Dooley - Grade 3-4 - Animal Silhouettes 1

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LESSON PLAN # 1 Days: 3

Teacher:​ Dana Katz

Lesson Title:​ Animal Silhouettes
Grade Level: ​Third and Fourth Grade

Central Focus: ​Using the influence of silhouette photography, students will create an animal
inspired silhouette piece, breaking down complex forms into simple shapes and a background
that incorporates warm colors, cool colors or a combination or both.

IL Art Learning Standards:

CREATING: Anchor Standard 1 and 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Investigate, Plan, Make: VA:Cr1.1.4 ​Brainstorm multiple approaches to a creative art or
design problem.
● In this lesson, students will meet this standard by practicing breaking down complex
animals into simple shapes and develop their own practice drawing.

Investigate: VA:Cr2.3.4 ​Document, describe, and represent regional constructed

● In this lesson, students will meet this standard by creating a drawing of a silhouette
landscape that includes two animals and one object.

Reflect, Refine, Continue: VA:Cr3.1.2 ​Discuss and reflect with peers about choices made in
creating artwork.
● In this lesson, students will meet this standard by writing about their artwork and
describing their process to their peers.

CONNECTING: Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal
experiences to make art
Interpret: VA:Cn10.1.3 ​Develop a work of art based on observations of surroundings.
● In this lesson, students will meet this standard by creating a background for their
silhouette based on their background knowledge of certain landscapes.

Objectives: Illinois Fine Art


Objective I:
Given an introductory presentation about breaking down complex VA:Cr1.1.4
animal forms into simple shapes, images of various animals, cut up
shapes, construction paper, and a pencil, students create two animal
sketches using simple shapes.
Objective II: VA:Cr1.1.4
Given a presentation about animal silhouettes, images of various
types of animals pencils, and sharpies, students will create a farm,
arctic, underwater, or african silhouette drawing.

Objective III:
Given warm and cool watercolors, paint brushes and water cups, VA:Cr2.3.4
students will create a background for their silhouette drawing.

Instructional Resources and Materials:

Powerpoint presentation of different animals, silhouette presentation, and ladybug projector.

Warm and Cool Colors: ​

Art Materials for the Lesson:

Animal printouts, cut up shapes in different sizes, animal landscape packets, white construction
or drawing paper, pencils, black sharpies, warm and cool watercolors.

Management and Safety Issues:

This lesson will require basic management of students and their behavior. Students should be
carefully observed to ensure that they are using their materials appropriately.

● Day One
○ Emphasis: ​an area or object within the artwork that draws attention and becomes
a focal point.
○ Shapes: ​A shape is the form of an object or its external boundary, outline, or
external surface, as opposed to other properties such as color, texture or material
○ Silhouette: ​a filled-in drawing of the outline of an object
○ Simple: ​composed of a single element; not compound.

● Day Two
○ Composition: ​placement or arrangement of visual elements or 'ingredients' in a
work of art.
○ Contrast: ​When defining it, art experts refer to the arrangement of opposite
elements (light vs. dark colors, rough vs. smooth textures, large vs. small shapes,
etc.) in a piece so as to create visual interest, excitement, and drama.
○ Landscape:​ ​A landscape is the visible features of an area of land, its landforms
and how they integrate with natural or man-made features.
● Day Three
○ Background: ​the area or scenery behind the main object of contemplation,
especially when perceived as a framework for it.
○ Blend: ​merge (a color) with another so that one is not clearly distinguishable from
the other.
○ Color Scheme: ​the choice of colors used in design for a range of media.
○ Cool Colors: ​such as blue, green, and purple (violet); evoke a cool feeling
because they remind us of things like water or grass.
○ Horizon: ​The horizon or skyline is the apparent line that separates earth from sky.
○ Layering: ​Working in layers is a system for creating artistic paintings that involve
the use of more than one layer of paint.
○ Warm Colors: ​such as red, yellow, and orange; evoke warmth because they
remind us of things like the sun or fire.
○ Watercolor: ​a painting method in which the paints are made of pigments
suspended in a water-based solution.
○ Wet on Wet: ​Applying wet paint to a wet surface.
○ Wet on Dry: ​Applying wet paint to a dry surface.

In-Class Activities:
Tim Learning Activities Purpose

10 Day 1: Orientation/Engagement/Motivation​: This activity will

min Begin the lesson by talking with students about what they provide students with
will be creating for their next project: Animal Silhouettes knowledge about the
● Has anyone ever seen the photographs where the next lesson they will
people or objects in it art completely black and the participate in. Students
background is a bright color? will discuss silhouettes
● Could you tell what the objects in black were? and describe their
● How could you tell? background knowledge
● These types of pictures are called silhouettes and about them.
they focus on telling the viewer a story without
giving too many details. We will be creating our
own for our project. In order to do so though, we
have to first learn how to draw animals so that our
viewer is able to understand the picture without
giving them the full story.
10 Day 1: Presentation/Explicit Instruction​: Students will
min Present students with Animal Presentation and ask them participate in this
to find the shapes. activity and be
● Can anyone tell me what shapes they see in this provided with practice
animal? (Have them come to the board and outline for the independent
it) activity they will be
● What other shapes are we seeing? doing in class later.
● I can see a circle. Can anyone find the circle that I
see? (Select someone to pick a shape they see
and have the class try to find it)
● Explain to students that creating a drawing of an
animal or silhouette is as simple as breaking the
animal or any complex form down into their basic
Tell students that there are three parts to today’s activity.
Part one will be finding outlining and identifying the shapes
that make up their chosen animal picture. In part two, they
will be using the cut up shapes to recreate their animal. In
part three, they will then use their shape model to draw a
simple sketch of their animal.

