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An Integrative Evaluation Framework for Determining

the Value of Group Decision Support Systems
a b c
Manuel Mora , Gloria Phillips-Wren & Fen Wang
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
Loyola University Maryland, USA
Central Washington University, USA
Published online: 20 Apr 2015.

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To cite this article: Manuel Mora, Gloria Phillips-Wren & Fen Wang (2014) An Integrative Evaluation Framework
for Determining the Value of Group Decision Support Systems, Engineering Management Journal, 26:2, 24-38, DOI:

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An Integrative Evaluation Framework for Determining the
Value of Group Decision Support Systems
Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
Gloria Phillips-Wren, Loyola University Maryland, USA
Fen Wang, Central Washington University, USA

Abstract: Group-based decision-making situations are relevant operations (Bard & Sousk, 1990), the planning and selection of
to engineering management practice. To assist group decision organizational actions for natural disasters (Belardo & Harrald,
making, specialized computer-based tools called Group Decision 1992), the value management rating in civil engineering projects
Support Systems (GDSS) have been promoted since the late (Sánchez et al., 2005), the evaluation of the conceptual design of
1980s. Nevertheless, a review of the extensive research on GDSS aerospace vehicles (Unal et al., 2005), determination of support
design and evaluation reveals that an integrated framework is value for management workshops in the construction industry
not available to evaluate the decision-making value of a specific (Fan, Shen & Kelly, 2008), R&D project expert selection (Sun et
GDSS. This article proposes a GDSS-value evaluation framework al., 2008), support for multi-facility location problems (Bashiri &
by considering the process of, and outcomes from, decision Hosseininezhad, 2009), information technology project selection
making together with the technical capabilities needed to provide (Zandi & Tavana, 2010), and development of new electronic
them. The framework is implemented with an Analytic Hierarchy products (Lu et al., 2011).
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Process (AHP) model, and its utilization is illustrated with the In all of these examples, adequate group decision-making
evaluation of three real GDSS applications. This integrative GDSS- processes are needed to achieve expected outcomes and avoid
value evaluation framework can be used by engineering managers wasting valuable organizational, economic, and materials
as a tool to determine the overall decision-making value from an resources resulting from incorrect group decisions. Poor
existing or projected GDSS with the aim of selecting the most quality organizational group decisions can result in negative
adequate GDSS for a particular engineering management group- organizational outcomes such as financial loses, corporate image
based decision-making situation. deterioration, competitive weakness, cancellation of contracts,
reduction of shared market, and possible damages to third
Keywords: GDSS Evaluation, McGrath’s Model, Analytic parties (e.g., ecological disasters) (Huber, 1984a). Consequently,
Hierarchy Process (AHP), Engineering Management, Group group-based decision-making situations are relevant concerns
Decision Support System for engineering management practice along with the concurrent
design, evaluation, and selection of tools that support efficient
EMJ Focus Areas: Information Technology, Quantitative and effective group decision-making processes.
Methods and Models, Concurrent Engineering and Teams, One of the tools promoted in the information systems area
Systems Engineering since the 1980s (Huber, 1984b; DeSanctis & Gallupe, 1985)
to aid decision making for groups is Group Decision Support
Systems (GDSS). In the case of a single decision maker, Decision

ccording to Kotnour and Farr (2005), engineering Support Systems (DSS) provide the expected support (Huber,
management is defined by IEEE (1990) as “… the 1981). GDSS have been defined as, “interactive computer-based
discipline addressed to making and implementing systems that combine communication, computer, and decision
decisions for strategic and operational leadership in current technologies to support unstructured problem formulation
and emerging technologies and their impacts on interrelated and solution in group decision-related meetings” (DeSanctis
systems”. Similarly Rouse and Compton (2009) establish that & Gallupe, 1987). The primary purpose of GDSS is to improve
systems engineering and management, a foundation discipline the efficiency and effectiveness of a decision team by providing
for engineering management, provides a set of methods and tools collaborative support, such as interactive retrieval, sharing,
for efficient design and effective use of human-machine systems. and use of information between decision group participants
Such systems include management decision-making methods and between group participants and the system (Huber, 1984b;
and decision support systems. DeSanctis & Gallupe, 1987).
Engineering management decisions can be made by a single GDSS are developed under the premise that the collective
decision maker (Huber, 1981) or by groups or teams (Huber, intelligence of a team outperforms an individual in complex
1984b). In particular, a decision group is “two or more people decisional tasks when the group is effectively supported (Huber,
who are jointly responsible for detecting a problem, elaborating 1984b). With adequate support, negative group effects such as
on the nature of the problem, generating possible solutions, monolithic rather than creative groupthink, dominance of high
evaluating potential solutions, or formulating strategies for status participants, null participation of low status stakeholders,
implementing solutions” (DeSanctis & Gallupe, 1987). A group group miscommunication, and scarcity of time available for
faces additional challenges compared to a single decision maker sufficient exploration of alternatives are minimized (Kraemer &
such as considering the views of multiple people and developing King, 1986). In contrast, with adequate support, positive effects
consensus. For example, group-based decision situations within such as team creativity, knowledge co-creation, process efficiency,
engineering management practice in business and governmental team learning, team satisfaction, and better decision quality are
settings include: the selection of cargo handlers for military expected (Limayem, Banerjee & Ma, 2006).

Refereed Research Manuscript accepted by Associate Editor Wilbon.

