liquid sulfur
is heated to about 320°F, the structure of the liquid undergoes
an abrupt change; its color becomes a dark reddish brown and
its viscosity increases significantly. Long chain polymers, (µ
sulfur), exist in equilibrium with octatomic sulfur molecules.
Fig. 22-15 shows how the viscosity of pure liquid sulfur
changes with temperature and Fig. 22-16 shows how dissolved
H2S affects the viscosity of liquid sulfur. As the temperature
is increased above 320°F, the color of liquid sulfur darkens and
turns to a brownish-black above 482°F and remains dark up
to the boiling point of 832°F. Fig. 22-17 and Fig. 22-18 show
how the density and heat capacity, respectively, of liquid sulfur the sulfur is allowed to cool and solidify) or to sulfur-forming
change with temperature. facilities such as a flaker, a prilling tower, etc.

Several sulfur molecules are present in the vapor phase, but Serious environmental and/or safety problems can occur in
the principal sulfur species are S2, S6, and S8. Fig. 22-19 shows the handling of liquid sulfur produced in Claus units. As
the distribution of sulfur species as a function of temperature. shown in Fig. 22-24, the total solubility of H2S in liquid sulfur
In sulfur plant vapors, the distribution of sulfur species is increases with temperature because of the formation of hydro-
similar but not identical to that shown in Fig. 22-19 because gen polysulfides (H2Sx). Sulfur is produced in Claus units at
of the presence of components other than sulfur. This sulfur temperatures of 280°F to 310°F but in storage, or during trans-
species distribution was used to calculate (1) the equivalent portation, the temperature of the sulfur may drop as low as
vapor pressure of sulfur shown in Fig. 22-20 and (2) the latent 260°F. Under these conditions, H2S is emitted and accumu-
heat of condensing sulfur vapors shown in Fig. 22-21. The S1 lates in the vapor space above the liquid sulfur.
equivalent vapor pressure and latent heat curves are conven- Concentrations of H2S exceeding its lower explosive or flam-
ient to use in process calculations although they may not be mability limit of 3.5 mol % (in air) have been measured in the
rigorous when components other than sulfur are present. The vapor space of railroad tank cars. Emission of H2S from liquid
viscosity of sulfur vapors is shown in Fig. 22-22; the heat ca- sulfur during solid sulfur forming operations can also present
pacity of sulfur vapors is shown in Fig. 22-23. serious operating and/or environmental problems.
The H2S/H2Sx content of Claus sulfur is dependent on the
SULFUR STORAGE AND HANDLING partial pressure of H2S in the process stream and the operat-
ing temperature. Typical measured concentrations (as H2S)
Sulfur can be stored and handled as a liquid (at about 280°F) are as follows:
or as a solid (at ambient temperature). A Claus sulfur recovery
From 1st Condenser 500-700 ppmw
plant will usually be provided with a rundown tank or pit (which
may be either of steel or of acid-resistant concrete) sized for 3-5 From 2nd Condenser 180-280 ppmw
days’ production. If the sulfur is handled as a liquid, it can be From 3rd Condenser 70-110 ppmw
pumped from the rundown tank either directly to tank truck or From 4th Condenser 10-30 ppmw
railroad tank car or to intermediate liquid sulfur storage. If the
sulfur is handled as a solid, it is pumped to storage block (where From Final Coalescer 5-10 ppmw

FIG. 22-15
Viscosity of Liquid Sulfur12

FIG. 22-16 Degasification facilities handling Claus sulfur are normally
Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide on the Viscosity designed on the basis of an average value of 250 to 300 ppmw
total H2S.
of Molten Sulfur12, 18
Tests using railroad tank cars with liquid sulfur containing
7 ppmw, 15 ppmw, and 100 ppmw of total H2S indicated that
15 ppmw H2S is the upper limit for safe handling of liquid
sulfur and, therefore, degasification facilities should be de-
signed for a maximum of 10 ppmw H2S.17, 24 Commercial de-
gasification processes are available from Amoco, Elf
Aquitaine, Exxon, Procor, and Shell.



Initial Startup
For the initial startup, three important procedures must be
followed before putting a Claus sulfur recovery plant in serv-
ice. These are:
• Curing of all refractory (in combustion chamber, piping,
inline burners, incinerator, stack, etc.)
• Cleaning of the waste heat boiler and other steam-pro-
ducing equipment
• Heating of the catalyst beds and all other equipment to
proper operating temperatures
Curing of the refractory, which involves carefully controlled
heating, is necessary because, if wet refractory is heated too
quickly, the contained water will vaporize too rapidly, damag-
ing the refractory. The manufacturer of the refractory (or re-
fractories) should be consulted regarding suitable curing
Cleaning of the waste heat boiler and other steam-producing
equipment is necessary to remove oil and grease. The equip-
ment can be boiled out with water plus boil-out chemicals
FIG. 22-17 (such as sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate) or it can be
cleaned chemically. If a chemical cleaning procedure is chosen,
Density of Liquid Sulfur26 any steam produced during the refractory curing can be fed to
the plant steam headers; if a boil-out procedure is followed,
any steam produced should be vented to atmosphere. Under
either procedure, the steam-producing equipment should be
filled with water to prevent tube damage before refractory cur-
ing and/or boiling-out are commenced and either the pilot
burners or the main gas burners are lit.
Heating the catalytic converters and all other equipment to
near normal operating temperatures by burning fuel gas is
necessary to prevent condensation of liquid sulfur on the cata-
lyst beds when acid gas is fed to the unit. The pilot burners
are lit first and after about 30 minutes, the main burners are
used to gradually raise the temperatures of the refractory and
all the equipment. Each catalytic converter should be heated
until the outlet temperature is about 400°F. Usually the Claus
plant is ready for startup when the catalytic converters are
hot. Acid gas is then fed to the plant while continuing to burn
fuel gas. When combustion of the acid gas is assured, the fuel
gas rate is gradually reduced to zero. The air rate is then ad-
justed to give optimum sulfur recovery.
Subsequent Startups
Claus plant startups after the plant has been in operation
are either hot startups or cold startups. A hot startup is when
the catalyst bed temperatures have not dropped below about
400°F and other temperatures in the unit have not dropped

