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Sky Hill PRO/light/WORK Competition 2017

Sky Hill PRO/light/WORK Competition 2017

Contest of . . . achievable ideas

Sky Hill PRO/light/WORK Competition 2017 is the second

international architecture contest that aims to provide an opportunity for
students and young architects to propose innovative solutions on a real
theme and to carry them out as part of the design team and coordinating
the final product’s construction.

Short Story

Sky Hill is a place you don’t easily forget once you visit.
The project, started here in 2005 by the Archaeus Foundation, grows
with each year and continues in 2017. (see all images in the story
The experiment brings internationally acclaimed guests who present their
search and research on various topics.
Multidisciplinarity is a mindset and an approach that is proving to have
great potential. Thus, in all these years the Foundation has invited for the
workshops or presentations: architects, artists, landscape architects,
designers, musicians, photographers, fashion designers, perfumers,
psychologists, physicians, physicists, directors and filmmakers ..... and,
not to say the least, craftsmen who have brought to us forgotten or little
used techniques. Everything for excellence.
Beyond this educational endeavor, in 2011 was founded a library where
all participants have access and an oven was traditionally built entirely
out of clay in 2012, adding even more joy to cooking with local products.
In 2014 the Foundation organized the first international contest of
projects - Sky Hill PRO / light / TYPE Competition 2014, the project
winner of the first Prize being executed next summer (2014). The contest
was awarded at the architecture Annual a+a 2014 for best educational

More than 73 guests and over 325 students have enjoyed all these years
the opportunities offered by the Foundation.
For its future activities, the Foundation is considering collaborations with
young designers who will be invited, from Romania or abroad, to next
editions (see Archaeus Foundation facebook page), another "subproject"
being the one related to the completion of a mini sports base - cross bike,
tennis (Sky Hill Open), kite-ing (camp kites in May), residence for artists
– landscape artists, musicians, dance performers….etc.
For this, we need a new space for different purposes let’s design it
smart, together.
Sky Hill PRO/light/WORK Competition 2017


Leaving the stables in the area (summer houses made especially for
migrating villagers with animals) began after the year 1995 and is
continuing at an accelerated rate. It seems that it has stabilized due to the
crisis. However, in a far away world in which every village has its own
traditions, sometimes their own language (see Ravenska), exists the
potential that could be "mobilized" through its inheritance (valley mills
from Rudăria, local traditions), its natural perspective (Nera Natural
Reserve or Minis canyon ... or rare species of butterflies .. etc) and the
human one.
Local crafts are still kept by the people’s knowledge of working the/
with the earth (most fruits and agriculture being natural fertilized)… and
their joy to work.


In 2006 we started to draw and build the current major structure in the
yard (see photo no. 1). It has been used for various purposes - dining
room, workshop space for theater, music ... and during summer nights for
sleeping, at the bottom level of terrace, or in the "Lady’s tower" where
the magnificent landscape of the Boinitei valley is opening.
After successfully hosting 10 years of workshops, events, dinings,
because it was designed as a temporary solution and nature doesn’t ask
for permission to intervene...the structure needs to be replaced. Its
removal will happen in April 2017.
The new pavilion structure will be designed in the outline given in the
situation plan; it will be directly related to the existing house - library
and music room / sauna and Japanese garden (ground floor), also at the
attic level with the sleeping places.

This new structure is required to protect the space from rain and
prevailing winds from the southwest (summer) and northeast (winter).
The required functions are:
1- The ATELIER structure will have the maximum width of the
existing house (with front porch) and a maximum length of 16 m
from the house walls. The structure will be able to host multi-
purpose functions; workshops, mini-concerts, conferences, shelter. It
will be carefully visually related to the surroundings - south / east
courtyard with mulberry trees, orchard to the south, garden to the
west. It is recommended to not close this side of the space (the
garden perspective ) or, if it is proposed, needs to have strong
arguments. Should also be studied the possibility of including a an
accommodation room (for teachers) in the upper part of the new

2- The ZIPLINE TOWER – can be integrated or not in the previously

described structure. The rising level of the zipline wires will be min.
+3.3 m high. We are asking for a study considering a
belvedere/meditation space at a superior level.

3- SLEEPING SPACE in the upper part of the structure (under the roof)
and in direct relation to the attic where there are already 20 beds.
It will also be studied the possibility of locating a drinking water
reservoir that will be connected to a solar heating system (possibly
mounted on existing home or new structure). This will serve the
Sky Hill PRO/light/WORK Competition 2017

bathroom of sauna, outdoor washing place and summer/ winter


The maximum budget of the project will be 2200 euros (structure) and
1400 euros for its covering. The budget will be available 100 % in


Foundations - non invasive systems - KRINNER or similar types, or

burned wood/acacia foundations
Structure – Lamellar wood (app. 500 euro / mc); or simple wood (app.
240 euro / mc). It is encouraged that this structure be executed with
traditional carpentry but not in more than 14 working days.
Modular - It is recommended that the used items will be modulated ( in
order to be covered by the budget), have high speed execution and
possibility for car transportation ( medium size) and be reversible
Closures - materials that can withstand weather have to fit into the
landscape, to resist the attempts of vandalism,
Light – one of the most important things in the project will be to find
solutions for natural lighting of spaces and using the light spectacle.
Integration - the solution will follow a natural space/ landscape
integration, relation with nature (view), sun.
Open - The competition is open to all students and young architects
(under 32 years old) and it is encouraged to have a multidisciplinary
team ( landscape artists, artists, engineers…).
Teams formed by college freshmen until 6th year can be supervised
by a teacher (recommended, not required).