24 Engineering Management Journal Vol. 26 No. 2 June 2014

Decision making by groups, however, is more difficult capabilities, and the computational mechanisms projected or
to support than by individuals, through computerized tools. existent in the system. With an integrative view, DSS designers
For example, a GDSS has multiple-users/multiple-models and users can evaluate the designs and value of two or more
while a DSS has a single-user/single-model (Sage, 1991). A projected or existent DSS applications to determine their best
GDSS faces group performance/satisfaction trade-offs that are architectural design (an à priori evaluation), or their provided
not present in a DSS (DeSanctis & Gallupe, 1987). A GDSS is value (an à posteriori evaluation), through the evaluation of their
framed for an implicit political-competitive decision-making impacts on decision-making process and outcomes.
process model, while a rational-alike model is commonly used In this article, an integrative GDSS value evaluation
in a DSS (Huber, 1981). A GDSS must allow the co-existence framework is proposed that considers the concerns of both GDSS
of different perceptions of data, context, and uncertainties that users and designers. Outcomes from a group-based decision
are not present in a DSS (Barkhi, 2001-2002; French, 2007). A can be evaluated similarly to individual decisions through a
GDSS requires treating group coordination, sense-making and single effectiveness criterion, e.g., achievement of the goal or
convergent understanding of the problem that is minimized through multiple criteria, e.g., group performance, organizational
or lacking for an individual decision maker using a DSS (Gray effectiveness, and organizational efficiency (Stevens & Finlay,
et al., 2011). A GDSS may accommodate different structures 1996). The group-based decision-making process can be also
based on the physical location of participants (same room or evaluated by objective metrics, e.g., average time for reaching
different room), the size of decision group (small or large), and consensus; number of generated feasible alternatives, among
the concurrency of the session (synchronous or asynchronous) others; and socio-political considerations, e.g., members’
(DeSanctis & Gallupe, 1987). An additional difficulty for GDSS is satisfaction and support of the group decision, among others
the lack of a standardized and systematic group-based decision- (Turoff & Hiltz, 1982). In turn, design engineering issues can
Downloaded by [Deakin University Library] at 12:42 12 August 2015

making process (McGrath, 1984; French 2007). In contrast, for be associated with GDSS services, architectural capabilities,
individual decision makers using a DSS, there are several well- and computational mechanisms similar to DSS design
recognized decision-making process models, primarily based on engineering issues.
Simon’s seminal process of three phases: Intelligence, Design and This article proposes a GDSS-value evaluation framework
Choice (Simon, 1961, 1997). by integrating the dispersed foundational research on GDSS
Due to these factors, the evaluation tasks of GDSS design and design and evaluation. A conceptual design research method is
GDSS value are more difficult than for DSS, possibly explaining used (March & Smith, 1995; Hevner et al., 2004). The model is
the few integrative design and value evaluation frameworks implemented with an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model
proposed for GDSS (Huber, 1984b; Jelassi & Beauclair, 1987; Gray (Saaty, 1990; 1994), and its utilization is illustrated with evaluation
& Mandviwalla, 1999). In contrast, non-integrative GDSS design of three real GDSS applications. This integrative framework can
and value evaluation frameworks are more abundant in the be used by engineering managers as a tool to compare the overall
literature (Limayem et al., 2006). These studies have been primarily value of existing or projected GDSS with the ultimate aim of
focused on decision-making value rather than on design issues selecting the most adequate GDSS for the decision problem. Also,
by proposing a variety of group decision performance metrics engineering managers coordinating a GDSS development project
(Stevens & Finlay, 1996; Fjermestad & Hiltz, 1998-99, 2000-01). can use this framework to make design decisions.
Performance metrics have been grouped as metrics regarding The remainder of this article continues with a brief
process efficiency, process consensus, process satisfaction, description of the conceptual design research method. Next, we
process effectiveness, and system usability (Fjermestad & Hiltz, report the integrative GDSS value evaluation framework and
1998-99, 2000-01). Other authors (Stevens & Finlay, 1996) have illustrative applications. Finally, this article presents a discussion
also grouped the performance metrics as substantive outcomes of implications for GDSS designers and users, recommendations
(individual and organizational) and process performance for further research, and limitations of this study.
indicators; however, the literature has not provided an integrative
GDSS design and value evaluation framework that includes both Research Methodology
GDSS user and designer concerns. Furthermore, a standardized This research uses a conceptual design research method (March
group-based decision-making process model derived from & Smith, 1995; Hevner et al., 2004) based on three criteria: (1) it
the main GDSS evaluation frameworks has not been reported. provides a framework to elaborate a new conceptual or physical
With this situation, GDSS designers are faced with disperse artifact through a systematic research process; (2) it is adequate
literature to select suitable design building-blocks to be included to treat the complex conceptual components to be analyzed
in the projected GDSS. Similarly, GDSS users/implementers and synthesized; and (3) it responds to recommendations and
interested in determining the expected value provided by the critiques from GDSS research pioneers (Gray & Mandviwalla,
system are faced with partial viewpoints that do not link design 1999) on the need to conduct GDSS research with an engineering
characteristics with process-outcomes issues. perspective. A conceptual design research method provides
In contrast, several design and value frameworks have principles that can be used to organize existing knowledge on
been reported for DSS (Sprague, 1980; Sage, 1981; Huber, 1981; group decision-making processes and their associated GDSS
Phillips-Wren, Hahn & Forgionne, 2004; Mora et al., 2005; design and evaluation frameworks.
Phillips-Wren et al., 2009). In particular, the last two frameworks In a few words, conceptual design research is a research
are integrative by combining the criteria from a user viewpoint method useful for building/designing and evaluating non-trivial,
(Forgionne, 1999; 2000; Phillips-Wren et al., 2004) with the non-naturally available, and non-existent artifacts needed for
criteria from a design engineering viewpoint (Mora et al., human beings (March & Smith, 1995). Design research artifacts
2005). The user’s viewpoint concerns the expected or achieved can be constructs, models, methods, or system instantiations
impacts on the decision-making process and outcomes. A design (Hevner et al., 2004). Build activity responds to the general inquiry:
engineering viewpoint concerns the services, the architectural is it feasible to build an artifact X by using a design approach Y?