FIG. 22-18
Heat Capacity of Liquid Sulfur5

below about 300°F; a cold startup is when the unit tempera- • Shutting off the air and acid gas
tures have dropped below these values. • Blocking in (isolating) the plant to prevent the entrance
A hot startup does not require that the plant be heated with of air.
fuel gas. The fuel gas pilots are lit and acid gas is fed to the If a longer shutdown period is planned, the air rate is re-
plant. When stable acid gas combustion has been established, duced (after the catalyst bed temperatures have been raised)
the pilots are turned off and the air rate adjusted for optimum to give an H2S/SO2 ratio at the front end of 2.5/1 to 3/1 and the
sulfur recovery. Excess air should not be used. plant is operated in this manner for several hours to rejuve-
A cold startup requires that the plant be heated with fuel nate the catalyst beds. Fuel gas is then added to the burner
gas as in the initial startup procedure with two exceptions. and as soon as the fuel gas flame is established, the acid gas
The refractory need not be cured (unless refractory repairs is gradually shut off. The air rate is then adjusted to provide
have been made) nor the steam-producing equipment boiled (as close as possible) the stoichiometric requirement for com-
out. Second, excess air should normally not be used during the bustion of the fuel gas. Insufficient air, which can result in
heating procedure, unless the unit has been completely purged carbon formation and fouling of the unit, should be avoided;
of all sulfur and sulfur compounds as part of a planned shut- excess air is more acceptable but because sulfur fires within
down. the unit are possible even with a small amount of excess air,
temperatures should be closely monitored and the combustion
Shutdowns products should be analyzed regularly. Control of the combus-
The procedures to be followed during a planned shutdown tion temperature (to prevent damaging the refractory) is ob-
of a Claus sulfur recovery unit are an important part of plant tained by injecting an inert gas (usually steam, although
operations. nitrogen and carbon dioxide can be used). This purging of the
plant by combustion of fuel gas should be continued at least
If the plant is being shutdown for only a few hours (for ex- until sulfur stops draining from the unit. If it is planned to
ample, for reasons unrelated to the sulfur plant operation) the enter the unit for maintenance or other work, the fuel gas is
procedure may only involve then shut off, but the flow of air is continued until the unit is
• Raising the catalyst bed temperatures by 30-40°F, in or- sufficiently cooled and thoroughly purged of hazardous mate-
der to provide added assurance that sulfur condensation rials; if entry to the unit is not scheduled, both air and fuel gas
will not occur during the shutdown period are shut off, and the unit is blocked in.

FIG. 22-19
Distribution of Sulfur Vapor Species2

Emergency shutdowns can cause serious problems if proper puter with equilibrium conditions and compositions. A data
precautions are not taken. If the plant cannot be placed in base which is often utilized for these Claus plant calculations
operation soon after an emergency shutdown, an inert gas is the JANAF (Joint Army Navy Air Force) tables.8
should be fed to purge the plant. Otherwise, sulfur in the unit
may solidify and damage the plant, or require replacement of Reasonably accurate process calculations can be carried out
the catalyst beds, and manual cleaning of the waste heat boiler manually, however, if side reactions are ignored. The following
and sulfur condenser tubes. example illustrates a simplified method of calculating the sig-
nificant process parameters for a 100 LT/D (feed) Claus plant.

Example 22-1 —
Feed Gas @ 110°F & 20.7 psia Ambient Conditions
mol % mols/hr Dry Bulb
Process calculations for a Claus sulfur recovery unit are com-
H2S 60.65 291.06 Temperature 100°F
plicated by the existence of various species of gaseous sulfur (S2,
S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, and S8) whose equilibrium concentrations in CO2 32.17 154.39 Wet Bulb
relation to each other are often not precisely known, and by the H2O 6.20 29.75 Temperature 75°F
number of side reactions involving other feed gas components Hydrocarbons Air Blower Discharge
such as CO2, hydrocarbons, ammonia, etc., which take place si- (as C1) 0.98 4.71 Temperature 180°F
multaneously. These calculations are usually carried out by com- 100.00 479.91

