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Exemplification for UAL Awarding Body Grade Criteria – Level 2

This guide is to be used in conjunction with the assessment and grading criteria for UAL Awarding Body qualifications
at Level 2.

Fail Pass Merit Distinction

Work submitted fails to meet Work submitted meets all of Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all
one or more of the the assessment criteria and assessment criteria and is assessment criteria and is
assessment criteria and is is of a satisfactory standard of a high standard of a very high standard
of a poor standard
Research Insufficient research and Sufficient research and Thorough research and Thorough and sustained
investigation evidenced. investigation of relevant investigation of relevant research and investigation
Little or no information from sources, information used to sources, coherent use of of relevant sources.
relevant sources used to inform ideas. information used to inform Accomplished and
inform ideas. and develop ideas. considered interpretation of
information used to inform,
develop and extend ideas.
Planning and Ineffective or unrealistic Realistic planning and Effective planning, Detailed and effective
production planning and poor organisation. Satisfactory organisation and subject planning and organisation,
organisation. Task or tasks production against engagement evidenced. commitment and subject
incomplete against timescales. Efficient production against engagement evidenced.
timescale. timescales. Substantial production
against timescales.
Practical skills and Limited use of processes, Competent demonstration of Considered and capable Accomplished
presentation application of skills or processes and application demonstration of processes, demonstration of processes,
knowledge demonstrated, of skills and knowledge application of skills and skills and knowledge used
few or no alternative ideas used to develop and present knowledge used to develop to develop alternative ideas
and poor presentation. creative solutions. ideas and present creative and present creative
solutions. solutions.
Evaluation and Inadequate evaluation or Sufficient evaluation with Effective evaluation clearly Perceptive evaluation and
reflection insufficient evidence of evidence of ongoing communicated and applied interpretation,
ongoing assessment of assessment of ideas used to make reasoned decisions demonstrating clarity in
ideas limiting progress and to inform progress and and inform the development thinking and decision
development. development. of ideas. making used to inform and
progress ideas.

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