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Sophia Chlosta

Miss Burke
Honors Modern World History 10
May 15, 2018
Nationalist Revolutions Essay

In Mexico, they had a revolution because they were not being treated fairly. This has

caused more issues, that the Mexicans did not need. But that gave them a constitution of


In Mexico they were revolutionists who wanted more freedom. But that caused issues

because a revolution broke out. It caused the president to abdicate. And a new person came in

and took control. He tried to make everything good again. But he failed, and a constitution was

set in place.

They got a constitution in 1917. That spoke about labor, religion and land. They gave

land to the workers. They took rights away from the Catholic Church. But it did so many good

things in Mexico, like opening schools and libraries. And this constitution is still effective today.

This helped so many people in the end of all this that it still is helping the people out.

In conclusion, this was a very hard time because of WWI. They tried to make things

better for themselves but could not work. They failed on many occasions. The workers just

wanted to be treated fairly.

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