30 Day 1: Independent Practice/Exploration​: Students will begin

min Give students time to work through each of the steps. participating in the

Day 1: Guided Practice/Feedback: Students will be given

Walk around and provide feedback and help as students the opportunity to ask
are working on the three parts. Have students raise their questions and work
hand and check in before moving on to a new part. one on one with the

10 Day 1: Closure Students should learn

min Students should clean up by putting their animal picture, to be independent and
and drawing in their class folder. Shapes should be put in charge of their own
back in the bags. clean up.

Pick an artist of the week and let them pick between

● Three blue tickets
● Prize box
● Sit by a friend next week

Call quiet tables to line up.

10 Day 2: Orientation/Engagement/Motivation​: This introduction
min Begin the day by showing the silhouette presentation and activity will provide
video. Explain to students will be creating a silhouette students with a review
starting from the ground, adding at least two different of silhouettes and
animals and another object connected to the ground (A further engage them
tree for an African setting, a barn for a farm, coral or in the lesson. It will
seaweed for an underwater scene, or an iceberg in the also given them
arctic). They can select from either a farm, arctic, african examples of the types
or underwater theme. of silhouette’s they
can create for their

10 Day 2: Presentation/Explicit Instruction​: This demonstration

min Demonstrate for students how to begin the silhouette in will give students an
pencil by creating a ground, and adding in animals and idea for how they will
another object using shapes. Once that is complete, color begin creating their
over the drawing with black sharpie. own silhouette.

30 Day 2: Independent Practice/Exploration​: Students will begin

min Students should begin creating their silhouette drawings participating in the
independently. activity.

​ ay 2: Guided Practice/Feedback:
D Students will be given
As students are working, walk around and provide the opportunity to ask
feedback and support. questions and work
one on one with the

10 Day 2: Closure Students should learn

min Turn on the timer and have students begin cleaning up. to be independent and
They should follow their jobs, but also clean up their own in charge of their own
areas by adding their drawing to their class folder and clean up.
returning the sharpies bowls. The bowls should then be
returned to the front.

Select two artists of the week.

Have students line up.

10 Day 3: Orientation/Engagement/Motivation​: Providing students

min Start by presenting students with a video presentation of a with a silhouette video
silhouette sunset. End at 2:10. Turn the sound off. will provide them with an example of how to
begin creating their

10 Day 3: Presentation/Explicit Instruction​: This activity will

min Discuss how students will be using warm and cool colors provide students with
to create their backgrounds. a review of warm and
● What are warm colors? What are cool colors? cool colors, which
● When do you think we might use cooler colors to they learned earlier in
create a sky? the year.

Show them Warm and Cool video:

Demonstrate for students how to create a watercolor

background, focussing on wet on wet, wet on dry, layering
and blending.

30 Day 3: Independent Practice/Exploration​: Students will begin

min Have student begin creating their background for their participating in the
silhouettes. activity.

Early finishers can complete a vocabulary word search.

Day 3: Guided Practice/Feedback: Students will be given

Walk around and offer help and support to students as the opportunity to ask
they work. questions and work
one on one with the

10 Day 3: Closure Students should learn

min Have students clean up by selecting one person from to be independent and
each table to be in charge of cleaning the water and paint in charge of their own
brushes, two people to wipe the tables down, and two clean up.
people to collect the paints. Students should also help with
their daily jobs.

Select two artists of the week.

Have students line up.

Animal Silhouette Rubric

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Silhouette Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing somewhat Drawing does not

demonstrates an demonstrates an demonstrates an demonstrate an
exceptional understanding of understanding of understanding of
understanding of silhouette drawings. silhouette drawings. silhouette drawings.
silhouette drawings.

Details Drawing includes Drawing includes Drawing includes Drawing includes

more than two two animals and one one animal and one either an animal or
animals and one object in the object in the object in the
object in the silhouette. silhouette. silhouette.

Warm and Cool Background Background Background Background does

Colors demonstrates demonstrates somewhat not demonstrate
knowledge of both knowledge of warm demonstrates knowledge of warm
warm and cool or cool colors and knowledge warm or or cool colors and
colors and their their relationship to cool colors and their their relationship to
relationship to certain relationship to certain
certain environments or certain environments or
environments or time periods during environments or time periods during
time periods during the day. time periods during the day.
the day. the day.

Watercolor Background Drawing Drawing somewhat Drawing does not

Blending demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrate
sophisticated use of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
watercolor watercolor watercolor watercolor
blending. blending. blending. blending.

