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Name: Date: Period:

Life Cycle and Death of Assignment

For students to think through the life cycle of one type of star (Low mass, Medium mass, High
mass) and be able to apply that information to determine the future for our Sun and other stars.

1. In the life cycle of a star, which mass(es) begin as a Nebula? All

2. Which mass(es) end as a black hole? Supergiant

3. The fuel for all stars is what gas? Nebula

4. What happens that initiates the birth of a star? Nebula begins to shrink and warm up and

becomes a protostar
Name: Date: Period:

5. Explain what happens in nuclear fusion? the combination of the nuclei of small atoms to

form a larger nucleus; releases energy

6. What is going to happen to our Sun’s magnitude and temperature when it goes to its next

stage? It will expand and cool.

7. What is the final stage of our Sun’s life? White dwarf

8. What will happen to our Sun’s magnitude and temperature when it goes to its final stage?

It will become small and cool

9. What determines which star will go supernova? star runs out of nuclear fuel, some of its

mass flows into its core. Eventually, the core is so heavy that it cannot withstand its own

gravitational force. The core collapses, which results in the giant explosion of a supernova

10. What two forces cause the changes that occur in a star? Gravity and Nuclear reactions

11. What determines the strength of those two forces?

12. Where would you find a Low mass main sequence star on the H-R diagram?

Lower Right

13. Which massed star is able to fuse heavier elements in its core before it dies?

Name: Date: Period:

14. Rank the stars in order from LONGEST life to SHORTEST life.

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