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Production, optimization and characterization of

polyhydroxybutyrate, a biodegradable plastic by
Bacillus spp.
a a a a
Pabitra Bhagowati , Shreema Pradhan , Hirak R. Dash & Surajit Das
Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology and Ecology (LEnME), Department of Life
Science, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India
Published online: 22 Apr 2015.

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To cite this article: Pabitra Bhagowati, Shreema Pradhan, Hirak R. Dash & Surajit Das (2015): Production, optimization
and characterization of polyhydroxybutyrate, a biodegradable plastic by Bacillus spp., Bioscience, Biotechnology, and
Biochemistry, DOI: 10.1080/09168451.2015.1034651

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Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 2015

Production, optimization and characterization of polyhydroxybutyrate, a

biodegradable plastic by Bacillus spp.
Pabitra Bhagowatia, Shreema Pradhana, Hirak R. Dash and Surajit Das*
Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology and Ecology (LEnME), Department of Life Science, National Institute of
Technology, Rourkela, India

Received January 27, 2015; accepted March 14, 2015

Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is the intracellular Thus, the recent issues concerning global environ-
lipid reserve accumulated by many bacteria. The ment and solid waste management have shifted the
most potent terrestrial bacterium Bacillus cereus interest for the development of biodegradable plastics
SE-1 showed more PHB accumulating cells (22.1 with desired physical and chemical properties of syn-
and 40% after 48 and 72 h) than that of the marine thetic plastics such as polypropylene (PP) and poly-
Downloaded by [University of Alberta] at 10:44 25 April 2015

Bacillus sp. CS-605 (5 and 33% after 48 and 72 h). ethylene (PE).3) However, biologically degradable
Both the isolates harbored phbB gene and the polymers are still underdeveloped and need urgent
characteristics C=O peak was observed in the attention. In this context, biodegradable polymer, PHB,
extracted PHB by Fourier transformed infrared has been found to be a promising material. PHB is a
spectroscopy analysis. Maltose was found to be the polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) polymer which belongs
most suitable carbon source for the accumulation of to the polyester class and is of huge interest due to
PHB in B. cereus SE-1. The extracted PHB sample their biological origin and biodegradability.4)
from B. cereus SE-1 was blended with a thermoplas- In the case of PHB producing micro-organisms, syn-
tic starch (TS) and an increased thermoplasticity thesis takes place when suitable carbon source is avail-
and decreased crystallinity were observed after able in excess amount and cellular growth is limited
blending in comparison to the standard PHB. The due to other nutrient limitation. More than 75 bacterial
melting temperature (Tm), melting enthalpy (ΔHf), genera have been reported so far for PHB accumulation
and crystallinity (Xc) of the blended PHB sample as intracellular granules. However, the most common
were found to be 109.4 °C, 64.58 J/g, and 44.23%, studied organisms for PHB accumulation include gen-
respectively. era of Alcaligenes, Azotobacter, Bacillus, Rhizobium,
Rhodospirillum, and Pseudomonas.5) It has also been
Key words: poly-β-hydroxybutyrate; Bacillus; fluo- found that, micro-organisms rich in poly-beta-hydrox-
rescence activated cell sorter (FACS); ybutyrate have a slower rate of autolysis than organ-
FTIR; melting enthalpy isms with poor PHB production capability, thus PHB
can act as a reserve carbon and energy source.6) PHB
production in bacteria involves the formation of inter-
Plastic materials have been regarded as an integral mediates such as acetyl-CoA, acetoacetyl-CoA, and
part of our lifestyle due to their many desirable proper- (R)-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA.4) 3-ketothiolase (PhbA),
ties, i.e. durability and resistance to degradation. They acetoacetyl-CoA-reductase (PhbB), and PHB synthase
in turn accumulate in the environment at a rate of mil- (PhbC) are the key enzymes during PHB synthesis and
lion tonnes per year and recently, plastic pollution is phbB synthesized acetoacetyl-CoA reductase converts
regarded as a major contributor to the environmental acetoacetyl-CoA to (R)-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA is the
pollution budget.1) The widespread use of plastic and prerequisite step of PHB synthesis.
plastic products facilitates the continuous contact of PHB offers many advantages over the conventional
these materials with human body. This ultimately petrochemically derived plastics such as complete
increases the steady-state concentration of plastic biodegradability, use of renewable resources, better
components in the body and disturbs the metabolism physical properties than PP, and non-toxic.7) Mechani-
and excretion of these compounds.2) Another problem cal properties of PHB make them suitable to replace
associated with traditional plastics is that it takes mil- polythenes, however, in contrast to these conventional
lions of years to be renewed as they are produced from plastics; PHB can be degraded completely to form
petrochemical sources. carbon dioxide and water by natural microbial

