Group 6

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1. FATMAWATI (15.01.013)
2. SISILIA INDAH F.A KOA (15.01.040)
3. BASO WAHYUDI (15.01.051)


Nurse : Exsume me miss, this is true with miss sisil?

Patient : Yes true nurse
Nurse : how is condition miss sisil today,it is feeling better?
Patient: i,m still feel limp nurse
Nurse : this is your husband miss sisil?
Family : not nurse, i’m hiss brother
Nurse : introduce my name fatmawati, you can call me nurse fatma. My goal here i
will do health education about the disease miss sisil that anemia, do you agree miss?
Patient : yes i agree nurse
Nurse : well, here i will explain from definition of anemia it self, the cause, the sign
and symptoms of anemia and intermediation. Miss sisil if you now the signs and
symptoms of anemia it self?
Patient : as feel my self i often feel wea, dizzy and my eyesight dizzy
Nurse : yes that you mentioned earlier is true miss sisil, but i will explain more
Nurse : that was the health education i gave how miss sisil whether miss there is less
undertood from my explanation earlier?
Patient : i already understand nurse
Family : what complications can arise in anemia patient?
Nurse : behavior deficiency can adversely affect the immune system, making it easier
for disease such as heart failure, there is still something to ask sir?
Family : i think everthing is clear nurse
Nurse : weel if no more questions, i say good bye miss and sir and thank you for the
Patients and family : Oke you are welcome nurse

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