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The following are true except,

a. The fertile fishing grounds off Georgia are popular with reactional boaters and
b. The fertile fishing ground off Georgia only popular with shrimp.
c. Robin Perrtree has learned more about how dolphins adopt different feeding tactics,
and how that affects their social organization.
d. Some dolphins have learned how to exploit these flotilas in two different ways.

Which two different ways the dolphins have learned?

a. Some beg for scraps of food alongside boats and all follow shrimp trawlers, snapping
up morsels that escape from the nets.
b. All beg for scraps of food alongside boats and some follow shrimp trawlers, snapping
up morsels that escape from the nets
c. Some beg for scraps of food alongside boats and some follow shrimp trawlers,
snapping up morsels that escape from the nets
d. Some beg for scraps of food alongside boats, snapping up morsels that escape from
the nets.

The word relentless (line 41) can be replaced with

a. Unrelieved
b. Tireless
c. Unceasing
d. Harsh

According to Perrtree, there are two different the human interaction behaviour towards
dolphinscan effect their

a. Habitat
b. Social
c. Food
d. Safety

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