*Corresponding author. Email:

These authors contributed equally to this work.

© 2015 Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry

2 P. Bhagowati et al.
mineralization. Biomedical and biodegradable proper- the microscope field by ImageJ analysis.12) The inte-
ties of PHB have led to the design of medical devices grated density of the PHB accumulating cells of the
and tissue engineering.8) However, PHB possesses isolates was carried out by analyzing the Nile blue-
many deficiencies to be used as a practical polymer stained images obtained from fluorescent microscopy
material such as high crystallinity and thermal instabil- study by plugin of ImageJ program.
ity near the melting point.9) Thus, physical blending
and chemical modifications have been carried out to
improve its properties such as strength, film formation, Characterization of the potent PHB-producing
mechanical strength, amphilicity, biodegradability, and isolates. Morphological and physiological character-
biocompatibility.10) ization of the potent isolates was carried out by Gram
Though much advancement has taken place regard- staining, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM),
ing the microbial biosynthesis of PHB, industrial-scale biochemical tests, and antibiotic susceptibility testing.
production and application are still at far away from Biochemical tests were performed manually13) for triple
reality. In this regard, proper selection of the microbial sugar iron test, citrate utilization, mannitol utilization,
strains for PHB production holds the key and soil motility test, nitrate reduction, gelatin hydrolysis,
microbes provides the better resources. Thus, the cur- urease production, and oxidase test. Biochemical test
rent work aims to obtain a proper microbial system for was carried out to study the comparative account of the
significant PHB production and their characterization to morphological as well as physiological differences
increase the suitability of use of PHB with suitable between the two most potent isolates. Similarly, antibi-
physical and chemical properties. otic susceptibility test was conducted by disc diffusion
method14) using commercially available antibiotic discs
Downloaded by [University of Alberta] at 10:44 25 April 2015

(Hi-Media, India) of ciprofloxacin (5 μg), amoxycillin

Materials and methods (30 μg), ampicillin (10 μg), chloramphenicol (30 μg),
Sampling, isolation of bacteria, medium, and growth and azithromycin (15 μg).
conditions. Organic waste samples and marine sedi-
ment samples were collected from the garbage dumping
sites of Rourkela, Odisha (22.2492° N and 84.8828° E) Molecular identification and GenBank submission.
and Chilika Lake region of Bay of Bengal, Odisha Two most potent PHB producers one from organic
(19°44.582′ N and 85°12.768′ E), respectively. The waste sample and another from marine sediment were
samples were processed immediately using standard subjected to molecular identification by sequencing of
microbiological practice for the isolation of bacterial 16S rRNA gene. Briefly, the 16S rRNA gene (~1.5 kb)
culture using nutrient agar (peptone—5.0 g, NaCl— was amplified from the genomic DNA of the isolates
5.0 g, beef extract—1.5 g, yeast extract—1.5 g, agar— by PCR and the sequencing reactions were carried out
15 g, distilled water—1000 mL, and pH—7.4 ± 0.2) for at Xcelris Genomics, India. Sequence data were com-
organic waste sample and sea water nutrient agar (pep- plied, and consensus sequence was obtained using
tone—5.0 g, yeast extract—3.0 g, agar—15 g, aged sea BioEdit ( program and examined for sequence
water—500 mL, deionized water—500 mL, and pH— homology with the archived 16S rDNA sequences from
7.5 ± 0.1) for marine sediment sample. The plates were GenBank employing BLASTN. The partial sequences
incubated at 37 °C for 24 h. The colonies with distin- of 16S rRNA gene of both the isolates were submitted
guished colony morphology were selected and repeated at NCBI GenBank. The assigned accession number for
streaked on the respective plates to obtain the pure cul- the isolates was KF241551 and KJ461699, respectively,
tures and were used for further study. for Bacillus sp. CS-605 and B. cereus SE-1.