FIG. 22-20
Vapor Pressure of Sulfur9, 20

FIG. 22-21
Heat of Vaporization of Sulfur9

FIG. 22-22
Viscosity of Sulfur Vapor12

FIG. 22-23
Heat Capacity of Equilibrium Sulfur Vapors7, 10, 16

Step 1 Combustion/Reaction Section Combustion Reaction

Products Products
Calculate air required to burn 1⁄3 of the H2S in the feed and Mols/hr Mols/hr
for total combustion of hydrocarbons H2S 194.04 194.04 – x
H2S + 11⁄2O2 → H2O + SO2 From Eq 22-2 CO2 159.10 159.10
H2O 158.10 158.10 + x
∆H @ 77°F = −223 100 Btu SO2 97.02 97.02 – 1⁄2x
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2 H2O Eq 22-9 N2 582.65 582.65
S2 — 3⁄ x
∆H @ 77°F = −345 170 Btu S6 — —
Find oxygen required: S8 — —
Hydrocarbons (as C1) — —
H2S → SO2 (1⁄3) (3⁄2) (291.06) = 145.53 mo ls / hr O2 1190.91 1190.91 + 1⁄4x
9.42 mols / hr O_2
Hydrocarbons (as C1) 2 (4.71) = _________________
Total = 154.95 mols / hr O2 Assume ∆P through the burner and furnace is 1.6 psi. Then
P = 19.1 psia or 1.3 atmospheres
Assume x = mols of H2S reacting
At equilibrium,
2 H2S + SO2 → 2 H2O + 3⁄2 S2
1⁄2 x 3⁄4 x From Eq 22-6 3
x x −1
[H2O]2 [S2]3/2  π 2
∆H @ 77°F = +20 400 Btu Kp = 2  
[H2S] [SO2]  total mols 
Material Balance (Combustion/Reaction Section)
Feed Gas Air [158.10 + x]2 [3⁄4 x]3/2  [1.3] 
=  
Mols/hr Mols/hr [194.04 − x]2 [97.02 − 1⁄2x]  [1190.91 + 1⁄4x] 
H2S 291.06 —
CO2 154.39 —
H2O 29.75 21.91
x, mols/hr Kp Temperature
SO2 — — (assumed) (calculated) (from Fig. 22-25)
N2 — 582.65 130 19.8 1880°F
O2 — 154.95 135 27.7 2090°F
S2 — — 140 39.5 2390°F
S6 — —
S8 — — Determine flame temperature by heat balance for each value
Hydrocarbons (as C1) 4.71 — of x using the thermodynamic data in Fig. 22-26. For example,
479.91 759.51 at x = 130 mols/hr

FIG. 22-24
H2S and H2Sx to Total H2S Solubility
(at 1 bar H2S vapor pressure)

Feed Gas composition and waste heat boiler heat balance are therefore
H @ 110°F as follows:
mols/hr Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr
Reaction Products
H2S 291.06 633.9 184 500 H @ 2130°F
CO2 154.39 690.8 106 650 mols/hr Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr
H2O 29.75 626.1 18 630
Hydrocarbons (as C1) 4.71 666.1 3 140 H2S 58.04 21 380 1 240 900
479.91 312 920 CO2 159.10 25 427 4 045 440
H2O 294.10 19 800 5 823 180
Combustion Air SO2 29.02 25 589 742 590
H @ 180°F
mols/hr N2 582.65 15 916 9 273 460
Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr
S2 102.00 18 107 1 846 910
O2 154.95 1043.3 161 660
S6 — — —
N2 582.65 1030.7 600 540
S8 — — —
H2O 21.91 1191.5 26 110
1224.91 22 972 480
759.51 788 310

