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Threats to WiMAX & its possible enhancements.

Threats to WiMAX & its possible enhancements. By

Topics to discuss :
Topics to discuss Introduction to WiMAX How WiMAX works
WiMAX Security Encryption within WiMAX Threats to WiMAX
WiMAX Enhancements Future of WiMAX

Introduction to WiMAX :
Introduction to WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave
Access, based on IEEE 802.16 standards Higher connection speed
than WiFi Wider area coverage, also called MAN (Metropolitan area
network) Backhaul for WiFi hotspots

Why WiMAX? :
Why WiMAX? Higher Data Rates with Orthogonal Frequency
Division Multiplexing (OFDM) Timing Supports Wider Range Cost
Quality of Service

WiMAX Standards :
WiMAX Standards 802.16-2004 Used for Fixed & nomadic LOS and
NLOS implementations. Supports frequency bands from 3.5 GHz to
5.8 GHz 802.16e Extension of earlier version of 802.16-2004
Supports mobile communication Supports frequency bands from 2.3
GHz to 2.5 GHz ETSI HiperMAN Produced by ETSI for broadband
wireless MAN implementations. Supports frequency bands under 11

WiMAX Standards ….Continued :

WiMAX Standards ….Continued Wi-Bro Built by the TTA of South
Korea Developed to fill the gap between 3G WLAN standards.
Supports frequency bands of 2.3 GHz to 2.4 GHz

How WiMAX works? :

How WiMAX works? WiMAX network consists of Base Station
Usually a broadcasting tower Receiver or Subscriber Station Antenna
or Device like AP’s in WiFi Backhaul Backbone to interconnect base
stations & provide roaming facilities.

Types of WiMAX :
Types of WiMAX Fixed WiMAX Communicates via wireless links
from CPE to remote NLOS base station. Its more secure than Mobile
WiMAX Give wireless connection but unable to provide roaming.
Mobile WiMAX Uses lower frequency (2GHz to 11GHz) for NLOS
connections Gives roaming facility because of handoff between base
stations Full & limited mobility features.

WiMAX Security :
WiMAX Security Robust Security Insures user data piracy & prevents
unauthorized access. Additional Protocol optimization for mobility.
Security is built-in privacy sub layer within MAC layer.

WiMAX Security ….Continued :

WiMAX Security ….Continued WiMAX Security Key Functions
Support for Privacy Authentication Flexible Key Management
Protocol Protection of control messages Support for fast handover

Encryption within WiMAX :

Encryption within WiMAX Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is
a link layer encryption method to be used in WiMAX. Strong
Encryption Fast Easy to Implement in Hardware & Software Efficient
Requires less memory than other encryption mechanisms.

Encryption within WiMAX…Contd :

Encryption within WiMAX…Contd Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Uses both Symmetric Key Encryption (SKE) & Asymmetric Key
Encryption (AKE) Symmetric Key Encryption Not Efficient Problem
in generating private keys to hunderd of users. Asymmetric Key
Encryption Solution for a Key Distribution problem Used both public
& private keys Keys are generated at the same time using RSA

Threats to WiMAX :
Threats to WiMAX Rouge Base Station An attacker station that
duplicates a legitimate base station Denial of Service (DOS) Attacks
Overload request of signal processing by an attacker. Application
Layer Threats Routers & gateways are loopholes the for security
threats. Physical Layer Threats Blocking by activating source of
strong noise to significantly lowering the capacity of thr channel.
Privacy Sub Layer Threat Doesn't ensure complete encryption of user
data & also doesn’t protect the physical layer.

Threats to WiMAX …. Continued :

Threats to WiMAX …. Continued Mutual Authentication Lack of
base station certificate, therefore it offers replay attacks. Key
Management It agains leads to replay attacks by using Traffic
Encryption Key (TEK) sequence space. Identity Theft
Reprogramming of a device with the hardware address with the help
of another device. Water Torture An attacker sends a series of frames
to drain out the receiver’s battery. BlackHat Threats Cracking into the
network or the computer system.

WiMAX Enhancements :
WiMAX Enhancements Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
(OFDM) Provides the operator to beat the challenges of NLOS
transmission in the more efficient manner. IMT-Advanced Offers
constant higher data rates with high mobility. Power Control
Algorithms of power control are applied to enhance the overall
performance of the system. Error Detection Techniques Algorithms
are used to identify and correct errors to enhance throughput.