Engineering Management Journal Vol. 26 No. 2 June 2014 25

Evaluate activity responds to the inquiry: does the artifact X fulfill issues as reported by leaders in the field; and/or 3) the paper
the design range of a set M of expected metrics? The conceptual reports innovative GDSS design issues. The papers are grouped
design research steps used in this research were: knowledge gap additionally by GDSS foundations, GDSS with a political-
identification, methodological knowledge selection, conceptual negotiation view, GDSS survey studies, and GDSS innovations.
design, design data collecting, and analysis and synthesis. In the Space limits preclude reporting a detailed analysis of these
knowledge gap identification step, the research objectives, that 20 articles (available upon request to the authors); however,
guide the research, the knowledge gaps that motivate the research, these 20 selected papers provide comprehensive and primary
and the conceptual units of study, e.g. selected research articles literature useful to elaborate an integrative GDSS value evaluation
to be analyzed, are defined. In the methodological knowledge framework. The analysis of these core units of study produced
selection step, an exploratory or full design purpose is confirmed, four categories of design parameters: DP.1 GDSS process, DP.2
and the type of design method (heuristic, analytic, or axiomatic) GDSS functions, DP.3 GDSS mechanisms, and DP.4 GDSS
is defined. In the conceptual design step, the core designed artifact attributes. Three core design effects were also identified as
is elaborated through an iterative heuristic, analytic, or axiomatic follows: transformation of a GDSS process, transformation of
design method. In the design data collecting step, initial validity GDSS capabilities, and transformation of both GDSS process and
evaluations are conducted (comparisons with related competitive capabilities. Exhibit 2 shows the list of the four identified design
designs, face validity tests, conceptual what-if analysis). Finally, parameters (DP.1 to DP.4) with their respective parameter values
in the analysis and synthesis step, the contributions from the and their identified core design effects.
conceptual designed artifact are derived. Through analysis By applying an iterative heuristic design process, the two
(direct insights) and synthesis (emergent insights) of findings the first authors developed the artifact [ART.1]: a high level group-
designed conceptual artifact is realized. based decision-making model. This iterative design applied the
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In this research, the five aforementioned steps have been used design parameters DP.1 and DP.2 several times on a previously
to elaborate the integrative GDSS-value evaluation framework. reported generic decision-making process for individual decision
This framework includes, as an intermediate result, a standardized makers identified here as artifact [ART.0] (Mora et al., 2005).
group-based decision-making process model. An additional Each transformation was analyzed to be logically congruent by
product of this integrative framework is its implementation with the first two authors. The third author of this article realized an
the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) (Saaty, 1990; 1994). AHP is additional verification for its logical congruence. Next, an overall
a multiple attribute decision method that provides a quantitative agreement was realized by the three authors. An additional
evaluation of a set of alternatives using a value structure defined external validation of an earlier version of the artifact [ART.1] was
by the user (Saaty, 1990; 1994). The value structure is a hierarchy presented to several recognized GDSS international researchers.
with a single goal at the top level, with one or more sub-levels We collected recommendations and critiques from six of the nine
containing criteria (that might be weighted) as determined by the contacted GDSS experts. Their expert opinions are included in
user. Hence, the structure reflects the judgment of the user as to this article.
the goal, sub-goals, and criteria of importance, along with their Exhibit 3 reports the results of the second design iterative
relative importance. The contributions of each criterion in each transformation. The most critical values considered were: {v3,
level toward the criteria in the next upper level are computed on v6, v8, and v4} for design parameter DP.1, and {v4 and v1}
comparative paired judgments between alternatives entered by for design parameter DP.2. The first parameter values account
the user at the lowest level. Alternatives (in our case alternative for a shared group-based decision-making process model,
GDSS applications) are compared using qualitative judgments from a group problem recognition activity to a group decision
that are mapped to quantitative data. Each comparative activity. The second set of parameter values accounts for core
assessment uses a ratio scale from 1 to 9 where the values 1, 3, 5, functionalities expected in a GDSS. In particular, the concept
7 and 9 correspond to equal, moderate, strong, very strong and of a thinkLet (Briggs, de Vreede & Nunamaker, 2003) is used
extreme importance for an alternative X versus an alternative Y, to provide structure and guidelines on how the group decision-
based on its contribution to the specific upper level criterion Z making process can be conducted and supported by a GDSS. A
on the lowest level. The values 2, 4, 6 and 8 are for intermediate thinkLet (Briggs et al., 2003) is a script based on best practices
values. A consistency ratio (CR) is calculated for judgments of well-trained facilitators in the use of a technology (tool)
across all pairwise comparisons of alternatives (Alonso & Lamata, that has the following characteristics: a specific goal, a set of
2006). It is expected that this value will be small (no greater than steps to be followed for reaching these goals, and a specified
0.10). If the CR value is less than 0.10, adequate consistency is configuration of the technology (e.g., in the case of GDSS,
achieved between comparisons. If the CR value is greater than a list of specific capabilities). These authors (idem, 2003)
0.10, pairwise comparisons need to be adjusted. Several AHP identified five types of thinkLets from GDSS facilitators: (1) for
evaluation frameworks have been reported for DSS (Phillips- divergence of concepts (moving from few to more concepts);
Wren et al., 2004; 2009) as well as for other type of systems (Ngai (2) for convergence of concepts (moving from more to few or
& Chan, 2005). one unique concept); (3) for organization of concepts (moving
from a not well-understood situation to a better understood
Elaboration of an Integrative GDSS-Value Evaluation situation); (4) for evaluation of concepts (moving from not
Framework known and understood consequences of actions to known
A Standardized Group-based Decision-Making Process and better understood consequences); and (5) for building of
Exhibit 1 shows the 20 GDSS research articles that were selected as consensus (moving from low to high or minimal expected level
units of study. These studies were selected based on Pervan’s study of agreement). From this conceptual artifact [ART.1], e.g., the
(1998) by any of the following criteria: (1) the paper is widely high-level group-based decision-making process, a subsequent
cited, e.g., at least 50 scholarly citations using Google scholar; [ART.2] conceptual artifact emerged after further analysis on
(2) the paper summarizes GDSS research focused on design the structure of phases, activities, and their logical interactions.