Reaction Products Cooled Reaction Products

H @ 2100°F H @ 700°F
mols/hr mols/hr Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr
Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr
H2S 64.04 21 020 1 346 120 H2S 58.04 5 796 336 400
CO2 159.10 25 010 3 979 090 CO2 159.10 6 855 1 090 630
H2O 288.10 19 470 5 609 310 H2O 294.10 5 572 1 638 730
SO2 32.02 25 190 806 580 SO2 29.02 7 181 208 390
N2 582.65 15 670 9 130 130
N2 582.65 4 713 2 746 030
S2 97.50 17 840 1 739 400
S2 0.14 5 498 770
1223.41 22 610 630
S6 12.98 14 005 181 780
Reaction Products S8 15.73 18 228 286 730
H @ 2200°F 1151.76 6 489 460
Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr
H2S 22 220 1 422 970 ∆H: 22 972 480 – 6 489 460 = 16 483 020 Btu/hr
CO2 26 400 4 200 240
H2O 20 570 5 926 220 From Fig. 22-28
SO2 26 520 849 170 S2 (vapor) → S6 (vapor) (12.98) (120 000) = 1 557 600 Btu/hr
N2 16 490 9 607 900
S2 18 730 1 826 180
23 832 680 From Fig. 22-28
S2 (vapor) → S8 (vapor) (15.73) (178 316) = 2 804 910 Btu/hr
Heat in, Btu/hr:
Feed Gas = 312 920
Combustion Air = 788 310 Total heat duty
H2S Combustion (97.02 mols/hr) (223 100) = 21 645 160 16 483 020 + 1 557 600 + 2 804 910 = 20 845 530 Btu/hr
HC Combustion (4.71 mols/hr) (345 170) = 1 625 750
Claus Reaction (130/2 mols/hr) (–20 400) = –1 326 000 Note: Partial pressure of sulfur vapor
23 046 140 S2 + S6 + S8
= (Total Pressure)
By interpolation, flame temperature is approximately 2135°F. Total Mols
Similarly for x = 135 mols/hr, the calculated flame tempera- 0.14 + 12.98 + 15.73
ture is 2131°F, and for x = 140 mols/hr, 2127°F. Plotting the = (1.3) = 0.033 atmospheres
assumed values of x versus calculated equilibrium tempera-
ture and flame temperatures (Fig. 22-27) gives a value of x = From Fig. 22-20, the vapor pressure of sulfur at 700°F is ap-
136 mols/hr (equivalent to 70.1% conversion) and a tempera- proximately 0.3 atmosphere, so no sulfur is condensed.
ture of 2130°F which meet both thermodynamic equilibrium
and heat balance conditions. Step 3 1st Sulfur Condenser
Assume a pressure drop through the condenser of 0.5 psi,
with the process stream further cooled to 350°F. From Fig.
Step 2 Waste Heat Boiler Duty 22-20, the vapor pressure of sulfur at 350°F is 0.0011 atmos-
Assume that 250 psig steam is generated in the waste heat pheres so the stream is below the sulfur dewpoint. From Fig.
boiler and therefore that the temperature of the cooled com- 22-19, the distribution of sulfur species is 14.5 mol % S6 and
bustion products is 700°F. From Fig. 22-19, the distribution of 85.5 mol % S8. If no condensation took place, there would be
sulfur vapor species at 700°F is approximately 0.5 mol % S2, 3.84 mols/hr of S6 and 22.62 mols/hr of S8. [Note: (6)(3.84) +
45 mol % S6, and 54.5 mol % S8. The cooled combustion product (8)(22.62) ≅ (2)(102.0)]

FIG. 22-25
Equilibrium Constant for Claus Reaction

FIG. 22-26
Enthalpies of Paraffin Hydrocarbons, Combustion Products and Sulfur Compounds11

Enthalpies of Paraffin Hydrocarbons, C1-C6 Btu/lb-mole Enthalpies of Sulfur Compounds Btu/lb-mole