Screening of PHB accumulating isolates. In order Amplification of phbB gene in the potent isolates.
to screen the PHB positive isolates, Nile blue staining phbB gene was amplified using bacterial lysate as tem-
technique was used.11) Briefly, the isolates were grown plate. PCR was carried out using the primer set of
in 10 mL of Minimal Davis broth (Hi-Media, India) phbBF-5′-ATGAGCAATCAACGAATTGCA-3′ and
supplemented with 1% dextrose as sole carbon source. phbBR- 5′-TCATTGCATGTTCAGACCGC-3′.15) The
The tubes were incubated at 37 °C for 72 h with shak- amplification reaction was performed in a total volume
ing at 180 rpm. Grown bacterial cultures were sub- of 25 μL using a thermal cycler (Bio-Rad, USA). The
jected to centrifugation at 6000 rpm for 10 min at 4 °C. PCR mixture contained 1 U/μL Taq polymerase
The cell pellet was resuspended with 1 mL of sterile (Sigma-Aldrich), 1X enzyme buffer, 200 μM of each
distilled water. Smears of these cell suspensions were dNTPs (Sigma-Aldrich), 1.25 mM mgCl2, and 0.5 μM
heat fixed to glass slides and stained with 1% Nile blue of each primer. The optimized amplification conditions
(Hi-Media, India) and observed under fluorescence included a pre-denaturation step at 95 °C for 5 min fol-
microscope (Olympus 1X71) with excitation wave- lowed by 35 cycles of 95 °C for 2 min, 60 °C for 30 s,
length of 460 nm. Nile blue stains PHB granules in the 72 °C for 2 min, and a final extension of 72 °C for
cells to orange. 10 min and hold at 4 °C forever. The PCR product was
The most potent PHB producers among the bacterial analyzed by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis and the
isolates were selected by analyzing the intensity of Nile banding pattern was visualized in a Gel documentation
blue staining and the number of positive cultures under system (Bio-Rad, USA) under UV light.
Characterization of biodegradable plastic 3
Comparative account of PHB production by flow Characterization of polymer blend by Fourier trans-
cytometry. A comparative account of PHB produc- formed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The presence
tion by B. cereus SE-1 and Bacillus sp. CS-605 was of the functional groups in the extracted PHB samples
studied for a period of 3 days at an interval of 24, was analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy. About 1 mg of
48, and 72 h. A Becton-Dickinson FACSCalibur flow PHB sample was mixed with 10 mg of spectral pure
cytometer (Becton-Dickinson Immunocytometry Sys- anhydrous potassium bromide crystals and the mixture
tem, San Jose, CA) with a 15-mW Ar laser with a was compressed into translucent sample discs and fixed
wavelength of 488 nm was used to analyze the single- in the FTIR spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer RX1).
cell fluorescence intensity after staining. BODIPY The relative intensity of transmitted light energy was
493/503 fluorescence was measured using a 530 measured against the wavelength of absorption on the
± 30 nm band pass filter. Data were collected using region 400–4000 cm−1 at ambient temperature.
linear amplification. At least 30,000 cells were mea-
sured in each sample and the average channel number
of the height of each pulse was used to determine the Characterization of polymer blend by X-ray diffrac-
mean fluorescence of each sample. The cytometer tion (XRD). XRD profile of the prepared samples
channels were standardized by setting the gains such was collected on a PANalytical X-ray diffractometer
that signals from 8.1-μm fluorescence beads always using nickel-filtered Cu Kα radiation and scanned from
appear in the same channel. The isolate with higher 10° to 60° at room temperature with a scan rate of
PHB accumulating capability was used for further 3° min−1.
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Characterization of polymer blend by differential