Fri March 17 - Competition online launch

Fri March 31 - Answers to questions – First round
Fri April 21 - Answers to questions – Second round
Fri April 28 - Deadline registration
Tue May 8 / 24.00 - Deadline sending projects
Fri May 11 - Start judging
Fri May 19 - Announcement of winners


Maximum 2xA1, vertical (see standard format attached)

- location plan – without scale

- location plan 1-
- ground floor 1:50
- attic floor / upper structure 1:50
- sections 1:50
Sky Hill PRO/light/WORK Competition 2017

two views, the most suggestive shadows 1:100

- exploded axonometric view that will emphasize the structure and

- mounting scheme and phasing of the work finished

text presentation in English consisting of a maximum of 1,200 marks,
(paginated as in panel layout)
- two perspective (minimum), interior and exterior ( photograph is
- any other material necessary for understanding the solution, models,
photographs, drawings, concept, detail bay ... etc.


Bogdan Demetrescu , Faculty of Architecture Timisoara

Ivan Kucina , Faculty of Architecture Anhalt-Bauhaus
Iulia Stanciu , Ion Mincu University
Tibi Bucșă , Faculty of Architecture Cluj
Juri Troy , University of Wien
Marius Șoflete , Creative engineering
Marius Miclăuş , Archaeus Foundation

Teodora Constantinescu Hasselt University

consultant and deputy member of the jury

Awards *

1st prize - degree of excellence and 1000 euros,

The team will take part in the final object’s construction, summer 2017.
Presentation on the Archaeus Foundation's events,
Invited guests status at Sky Hill Camp, 17 to 31 July 2017
(cover the costs of participation, accommodation and meals)
Publication of the project in the Zeppelin journal

2nd prize - degree of excellence and 400 euros,

Presentation on the Archaeus Foundation's events,
Invited guests at Sky Hill Camp, 17 to 31 July 2017
(cover the costs of participation, accommodation and meals)
Publication of the project in the Zeppelin journal

3rd prize - degree of excellence and 200 euros,

Presentation on the Archaeus Foundation's website
Publication of the project in the Zeppelin journal

Criteria for assessment

- The main word for the project is – “life is light”

- Establish a landscape integrated architectural object / material,
Sky Hill PRO/light/WORK Competition 2017

- Optimizing of the sub-theme - minimum means-maximum effect in the

right ratio considering the space - operation - light - budget
- Creativity in achieving its structure and assembly,
- Interpretation - the spirit of the place

More technical ...

1.Promoter for the competition is Archaeus Foundation / Romania.

2.The secretariat is provided by the specialized department of the Foundation, based in
Timisoara, Str. Cosminului no. 3, postal code 300 586, tel. / Fax: 0256288549.
e-mail:, / foundation,
3 Communication with competitors will be exclusively in writing to the email address - or facebook / Archaeus Foundation. All answers will be
summarized in a paper that will be uploaded on the facebook page or / and on the
Foundation's website.
The upload will be available on site or blog minimum 10 days before the deadline for
submission. After completing the competition the secretariat will publish gallery projects.
4. Signing up is free and has to be completed between March 17 th and 28 April 2017 by
sending by mail an A4 format - pdf that will include: team name, team members first and
last name, e-mail address correspondence, telephone ... etc.. Once registered, the team
will receive materials annex for work email.
4. Questions raised by competitors will respect the deadline for this and will be only in
writing. They will be made in Romanian and English. Answers will be posted on the
website or facebook. The final list of answers will be available on the Facebook page and
/ or website Foundation on 21st April 2017, after this date there will be no responding to
6. Submitting the project will be online in a blog app / site or directly to the email
address above, compulsory until 24.oo at the date of May 9, 2017.
Important - name format in which will be found 4 folders JPG 300 DPI, 75
DPI JPG, PDF and credits. In the first three will be posting sketches A1 vertical formats
at listed resolutions the credits directory will consist of 3 documents - A4 format with
Times new roman 11, Project title / author (s) / team work / all contact details.
(Credite.doc) CVs of the team members in the same format (CV proiect.doc name) and
total budget estimated in euro (budget project.doc name).
Exhibits will NOT include distinctive names of the authors.
Each team will receive a code before subscription deadline that will be placed on
electronic boards, the Secretariat will reveal the code after the vote and the jury's
7. Appeals. Evaluation jury can not be appealed, is final and irrevocable.
8. Intellectual Property. Use of images and / or text in the speech of the project concept
and more than quoting, will be in compliance with the copyright holders. The Promoter
will not be responsible for any possible attempts of plagiarism, no use without permission
or graphic materials by competitors.
Archaeus Foundation is the beneficiary and the winning contractor. The winning team
will assign the exclusive rights to implementing the project work and the use of images,
photos, movies, etc.. for promotional purposes. Moral rights and authorship remain to the
winning team and the promoter undertakes to mention the authors' names in all
promotional materials.
9. Winner’s Obligations
The winners will be part of the design team and the final object tracking execution. Their
unjustified refusal for completing the mission undertaken by this competition regulation,
entitles Archaeus Foundation to withdraw the "moral" prize and offer the next ranked
team in the competition all the options first enrolled.
10. Final disposition. Submitting the project is an “a priori” acceptance of these terms
without any other agreement or document between the parties.

March 17, 2017 - Foundation Archaeus

• * The amounts due to the above awards are taxed under the Tax Code in force.
• The Foundation has the right to supplement the prizes to the participants.
• Images are ©,,,,,,,
• Credits Photo - Andrei Margulescu arch, arch Ovidiu Micsa, architect Dan Purice,
architect Marius Miclaus
Sky Hill PRO/light/WORK Competition 2017

Useful links
XXS architecture
foundations -

Archaeus Foundation -

Organizer - Archaeus Foundation

Partners - archaeus LTD/ Hanul Voievozilor/ HOLDMAN
Media Partners - Zeppelin / Arhitext / Arhitectura 1906

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