°F C1 C2 C3 nC4 iC4 nC5 nC6 °F S2 SO2 SO3 H2S CS2 COS S6 S8
32 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
60 234.3 338.2 467.8 633.4 614.2 787.6 943.6 60 215.2 262.6 330 226 300.4 217.7 560.5 728.7
77 378.6 549.8 762.3 1030 1001 1280 1533 77 346.3 423.9 530 363.8 484.4 440.6 902 1173
100 576.3 843.7 1174 1582 1544 1966 2353 100 526 644.6 825 551.6 738.6 675.2 1365 1775
200 1474 2225 3114 4184 4086 5201 6227 200 1318 1633 2115 1375 1873 1711 3398 4419
300 2430 3775 5340 7128 7032 8851 10579 300 2129 2667 3500 2216 3054 2799 5460 7102
400 3470 5492 7827 10395 10315 12890 15396 400 2955 3743 4995 3077 4275 3933 7552 9824
500 4590 7366 10539 13070 13910 17310 20653 500 3793 4858 6560 3960 5530 5091 9674 12586
600 5790 9401 13470 17830 17780 22060 26323 600 4642 6004 8200 4866 6814 6293 11825 15383
700 7065 11584 16620 21940 21910 27130 32353 700 5498 7181 9915 5796 8121 7531 14005 18228
800 8416 13900 19940 26290 26270 32490 38720 800 6359 8386 11680 6751 9449 8784 16216 21109
900 9827 16330 23450 30850 30860 38100 45400 900 7227 9609 13480 7730 10790 10060 18455 24029
1000 11330 18880 27110 35600 35640 43950 52350 1000 8099 10840 15330 8732 12150 11350 20725 26988
1100 12880 21540 30920 40540 40610 50020 59540 1100 8974 12100 17210 9757 13530 12660 23024 29987
1200 14490 24290 34870 45640 45750 56310 66990 1200 9851 13370 19140 10800 14910 13990 25353 33025
1300 16170 27130 38940 50900 51030 62780 74670 1300 10730 14660 21090 11870 16310 15230 27711 36103
1400 17890 30050 43110 56310 56470 69430 82570 1400 11610 15950 23070 12960 17710 16680 30099 39221
1500 19660 33090 47430 61890 62050 76280 90670 1500 12500 17250 25070 14060 19120 18040 32516 42377
1600 21470 36190 51840 67590 67800 83280 98930 1600 13390 18550 27100 15180 20540 19410
1700 23350 39340 56340 73400 73670 90350 107390 1700 14270 19860 29140 16320 21960 20790
1800 25260 42560 60930 79330 79600 97640 116000 1800 15160 21180 31220 17470 23390 22180
1900 27210 45870 65560 85370 85590 105000 124760 1900 16050 22510 18640 24830 23560
2000 29190 49210 70320 91470 91690 112480 133650 2000 16940 23850 19820 26270 24980
2100 31210 52600 75080 97630 97910 120200 142680 2100 17840 25190 21020 27710 26380
2200 33210 56060 79970 103910 104190 127800 151750 2200 18730 26520 22220 29150 27800
2400 37420 2500 21410 30550 25890 33510 32060
2800 46050 3000 25900 37340
3000 50480 3500 30400 44180
3500 61870 4000 34920 51030
4000 73440 4500 39440 57910
5000 43980 64780
Enthalpies of Combustion Gases Btu/lb-mole
Note: Values are based upon datum of 0.0 Btu/lb-mole @ 32°F
°F N2 O2 Air H2 CO CO2 H2O
32 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
60 194.9 195.9 194.6 191.9 194.9 243.1 224.2
Uncondensed sulfur
77 312.2 315.1 312.7 308.9 313.3 392.2 360.5
100 473.3 476.7 472.7 467.6 473.5 597.9 545.3  (0.0011) (14.7) 
200 1170 1185 1170 1160 1171 1527 1353 =   [1151.76− (3.84 + 22.62)]
300 1868 1903 1870 1861 1872 2509 2171  18.6 − (0.0011) (14.7) 
400 2570 2634 2576 2560 2578 3537 3001
500 3277 3379 3289 3258 3292 4607 3842
600 3991 4137 4010 3940 4013 5714 4700 = 0.98 mols/hr
700 4713 4908 4740 4653 4744 6855 5572
800 5443 5690 5479 5350 5484 8026 6460 S6: 0.145 (0.98) = 0.14 mols/hr uncondensed
900 6182 6484 6227 6058 6234 9224 7364
1000 6929 7288 6984 6771 6993 10447 8284 3.84 – 0.14 = 3.70 mols/hr condensed
1100 7686 8100 7750 7469 7762 11692 9222
1200 8152 8921 8524 8181 8540 12960 10176 S8: 0.853 (0.98) = 0.84 mols/hr uncondensed
1300 9227 9748 9308 8892 9326 14240 11147
1400 10009 10582 10098 9620 10120 15540 12130 22.62 – 0.84 = 21.78 mols/hr condensed
1500 10799 11422 10895 10352 10921 16860 13140
1600 11600 12270 11703 11072 11729 18190 14160
1700 12400 13120 12510 11799 12540 19530 15190
1800 13210 13970 13330 12520 13360 20890 16240 Condenser Outlet Conditions
1900 14020 14830 14150 13250 14190 22250 17300 H @ 350°F
2000 14840 15700 14970 14000 15020 23630 18380 mols/hr Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr
2100 15670 16560 15800 14780 15850 25010 19470
2200 16490 17430 16640 15570 16690 26400 20570 H2S 58.04 2646.5 153 600
2300 17340 18310 17480 16360 17530 27800 21690 CO2 159.10 3023 480 960
2400 18180 19190 18320 17140 18380 29210 22810
2500 19020 20070 19170 17940 19230 30620 23950
H2O 294.10 2586 760 540
3000 23280 24520 23460 21880 23520 37750 29780 SO2 29.02 3205 93 010
3500 27600 29050 27810 26020 27860 45020 35820 N2 582.65 2219 1 292 900
4000 31950 33660 32190 30280 32240 52400 42020
4500 36340 38340 36620 34560 36660 59820 48340
S2 (vapor) — — —
5000 40760 43100 41090 39010 41100 67300 54770 S6 (vapor) 3.84 6506 24 980
5500 45210 47910 45590 43480 45560 74820 61270 S8 (vapor) 22.62 8463 191 430
6000 49670 52780 50120 48010 50040 82400 67840
1149.37 2 997 420
6500 54150 57700 54680 52630 54530 90020 74440

∆H: 6 489 460 – 2 997 420 = 3 492 040 Btu/hr

FIG. 22-27 0.14 (6) + 0.84 (8) + 0.20 (291.06) = 65.77 mols/hr vapor as
S1 assuming a pressure drop for the reheater and catalyst
Calculation of Reaction Furnace Temperature bed of 1.0 psi,
Sulfur vapor pressure (as S1) then is:
(17.6) = 1.03 psi or 0.07 atmospheres
From Fig. 22-20, the vapor pressure of sulfur at 445°F is
about 0.070 atm. The preheater outlet temperature is there-
fore set 30°F higher or 475°F.
H @ 475°F H @ 350°F
mols/hr Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr Btu/hr
H2S 58.04 3 739.3 217 030 153 600
CO2 159.10 4 339.5 690 410 480 960
H2O 294.10 3 631.8 1 068 110 760 540
SO2 29.02 4 579.3 132 890 93 010
N2 582.65 3 100.3 1 806 390 1 292 900
S6 0.26 9 143 2 380 910
S8 0.75 11 896 8 920 7 110
1123.92 3 926 130 2 789 030

Reheater Heat Duty = 3 926 130 − 2 789 030

= 1 137 100 Btu/hr
NOTE:At475°F,themo lec ulardistributio nofsulfurvapo r
spec ies(Fig.22-19) is 0.255 S 6 and 0.745 S8.
Step 5 1st Catalytic Converter
In the temperature range of 400°F-700°F prevailing in the
catalytic reactors, the Claus reaction equilibrium involving
formation of S2, S6, and S8 should all be used in equilibrium
calculations. However, a good approximation is obtained (usu-
ally within 1% total overall conversion) if only the reaction to
form S8 is considered.
Assume y mols of H2S react.

