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According to Wikepedia An extrajudicial killing known

as extrajudicial execution is the killing of a person by governmental

authorities without the sanction of any judicial proceeding or legal
process. Extrajudicial punishments are mostly seen by humanity to be
immoral, since they bypass the due process of the legal jurisdiction in
which they occur. Extrajudicial killings often target leading political,
trade union, dissident, religious, and social figures and are only those
carried out by the government or other state authorities like the armed
forces or police, as extra-legal fulfillment of their prescribed role.
The most serious extrajudicial punishment is extrajudicial killing,
which is usually carried out directly by the government or with their
silent approval. These killings are usually facade and justified as
disappearances, suicides and self-defense responses and are usually
committed by departments of the government, the army or police task
forces. Those people who receive this punishments is either innocent or
those people who made the crimes.
Therefore extrajudicial killing is inappropriate to perform.what if
the the person who was killed is innocent because it says extrajudicial
killing is a killing of a person without judicial proceeding. We all know
that putting to an end the lives of people is not good, but how about the
victims?Is there have a justice?What if the performers do this also for
their own purpose? So for me extrajudicial killing is very wrong.
So are you gonna let extra judicial killing will be performed in
your places?do you want to see dead bodies of people besides the street?
Do you want your relatives, friends, brothers, sisters or your father be
killed without further trial in the court? Its in your hands if you gonna let
that happen.

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