WiMAX Enhancements ….Contd :

WiMAX Enhancements ….Contd Sub Channelization Boosts the
system gain that can either be applied to widen the reach of the
system. Transmission Diversity Diversity Algorithms are used to
enhance the accessibility of the system. Antennas for fixed WiMAX
applications Directional antennas enhance the fade margin &
increases the link accessibility comparisons between directional and
omni-directional antennas. Adaptive Modulation Used to keep the
connection quality and link performance.
WiMAX Future :
WiMAX Future Its not just the backhaul solution for WiFi. Delivering
Additional bandwidth to 3G networks. Delivers converged services
that can be accessed using a broad range of devices on a wide variety
of networks. Future Threats Experts are expecting similar kinds of
threats like WiFi does. Still needs to workout on security issues.

The End :
The End Any Suggestions please write to us at Contribute to our site and help us grow the
wireless technology. For contributions on news and articles please
contact at
A Presentation on WIMAX P.Ramya Sruthi II/IV CSE 08AH1A0569 K.Harisha II/IV
CSE 08AH1A0539

Slide 2:
CONTENTS 1. Background for broadband wireless technologies 2. What is WiMAX?
3.Architecture of wimax 4.Features of wimax 5.Types of system processed
6.Applications 7.Conclusion

Slide 3:
Optical Fiberwi fi ^ | | | | Cables --Before WIMAX ^ | | Infared---

Slide 4:
2. What is WiMAX? -The wimax means world wide Interoperatbilityformicrowave
ascess It recently approved by IEEE802.16wireless metropolitain area network
-_WiMAX offers fast broadband connections over long distances. . _

Slide 5:
This is architectureof wimax

Features of WIMAX: :
Features of WIMAX: Flexible Architecture. High security Multi level survice
Portability Mobility Cost effective Wider coverage High capacity Interoperability

Slide 7:
The System is processed -P2P -P2MP

Applications of WIMAX :
cellular backhaul Education networks Banking networks Public safty Rural &urban
Connectivity Solutions Interactive gaming Vedio conferences Streaming media
Applications of WIMAX
Slide 9:
Usage in vedio conferences

Slide 10:


Slide 12:

Wi-Max & Wi-MAX

Presented & performed by :

Presented & performed by Arunachalam PL COMPUTER ENGINEERING

Slide 3:
Introduction Wireless Communication Infrastructure Of Wimax Wimax Vs Wi-fi
Mobile Wimax Salient Features Wimax technology Bibliography Concluding remarks

Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi)Welcome to the World of Wireless :

Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi)Welcome to the World of Wireless A radio technology that
networks the devices. Refers to wireless LAN products based on the IEEE 802.11b
specification Provides easy connections to the internet and business networks while
traveling The main attractive feature of this technology is that it can provide wireless
broadband connection within a specific geographic boundary.

Slide 5:
Infrastructure Mode AD HOC Mode OPERATING MODES

Slide 6:
There are many WiFi hotspots now available in public places like restaurants, hotels,
libraries and airports. For example, Spenzer PLAZA The number of hotspots in the
world is growing daily. LOCATING HOTSPOTS

Slide 7:
Introduction It is one of the most promising broadband wireless access technology for
next generation all-IP networks. The 802.16 family of standards is officially called
Wireless MAN, it has been dubbed “WiMAX” form World wide Interoperability for
Microwave Access.

Slide 8:
Provide high-speed Internet access to home and business subscribers, without wires.
10-66 GHz and sub 11 GHz Legacy voice systems Voice over IP TCP/IP Applications
with different QoS requirements goals

Slide 9:
WiMAX is targeted for longer range Metropolitan Area (indoor & outdoor) Different
from Wi-Fi, which is primarily targeted for Local Area Network (indoor) applications.
The main distinction between WiFi and WiMAX is speed and coverage distances:
WiFi has a typical bandwidth of 2MBps whereas WiMAX can have a bandwidth of up
to 75MBps. The coverage distances also differ to a great extent. A WiFi hotspot
typically covers a few hundred feet radius (fraction of a kilometer) whereas a WiMAX
can practically cover up to a distance of 10 kilometers. Wimax vs wi-fi

Slide 10:
LOS- Line Of Sight NLOS- Non Line Of Sight Wireless communication

Slide 11:
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is a technology based on multicarrier
modulation. OFDM possesses multiple carriers which are mutually orthogonal. Theses
subcarriers are closely placed to each other on the frequency domain, & each sub
carrier is modulated & demodulated separately. ofdm

Slide 12:
WiMAX works as point to multipoint system, which is made up of base station and
subscriber equipment How it works

Slide 13:
The increased demand on multimedia services let to the need for BWA (Broadband
Wireless Access) This let to the appearance of WiMAX technology Advantages of
BWA: Fast connection (several Mbps/user) Relatively cheap (no cable infrastructure)
Not limited by location (wireless links) Broadband wireless accesses(bwa)

Slide 14:
Wimax Infrastructure A WIMAX tower: similar in concept to a cell-phone tower. A
single WIMAX tower can provide coverage to a very large area (~10 km).