26 Engineering Management Journal Vol. 26 No. 2 June 2014

Exhibit 1. Seminal GDSS Research Studies Used to Develop an Integrative Group Decision-Making Process

ID GDSS Study Article Selection Criteria

i ii iii
Studies on GDSS Foundations
1 Sage (1981) 200+ citations YES -
2 Huber (1984b) 400+ citations - -
3 DeSanctis and Gallupe (1985) 200+ citations - -
4 DeSanctis et al. (2008) - YES -
Studies on GDSS Political Viewpoints
5 McGrath and Kravitz (1982) 100+ citations - -
6 McGrath (1984) 2,000+ citations - -
7 Straus and McGrath (1994) 500+ citations - -
8 Straus (1999) 50+ citations YES -
9 DeSanctis and Gallupe (1987) 1,800+ citations - -
Studies on GDSS Surveys
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10 Fjermestad and Hiltz (1998-1999) 600+ citations YES -

11 Fjermestad and Hiltz (2000-2001) 200+ citations YES
12 Dennis et al. (1998) 600+ citations YES -
13 Nunamaker et al. (1996-97) 500+ citations YES -
14 Sage (1991) - YES -
Studies on GDSS Design Issues
15 Gray and Mandviwalla (1999) - YES YES
16 Briggs, de Vreede and Nunamaker (2003) 300+ citations - YES
17 He, Song and Zhao (2003) - - YES
18 Aken (2006) - - YES
19 Wu, Zhou and Yu (2008) - - YES
20 Rosanty, Dahlan and Hussin (2012) - - YES

This conceptual artifact [ART.2] is summarized in Exhibit 4. Its such an activity, especially when conflicts and disagreements
description proceeds as follows: still exist or emerge in the evaluation phase.
and the intelligence phase of an individual decision-making in finding the right answer to analytic problems, i.e. McGrath’s
process share a purpose of finding the main elements that intellective tasks, or the best team-preferred course of action
a decision team accepts for analysis in the next phase. In when there is not a unique, correct response, i.e. McGrath’s
groups, the next phase could involve different paths. Two preference tasks. Thus, an effective and efficient GDSS must
sets of thinkLets are posed: (1) thinkLets for guiding the provide procedures to solve (optimize) or resolve (satisfy)
group to the acknowledgement of a problematic situation a group decision situation. In this phase, an initial, highly
that must be addressed by the group, and (2) thinkLets for valued outcome is either an optimal analytic response or a
guiding the group to a highly valued set of relevant issues to non-optimal but acceptable solution. We suggest two types
be considered in the decision problem (i.e., goals, solutions, of thinkLets: (1) thinkLets for achieving the establishment
pieces of solutions, restrictions, resources, and so on). of group preferences, and (2) thinkLets for supporting the
• GROUP NEGOTIATION PHASE: In this phase, a GDSS must group toward an analytic solution. After this phase, group
provide suitable functionalities so that inherent discussions negotiations might still be required. In this case, the previous
caused by conflicts of cognition (i.e. differences in mindsets phase and this one must be repeated until a satisfactory set
of decision makers, or of interest/motive, i.e. differences of solutions can be reached within timely and economically-
of the affectation and benefits of involved parties) can be based restrictions.
mediated effectively and efficiently. Resolving a conflict • IMPLEMENTATION AND KNOWLEDGE PRESERVATION
should be a highly valued outcome, as well as a definition PHASE: In this phase (taken from extended decision-making
of decision schemes to be evaluated. For conflict resolution, processes for individuals), groups can develop competitive
we pose two sets of thinkLets: (1) thinkLets for the group or non-competitive realization actions (McGrath, 1984). In
to organize relevant issues previously identified, and (2) the first case, implementation acts are the co-responsibility
thinkLets for conducting required negotiations within the of the team, and the availability of resources is assigned by
group. This phase is proposed to be realized before the group organizational contest. In the second case, implementation
performs group evaluations, but it may also be realized after acts are also the co-responsibility of a team, but resources
Engineering Management Journal Vol. 26 No. 2 June 2014 27
Exhibit 2. GDSS Design Parameters