2 H2S + SO2 → 2 H2O + 3⁄8 S8

y 1⁄2 y y 3⁄16 y

Fig. 22-29 ∆H: ∆H @ 77°F = −45 060 Btu

S6 (vapor) → Sliq (3.70) (39 690) = 146 850 Btu/hr Feed Gas @ 475°F Outlet Conditions
Fig. 22-29 ∆H: mols/hr mols/hr
S8 (vapor) → Sliq (21.78) (34 830) = 758 600 Btu/hr H2S 58.04 58.04 – y
CO2 159.10 159.10
Fig. 22-28 ∆H: H2O 294.10 294.10 + y
S2 (vapor) → S6 (vapor ) (0.005) (118 600) = 590 Btu / hr SO2 29.02 29.02 – y/2
Fig. 22-28 ∆H: N2 582.65 582.65
S2 (vapor) → S8 (vapor ) (0.031) (176 216) = 5460 Btu / hr S6 0.26 —
S8 0.75 0.95 + (3⁄16)y
1123.86 1123.86 – 0.3125y
To talDuty
3 492 040 + 146 850 + 758 600 + 590 + 5460 at equilibrium
= 4 403 540 Btu/hr 3
Step 4 1st Reheater [H2O]2 [S8]3/8  π 8
Kp = 2  
One of the principal purposes of reheating is to maintain the [H2S] [SO2]  total mo ls
process gas above the sulfur dewpoint throughout the catalyst
− 5/8
bed. To estimate the dewpoint temperature at the bed outlet, [294.10 + y]2 [0.95 + (3⁄16) y]3/8  [1.2] 
assume that 20% of the H2S in the feed will be converted to =  
[58.04 − y] [29.02 − y/2]
 [1123.86 − 0.3125y] 
sulfur in the first catalyst bed. Total sulfur (as S 1) at the bed
outlet will then be

FIG. 22-28
Heat of Dissociation of Sulfur Vapor Species

Equilibrium NOTE: At 580°F, the molecular distribution of sulfur spe-

y, mols/hr Kp Temperature cies (Fig. 22-19) is 0.35 S6 and 0.65 S8.
(assumed) (calculated) (from Fig. 22-25)
36 3130 597°F These calculated values are plotted in Fig. 22-30. By inter-
38 4299 580°F polation, a value of y = 38.7 mols/hr meets both equilibrium
40 6051 566°F and thermodynamic conditions and the converter outlet tem-
perature is 575°F (Kp ≅ 4790). [NOTE: At 575°F, the molecular
For each assumed value of y, calculate the total outlet distribution of sulfur species is 0.345 S6 and 0.655 S8.]
stream enthalpy (using the data in Fig. 22-26) and the overall
Converter Outlet H@ 575°F
converter heat balance. For example, for y = 38 mols/hr
mols/hr Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr
H2S 19.34 4 640 89 740
Outlet Stream H @ 580°F CO2 159.10 5 437 865 030
mols/hr Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr H2O 332.80 4 486 1 492 940
H2S 20.04 4 685 93 890 SO2 9.67 5 718 55 290
CO2 159.10 5 493 873 940 N2 582.65 3 813 2 221 640
H2O 332.10 4 528 1 503 750 S6 3.05 11 287 34 430
SO2 10.02 5 775 57 870 S8 5.79 14 688 85 040
N2 582.65 3 848 2 242 040 1112.40 4 844 110
S6 3.10 11 395 35 320
S8 5.75 14 825 85 240 Step 6 2nd Sulfur Condenser
1112.76 4 892 050 Repeat procedure of Step 3.
Heat Balance Step 7 2nd Reheater
Heat In (from Step 4) = 3 926 130 Btu/hr Repeat procedure of Step 4.
Claus Reaction (38/2) (45 060) = 856 140 Btu/hr Step 8 2nd Catalyst Converter
Total Heat Out = 4 782 270 Btu/hr Repeat procedure of Step 5.