Use of Tools All lines are straight Most lines are Some lines are Lines are not
and parallel straight and parallel straight and parallel straight or parallel

Craftsmanship Final piece is Final piece is Final piece is Final piece is not
complete and complete and somewhat complete complete and does
reflects exceptional reflects care and reflects care not reflect care

Participation Effective use of Class time used Class time used Class time wasted
class time, well, and work somewhat well and and rarely helps
participation, and space kept clean. sometimes helps to clean up.
cooperative clean clean up.

Originality Project reflects Project somewhat Project reflects Project does not
personal interests reflects personal personal interests, reflect personal
and is completely interests and is but is not original. interests, and is not
original. somewhat original. original.
Day 1 PowerPoint
Day 1 Animal Worksheets
Day 2 Silhouette Powerpoint
Day 3 Word Search for Early Finishers
Silhouette Word Search 
H  K  G  Y  H  B  T  U  V  K  I  G  H  K  B  G  I  U  W  S 

R  F  G  S  I  L  H  O  U  E  T  T  E  W  J  N  M  K  A  E 

F  C  V  B  U  E  G  J  I  K  L  K  D  C  O  Y  U  I  X  P 

C  D  S  F  Y  N  y  C  D  E  M  P  H  A  S  I  S  X  R  Y 

O  N  M  D  S  D  W  G  J  U  T  D  C  V  J  E  W  A  E  C 

C  I  Y  N  F  R  E  X  G  S  H  A  P  E  S  K  J  C  S  U 

O  S  V  H  U  K  J  D  F  V  Y  T  R  W  G  L  K  C  I  U 

N  X  C  W  E  T  O  N  W  E  T  R  F  K  W  I  B  M  S  X 

T  R  H  S  C  B  T  E  H  K  L  O  T  C  E  H  J  K  T  N 

R  R  G  H  J  C  G  Y  K  I  T  S  C  J  T  J  B  L  K  N 

A  E  X  H  B  U  K  L  C  V  S  Z  X  U  O  G  L  I  O  L 

S  H  U  W  A  T  E  R  C  O  L  O  R  J  N  D  A  W  G  J 

T  E  U  K  C  S  B  J  V  D  W  U  K  F  D  H  Y  K  I  B 

E  R  G  J  K  I  O  B  F  C  P  D  S  U  R  G  E  I  J  C 

B  E  S  U  G  J  F  A  X  C  Y  J  I  B  Y  N  R  O  L  D 

S  C  U  J  R  J  G  J  U  J  K  S  W  F  H  J  I  Y  V  B 

Y  D  S  R  O  I  L  P  A  S  T  E  L  D  H  J  N  W  X  B 

H  W  Q  H  U  C  G  Y  K  I  T  S  C  H  J  K  G  D  S  J 

H  T  V  J  N  C  V  S  Z  U  K  J  D  F  V  Y  T  R  W  G 

U  U  I  U  D  V  H  U  K  J  D  F  V  Y  T  R  I  J  D  S 
Silhouette Word Search 
H  K  G  Y  H  B  T  U  V  K  I  G  H  K  B  G  I  U  W  S 

R  F  G  S  I  L  H  O  U  E  T  T  E  W  J  N  M  K  A  E 

F  C  V  B  U  E  G  J  I  K  L  K  D  C  O  Y  U  I  X  P 

C  D  S  F  Y  N  y  C  D  E  M  P  H  A  S  I  S  X  R  Y 

O  N  M  D  S  D  W  G  J  U  T  D  C  V  J  E  W  A  E  C 

C  I  Y  N  F  R  E  X  G  S  H  A  P  E  S  K  J  C  S  U 

O  S  V  H  U  K  J  D  F  V  Y  T  R  W  G  L  K  C  I  U 

N  X  C  W  E  T  O  N  W  E  T  R  F  K  W  I  B  M  S  X 

T  R  H  S  C  B  T  E  H  K  L  O  T  C  E  H  J  K  T  N 

R  R  G  H  J  C  G  Y  K  I  T  S  C  J  T  J  B  L  K  N 

A  E  X  H  B  U  K  L  C  V  S  Z  X  U  O  G  L  I  O  L 

S  H  U  W  A  T  E  R  C  O  L  O  R  J  N  D  A  W  G  J 

T  E  U  K  C  S  B  J  V  D  W  U  K  F  D  H  Y  K  I  B 

E  R  G  J  K  I  O  B  F  C  P  D  S  U  R  G  E  I  J  C 

B  E  S  U  G  J  F  A  X  C  Y  J  I  B  Y  N  R  O  L  D 

S  C  U  J  R  J  G  J  U  J  K  S  W  F  H  J  I  Y  V  B 

Y  D  S  R  O  I  L  P  A  S  T  E  L  D  H  J  N  W  X  B 

H  W  Q  H  U  C  G  Y  K  I  T  S  C  H  J  K  G  D  S  J 

H  T  V  J  N  C  V  S  Z  U  K  J  D  F  V  Y  T  R  W  G 

U  U  I  U  D  V  H  U  K  J  D  F  V  Y  T  R  I  J  D  S 
Examples of Final Pieces

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