DP.1 GDSS Process On GDSS Process
Values for DP.1
v1 = {Formulation (determination of needs and restrictions, determination of objectives and metrics, determination of courses of action);
Analysis (determination of impacts, adjustment of parameters); Interpretation (evaluation of courses of action, agreements and commitments
on selected decision(s))}
v2 = {Problem Sensing, Problem Exploration, Problem Definition, Criterion and Constraint Identification, Proposal Generation, Proposal
Evaluation, Choice, Implementation, and Performance Evaluation}
v3 = {idea generation, participation, decision making, conflict management, influence and process management}
v4 = {Generate Phase (task 1: planning, task 2: creativity actions); (ii) Choose Phase (task 3: intellective actions; task 4: preference actions); (iii)
Negotiate Phase (task 5: cognitive-conflict actions; task 6: mixed-motive actions); and (iv) Execute Phase (task 7: competitive task; task 8: non-
competitive tasks)}
v5 = {Generate Phase (task 1: planning, task 2: creativity actions); Choose Phase (task 3: intellective actions; task 4: preference actions);
Negotiate Phase (task 5: cognitive-conflict actions; task 6: mixed-motive actions) }
v6 = {session planning; idea generation; idea organization; evaluation; issue exploration; knowledge preservation}
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v7 = {generate basic alternatives, evaluate the alternatives regarding decision criteria, assess uncertainty on individual preferences, aggregate
individual preferences for a group outcome, ends when the consensus is high (a minimal value is prefixed) or start negotiations and return to
previous steps}
v8 = {Identification (recognition, diagnosis), Development (design OR search and screen), and Selection (judgment OR analysis OR
v9 = {gathering of group opinions on a specific decision problem, analysis of consistency of opinions, test the agreed assembly rule,
assembling group decision when rule is satisfied and ends, or return to previous steps in negative case}
v10 = {problem definition and data collection, repeat AHP performance evaluation until a satisfactory consistency index, conduct fuzzy
evaluation of alternatives, get overall ranking of alternatives, aggregate preferences using Social Choice methods, report final outcome}
DP.2 GDSS Functions On GDSS Capabilities and Processes
Values for DP.2
v1 = {information retrieval/generation, information sharing, information use}
v2 = {information communication, information deliberation, information access, negotiation and coordination}
v3 = {information retrieval, sharing and negotiation, and use and judgment tasks}
v4 = {thinkLets ( divergence, convergence, organization, evaluation, consensus)}
DP.3 GDSS Mechanisms On GDSS Capabilities
Values for DP.3
v1 = {agenda, ideas gathering/brainstorming, idea evaluation, decision aids, meeting thoughts, and utilities}
v2 = {level 1, level 2, level 3}
v3 = {electronic board system, voting, ranking, issue organizer, idea generator, agenda, split/divide screen, brain-writing, group outliner,
MCDM, AHP, topic commenter, group writer, questions}
v4 = { brainstorming, delphi, nominal group, voting, alternative evaluator }
v5 = {collaborative writing, electronic polling (voting), MCDM (weight-based methods)}
v6 = {session director, brain-writing, nominal group technique, Delphi, police formation, topic commenter, assumption surfacing, voting,
alternative evaluator, issue analyzer }
DP.4 GDSS Attributes On GDSS Capabilities
v1 = { modular, with a consistent user interface, structured, flexible, and with data portability }
v2 = {visual decision making–packaging, new analytic methods based on diagrams and pictorial representations, integration with video and
computer conferencing, and expert system(s) as the n+1st meeting participant}

28 Engineering Management Journal Vol. 26 No. 2 June 2014

Exhibit 3. A High-Level Group-Decision Making Process

[ART.0] A Generic Decision- [ART.0] + {DP.1, DP.2 } = [ART.1] [ART.1] + {DP.1, DP.2} = [ART.2]
Making Process Iteration 1 Iteration 2

retrieval and
Detection Sensing


Data Problem
Gathering Exploration IDEAS GENERATION
Problem Formulation Problem THINKLETS
Model Classification Criterion and IDEAS ORGANIZATION
Constraint Identification THINKLETS
sharing and
negotiation GROUP

Model Proposal NEGOTIATION

Evaluation Proposal

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use and


Sensitivity -
Results Decision

Presentation Implementation IMPLEMENTATION

Task -

Monitoring PHASE
Outcome-Process Performance



Outcome-Process -
- -

are already assigned. Both actions are mapped in this distribution of selected and agreed tasks by the group and
research with implementation actions. Additionally, we the provision of GDSS tools for supporting the information
consider that a GDSS must support the notion of decision access, communication, deliberation and integration. Hence,
tracking via learning tasks. Consequently, we pose the this integrative high-level group decision-making process
following thinkLets: (1) thinkLets for supporting the group poses the consideration of two types of tasks: four core
on monitoring implemented decisions, and (2) thinkLets activities for making a group decision and one coordination
for helping the group preserve and re-use the gained group activity. It is expected that both types of activities can be
decision knowledge. supported by information technology mechanisms included
• GROUP COORDINATION PHASE: This phase is added to in the GDSS.
the four initial phases reported in Exhibit 5. In contrast to a
linear decision-making process for individuals, in the group Analysis of GDSS Mechanisms
decision-making process model, a group control activity The analysis of the DP.3 GDSS mechanisms identified eleven
is suggested. This central task is permanent from the start categories of mechanisms. Most GDSS mechanisms are reported
to the end of the group decision-making process. While for Level 1 (communication tasks) rather than Level 2 (core
some group decisions may require only one iteration from evaluation and choice tasks). This suggests a bias of GDSS studies
phase I to IV, more complex and conflictive group decision toward utilization for communication and negotiation rather than
situations might demand several iterations. In this phase, structured or semi-structured decision process, as seen for single
three activities were identified: one for planning the group users. Exhibit 5 maps the 11 categories of GDSS mechanisms
session, one for carrying the control over the four group to the specific GDSS phases and activities for transforming the
decision phases, and one more for formally closing the artifact [ART.2] to the final artifact [ART.3]. It is important to
group session. Furthermore, this phase is responsible for the note the following issues: (1) all phases and activities need