FIG. 22-29
Molar Heat of Condensation of S6 and S8

These calculation steps are continued for the number of Step 1. Calculate oxygen required for combustibles in feed gas
catalytic converter stages being utilized. For this example, a H2S + 3⁄2 O2 → H2O + SO2 from Eq 22-2
three-stage plant is assumed and the total calculated conver-
sion efficiency is about 98%. Total recovery efficiency, after ∆H @ 77°F = −223 100 Btu
allowing for sulfur vapor losses and about 1⁄2% for liquid sulfur S1 + O2 → SO2 Eq 22-10
entrainment, is about 97% and the tail gas composition is ap-
proximately as follows: ∆H @ 77°F = −256 100 Btu
H2S: 1.5 (3.88) = 5.82 mols/hr O2
H @ 300°F
mols/hr S1: 1.0 (3.28) = 3.28 mols/hr O2
Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr
H2S 3.88 2216 8 600
9.10 mols/hr O2
CO2 159.10 2509 399 180 + 50% = 13.65 mols/hr O2
H2O 348.26 2171 756 070 Feed Air
SO2 1.94 2667 5 170
H @ 100°F
N2 582.65 1868 1 088 390 mols/hr mols/hr Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr
S6 (vapor) 0.02 5460 110
H2S 3.88 — — —
S8 (vapor) 0.22 7102 1 560
CO2 159.10 — — —
Sliq (as S1) 1.40 –3815 –5 340
H2O 348.26 1.93 545.3 1 050
1097.47 2 253 740
SO2 1.94 — — —
This is the feed to the incinerator. Assuming 50% excess air N2 582.65 51.33 473.3 24 290
(based upon combustibles) and an outlet temperature of S (as S1) 3.28 — — —
1000°F, the fuel gas requirement and stack gas volume can be O2 — 13.65 476.7 6 510
calculated as follows: 1099.11 66.91 31 850

FIG. 22-30 Fuel
Calculation of Converter Outlet Temperature H @ 100°F
mols/hr Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr
CH4 10.0 576.3 5760
CO2 — — —
O2 — — —
N2 — — —
H2O — — —
10.0 5760

H @ 100°F
mols/hr Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr
CH4 — — —
CO2 — — —
O2 30.0 476.7 14 300
N2 112.81 473.3 53 390
H2O 4.24 545.3 2 310
147.05 70 000

Combustion Products
H @ 1000°F
mols/hr Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr
CH4 — — —
CO2 10 10 447 104 470
O2 10 7 288 72 880
N2 112.81 6 929 781 660
H2O 24.24 8 284 200 800
157.05 1 159 810
H @ 1000°F Heat Balance
mols/hr Btu/lb-mol Btu/hr Heat In
H2S — — — Fuel 5 760 Btu/hr
CO2 159.10 10 447 1 662 120
Air 70 000 Btu/hr
H2O 354.07 8 284 2 933 120
C1 Combustion 10 x 345170 3 451 700 Btu/hr
SO2 9.10 10 840 98 640
N2 633.98 6 929 4 392 850 3 527 460 Btu/hr
S (as S1) — — — Heat Out 1 159 810 Btu/hr
O2 4.55 7 288 33 160 Net Heat Release of Fuel 2 367 650 Btu/hr
1160.80 — 9 119 890
Step 3. Calculate fuel requirement and stack gas rate and com-
Heat Balance position
Heat Out 9 119 890 Btu/hr Heat gained by feed gas
Fuel required= (10 mols/hr)
Heat In Net Heat Release of Fuel
Feed @ 300°F 2 253 740 Btu/hr
5 128 660
Air @ 100°F 31 850 Btu/hr = (10) = 21.66 mo ls/ hr
2 367 650
H2S Combustion 3.88 (223 100) = 865 630 Btu/hr
S1 Combustion 3.28 (256 100) = 840 010 Btu/hr Stack Gas
3 991 230 Btu/hr mols/hr mol %
Heat Gained by Feed Gas 5 128 660 Btu/hr CO2 180.76 12.04
H2O 406.57 27.09
Step 2. Calculate net heat release for fuel (assumed to be meth- SO2 9.10 0.61
ane) at 50% excess air, using 10 mols/hr as the base rate.
N2 878.33 58.51
CH4 + 2 O2 → CO2 + 2 H2O O2 26.21 1.75
∆H @ 77°F = −345 170 Btu 1500.97 100.00

