UZ Regulations For BSC Mechanical Engineering

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1. Introduction

1.1 These regulations should be read in conjunction with the General

Academic Regulations for undergraduate Degrees hereinafter referred to as the
General Regulations.

1.2 The Degree will be awarded to candidate who have successfully completed
the Programme and passed the examinations in accordance with the
Regulations set out below.

2. Qualifications for Entry to the Faculty of Engineering

2.1 Prospective students must comply with Section 3 of the General

Regulations. Entry requirements for acceptance are good Advanced Level
passes in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, or acceptable equivalents. For
selection purposes, credit will be given for 'O' and 'A' Level passes in
Technical Drawing or Engineering Drawing.

2.2 Except in the case of Metallurgical Engineering students, the Chemistry

requirement may be waived, provided the student has a satisfactory pass in
this subject at 'M' Level or in Physics with Chemistry at 'O' Level.

3. Dates of Examination

3.1 Subject to the provisions of section 6.7 of the General Regulations, to be

admitted to any of the examinations for the above degree, a candidate must
have obtained coursework marks which satisfy the appropriate Chairmen of
Departments in each Course of the Part.

3.2 Additionally, to be admitted to the examination in the Fourth Part, a

candidate must:

3.2.1 have satisfactorily completed approved vacation training

normally of a total of not less than eighteen weeks work; and

3.2.2 have obtained an approved First Aid Certificate.

4. Scheme of Examination

4.1 The Courses constituting each Part of the normal four-year Programme are
defined hereafter in these Regulations. To each Course, a weighting factor is
assigned. The aggregate mark in a Part is the weighted average of the specified
number of Courses in that Part. The minimum acceptable aggregate mark for a
Part is the pass mark as prescribed in the General Regulations.

4.2 Assessment of a Course shall include the mark of the examination as well
as the coursework mark in that Course. Normally, the coursework shall
contribute between 20% and 25% of the final mark. In the following cases, the
coursework normally contribute between 30% and 50% of the final mark:
Drawing and Design Courses in Mechanical Engineering.

4.3 A candidate must satisfy the Examiners in both the examination and the
coursework in each Course.

4.4 A candidate who, in the assessment in each course in a Part, obtains the
Pass Mark, will be deemed to have satisfied the Examiners in that Part and
may proceed to the subsequent Part.

4.5 A candidate who obtains the minimum acceptable aggregate mark but fails
to obtain the pass mark in one of the Courses, may nevertheless be deemed by
the Senate to have satisfied the Examiners for that Part and may be allowed to
proceed to the subsequent Part carrying the failed Course.

4.6 Candidate who are permitted to repeat a Part may, subject to the Dean's

i) carry forward to their credit individual Courses in which they

have obtained a standard higher than the Pass Mark and they
may be exempted from re-attendance and re-examination in
these Courses in their repeat year;

ii) register for additional Courses which constitute a portion of

a subsequent Part provided that:

(a) they have previously obtained a Pass Mark in

any Courses prescribed as prerequisites for the
additional Courses; and

(b) the total number of the additional Courses

for which they register shall not exceed 50% of
the Courses constituting that subsequent Part;

iii) should they obtain a standard higher than the Pass Mark in
any of these additional Courses, such marks shall be carried
forward to their credit and subsequently they will be exempted
from re-attendance and re-examination in these Courses.
4.7 In terms of the provisions of Section 8.4 of the General Regulations, a
student who carries a failed Course may not be permitted to take the Course(s)
in the subsequent Part for which the Course(s) which he is carrying is a pre-

4.8 Parts I, II and III

4.8.1 All Part I students will be required to take 8 Courses as

specified on Section 8 below, and will be required to pass all, 8
courses as well as on aggregate. Parts II and III students will
also be required to take 8 of the courses specified in Section 8
below. Part III students will, in addition, be required to take
Part III project as well as Professional and Industrial Studies.
Parts II and III students will be required to pass all 8 courses as
well as on aggregate.

4.8.2 Subject to the provisions of Section 9.6.3 of the General

Regulations, a candidate who fails to satisfy the Examiners in 4
or less Courses, shall normal be permitted to write
supplementary examination in up to 4 of the failed courses.

4.8.3 A candidate who, after supplementary examinations, has

failed one course, but has passed on aggregate, may be
permitted to proceed to the subsequent Part, carrying the failed
Course. Candidates will be required to pass carried courses in
the subsequent year, failing which they may be permitted to re-
register for failed courses only.

4.8.4 A candidate who, after supplementary examinations, has

failed 3 courses or has failed on aggregate , shall normally be
allowed to apply to repeat the Part.

4.8.5 A candidate who, after supplementary examinations, has

still failed 4 courses, shall normally be required to discontinue
from the degree programme.

4.9 Part IV

4.9.1 Subject to the provisions of Section 9.6.3 of the General

Regulations, a candidate who fails to satisfy the Examiners in 2
or less Courses in the final assessment shall normally be
permitted to write supplementary examination in the Course(s)
in which he has failed.
4.9.2 A candidate who, after supplementary examinations, has
still failed up to 2 Courses, shall normally be allowed to repeat
Part IV.

4.10 Degree Classification

4.10.1 In determining a candidate's classification, the aggregate

marks from Parts II, III and IV will be weighted 15%, 25% and
60% respectively to arrive at an aggregate mark upon which the
classification will be based.

4.10.2 The degree will be awarded in the categories;

o First Division,
o Upper Second Division,
o Lower Second Division,
o Third Division.

4.10.3 Candidates who complete Parts II, III and IV in three

consecutive academic years, or less, may qualify for the award
of the degree in a class higher than Third Division.

5. Award of the Diploma

5.1 A Diploma for the B.Sc. Engineering Honours Degree under the Seal of
the University will be delivered to every successful candidate and will state
the category of his pass. The successful candidates will have their Diploma
annotated as being in the respective field of Mechanical Engineering.

5.2 A separate transcript listing the results for all the courses taken and giving
the titles of all the projects passed will be issued with the Diploma.

6. Programme

The Programme to be pursued by each candidate, unless he is granted an exemption or

concession by the Senate and provided he has satisfied the relevant pre-requisites as laid
down in these Regulations, shall be compiled from the following courses in each Part:

6.1 Part I
o Electrical Principles;
o Engineering Drawing and Design;
o Engineering Materials;
o Engineering Mathematics;
o Computing Science I;
o *Workshop Practice;
o Engineering Mechanics;
o Communication Skills.

*Written papers plus a practical examination which may be

waived at the discretion of the Chairman for those who have
attained a satisfactory standard in Coursework.

6.2 Part II

o Applied Mechanics;
o Solid Mechanics,;
o Engineering Drawing, Design and Materials;
o Thermo-fluids;
o Electrical Machines;
o Electronic Circuit Design/Theory of Structures;
o Mathematics IIE;
o Manufacturing Technology.

6.3 Part III

o Dynamics;
o Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer;
o Fluid Mechanics;
o Solid Mechanics;
o Mechanical Engineering Design;
o Industrial Systems Engineering;
o Power Plants;
o Control Systems,
o Renewable Energy Engineering;
o Electrical Machines;
o Process Engineering
o Third Year Project

6.4 Part IV

o Control Systems;
o Dynamics;
o Mechanical Engineering Design;
o Solid Mechanics;
o Engineering Management;
o Thermo-fluids;
o Power Plants;
o Electrical Machines;
o Renewable Energy Engineering;
o Final Year Project.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zimbabwe, P. O. Box MP 167, Mount

Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263-4-303211 Ext 1380, Fax: +263-4-303280 This page was created and is
maintained by Eng. W. R. Nyemba Email:

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