Optimization of carbon sources for PHB produc- scanning calorimetry (DSC). DSC thermograms were
tion. The potent isolate was subjected to growth recorded on a DSC instrument (DSC200 F3 Maia,
under various carbon sources (dextrose, lactose, NETZSCH, Germany), and calibrated with indium (mp
sucrose, maltose, fructose, and galactose) for the opti- —156.61 °C; ΔH = 28.54 J/g). The data were collected
mum production of PHB. Briefly, the isolate was by heat and cool method. Samples of cast films
inoculated in Minimal Davis broth (Hi-Media, India) weighed 5–10 mg were packed in aluminum pan and
supplemented with individual carbon sources (at a then heated from 20 to 200 °C at a scanning rate of
final concentration of 1%) and incubated at 37 °C at 10 °C per min under nitrogen atmosphere. The melting
180 rpm for 72 h. After incubation, PHB was temperature (Tm) and melting enthalpy (ΔHf) were
extracted from the grown culture by sodium hypochlo- determined from DSC endothermal peaks. The crys-
rite-chloroform method.16) About 20 mL of grown cul- tallinity (Xc) of PHB in blend was calculated as per the
ture was centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 20 min to collect equation given below.
the cell pellet. The cell pellet was resuspended in
2.5 mL of 4% sodium hypochlorite for digestion fol- X c ¼ DHf  100=DHo  w
lowed by addition of 2.5 mL of hot chloroform and where ΔHf is the melting enthalpy of the sample
incubated at 37 °C for 1 h. The suspension was cen- (J/g), ΔHo is the melting enthalpy of the 100% crys-
trifuged at 10,000 rpm for 10 min and the bottom talline PHB which is assumed to be 146 J/g, and w is
phase containing PHB and chloroform were collected. the weight fraction of PHB in the sample.
Further extraction was carried out with hot chloroform
and precipitated with ethanol and acetone (1:1). The
precipitate was allowed to evaporate by incubating at
30 °C over-night to obtain PHB crystals. After
lyophilization, the dry weight of the PHB granules Screening of potent PHB producers
was taken to determine the maximum production of A total of 32 bacterial isolates (12 from marine
PHB under varying conditions of carbon sources. The sources and 20 from organic waste sample) were
time course of PHB production at optimized condi- screened for PHB accumulation. PHB accumulating
tions was studied till 72 h with respect to the dried bacterial isolates flourish orange under fluorescence
cell mass. microscope, whereas no such fluorescence was
observed for non-PHB producers. The acquired images
were processed for their average integral density
Preparation of polymer blends. In order to deducting the background noise, reflecting the level of
improve the thermal properties of extracted PHB sam- PHB production by ImageJ software. Based upon the
ple, polymer blends were prepared with TS.17) TS average integral density value, the most potent PHB
was obtained by mixing starch powder, water, and producers were selected for further study. Among the
glycerol in the ratio of 50:15:35 (w/v/v), respectively. bacterial isolates from organic waste sample, B. cereus
The contents were mixed for 15–30 min at room tem- SE-1 (integral density 6513.558) was found to be the
perature to obtain a paste. The paste was transformed most potent, whereas, among the marine isolates, Bacil-
into TS by heating at 100 °C in water bath with con- lus sp. CS-605 (integral density 1876.942) was the
tinuous stirring for 15 min. This product so obtained most potent PHB producer (Fig. 1). The raw integral
was mixed with PHB in the ratio of 58:52 (w/w) and density data of all the isolates have been provided in
100:20 (w/w), and solvent cast films were obtained supplementary material (Table S1). The phylogenetic
from chloroform. relationship of these two potent isolates has been
4 P. Bhagowati et al.