Engineering Management Journal Vol. 26 No. 2 June 2014 29

Exhibit 4. A Standardized Group-Based Decision-Making Process
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support for retrieval, communication, and negotiation purposes; mechanisms for organization or negotiation, for the Negotiation
(2) evaluation and judgment support is required only for some phase. Mechanisms C include Delphi and voting-ranking tools.
activities; (3) choice and evaluation activities are reported in They are mechanisms focused on judgment tasks. Thus, they
two mutually exclusive paths (either group evaluation task for are labeled as Mechanisms for Judgment. Lastly, mechanisms D
situations, where an analytical model can be elaborated and include MADM (multiple attribute decision making)/AHP and
agreed upon, or a group preferences task for more conflictive simulation tools. They are focused on quantitative evaluations,
situations, where simple voting or ranking mechanism is a better and they are labeled as mechanisms for Evaluation phase. These
method); and (4) new mechanisms for tracking implemented five levels constitute the value hierarchy in an AHP model. The
decisions and preserving gained knowledge are also suggested. additional last level accounts for the specific alternatives to be
evaluated: the GDSS tools.
The Integrative GDSS-Value Evaluation Framework and its The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a multiple attribute
Implementation on the AHP Model decision-making method widely discussed in the decision making
In Exhibit 6, the Integrative GDSS-Value Evaluation Framework literature (Saaty, 1994; Gass, 2005). AHP provides a systematic
is shown. This framework includes the group-based decision- method for achieving a quantitative comparison of two or more
making process reported in Exhibit 4. This framework is alternatives qualitatively evaluated on a set or net of criteria levels
implemented by using an Analytic Hierarchy Process model (Saaty, 1994). Furthermore, using a computer-based tool, changes
with five levels that permit a multi-attribute evaluation of GDSS in preferences (weights) on criteria and evaluated alternatives (e.g.
(Exhibit 6). In the first level there is a single decision goal: sensitivity analysis) can be easily conducted to observe effects when
the GDSS overall provided value. In the second level (GDSS some change is required. AHP can be considered a hybrid method
contributions) there are four criteria: process satisfaction, regarding the level of evaluation objectivity. While AHP provides
process performance, outcome satisfaction, and outcome an objective and systematic quantitative calculation process to
performance. In the third level (GDSS phases) there are four evaluate alternatives, a subjective or inter-subjective process is
criteria: agenda, negotiation, evaluation, and implementation. used to establish the preferences (weights on criteria). It implies
In the fourth level there are three criteria: information retrieval, that the final overall evaluation of the same set of alternatives
communication and negotiation services, and judgment and being evaluated can produce different results when different users
evaluation services. Finally, in the fifth level (GDSS mechanisms) employ AHP due to differences in their preferences. Rather than a
there are four criteria: mechanisms A to mechanisms D. weakness, it is an inherent characteristic of multi-attribute decision
Mechanisms A include agenda writer, idea generator, and idea making process methods to express the opinions of the evaluator.
organizer. They can be considered mechanisms for information All multiple attribute decision-making methods (MADM) have
retrieval and communication or mechanisms for the Agenda this characteristic in contrast with objective multi-goal decision
phase. Mechanisms B include electronic board systems, shared making methods (MODM), such as linear programming or
editor, NGT tool, and topic commenter. They can be considered optimization techniques (Yoon & Hwang, 1995).
30 Engineering Management Journal Vol. 26 No. 2 June 2014
Exhibit 5. Mechanisms for Information Retrieval, Communication and Negotiation, Evaluation and Judgment in GDSS

[ART.2] + { DP.3, DP.4 } = [ART.3]

GDSS Mechanisms for Information Retrieval, Communication and GDSS Mechanisms for Evaluation
Negotiation GDSS Support Services and Judgment GDSS Support









█ █ █ █ - - - - - - -

Downloaded by [Deakin University Library] at 12:42 12 August 2015

GENERATION - █ █ █ - - - - - - -

ORGANIZATION - - █ █ █ █ █ - - - -

- - - █ █ █ █ - - - -

- - - █ - - - █ █ - -

THINKLETS - - - █ - - - - - █ █

- - - █ █ - - - - - █

& KP.

PRESERVATION - - - █ █ - - - - - -

Illustration of the Usefulness of the Integrative GDSS-Value and negotiation is strongly more important that the GDSS
Evaluation Framework service of judgment and evaluation for the phases of agenda,
This illustrative case summarizes the evaluation of the value negotiation, and implementation. In turn, the GDSS service of
provided by three real GDSS applications by using the integrative judgment and evaluation is considered much more important
GDSS-value evaluation framework. The first GDSS application than information retrieval, communication, and negotiation
(GDSS.1 TeamSpirit) is a web-based group decision system GDSS service for the phase of evaluation. In the fifth level, GDSS
designed to support creative problem-solving (Chen et al., 2007). mechanisms A (for Agenda) and B (for information retrieval and
It was used by undergraduate and graduate students in a higher communication) are considered significantly more important
education institution in Taiwan. The second GDSS application than C (for judgment) and D (for evaluation) mechanisms for
(GDSS.2 Promethee) is a system used for industrial site location the GDSS service of information retrieval, communication, and
decisions (Ishizaka & Nemery, 2012). The third GDSS application negotiation. On the other hand, the mechanisms C (for judgment)
(GDSS.3 HR) was used for recruiting personnel (Shih, Huang and D (for evaluation) are considered much more important than
& Shyur, 2005). Exhibit 7 summarizes the main architectural mechanisms A (for Agenda) and B (for information retrieval and
capabilities of these three GDSS applications. communication) the GDSS service of judgment and evaluation.
A set of equal assessment of importance for the second A verbal scale of importance with nine values (from 1 for
(GDSS contributions) and third (GDSS phases) levels is used in equal importance among criterion X and criterion Y regarding
this example. For the fourth (GDSS services) and fifth (GDSS an upper criterion Z, to 9 for extreme importance) was used for
mechanisms) levels, the paired assessment of importance between the paired assessment in the value hierarchy. A similar scale from
criteria considers what specific GDSS services are more useful 1 to 9 was used for assessing the three GDSS applications. AHP
for GDSS phases, and what specific GDSS mechanisms are more generates final weights and final scores in the range from 0.000
useful for GDSS services. In the fourth level, it is assumed that the to 1.000, after the determined calculations of contributions of
specific GDSS service of information retrieval, communication, each evaluated alternative (the three GDSS applications in this

Engineering Management Journal Vol. 26 No. 2 June 2014 31

Exhibit 6. The Integrative GDSS-Value Evaluation Framework
Downloaded by [Deakin University Library] at 12:42 12 August 2015