Slide 15:
A WIMAX receiver : The receiver and antenna could be a small box or PCMCIA
card, or could be built into a laptop. NEC Japan has announced its new and compact
WiMAX router with embedded wireless LAN, it is dubbed the NEC WiMax Router
Any wireless node within the coverage area would be able to access the Internet
Wimax routers/base stations

Slide 16:
There are two versions: Indoor SU. Outdoor SU. Indoor units are comparable in size
to a cable modem or DSL modem. Outdoor units are roughly the size of a laptop PC,
and their installation is comparable to a residential satellite dish. There is an
increasing focus on portable units including handsets and PC peripherals. Outdoor
subscriber unit Indoor subscriber unit Subscriber units

Slide 17:
WiMAX Broadband Applications WiMAX VoIP Broadband Data Connections
Digital Television Urban WiMAX Hot Zones Surveillance Services applications of

Slide 18:
WiMAX becomes a strong candidate for future mobile networks Triple play Video
services Integrated network: Data, Voice and Video Mobility  Voice services
Appearance of IPTV made it possible for TV over WiMAX Appearance of VoIP
made it possible for Voice over WiMAX

Slide 19:
Wimax gadgets The below shown gadgets are the latest using WiMAX technology

Slide 20:
WiMAX, LTE, MESHWireless Network Doctors at the emergency room can see the
vehicle and get an understanding of the mechanism of injury to guide their treatment
of the victim. Portable or fixed mounted cameras can be used to capture video or still
images of a vehicle accident to send to emergency room doctors. Enables real time
monitoring of Patients on the way to the Hospitals Vehicle accident

Slide 21:
WiMAX, LTE, MESH Wireless Network Doctors at the emergency room can help
guide treatment of the victim, especially important for time critical treatment.
Cameras inside ambulances can capture video of patients to send to emergency room
doctors for consultation. Remote diagnosis can shorten the time before treatment
which can potentially save lives and shorten recovery time Remote medical diagnosis

Slide 22:
Mobile Wimax salient features

Slide 23:
General packet Radio Services Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution Evolution
Data optimized (Only) Wimax speed

Slide 24:
Security… EAP authentication Key Binding Device and User authentication

Slide 25:

Slide 26:
Wi-Fi & Wi-Max is an alternative to cable and DSL for last-mile broadband access
Developing countries Rural areas Provide high-speed mobile data and
telecommunications services using WiMAX. Let us conclude…

Slide 27:
“A journey of a thousand sites begins with a single click Full effort is full victory .” Its
time for small Demo

This Paper has been submitted under the guidance of :

This Paper has been submitted under the guidance of Over headed by Mr.M.
Saravanan (M.E) – Senior Lecturer (Computer Engg). K. Megala B.E – Lecturer
(Computer Engg). MR.D.ARUL SELVAN M.E., Head Of the Department / Computer
Engineering Mr.M. Ramesh Kumar, MCA.,Mphil – HOD i/c (Computer Engg).

Slide 29:
WiMAX IEEE WiMAX Magazine Intelligent Environment Wearable Computers
Wireless communications Bibliography

Slide 30:
Thank You very much….. Create Knowledge Structure Knowledge Disseminate
Knowledge Apply Knowledge Assimilate Knowledge Seminar - Knowledge Sharing
And Acquiring Environment Apply Knowledge Assimilate Knowledge Disseminate
Knowledge Apply Knowledge Assimilate Knowledge Structure Knowledge
Disseminate Knowledge Apply Knowledge Assimilate Knowledge Create Knowledge
Structure Knowledge Disseminate Knowledge Apply Knowledge Assimilate

Slide 31:
Thank You
2 WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access Brand licensed by the
WiMax Forum. “a standards-based technology enabling the delivery of last mile
wireless broadband access as an alternative to cable and DSL” WiMAX was seen as
more of a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) technology providing a much larger
coverage. Based on IEEE 802.16

3 WiMAX WiMAX, in fact, comes in two forms, a so called ‘fixed WiMAX’ and a
‘mobile WiMAX’. WiMAX in its fixed form is seen as a possible alternative to
expensive cable and fibre deployment. It is faster to deploy and less expensive and it
also offers operators more flexibility in terms of deployment time frame and possible
installation areas. 3G or other cellular network operators could see this as a potential
substitute or as a complement to their cellular product.

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