Fig. 1. Nile blue staining of the potent bacterial isolates as observed under fluorescence microscope.
Notes: The strains accumulating PHB produced bright orange color. (a) Bacillus sp. CS-605 and (b) Bacillus cereus SE-1.

revealed by constructing the phylogenetic tree and has Bacillus sp. CS-605 was resistant to amoxycillin and
been provided in the supplementary material (Fig. S1). chloramphenicol and susceptible to ciprofloxacin,
ampicillin, and azithromycin. Both the isolates showed
significant similarities in their physiological charac-
Morphological and physiological characterization of teristics that have been provided in supplementary
the isolates material (Table S2).
Both the isolates Bacillus sp. CS-605 and B. cereus
Downloaded by [University of Alberta] at 10:44 25 April 2015

SE-1 were found to be Gram positive rods under oil

immersion microscope. SEM reveals the rod-shaped Amplification of phbB gene
morphology of the isolates and a slight increase in the Both the potential PHB producers B. cereus SE-1
size of the isolates was also marked after three days and Bacillus sp. CS-605 were found to harbor phbB
incubation (Fig. 2). B. cereus SE-1 was found to be gene in them. The clear distinct banding pattern of
susceptible to all the antibiotics tested, whereas 744 bp confirms the presence of phbB gene in the two

Fig. 2. Revealing the morphology of bacteria during PHB synthesis by scanning electron microscopy.
Notes: (a) Bacillus sp. CS-605 before PHB accumulation, (b) Bacillus sp. CS-605 after PHB accumulation, (c) B. cereus SE-1 before PHB
accumulation, and (d) B. cereus SE-1 after PHB accumulation.
Characterization of biodegradable plastic 5
blended PHB, and the PHB standard (Sigma-Aldrich)
were characterized by FTIR, XRD, and DSC. The
spectrum of FTIR reveals the presence of significant
peaks at wave numbers 3410 cm−1 corresponding to
the hydroxyl (–OH) stretching, C=O stretching at
1728 cm−1, and aliphatic stretching of carbonyl group
of RCO of that of the PHB. Other absorption bands
were found at 1288 cm−1 were that of the aliphatic –
CH stretching groups. The bands at 1320–1000 cm−1
were characteristic to that of carbon oxygen stretch of
the esters(C–O–C bond). The strong band at 1100 cm−1
was C–O–C stretching and 1650 cm−1 for CH2 stretch-
ing. PHB with different backbones and different chemi-
cal groups are previously studied (Fig. 6).
Non-isothermal DSC study reveals the blend PHB
and PHB standard having the characteristic endother-
mal peaks between 140 and 200 °C (Fig. S1, supple-
mentary file). The melting enthalpy (ΔHf) calculated
from the area of endothermal peaks. The crystallinity
degree (Xc) was calculated based on the melting
enthalpy of 146 J/g of 100% crystalline PHB. The
Downloaded by [University of Alberta] at 10:44 25 April 2015