Exhibit 7. Architectures of Three GDSS Evaluated with the Design-Evaluation GDSS

GDSS.1 TeamSpirit GDSS.2 Promethee GDSS.3 HR

Agenda Phase Agenda Phase Agenda Phase
•• Variable agenda support (manage •• Fixed agenda support •• Fixed agenda support
agenda, invite participants, view agenda) •• Brainstorming (for goals, criteria and •• Idea generation (for criteria)
•• Idea generation / brainstorming tool alternatives)
•• Weight elicitation
Negotiation Phase Negotiation Phase Negotiation Phase
•• Idea consolidation / Idea organization •• GAIA visualization tool •• Weight elicitation
•• Discussion Forum •• Hierarchical clustering of ideas •• Consensus index on criteria
•• Information sharing tool
Evaluation Phase Evaluation Phase Evaluation Phase
•• Idea evaluation / voting / ranking •• Promethee MADM tool •• MADM tool (TOPSIS technique)
•• MADM tools •• Sensibility Analysis
Implementation Phase Implementation Phase Implementation Phase
•• Meeting repository •• Database repository •• Database repository
•• Web-based architecture •• Network-based architecture •• Web-based architecture
GDSS Mechanisms assessment GDSS Mechanisms assessment GDSS Mechanisms assessment
•• GDSS Mechanisms A for Agenda (agenda •• GDSS Mechanisms A for Agenda •• GDSS Mechanisms A for Agenda (agenda
writer, idea writer / generator, idea (agenda writer, idea writer / generator, writer, idea writer / generator, idea
organizer / categorizer): VERY HIGH idea organizer / categorizer): HIGH organizer / categorizer): MODERATE
•• GDSS Mechanisms B for Negotiation •• GDSS Mechanisms B for Negotiation •• GDSS Mechanisms B for Negotiation
(electronic board system, shared editor, (electronic board system, shared (electronic board system, shared editor,
topic commenter, NGP tool): HIGH editor, topic commenter, NGP tool): topic commenter, NGP tool): LOW
•• GDSS Mechanisms D for Judgment VERY HIGH •• GDSS Mechanisms D for Judgment
(Delphi tool, ranking and voting tools): •• GDSS Mechanisms D for Judgment (Delphi tool, ranking and voting tools):
VERY HIGH (Delphi tool, ranking and voting tools): MODERATE
•• GDSS Mechanisms E for Evaluation HIGH •• GDSS Mechanisms E for Evaluation
(MADM and simulation tools): VERY HIGH •• GDSS Mechanisms E for Evaluation (MADM and simulation tools): MODERATE
(MADM and simulation tools): HIGH
32 Engineering Management Journal Vol. 26 No. 2 June 2014
case) for each particular criterion in the lowest layer of the value paired comparisons based in the initial assessment for each GDSS
hierarchy. These contributions are propagated by each upper layer tool reported in Exhibit 9. The respective CR values for the four
of criteria to obtain a final score for each evaluated alternative. matrices of the GDSS tool layer are: 0.03, 0.06, 0.03, and 0.03.
Given that the assessment for the value hierarchy was fixed to Exhibits 10 to 13 highlight the evaluation results for
be equal in all criteria layers, the CR (consistency ratio) was 0.00 the three GDSS applications realized by the authors (using
for all criteria matrices. Exhibit 8 reports the final accumulated an open access AHP software tool). As can be seen, GDSS.1
weights for the five criteria layers. Exhibit 9 reports the evaluation (TeamSpirit) received the highest decision value of 0.535,
matrix for the three GDSS applications. Assigned values are the GDSS.2 (Promethee) received 0.375 and GDSS.3 (HR) 0.090. In

Exhibit 8. Matrices of Accumulated Weights for the Five Criteria Layers


Process Process Outcomes Outcomes
satisfaction Performance Satisfaction Performance
GDSS CONTRIBUTIONS 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250
Agenda Negotiation Evaluation Implementation
GDSS PHASES 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250
Downloaded by [Deakin University Library] at 12:42 12 August 2015

Information Retrieval, Communication Judgment and Evaluation

and Negotiation
GDSS SERVICES 0.667 0.333
A. Agenda writer, B. Electronic C. Delphi tool, D. MADM and
idea writer / board system, ranking and simulation tools.
generator, idea shared editor, voting tools.
organizer / topic commenter,
categorizer. NGP tool.
GDSS MECHANISMS 0.287 0.287 0.135 0.292

Exhibit 9. Evaluation of the Three GDSS Tools

GDSS Mechanisms A (agenda writer, idea writer / generator, GDSS.1 TeamSpirit GDSS.2 Promethee GDSS.3 HR
idea organizer / categorizer):
GDSS.1 TeamSpirit --- 3 5
GDSS.2 Promethee 1/3 --- 3
GDSS.3 HR 1/5 1/3 ---
CR = 0.03
GDSS Mechanisms B (electronic board system, shared editor, GDSS.1 TeamSpirit GDSS.2 Promethee GDSS.3 HR
topic commenter, NGP tool):
GDSS.1 TeamSpirit --- 1/3 7
GDSS.2 Promethee 3 --- 9
GDSS.3 HR 1/7 1/9 ---
CR = 0.06
GDSS Mechanisms C (Delphi tool, ranking and voting tools) GDSS.1 TeamSpirit GDSS.2 Promethee GDSS.3 HR
GDSS.1 TeamSpirit --- 3 5
GDSS.2 Promethee 1/3 --- 3
GDSS.3 HR 1/5 1/3 ---
CR = 0.03
GDSS Mechanisms D (MADM and simulation tools) GDSS.1 TeamSpirit GDSS.2 Promethee GDSS.3 HR
GDSS.1 TeamSpirit --- 3 5
GDSS.2 Promethee 1/3 --- 3
GDSS.3 HR 1/5 1/3 ---
CR = 0.03