Total Heat Release Although conventional orifice meters can be used for acid
Fuel = 21.66 (345 170) = 7 476 380 Btu/hr gas and air measurement, the venturi meter is often more suit-
able. Thermocouples are used for most temperature measure-
H2S (From Step 1) 865 630 Btu/hr ments and a multipoint strip chart temperature recorder can
S (From Step 1) 840 010 Btu/hr be useful to operations by indicating trends. Tail gas analyzers
(for H2S and SO2) are usually of the ultraviolet type although
9 182 020 Btu/hr
chromatographic analyzers have been utilized successfully.
Except at the front of the plant and on air, acid gas or fuel gas
SULFUR PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS systems, pressure gauges are not normally installed. Sample
A sulfur product meeting the following specifications will connections should be as short as possible; sample valves
normally satisfy the requirements of the major consumers of should be plug valves. Sample connections and valves should
sulfur such as manufacturers of sulfuric acid, chemicals, fer- be fully steam-jacketed.
tilizers, etc.: Measurement of reaction furnace temperature is sometimes
Purity 99.5%-99.9% by weight (dry basis) used as an indication of satisfactory air/acid gas control. Both
thermocouples and infra-red type instruments have been util-
Acidity (as H2SO4) Less than 0.01% by weight ized; however, thermocouple life is short (6-9 months reported)
Moisture Less than 1.0% by weight and the response time for infra-red instruments can be poor.
Ash Less than 0.05% by weight Conventional infra-red instruments often can be utilized as
Carbonaceous Matter Less than 0.025% by weight flame monitoring devices for both the main burner and the
Arsenic, Tellurium, inline burners; combination infra-red/ultraviolet (flicker-type)
Selenium Commercially Free* instruments have also been used successfully.
Color (see Note below) Bright yellow at ambient
*Contents of less than 0.25 ppmw of arsenic and 2.0 ppmw of Overall Claus plant conversion efficiency is maximized by
selenium and tellurium are usually considered as "commer- maintaining the stoichiometric H2S:SO2 ratio of 2:1 in the
cially free." process gas to the catalytic converters. The most suitable point
NOTE: The color of sulfur is an important property because for this determination is at the outlet of the last sulfur con-
it gives an immediate indication of product purity. The sulfur denser because a slight change in the air:acid gas ratio at the
is a bright yellow if the impurity content is less than about front of the plant will result in a significant change in the
0.02% by weight. Small amounts of carbon (soot) change the H2S:SO2 ratio in the tail gas and in the theoretical overall
bright yellow color to dull yellow or green; "dark" sulfur in sulfur recovery (Fig. 22-31). An H2S:SO2 ratio in the tail gas
which the yellow color has a shade of gray or brown usually of between 1:1 and 3:1 can be considered normal although the
contains 0.1%-0.5% by weight of carbon. For sulfuric acid desired goal should be a 2:1 ratio.
manufacturers, however, sulfur color is usually less important A simple method of determining the H2S:SO2 ratio is by the
than ash and heavy metal contents. use of stain tubes. This determination should be done at least
once every 8 hours during startup, plant test runs, and when-
ever significant changes in plant operating variables are ob-
INSTRUMENTATION served. Other analytical procedures involving wet chemistry,
chromatography, or UV photometry are also suitable for ad-
Since the quantity of acid gas being handled by the sulfur
justing plant operations.
recovery unit is determined by upstream sweetening facilities,
the sulfur plant feed gas rate is normally not controlled. How- Because of the effect of temperature upon the Claus reaction
ever, during startup or in an emergency, part or all of the feed equilibrium, control of temperatures at various points in the
gas can be directed to flare. process sequence is important. Unexpected changes in oper-
ating temperatures usually denote changes in conversion ef-
For the main burner, the volume of feed gas is measured and
ficiency. For example, a decrease in the temperature rise
the amount of air is controlled in ratio with the amount of acid
across a catalytic converter bed is an indication of declining
gas. Both feed-forward25, in which the measured feed gas flow
catalyst activity which may be caused by adsorption of elemen-
rate and assumed composition are used, and feed-back, in
tal sulfur on the active surface area of the catalyst. Operating
which the measured ratio of H2S:SO2 in the plant tail gas is
the catalyst bed at a temperature 50-100°F higher than nor-
used, can be utilized to adjust the air/feed gas ratio for maxi-
mal for 24-48 hours will remove this sulfur from the catalyst
mum sulfur recovery. A combination feed-forward/feed-back
and can restore its activity.
control system, in which the feed gas flow rate is used to con-
trol a main air valve and to set an approximate air/feed gas
ratio and the ratio of H2S:SO2 in the tail gas is used to control
a trim air valve, is often utilized.
For inline burners, the process stream temperature is nor- Maintenance and repair of Claus plant equipment requires
mally used to adjust the combustion air rate and the amount special precautions because of the physical properties of sulfur
of fuel (either acid gas or fuel gas) is controlled in ratio with and the potential hazards and/or toxicity of many plant proc-
the amount of air. Because these burners normally operate ess streams. Equipment handling liquid sulfur should be
with a near substoichiometric air, this control system will re- drained completely and other equipment should be purged of
sult in a more rapid response to changes in process require- all hazardous materials (see shutdown portion of this section).
ments. A satisfactory welding procedure can involve sandblasting

FIG. 22-31 13. Lagas, J. A., Stop Emissions from Liquid Sulfur, Hydrocarbon
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Plot Showing That a Slight Change in Air to Acid Gas 14. Goar, B. G., Sulfur Forming and Degassing Processes, 1984 Gas
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Change in the Tail Gas Ratio, H2S:SO2 15. Goar, B. G., and Sames, J. A., Tail Gas Clean Up Processes — A
Review, 1983 Gas Conditioning Conference, University of Okla-
16. West, J. R., Ind. Eng. Chem., Vol. 42, 713-718 (April 1950)
17. King, F. W., Oil & Gas J., Vol. 72, 164-165 (June 3, 1974)
18. Rubero, P. A., J. Chem. Eng. Data, Vol. 9, 481-484 (1964)
19. Parnell, D. C., Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 64, 114-118 (Sept.
20. Ford, G. P., and LaMer, V. K., J. Phys. Chem., Vol. 72, 1959-1964
21. Johnston, H. E., Kelley, M. D., and McKinley, D. L., Ind. Eng.
Chem., Vol. 42, No. 11, 2298-2302 (1950)
22. Wiewiorowski, T. K. and Touro, F. J., J. Phys. Chem., Vol. 70,
No. 1, 234-238 (1966)
23. Ando, M. and Kawahara, H., Hydrocarbon Processing, Vol. 55,
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24. Solinhac, J., Fr Patent No. 1435788 (1964)
25. Dougherty, J. F. and Morgan, D. J., Oil & Gas J., Vol. 78, 68-70
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