Fig. 3. Amplification of phbB gene in the potent PHB-producing melting temperature of standard PHB and the TS blend
bacteria by polymerase chain reaction followed by agarose gel elec- PHB were found to differ (Table 1) greatly. The
trophoresis. enthalpy of melting is 32.56 J/g for standard PHB,
Notes: 1. 100-bp DNA ladder, 2. Bacillus cereus SE-1, 3. Bacil- whereas for the blend PHB, it was 64.58 J/g.
lus sp. CS-605, and 4. negative control.
Diffraction patterns of PHB and blend PHB showed
2 θ values of 26.80°, 31.74°, 45.59°, and 56.22° at the
potent isolates (Fig. 3). None of the other screened iso-
intensities 1800, 3100, 4700, and 700 a.u. (Fig. 7). The
lates showed the presence of phbB gene after PCR
increased intensity of peaks showed that the polymer
has more organized packed crystalline structure. The
X-ray diffraction pattern of standard PHB also followed
Comparative account of PHB production the same trend of the extracted PHB (data not shown
PHB production ability was analyzed in both the iso- here).
lates B. cereus SE-1 and Bacillus sp. CS-605 at an
interval of 24, 48, and 72 h of incubation. The cellular
PHB distribution has been found as bivariate distribu- Discussion
tions (Fig. 4). The cytograms indicate that in B. cereus
SE-1, the PHB accumulation after 72 h is more than Global environment concerns and solid waste man-
that of Bacillus sp. CS-605 grown under same experi- agement problems have shifted the interest to the
mental conditions. In the case of Bacillus sp. CS-605 development of biodegradable plastics that possess the
5, 18.1 and 33% of the cells were found to accumulate similar physical and chemical properties of the conven-
PHB at an interval of 24, 48, and 72 h, whereas 3.5, tional plastics. PHB accumulation as cytoplasmic inclu-
22.1, and 40% cells accumulate PHB under same cir- sions in certain bacteria during unbalanced growth
cumstances as accumulators. Thus, the higher PHB pro- conditions has proved to be the best suitable alternative
ducer B. cereus SE-1 was used further for extraction to overcome this problem. More efforts to develop eco-
and characterization of PHB. nomically feasible process for the synthesis of PHB
should take the center stage most preferably from
microbial origin. In this regard, many Bacillus strains
Optimization of carbon sources for PHB production have been reported possessing tremendous potential of
Out of all the five carbon sources tested, in the pres- PHB accumulation in their cytoplasm under nutrient
ence of maltose, a higher level of PHB production limiting conditions at a level of 6–97% of dry cell
(5.63 g/L) was obtained, whereas a lower level of PHB weight.18–21) In a similar line with that, the two most
production was obtained with dextrose (0.4 g/L) alone potent isolates of the current study were also identified
as the carbon source. Similarly, biomass of B. cereus as Bacillus. Fluorescence microscopy is a useful tool
SE-1 was in the trend of maltose, fructose, galactose, for the assessment of PHB accumulation by bacteria as
fructose, and dextrose (Fig. 5(a)). Time course of PHB Nile blue selectively binds with the produced PHB and
accumulation study revealed that with an increase in is permeable to the bacterial cell. Screening of all the
time, the dry cell mass as well as PHB content also isolates by Nile blue staining followed by fluorescent
increases (Fig. 5(b)). microscope revealed the varied amount of PHB
production by the bacterial isolates. These results cor-
roborate with the previous results of many other work-
Polymer blends of PHB and their characterization ers,22–24) but B. cereus SE-1 is a more superior strain
Extracted PHB from B. cereus SE-1 using maltose as compared to the previous reports of PHB production
sole carbon source was mixed with TS and the PHB, by other Bacillus species, i.e. Bacillus subtilis NG220
6 P. Bhagowati et al.
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Fig. 4. Bivariate distribution of the FSC and PHB fluorescence of two isolates Bacillus cereus SE-1 and Bacillus sp. CS-605.
Notes: The bivariate distributions display data from (a) 5%, (b) 18.1%, (c) 33% for Bacillus sp. CS-605, and (d) 3.5%, (e) 22.1%, and (f)
40% for B. cereus SE-1 cells containing PHB after 24, 48, and 72 h, respectively. A gate was fitted by minimizing the difference and is indicated
as the black line. Cells with fluorescence above this line were considered to contain PHB and the cells present below do not produce PHB.

Fig. 5. Optimization of PHB production in potent isolate B. cereus SE-1.

(a) Optimization of carbon sources for the biomass and subsequently PHB production and (b) time-dependent PHB production in optimized culture