Engineering Management Journal Vol. 26 No. 2 June 2014 33

Exhibit 10, the contributions to the overall GDSS value from the evaluation services. For the total value of 0.375 reached by
lower layer of GDSS mechanisms for each GDSS tool are reported. GDSS.2 (Promethee) tool, the values are 0.282 and 0.092, and for
For GDSS.1 (TeamSpirit) the contributions to the total value the total value of 0.090 of GDSS.3 (HR) tool, the values are 0.055
of 0.535 come mainly from GDSS mechanisms A (for agenda) and 0.034. In Exhibit 12, the contributions to the overall GDSS
and D (for evaluation), with 0.187 and 0.174, respectively. For value from the next layer of GDSS phases for each GDSS tool are
GDSS.2 (Promethee) the main contribution for the total value summarized. For GDSS.1 (TeamSpirit) the contributions to the
of 0.375 comes from the mechanism B (for information retrieval total value of 0.535 are of 0.149, 0.128, 0.128 and 0.128 for the
and communication) with a value of 0.192. For the GDSS.3 Evaluation, Implementation, Negotiation and Agenda phases,
(HR) with a total value of 0.090, the main contributions come respectively. For the total value of 0.375 in GDSS.2 (Promethee),
from mechanisms A and D with the values of 0.030 and 0.028 the values are 0.075, 0.099, 0.099, and 0.099; and for the total
respectively. In Exhibit 11, the contributions to the overall GDSS value of 0.090 in GDSS.3 (HR), the values are 0.024, 0.021, 0.021,
value from the next lower layer of GDSS services for each GDSS and 0.021, respectively. Finally, in Exhibit 13, the contributions
tool are presented. For GDSS.1 (TeamSpirit), the contributions to the overall GDSS value from the next layer of GDSS process-
to the total value of 0.535 are 0.328 and 0.206, respectively, for outcome contributions for each GDSS tool are reported. For
information retrieval and communication, and judgment and GDSS.1 (TeamSpirit), the contributions to the total value of

Exhibit 10. Contributions to GDSS Value from GDSS Mechanisms for Each GDSS Tool
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Exhibit 11. Contributions to GDSS Value from GDSS Services for Each GDSS Tool

34 Engineering Management Journal Vol. 26 No. 2 June 2014

Exhibit 12. Contributions to GDSS Value from GDSS Phases for Each GDSS Tool
Downloaded by [Deakin University Library] at 12:42 12 August 2015

0.535 are 0.133 for the four process-outcome criteria. For the the Evaluation phase is also slightly better supported than
total value of 0.375 in GDSS.2 (Promethee), the values are 0.093 the other three GDSS phases. In the GDSS services level for
for the four criteria, and for the total value of 0.090 in GDSS.3 GDSS.1 (TeamSpirit) information retrieval, communication and
(HR), the values are of 0.022 for the four criteria. negotiation service receive slightly better support than evaluation
The GDSS AHP evaluation model reveals that the paired service. In GDSS.2 (Promethee), the former service receives a
comparison of the architectural design realized in GDSS.1 strongly better support than the latter one, and for GDSS.3 (HR)
outperforms the designs of the other two GDSS applications. the support is similar for both GDSS services.
GDSS.1 (TeamSpirit) design can be considered moderately better This GDSS AHP evaluation model permits further analysis
than the design of GDSS.2 (Promeethe) and notably better than such as trade-offs, sensitivity analysis, and uncertainty analysis,
GDSS.3 (HR). The differences in architectural designs of the and these are suggested for further study. Hence, we must note that
three GDSS applications are not directly identified in the GDSS the evaluations for these three GDSS applications are illustrations
process-outcome level. In this level the three GDSS contribute based on the preferences of the authors on the established criteria.
similar values to the four criteria (but with a different final Other evaluators might obtain different results.
value as total). In the remaining levels, differences emerge. In
the GDSS phase level, for GDSS.1 (TeamSpirit), the Evaluation Conclusions
phase is better supported than others. For GDSS.2 (Promethee), GDSS, like all decision support technologies, must provide value
the Agenda, Negotiation, and Implementation phases are slightly to users and to the users’ organizations; however, in order to
better supported than the Evaluation phase. For GDSS.3 (HR), achieve this aim, a well-designed GDSS must be developed. In

Exhibit 13. Contributions to GDSS Value from GDSS Contributions for each GDSS Tool

Engineering Management Journal Vol. 26 No. 2 June 2014 35

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framework that can be used to evaluate the value and design of researchers consulted in the early stages of this research for their
GDSS. The evaluation model is multiple criteria, systematic, user- critical and useful insights, as well as our academic institutions
centered, and semi-formalized. The model has been implemented for supporting our research projects.
by using the AHP method to compare alternative GDSS
applications (already developed) or planned GDSS (designs). References
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Unal, R., Keating, C., B., Chytka, T.M., & Conway, B.A. (2005). Dr. Gloria Phillips-Wren is Professor and Chair of
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329. received her PhD from the University of Maryland Baltimore
Zandi, F., & Tavana, M. (2010). A multi-attribute group decision County.
support system for information technology project selection. Dr. Fen Wang is an associate professor in the Information
International Journal of Business Information Systems, 6(2), Technology & Administrative Management Department at
179-199. Central Washington University. She holds a BS in MIS, as
well as both MS and PhD in information systems from the
About the Authors University of Maryland Baltimore County. She has over ten
Dr. Manuel Mora is a professor in the Information Systems years of professional experience in IT management. She has
Department at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes consulted for a variety of public and private organizations.
(UAA), Mexico. Dr. Mora holds a BS in computer engineering Contact: Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of
(1984) and an MSc in computer science (artificial intelligence, Aguascalientes, Information Systems, Ave. Universidad 940,
1989) from Monterrey Tech, and an EngD in systems engineering Aguascalientes, AGS 20131, Mexico; phone: 524499108417;
(2003) from the National Autonomous University of Mexico
(UNAM). He has published about 80+ research papers.
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38 Engineering Management Journal Vol. 26 No. 2 June 2014

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