Group Production Log Final

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Lewis and
Mel’s FMP
12/03/18 Weston College Lewis away In LA
13/03/18 Weston College Lewis away In LA
14/03/18 Weston College Lewis away In LA
15/03/18 Day off Lewis away In LA
16/03/18 Weston College Lewis away In LA
17/03/18 Weekend Lewis back from LA
21/03/18 Weston College Today Mel and I went to visit with Holly hedge for the first
initial meeting with Lucinda. We spoke about the type of
information and content that we would like to include in the
27/03/18 Easter Holiday’s Today Mel and I visited Holly hedge to film with the cats and
some of the dogs. The visit was very successful because we
managed to capture loads of footage with a range of animals.
30/03/18 Easter Holiday’s Today Mel and I, was working throughout the paperwork that
we still needed to complete and making sure that we had all
the relevant paperwork for our pitch is complete.
31/03/18 Easter Holiday’s Today Mel and I created a survey on SurveyMonkey which
we put on our social media to get responses.
04/04/18 Easter Holiday’s Today Mel and I worked on the paperwork for our pre-
production folder. We evaluated the responses that we
received from the 31st March.
09/04/18 Weston College Back to college, Working on pitch presentation for the 13th
11/04/18 Weston College Mel and I finalised our posters to show on our pitch day.
13/04/18 Weston College FMP Pitch Day, Today Mel and I pitched our video to a panel
of people to tell them what the video is about.
16/04/18 Weston College From the feedback we received from our pitch we made the
changes to the posters and the budget was our actual budget
not industry.


20/04/18 Weston College Today Mel and I completed all the pre-production paperwork
except the shooting shot lists.
01/05/18 Weston College Today Mel and I visited Hollyhedge to film with some more
of the animals and to cover most of the activities that takes
place at Hollyhedge.
02/05/18 Weston College Today Mel and I looked over the footage we captured at
Hollyhedge to see what the footage looks like and if we need
to reshoot anything.
07/05/18 Weston College Today Mel and I started our Post-Production stage of the
FMP. We made the decision to look over all the footage that
we captured so far and evaluate the footage we have.
11/05/18 Weston College Today Mel and I continued looking over the footage to start
planning out our edit with the shots that we have.
14/05/18 Weston College Today Mel and I finalised the shooting shot list for our final
filming day with the interviews and the remaining footage we
need to capture.
15/05/18 Weston College Today Mel and I visited Hollyhedge for the last time to
capture our interviews for the main promotional video and
capture any little shots we can use as cutaways.
18/05/18 Weston College Today Mel and I, came into college to start our 3 edits for our
FMP project.
21/05/18 Weston College Today Mel and I, came into college to continue editing the
videos and Mel managed to finish the Dog 2-minute video
and sent it over to Hollyhedge and they were very pleased
with it.
22/05/18 Weston College Today Mel and I came into college to make sure our website
was up together with all correct and updated paperwork also
I continued editing the long promotional video.
23/05/18 Weston College Today Mel and I came into college to continue working on
our long promotional edit. We received feedback from the
tutors and make the relevant changes they suggested.
24/05/18 Day off Today Mel and I came into college to continue with the edits
and Mel finished the Cat 1-minute video and sent it over to
Hollyhedge. I continued to edit the Full Promotional video
and almost completed it after receiving feedback from class
members and the technicians.
25/05/18 Online folder and Today Mel and I came into college early to finalise all the
film due in 5pm changes to our final edit and we noticed a slight issue with
the cat video which we updated and sent back over to
Hollyhedge and all the paperwork and website is up together
and ready to hand in as our FMP project.



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