(1.191 g/L)25) and Bacillus megaterium ATCC 6748 environmental conditions for the microbial diversity as
(0.056 g/L).26) well as the screening of potential marine bacteria.33)
Two higher amount of PHB-producing bacterial iso- The study of comparative account of PHB production
lates, one from the terrestrial source and another from by the two potent isolates revealed that the terrestrial
the marine environment, were characterized in this isolate B. cereus SE-1 produced marginally higher
study. In this regard, there are many reports of the use amount of PHB than that of the marine isolate Bacillus
of terrestrial bacteria for bioplastic production.27–31) sp. CS-605 under same experimental setup. After 72 h
However, the reports are scanty from the marine envi- of incubation, the marine isolate was found to produce
ronment sources.32) In comparison to terrestrial envi- 33% of PHB, whereas 40% of cells produced PHB in
ronment, marine sources are the less explored the case of B. cereus SE-1. In the same line with that,
Characterization of biodegradable plastic 7
is a commonly occurring phenomenon in marine
environmental condition. This ultimately increases the
nutrient load in the marine environment. However, the
deep-sea environment contains fewer nutrients com-
pared to the estuary and coastal environment. In this
regard, the marine isolate Bacillus sp. CS-605 has been
isolated from the marine lake Chilika which is known
for its nutritional value due to continuous inflow of
river water and subsequent sedimentation. This in turn
increases the nutrient load of the lake and the isolated
bacterium might be exposed to a nutrient-rich environ-
ment. Thus, the marine bacterium no longer remains in
the nutrient-starved condition which is the prerequisite
for PHB accumulation. On the other hand, marine envi-
Fig. 6. Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis ronment is one of the most dynamic environmental
of standard and extracted PHB. conditions, where the inhabiting bacteria are continu-
Notes: FTIR analysis of extracted PHB from the B. cereus SE-1
ously exposed to the ever-changing physicochemical
reveals peaks for functional groups such as CH2, CH, and C=O, O–H.
factors such as pH, salinity, sea surface temperature,
and others.29) However, limiting nutrient sources fairly
Table 1. DSC result of the blend PHB sample in comparison to exist in marine environment leading to lower produc-
the standard PHB. tion of PHB.
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There exist three regulatory enzymes which are

Sample Tm (°C) ΔHf (J/g) X (%)
involved in the production and synthesis of PHB in
Standard PHB 174.5 32.56 22.30 bacteria. These enzymes include β-ketothiolase, ace-
Blend PHB 109.4 64.58 44.23 toacetyl-CoA reductase, and PHA synthase/polymerase
coded, respectively, by phbA, phbB, and phbC, respec-
tively.36) phbC is found to be located upstream from
0.9–45% of PHB-producing Saccharomyces cerevisiae phbA–phbB. The reductase when interacts with either
strain D603 cells has been reported by flow cytometric enoyl-CoA hydratase or epimerase or both leads to the
analysis.34) Two facts can be attributed to the higher formation of D(-)-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA. Thus, the
production of PHB by the terrestrial isolate than that of presence of phbB gene in both the isolates revealed the
its marine counterpart. Marine environment is rich in phb gene cluster mediated PHB production in them.
organic nutrients (0.29 mg/mL of lipids) as well as Though there exist many different genetic mechanisms
other inorganic nutrients.35) Sedimentation is propor- of PHB production, most of the PHB production in
tional to the amount of new nutrients and sedimentation bacteria is mediated through phb gene cluster as

Fig. 7. Comparative account of XRD diffractogram of pristine PHB and blend PHB of B. cereus SE-1.
8 P. Bhagowati et al.
reported in Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Azotobacter may not impact negatively on the PHB extraction prac-
sp.,38) and Azospirillum brasilense.39) phbB mutants tices as well as in its further characterization.
have also been reported for poor growth and less PHB
accumulation in many bacteria, suggesting its useful-
ness during PHB synthesis process.40) Additionally, Conclusion
many previous studies have amplified phbB gene in the
isolates to deduce the molecular nature of PHB produc- PHB produced by the bacterial system are brittle and
tion in them.41,42) Thus, in order to confirm the role of break easily. Thus, blending of PHB with other poly-
phbB gene of phb operon during pathway of PHB syn- mers in an economic way improves its mechanical
thesis, amplification of phbB gene was carried out in properties. The most commonly used blending materials
the isolates. There are many factors affecting PHB pro- include thermostable starch, poly lactic acid, PE glycol,
duction by the environmental isolates that include the and starch. During this study, TS was used to increase
nutrient conditions such as carbon, nitrogen, amino the mechanical properties of the PHB sample. DSC and
acids, and metal ions.3) Out of which, carbon source is XRD study reveals the increased thermoplasticity and
the most limiting factor of PHB production. Thus, PHB decreased crystallinity of the blend sample than that of
production by the potent isolate B. cereus SE-1 was the PHB standard sample. The lower crystalline degree
optimized in the presence of various carbon sources. and higher Tm of blend sample reveal that better plasti-
Out of all the carbon sources tested, the isolate cizing effect depresses the crystallization of PHB which
B. cereus SE-1 was found to produce PHB at a greater further pushes the already formed microcrystals to pack
amount in the presence of maltose as sole carbon into more perfect structures in the blends. However, the
source. The isolate was found to produce a higher melting temperature of the blend sample decreased in
Downloaded by [University of Alberta] at 10:44 25 April 2015

amount of biomass as well as PHB accumulation in the the blend samples to 109.4 °C from 174.5 °C as in the
presence of maltose which has also been reported for case of the standard PHB sample which is in contrast to
many other bacterial species.43,44) the result obtained by Sindhu et al.17) Thus, the result
With the increase in time of incubation, the cell mass indicates that the blending of PHB with other polymers
as well as PHB accumulation increases at the optimized will be advantageous for cost reduction as well as its
culture conditions for B. cereus SE-1 using maltose as improved thermoplastic properties.
sole carbon source till 72 h. This result also corrobo- To deal with ever-increasing plastic pollution, PHB
rates with the result obtained from the flow cytometry from the bacterial sources is the better alternative. Both
analysis with maximum production of PHB after 72 h the isolates B. cereus SE-1 and Bacillus sp. CS-605 are
of incubation. However, in natural environmental capable of producing significant amount of PHB under
conditions, PHB are the osmotic neutral reservoirs of laboratory conditions. However, the terrestrial isolate
carbon and energy and are synthesized when more B. cereus SE-1 was found to be more capable of pro-
carbon sources are available that can be consumed by ducing PHB than that of its marine counterpart. Pres-
bacteria. These PHB are reutilized/mobilized during ence of C=O stretch in the extracted PHB sample
times of starvation and greatly enhance the survival of confirmed its integrity and purity. An increased thermo-
bacteria in the absence of a suitable exogenous carbon plasticity and decreased crystallinity of PHB blend
source.45) sample were found in comparison to the standard PHB.
The presence of characteristic functional group of
the PHA granules is C=O group which has been con- Author contribution
firmed by FTIR spectroscopy. Irrespective of the nature
and type of bioplastics, carbonyl group (C=O) is a P.B., S.P., H.R.D and S.D. designed the experiments.
common feature in all structures which confirms the P.B. carried out the isolation, characterization, and
extraction of PHB during the present study.46) It gives flow-cytometric studies. S.P. and H.R.D. carried out
further insights toward the chemical structure of the studies on the optimization, blending, and characteriza-
polymer and its constituent monomeric units. During tion by FTIR, XRD, and DSC. H.R.D. and S.D. con-
this study, the functional group of PHA was confirmed tributed toward interpretation of results and manuscript
to be C=O, the similar result of which has also been writing.
achieved by many previous workers 21) for 2983 cm−1
(CH, CH2, CH3); 2933 cm−1 (CH, CH2, CH3);
1720 cm−1 (ester C=O valence); 1639 cm−1 (thioester
Supplemental material
C=O valence); 1380 cm−1; 1302 cm−1; 1260 cm−1
The supplemental material for this paper is available
(CH2-S); and 1162 cm−1 (ester C–O). The IR spectrum
reflects the presence of both monomeric units as is
expected due to C=O valence vibration (1658 cm−1) of
a thioester group.47) Molecular weight of PHB accumu- Acknowledgment
lated in Bacillus sp. under in vitro conditions has been
reported to range from 200–500 kDa,20,48,49) thus the This paper is the Masters Project work of P.B. and
potent isolate B. cereus SE-1 is assumed to accumulate S.P. and we gratefully acknowledge the financial sup-
PHB with the same range of molecular weight. How- port and facilities provided by the authorities of
ever, the slight variation of molecular weight of PHB National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha.
Characterization of biodegradable plastic 9

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